Competitions for graduation party material (grade 11) on the topic

Last call competitions

The last bell is the day of farewell to school. An entertainment program will make the holiday fun and bright. Outdoor games and team competitions between classes will amuse children. Interesting quizzes will give students the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge and broaden their horizons.

The competition involves 2 teams of schoolchildren of 7 people each. This can be an inter-class or intra-class competition.

The facilitator places in front of each group of participants a chair on which lies a briefcase, school supplies (notebooks, pens, books, pencil case, pencils, ruler, album) and non-school items (soccer ball, T-shirt, jump rope).

The teams’ task is to collect school supplies in their briefcase as quickly as possible. One player has the right to place one item. The catch is that the participants, trying to complete the relay race as quickly as possible, forget about what can be put in the briefcase and what cannot.

The team that completes the task correctly and faster than its opponents wins.

The competition involves 2 classes with approximately the same number of students. The participants’ task is to line up by last name as they are written in the journal.

The team that completes the task faster and correctly wins. To make the competition more difficult, participants can be blindfolded.

A creative competition in which schoolchildren can show their imagination. It involves 2 teams. Each of them receives a sheet of paper and a pen.

The participants’ task is to create as many new names for common school subjects as possible in 2 minutes. For example, a subject such as mathematics can be replaced by the word number cruncher, biology by flower picking, drawing by caricature.

The team that comes up with the most original names for school subjects wins.

Educational game. Children who are confident in their knowledge of various school subjects participate.

On the floor of the classroom or school yard in front of each participant, the presenter lays out sheets of paper in the form of a path with pre-printed text: mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, Russian language, literature. Players take turns stepping on each leaf and saying a rule or association that relates to the science written on the leaf. For example: literature - Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, algebra - the sum of the squares of the legs is equal to the square of the hypotenuse, physics - there are three types of aggregative states of substances. Repeating rules already stated by previous participants is prohibited.

The winner is the player who does not miss the name sheets and tells one rule for each subject.

Two teams of schoolchildren participate in the competition. Each of them receives a sheet of paper on which 33 squares are drawn.

The participants’ task is to take turns writing the letters of the alphabet into the squares so that they are not repeated. The order of placement does not matter.

The winner is the team that fills all the squares faster and does not allow repetitions of the same letters.

10 children are playing. They are divided equally into 2 teams. To play the game you will need cards with the names of school supplies.

After the game starts, the participants in each group take turns approaching the leader and drawing a card at random. Their task is to describe to their team members what is written on it, without saying the word itself. For example: a participant pulls out a card with the word “notebook”. He can explain this item this way: specially sewn sheets, lined or squared, are intended for writing. Each player is given 1 minute to explain the word. After the team guesses the item or time runs out, the next participant draws a new card. After the leader's signal "stop" the game ends.

The team with the most guessed words wins.

4 people play. The presenter gives the participants a pencil, blindfolds them and takes them to the table one by one. Various objects are laid out on the table: a notebook, a book, a bell, a ribbon, a chocolate bar and others.

The players' task is to touch each object with a pencil and identify it. It is prohibited to touch things with your hands.

The participant who guesses the most items wins.

Farewell quest

Graduates are divided into 2 or 3 teams. At the command “start” the teams receive a task in the form of a quest. The fastest team to find the treasure is the winner. A cake with the number “5” - an excellent mark, or the year of this issue - can serve as a treasure. The quest can have the following content: 1. you need to run to where you sweated and got into shape (gym), there graduates find the next task in envelopes 2. there the boys planed, sawed and made crafts (work room for boys), there they find next task 3. disobedient students and violators of discipline, all poor students and mischief-makers are called there (principal’s office), there is the next 4. the majority’s changes are taking place there, it smells delicious and buns are being baked there (dining room), and there may be the main prize (treasure).

Competitions for graduation party 11th grade. Cool prom contests

Competitions for graduation party 11th grade. Cool prom contests

Every year, when we go to school on September 1, we think that it will soon be graduation and graduation. And now it has come true - your graduation has arrived! Have you prepared for it? Cool competitions for the 11th grade graduation party will help you spend your time usefully and fun. See all the competitions for your prom below and choose the ones you liked the most.

