Street quest for children “Hurray, summer holidays” with a search for a gift in nature or any other open area (from 8 to 12 years old)

Detailed description of the quest

With this quest you can easily entertain children during the summer holidays, have a fun game of presenting a gift (surprise) or organize a real treasure hunt in nature, a playground or any other open area. This quest is a great opportunity to give children an unforgettable adventure!

♦ Age category of the participant: from 8 to 12 years. ♦ Target audience: the quest is universal, for both boys and girls. ♦ Time to complete the quest: up to 40 minutes. ♦ Purpose of the quest: the main goal of the quest is to find a gift (treasure). After completing all summer-themed tasks, participants will find the main hiding place, in which the quest organizer knowingly hid the prepared gift (surprise). The quest is perfect for the summer holidays, as entertainment for children on the street, in nature, in the playground, or as a gift for giving on the day of any summer celebration or holiday. Or, if you just decided to surprise the children during a summer holiday in nature, in the forest at the dacha, on a picnic or on a hike, in which they can find a cherished treasure or treasure. The quest “Hurray, summer holidays” is a wonderful way to have fun with your children during the summer holidays. ♦ Venue: quest for an open area - on the street, in nature, on a picnic, at the dacha, in the village, in the forest, on a hike, in a children’s camp on the sea or river, beach, seaside resort, playground, in the courtyard of a private house, cottage or any other open area. ♦ Number of participants: the quest is intended for both 1 person (gift recipient) and a group of children. ◊ single passage - the quest is solved by one participant. ◊ group passage - several participants jointly solve all the tasks and jointly find the main gift. ♦ Tasks: the “summer vacation” quest includes 10 task cards, designed in a bright summer theme (outdoor recreation, summer games, sweets, etc.). Tasks in the quest can be swapped and hidden in any order. ♦ Quest genre: street quest with a search for a gift on the street (in nature). ♦ Hiding places in the quest: ◊ Stone ◊ Under the window ◊ Newspaper ◊ Tree ◊ Shovel ◊ Bush ◊ Bottle ◊ In a backpack ◊ Plate ◊ In a bag If you want to conduct this quest in a house, apartment or other room, then our website provides a Home children's quest "Hurray, summer holidays." ♦ Necessary details: pencil or pen for filling out answers. ♦ The finished quest kit includes three PDF files : 1 . The file “Instructions for the quest” contains a detailed list of necessary actions to prepare the quest for implementation. 2 . The “Quest” file contains all the cards with tasks that the participant will need to solve. 3. The “Quest with answers” ​​file contains the entire list of tasks with detailed answers. These files will need to be printed on a black and white or color printer. ♦ Other quests on the site: ⇒ Quests up to 10 years old Quests up to 16 years old Quests from 18 years old

Quest – a game for older preschoolers in the fresh air “Where did the Rainbow go?”

  • January 16, 2018

International and All-Russian competitions
All-Russian competition of pedagogical excellence “Methodological collection of the music director of a kindergarten”

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 144" in Perm. Prepared by: Musical director Novikova V.V.

The quest is held in the summer in the fresh air for children of older groups of kindergarten. At the beginning of Entertainment, the presenter announces a holiday of summer, nature, birds, animals and joy, invites children and adults to play and have fun!

Suddenly Baba Yaga appears and takes Rainbow away. Children go in search of the Rainbow, where along the way they meet various heroes of the forest and fairy tales and complete various tasks. As a result, they meet Izbushka and call Baba Yaga, ask to return the Rainbow, play with Baba Yaga, complete her task, play with her and receive the Rainbow. Children continue to have fun, play and dance. The holiday ends.

See Appendix to the work (Diagram, Script copy, photo report ???).

The game is played according to the principle of stages in groups.

The purpose of the holiday: To involve children in playful activities, based on the beginning, to promote friendly communication and the unification of children and adults; develop physical qualities: agility, reaction speed;

Objectives: To promote the development of motor activity, dexterity, ingenuity and creativity in children; instill a love for Russian fairy tales.

Equipment: Balloons of seven colors, parts of the rainbow cut out of colored paper, ropes, multi-colored crayons, skittles, landmarks, cards with images of insects and animals, audio equipment.

Integration: Socio-communicative, physical development.

A large number of children are involved in active play.

