10 tips for an anniversary from a professional host

How best to organize a holiday for the hero of the day

How to celebrate the hero of the day

An anniversary is a holiday that is not celebrated often, and therefore a fairly large number of guests are usually invited to it - friends, relatives, good acquaintances, employees, and so on.
When deciding how to celebrate an anniversary, you should decide in advance how many people will be invited to it, and also select a script for an entertainment program that would be interesting to each of them.

It is important that the hero of the occasion feels comfortable, fully feels the attention of loved ones and good friends, and is sincerely rejoiced and happy on his holiday.

If you have taken on the responsibility of organizing an anniversary, the first thing you should do is choose the place where the event will be held. Depending on the preferences of the birthday person, this could be a classic banquet hall of a traditional restaurant, some establishment in a modern style with an unusual interesting interior, or any other room suitable for holding all kinds of festive events.

When deciding how to organize an anniversary celebration, it is necessary to take into account the age of people who will gather for the celebration, and what entertainment will be most acceptable and interesting for them.

Having chosen a place to celebrate your anniversary, you should carefully consider its design, choosing all kinds of decorative accessories in the appropriate colors - tablecloths, chair covers, vases, napkins, and so on.

How to choose an anniversary celebration program

What else needs to be prepared for the anniversary celebration? When drawing up a celebration program, you need to think through everything down to the smallest detail. Typically, such celebrations include three parts - a solemn, entertaining and festive feast.

Make a guest list in advance, rent a room in a cafe or restaurant. Think over an entertainment program, otherwise the anniversary will turn into an ordinary absorption of food and drinks.

It will be better if you hire a professional host who will entertain the guests throughout the evening. You can invite your friend or relative as the presenter, but it is not a fact that he will successfully cope with this role. If he does not have enough experience, and his congratulations are drawn out and his jokes are inappropriate, then his performance will spoil the impression of the holiday.

When planning how to start celebrating an anniversary and how to meet the hero of the day at the holiday, it is important that everything is ready by the time of his arrival - the tables are set, solemn music is playing, and the gathered guests greet the hero of the occasion with applause.

It is best if the festive event is conducted by a professional presenter. He will be able to amuse any company gathered, regardless of the age and status of the people, with funny jokes, holding competitions, games, and so on. The anniversary celebration program should be eventful so that the guests present at the banquet do not get bored. Feasts, competitions and dance breaks should harmoniously replace each other, and then all participants without exception will have fun and interesting.

In order to harmoniously end the anniversary celebration, you should warn the hero of the occasion in advance that, according to tradition, it is he who must make the final speech at the holiday dedicated to him, thanking all the guests for coming to this celebration.

How not to celebrate an anniversary

How to celebrate and what is the best way not to celebrate an anniversary? What mistakes should you try to avoid when preparing for a festive event?

A very important moment is the beginning of the holiday. It creates the mood for the whole evening, and a lot depends on how thoughtful the actions of the organizers at the beginning of the celebration are.

If many guests are invited to an anniversary, it is naive to expect that they will all arrive on time. However, you shouldn’t wait until everyone has gathered and delay the start of the holiday. Otherwise, other guests will begin to get bored, and invited artists will be forced to shorten their program.

An invited group of animators can entertain those gathered at this time. You can organize small fun competitions and quizzes for guests before the start of the celebration.

Another common mistake is taking the formal part too long. You should not turn your anniversary into a production meeting by giving speeches that are too long and boring.

However, you should not reduce congratulatory speeches to a minimum, otherwise the main purpose of the holiday - honoring the hero of the day - will fade into the background, and the celebration will turn into an ordinary party with feasting and dancing.

When drawing up the program for such a holiday, try to take into account the interests of guests of different age groups. So, you should not arrange a striptease if you have invited children and elderly people to the holiday.

The entertainment program needs to be structured so that for the first 2-2.5 hours it is aimed not only at young people, but also at people of mature age.

At the end of the evening, these people will be tired, and the presenters can turn the main attention to the young people who are ready to party all night long.

What's the best way to celebrate an anniversary?