Competition 1 – guess the object.

Graduates need to guess from the description what is being said. For example: – from this thing you can easily understand who will become who after graduating from school. In this item you will find all the information about each student and you will be able to make a dossier or incriminating evidence on him. (The answer is a magazine) - if it doesn’t exist, then the school will be a mess. If you don’t know him, you won’t get to them. If it is changed, then someone is happy, and someone is worried. (The answer is the lesson schedule) - only two teachers at the school have this. And not because these teachers can afford it, it’s just easier to teach and remember. (The answer is wall maps in the history classroom and the geography classroom) - if there is trouble, then we immediately go there. If you need to get out of class with a real excuse, then we also go there. (Answer - school nurse, nurse's office) - you can't fight at school. But he is often beaten, both with hands and feet. Who is this “lucky guy”? (Answer: a ball in physical education class)

Competition 2 – find out what it is!

In this competition, graduates are invited to find out or guess what it is about. For example: - at home we walk on it, and at school we go out to it (answer - blackboard) - what happens if a geographical map is rolled into a ball? (answer - globe) - you don’t wait for him at home from the director, but wait at school during lessons (answer - bell) - when this is appointed at school, then all parents immediately have urgent matters (answer - parent meeting) - what is she like? it will be, only the teacher decides. You can give it to the teacher later (answer – assessment)

Competition 3 – remember everything.

In this competition, we invite graduates to remember not only school subjects, but also fairy tales. So let's get started. 1. How to measure the area of ​​a kolobok? (the same as the area of ​​a circle, because the bun is round) 2. Why did the bear break the tower? (because a body placed in a liquid displaces as much liquid as the body itself. So the bear displaced as much air as it itself) 3. What do Adam, Newton and Eve have in common? (Answer - apple) 4. In the old days it was a vessel for wine. And now the reward for the winner (Answer - cup) 5. These words are read the same in any direction. And this is a turbine at the station (the answer is a rotor)

Competition 4 – in alphabetical order.

Often teachers called students to the board in alphabetical order. In this competition we will also try to arrange ourselves in alphabetical order, but first we will play a little. All graduates take the stage. They are encouraged to take a young graduate course. And to do this, they must first build in height. Time is recorded. If you do it within 20 seconds, then you have passed the first test. Afterwards they need to line up separately: boys separately, girls separately. Boys are lined up by tie length from longest to shortest. And girls according to the length of their nails from largest to smallest. They have 30 seconds to do everything about everything. Did you manage? Well done. And now we need to put everything in alphabetical order, like in a magazine. Afterwards, the class teacher checks everyone using the log to see if everything is in place!

Close acquaintance

The leader forms pairs of parents (in a chaotic order). Each couple is given only one minute, during which the parents must get to know each other closely and learn as many facts about each other as possible. As soon as the minute is up, each participant in each pair quickly presents facts from the life of his “partner”, for example, Lyudmila loves coffee; works as an accountant; she has three children; she watches old films; cross stitch; grows palm trees; afraid of spiders and so on. The couple in which the sum of the facts presented about each other is greater will be the winning couple.

Competitions for graduation 11th grade

Competition “Spitting Image of Me”

This is the kind of entertainment that you prepare in advance. It is suitable for prom. Ask your parents to bring photos of themselves at your age, add yours to them. You should get a large wall newspaper on which all the heroes of the celebration, if there are several of them, will be next to their parents and peers. The jury will choose the parent-child pair that is most similar to each other. If a wall newspaper is being prepared for a birthday, then photographs are selected for different ages of the birthday person. He is one year old and so are his mother and father, he is five and so are his parents, respectively. Then they jointly decide who and when the hero of the occasion was most similar to.

Competition “My Future”

The competition is suitable for prom. To conduct this competition, you will need several assistants, let them ask the graduates the following: what will happen to me in 10 years, how many children will I have, what will I work for, will I have a car, and so on. Now have the interviewees sign and date the interview. Seal the album well and set it aside. You can give it to your class teacher. And then what? Here's what! The most interesting thing is that this album can only be opened 10 years later, on the anniversary of its release. That's when the fun begins. Will you live up to your expectations?

