7 short and funny skits from parents for 11th grade graduation about school

Dear graduates! Have you already started preparing for an important event? Well done! And this selection will help you - short and funny scenes about school from parents for the 11th grade graduation. Involve moms, dads, grandparents in the preparation. Let the older generation remember their younger years and organize a fun performance for the kids on their prom night.

The selection includes 7 sketches about different incidents from school life. The productions contain a lot of jokes and catchy songs that will lift everyone’s spirits. Parents must show all their talents, because they are also graduates of high school – 11th “R” grade.

All scenes will be funny, cheerful, very modern. And only the last one will show sad notes of parting with school and beloved teachers. The children will have to learn touching poems, and parents will chip in for a farewell bouquet of 101 roses.

So, let's go...

Scene No. 1 – Music was playing on the ship...

Parents run onto the stage and send the graduates on a river voyage on a boat. The kids are already adults, having fun without the supervision of moms and dads, but the older generation is still worried. Mom with a handkerchief: Bon voyage, dear children! Have a good rest!

Policeman dad : Son, remember, as of yesterday you have full criminal liability.

Mom in the body : Masha, Mashenka, the main thing is to eat well! If you get hungry, I put 4 kg of cake in your bag and also bowls of borscht, dumplings, Olivier salad and your favorite jellied meat. Eat well!

Stingy dad : Son, I also put some containers for you, but empty ones, you know what to do!

Mom from the market : Daughter, and daughter, you have fun there with all your heart, and film it on camera. Then we'll have a laugh, hey!

Shy dad with glasses : Natasha, Natasha, remember, no alcohol, no boys, and be home by 11 o’clock.

Voice-over : Hurray! Dad let me go until 11 am!

Mom with a handkerchief : Olenka, Olya, you are preparing for exams. Come back no later than 10, you still have to study all night.

Mom from the market : Well, what exams, let the children rest. Do you remember your graduation when you were 17, or have you already forgotten how you fell in love? Gee-gee-s-s!

Mom with a handkerchief : I remember my graduation, the result of that graduation is now riding on a boat. A tipsy dad runs up: Huh, have we just set sail? So I made it! Son, it's me, dad. Listen carefully, today is a big day for you, forget everything you were taught at school. Remember everything that life has taught you. First and most importantly, do not lower the temperature, do not mix the alcohol, the third toast is for the ladies.

The ship's whistle is heard, the ship sets sail, and the parents wave.

Mom with a handkerchief throws herself on dad while drinking beer: What are you teaching your children? There won't be any alcohol at their graduation.

Dad with beer : Why not? Didn't we chip in?

Stingy Dad : I'm definitely not!

Dad under beer : Oh, you cheapskates, you ruined such an evening for your son!

Mom in the body : You can do it without alcohol - We ate, danced, ate, danced, ate.

Policeman : As a representative of the law, I think, under the supervision of parents, a little bit is possible.

Shy dad with glasses : Oh, I’m worried, they’re all alone there...

Mom with a handkerchief : Don’t worry, they’ll ride for two hours and come back, the brave captain is with them!

At this time, the captain of the ship runs onto the stage with a megaphone and binoculars, he is indignant: A flock of bloodthirsty sharks for my soul, where did you set sail without a captain?!

The parents are shocked, they panic and scream in fear: A-a-a-a-a!

Policeman : Where the hell have you been, dear captain?

Captain : We are not carried, we walk, please choose the right expressions!

Stingy dad : It doesn’t matter where you go or where you were, our children are there, we urgently need to return the money for the trip!

Mom with a handkerchief : What money? The children are all alone there, it’s good that they don’t have alcohol.

Captain : How is it not? I always have 4 boxes of vodka in my hold.

General hum : A-a-a-a-a! (Parents are panicking)

Mom with a handkerchief : I hope they don't find them!

The captain looks through binoculars : Found!

Loud, incendiary music is heard from the ship.

Mom from the market : Why are you fussing? They are definitely not alone there, this class is with them. Mom with a handkerchief joyfully: Exactly, the class teacher is there - Iraida Pavlovna.

The captain looks through binoculars, screams and splashes are heard: Man overboard!

Modest dad with glasses : Oh, isn’t that a puny girl with bows?

Captain : No, she's a large woman with purple hair.

Mom with a handkerchief : Iraida Pavlovna?

General hum : A-a-a-a-a! (Parents are shocked)

Stingy Dad : What's going on? The ship is out of control, the class teacher abandoned the children, we urgently need to return the money for the trip.

The policeman blows his whistle: Quiet! Don't panic! We need to stop the ship and save the children.

The captain shakes his finger: I’ll show you how to ride at anchor, you little black oil sprat!

Mom in the body : What to do? What to do? Masha, Masha, eat, eat, snack, snack!

The captain runs away: Wait for me here, I will intercept them on the bridge.

Dad grabs binoculars while drinking: Don't panic! Our children have a cultural holiday. And it seems that we will soon become related, matchmaker (addressing dad with glasses).

Dad is a modest guy with glasses: How? With whom? Ah-ah-ah! My pleasure! (grabs binoculars) Natasha, daughter, I told you not to come closer than a meter to the boys.

Mom in the body takes binoculars: Masha, Mashenka, stop eating, improve your personal life. (Addresses the policeman, smiles) Yeah, and we’ll soon become related, matchmaker!

Music, laughter and firecrackers can be heard from the ship.

The policeman grabs his holster: Parents, follow me! Go ahead, help your beloved children!

The parents run backstage screaming. The audience laughs and applauds.

