Children's birthday menu: recipes. Menu for a one year old child's birthday

Every family has its own holiday traditions. Its youngest members will still have time to plunge into adult life, so you shouldn’t take them to a restaurant or cafe, but it’s better to organize a child’s birthday at home. It’s not that difficult to create a menu; you can even call on your children to help.

I want to celebrate every children's birthday in an interesting and original way. The child is looking forward to this holiday with great impatience. For him these are gifts, surprises and a beautiful festive table. Our article is about what to include in the menu for a child’s birthday, what to prepare to make the holiday memorable for the kids for a long time. Growing up, the child will remember with gratitude happy moments with family and friends.

Where to begin?

When deciding to hold a children's birthday at home, parents need to seriously consider the holiday scenario. Invite your child to discuss this activity. Ask him who the child wants to invite and what to prepare for this celebration. Find out from him what he would like to treat his friends to. When creating a menu for children's birthday, remember that these are active, spontaneous and cheerful guests who will not be able to sit stiffly at the table and follow all the rules of etiquette.

What dishes to serve?

Before cooking, be sure to consider the age of the children, because the menu for a schoolchild differs from the menu for a year. For his birthday, a child wants to try something new, unusual, different from what is on the daily table. However, even familiar favorite dishes can be served on the table on this day, they just need to be placed in unusual dishes or decorated effectively.

Most often, the children's menu consists of a hot dish, light snacks, fruit, vegetable, cheese slices, and a variety of sweets. The main highlight of the program will be the birthday cake. You will also need tasty and healthy drinks.

Competition scenarios

1. “Who will the birthday boy be in the future?”: a competition based on an ancient Vedic ritual, which was held to determine the innate inclinations of children. Various objects are laid out in front of the child and, in accordance with their purpose, the future profession or destiny of the baby is determined. For example:

  • money – wealth, will be a banker or financier;
  • ball - long life;
  • brush - will become an artist;
  • book - scientist, teacher;
  • flower - happiness;
  • comb - by a hairdresser;
  • ring - happy marriage;
  • the keys are prosperity.

It is important to arrange objects at some distance, and not in a heap. It is believed that children intuitively choose the thing that is closer to their spirit and are drawn to it. Therefore, the competition has not only entertainment, but some fateful significance.

2. Wedding Gift: Make some cards with pictures of wedding gifts. Invite all relatives in turn to pull out a card that will determine what they will give the baby for his wedding when he grows up.

3. If your family loves to sing, then you can organize a karaoke competition: guests need to divide into two groups and compete to see who knows more children's songs or performs them better.

4. “Who does our baby look like?”: make a list of parts of the face and body. Guests will have to check off the similarities between the baby and his mom and dad. Then the points are calculated - whoever scores the most is what the child looks like.

5. “Guess the puree”: the one who guesses is blindfolded and offered to try baby purees. It would be more interesting if girls without children, men, and, in general, those people who have a vague idea about infant food take part in the competition. Instead of blindfolding, you can tear off or seal the labels on the jars and invite all guests to guess the puree.

6. “Who will spit further”: for the competition you will need two pacifiers, which you will need to spit at a distance - who will spit further. The place where the pacifier falls is marked on the floor, which must be rinsed after each time.

7. “Seven-flowered flower”: make a flower with different petals or a daisy, on each petal write questions regarding the baby’s first year of life:

  • What weight was the baby born with?
  • How tall?
  • At what time was he born?
  • When did the first tooth grow?
  • When did he sit down, crawl, or walk?
  • Who is the child by zodiac sign?
  • What is your baby's favorite toy?
  • What's the first word?
  • What date is the christening?

Guests take turns tearing off the petals and answering questions. A prize is awarded for each correct answer.

8. “Make the baby laugh”: there are children who are not particularly smiling. If you have such a baby, this is exactly what you need for this competition. Let the guests take turns trying to make the serious little one laugh.

9. “Who can drink from a bottle the fastest”: for the competition you will need two baby bottles with a nipple. It’s not at all easy to quickly suck the contents out of them. Pour something tasty into them: juice, lemonade or champagne and arrange a competition between two people.

