Search for treasure. Pirate's Birthday. (Real experience)

Natalya Zinovieva arranged a real exciting adventure, making her birthday (4 years old) in a pirate spirit

and sending his sons in search of the treasure. Natalya came up with and drew an interesting (and interactive!) treasure map that can be successfully used for other games!”>

Below is the author's text

My map is drawn on A3, but I tried printing it on A4, and it also turns out quite legible. So, an enlarged map, an increased turnover.

Two brave pirates - the valiant captain Dan Scorpio and the brave cabin boy Tim Black - receive a map, study it and begin to search for hidden treasures.

To get the first clue, you need to solve the riddle:

Without it, in a distant land, the west will be confused with the east (compass).

Recently, my friend and I organized a birthday party for our older girls. They turned 10 years old. In addition to treats and competitions, we decided to hide a treasure trove of sweets and give the girls assignments and hints.

This activity kept them occupied for a while and gave the adults time to socialize. I offer you a version composed by me. Change, add, use! 1. First, the girls received a letter in their hands. NOTE-GREETING Karina and Dasha! Our beauties! Happy birthday! We wish you happiness and joy! Show your wits and find the treasure in the apartment! This is not a treasure, but a fairy tale! Where's the map? Here's a hint: She washes the clothes white. It turns white like a snowy peak. How difficult it would be for mom without her! Did you find out what it is? We don’t write the answer (Washing machine) in a note! 2. And we hide the following clue inside this very washing machine: Hello! Well done! Keep it up! Now you need to answer all the fairytale questions. And then take the first letters from each guessed word and make a new word from them. This way you will know where to look. You will get two words that give clues to the place where the next part of the map lies. So, the first part of the task. Letters for the first word: He is friends with the bear cub, gives Donkey a balloon for his birthday, and he himself bursts this balloon... ( Pyatochok ) She is one of the daughters of the sea king. The dreamiest of them all. I wasn’t afraid to go to the witch and change my voice to beautiful legs instead of a fish tail... ( Little Little Mermaid) Koshcheev’s death is hidden in her. If you break it, it won’t be his! (And gla) This boy wears a big hat, gets into all sorts of troubles, even flew to the moon! He is friends with Donut. ( I don't know). The king from any fairy tale sits on it. ( Tron ) The guy is sitting on the stove. Chews rolls. Rides on a sleigh. And the sleigh is without a horse! All these things were conjured by the pike! Who is this guy? ( E shallow). A long-haired beauty, she was kidnapped by a witch as a child. Her long hair is a source of youth and magic. ( Rapunzel ). (The word made up of the first letters of the answers is PRINTER. In it, on top, in the compartment for photocopies, you will hide further instructions for finding the treasure, so you can also encrypt the word XEROX to complicate the task) The second part of the task. Letters for the second word. The decryption code is the same. 1. The four-legged friend of any self-respecting Bogatyr ( Kon ). 2. What was the name of the robber whom Bogatyr left without a tooth? ( With tins) 3. Fairy-tale, one-horned, white, four-legged, cloven-hoofed character. ( E dinorog) 4. In Pushkin’s fairy tale, she is golden. Fulfills all the wishes of the old man and the old woman. ( Fish ). 5. What did Perseus bring to people? And Zeus punished him for this. ( Fire ). 6. In what container did Little Red Riding Hood carry the pies? ( K basket). 7. The tin hero of Andersen’s fairy tale, the dancer’s one-legged friend. ( Soldier ).