The best last bell songs for teachers and principals

The teachers, who over the years have become firmly attached with all their hearts and souls to each graduating class, will say goodbye forever to the high school students at the last bell. Teachers, accustomed to outwardly showing restraint and rigor towards their students as part of the teaching process, can finally relax and give free rein to their feelings. At the last bell, receiving bouquets from high school students and listening to poems and songs performed by them, teachers often secretly wipe away their tears. They are filled with mixed emotions: on the one hand, teachers feel proud of their graduates, but on the other hand, they do not want to part with their beloved students

And in all this whirlpool of feelings, it is important for teachers to find opportunities within themselves to pronounce the last instructions and wishes to their beloved children. And the best way to do this is with the help of a cool song, written to a modern tune, with bright and humorous lyrics that graduates will remember for a lifetime

You can find beautiful congratulations for teachers in verse here

Scene No. 2 – Regular graduation at a regular school

On the stage is the director's office, the headmistress and a policeman are sitting. The class teacher of the 11th grade graduate runs in.

Teacher : Nadezhda Konstantinovna, can I come to you? (See a policeman) Oh, I'm at the wrong time, I'll come back later.

Director : No, no, Sofya Pavlovna, come in. This applies to you too.

Policeman : This applies to everyone because every year we prepare for graduation like a combat exercise. And I seriously fear that this year, your school holiday will turn into an emergency on a regional scale. I would like to take measures in advance to prevent mass pogroms in the city.

Director : Well, Georgy Stepanovich, don’t worry. Sofia Pavlovna and I have approached the issue responsibly and are preparing an organized school event.

Policeman : I really hope that this year everything will be orderly and noble. And not like in the past, when riot police, all the district police, firefighters and journalists came to us.

Director : We took action and fired the athlete.

Policeman : It was not you who fired, but we closed it for 3 years.

Teacher : I'm sorry, you understand that last year there was a very difficult class and the physical education teacher was his class teacher.

Policeman : I'm aware!

Headmistress : Georgy Stepanovich, I assure you that this year everything will be calm and noble!

Teacher : Yes, we have wonderful guys, and I personally organize a graduation party with competitions and fireworks.

Policeman : And you end up setting the whole city on fire?

Teacher : No, no! You understand, so that graduation does not turn into a boring feast, we came up with a fun scenario.

Policeman : Already alarming...

The teacher opens the notebook: Listen, first we will read poems and sing songs, then we will hold a relay race, then there will be a sack race and a dance competition, and in the final we will release white doves. Oh, it will be so romantic!

Director : The script is wonderful, I even allowed you to take equipment from the gym. Believe me, Georgy Stepanovich, everything will be fine!

Policeman : We'll see!

There is a pause, the lights in the hall go out, music and fireworks are heard.

New scene at the police station. The director, teacher and several parents are behind bars.

Policeman : And so, the graduation was a great success! Yes, Nadezhda Konstantinovna?

Headmistress : Don’t be insolent, Georgy Utochkin, anything can happen in life.

Policeman : Anything can happen, but not everything can get away with. I have a question for the record – why did the fight start?

Teacher Sofya Pavlovna , like after the bombing: The fight started over a prize or prize. God, I’m a philologist by training, but I can’t put the emphasis correctly.

Policeman : So, so, interesting, are you saying that the fight started after the competition?

Teacher : Yes, our new physical education teacher got into a fight with a Trudovik over a bottle of champagne, each of them thought that he had won a prize.

Headmistress : They fought not because of the bottle, but because of you, Sofya Pavlovna. Because you were holding the bottle of champagne very tightly in your hands.

Teacher : Oh, what are you saying, Nadezhda Konstantinovna. Or maybe you caused us to sink a school bus because you overloaded it with sports equipment.

Headmistress : And who confused right and left, who shouted at me - take left? Here is the result!

Policeman : The parents were injured in the fight. Comrades, will you write a statement?

Parents in chorus : No, no!

Headmistress : They won’t write an application because we haven’t issued certificates yet. Teacher laughing: And the certificates were on the school bus. Ah-ah-ah! (understanding of the size of the disaster has come)

Headmistress : Georgy Stepanovich, let us go, we urgently need to save school property.

Policeman : Wait, I have a few more questions. Why did you start roasting the pigeons when you were planning to release them in the evening's finale?

Teacher : Because the restaurant didn’t serve hot food for a long time!

Policeman : Who was the instigator of this event?

Teacher : Our zoologist, Valentin Efimovich, he taught children the basics of survival in the wild.

Policeman : I see, but what happened when we took out the cakes?

Teacher : When the cakes or pies were served. Oh, God, I’m a philologist by training...

Policeman : When the desserts were brought out, the fight broke out with renewed vigor?

Teacher : Yes, but this time everyone was throwing cakes or cakes, Oh, God...

Headmistress : And the evening ended on a positive note!

The policeman sternly: The city authorities don’t think so, rest in the monkey barn, we’ll sort out the situation.

The headmistress takes out the bars and advances on the policeman: Utochkin, have you forgotten your graduation?

The policeman shrinks into a ball, Nadezhda Konstantinovna looms over him: And I haven’t forgotten, Georgy Utochkin, how I pulled you out of class and class by the ears, and hid you from the police in my office.

Policeman : But...

Headmistress : And no buts... I’ll now tell everyone present how your graduation went, dear Georgy Stepanovich.

Policeman : No, no, no, everyone is free! Relax!

Headmistress : That’s wonderful! (Takes Sofya Pavlovna by the arm) Come, colleague, to my office. I have cakes and that same bottle of champagne. Let's celebrate the successful end of the school year! The heroes leave. The audience applauds.

Songs-remakes for graduation 11th grade

Songs-remakes for graduation 11th grade
Songs-remakes for graduation 11th grade:

A remake of the graduation song “An Unfinished Novel.”

