5 years old girl: how to organize and celebrate her birthday

Five years is the first small anniversary of a child. By this age, the child is already well aware that this is his holiday, looks forward to the special day, and carefully prepares for it. At the age of five, children are distinguished by their curiosity and restlessness, and they are also well aware of their gender identity.

Boys already know that they will grow up to be real men, and girls feel like little princesses, love to play with dolls, preparing to become housewives and mothers someday in the distant future. Boys and girls at five years old have different interests, so the organization of the holiday is different for them. Let's take a closer look at how to celebrate a child's birthday, a 5-year-old girl, the first anniversary of a little lady.

We invite guests

A five-year-old girl has already formed a social circle - she has friends in the yard, she communicates with her peers in kindergarten, which means they are the ones she will want to see at her event. Therefore, the guest list must be compiled with the participation of the future birthday girl, otherwise resentment and spoiled mood cannot be avoided.

If you plan to invite adult guests - grandparents, aunts and uncles, separate them in time from the little guests. If you can’t invite them at different times, then at least give the children a separate room - this way they won’t be embarrassed and will be able to have a lot of fun, and the adult guests will chat in a calm atmosphere without restless and noisy children.

Where to celebrate?

There are several options. The choice depends on the number of guests and the financial capabilities of the parents. If you plan to invite three or five kids, then it is quite possible to organize and celebrate the fifth birthday of your beloved girl at home. Both the guests and the birthday girl will be comfortable at home, moreover, they will be under supervision and in a smaller area it is easier to control them than, for example, in an entertainment center, where they can run away in all directions in the blink of an eye.


Having settled on the home version of the holiday, carefully consider its program and come up with several competitions. Girls are less noisy and active than boys; they can be interested in some creative activity. Based on this, plan your entertainment.

And don’t forget to hide anything breakable or valuable before your little guests arrive. After all, these are children and it is impossible to control them all, especially if you are also busy with the festive table.


Another option for a holiday venue is a children's cafe. In this case, some of the responsibilities are removed from your shoulders - the chefs will prepare the treats, and the entertainment part can be entrusted to the clowns and animators. Five years is the age when you can already invite them to a party. At this age, children are no longer afraid of uncles and aunts in disguise and very actively interact with them in various competitions and games.

Entertainment Center

You can also spend your daughter’s birthday in the entertainment center. But in this case, make sure that there is a cafe somewhere nearby where the children can have a snack or take a treat with them. And remember: attractions are not always safe, and five-year-olds are active and inquisitive, so enlist the help of a few moms and dads to help you control the wild little guests.


If your daughter was born in the warm season, consider holding a birthday party outdoors. Five-year-old girls will be interested in having a picnic in the park or at the dacha. This is better than sitting in a stuffy apartment, especially if the weather is hot that day. But make sure that children stay away from bodies of water, do not touch cats and dogs, and it is better not to light a fire. Celebrating outdoors expands the possibilities for holding a variety of games and competitions, because there is more free space in nature than in a cafe or entertainment center, so more movement and dance competitions can be organized.

The downside of holding a birthday party outdoors is that all the treats, decor and attributes for competitions will have to be somehow delivered and then picked up, which is an additional hassle. In addition, the weather may worsen. Therefore, just in case, think about an alternative option so as not to spoil your daughter’s holiday at the last moment.

Home Birthday Ideas

The most exciting and touching moment on this fabulous day is the beginning - congratulations to the little hero of the day. You can place him in a circle of children and adults and say words of admiration and love to everyone in turn. And then arrange a fireworks display in honor of the little hero of the day. From firecrackers. Children, of course, have the smallest and safest firecrackers. In adults, the firecrackers are voluminous and brightly colorful. Rain and an ocean of confetti will start your birthday party off on a fun note.

It is interesting to turn the giving of gifts on this magical day into a tempting adventure. Hide them in advance in the most unexpected corners of the house. And then, using the words hot and cold, all the children, both girls and boys, help the interested birthday boy look for them.