Progress of the event


What a miracle our summer is, warmed with gentle warmth. Look at the guys - they are tanned! Look what a miracle, everything around has become beautiful! All friends are together again, glad to meet you and me! Today is a children's holiday, Rainbow Arc Day! Rainbow, light up our land! Come visit us for the Holiday!

The children repeat in chorus, calling for the Rainbow to appear... (Alarming music sounds, Baba Yaga runs in).

Baba Yaga: Hello, hello! I am BABA Yaga, bone leg! Your holiday is cancelled! I captured your Rainbow. Without the Rainbow there is no happiness or joy on earth. And while I have the Rainbow, only I will be joyful and happy, no one else! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Educator: What have you done, Baba Yaga? We so want to have fun, laugh and play, spin with balloons. How will we be without Rainbow! So tell me, villainess, where did you hide the Rainbow?

Baba Yaga: I scattered all the colors of the rainbow throughout my forest. And to free her, you need to collect all the colors together and say a spell, without a spell, the Rainbow will not appear.

Baba Yaga runs away... Presenter: What should we do, what should we do? How to get Rainbow? You need to go in search of the Rainbow in a fairy forest. Various heroes are waiting for us. Various animals live and live there.

Well, it's time to hit the road, friends, we can't hesitate at all! A map of the Magic Land will help us. Following the route, we will quickly and easily collect all the colors of the Rainbow.

(The children of each group are given a route map, the teachers distribute the groups and disperse to the playgrounds along the indicated path).

1 group

Stage I. "Flower Path"

Leshy meets the children and determines the task for the children. To get to the fairy forest, you need to walk along the flower road. But the flowers on our road withered and lost their color, because the Rainbow disappeared. What to do? How to fill flowers with color? (children's suggestions).

Children color the flower path with crayons on the asphalt.

The goblin gives the children a piece of the Rainbow of a certain color after completing it

2nd group

Stage II. "Swamp of the Water"

Vodyanoy comes out and gives the children a new task:

I, Vodyanoy, I am Vodyanoy! No one hangs around with me, There’s water inside me, so what, hang around with someone like that?... I’m glad, guys, to meet you. I ask you: be my friends?

Cheer me up!? It’s kind of sad, it hurts... I am.

Presenter: Will you help us, Vodyanoy?

Vodyanoy: Of course, I’ll help! But as?. They explain... to disenchant the color of the Rainbow...

Game “The sea is agitated - once...”

The merman gives the children a new task - an educational game.

Educational game “Crawls, swims, flies” (Distribute animals by habitat)

Game "The Most Accurate". 5 people, 2 teams participate.

Vodyanoy: Well done, guys! Here's the color blue - part of your Rainbow.

The merman gives blue color to children.

But I’m in no hurry to say goodbye to you.

Rule of the game: Plastic and rubber toys are laid out on the playground. You need to shoot down as many toys as possible with water pistols.

Vodyanoy: Well done, you have completed all the tasks, get another piece.

Neptune gives the children a blue part of the Rainbow.

Well, it's time for me to go to the Swamp, They've been waiting for me at the bottom.

Says goodbye to the children and leaves.

3rd group

Stage III. "Mysterious clearing"

(House, grandma comes out..)

Grandma-Riddle: I, Grandma-Riddle, live in this house, run my household, greet guests, and tell you riddles.

Riddles about summer

Grandma gives out the orange color of the Rainbow.

Letter game

Grandma-Riddle : There are letters hidden in my chest, try to find them and make up the word “RAINBOW” from them. Each team looks for letters of its own color. Guys, you are great! You know a lot, here’s a yellow piece of the Rainbow.

4th group

Stage IV. "Ambush of the Nightingale Robber"

Presenter: What is this strange hole? Aren't you afraid, kids?

Children: Nooo!

The Nightingale the Robber jumps out.

Nightingale the Robber: Why look for me, I’m here! Are you scared? I will take you all prisoner!

Presenter: Don’t get excited, robber. We don’t just walk around, we collect pieces of the rainbow in order to cast a spell on it. Let’s better see in a fair fight who is stronger and, if our guys are stronger, give us a piece of the rainbow. Agree?

Nightingale the Robber: Yes, where are you going? Compete with me!

Educator: Try it!

Game "Tug of War"

Nightingale the Robber: Okay, since you are so clever, take a piece of the Rainbow.

Nightingale the Robber gives children the color purple - part of the Rainbow.

