Quest - a summer game “Find the treasure” for children of the younger group

How to organize?

Every child loves to solve puzzles, solve mysteries and receive a desired gift as a result. Finding a surprise at home is an exciting game that requires careful preparation on the part of adults. During organization you need:

  • Select tests. This is the most important point in the preparation process, since further actions depend on it. It is recommended to choose fun activities based on the children's interests and preferences. Only in this case will they be interested in completing the quest. You should not organize difficult tasks, otherwise the participants will not cope with the tests.
  • Work through the script down to the smallest detail.
  • Determine a secluded place in the room for surprises.
  • Purchase the necessary materials and props.
  • Calculate the time. Each game should not last too long. Otherwise, the children will become bored and lose interest in completing the quest further. The optimal time for playing is 15-20 minutes.
  • Prepare small gifts for participants. They should be the same so as not to offend anyone.

Great quizzes for kids' birthday parties.

What kind of notes could there be?

· Encryption.

For example, the famous dancing men, a puzzle, or text that appears on paper over a candle fire.

· Direct instruction.



These can be simple children's riddles about pieces of furniture, puzzles or logic puzzles.

·Anagrams, puzzles, etc.

Responsibilities of the presenter

The leader plays a key role in this game. It depends on him how the process will proceed. The presenter must:

  1. Give each team sheets with tasks and props for completing them.
  2. Ensure that participants cope with the tests. If necessary, you can give hints.
  3. Time the completion of certain tasks.
  4. Announce the winners at each stage and give out sweet souvenirs.
  5. Consistently follow the scenario with tasks.

Examples of notes for searching for treasure

For example, in the note that you could see above - from the quest “In Search of Treasures” , you need to return the letters to their places.

Then the “Book of Toads” will turn into a trunk in which treasure or the next note can be hidden.

And, in order to solve this note from Questik , you need to “shade in” the gifts under the indicated numbers.

Give it a try. What did you get?

That's right, the next note is lying by the window.

Original ideas for a children's quest

There is a wide variety of interesting tasks that can interest and captivate children at the holiday. Each quest has its own level of difficulty and is designed for a specific age category. There are interesting options for children from 3 to 6 years old, from 7 to 10 years old. Some tasks can be organized for children aged 12 years and older.

Secret letter

To read the message, you will need to do a number of specific actions. Best writing examples:

  • pressed inscription. To do this, place 2 sheets of paper on a soft surface and write a message on them so that it is imprinted on the bottom sheet. Children will need to color in the blank, after which they will read the contents of the letter.
  • inscription with milk. It appears when heated, so this task is not suitable for children. For safety reasons, the quest must take place in the presence of adults.
  • chalk or wax candle. You need to leave a message on a piece of paper, which will appear at the moment of painting. This is a fun, safe option that can be organized for children of any age.


For this option, it is best to use helium-filled figures. They will need to be hidden in the treetops in advance. Children will need to find all the numbers from which they need to assemble the code for the safe with gifts. They need to be tied with long, bright ribbons so that kids can see them. If you can't find numbers filled with helium, you can use regular balloons and write numbers on them.


For this task, adults will need to independently compose one or more questions, answering which participants will receive a hint in finding a surprise. Assignments should be on the same topic that will be interesting to children. Main quiz options:

  • with questions about birds, animals, insects or plants;
  • riddles with pictures from various films and cartoons, the names of which children need to guess;
  • geographical questions where you need to guess cities or countries;
  • riddles from children's literary works.

Hot and cold

This is a simple game that everyone knows from childhood. For the quest you need to prepare:

  • a cache with a code word in which a surprise will be hidden;
  • stickers with the words “Hot” and “Cold” (they should be of different colors);
  • a gift for the birthday boy and small gifts for other participants.

Before starting the game, adults will need to determine the location for the cache and place stickers with inscriptions in the search area. Based on the clues, children will find the main prize for the hero of the occasion and receive small souvenirs for participation.

Search for balls

This is a dynamic, funny game that is played outdoors. For the task you need to prepare several dozen tennis balls. Their number directly depends on the participants. At least 5 balls are prepared for each person. Before the game starts, children need to be divided into teams that must find all the objects in a limited time. The group that collects the most tennis balls will win. Both teams need to prepare small souvenirs for participation. This game perfectly trains children’s physical abilities and also develops communication within the group.


