Quest for children “Treasures of the Magician”. Finding a gift at home. From 11 years old

The great wise magician decided to share a little of his treasures, but they will be rewarded only to those who can solve all his tricky riddles and puzzles, showing their ingenuity.

The quest participants find a box with a balloon. Having burst the balloon, players learn from the message that they have doomed themselves to adventures and trials that they will have to go through in order to get the magician's treasures. Why doomed? Because the secret must certainly be revealed, otherwise they will lose sleep and peace, never knowing what the cunning wizard hid. But our quest passers will definitely get down to business, cope and receive their reward!

What is searching for a gift using notes?

The participant is given (or he finds it himself) a message in which he is invited to participate in the quest, and in the end to find a cache with a gift. To do this, you have to consistently find and solve clues. Hints are cards with problems and various logic puzzles. Each such note encrypts the location of the next clue.

If you find yourself on this page, it means you want to organize a similar quest event for children and give them not just a holiday with eating sweets, but an interesting and fun pastime.

We offer a ready-made quest script for children that can be easily carried out at home.

Quest script for children 10-12 years old – “Supermodel”

To arrange a holiday for girls, you can organize a quest for children 10-12 years old called “Supermodel”. The leader can be a mother or another adult. It is the presenter who will give the young beauties tasks and control their implementation.

What should you prepare for the quest?

  • pencils for makeup for quest participants
  • small shoes, but always with heels
  • a lot of paper to create an outfit
  • scissors, double-sided tape, stapler, glue
  • markers.

Quest for girls - The most fashionable
Quest procedure :

  1. The presenter greets all participants in the quest with these words: “I’m glad to see you here so beautiful and elegant. Today is Alina's holiday. She turns 10 years old. Our congratulations to the birthday girl, we sincerely wish you excellent mood, health, happiness and success! Today all of Alina’s friends will become participants in a wonderful holiday.”
  2. Let's start the quest with preparing for the show. To do this, you will need to apply body painting to your face. The girls are divided into pairs and draw cute pictures on each other’s cheeks. To do this, use pencils (face painting).
  3. Next, you need to prepare to go on the podium, but first the girls are divided into two teams. To avoid any fuss, the presenter helps. Let the girls choose for their team those who are more friends or communicate with whom.
  4. The leader gives one and the other team a pair of high-heeled shoes. The girls will need to take turns walking in these shoes. The task is complicated by the fact that the participants must also walk with books on their heads, and they cannot be supported with their hands.
  5. The next test gets even more difficult. Girls will need to dance to the music only with those body parts that are sung in the song. Moreover, the rest should be motionless (as far as possible). For the competition, you can use songs by the group Disco Accident – ​​Legs, Gezweirdo “Move your hips”, etc.).
  6. Then the girls are given a piece of paper and a pen. The presenter invites them to write about their secret secrets. And this is normal, because in the fashion world there is a lot of gossip and various secrets. The yellow press continually tries to reveal them to the general population. The presenter asks not to sign the leaflets so that they won’t guess who wrote it.
  7. After the girls write their secrets, the presenter will read them out to all participants. The girls must find out whose secret is described on the piece of paper. If they find out, then the participant can admit that they are right; if there is no desire to admit, then they can remain silent.
  8. The next design competition. It’s not for nothing that the quest is called “Supermodel”. The girls are divided into two teams. Each group is given paper, a lot of paper, from which they should make an outfit for the team representative. The paper can be of different colors, corrugated, colored. To fasten the outfit, you can use double-sided tape or a stapler. To make the outfit more original, you can use felt-tip pens to draw a design (print) on a dress or suit, depending on what the girls want to do. The outfit should stick to the model and not fall apart. It cannot be attached to girls' dresses.
  9. When the clothes are ready, you should demonstrate them beautifully to the music. The presenter from each team of girls must describe the designer outfit and advertise it to other girls. Everything needs to be captured in photos and videos.
  10. Next, the presenter will offer to go through “imaginary” stores in pursuit of accessories, with which you will then need to arrange a show.
  11. The girls will take turns approaching the host and picking up bags with accessories. Moreover, do not keep the packages for yourself, but pass them on to the next girl who goes to get the package.
  12. The last participants will have the largest number of accessory packages. The girls' task is to take turns dressing each other up with them blindfolded. Until the accessories decorate each participant in the quest. And no matter how funny they look, participants do not have the right to correct or move the accessory. Despite the fact that they were hung on girls with their eyes closed.
  13. Now all that remains is for the girls to present themselves beautifully in front of the photographer’s cameras on the podium. Each participant must choose her own pose for photographs; improvisations and tips from the presenter and photographer are welcome here.