A particularly inspiring and unifying action next can be the creation of a joint huge drawing of congratulations as a keepsake on this glorious day. The number 5 years is beautifully drawn. And all the children dip their hands into different jars of paint and use a piece of whatman paper to create a multi-colored sky for the hero of the day. This is both a moment of fun and a very serious activity. Adults can help write wishes from children next to their bubbles.

After this, you need to have a little refreshment before the main seething fun. These could be small sandwiches and fruit salad. The main thing for children is not to overeat and remain alive and active. And the time comes for the main events - competitions and games.

Surprises for all children - small gifts.

Decorating the room

If you decide to celebrate your birthday at home, decorate the room where the celebration will take place to create a festive mood for the birthday girl and guests. If the little hero of the occasion wants to decorate the room herself, let her do it, because it’s her holiday. Your task is only to help her hang the decorations. Invite her to make a poster from her photographs over the past year, let the guests see how the birthday girl has grown over this period, what she has learned to do, what she is interested in, how she spends her time.

Have you decided to hold a party in a certain style? Then choose the decor accordingly. The little birthday girl probably already has her favorite films and cartoons, in the style of which her holiday can be celebrated. If it is difficult for the princess to decide on her preferences, you can make the holiday in some color, such as pink or orange. Then balls, garlands and posters must be made in certain colors.

What to treat the children with?

Every child has their favorite dishes, but you can't please everyone. Therefore, prepare something universal. It could be potatoes, chops, several salad options. Five-year-old children eat almost like adults, there are no special restrictions, but it’s still better to have fewer fatty, fried foods on the table.

Children love fruits and sweets, so stock up on several types of fruit, preferably seasonal ones. You can prepare a fruit salad. And for dessert, offer your little ones cupcakes, jellies, and curd desserts. And don't forget to drink. Children drink a lot, especially on holidays. Sweet mineral water is not the best option. Prepare compote, several types of juices, soda without additives, and plain clean water.

Girls love everything beautiful, so pay special attention to table setting - beautiful napkins, dishes. If you plan to make the holiday themed, decorate the table in the appropriate theme. These can be toppers, juice stickers, sweet boxes made in a certain style.


Games and competitions for girls are different from those for boys. If boys constantly need movement, then girls can be offered quieter activities. Here are some examples of games and competitions for the birthday of a five-year-old girl:

Puppet show

Little princesses as young as five years old love to play with dolls, so you can invite them to organize a small impromptu theater performance by pre-building a set and a curtain from two chairs and a sheet.

Little artists

Girls at five years old can already draw quite well and they really like this task. Organize a competition for the best drawing. Let the little guests draw one story or still life. Select the winners by voting. Give the rest of the competition participants small gifts too, so as not to offend anyone. After all, these are girls, and they know how to be offended even at such a young age)

Collective congratulations

Prepare a large sheet of cardboard or whatman paper and let guests decorate it with their drawings. If someone already knows how to write, then you can write a few nice words to the birthday girl. This will be a pleasant gift that you can look at over time and remember the fun five-year anniversary.

And to entertain your little guests with more active activities, invite them to dance. To do this, prepare a few children's songs.

Here are a few more options for outdoor entertainment for five-year-olds:

Balloon fireworks

Give each child a balloon. At the command “fireworks,” everyone throws balloons into the air and shouts “Happy Birthday” in unison. This kind of entertainment continues until the children get tired of it. As a rule, several times are enough, but this is a great way to warm up after sitting at the table.

Full pouch

Small toys or candies are scattered across the floor, and each participant is given a bag. The task is to collect candies while the music is playing. Whoever collects the most wins. And the reward in the competition can be the bags themselves with the collected candies.

The most accurate

Boxes or buckets are placed on two chairs, participants are divided into two teams and move a couple of meters away from the chairs. The participants' task is to throw as many small balls or toys into a box or bucket as possible.

