What are family holidays: the main dates of each family

A family holiday is a celebration of those closest to you, when relatives gather to celebrate an important event in the life of the family. In a friendly and natural environment, they give each other tenderness and warmth, exchange wishes and memories.

Family holidays strengthen relationships between family members and have a beneficial effect on children’s thinking. There is a connection between generations, the transfer of values ​​and traditions.

The main family holidays in Russia are birthdays (both annual and anniversaries), the birth of a child in the family, Angel's Day (name day), anniversaries of marriage, Mother's Day, Father's Day and housewarming. These days, the family is closer and united than ever.


Birthdays are rightfully considered a family holiday. Man has been celebrating it since the invention of the calendar. The history of the origin of birthday celebrations is lost in the mists of time. The first mentions in Russia date back to the 17th century, when birthdays and name days usually coincided, so the two holidays were not distinguished.

At that time, the celebration traditions were different from today: pies and loaves were baked for the birthday boy, and beer was brewed according to a unique recipe. Parents sang the song “Loaf” to the birthday boy, today it is replaced by “Let them run clumsily” and “Happy birthday to you”. A distinctive feature of birthday celebrations in Russia is to pull the birthday person’s ears as many times as he or she is old.

Often, with age, the attitude towards this holiday changes, but for every person it remains the main event of the year. The hero of the occasion is presented with a cake, on which he must, preferably the first time, blow out all the candles, gifts are given, poems are read in his honor and congratulations are said.

What games can be played in the family circle for the holiday?

Family of 4, family members from 22 to 62 years old.

Games should be interesting, which could interest even a phlegmatic introvert.

How to choose games taking into account interests, if one person likes to do handicrafts, works in a kindergarten, has 4 diplomas in teaching, is silent, reserved and does not have a very good sense of humor.

The other is well versed in technology, a machinist, knows 2 languages, not very active, reserved, but kind and responsive.

The third member of the family is a jack of all trades and a fairly good enthusiast who will accept any idea. He also has a pedagogical education and has a good voice.

And the fourth member of the family is the hero of the occasion, he is also the organizer of the holiday and the host.

Games should be decent, without vulgarity, without context, NOT ambiguous, interesting and easy, accessible to both a person with 4 diplomas and someone whose education is limited to 8 grades.

Everyone will be sober, exhausted from life and tired after a day of work X)

PS. Just don’t say that you can’t have fun when you’re sober!

An interesting organization of a holiday can stir up even an introvert with a phlegmatic temperament (with) life experience.

You described the family in great detail, but you don’t necessarily need to know a person’s interests to lift their spirits. And you are right - alcohol is not needed to have a fun and interesting small family celebration. To begin with, to create the right mood and festive atmosphere, decorate the room where you will celebrate, it is not necessary to do streamers, like at a children's party, but by making a collage of a photo of the hero of the occasion on the entire wall, you will surprise everyone, including yourself. The collage can be in the form of numbers (how old is the culprit) or in the form of some kind of figure (star, heart, circle). Here is an example from the Internet.

A bouquet of inflatable balloons is always a sure-fire “mood lifter”. If you have the desire and opportunity, make a wall newspaper for the culprit with wishes. All this will definitely help you tune family members of different ages to the desired wavelength. When the family sits down at the table, be sure to compose a congratulatory telegram. This is what I made for my husband, you can adjust it as you wish. All those present should name adjectives, the more unexpected these words are, the more interesting, which must be entered in the missing places, and then read aloud what you came up with.

Sitting in front of us is ……………….. Birthday boy (name).

He has only …………advantages – ………………………. there are no shortcomings.

resistance to frosty conditions and……………………………..survival in extreme

situations. And we love him for this heartily and………………….

Today is this…………………winter day. We are your ………………….., ………………….. friends

we came to congratulate you on this ………………… holiday - your birthday. Today you

you are celebrating a rather serious ……………….. date. We wish you ……………….. health,

a large amount of ……………………… money and all the very, very, very ………………. the best.