A children's playground, a large room in a house, or a grove in a park are perfect as a play area for this game. The principle of the task is that participants will need to pull on a rope until they find all the letters. For the task you need:

  1. Prepare 20 meters of rope and a marker of any color.
  2. Cut out letters from adhesive paper.
  3. Tighten a knot on the edge of the rope, which will mark the beginning of the countdown.
  4. Paste the first letter in a visible place, and after 2 meters the next one. Finding the second letter should be more difficult than the first.
  5. Pull the rope along the shortest route. You need to tie a knot where it touches the second letter.
  6. Gradually make the search more difficult. To do this, you need to stick the remaining letters in hidden places.
  7. It is recommended to prepare 7-9 letters and make the same number of knots.
  8. Tell the rules of the game to the participants.

Treasure Hunt

This is an exciting game in which participants will help the birthday boy find a gift using a card. For this quest, it is recommended to use not a ready-made hint, but in the form of puzzles. It can be done as follows:

  1. Draw with your own hands or print a map. This could be a house or park plan.
  2. Draw puzzles on the blank and cut them out. For children, it is best to make medium-sized pieces.
  3. Glue the puzzles onto thick cardboard.
  4. Put the parts in a box and give it to the children.

Having collected the map, children will be able to find the main treasure and receive a small reward for helping the hero of the occasion.


They can be in poetic form or in prose. To prevent children from getting bored with solving puzzles, you need to:

  1. Find simple riddles by writing them backwards. It is necessary to prepare an even number of puzzles.
  2. Divide the children into 2 teams.
  3. Give each group riddles that they must solve together in a certain amount of time.

The team that solves the riddles faster will receive the main prize. For the other group, you need to prepare comforting gifts so as not to upset the children.


The quest is carried out as follows:

  1. Stencils are prepared from thick cardboard for two teams.
  2. Select any information sign located in the playing area.
  3. Make a word out of the letters, attach cardboard to the sign and mark the places that then need to be cut out. The exact placement of the letters needs to be adjusted so that they all fit into the holes.
  4. Distribute the finished stencils to the children. There is no need to say where exactly the sign is located. Participants in the game must find it on their own.

Guess the fruit

For the task you need:

  1. Buy different types of fruits and cut them.
  2. Choose one representative from each team and blindfold them.
  3. Give participants several types of fruit to try.

The team that guesses all the flavors the fastest will win the challenge.


This is a difficult, but no less interesting riddle. To solve it, children must know what each type of cereal looks like and is called. The preparation proceeds as follows:

  1. Pour cereals into any transparent container in order: semolina, oats, rice, barley and corn.
  2. Close the dough tightly and give it to the children.

As a result, participants must guess the intended word using the first letters, which will become the answer to the riddle. The task can also be complicated. To do this, you will need to mix 5 types of cereals in a transparent container. In this case, players need to determine the names bit by bit.

Letters in the header

For the test, you need to take approximately 60-80 letters of the Russian alphabet and mix them in a hat. You can buy them at any children's toy store, or make them yourself from thick cardboard. The main thing is that there are more consonants in the main letters. Players from both teams must draw a total of 10-15 letters, from which they will have to form the maximum number of words. During the compilation process, one letter change is allowed.


A mirrored word is written on a piece of paper. Players must guess that they will need a mirror to solve the puzzle. If desired, it can be hidden to complicate the task of the participants and make the process of passing the test more fun.


You can find ready-made tasks or create them yourself. For example, the encrypted word is “apple”. For each letter you need to come up with another word and a leading question: the letter “I” is tier, “B” is birch, etc. Players must write the answers in the empty cells. The result should be the main clue word in the column or row.

Scheme of searching for treasure using notes

First you need to draw up a plan for searching for treasures using notes. For example:

Postcard – music center – mirror – book – flowerpot – table – e-mail – favorite mug – blanket – oven.

This scheme means that you give the first note to the player yourself, he finds the second in the music center, the third at the mirror, etc.

The number of notes depends on their complexity. You can use the following formula to calculate the number of notes to search for treasure:

Number of notes = Planned game time / How long it takes to guess one note.

Quest tasks

To start the quest fun and with excitement, we advise you to put the first card with the task in a glass bottle; you can additionally stick a label on it in the form of a skull and crossbones. The bottle should have a screw cap so that children can open it immediately. Such bait

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