Children's riddles with answers for Halloween 2021

What would a Halloween holiday be without a party and various competitions? And, of course, the basis of all competitions are riddles that excite the imagination and make the brain work. Halloween riddles that AnyDayLife shares with you will help you add variety to the party. Both adults and children love riddles. Easy and complex, tricky and scary - all this will be useful for a party. When choosing riddles for a Halloween party, you need to focus on the audience

, for which you are holding a competition, and also choose a submission format. You can cheer everyone up with the help of humorous simple riddles. Or maybe you want to do some real brainstorming? Then the riddles should be more difficult. We have collected for you the most interesting, fun and scary Halloween riddles that will be useful for your holiday.

Fun Halloween Riddles

These riddles can be used for Halloween celebrations, when you want to cheer up everyone gathered.

and prepare for the next equally fun competitions.

The old lady has a hut. The hut has legs. And everyone always leads to that hut. That old lady is very angry and flies around in a mortar. She has a broom in her hand. “Ugh, I’ll boil you in soup!” (Baba Yaga) *** She prepares potions, casts spells and harms. For a housewarming party with friends, he flies on a broomstick. And she is terrible in appearance, and dangerous for everyone. I think you probably didn’t recognize Her! (witch) She has golden skin, And also a very scary face, It is round, like a ball, And it glows like a lantern. (pumpkin) *** It's ugly and huge. My hands feel like they're gone. His mind is dark like soot. This is a terrible... (goblin) *** He looks for a victim at night, To enjoy the blood. Can become a bat. Only he's afraid of garlic! (vampire) *** It is dressed in white and translucent. In general, it is a completely nondescript creature. But when he appears in a cold castle at night, the one who sees it urgently needs a doctor! (ghost)

Gogol's head

However, Lidin’s wild imagination was not limited to this episode. A more terrible story followed - it turns out that when the coffin was opened, the skeleton did not have a skull at all. Where could he have gone? This new invention of Lidin gave rise to new hypotheses. They remembered that in 1908, when a heavy stone was installed on the grave, it was necessary to build a brick crypt over the coffin to strengthen the base. It was suggested that it was then that the writer’s skull could have been stolen. It was suggested that he was stolen at the request of a fanatic of the Russian theater, merchant Alexei Alexandrovich Bakhrushin. It was rumored that he already had the skull of the great Russian actor Shchepkin...

Riddles with multiple answers

We offer you another idea for using riddles for Halloween. This time all riddles will have multiple answer options.

, which is very convenient in cases where you need to force everyone gathered to think a little. All the riddles are themed and perfect for Halloween. The correct answer options are in italics.

How to protect yourself from evil spirits on Halloween night? Possible answers: spit over your left shoulder, dress in masks, whisper spells, walk with a flashlight on.


Halloween is celebrated in a very interesting way in Mexico. Family altars are built in homes and decorated with photographs of deceased relatives. Their photographs are decorated with flowers, and their souls are “treated”... Answer options: beer and chocolates, tequila and lemons, lemonade and nuts, champagne and pineapples.


Earlier on the night of Halloween, the girls made fortunes. What was a bad omen? Answer options: broken glass, fallen chair, spilled water, fallen candlestick.


According to one legend, the drunkard Jack managed to deceive the devil. After his death, Jack was kicked out of hell, but he was not taken to heaven for his sins. Now Jack is doomed to wander in darkness forever. What does he have to do to light his way? Answer options: lamp, cinder, torch, coal.


What is another name for Halloween? Answer options: night of forest spirits, night of floating apples, night of magic, night of the evil pumpkin.


What is not customary to do on Halloween? Answer options: laugh, cry, swear, be offended.

Gogol's head and ghost train

They say that Gogol's head was decorated with Bakhrushin's silver laurel crown and placed in a glazed rosewood case, lined with black morocco on the inside. According to the same legend, the great-nephew of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol, Yanovsky, a lieutenant in the Russian Imperial Navy, upon learning about this, threatened Bakhrushin and took his head. Allegedly, the young officer wanted to take the skull to Italy (to the country that Gogol considered his second homeland), but he could not complete this mission himself and entrusted it to an Italian captain. So the writer’s head ended up in Italy. But this is not the end of this incredible story. The captain's younger brother, a student at the University of Rome, went with a group of friends on a pleasure railway trip; deciding to play a prank on his friends by opening a box containing a skull in the Channel Tunnel. They say that the moment the lid was opened, the train disappeared... Legend has it that the ghost train did not disappear forever. Allegedly, he is sometimes seen somewhere in Italy...or in Zaporozhye...