I don’t think active games are for you, but all kinds of verbal competitions are quite acceptable for a small company. There is a wonderful quiz “Chamomile”. You make a list of questions regarding the culprit, write them on paper pieces cut out in the shape of chamomile petals, and then collect them in the shape of a chamomile. The more questions, the more interesting. Somehow you can put it together.

Come up with 4 tasks (according to the number of people) and place them discreetly under the plates. For example, give a person who sings well the task of performing a song for you. Here only you, knowing everyone present, will be able to choose the right task for everyone, tips can always be found on the Internet, there are many options for games of desire. For example, saying a Georgian toast with an accent, it’s funny to take a photo with some kind of grimace. Be sure to prepare 4 prizes: adults are children too, everyone will be pleased. This could be a cap, a clown nose, a mustache and funny glasses. And then take a photo together in these attributes. By the way, take pictures of your little holiday, then it will be interesting to look through the photos.

In fact, there are many competitions, even passive ones, only you can decide which ones are suitable for your small company. Here you can get a lot of ideas for your holiday.


An anniversary is the celebration of any round date, but the fiftieth anniversary is considered the most significant.

It is usually celebrated on a larger scale than an ordinary birthday. Large numbers of guests are invited, more expensive memorable gifts are given, and solemn congratulations are heard.

The anniversary is marked by summing up the results, evaluating past years, when the most important changes and significant events in the life of the birthday person are remembered.

Birth of a child

The birth of a child in a family is a great joy, excitement and trouble in the life of a family.

In pre-Petrine Russia, childbirth was usually carried out in a bathhouse, as in the cleanest place, and a midwife helped a woman give birth. At this time, relatives unwound all the bundles, opened the lids of chests, and, if the weather was suitable, doors and windows: it was believed that this would make the birth easier. Only under Peter I did royalty and wealthy nobles begin to seek the help of foreign doctors.

Today it is customary to grandly welcome mother and baby at the walls of the maternity hospital, take them to a house decorated with flowers, balloons and ribbons and washed to a shine, and arrange a small feast with those closest to them. A little person does not need noise, the atmosphere at home should be quiet and calm, and in a few months, when the baby grows up and gets stronger, you can arrange a magnificent celebration.

The child was baptized on the eighth or fortieth day after birth. Even now, many parents adhere to the belief that in the first forty days of the baby’s life, as few people as possible should see him.

Family competitions by sections:

Active competitions

Obstacle course

This is the most common type of relay race. A new participant begins passing the lane only after the previous one returns, so a family team can have 2, 4, 7 participants.

Prepare sports cones, think over a bright rope maze (a textile garland with flags is stretched at waist level between posts or trees), and draw a chalk path for the participant to follow. Let the obstacle course alternate between simple and difficult tasks so that children and adults can feel their contribution to the victory. From any point (tasks are listed below) you can make a separate relay race or “glue it together” into one obstacle course.

• ride between the cones on a children's scooter • crawl under low-tensioned ropes • hit rings in a ring throw • throw balls into a toy basket • tie short pieces of rope into a long rope (ropes are collected from the team during the relay race, tied together in the final, those who win who completed the task faster, whose rope is longer) • knock down water bottles with water bombs or sandbags • jump a section of the path like in the game “Hopscotch” along the marked squares • collect soft toys in a bag • run with three balls in your hands • overcome the “swamp” ", jumping from one drawn hummock to another • transfer as much water as possible using disposable cups and carefully pour into a bottle with a narrow neck • simply run a short distance one by one, each time getting a piece of the puzzle (wooden, for example), then collect everything. It happens that a family runs the fastest, but thinks the longest, so the excitement continues until the end.

You can make an obstacle course specifically based on the theme of family.