10. “Portrait”: sit one of your relatives on a chair, give the child a brush or felt-tip pen and ask him to draw on a large sheet of paper. The one who poses must see what the baby is drawing. Only after the “portrait” is ready can you show it to everyone and sign it with your little one’s painted finger.

For a child on this day, of course, the most precious thing will be your love and attention. It is important not to overtire the baby on this day; do not forget to take him for a walk and periodically take him away from guests. Everything else depends on your mood and imagination.

The first birthday is the most long-awaited holiday for the whole family. A lot of the first troubles and worries are left behind. The table for a child from 1 year old can already expand enough and be supplemented with many dishes. For children aged 2-3 years, the menu can include various combinations of products; healthy sweets are also required as desserts.

For children aged 2-3 years, the menu can include various combinations of products; healthy sweets are also required as desserts.

How to compose?

For children under three years old, you should not overload the menu with an abundance of products.

Babies of this age do not tolerate an abundance of food and various combinations of foods. This can trigger an attack of tummy pain, increase gas formation and colic, and also cause indigestion.

For kids, the holiday itself will become more important than what dishes are on the holiday table. Most likely, many years from now he won’t even remember how the celebration went. Just try to give your baby more joyful emotions on this day.

Invite close relatives or friends with kids of about the same age. This will make creating a menu for children much easier.

Include in the menu:

  • a couple of types of snacks;
  • hot dish;
  • dessert.

You can even serve a simple carrot salad as an appetizer, but it is better to supplement it with chopped pieces of dried apricots and season with sour cream. For older children, crackers with chicken or fish pate, decorated with slices of thinly sliced ​​cucumber, are perfect.

Children aged 2-3 years really love to eat canapés and sandwiches. Choose fresh and soft breads. It is better to give preference to white wheat bread, as it is easier to digest. Complete the canapes with pieces of boiled chicken and fresh vegetables. Place all the ingredients for the canapés on the skewers one by one, and place the food on a beautiful plate. Kids will really love the original design of the dish.

For hot dishes at this age, it is better to use familiar products, but with an unusual method of preparation. Instead of soup with turkey and boiled rice, prepare baked minced turkey rolls stuffed with vegetables and serve boiled rice as a side dish. Such new combinations of familiar products will not harm the child’s body after a feast.

For desserts, give preference to light soufflés or milk-based puddings. They are easy to prepare at home. To do this, boil the milk, add sugar and pre-swollen gelatin. Pour into molds and refrigerate until completely cool. These milk puddings can be decorated with chopped fruit or strawberries. For the birthday boy, insert a candle into the dessert and light it. The baby will definitely like this very much.

What to cook for a one year old?

The first birthday is a very important and long-awaited holiday for parents and grandparents. The child does not yet understand what all these holidays that adults like so much mean.

When organizing a menu for a children's party, you should choose an appetizer, main course and dessert. If your child loves fruits and berries, prepare a fruit bowl with chopped fruits.

Crackers with curd and chicken filling are perfect as a snack for a one-year-old child. To do this, grind the boiled chicken fillet to mince, mix it with cottage cheese rubbed through a sieve. Spread the paste onto regular crackers. Garnish with fine cracker crumbs.

For main course, you can prepare baked turkey meat balls with a complex side dish. To do this, prepare meat balls from ground turkey and bake in a heat-resistant form in the oven with creamy sauce. As a side dish, prepare mashed cauliflower and potatoes. To make a beautifully colored puree, you can add boiled egg yolks to it and grind.

For dessert, you can make milk-rice pudding with raisins. For children 2-3 years old, if desired, you can add a little vanilla or cinnamon, as well as citrus zest.

As a drink, children can be offered any berry juice or compote (preferably prepared at home). You should avoid store-bought carbonated drinks; they contain too much sugar and dyes. A wonderful choice would be blackcurrant or strawberry juice.

Holiday table decoration

The decor of the festive table should also be given due attention. Be sure to carefully choose holiday colors for your table decorations. You can also decorate the room, walls and windows with decorative elements.

You can hang bright printed posters with congratulatory words on the wall. Children of this age love balloons. Choose helium balloons, which look very beautiful under the ceiling of the room, giving the kids a real festive mood.