5th group

V stage. "Meadow of Marya the Mistress"

Marya the artist: - Hello, dear guests, welcome guests. Where do you take the path?

Presenter: We are going to save Rainbow, who was kidnapped by Baba Yaga, and we are collecting rainbow pieces.

Marya the Artisan: I’ll help you find such a piece, and for this I need helpers.

Children sing a song about Summer or their choice.

Marya the Artisan: Well done! Here's a piece of the rainbow for you. Further you will go, you will find a hint there.

Children find a sign with clues.

All groups take turns...

Stage VI. "Baba Yaga's Hut"

Baba Yaga: Why did you come here? Didn’t you find any more space?

Children: Give us back the rainbow, get all the colors!!! I don’t have time to walk with you. I need to protect the forest. But I can listen to you as soon as I play the game.

Relay race "Who can fly the fastest on a broom"

Baba Yaga: Where is my whistle? Which one of you is ready to play?

2 teams of 5 people.

1st team - Grandmas, 2nd team - Yozhki.

Okay, we completed the task, take my instructions:

Baba Yaga: “If you go to the right, you won’t find the way. If you sneak into the bushes, you won’t be afraid. If you go straight, you will find a rainbow!”

All groups gather on the site one by one. The children walk straight... the leader stops and reads a spell:





(Children repeat. Rainbow (girl) appears to the music.

Rainbow: Finally the Path has come to you - you have found the path. Are you happy to see me? Okay my friends! May joy always be with you, You don’t need to look for it. She always lives with friends. You just need to realize it! And for the fact that you helped me return, I will fulfill one of my most cherished wishes. Draw your wish on the asphalt and it will certainly come true. (children draw pictures on the asphalt.)


Quest plot

The plot of the quest “Summer Vacation” is based on the theme of children's summer holidays. Participants in the quest will have to solve tasks of medium difficulty with various puzzles on a summer theme. The main idea of ​​the summer quest is that ten sunny bunnies approach the child (children), who congratulate them on the summer holidays and offer to play. If all the tasks are solved and the hiding places are found, then the participant(s) will definitely find the treasured gift (surprise) that the sunbeams prepared and hid for them. ◊ Beginning of the quest: We recommend starting the summer quest for children with the child (children) finding the envelope that the sunbeams sent to them. Having opened the envelope, you will find a letter with an appeal in poetic form, as well as the first task. ◊ Text of the letter: Hello, we are summer sunbeams, cheerful and playful storytellers of games. Whenever the children are on holiday, we always go to them to play. So now we came in to play. To lift the cheerful mood. If anyone is able to solve our tasks, he will be able to get that wonderful gift. Our gift lies in a secret hiding place, It is hidden, perhaps in a flower, an iron, a chest. Only the one who finds all the hiding places will take our gift with him. ◊ Completion of the quest: After the guys solve all the tasks and find all the caches, a gift will be waiting for them in the last secret cache and a final letter from the sunbeams with the text: All the caches have been found, the gift has been found! Holidays, holidays, wonderful time, Long live the holidays, hurray, hurray, hurray!

We are looking for treasure

The most popular theme for the quest is “Find the treasure”, I will write a separate article about this “Pirate Quest”.

But in general, you can come up with absolutely any topic.

Perhaps you will be really inspired by a cartoon or movie. Children can look for a magic wand that an absent-minded wizard has lost, for example.

To give children this task, you should read aloud to them (if the children are small) a letter from a wizard who asks for help.

Participants can be divided into teams or played together. Victory in each competition brings the team one point, and at the end of the evening, the points earned can be used to “buy” letters from the host.

From the collected letters, participants will form a word or phrase based on the theme of the entire evening. Either the phrase will indicate the place where treasures are buried or the wizard has lost his wand.

For example: “Look under the stone!”

The tasks might look something like this.