• change the baby doll's diaper (take off the old one and put on a new one); • pack your school bag for school and your mother’s bag for work, quickly and correctly distributing school supplies and cosmetics, a wallet, an umbrella for your mother’s bag; • do a math task (three examples of subtracting three-digit numbers in a column at speed); • “cook” lunch - correctly arrange cards with ingredients for borscht, pilaf and charlotte with apples); • “go to work” and make up three maximally long words there, which are made up of the letters of all the names of your family (only the names of the relay participants are taken into account). I remember that the winner was the team with the words “love” (my mother’s name was Lyubov), “hope” (my daughter’s entire name), and “faith” came from the names of father and son (Vladimir and Alexander); • collect a bunch of keys to get home (each family member runs several meters for one key); • quickly go through the drawn labyrinth with a train, return “home” and slam the spring firecracker.

Family stand-up

This is a performance by family comedians. It is carried out if you do not have very many teams and have sound equipment.

The competition consists of two stages:

  1. It’s artistic to read one bad piece of advice from G. Oster from his famous book, there’s a lot there about mom, dad, grandma, grandpa
  2. Come up with your own bad family advice and voice it from the stage

It is difficult to hold such a competition spontaneously; it is better to give time for preparation the day before the event. You can entrust a small family member with voicing your personal harmful advice; their childish charm helps them win.

If your mother caught you doing what you love, For example, drawing in the hallway on the wallpaper, Explain to her that this is your surprise for the Eighth of March. The painting is called: “Portrait of Dear Mommy.”

Performing Arts

A small concert (aka competition) is held in parallel with some creative task (for example, during a culinary battle or during the creation of an art object).

• solo singing, family duet, trio, quartet • playing musical instruments • drum show (anything can be used as percussion instruments here) • acrobatic act • karaoke competition • musical parody • comic tricks

Dance battles or flash mobs

Flash mobs are usually prepared in advance. For a family event, just send a link to the musical composition to which you plan to hold a flash mob. Invite each family to learn a short sequence of simple movements that will need to be performed in a circle when the music starts. The show is impressive! Music begins to sound, one family comes to the center of the site and begins a harmonious dance. Then other families join. Everyone dances their own moves, but it still turns out fun and unusual.

For a dance battle, ask to prepare identical accessories or costume elements so that the family looks like a team. Everyone is wearing the same bandanas, or everyone is wearing jeans and white T-shirts, everyone is wearing vests, everyone is wearing sunglasses, everyone is wearing bright scarves, everyone is wearing bright hats, everyone is wearing pom-poms like cheerleaders, etc. Include short musical fragments so that the teams do not get tired, change genres and immediately mark the most active and artistic ones. You can have a knockout: “Teams number 3, 6 and 8 advance to the next round”, so that in the final you can watch only the most fun ones.

Creation of family art objects

This could be one giant paint-by-numbers book for the whole family. Apply thematic drawings with closed contours to sheets of whatman paper in advance and invite families to quickly and beautifully color their pictures. If you immediately think about the frames for decorating your work, in a few minutes the participants will create an impressive exhibition gallery.

During the winter holidays we make custom snowmen, and sand figures by the sea. Funny figures are made from balloons of different shapes (we use double-sided tape for connection).

Please turn plain cardboard plates and glasses into a family set (painted with paints or felt-tip pens). The masterpiece must be given a name and presented to the jury.

You can also hold a family drawing competition on the asphalt and offer to paint a cardboard dream house (blanks are sold about 1 meter high).

The creation of an art object should take no more than 15 minutes, during which time 2-3 participants from different teams can perform on stage with solo numbers.

Intellectual tournament

One team - one table. A family can consist of two or 10 people; for a quiz, the number of participants can be any. Select logic questions, humorous tasks, alternate simple and complex rounds so that players can play at speed.

The questions can be taken from my children's and family quiz.

Theater (acting) competitions

It is best to organize something similar to the Crocodile game with family words. One family member must explain the hidden words to all the other members of his team with just movements. “Alarm clock”, “hot porridge”, “toothbrush”, “late”, “garbage”, “mobile phone”, “teacher”, “principal”, “parent meeting”, “candy”, “salary”, “cinema” ", "fireworks", etc.