An excellent addition to the gift would be a large printed poster depicting photographs of the baby in different months of the first year of life. You can then hang it on the wall in the nursery. The baby will be able to look at it, remembering how small he was.

It is impossible to imagine a festive table without a beautiful tablecloth. Choose a tablecloth in bright colors (or taking into account the chosen theme or the interior of the room). You can put bright dishes on the table and decorate everything with festive decorative elements. Do not place candles on the table under any circumstances! The child may accidentally get burned. If you decide to light a candle on a birthday cake or dessert, be sure to strictly ensure that your child does not injure himself or get burned. After blowing out the candle, remove it immediately.

Tips for organizing a holiday table

Organizing a children's holiday table for babies causes mothers a lot of trouble and questions.

To make the process of preparing for an important family celebration easier, use the following tips:

  • Try to plan and create a menu for a children's party in advance. Think about which supermarkets and stores you will buy food for the holiday table. Write down the meals and necessary products in your diary. This way you can not only create a menu, but also calculate in advance the approximate costs of organizing the holiday.
  • Buy only the freshest products. Never buy food many months in advance! Check expiration dates, especially carefully monitor the expiration date of fermented milk products.
  • Cook at home. For children under three years of age, try not to buy ready-made salads and hot dishes. This way you will protect your kids from possible food poisoning after the holiday.
  • Do not include new products and ingredients in the holiday menu. If your child has never tried fish or seafood before the holiday, you should not include them in the menu. The result could be a trip to the hospital with a severe allergic reaction rather than blowing out the candles on your birthday cake. Use only those products that your baby has been familiar with for a long time.
  • familiar dishes on their birthday You can prepare a daily dish, but in a new version. This will help avoid indigestion or colic in your baby after the holiday.
  • It is better to plan the holiday for lunchtime. Focus on normal time. For one-year-old babies, be sure to consider the regime. If your baby usually sleeps after lunch, he will almost certainly want to rest on his birthday.
  • Don't overload the menu with too many dishes. Better prepare a good table for relatives, loved ones and friends who will come to congratulate your baby on his birthday. For the baby, a couple of types of snacks, hot dishes and a light dessert are more suitable. You can supplement the menu with fruits.
  • Watch your portion sizes. You should not offer the birthday person a double portion in honor of his birthday. This will only harm the baby and can cause abdominal pain and bowel dysfunction. Stick to your normal eating habits, even on your birthday. This is very important for children under three years of age.

Creating a menu for a holiday table is not an easy task, but an interesting one. I want to organize a holiday for my child in such a way that he has only joyful memories from this day. For children under three years of age, the dishes for the holiday table should be chosen as simple as possible.

Interesting decorations for dishes will bring a lot of joy to little children and will remain in their memory for a long time.

Banana pudding is a dessert that any kid is sure to love. Detailed instructions for preparing the treat are in the attached video.

Every family has its own holiday traditions. Its youngest members will still have time to plunge into adult life, so you shouldn’t take them to a restaurant or cafe, but it’s better to organize a child’s birthday at home. It’s not that difficult to create a menu; you can even call on your children to help.

I want to celebrate every children's birthday in an interesting and original way. The child is looking forward to this holiday with great impatience. For him these are gifts, surprises and a beautiful festive table. Our article is about what to include in the menu for a child’s birthday, what to prepare to make the holiday memorable for the kids for a long time. Growing up, the child will remember with gratitude happy moments with family and friends.

Table setting

Preparing a varied and interesting menu for a child’s birthday is not everything. The table must be set brightly. Use disposable tablecloths and utensils. Firstly, the latter will not break and harm the child. Secondly, retail outlets offer a large selection of bright festive disposable tableware and decorations for any holiday.

Beautifully cut and placed

If canapés and fruit shish kebab are more suitable for older birthday people, then what should be included in the menu for a child’s birthday? Original cuts of fruits and vegetables are perfect for kids' birthdays. Use them to create a small miniature - it will attract children's attention. Arrange the pieces of fruit in such a way as to create the bright tail of a fabulous Firebird. Create a fairytale forest kingdom from pieces of vegetables. Let the small slices of fish on the platter convey the image of the Goldfish. If the children are small, then they can take the pieces with their hands; place small forks or skewers near each of the guests over three years old so that the children can easily prick a piece and not get dirty.