It remains to pay attention to the birthday girl. The presenter interviews the hero of the occasion. The photographer takes pictures of everything. After the birthday, photographs will be taken and distributed to all participants in the celebration.

Quest Podium of young models

The birthday girl is asked the following questions as questions::

  1. What hairstyles does the girl prefer?
  2. What colors does she like best when creating makeup and clothing?
  3. What are the girl’s future plans, what profession does she want to choose?
  4. Favorite cartoon or movie of the girl?
  5. Which stars does the birthday girl like the most?
  6. What are the girl's favorite subjects at school?
  7. What sports does the hero of the occasion like?
  8. What animal does she like?
  9. What is her favorite food?
  10. What fears does the girl have?

After completing the quest, the girls sit down at the festive table with cake and children's champagne and congratulate the birthday girl.

Here you can see articles on similar topics:

  1. New Year's quest for children;
  2. Quest for teenagers 14-16 years old;
  3. Quests to find gifts;
  4. Quests for children ;
  5. Quest game Burn, Shine Clear.

Characteristics of the "Mage's Treasures" quest

For whom: this quest is suitable as an entertaining activity for guests celebrating, for example, a child’s birthday. Possible for one birthday person, as an unusual gift delivery . You can also do it without any special reason , just have fun. Recommended age is 11-14 years, but it will also be interesting for adults, for example, for a father with children.

Place: in an apartment/private house, since all hiding places according to the scenario are connected with interior items.

Goal: use the clues to find the “magician’s treasure” - a gift or present prepared by the organizer.

Completion time: from 40 minutes (depending on how well the notes are hidden).

Preparation: approximately 60 minutes (you need to read the script, print and cut out the cards, arrange them according to the diagram). It’s better to prepare at least a day before the holiday, since one of the tasks requires you to freeze a note in ice.

Hiding places involved: box, door, book by N.V. Gogol “The Nose” (the set includes a cover), bed or your hiding place, ice (freezer), computer/smartphone, washing machine or your hiding place, window sill or your hiding place, balloons , teapot, also in the final task you will also enter any of your caches suitable for a gift.

Tasks and quest design

All tasks are aimed at logical thinking. There are simple and complex riddles. Of course, it won’t be possible without magic either. During one of the stages, players will become familiar with the unusual chemical properties of orange peel in order to obtain the next clue. This will be a small but interesting experiment. Also, participants will have to decipher the magician’s message on a special website, but for this they will also have to obtain a key - a password.

To complete the quest you will need simple equipment:

  • a box that can hold one balloon
  • several balloons
  • orange
  • book
  • candle (wax)
  • paints and water
  • computer or smartphone with Internet access

Each message is printed on a separate card. There are a total of 10 different interesting tasks in the quest.

  1. At the beginning of the quest, players will find/receive a box with a message.
  2. Next, you need to unravel the phrase - an anagram and guess what it means.
  3. You will have to guess the author’s tricky riddle, which will lead to N.V. Gogol’s book “The Nose”. If you do not have such a book, then the set includes a cover in which you can wrap any suitable book.
  4. Players will find a "blank note" where the writing has yet to be developed.
  5. Next, you need to find the text encrypted by the magician and decrypt it on the specified site, but first you have to find the password.
  6. Solve the riddle that will be revealed from the encrypted text.
  7. Then the orange will help you find the next clue in the “magic stones”.
  8. An interesting task with envelopes , where you have to figure out which envelope contains the clue. If players open the wrong envelope, they will have to follow the wrong path, which will return them to the beginning.
  9. You'll have to solve the magician's puzzle.
  10. The final task is a puzzle .