You can also arrange a comic fashion show, turning into a family of our little brothers. Teams must walk along the catwalk (from one side of the stage to the other) as a family of hedgehogs, penguins, chimpanzees, hippos, cats, jerboas, snakes, herons, owls, butterflies, etc. Some people do it very similar and very funny.


The competition can be held if it is possible to watch the teams’ work on a big screen. The best thing to do is create a hashtag and ask to post pictures with this hashtag so that all photos can be quickly compared.

Ask them to take 9 humorous portraits of your family members (it’s the last 9 pictures that look good on Instagram). Let them come up with the plots themselves: “Sleepy kingdom”, “One ice cream for everyone”, “Move away, this is my mother”, “Riding on dad”, “We shared an orange”, “You and I are of the same blood”, etc.

If the event is prepared in advance, you can approach the competition more thoroughly. A family presentation or video of the team is prepared in advance as a calling card before the start of the competition program. Let it be a spectacular bid for victory lasting no more than two minutes.

Culinary battle

If you're having a small event where teams can prepare and present family favorites, that's ideal. At the end of the holiday, they will eat it all themselves. Nominations: pie or pies with salty filling, favorite drink, ideal cookies.

If the competition is held without preparation, offer the same composition of ingredients for making original sandwiches: sliced ​​bread, two types of sausage, two types of cheese, butter, mustard, lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, parsley. Cover tables with tablecloths, offer disposable gloves, aprons, large trays for prepared sandwiches, cutting boards, and knives.

The jury evaluates the speed and impressive appearance of the finished snacks.

Participants of the holiday can have a snack during the break with their own sandwiches. Comfortable)).

Family photo zone

Now there are ready-made figured foil balloons of huge size. A small package sells a huge shark, ship, elephant, minion, etc. (length 90-100 cm). You can inflate such figures with regular air using a hand-held balloon pump.

Fast and effective results! We ask each team to inflate a figurine and run with it to the common photo zone. In just 5-7 minutes you will gather all the teams in place, and even with bright inflatable characters in your hands. A photo zone that the competition participants create on their own. Figures can be given to event participants as a gift for participation.


If there are a lot of participants at your event, you can hold a colorful parade of soap bubbles. Those same foil figures can also become participants in such a parade. If families were preparing looks for a dance competition, all those ties, hats, glasses and bandanas will come in handy for the holiday parade. All this is fun, bright and very photogenic)).

Proposal for organizing a family holiday

If you are planning a family holiday in Moscow or the Moscow region, we can organize a spectacular event on any scale.

  • decoration with balloons
  • photo zones (banners, flower photo zones, paper decor, foam figures)
  • play areas with animators, life-size puppets, stilt walkers, living statues, mimes and fieks
  • creative master classes
  • face painting
  • sweet stations (cotton candy, popcorn, lemonade)
  • locations for quests
  • sound equipment and sound engineer
  • presenter for family competitions or quiz
  • performance by artists, show numbers
  • interactive shows with the participation of children and adults
  • petting zoo
  • photography
  • special effects

Contact me in any convenient way, tell me the date of the event, the estimated number of participants, the duration of the holiday, and the features of the site. Experienced organizers will offer an interesting family program.

Holiday again Contact person: Irina Panasyan (Moscow) Write to me Call (Moscow)

Name day or angel day

Angel's Day or a person's name day is the day of remembrance of the saint whose name was given to him at baptism.

Previously, in the Orthodox world, a child’s name was chosen strictly according to the Saints, taking into account the day of which saint the church celebrates. Today, not many parents adhere to this tradition and choose names for their children in accordance with their tastes.

In Rus', on a person’s name day, they organized a magnificent celebration and invited guests. In the morning he attended church, ordered a prayer service in honor of his health, prayed and bowed before the icon of his patron. Relatives baked loaves and pies for the birthday boy; there was no tradition of blowing out candles then. The godparents of the birthday boy were considered the most honored guests of the day.