Dress up the doll

For the competition you will need two dolls of approximately the same size and in the same outfits. We first undress the dolls and invite the girls to dress them quickly. While the girls are dressing their dolls, play a funny children's song.

Gifts for a 5 year old birthday boy

At the age of 5, children are already able to critically evaluate the surrounding reality, so the choice of a gift must be taken seriously. A few weeks before the significant date, very carefully find out what the child is dreaming about, and do not touch the topic of the gift again. Then there is a guarantee that the gift will please your heart and evoke a bouquet of joyful emotions. 5 years is a period of insatiable curiosity, so it is better to avoid surprises, careless handling of which can cause harm.

Birthday gift ideas can also come from animated series that the child is interested in. Both girls and boys will be happy with everything connected with their cartoon friends. Puzzles and construction sets are also very interesting for all children.

Master classes


At the age of five, girls love to play housewife, so they will be interested in tinkering in the kitchen. Give them a little pizza baking workshop. Children at this age can be trusted to knead the dough. The main thing is to remember to stock up on aprons so that your guests don’t get their clothes dirty. The easiest option is to buy pizza blanks so that the girls only have to put the toppings on the pizza and sprinkle it with cheese. It is better not to entrust them with cutting the filling and chopping the cheese for safety reasons.

Don't feel like baking pizza? Invite little housewives to make their own sandwiches. Organizing such a master class is very simple: buy a sliced ​​loaf or bread, prepare several options for fillings. For the filling you can use a variety of pates, traditional cheese and sausage, chopped olives, cucumbers and tomatoes. And don’t forget about decorations, because girls love everything beautiful - prepare several types of fresh herbs. Or invite housewives to cut out a heart from a piece of ham using a baking cutter.

Young fashion designer

Another option for the master class is making a paper doll. For this you will need to stock up on ready-made doll and clothing templates. Give the participants templates and a glue stick, and let them figure out how to dress the doll and secure the clothes with glue. Each participant can take such a homemade doll home as a souvenir of the holiday.

Fun for kids with simple props

Balls, compact pump, large garbage bags

Now I won’t tell you for a long time what all this is needed for, I’ll send you to the cool selection “15 competitions with balloons.” In fact, this is a ready-made program for an animator. Let's read!

If your holiday takes place outside in the summer, you can pour a little water into the balloons instead of air. For example, in the country scenario “The Cave of Three Parrots” I wrote how to use such props.

Plastic and cardboard disposable cups

They are convenient to carry in a “chest” as they fold up perfectly, but at least two games can be played.

  1. This is a calm option, when children are asked to quickly build a pyramid from inverted cups (in a more complicated version, with their eyes closed). Bottom floor - 5 pieces in one row, on top, in a checkerboard pattern 4, then 3, 2, 1.
  2. Dancing with obstacles . The pyramid now has to be built by the animator himself. For this purpose, take the largest glasses, cardboard ones (400-500 ml). The meaning of the game is reminiscent of “Limbo” (a Hawaiian game when dancers must walk under a rope, leaning back), only the rope lowers with each new stage of the competition, and our pyramid of cups grows. Build on the floors gradually, let them be half human height. You need to jump over the obstacle while dancing.

Magnetic fishing rod and fish

I don’t know what the secret is, but even fairly large children like the “Fishing” relay race. “Lakes” can be drawn with chalk if there is no hoop. Or put it out of string (we definitely have it in our chest). We divide into 2 teams (each has its own lake, the number of fish should be the same), we give the first player a fishing rod, and send them off for speed fishing. He catches a fish, returns, and passes the fishing rod to the second player. The team that catches all the fish in their lake the fastest wins.

Piece of lining fabric 4 m

Any fabric will do, but if you find blue, it will be a real wave. Two adults make sudden movements, inflating the tissue. You can quickly run under the waves, the kids absolutely love it. You can put one child in petals. So we play a game of attentiveness. If there are more than 10 children, we put one child with his back, and from the other children we select one and hide it in a cloth. The presenter needs to quickly remember who exactly was hidden. You can joke, hide someone not from your company, let the player puzzle over who is missing.