Just recently we were all kids. Just recently we all went to first grade. Thank you, mommy, thank you daddy, Caring, you led from class to class - 2 times.

Chorus: You always worried about us, You always helped us in everything, You surrounded us with your care, Every day, every hour. Even though sometimes we didn’t listen to you, We were very naughty, But you forgave us all our pranks From the heart, from the heart!

There are many joyful memories between us, And how many problems and difficulties lie ahead beyond counting, Thank you, mommy, thank you daddy, Thank you for being in the world - 2 times

Chorus: You always worry about us, You always help us in everything, You surround us with your care, Every day, every hour. Even though sometimes we don’t listen to you, We can be very naughty, But you forgive us our pranks From the heart, from the heart!

Song-remake of “Sansara” for school graduation in 11th grade In the hands of the primers, write by hand. Turn the sheet over, retell the text. In every notebook, in every draft, the Teacher continues in his student. I have been going to school all my life, I will carry it all my life as if it were the only truth. Let them say it’s too late to think, too late to teach. Let them be, because our children will be better than us Better than us (2 rubles)

Chorus: When a new day comes, the school lets us go, Their children, and later my children, We are simply swapped, everyone knows these laws, the cycle of children... Oh, mom...

We cannot be erased, we are moving forward, Even if we have no luck, we will take ours. Lessons are our stage, everything is upside down here, And change, and our masks have fallen. We misbehave a lot and we cannot be weaned off. Let our children be better than us. Better than us (2r.) Repeat chorus

Song-remake for graduation “The Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath” - “To Tikhoretskaya” Flowers are given to teachers today, Students say goodbye to school, But everyone doesn’t want to leave, Eleven years old, Eleven years old, Eleven years old, They won’t go back!

And we remember how we all were first-graders, With bouquets and white shirts, You walked here together into the unknown world, Your first teacher, Your first teacher, Your first teacher, Waited faithfully with a smile!

Here we fell in love, here we were friends, quarreled, Here we first met together, And no matter how life scatters us all, We will communicate, We will communicate, We will communicate, Even in old age!

It’s graduation and soon everything will be over, But we all don’t want to leave so much, Let’s stay the same now in the song, And never then, And never then, And never then, We will part!

Scene #3 – Mom’s prom dress

Dad sits on the stage in knee-length family shorts and a white T-shirt, watching a melodrama, secretly wiping away the tears that have come.

Mom comes in : Tolya, you’re not dressed yet. And in half an hour our daughter’s graduation. Let's quickly put on a shirt, trousers, tie. We'll make it in time for the school principal's congratulatory speech.

Dad : Yes, I’ll be there in a jiffy, but is your daughter ready? And I never saw her prom dress. I gave him a card, money, by the way, but what it was spent on, I still don’t know.

Mom with excitement: Tolik, it’s natural, you know what the prices are, we bought a dress, shoes, cosmetics. Everything is like

in people.

Dad : Great, I want to look at my daughter. I remember how you were at prom then, in a long flowing dress. Such a beauty, and our daughter is all about you.

Mom with great excitement: Tolik, times are different now. Fashion has changed. Young people prefer shocking and avant-garde.

Dad : So...this is already interesting, well, show your daughter’s dress, I’m very intrigued.

Mom : Why? You'll see at the ball, but now go and get dressed.

Daughter's voice -over: Mom, did you warn dad?

Mom : Mmmm, almost!

The daughter goes on stage, wearing a dress that looks more like a swimsuit with a short, torn skirt.

Dad : Daughter, hello! Why are you still running around in your nightie? It's time to get dressed! Well, go ahead and put on your prom dress. Make your father happy!

Daughter : Dad, I'm already in a dress.

Dad : Good joke, I appreciated it. Now run to change clothes.

Daughter : I'm not kidding, these are my prom dress and shoes. I’ve already done my hair and put on my makeup (spins on the spot) Don’t you like it?

Dad : Yes, I'm shocked! For that kind of money, a 50-centimeter piece of fabric doesn’t cover anything, doesn’t warm anything. Daughter, a woman should be a mystery, but you have only answers.

Daughter : Well, dad! You don’t understand anything, this is the last squeak.

Dad : Yes, daughter, I refuse to understand this. You won't go to prom in this dress.

The daughter whines: And what will I wear? There is no other dress!

Dad : If you're going to your mom's prom, go ahead and change your clothes.

Mom consoles her daughter, they run backstage. The doorbell rings and dad greets the guests. A shocking-looking boy enters in a tartan skirt, a colored jacket, a beret and white socks.

Dad : What kind of miracle is this?

Guy : I'm Eugene, nice to meet you.

Dad : Eugene? Is it Judas in Russian?

Guy with a smile: No, Evgeny. Your daughter Yana and I are classmates and we are going to graduation together.

Dad : This is no longer a graduation, but a clown show. How did your parents let you out of the house like that?

Guy : My parents respect my choice, and I’m dressed to the nines.

Dad : Soooo, by chance it wasn’t you who put your hand on my daughter’s dress.

guy : Yes, I am a future fashion designer! And Yana will be the queen of the ball in this dress.

At this time, Yana goes on stage in her mother’s long dress. She walks, her skirt flutters, and the audience applauds.

Dad is happy: In this dress she will be the queen of the ball!

The guy is surprised, dad takes his graduation suit out of the closet and looks at Eugene.

Evgeniy : No, no, I won’t wear this!

Dad advances on the guy: Out of the whole suit, you only have the right socks (both dad and the guy have white socks, the audience appreciated the joke). Do you want to get out of here and go to the ball with my daughter? So it's time to change clothes!