In Soviet Russia, it was not customary to celebrate name days due to the Christian orientation of the holiday and, gradually, it lost its former significance.

Formats and themes of family corporate events

I wrote in detail about event formats here, I will list the most suitable ones for Family day:

• family sports day • fair • picnic • festival • carnival • competition • film festival • concert • culinary battle • art party

Examples of thematic events (the theme overlaps with any of the formats listed above): “Around the World”, “Around Laughter”, “Circus”, “Back to the Future” or a historical reconstruction of a certain period, “Pirate Day”, fantasy, holiday based on books and films, “We are just space”, “The color of mood”, “Fans of healthy lifestyle”, environmental holiday, “Ray of light”, “Professions Day”.

Wedding anniversary

Marriage anniversaries in Russia began to be celebrated at the end of the century before last, but they gained current popularity in the 80s of the twentieth century, when registry offices began to honor married couples who had lived instead of 25, 50 and 65 years. Today, if you wish, you can order a similar ceremony in any Russian Wedding Palace.

Usually, each anniversary of marriage has its own name: so the first anniversary is “calico” and symbolizes the fragility of the relationship in the first year of marriage. The fifth anniversary is called a “wooden wedding” and means that the family has become strong, like a solid log house.

On wedding anniversaries, gifts are given in accordance with the symbol of the celebration; for example, on the third anniversary of family life, it is customary to give leather items, and on the ninth anniversary, a “faience wedding,” crystal items and earthenware.

Ten years of marriage, “silver” and “golden” weddings, twenty-five and fifty years of marriage, respectively, are celebrated on the greatest scale. Guests who were present at the celebration on the wedding day are invited, sometimes the original ceremony is repeated exactly.

Family day

The Day of Family, Love and Loyalty was established as a Russian national holiday in 2008 and is celebrated on July 8th. On this day it is customary to remember the patrons of the marriage, Orthodox saints Peter and Fevronia.

Celebrating this holiday, spouses give each other gifts and gather at the festive table with their family. Large celebrations are held in cities, honoring couples who have been married for more than 25 years and large families. It is believed that a marriage entered into on this day will be long lasting.

The symbol of the young holiday is chamomile; since ancient times it has signified love. Every year the popularity of this necessary holiday is growing as an occasion to get together once again and, sitting at a large table, give each other words of love and tenderness.

Mothers Day

Since 1998, Mother's Day has been celebrated in Russia on the last Sunday of November. On this day, in many families, husbands and children take care of all the chores around the house, surrounding their mother with care and warmth.

Children living separately come to their home. Flowers and greeting cards are given, during the day the family can go to a congratulatory event in their city, and in the evening end a pleasant day with their closest loved ones.

Mother is the basis of everything. In difficult times, every person needs the support of their mother, so it is important to make at least one day a year unforgettable for her. On this day, it is customary to congratulate not only your mothers, but also grandmothers, mothers you know and pregnant women.

Father's Day

Father's Day is not yet celebrated as an official holiday in Russia, although there are prerequisites for this. In 2014, it was celebrated on June 15. Some people combine this day with February 23rd. The father plays a huge role in the lives of children; male influence is an integral part of the educational process of every child.

They give the father drawings and postcards, men's gifts. Some try to be sure to go to football. Pies are baked, festive dishes are prepared: a small feast is arranged for the closest circle, where the head of the family listens to kind words addressed to him.

Where to spend Family day

Experienced organizers can share their experience of holding such a holiday at a variety of venues.

We conditionally divide into groups:

  • office premises: meeting rooms, dining room, open area next to the office, foyer, showrooms;
  • rental of sites with ready-made attractions: trampoline center, water park, karting, entertainment center, skating rink, equestrian club, rope park, interactive museum, etc.
  • outdoors (park area, recreation center, park hotel, etc.)
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