Well, very scary and terrible unsolvable riddles. It is recommended to read it in the dead of night, even better in a warehouse, and ask nearby passers-by to howl gloomily and periodically joyfully ask for a light. Particularly extreme people are recommended to devour a tablet or two of purgena, then to brag to others - they say, it’s out of fear.

10th place. Coal poltergeist

January 1921

When purchasing coal for his fireplace in winter, Mr. Frost from Hornsey (London) had no idea how dangerous this purchase was and how much trouble coal, which seemed ordinary at first glance, could bring. After the first portion of solid fuel was sent into the fireplace, it immediately became obvious that it was somehow “wrong”. Hot coal pebbles exploded in the furnace, thereby destroying the protective grate and rolling out onto the floor, after which they disappeared from sight and appeared only in the form of bright sparks in another room. The matter did not end there. The Frost family began to notice strange things in their house; knives and forks were floating through the air, as if they were in outer space. The unusual and frightening phenomenon was witnessed by Reverend Al Gardiner and Dr. Herbert Lemerle.

There were several versions regarding the devilry happening in the Frost house. Skeptics attributed all the blame to the sons, who allegedly decided to play a prank on their parents. Others were sure that these were the tricks of miners who mixed dynamite with coal (this version was later verified and refuted). Still others believed that the raging spirit of the dead miners, resting in the coal and disturbed by the Frosts, was to blame.

The latest news available about the Frosts is disappointing. On April 1 of the same year, five-year-old Muriel Frost died, allegedly from fright at seeing a poltergeist. Her brother Gordon was so shocked by his sister's death that he was hospitalized with a nervous breakdown. The further fate of the family is shrouded in mystery...

9th place. Rain of seeds

February 1979

The coal incident is not the only curiosity in England. For example, in 1979 it rained seeds in Southampton. Seeds of watercress, mustard, corn, peas and beans fell straight from the sky, covered with an incomprehensible jelly-like shell. Amazed by what he saw, Roland Moody, who was in his home mini-conservatory with a glass roof, ran out into the street to get a better look at what was happening. There he met his neighbor Mrs. Stockley, who said that this was not the first time that something like this had happened last year. As a result of the seed rain, Moody's entire garden, as well as the gardens of his three neighbors, were covered with seeds. The police were unable to find out what was causing the strange atmospheric phenomenon.

The unusual rain repeated several more times, after which it did not occur again. Mr. Moody alone collected 8 buckets of watercress on his property, not counting the seeds of other plants. He later grew them into watercress and claimed that it tasted excellent.

One of the episodes of the series “The Mysterious World” by Arthur C. Clarke, aired in 1980, is dedicated to this incident. There is still no adequate opinion regarding the strange rain.

8th place. The mysterious death of Netta Fornario

November 1929

The main character of the next strange story is Nora Emily Edita “Netta” Fornario, a writer who considered herself a healer, a resident of London. In August or September 1929, she left London and went to Iona, an island off the west coast of Scotland, where she died under mysterious circumstances. Among the versions of her death are mental murder, heart failure, and the action of hostile spirits.

Arriving on Iona, Netta began exploring the island. She traveled during the day, and at night she looked for traces of the spirits of the island, with whom she tried in every possible way to contact. Her search lasted for several weeks, after which, from November 17, her behavior changed dramatically. Netta hastily packed her things and intended to head back to London. She told her friend, Mrs. McRae, that she had been telepathically wounded after receiving messages from other worlds. It happened at night, so Mrs. McRae, apparently looking at the healer’s luxurious silver jewelry and fearing for her health, persuaded her to hit the road in the morning.

The next day Netta went missing. Her body was later found on a “fairy mound” near Loch Staonaig. The corpse lay on a cross made of turf, was completely naked under a black cloak, covered with scratches and abrasions. There was a knife nearby. The legs were beaten and bloody as a result of running over rough terrain. It is unknown whether Netta was killed by a maniac, died from hypothermia or by an absurd accident. Discussions on this matter have not yet ended.