Evgeniy does not see a way out of the situation and runs backstage with the suit. Her parents hug Yana, her mother straightens the flowers in her hair. Romantic music is playing, a guy in a strict gray suit and tie comes out to the girl. The audience applauds in delight.

Mom : Oh, what a couple!

Dad : Yes, just like us when we were young.

Graduates run away, parents hug and feel nostalgic.

Mom : Tolya, maybe you’ll still get dressed and we’ll be in time for the official part.

Dad : Come on, this official part. You and I will be in time for the first waltz, and will show our children how to celebrate graduation.

Parents spin around the stage to beautiful music, the audience is delighted and applauds loudly.

Words from parents for the class teacher

The class teacher plays an important role in the life of your child and the class as a whole, so he deserves the warmest words. First, invite him to the party, and then I suggest telling him the following:

On behalf of all parents, I want to thank you, dear (name). Thanks to hard work, teaching talent, patience and the ability to communicate correctly with schoolchildren, you were able to teach children everything that could be useful to them in later life. Your work is truly priceless. Children talk about you very often, they love and respect their teacher, and this is worth a lot. Let your students listen to you and your colleagues understand. Happiness to you, (name)!


On this warm summer day, we all gathered here for a reason. Today our children and their teachers celebrate graduation. Of course, each teacher contributed to the education of our children, but most of all I would like to thank the class teacher. It was the leader who did the most for the 11/9th grade students; she gave them not only school knowledge, but also simple life advice. Thanks to this person, they grew up to be kind, honest and decent people, for which I thank her very much!


From year to year, the class teacher invested maximum knowledge and skills in her students. Thanks to her work, today our children can enter the best universities in the country. Not only did (name) do this, she managed to properly educate the students in her class. And what are extracurricular meetings worth, because they helped the class unite, and now the students are not just former classmates - they are friends. Thanks for all. May your life be filled with smiles and happiness!


Dear (name), I would like to thank you for leading the class through interesting and educational 11 years of life. Thank you for never giving up and having iron patience. All the parents gathered here sincerely wish you health and strength to teach the next generations of children. Never know troubles and worries. Happiness to you, (name)!

Idea! The parents' response is not necessarily a celebratory speech. You can create a video greeting (or a mini-film with the participation of everyone), make an exhibition of memorable photographs/works of graduates, or arrange a cool flash mob.

On behalf of all parents of 9th grade students, I would like to thank the class teacher for his kindness, care and ability to find a common language with the children. You have become a second mother for your students, they love you and respect you very much. It is difficult for us, like them, to part with such a wonderful person, but, alas, life goes on as usual, and it is time for the children to leave the cozy walls of their home school. I would like to wish you, (name), good health and good students. May there be something good in every day, and may your heart always be warm.


Dear (name), we express our deep gratitude to you for everything you have done for your charges. We will always remember your work and care for children. Without sensitive guidance and teaching talent, it would be much more difficult to raise such smart and kind children as they are now. Thank you, you are, without exaggeration, the best teacher!


The class teacher is a very important person in the life of each of us. Even after many years, our children will remember your advice and instructions. You opened up more and more new horizons for them, helped them get through problems and experiences. It was thanks to you that they became kind and sympathetic people. Thank you, (name), and low bow!


The time has come to part, and this, of course, is sad. It is especially difficult to say goodbye to the class teacher, the person who became the second mother for our children. It is impossible to imagine how much patience and strength it took to help us, parents, raise our children. You did the impossible, and it would be a crime to leave and not say thank you. Thank you, dear (name)! Thank you for not just doing the job, but putting your soul into it. You are a very kind and sympathetic person, and we thank God that you were the class teacher of the 11th grade.

You shouldn’t get by with just gratitude; on this special day, be sure to present your class teacher with some significant gift. A laptop, a high-quality office chair or a vacation package will do.

Among the budget prizes I would like to highlight:

  • sets (only if the recipient is a woman),
  • stationery sets (we are talking about high-quality and stylish sets, you should not give ordinary stationery)
  • and purchase certificates (order online or buy in any large store in the city).

Scene No. 4 – Alumni meeting after 20 years

A celebration is being prepared in the banquet hall - a long table is set for the reunion of graduates. The waiter calls his wife: Honey, yes, a banquet is planned! I'll try to get out early and go home. Yes, yes, I love you, kiss you!

A guy enters the hall and sits down at the table.

Waiter: Man, this table is busy!

The guy recognizes the waiter and exclaims: Woodpecker, is that you? Waiter in a stupor: It can’t be...

Guy : Woodpecker, it’s me Sanya Dub, remember? (rushes to hug)

Waiter tries to free himself: No...

Sanya Dub looks at his badge: Evgeny, both of you, Woodpecker, and you turn out to be Evgeny. We studied together for so many years, but I didn’t even know...

Waiter : Yes, I am Evgeny Ivanovich Dyatlov.

Sanya : Cool, Evgeny Ivanovich, long stuff, huh?

The waiter squeezes: No...

Sanya : Okay, let's drink to the meeting, and at the same time to getting to know each other. I want to skip it for courage before meeting my first love.

Waiter : Who is this with?

Sanya dreamily: With Natasha Dunayskaya!

Waiter : And Natasha Dunayskaya will be there? (quickly dials home) Darling, the banquet lasts until the morning, as soon as I’m free, I’ll go straight home. Yeah, bye, bye, kiss...

Sanya smiles: And you were in love with Natasha? Oh, you (shakes a finger), competitor!

At this time, another classmate, a modest guy with glasses, enters the hall; he recognizes Sanya.

Guy with glasses: Sanyaya Dub, how many years, how many winters...