Oscar competition

To hold this competition, you will need to discuss all the details in advance with your class teacher, make figurines (or at least diplomas) and select music. Find out from the teacher which of the children showed themselves throughout the school years. After all, in every class there will be those who are late, those who look after the girls the most, and so on. This will be your clue in the nominations. However, here are a few of them: Mr. Antipunctuality, Heartthrob of the class, Creative personality, Anti-attendance, Joker of the class, Seriousness of the class, Academic achievement, Flirty of the year, Extraordinary personality of the class and so on. Try not to repeat the awards. Keep it intriguing. As experience shows, graduates really like this kind of award, most importantly, there is more humor!

Competition “Future Diploma”

To conduct this competition you will need 5 sheets of paper and 5 markers. Then invite 5 alumni. The participants’ task is to hold a pencil with their foot and write “Excellent Student Diploma.” Thus, graduates promise their parents to graduate (university, college) with excellent marks. Whoever does it faster and more accurately will be the winner.

Competition “Phone numbers”

In order to never lose touch with your classmates, you need to know their phone numbers. To conduct this competition you will need: 4 sheets of paper, 4 pens and 4 participants. Their task is to collect as many mobile numbers as possible from their classmates in 2 minutes (to music). Then, the participants hand over the sheets, having signed them, you can ask their parents to count who has more numbers. Make sure that the number contains all the numbers. If in doubt, you can call the number provided. The gift can be a top-up card.

Competition “Fashion Trends”

To run this competition you will need participants. For example, there are three people. Their task is to collect objects starting with the letter “p” from the hall in a few minutes. (They cannot be repeated) The one with the most objects wins. Jackets, bags, trays, and so on will be used. Then, you can ask to demonstrate all this. That is, organize a fashion show. Whoever completes the task best will be the winner.

Competition “Ship of the Future”

For this competition, you will need to divide the class into two groups and give them newsprint. The players' task is to quickly build a ship, with the condition that it can accommodate all the travelers, and everyone has in their hands what will appear in the future: car keys, money, shares, and so on. Everything needs to be made from paper as quickly as possible (for a while), it can be torn, twisted, crushed. Complete the task to the music.

Cool parting words

With each generation, graduates have more and more new expressions and funny words - youth slang. It is precisely using these words that parents will each have to give their parting words. Participants take turns speaking for one minute at a time, trying to use as many youth words as possible, for example, Hai, people. Catch the hype. May life be full of surprises. May everything always be okay. I want to be in the top spot. Remember your teachers. I would like to know what success is. And may luck always be a flashback. The participant (parent) who can come up with the most creative parting words for graduates in a minute, using the largest number of interesting words, will be the winner.

Graduation competitions 11th grade

Comic games and competitions for Graduation in grades 9 and 11

Useful tips and tricks for the organizers of the Last Bell and Graduation Party

Games, competitions and entertainment at graduation

1. Comic competition “Whose thing is this?”

Presenter: Dear guests, graduates! At our holiday, only today and only now is there a museum of school things and accessories. These are favorite items or necessary supplies for teachers and staff of our school (lyceum, gymnasium). These things are still invisible and here is your task: you need to quickly guess these things and their owners who are present in the room.

Exhibit 1. An object was found in one of the offices. colors. Based on its content, it can be assumed that the owner works as a plumber, accountant, “professor of mathematics,” or businessman. The names of some 11th grade students are also written down here. Another item was found, or rather several on one bundle. It is this connection that is the “heart” of all the classrooms and safes of our school. The owner has the amazing ability to lose these items, but always find them. Name the items and owner. (Economic notebook and keys of the school director)

Exhibit 2. This person is the owner of a thing without which not a single day can be done at school. He is also the author of this piece. To compile it, you need to spend a lot of effort, since all the lessons and classroom numbers are encrypted in it in a certain order. What is this thing and who owns it? (School schedule of the Deputy Director for Academic Affairs)

Exhibit 3. And these things were repeatedly noticed in two teachers of our school. Sheets that hang on a board. One of them is painted with red and black arrows, reflecting the glorious military path of the armies of various states from the “King Pea” to the present day. The other is painted in different colors - from light brown to dark blue. What are these sheets and who owns them

these things? (Wall maps of history and geography teachers)