3. In the printer, in the photocopier itself, the following clue is hidden on top: It is made of paper... It helps you remember what day it is today.. It hangs on the wall... In addition to numbers, there is a photograph or picture on it.. Answer: a calendar on the wall. 4. A further clue is pasted behind it. Dasha and Karina! Here's a quiz for you! Guess the riddles. Make a word from the first letters of the riddles. Letters can be rearranged. Do you understand what the word is? Look there for the next clue! * People sit on it, but not a chair. With armrests, not a sofa. With pillows, not a bed ( To a chair). * Who lives in the river sand and walks backwards? ( Cancer ) * A ball is rolling through the forest, It has a prickly side. He hunts at night for beetles and mice. ( Yo ). * Jumps from branch to branch, eats bananas, sweets, to the general joy of children. ( Oh monkey) * I serve in the locker room, I hold my coat hanging. ( Hanger ). We rearrange the letters and get the word CARPET. 5. There is another clue attached under the carpet. Well done! We've come so far! Here's your next tip! When he is not in the kitchen, dinner cannot be served. Put a glass of milk, plates, cups, spoons. It's simple: just one board and four legs! (dining table) 6. Tape a note to the table: Directions: Walk straight away from the table. Mom is standing near the stove. To the left of mom, Between two walls, A wooden casket with doors. The casket is not simple, it is angular! There you will find your treasure! (Corner cabinet in the kitchen - you can edit the verse so that you can guess the location of the cabinet.) Hidden in the cabinet was a tin box-chest filled with all sorts of sweets. The girls really liked it. Especially the process itself!!!

Methodical development of the terrain game “In Search of Treasures”

In Search of Treasures”
(game on location)
“In Search of Treasures” is a collective creative activity aimed at forming a team, identifying leaders, developing the creative abilities of children and adolescents
: complex game;
terrain game. Form
: competition.
Age of participants
: middle school age, older teenagers.
Number of participants
: several micro groups of 5 to 10 people.
Brief description:
The game “In Search of Treasures” is held on the territory of the Bureya River embankment.
Units are introduced into the game one by one with an interval of 10-15 minutes, giving the previous team the opportunity to break away and go ahead. The game participants are informed that they will have to go on an unusual journey to Treasure Island in search of an ancient treasure. Moving along the route from one stage to another, performing creative tasks on each route, the team must act amicably, clearly and unitedly. Work at stations-routes is carried out and assessed by counselors. Props:
Route sheets
pictures depicting various symbols and signs, sheets of paper, pencils or felt-tip pens, 3 boxes of matches, ropes for tying knots, a bag with various items, a treasure with gifts and prizes (sweets, chocolate) - according to the number of teams and participants.
1. “
Getting ready for a trip”
In order to go on a trip, hike or search for treasure, you need to be well prepared.
Within 2 minutes you need to make a list of the things most needed for a long trip or hike. And let your list contain as many of the most necessary items
2. “Knots”
A real treasure hunter must be able to do a lot.
In particular, he must be able to not only tie, but also untie knots. Your task is to untie all the knots on the ropes as quickly as possible after my signal. (If there are no ropes, the task can be modified by asking the guys to hold hands to get tangled, and 1 person from the team must untangle the resulting knot within a certain time). 3. “All aboard!”
The team is invited to build a ship themselves for a long journey.
The ship must be beautiful, comfortable and roomy. In 3 minutes, participants must build a beautiful ship out of matches, coming up with an equally beautiful name for it. And remember, whatever you name the ship, that’s how it will sail!
* When the ship is ready to sail, ask the captain to whistle everyone up!
All team members must “take their places” - fit on the “built” vessel. 4. “On Treasure Island” or “The Amazing Nearby”
The units are offered a riddle competition in the form of the game “True - False.”
5. “Secret sign” In life we ​​are surrounded by many symbols, secret signs, and sometimes we do not attach any meaning to these signs, we do not notice them, but in vain...!
It is worth being more insightful and helpful !
The most observant and attentive is selected from among the participants. The rest of the team members line up one at a time (or form a circle), they are given cards with images of various symbols or signs. Within 30 seconds, team members reveal their flashcards and then hide them. The driver must name which sign (symbol) is depicted on the card of each participant. The participant whose sign was named incorrectly becomes the leader. During the game, participants can change places. 6. “Cornucopia”
The guys line up one by one.
The counselor gives the first participant a bag containing a large number of different items (candy, matches, pebbles, balls, buttons, a bar of soap, comb, etc.). The counselor clearly names an item from among those in the bag, and the first participant must, without looking into the bag, take out the named item from it. If the item is identified correctly, the bag is passed to the second participant, etc. If a participant makes a mistake, he is eliminated from the game. *The last participant is tasked with taking out a folded piece of paper - a note that contains a clue in finding the way to the treasure. The treasure is just a step away! Having deciphered the note, the squad finds the treasure.

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