Quest tasks

All tasks in the quest have a colorful design with a summer holiday theme. At the end of each task, hidden places are indicated that lead the participant to a new task. The participant or participants need to move from one location to another and solve fun quest tasks in order to find the very cache in which the gift is hidden. The tasks in the quest are not connected by a common plot, and accordingly, all tasks can be selected and arranged in the necessary and convenient sequence for the quest organizer. Description of the tasks in the quest: Let's go to the beach - a fun task in which participants have to cross out the letters next to things that they will not need on the beach. By putting the remaining letters together and reading them, you can find out where the secret cache is hidden. Solar cipher

— all sunbeams have their own secret writing.
If you decipher it, you can find out where the secret cache is hidden. Summer games - an attentive task in which you need to indicate which game, which ball belongs to. If you do everything correctly, you will immediately know where the secret cache is hidden. Favorite ice cream - a logical task in which you need to choose the right wrapper for each ice cream in the hands of the children. If everything is done correctly, the guys will definitely discover a secret - the location of the next hiding place. Fruits and berries
- an attentive task in which you need to find the correct outline of the sunbeams’ favorite fruit on a miracle tree.
Having done everything right, the guys will definitely find out where the next secret cache is. Sweetness for joy
is a logical task in which participants will have to cross out all the ingredients that were not used when preparing the birthday cake.
From the first letters of the names of such components you need to create a word, which will be the hiding place. Travel map - an observation task in which you need to correctly follow the path on the map in order to find out the next cache. A hike awaits you - a logical task in which you need to find a pair for each presented object. Each such pair will show a key letter. By collecting all the key letters together, it will become known where the secret cache is located. Funny Index - a fun task in which children will need to distinguish individual words from a piece of text typed together, understand the meaning of the riddle and determine where the secret cache is located. Blooming Nature - an attentive task in which you need to help a bee collect nectar from white daisies.
If you pave the way correctly, then such a flight of a bee will definitely tell you where the next secret cache is hidden. You can read reviews about our quests here “Reviews”.

What is a quest

A quest is an intellectual form of active games on the streets of the city and beyond, as Wikipedia tells us.

In general, a quest is a game that includes sports missions and riddles.

It is not necessary to arrange such games on the street. In bad weather, you can organize a quest at home.

If your child doesn’t like to solve riddles, you can offer him a role-playing game.

And the quest can be designed based on a children’s favorite cartoon, for example, if you have the time and desire to tinker with costumes and other paraphernalia.

But children will have fun and interesting even if they are simply offered competitions and puzzles to solve as a team.

I want to give you examples of tasks so that you can choose the ones that are suitable for yourself and how to assemble an entire quest from the designer on any topic that you like.

4 Mission

You will need: empty cans or juice bags, and also balls or cones.

Preparation: arrange empty packages in the form of turrets, and let the kids frolic by shooting at the turrets from a long distance. Whoever knocks down the most cans wins.

You can tie pre-inflated balloons to the fence. If you inflate them very much and then shoot them with a slingshot, for example, the balls will burst noisily. The main thing is not to hit your neighbors.

8 Mission

Preparation: Find riddles in advance on the Internet that are age-appropriate for children. The answers can be clues for the search for treasure.

For example, a treasure can be hidden behind a well, if there is one on the site.

Where the water from year to year does not run or flow, does not sing or gurgle, but always stands like a pillar (Well)

You just have to accompany the children to the well so that they don’t think of diving inside.

You can stick a note with a clue indicating the location of the treasure to a compass and give the children such a riddle.

If you make friends with me – You won’t get lost on a hike (Compass)

Children will find a compass among the various objects offered, and read the clue on the back of it.


There is a back, four legs, Not a dog or a cat (Chair)


The first syllable is a pronoun, the second syllable is a frog singing, Well, the word itself is in nature, whether it grows in the garden or in the vegetable garden (Ty-kva)

You can hide a note in a pumpkin! But this riddle is for school-age children.

And so on, everything is limited by your imagination, budget and location of the games.

1 Mission

You will need: a couple of short pieces of ribbon or twine, a very long rope, a padlock and a key to it. This is a set for one team.

Preparation: wrap (loosely) a long rope around a gazebo or some bushes, tangling the upcoming path well. Using short ribbons, tie the key to one end of a long rope and the lock to the other end so that they can be dragged along the rope towards each other.

One of the participants moves the lock, the other moves the key, somewhere in the middle of the rope they meet and then the lock can be opened. The team that opens the lock first wins.

Instead of a lock, you can use letters cut out of paper if participants are already 6 years old. Only then you will have to come up with a difficult word, so that it is important to collect the letters in order. For example, the word “bayan” is suitable, because when rearranged, you get a completely different word – “bathhouse”.

Or other examples: can - boar, pump - pine, rope - roll, novel - norm, heat - channel. And the presenter will have to write down somewhere in advance which word was guessed, so that later there will be no disputes about this.

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