Sanya : Mmmmmm, I don’t remember who you are...

The guy turns the back of his head: So?

Sanya recognizes from behind: Nikishin, Kolya! I sat behind you for 10 years, I remember every hair on the back of your head. And now I have chewing gum in my hair.

Kolya : Where?

Sanya : I'm kidding, Kolyan! (hugs friend warmly)

Kolya : Oh, be quiet, Sanya! As he was an Oak, he remained an Oak. You better tell me, will Natasha of the Danube be there?

Sanya : It will be, it will be! Have you been into it since first grade? I remember, but only I kissed her, and you didn’t.

Kolya with resentment: You’re lying!

Sanya : I'm not lying! Don't argue, but rather go ahead and do it!

Kolya : I can’t, you also said in the 10th grade – the thing is long and gone!

Sanya is sad: The circumstances were...

Friends remember their school days, and at this time a priest enters the hall. He looks around, crosses himself and quietly reads a prayer.

Pop : I wish you all good health!

Kolya : Wow, guys, this is Egor... Egor Besenko, or in short, just Bes.

Guys in unison: Beees!

Pop solid: It's already a thing of the past!

Kolya : You were involved in business, but now...

Pop : Yes, it happened, right after the dashing 90s, but I just realized that it’s not my thing. I sold Gelendvagen and became a priest; my soul immediately felt so light. Just the other day I cleared the tax office and bought a new Gelendvagen. And life has improved, and there is peace in the world.

Sanya Dub: Well, there you go, Bes, oh, forgive me, Pop, long thing, ahh, I’ll pray to God for you forever.

Pop : Why do you need it, for a good cause or for temptation?

Oak : Well, to put it mildly, soon my first love will come, Natalya Dunayskaya, I want to greet her with music and flowers.

Pop : And what about the Danube? This is another matter, I don’t mind anything for a meeting with classmates (hands Duba 1000 rubles).

Kolya : And you, Bes, were in love with Danube?

The priest humbly lowers his eyes, the guys whisper to each other.

Kolya : And Oksana was in love with you!

Pop : What kind of Oksana is this?

Guys in chorus: Oksana the monkey (funny impersonation of macaques).

Pop : That's how it is, but I was wondering why she kept hitting me on the head with her backpack. I understand, I loved you! Waiter: He and Natasha were friends, they say, and were friends after school. I wonder if they will come together or what?

To the sound of alarming music, a masculine-looking woman in a tracksuit, with boxing gloves at the ready, enters the hall.

Woman in a rough voice: Great, guys!

The guys look at each other: Hello!

Woman : Didn't you recognize it?

The waiter peers: They didn’t recognize you, but you confused the restaurant with the gym, we’re having an alumni meeting here.

The woman advances on the waiter: Maybe you’ve got something wrong, Woodpecker, but I’m exactly at the right place (flexes his shoulders, jumps in place). I am your classmate - Natakha Dunayskaya, world boxing champion. Behind the scenes there are sports chords and loud applause. The athlete proudly displays her medal. The guys are shocked, the waiter hides behind the guys, Pop crosses himself, and Nikishin Kolya faints. Only Sanya

Oak looks at the girl with admiration.

Oak approaches Natalya, falls on one knee: Marry me!

The athlete lifts the guy from his knees, lifting him off the floor.

Natalya : Isn’t it scary?

Oak admiringly: No...

Natalya : Well, look! (to the music, the girl practices techniques on Sanka, the guy flies like a pear, and the rest timidly huddle together).

At the end of the fight, when all the men are out, and a beautiful stranger enters the audience.

To the accompaniment of a romantic melody, she says hello in a gentle voice: Hello, guys!

The guys are shocked and surprised (Ta-da-da-dam).

Waiter : I'm afraid to guess who it is?

The priest crosses himself, Kolya is perplexed: Not a single bright thought in his head, just fog.

Sweet girl : Guys, didn’t you recognize me?

Guys in chorus and with fear: Noooo!

Girl : It's me, Oksana the monkey! (funny imitates a macaque)

The priest crosses himself again: Holy, holy!

Kolya : It can’t be...

Sanya is out after the fight with Natasha: Finish me off!

Natasha : Oxy, hello, friend! (runs to hug)

Kolya : Isn’t it time for us to eat, otherwise I’m so hungry from the impressions.

Waiter : It's time, it's time!

Sanya Dub : And now I’ll immediately run to buy flowers for our beautiful ladies!

The guys hug, rejoice at the meeting, and the audience smiles and applauds to the music.

Finally, advice to parents! Take note of the idea, put on a similar performance where you depict your children in 20 years in a humorous manner.

Modern adaptation songs for 9th grade graduation

To the tune of the song “Medusa” performed by MATRANG

9th grade is behind us, All exams have been passed, “Goodbye, good morning” We say to each other. Let's change cities, Let's say to the college: “Hello!”, We will never return our carefree school years.

Chorus: It won’t come back - you know, I know, We won’t sleep that night, friends.

Nine years have flown by, The beloved classroom is empty, There is light outside the window of the sun, Only it does not warm us. And now there are new students at their desks, and the door is open for us, we are already graduates.

Chorus: Life flies - you know, I know, The path is open, everyone is happy, friends.

To the tune of the song “Probably Because” by the group “Time and Glass”

1. I can’t get rid of thoughts about you, School, I really like you, But I’m getting closer to my dream. I can’t relax And just dance a farewell waltz, Today we are all graduating, So that we can continue our studies in college.

Chorus: Probably because chus-chus-feelings are raging in my soul, It’s joyful to be a graduate And at the same time sad-sad-sad - 2 times.