Exhibit 4. And this thing looks like one of the varieties of masquerade masks, which makes breathing easier in a heavily polluted environment. The owner and owner of this mask teaches how to survive in extreme conditions. (Gas mask from the life safety teacher’s office)

Exhibit 5. A book with poems by a Russian poetess. When you find out who this poetess is, then you will guess whose favorite she is and who most often brings this book to her lessons. The external characteristics of the poetess are very expressive: a Roman profile, a purposeful look. "Women's" poetry of the 20th century. called by her name. Whose book is this, and who is the teacher who is shy before the talent of this poetess? (Volume of poems by A. Akhmatova, literature teacher) Exhibit 6. The exhibit is two-legged, but each leg has its own purpose. When one leg stands with its head buried in the surface, the other dances around it in a circle. The owner of this exhibit has a number of other necessary items to work on the board. But he can do without them, depicting all sorts of figures on the board with a sweeping movement of his hand. And most importantly, he is the keeper of hundreds of problems and their solutions. (School math teacher's compass)

Exhibit 7. The object is round in shape, but is not used in the gym. Motley, spinning. With this item you can travel without having dollars, camels and jeeps. This is what its owner does during lessons with his students. (Geography teacher's globe)

Exhibit 8. An object for beating with hands, feet, head and all parts of the body. This item is especially often attacked by a person who most often appears at school in a sports uniform. Who is this teacher and what is the subject that suffers from him? (Physical education teacher's ball)

Exhibit 9. This exhibit is specific, it is a tool of work of very gifted people, it is a stick with a soft whisk at the end. By moving this object over the surface of a sheet or canvas, the owner of this produces another masterpiece. What is this masterpiece and who owns it? (Art teacher's brush)

Exhibit 10. A rather thick volume of small format with very strange content: all the words in it

written in two columns, one of which is more or less understandable, and the second column is truly understood by only two teachers at our school. What is the subject and who are we talking about? (Dictionary of teachers of Russian and foreign languages)

Exhibit 11. An object made of thin glass, shaped like a sausage. It often contains liquids that are not ingested. The owner of the item often trembles over it and uses it only for laboratory work. (Chemistry teacher's test tube)

Exhibit No. 12. The owner of this item also has a craving for a weighty object with a heavy knob. This subject can often be seen in the hands of a teacher - a leading specialist in metal and woodworking, bench making, saw-planing and a freelance laboratory assistant for almost all the teachers in our school. So who is he? (Labour training teacher)

Exhibit 13. And here is a group of the most useful school household items, which are in charge of one of the main “trendsetters” of our school. If I list all the subjects that he uses in his work, then you will list half of the staff of our school related to these subjects. For example: scissors, paints, brushes, mops, buckets, detergents, etc. Who is this? (Deputy Director for Administrative and Economic Work)

Exhibit 14. And these objects (or subject) are in the “literary heart” of our school. They are created for each student, but they do not record the height and hair color of the owner. The owner of these exhibits uses these items to keep a strict record of what and when you take from her, when you give it back and in what form. And if you return what you took in bad condition, then next year you won’t get it at all. What kind of exhibit? (School library forms)

Exhibit 15. And the last exhibit of our museum. This subject is perhaps the most important in any educational institution; without it, not a single teacher will begin his lesson. This thing is very important, since it contains all the information about the students: where they live, who the parents are, and most importantly, the assessment of your knowledge in each subject. And all this is strictly monitored by the person who gave it to you. years of his life, his soul, who shared with you joy and sadness, successes and disappointments, who followed your every assessment and success every day. Who and what are we talking about? (Classroom teacher's journal)

2. Comic impromptu quiz “Intellectual”

• Who is Newton's co-author? (Apple)

• Containers with philosophical content. (Barrel of Diogenes)

• A stick carefully inserted into the wheel. (Spoke)

• A place where smart people won't go. (Mountain)

• First cash advance to a future Nobel laureate. (Scholarship)

• A mathematical sign that has proven itself on the positive side. (Plus)

• A phenomenon that can be explained by the law of universal gravitation. (A fall)

• Scientifically based emptiness. (Vacuum)

• A child who goes to college instead of kindergarten. (Prodigy)