7th place. Fireman poltergeist

April 1941

After finishing breakfast, farmer William Hackler, a resident of Indiana (USA), went outside to get some fresh air. After leaving the house, he felt that his clothes smelled of smoke. Without paying much attention to this, he went to the barn. A few minutes later he returned back to the house, where we discovered a fire in the bedroom (the house was without electricity) - the walls were burning. The local fire brigade quickly arrived on the scene and put out the fire. But this was only the beginning of a difficult day for the Hacklers...

Immediately after the fire truck left, a mattress in the guest room caught fire. The source of the fire was located directly inside the mattress. Fires occurred in various places (including under the cover of the book) and rooms throughout the day. By evening, the number of fires extinguished reached 28. Having played enough, the fiery poltergeist no longer bothered Mr. Hackler and his family. They, in turn, demolished the old wooden house and built a new one in its place, made of non-combustible lumber.

6th place. Third Eye

November 1949

Students from one of the universities of South Carolina in the city of Columbia (USA) were returning from the theater on Longstreet late at night. At one point, they froze in place, colliding with a strange man in a silver suit, who then moved the cover of the nearest hatch and disappeared into the sewer. From that moment on, the strange man received the nickname “sewer man.” A little later, this “character” again made his existence known, but in a more terrible incident. In April 1950, in one of the alleys, a policeman noticed a man near a pile of mutilated chicken carcasses. It happened in the dark, the policeman pointed a flashlight in the direction of an incomprehensible object, and was stunned when he saw a man with three eyes. The third eye was located right in the center of the forehead. While the policeman came to his senses and called for reinforcements on the radio, the mysterious creature disappeared from sight.

The third meeting with the “sewer man” took place in the 60s in the tunnels under one of the universities. Afterwards, the tunnels were carefully examined, but no clear evidence of the existence of a three-eyed man was found. Who or what is he? Human? Ghost? Alien? Nobody knows, but random meetings continued until the early 90s.

5th place. Connecticut stiletto

February 1925

For months, women from Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA have been intimidated by a “phantom stiletto” that strikes the chest and buttocks and then disappears in an unknown direction. The victims of an unknown, but very real criminal, were 26 individuals, whose bodies felt all the pain and torment from the powerful blows of a sharp weapon.

The attacker did not adhere to a specific type of victim; women were chosen spontaneously and by chance. While the victim screamed in pain and came to, the criminal quickly ran away, not allowing himself to be identified. Police investigations led nowhere; the identity of the “stiletto torturer” was never identified. In the summer of 1928, the attacks changed dramatically and were never repeated. Who knows, maybe the maniac got old and began to suffer from artosis...

4th place. Electric girl

January 1846

Do you think people "X" are fiction? You're wrong, some of the characters are very real. At least one. A fourteen-year-old resident of La Perriere in Normandy began to frighten her comrades with unusual abilities: when people approached her, they received an electric shock, chairs moved away when she tried to sit down, some objects flew into the air as if they were light and weightless floats. Angelina later received the nickname “electric girl.”

Not only those around her, but also the girl herself suffered from the unusual abilities of her body. She was often tormented by convulsions. In addition, by attracting various objects to herself, Angelina received painful injuries. The parents considered their daughter possessed by the devil and took her to church, but the priest convinced the unfortunate people that the reason for their child’s abnormality lay not in spirituality, but in physical characteristics.

After listening to the abbot, the parents took their daughter to the scientists in Paris. After examination, the famous physicist Francois Arago concluded that the girl’s unusual qualities are associated with electromagnetism. Scientists offered Angie participation in research and tests that were supposed to make her normal. In April 1846, a few months after the start of the program, the “electric girl” said goodbye to her amazing abilities forever.

3rd place. Another fire poltergeist

January 1932

Housewife Mrs. Charlie Williamson from Blandenboro (North Carolina, USA) was terrified when her calico dress burst into flames for inexplicable reasons. At this point, she was not standing near a fireplace, stove or other heat source, and she was not smoking or using any flammable substances. Luckily, her husband and teenage daughter were at home and ripped off her flaming dress before it caused burns to the unfortunate woman.