2. Question! Why did 9 years pass so quickly, And we thought seriously, That we are now standing beautiful On the square with bouquets of roses. Well, why is childhood left completely behind? And I ask, I scream to childhood, do you hear, don’t go away!

Chorus: Probably because chus-chus-feelings are raging in my soul, It’s joyful to be a graduate, And at the same time sad-sad-sad - 2 times

Scene No. 5 – School reforms

On stage are parents in the form of teachers, they are sitting at their desks and waiting for the headmistress.

Physicist : I wonder why we were gathered again for an urgent teachers’ meeting?

Khimichka : Petrov probably threw a firecracker in the toilet again!

Biology student : Or smoked in class!

The physical education teacher stands up: Enough! Immediately Petrov, this, by the way, is my best student!

Biologist : Yeah, we get together every time because of your best students!

Trudovik : Never mind, next time we’ll get together because of you! Twice - for nine and forty days! Ha…

Khimichka : The last time they gathered us was when they found alcohol in the hands of the guys at the disco. And only you two defended the troublemakers!

The physical education teacher opened his mouth, but the headmistress entered. The teachers fell silent and tensed.

Headmistress : So, hello. I hasten to inform you that today we received a decree from the ministry on education reforms.

Trudovik : Stop! Again, reforms that we haven’t started introducing yet...

Headmistress : Let's sort it out now. To begin with, there are 15 spelling errors in the resolution.

Geographer : These are past reforms in action.

Headmistress : First point. I don’t know whether to believe it or not, but our salaries are all being raised.

Astronomer : Everyone? Even me? But that doesn't happen! Either something will be taken away from us, or the one who survives will receive the money... I saw such a film.

Biologist : Ha! And how much do they increase? For 500 rubles?

Director : No, for 6500 rubles.

Biologist : How much?!

Khimichka : It can’t be!

The physicist speaks on the phone: Hello, Natasha? We'll get married soon!

Geographer : And I’ll finally remove the film and insert the glass! No no! I'll fast for three months and install a plastic window! Yes…

Astronomer : God, am I really going to move out of the dorm at my age! I can't believe it!

Headmistress : Don't rush. The next paragraph says that the number of items is reduced. From 22 to 9. And this means that part of the staff will have to... be fired.

Physicist : Well, that’s right! I even know where to start!

He gets up and tries to pull the physical teacher from the chair, but to no avail.

Astronomer : That’s how it all started in that film.

Fizruk : What are you talking about? Good physical shape is the most important thing now!

Trudovik : Exactly! And labor in general has made a monkey out of man! That is, on the contrary.

Physicist: I'm not worried about myself. Physics is the basis of everything!

Biologist : We all know that without work and physical education it will be better, the children will become calmer!

Headmistress : By the way, these two are in no danger. And your items, unfortunately, will cease to exist.

Astronomer : It can't be! The kids will leave school as ignoramuses!

Geographer : How so? If there is no geography, then that's it! Tomorrow the Earth will become flat!

Fizruk : I mean, tomorrow? What is she like today? Are you completely cuckoo?

Headmistress : Listen! All these subjects are combined into one “Man and Nature”! And there will be only one teacher.

Biologist : This is unthinkable. How can one person teach so many subjects?! But I agree for the new salary. Write my last name.

Khimichka : No, mine! (in a whisper to the biological scientist.) Be quiet before I splash the reagent on you.

Physicist : Listen, both man and nature are a physical world where the laws of physics apply!

The chemical engineer whispers to the physicist: And I’ll splash it on you!

The physicist answered in a whisper: And I’ll shut you up with an ebonite stick!

Astronomer : Now they will start eating each other, like in that movie.

Headmistress : By the way, as for you, our dear astronomer, you can safely write a letter of resignation.

But our school gives you, as an honored teacher, the position of guard! He gets even more than a teacher.

Astronomer : Well, I agree. I’ll go get used to the guard booth (leaves).

Headmistress : The subjects “Man and Society”, “Man and the World” are also introduced.

The cook enters : Nadyusha, hello. I heard there are new reforms. Is there something about me there? I would like to teach an elective “Man and Soup” or “Man and Potatoes”. Or “Potato Soup” without a person.

Physicist : What if someone is against it?

Cook : Then it will be “Soup with a man.” Understood?

Headmistress : Aunt Glasha, work calmly, the reforms do not concern you. Let's move on. Mathematics becomes an elective...

Physicist : Enough! First they remove the items, and then what? Will students start grading teachers? Ha ha!

Headmistress : Did you read the morning fax?

Physicist : No, I’m just talking nonsense...

Headmistress : Read it (holds out the document)

Physicist : Teachers' salaries will be calculated depending on students' grades?!

Fizruk : So you can go into the minus...

Physicist : You can’t accept gifts, take money at parent-teacher meetings, teachers throw themselves into the curtains, and polling stations in schools will never open again.

Geographer : Well, that's it! This is the edge! Introduce reforms yourself, and I wash my hands! Everyone gets up and leaves, except the physical education teacher and the labor worker.

Physical education teacher : Nadezhda Mikhailovna, we are ready to do anything for an increase of 6,500 rubles. Leave only two subjects: “Man before lunch” instead of Labor and “Man after lunch” instead of Physical Education! Trudovik: Yes, otherwise I’m such a person after lunch...

Headmistress : Natural selection has done its job, and the survivors are going to receive an advance.

The trio leaves the stage. Curtain, applause!

Remakes of modern songs for graduation: lyrics

Remakes of modern songs for graduation: text

Remakes of modern songs for graduation:

Song-remake for Vera Brezhneva's graduation - “Love will save the world” The point for the correct answer is not divided into parts. The instructions read: Know the answer to this test, this is happiness, And enter it in the form

Once upon a time there was a girl with golden braids. Everything would be fine, if only she could pass her state exam.