Description of tasks in the quest

“The First Flower” - an easy task - a text riddle, the answer to which leads to a hiding place. “Princess Jasmine's Helper” is a logical task in which you need to find two identical ones from a certain number of flowers, connect the letters and get a hiding place where a gift can be hidden. “Snow White's Helpers” - a task for attentiveness , each of the seven dwarves suggests the letter of the next hiding place, which must be put into a word. “Mulan's Assistant” is a letter-logical task in which in each group of pictures of objects you need to select a common letter and write it in a separate box, and from the collected letters add a secret word. “Assistant Aurora” - a colorful task for attentiveness, using paint colors, decipher the letters in the picture, and find the encrypted word. “Ariel's Helper” is a fairy-tale crossword puzzle about the cartoon characters about the little mermaid Ariel. “Cinderella's Helper” - magical riddles about the adventures of Cinderella. “Pocahontas's Assistant” is a mathematical task in which you need to find and count butterflies of different types, and after making additional calculations, guess the next location. “Tiana’s Assistant” is a creative task in which you need to find a rhyme among the presented pictures and suggested words. “Rapunzel's Assistant” - a task with a confusing labyrinth, find a way out of it, collecting letters and words along the way. “Princess Belle's Helper” is an attentiveness task in which you need to find a shadow for each presented character from the cartoon “Beauty and the Beast”, connect them with the shadow and add letters with serial numbers, thus finding out the next hiding place. The quest tasks were specially designed for children under 10 years old inclusive.

You can read reviews about our quests here “Reviews”.

Fourth stage

The presenter reads a message from Owl: “Dear participants! I see that you overcome all difficulties with ease and each time you become closer to my treasure. But this task is not so simple. You will have to try hard to get the next clue. I have a secret letter for you to find. But finding it is not enough, you also have to read it. But you can’t read it that easily. To do this, you will need one item that every home has, but which one you need to guess.”

The guys are looking for a secret letter in the refrigerator. When they find it, they must figure out for themselves that they can read it using a mirror. We find a mirror in the apartment and read the riddle. The answer to the riddle is a washing machine, which means the next clue is hidden in it. We go to the washing machine.


First stage

We are preparing an envelope with the text of the first stage. We also print an image of an owl on the printer. You can copy it directly from here, saving it to your computer and printing it out. You also need to print out the hint text from the first stage. Then we glue the picture with the owl onto the cardboard, and on the other side the printed hint. We cut the cardboard and get a finished puzzle, which can be placed in an envelope along with the text of the assignment.

Second phase

For the second stage, we print out the alphabet with decoding of numbers and encrypted words.

Here are the words of the riddle:

And here is the transcript:

We also print the text of the assignment, wrap it all together in a package, and stick it under any chair with tape.

Third stage

For the third stage, you will need a thick bag or several bags in which we will wrap the task so that it does not get wet, because the clue will be in a kettle of water.

We hide pieces of paper with words and numbers in the bag - each one has one word and one number. First you need to think about what the children will count. These could be steps between floors, flower pots on all the windows in the apartment, books on a shelf, etc. Here you need to look at what you have at home that can be counted. We also select several household items or interior items and write their names on pieces of paper with numbers. On a piece of paper with the correct number we write the item in which the next clue is hidden. Let's take a refrigerator as an example.

Fourth stage

We place the printed message from the Owl in a visible place or attach it to the refrigerator with a magnet. We hide a secret letter in the refrigerator. To make it more interesting for children to search, hide it more securely, for example, in a jar of something. Then the participants will have to open all the banks. And yes, after the quest you will have to clean out the refrigerator)

The note hidden in the refrigerator looks like this:

And you can only read it with the help of a mirror, reflecting the text of the note in it. Children must figure this out for themselves.

Fifth stage

For the fifth stage, we prepare four pieces of paper with letters: Ш, К, А, Ф. We hide the letters in different parts of the washing machine - some in the drum, and some in the compartment for washing powder. You can also glue the letter to the back wall or mix it with your laundry.

We also print out the message from the Owl and put it on the typewriter or stick it with tape in a visible place.

Completion of the quest - hide the treasure in the closet. You can choose any closet available in the apartment, just do not hide the treasure deep on the shelf so that the children do not have to turn over the entire contents of the closet, and you will have to put things in order after the holiday.

Third stage

In the teapot, the children find a package with a note from the wise Owl.

The presenter reads a message to the participants:

“Dear children! At this stage, several clues await you at once, but only one of them is correct. The code will tell you which one it is. You will find out the code if you correctly count all the flowers on the windowsills in the apartment (all the steps, all the benches, all the books, etc.)”

Kids count and determine the correct number and the correct clue. If, as in our example, you took a refrigerator, then the children go to the refrigerator.

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