• Purposeful cut. (Vector)

• Short meter. (Yard)

• Free sound-producing device. (Mouth)

• Where life always hangs by a thread? (In a light bulb)

• What is the best remedy for gray hair? (bald)

• Who walks while sitting? (Chess player)

• Which hand do you stir the tea with? (Not with your hand, but with a spoon)

• What does a person who looks for bitches in the eyes of others do? (Logging)

• Why are mushrooms shaped like an umbrella? (Grow in the rain)

• Can it rain for two days in a row? (Can't, because the night separates the days)

3. Comic mini-game “Boys and Girls”

Presenter : After today's holiday, dear graduates, no one will ever call you boys and girls. This is both pleasant and a little sad. Let's call ourselves “boys” and “girls” for the last time, cheerfully and amicably.

Our comic competition game is very simple: you need to correctly complete the presenter's phrase. Where necessary, boys should say the word “girls” or “girls” in unison, and girls should shout “boys” or “boys” in unison. But this competition has a trick, listen carefully. So.

Competition "Guess the song"

To cheer up everyone gathered a little, you need to amuse them a little and make them have fun. To do this, you will need to prepare a selection of famous songs in advance. But no words should be heard in this cut. That is, there should only be music. And the participants will take turns guessing the famous melodies. In fact, if all guests and former students actively participate, it will be fun and interesting. There are no losers or winners in this competition. Just everyone can try their hand.

Games and competitions for graduation in 11th grade

Who hasn't looked forward to graduation so much in their life? Probably everyone wanted this day to come quickly. How we looked forward to it, as if it were a ticket to a new life. But when the time finally came to graduate, tears welled up in our eyes and didn’t want to stop coming. But, it should be noted that on such a good day, in no case should you be upset or grieve. You need to try to celebrate with your classmates, whom you won’t see again soon, and have a good time. And for this you need to hold many interesting competitions and games that will help you relax a little and get distracted.

Competition "Princess of the evening"

In fact, many girls like this competition, because with the help of it they can become the best. This competition is about choosing a beautiful and spectacular girl at the prom. Judges must pay attention to the dress, hairstyle and the overall picture. You can also choose the princess of the evening by voting. Each person will need to be given cards and pens. And everyone will have to write there the name of the girl whom they consider the best at this evening. The winner will receive a prize. And so that other girls don’t feel offended because they didn’t win, you can simply give them some goodies.

Competition "Guess the song"

To cheer up everyone gathered a little, you need to amuse them a little and make them have fun. To do this, you will need to prepare a selection of famous songs in advance. But no words should be heard in this cut. That is, there should only be music. And the participants will take turns guessing the famous melodies. In fact, if all guests and former students actively participate, it will be fun and interesting. There are no losers or winners in this competition. Just everyone can try their hand.

Game “Put on a scene”

To do well in this game, all participants will have to think carefully about their roles and prepare carefully. Everyone who wants to participate will have to split into several not very large teams. And then you will need to pull out pieces of paper on which the scene that you will have to show will be indicated. All participants will be given time to thoroughly prepare. And then each team will have to go on stage and show the audience what they have prepared. Every person who will be present in the hall will be interested in watching the actions on stage. And at the very end, when all the actions on stage are completed, the audience will have to choose the team that coped with its task best. And the winners will need to be awarded prizes. After all, they will receive their prizes deservedly. At this competition, everyone will receive a great charge of energy and positive emotions.

Relay Games

When the feast is already in full swing, you will need to warm up a little. After all, it’s not all the time to sit and eat non-stop. To warm up at least a little, you will need to hold interesting relay races. They can be completely different, both physical and mental. Everyone who will participate in competitions will have to receive special tokens. At the end of the entire relay, when everyone has collected a sufficient number of tokens, the main leader will need to count them and say who has collected the most tokens. The winner will receive interesting and useful small gifts. And those who did not win, but participated, will receive sweet prizes for participation.