An anniversary is a round date, therefore it is believed that it must be celebrated in a special way, more magnificent than an ordinary birthday. As a rule, the hero of the day invites a large number of people - relatives, friends and acquaintances - to celebrate this event.

However, regardless of how other people consider it necessary to celebrate the anniversary, a person must decide for himself whether to organize a more magnificent celebration or spend this day only with his closest and dearest people.

If you have an anniversary coming up soon, then it’s best to choose how to celebrate the holiday yourself.

Anyone who likes fun, colorful events will certainly like the idea of ​​gathering all their friends and good acquaintances in some entertainment establishment, where they can relax, enjoy each other’s company, eat, drink and, of course, dance.

However, not everyone considers this option for celebrating an anniversary ideal. Many people would prefer to organize a vacation for themselves, for example, by going on a trip.

Together with your significant other, you can have a great holiday at one of the foreign or domestic resorts. Believe me, such a pastime will be remembered no less than a banquet in a restaurant, and you will most likely receive even more positive emotions than from a traditional holiday.

Traditions of celebrating the anniversary

Perhaps, when trying to decide which option is better to choose, you will be interested in learning about how the anniversary is celebrated in different countries of the world.

The tradition of blowing out candles on a cake is the most famous and popular, and it exists in almost every country.

But, for example, every Chinese person must eat a plate of noodles on the occasion of their birthday. Moreover, the longer its length, the more successful his life will be in subsequent years.

And in Germany, the hero of the day, who turns 30, armed with a broom, sets out to sweep the steps of the city council building, actively encouraged by friends and random passers-by. This “execution” ends only when one of the unfamiliar unmarried women gives the birthday boy a tender kiss.

In Jamaica, it is customary to sprinkle the hero of the day with dust, although flour is usually used as such. Moreover, this needs to be done on the sly in order to take the person by surprise, among other things, amusing all the guests gathered at the holiday.

How to properly prepare an anniversary

1. Preparation for any anniversary begins with a list of guests, because the number of guests will determine other very important things: the room where the celebration will take place; material costs and preparation time. If there are few guests, then the anniversary can be held at home - any housewife can easily host 8-10 people. For larger quantities, you already need a rented room and the help of professionals. 2. Think about the invitation - how you want to design it. If this is a postcard, in addition to the date and time, it is appropriate to indicate the type of event: a family dinner, a themed meeting (for which costumes or some elements will be needed), a buffet table, a party, etc. You can also invite in person or by phone, having discussed all the conditions. It is not customary to invite through a third party.

3. Consider the decoration of the room to create a festive atmosphere: flowers, garlands, balloons with inscriptions, posters, slogans, drawings or photographs of the hero of the day from different years. If you place flowers on the table, make sure that they do not block guests from each other. It is better to place a bowl of fruit or a main dish in the center of the table.

4. Prepare the dishes in advance: you need to clean them, check their integrity and figure out whether there are enough salad bowls, plates, forks and knives for all guests. It is better to prepare special baskets for bread. Don't forget about napkins - fabric and paper, as well as a tablecloth. If the tablecloth is of a discreet color, then you can choose contrasting napkins.

5. Particular attention should be paid to table setting. Arrange the chairs so that the distance between guests is approximately 70 cm. There should be a common salt and pepper shaker on the table. And in front of each guest we place a dinner plate, and on it - a snack bar. We place knives and a spoon to the right of the plate, and a fork to the left. We place glasses, wine glasses and glasses in front of the device, a little to the right. When the appetizer plate is no longer needed, it is removed and the second course is served. Before serving dessert, everything is cleared from the table, only dessert wine and champagne glasses remain, and dessert plates are served.

6. Think over the holiday menu. Consider whether there are vegetarians, meat-eaters, or seafood lovers among the guests, and prepare dishes according to their tastes. This will help you purchase all the necessary products in advance. If you plan to make a lot of cold appetizers and salads, make less hot, and vice versa. Consider the time of year: in hot summer you don’t need a lot of hot and heavy dishes, and in winter fruit salads won’t work.