Mrs. Williamson's adventures did not end there. That same day, the trousers in her closet burned to the ground. The ordeal by fire continued the next day, when in the presence of witnesses, for unknown reasons, the bed and curtains in another room caught fire. The spontaneous combustion continued for three days, after which the Williamsons surrendered to the unknown elements and left the house. The home was inspected by firefighters and police, but no cause was identified. On the fifth day, the fires stopped on their own and no longer disturbed the owners of the house. Fortunately, no one was hurt by the fire.

2nd place. Blind reading

January 1960

Let us immediately note that we are not talking about blind people who learned to read special books by moving their fingers along the bulges on paper, but about a completely ordinary girl, sighted and healthy. Margaret Fus's uniqueness was that she could read ordinary books blindfolded. Her father called this phenomenon psychic vision through the skin. He himself taught his daughter this incredible skill and hastened to prove the uniqueness of the method to scientists.

In 1960, Mr. Foos arrived with his daughter in Washington DC to participate in scientific research. During the experiment, psychiatrists put “foolproof protection” over Margaret’s eyes—a tight bandage. For the purity of the experience, the father was taken to the next room. Blindfolded, using only her fingers, the girl was able to read the pages of the Bible, kindly provided by scientists. After that, she was asked to play checkers and recognize different pictures, which Margaret successfully completed.

Despite the fact that the girl managed to pass all the tests, psychiatrists could not explain how she managed to do this. They insisted on their own, arguing that it was impossible to see without eyes, that what was happening was a deception.

1st place. Ghost Sniper


For two years, a mysterious "ghost sniper" terrorized the residents of Camden, New Jersey. The first incident occurred in November 1927, when Albert Woodruff's car was fired upon. The car windows were riddled with bullets, but the investigation did not yield any results - not a single cartridge case was found at the scene. Later, two city buses, house windows and storefronts were damaged by mysterious shelling. As in the first case, the perpetrators and the shell casings were not found. The good news is that no one was harmed by the actions of a ghost or a real criminal.

The mysterious sniper was active not only in Camden; residents of the cities of Lindenwood and Collingswood in New Jersey, as well as Philadelphia and Pennsylvania suffered from his tricks. Most often, the victims were private cars and urban transport (buses, trolleybuses), and residential buildings. In only one of many cases, the witness heard shots, but saw nothing and no one.

The attacks stopped abruptly in 1928. Later, people suffered only from abnormal imitators who wanted to act as the famous “ghost sniper.”

What else did Gogol burn?

The first work to turn into ashes was a poem in the spirit of the German romantic school “Hans Küchelgarten”. The pseudonym V. Alov saved Gogol’s name from the criticism that fell, but the author himself took the failure very hard: he bought all the unsold copies of the book in stores and burned them. Until the end of his life, the writer never admitted to anyone that Alov was his pseudonym.

On the night of February 12, 1852, an event occurred, the circumstances of which still remain a mystery to biographers. Nikolai Gogol prayed until three o'clock, after which he took his briefcase, took out several papers from it, and ordered the rest to be thrown into the fire. Having crossed himself, he returned to bed and cried uncontrollably. It is believed that that night he burned the second volume of Dead Souls. However, later the manuscript of the second volume was found among his books. It is still unclear what was burned in the fireplace.

competition - “Transfuse Blood” (captains competition)

For this competition you will need to prepare a red drink (tomato or cherry juice), pipettes and glasses. The task is to pour the drink from one glass to another using a pipette. The captain who completes the task faster will become the winner.

Blow the ghost

This time, players from two teams will have to deal with ghosts, though not real ones, but cut out of thin papyrus paper. The leaders of the two teams begin the competition, with ghosts lying on the table in front of each of them. You need to move ghosts by blowing on them. The ghosts seem to be flying, driven by the breeze. The team that completes the task faster wins.

Skeleton Fun

Players from two teams are given the task of assembling a skeleton from “bones” that were previously cut out of thick cardboard. The team that completes the task faster wins.