Competition "Minute of Glory"

This competition is not suitable for everyone, but only for those who really know how to do something interesting and can brag about it to others. In order to participate in this competition, each contestant will need to think about what talent they can boast of. And then, when the concert begins, everyone will be able to show what they are capable of. You won't necessarily need to show something brilliant. You just have to show everyone what you have. This could be dancing, singing, or reading poetry. You can also play a musical instrument and show a skit. The main task for you will be to open up well and without embarrassment to the audience. At the very end of this little concert, the judges will need to choose the best participant. And whoever wins will have to receive a gift. And remember that embarrassment is not at all appropriate here. The more you can open up, the more likely you are to win.

Competition "The most charming and attractive"

This competition is designed for boys, but girls will also help them. To begin with, all the girls need to apply lipstick of different colors and shades to their lips. And at this time, all the boys will need to be given white sheets of paper. Their task will be to collect kisses. When the presenter says start, they will have to approach the girls with a piece of blank paper and ask them to place a kiss. The guys will be given up to ten minutes to do this. The one who collects the most kisses from girls will win this competition, and receive the title of the most attractive and charming guy in the former class.

Competition "The Most Capable"

If you now think that the competition is about guessing various riddles, then you are mistaken. After all, in fact, the competition is about making the audience and people laugh. Both girls and boys can participate in this competition. The first participant puts several lollipops into his mouth. Holding them in his mouth, he will have to say: “I am a graduate.” If he succeeds, then he takes another candy and says these words again. And so on until he manages to say these words. The one who can put the most candy in his mouth will be considered the winner. And at the end he will have to be given a nice gift. This competition will be very fun and funny. Because it’s impossible to watch young people trying to say words with a mouthful of candy without laughing.

Competition "Cinderella"

Fashionista competition

This competition is prepared specifically for women's society. Their task will be to find certain accessories, which will have to begin with the letter that the presenter will say. Each participant will get their own letter. In five minutes, each girl will need to find at least three objects that begin with this letter. And then, when their search is over, the girls will have to give a good show, and show everything that they are capable of. After all, every item they choose will have to be presented in a favorable and good light. The girl who best copes with her task will receive a prize.

If you carefully prepare for such a significant holiday as graduation day, then everything should go well for you. The main thing is to remember that your task is to be a very cheerful and positive person throughout the holiday. And if you succeed, then all the people in the room will be charged with positive energy from you. Remember that it doesn't take much to see someone smile. You just need to smile at all people, and then they will smile back at you. Take part in every holiday, and then you will have great holiday memories.

Whose child?

For this competition we need forfeits - notes with the first and last name of each graduate. Those who want to take part in the competition pull out their forfeit, without telling anyone who got it. Then the participants take turns going to the easel and drawing a child - a graduate from their phantom, remembering some features or hobbies from the child’s life, for example, next to the portrait you can depict chess, if the child is interested in chess, or a soccer ball - football, a report card with only A's - excellent student or microphone - does vocals. One participant draws, the rest guess whose child it is. Parent participants will receive prizes for the fastest and most correct answers, as well as for the most beautiful and creative drawings.

Competition "Cinderella"

But this game will be more aimed at girls. And since the competition promises to be funny, you won’t be bored at all. To begin with, all one guy will have to be blindfolded. To choose it, you will need to cast lots. Therefore, it will be necessary to sit all the girls on chairs and bare one leg. A blindfolded guy will have to find out which girl is in front of him by her leg. And it will be even funnier if one guy sits next to the girls, but so that the host doesn’t know about it. After all, it will be very interesting for you to see the reaction of a blindfolded guy when, instead of a smooth leg, he feels a hairy man’s leg. And if he doesn’t guess, it will be very funny. If the guy leading can guess most of the girls, then he has won and he should get a prize. This competition will need to be filmed. Because one hundred percent you will want to re-watch these funny and slightly awkward moments more than once. But everyone watching this video will find it very interesting and funny.

Relay Games

When the feast is already in full swing, you will need to warm up a little. After all, it’s not all the time to sit and eat non-stop. To warm up at least a little, you will need to hold interesting relay races. They can be completely different, both physical and mental. Everyone who will participate in competitions will have to receive special tokens. At the end of the entire relay, when everyone has collected a sufficient number of tokens, the main leader will need to count them and say who has collected the most tokens. The winner will receive interesting and useful small gifts. And those who did not win, but participated, will receive sweet prizes for participation.

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