Cake for a one year old baby

The treat for the birthday person should include those products that he has already “mastered”; the dish just needs to be festively decorated. Place 1 candle on the cake (note that your baby will blow it out with your help).

The cake can be baked in the shape of a unit or some kind of animal.

You can make charlotte or modify carrot or rice cake recipes to keep the ingredients to a minimum. You can make “cakes” from fruits: cut melon, apple, kiwi into circles, fasten them with a skewer, and put a candle on top.

Hot dish

Don't forget about the hot dish. What to cook for children that is tasty, light and nutritious? Include dishes made from rabbit, turkey or minced meat into your holiday menu. Whatever dish you create, it is advisable to decorate it or make a child’s picture on the plate. It could be a landscape or the face of an animal. The ingredients of the dish will tell you how you can be creative in creating and serving delicious hot dishes. A hot meat dish can also be included in the menu for a one-year-old child. For your baby’s birthday, it’s better not to experiment, but to feed him what he loves and what he’s already gotten used to at his age.

Birthday party

Organizing a fun first party for a baby who is turning 1 year old, and even at home, is not an easy task, but if you think everything through well, it can turn out to be a wonderful pastime for both the hero of the occasion and the guests. First you need to decorate the room festively. To do this you will need several multi-colored balloons of various shapes. However, there should not be too many of them, since too much brightness of the colors can frighten a small child.

To decorate a room, just hang a few colorful balloons.

You can hang several balls in the corners or in the center of the room where the holiday will take place, hanging 3-5 different colored balls on a thread from the chandelier, and making the length of the thread different, it will be more interesting. You can make a thread with a ball so long that the birthday boy can reach it with his hand. This will amuse the child, as the naughty ball will “run away” from his hands.

It is very important to ensure that the balloon does not burst in front of the baby and ruin the fun. However, if this happens, you need to reassure the child and make it clear that such products can deflate and burst. In any case, it is recommended to purchase balls that are more expensive, but of the best quality. If the balloon suddenly bursts, you should try to make the baby laugh, take him in your arms, give him a toy.

Balloons can decorate not only one room, but also other rooms in the apartment, for example, a kitchen, a corridor. But here it is not necessary to have a large number of balls; it is enough to hang 3-5 products at the entrance or in the center of the kitchen. The corridor can be beautifully “dressed up” with a garland of balloons or colorful pictures, stars, toys.

You can decorate your room in the same way. At the entrance you can hang a garland consisting of bright, colorful letters or with the inscription: “Happy Birthday!” But you can come up with more original inscriptions, for example, “congratulations to your son (or daughter) on the 1st holiday!”, “Happy name day of the 1st year of life!” etc.

Delicious meatballs - a hot dish for big and small

Our recipe is for about a kilogram of meat. You can take one variety or mix several; housewives often choose pork and beef.

Pass the meat through a meat grinder with one small onion and two cloves of garlic. Cut out the pulp by removing the crust from one or two slices of loaf or white bread, and soak it in a raw chicken egg. One or two medium-sized potatoes need to be grated. Combine minced meat, bread pulp, potatoes and add one glass of boiled rice. Distribute the ingredients evenly, mixing them thoroughly. Don't forget to add salt and ground pepper. It is better to leave the resulting mass in the refrigerator for an hour or two so that it hardens a little and becomes harder.

In order to prepare the fry, you will need one small carrot, which needs to be grated on a medium grater, as well as one onion, which is best finely chopped. Vegetables are fried in vegetable oil. Approximately two tablespoons of wheat flour should be dissolved in half a glass of warm water. Stir well so that there are no lumps, and pour into the frying onions and carrots. Let the mixture boil a little, if necessary add a little more hot boiled water. The gravy is ready.

Remove the minced meat from the refrigerator and form it into ball-shaped meatballs. Place them in a mold or on a baking sheet, pour over the prepared gravy. Place in the oven for about half an hour. It is better to bake at a temperature of 160-180 degrees.