I have a passing score, I see a landmark, I only believe in this, the Unified State Exam will save the world. Whether I know or not, the result will show Who invented the Unified State Exam, tell me, hmm!

At the hour when I enroll, when the passions subside, They will enroll me in the university. I don’t want to leave the world in which I study. But for now it’s a nightmare!

Once upon a time there was a girl with golden braids. Everything would be fine, if only she could pass her state exam.

I have a passing score, I see a landmark, I only believe in this, the Unified State Exam will save the world. Whether I know or not, the result will show Who invented the Unified State Exam, tell me, hmm!

I have a passing score, I see a landmark, I only believe in this, the Unified State Exam will save the world. Whether I know or not, the result will show Who invented the Unified State Exam, tell me, hmm!

There is a passing score, I see a landmark, There is a passing score, I see a landmark,

I have a passing score, I see a landmark, I only believe in this, the Unified State Exam will save the world. Whether I know or not, the result will show Who invented the Unified State Exam, tell me, hmm!

I have a passing score, I see a landmark, I only believe in this, the Unified State Exam will save the world. Whether I know or not, the result will show Who invented the Unified State Exam, tell me, hmmm!

Song-remake for graduation by Grigory Leps “The Best Day”

The best day came in the morning. The school years flew by quickly. The bell will ring, let it be the last. Don't forget school.

The bustle of school days is behind us, These days have made us friends with you. My class and I are not tired of teaching lessons. Every time you wake up at dawn, it’s not without reason that you remember this. It’s great to go to school.

The best day came in the morning. The school years flew by quickly. The bell will ring, let it be the last, Don’t forget school.

Soon we will leave school altogether, As if feeling the smell of freedom, We will all set off to conquer the adult world. Only a thin thread remains for us, So it won’t be easy for us to live at first. Well, we'll tell the school for now!

The best day came in the morning. The school years flew by quickly. The bell will ring, let it be the last. Don't forget school.

The best day came in the morning. The school years flew by quickly. The bell will ring, let it be the last, Don’t forget school.

Song-remake for Max Barskikh’s graduation “Mists”

It will ring for the last time, the call is here and now. We say thank you, We keep you in fond memory, You are always so kind to us.

And we so want now, To return to our beloved class, To walk joyfully with a smile, And to feel these walls, You cared so much about us.

And only time will not return, And nothing will change, And tomorrow we will live differently.

Chorus: And today we are honestly glad and glad that we ended up in the same class next to each other. We all became friends here, Having walked all this way.

We will all be rich in knowledge, We taught you poems and dates, But soon the Unified State Examination will take place and everyone will have their own path.

And I want to keep, My first school album, Don’t forget these photos, Here we knew how to be friends, School is a second home!

And only time will not return, And nothing will change, And tomorrow we will live differently.

Chorus: And today we are honestly glad, glad, That we ended up in the same class next to each other. We all became friends here, After going all this way.

Scene No. 6 – Musical sketch 11 “R”

Presenter : Dear guys, we are in a hurry to surprise you! Another class graduates today! Which one do you think?

Are there answers from the audience : A, B, C, D and D?

Presenter : You almost guessed it, grade 11 “R” is leaving us today! Meet 11 “R” - parents in our musical sketch!

The melody from the song “School, I miss you” plays. The first to enter is a mother in a school uniform with bows on her head and lays out notebooks on the chairs. The excellent student takes a chair in the first row.

To the song “When We Were Young,” a couple in love enters into an embrace—the graduate’s mom and dad. They sit next to each other in the second row and take up their notebooks.

Two fashionista moms in skinny jeans and heels are shown on stage. “On the Louboutins” plays, they take selfies and chew gum. A man from the second row looks at them, but his lover pulls his ear. The girlfriends occupy the third row.

The next one to come out is the bully dad with his cap askew. The song “Three Words” plays. He tugs on one fashionista's pigtail, high-fives a friend, and heads back to the back to take the fifth row alone.

The music changes to "What a Wonderful Day." Dad comes skipping in with glasses and a shirt buttoned to the last button. Flowers in hand, the botanist hurries to take an empty seat in the front row. Hooligan and fashionistas giggle.

The mother-teacher enters to the trill of the school bell. Suddenly a line from the chorus of the song “Tsunami” sounds.

Mom and Dad run under her with balls; these are friends-athletes. They occupy the empty fourth row and take up their notebooks. A bully throws papers, a botanist gives flowers to the teacher, the kids study to the song “They Learn at School.”

After the lesson, they get up and dance, stretch their arms to the funny children's song “We wrote, we wrote, our fingers are tired.” Only the bully doesn't stand up.

The composition “I want” by the group Gradusy is turned on. At the first lines, the bully throws out the notebook.

The music changes to a chorus with the words “There is only smoke in my head...”, the couple in the second row begins to hug.

The teacher scolds the children and addresses the nerd with words from the chorus “Sometimes” by the group VIA Slivki. He stands up and sings along to the familiar “Twice two is four.” Other students join him, and a friendly choir sounds. The audience applauds.

The bully suddenly raises his hand. “Vitya needs to go out” is playing. The teacher is unhappy, but allows him to leave the class. The music changes to "I'm Free." A bully with a backpack leaves the stage and waves goodbye to his classmates.

The guys start stamping their feet and demanding a break to the song “Changes” by Viktor Tsoi. The rescue bell sounds. The athletes get up and run away together under the famous “They won’t catch us.” The couple gets together and leaves the stage in an embrace. While they are leaving, the song “Do you love me?” plays. The man actively nods at the word “Aha.”