Uniquely funny, but slightly creepy riddles about Halloween will easily lift the spirits of all participants in the unusual celebration. Let them, along with hollow luminous pumpkins and frightening costumes, become another attribute of the ancient holiday! Let the Halloween spirits be scared not only by the sight of hollow pumpkins with candles, but also by the loud laughter of your friends and family!

Symbol of the night, symbol of evil, She sleeps upside down! Bat

Of course, you can’t celebrate Halloween without me, Horror, fear, darkness of the night, There’s a full... moon

To celebrate Halloween, You need to catch up with horror, There are bruises under the eyes, And fangs

Walks around in a pointed hat, terrifies children, brews potions in a cast iron pot, and flies in the dark! Witch

The goblin, the devil, Baba Yaga, A very friendly family, And the kikimora and the mermaid, They play tag every day! There is also a merman, He is so friendly, The ghost is always with him, Sings songs until the morning! How can we call them all together, so as not to list them? Evil spirits

He lives with a witch in the house, He is a lazy, black... cat

In the forest, in her hut, there lives one old woman, she flies on a broomstick, and scares the children. Baba Yaga

Children are looking forward to this holiday, They are given candy, And mothers are sewing costumes, They are creating a candle from a pumpkin! Halloween

Masks and costumes, Sweets and happiness, Here is the autumn holiday, Sparkles, joy, dancing!

Everyone today is evil spirits, They will praise you, This holiday is necessary, You need to guess! Halloween

Night vampire - Eyes, fangs, Only on Halloween you are not scary. Bat

The eyes of the bat are burning, A quiet grinding sound is heard in the house. Halloween has come home, it's time to celebrate. There are candles, cobwebs, darkness, But only me is missing. Pumpkin

An unusual lantern is lit, And it will protect from evil spirits, It can be easily made, You just need to buy the right vegetable! pumpkin lantern

A beauty lives in the depths, Sings sonorous songs, Swims superbly, deftly, Who can name it? Mermaid

Fear, vampires, horror, horror, I can't sleep tonight. Pumpkin red eyes I won’t forget until the morning. I don’t like this holiday, what am I talking about now? about Halloween, Halloween

I say hello to fear, I bring a pumpkin from the field to the house. Let her eyes shine, What holiday am I having? Halloween

Halloween has come to our homes, it’s time for us to start the holiday. She stands in the dark, a head

He flies in a mortar, lives in the forest, scares the kids, who can guess? Baba Yaga

The pumpkin's eyes are burning brightly, Candles, night and very hot, Vampires, blood, adrenaline Comes to visit... Halloween

This is a foreign holiday, but it has long been familiar to all of us. The pumpkin has red eyes, horror, night and silence. Halloween

Masks, costumes and sparkles, They will dance here today, Everyone will have fun today, It’s time for you to guess the holiday! Halloween

Such a night is coming, Horror, fear in all of us, Candles, zombies, horror and darkness, The pumpkin's eyes glow. Halloween

The vampire costume is a symbol of the night, the silence is terrifying. We won’t fall asleep today for sure, because he came to our house. Halloween holiday

Event form:


The target audience:

5-8 grade.

Objectives of the event:

  • conduct a quiz to interest children in the culture of another country;
  • develop quick thinking, attention, and communication skills.

A few days before the holiday, you should hold a class hour dedicated to the tradition of celebrating Halloween. Tell children that the holiday is over a thousand years old. Previously, it was called the Saiman holiday, during which sacrifices were made to please evil spirits. Now it’s just a fun tradition (information about how Halloween celebrations are held wouldn’t hurt), which smoothly migrates to Russia, delighting many children and adults. Surely, children will be interested in hearing the story of an Irishman named Jack, who was addicted to gambling and alcohol. However, this did not stop him from deceiving the Devil himself, for which, after his death, he was expelled from hell into darkness. The farmer asked the devil for something to light his way. The devil threw him a smoldering coal, and Jack put it in the turnip, which he did not have time to finish. This is where the tradition of carving a pumpkin and inserting a candle into it came from.

The quiz is held at a Halloween party at school, and it is advisable to ask children to dress up in themed costumes or masks that they make themselves.

The first person to answer correctly is given a card. Based on the results of the quiz, three winners with the most cards are selected. You can also conduct a quiz by dividing children into teams. Prizes are awarded at the discretion of the school administration or parent council.

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