The meatballs turn out soft and juicy. Adults and children like it.

For little sweet tooths

What to cook for a sweet table on your birthday? You can give up traditional treats and create a themed sweet table. This could be a menu for a little princess or a young gentleman, pirates or travelers.

Whatever the mood of the holiday will be, make the sweet table that way. An original tablecloth, unusually shaped dishes, the use of designer decor, a variety of colors - all this will be attractive to guests. On the table there may be oriental sweets, candied fruits, chocolate medals or figurines, small cupcakes, lollipops. Little ones with a sweet tooth will also like fruit and berry jelly. Include it on your child's birthday menu. The photos will tell you how to decorate the table, or at least give you some creative ideas.

joke riddles

I printed them out on A4 paper in advance and made them during breaks during the feast. For example,

  • Grandma Dasha has a grandson Pasha, a cat Fluff, and a dog Druzhok. How many grandchildren does grandma have? (One)
  • The thermometer shows plus 15 degrees. How many degrees will two of these thermometers show? (15 degrees)
  • Sasha spends 10 minutes on the way to school. How much time will he spend if he goes with a friend? (10 minutes)
  • My father's child is not my brother. Who is this? (My sister)
  • There are 8 benches in the park. Three were painted. How many benches are there in the park? (8 benches)
  • Why does a duck swim? (From the shore)
  • My name is Yura. My sister only has one brother. What is the name of my sister's brother? (Yura)
  • The loaf was cut into three parts. How many cuts were made? (Two cuts)
  • What is easier – 1 kg of cotton wool or 1 kg of iron? (Equal)

The peak of the feast - taking out the cake

The list of the festive menu ends with a birthday cake. This is the culmination of the birthday. A cake in which the number of candles is equal to the child’s years is brought into the hall to the enthusiastic exclamations of the children. After all, it is on your birthday that you need to blow out all the candles to make your dreams come true. The cake is made to order the day before, secretly from the birthday person. Culinary specialists offer a large number of options. You can order baked goods decorated with the child’s name and figurines of fairy-tale characters. Each such cake will be one and only.


It is best to choose natural drinks. These can be compotes, juices, cocktails, fruit drinks. Add pieces of fruit to your drinks. On your birthday, decorate your glasses with pretty straws and paper umbrellas. Children will enjoy drinking, so prepare more drinks. Soda is harmful to children's health, so it is better not to use it in children's birthday menus. Store-bought juice boxes contain very few vitamins, so it’s better to prepare your own drink from some fresh fruits or berries. For example, apple compote.

"Masterpiece of baby food"

Everyone has tried baby puree at one time or another and has already forgotten its taste. But now you can remember it if you take part in the next competition. You need to buy several jars of baby puree with different flavors and seal the contents of the label with special adhesive tape. Then prepare the fruits they contain as prizes. Guests need to try the puree and try to guess what it is made from. The host of the holiday writes down the words of each participant and, when all the puree options have been tried, peels off the sticker on which it is written what each puree consists of. The winners receive as prizes the fruits contained in the puree they like. Usually these are bananas, apples, pears and peaches.

Fresh apple compote

You will need about half a kilogram of ripe sweet apples, they need to be peeled and cut into cubes or slices. Place the pieces in one and a half liters of boiling water and cook over low heat for about fifteen minutes until the apples are soft. Add some sugar. It is better to leave the compote covered for a while so that it can brew until it gets a rich apple taste. Can be served either warm or chilled. A tasty and healthy drink for children!

When throwing a child's birthday party at home, try to create a unique creative masterpiece. A variety of festive menus will decorate the celebration. And the guests and the birthday boy himself will remember this birthday for a long time.

Venue of the event

If there is absolutely no time to prepare the event, due to irregular working hours, or you do not know how to celebrate your child’s one-year anniversary at home, then you can entrust the organization of the holiday for this occasion to specialized companies. They will think over the scenery and decorate the hall. This option is convenient if you are planning to throw a magnificent feast.

Still, it is better to celebrate the first date in a baby’s life in a warm home environment. It’s not difficult to choose one option or another, just count how many guests you invited.

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