Then the fashionistas leave the class, walking from the hip, as the track “On Style” plays. The last to leave are the excellent student and the nerd, to the very first melody of “School, I miss you.”

The teacher is left alone and sighs. The song “The Ice Is Melting Between Us” comes on and she starts dancing. Students return to class and join the teacher.

A real flash mob begins, everyone dances. The audience applauds loudly!

How to choose a theme for your prom?

The main difficulty in choosing and agreeing on a theme for a prom is the lack of commonality. Vasya and Petya want to cosplay “Pirates of the Caribbean”, Masha and Olya dream of becoming Disney princesses, Ira and Kolya don’t care at all - they are quietly thinking about how to bring more fun to the event. To find out the general opinion and not lose 100500 meters of nerve fibers in the process, here are some useful ideas.

Super equipment and gadgets with discounts for you! Go ahead, take a look, get it in installments!

At the same time, do not forget about the script, which will be important to draw up so that the graduation ceremony is bright and the event is remembered for a long time.

Option No. 1: survey method to choose a topic for graduation

Gather the whole class or parallel if the prom will be shared by several classes. Ask everyone to write on pieces of paper from 1 to 3 themes for the prom that they would like to embody, what style they like, that every graduate was happy and the holiday was a success. Collect these pieces of paper and count the resulting topics. 100%, you will notice that some ideas are repeated.

New products with new discounts! Choose!

Then there are two options:

  • you immediately take the topic that was encountered more often;
  • arrange the second stage of voting;

For the second option, gather everyone again, write on the board or announce the TOP 3 or TOP 5 options based on the results of the calculations and ask them to choose and write one of these topics. Voila, in half an hour you can collectively choose one theme for the prom.

Fire perfume for your beloved girl! Choose with delivery!

Option No. 2: appointment of responsible persons

The initiative, as you know, has... ahem, sorry, this is in the wrong place. The initiative is punishable, I mean. Assign the person who brings up the topic most often in class to be in charge of prom. Let him at least go over the script with you so that the theme is clear, who the presenter will be, where the evening will take place and whether the school will be held or whether only your group will celebrate graduation. Such a responsible and honorable position will give him strength to find an original solution, and all problems will be removed from you. Not good? Probably, but it will be effective.

As a result, it is recommended to choose a committee to organize the prom. Appoint representatives from each class company to ensure a holiday that suits everyone. Teamwork is the key to getting the desired result. It’s important that the musical evening and ball go off with a bang, right? Any idea can be considered at first, because every person wants a bright and beautiful evening, so that the organization is done at its best.

Option No. 3: for the most desperate and in just 1 phrase

Huge discounts this spring! Go ahead and choose new gifts for yourself!

Surrender to the mercy of your class teacher and parents if you are not afraid! Haha, we just laughed with you) After all, everyone understands that it’s better to organize a themed professional holiday yourself, well, you can also attract specialists from organizing events for weddings and corporate events: they also know which venue is better, how to organize everything correctly, what a stupid competition to come up with, what the program of the evening will be and how to take original photos and videos with all of you.

At the disco

The girl is sitting at the bar. A young man approaches her.

  • Guy: “Hi, baby, do we miss you?”
  • Girl: “Yes, there is a little.”
  • Guy: “Then come with me - I promise an unforgettable evening!”
  • Girl: “It sounded tempting, but my parents are waiting for me at home at 11 p.m.”
  • Guy: Come on, parents! Do you go on dates with them too? Are you 12 years old? Ha ha! ""
  • Someone's hand confidently takes the young man by the ear. It is clear that this is a middle-aged woman.
  • Guy: “Mom, what are you doing here?”
  • Mom: “What are you doing here?”
  • Guy: “Well, mom, well, I...”
  • Mom: And I don’t want to hear anything - march home!
  • Guy: (turning to the girl): “Baby, don’t worry, I’ll call you back!”
  • Mom: “Home!”

With certain skills, you can use makeup and wigs in funny skits for the 11th grade graduation to get as close to the image as possible. Although the main thing here, of course, is the artistry of the performers themselves.

Salesman and schoolboy

A boy in a store looks at the window display. A sales consultant approaches.

  • Seller: “Can I tell you something?”
  • Schoolboy: “The years of the reign of Catherine II.”
  • Consultant: “Yes, I don’t know...”
  • Child: “Okay... Pythagorean theorem?”
  • The consultant shrugs his shoulders in bewilderment.
  • Student: “Photosynthesis?”
  • Consultant (sighing doomedly): “I don’t know...”
  • Schoolboy: “Well, then why are you always bothering with your “What can I suggest?”

Parents' response in a humorous manner

Ditties from parents

1: I remember clearly, like now, I took my son to first grade, From that moment, as in a dream, Life was like a mess! 2: Although I haven’t been a student for a long time, I studied again, I drew and wrote, and I took my daughter to school. 3: It’s better to wash and clean an honest confession than to sit a child down for homework! 4: How much joy and happiness, And how many emotions, When my son brought A’s in his diary. 5: I will never forget these school years, the school was like a member of the family, at that time we were! 6: My blood pressure rises, And my pulse quickens, When my son’s diary opens in my hands. 7: Ah, holy woman, She ruled the class, With holy patience, She instructed you. 8: Day after day, year after year The kids have grown up! They are now graduates! Girls and boys! 9: If you remember first grade... You won’t recognize you at all. Boys are growing mustaches Girls from the beauty show! 10: Although we are a little sad, You are no longer children, But we are also happy to remember these School days. 11: You say goodbye to school, At the end of this spring, But you will study again, With your daughter, with your son, just like us!

Author: Oksana Panteleeva-Edush.

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