7. It is very good if games, competitions, lotteries and small game miniatures are prepared for guests. Surely among your loved ones there is a person who loves and knows how to do this. You also need a camera and music for dancing and games in accordance with the tastes of the guests (consider their age).

It would seem that it could be simpler than to compose the text of an invitation to an anniversary or other special event, but how many nuances and subtleties arise!

So, let's start with the appeal:

“Dear (dear, honorable) Ivan Denisovich!”

What if he is not alone? And, for example, with my wife:

“Dear Ivan Denisovich and Marya Petrovna!”

And if you don’t know her and don’t know her name? Oddly enough, most often they write: “Dear Ivan Denisovich and his wife”

And the question arises: is your wife not respected? We advise you to avoid such options in the text of an anniversary invitation. It's better to write it like this:

“Dear Ivan Denisovich! I invite you and your wife..."

What if Ivan Denisovich is not married and has a girlfriend? In this case, in order not to get into trouble, at the end of the invitation in small print you can write:

“The invitation is valid for two persons”


And everything is immediately clear. Let your friend choose with whom it will be pleasant and comfortable for him to spend a festive evening on the occasion of your anniversary.

You can also refuse to contact us at all, and begin the text of the invitation with the words:

"You are invited to..."

, and write the guest’s name on the envelope by hand or on a business card or box if you chose a scroll as an invitation card.

Now let's remember when to write the word “you” with a small letter, and when with a capital letter.

According to the rules of the Russian language, we write “You” with a capital letter if we are addressing one person, and we write “you” with a small letter if we are addressing two or more. Here's a simple rule.

But here it should be noted that the text of the anniversary invitation can be considered as an author’s text, and then even if you write “I invite you...”

(“You” with a capital T), then this will not be a terrible grammatical error.

Let's move on to the main text. It all depends on your style and imagination. For example:

I invite you to the celebration of my 50th anniversary, which will take place (date, time, place, address)...
I invite you to a gala dinner on the occasion of my birthday... We invite you to a gala evening dedicated to the 15th anniversary of our company... We will be glad to see you at celebration in honor of the presentation of the new collection... I will be glad to see you on May 25, 2012 at 18:00 at the Prague restaurant and celebrate the anniversary of my birth with you. I have the honor to invite you to a gala event on the occasion of my anniversary...
In the texts of birthday invitations, sometimes there is such an oddity:
I will be glad to see you at my 35th birthday, which will take place on November 10, 2012 on the shores of the still very warm Mediterranean Sea in Tel Aviv. We meet at 19:00 in the banquet hall of the Dan Tel Aviv Hotel. Dress code: smart casual.
Please note: the direct object after the comma refers specifically to the word “Day”, and not to the word “birth”. And the word “Day” is masculine, so you need to write “which”.

In this example, it is better to remove the words “ which will take place”

“, and the sentence will become more pleasant to the ear:

I will be glad to see you on my 35th birthday on November 10, 2012
on the shores of the still very warm Mediterranean Sea in Tel Aviv. We meet at 19:00 in the banquet hall of the Dan Tel Aviv Hotel.
At the end of the invitation, as a rule, there should be a signature. This also has its pitfalls.

Have you ever wondered why a comma is placed after the words “With respect” in business letters, despite the fact that it is not regulated in any way by the rules of the Russian language? But in business English it is required :). This English comma has become so familiar in Russia over the past 15 years that they are trying to incorporate it into other variants, for example:

“Sincerely yours, Sergey and Irina” “With best wishes, Alexander”


We must not forget that the signature on the invitation is a kind of requisite (stamp, seal), and, of course, in the last two examples (from the point of view of the rules of the Russian language) the comma is superfluous. If you do decide to put a comma in your signature, do it consciously, based on the specific situation. About the period at the end of the signature: There is no period at the end of the signature of an anniversary invitation.

One more addition. If you start the invitation with the words “Dear Ivan Denisovich,” then in the signature it is better not to repeat “With respect” again; you can limit yourself to your first and last name.

Good luck! We hope that you found something useful on this page.

View all anniversary invitations

Sandra Cards

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