Finger puppets and mitten puppets, thick fabric 150x150 cm

1. Theater. In principle, children 3-6 years old are ready to act out fairy tales in the classic version. You distribute dolls to everyone and assign roles, acting as a storyteller. Improv theater is great entertainment.

For children 7-10 years old, you need to come up with an unusual plot (intertwine the events of different fairy tales or update it “in a modern way”).

The fabric will act as a screen (children or parent volunteers hold it by the two upper ends)

2. Teremok - a comic game . Parents' help will be needed again. The fabric now needs to be stretched parallel to the floor at a height of 1 m, holding the corners. Children, wearing glove dolls on their hands, climb into the “house”. Now the animator plays the role of a bear who wants to crush the tower. You artistically come to terms with whichever side you want to lean on the roof from, sit down slightly, and the children run away screaming.


There are several options here, it’s a very successful prop :-).

1. Limbo. It's always fun with a group of any age group. Two people pull the rope parallel to the floor at neck level, then 10-15 cm lower, even lower, and even lower. All participants in the celebration must walk under the rope to cheerful music, arching their backs.

2. From a rope (5-7 meters) you can lay out tracks for a relay race on the floor. Children walk a winding path like a tightrope at speed.

3. You tie prizes to the rope, which the children cut off with their eyes closed.

4. One end of the rope is tied to the box with the gift, the other to the pencil. Whoever winds the entire string around the pencil the fastest wins a prize.

5. We divide the children into 2 teams, each with the same piece of rope. Each team member needs to be “strung” on a string through a loop in a jacket, through a belt, jacket or T-shirt (from one sleeve to another), through laces in sneakers or even bows on the head. The winners are those children who did it all faster and funnier.


Well, it's actually a win-win. I use them when filming a video for a funny children's song. Beautiful, funny, looks very cool in the video. You can hold a competition for the biggest bubble. Soap balls fit into any plot. For example, here is a game program script for kindergarten graduation in which bubbles fill the role of Martian precipitation.

If it is possible to hold a party outside, organize a “Parade of Soap Bubbles”.


In principle, you can also use a cucumber. Or something inedible altogether. The point is this. Remember the cartoon "38 Parrots"? There they measured the height of a boa constrictor in parrots. And we'll be covered in bananas! This is such a height meter. From the floor to the top of the head we measure the birthday person with a banana, and if it turns out that the height is 8 and a half bananas, we demonstratively peel and bite off the excess part. The birthday boy himself, his parents or one of the guests can take a bite.

Skittles and ball

Everything is clear here, let's play bowling. When there are several children of about the same age, the entertainment is very exciting. We give several attempts, count the pins knocked down for each participant or team, and reward the winner.

If this is happening at a children's summer camp, factory-made skittles can be replaced with bottles of sand or water (fill them one-third full).

Children's safe darts

The boys really like it. Being the most accurate at a children's party is a very important victory. It is convenient that such a dart is rolled up into a small tube (the target is soft, you only need a strong nail on the wall).

Can be replaced with darts with sticky balls. Always play with passion and for a long time!

11. Ring throw

Another opportunity to compete; such a thing doesn’t take up much space in your chest. If you promise a prize for the most accurate person, even the most passive children will join the game. Ring-throwers of unusual shape (butterflies, snakes, octopuses, etc.) are most loved.


If a children's party takes place in winter, when it gets dark early, turn off the lights in the room and hand out flashlights to all children. We are announcing a competition for the funniest ghost. To do this, you need to turn on the flashlight, illuminate your chin from below and make a face. Very funny, friends!!!

We also draw mysterious signs on the wall. You can start with simple symbols and letters (they are easier to guess), then try to draw the hidden object with light. The house and the snowman are quite recognizable.

Ears, noses, wigs. Mustache-sponges-glasses on a stick

All this is just fun to wear, but for a comic photo shoot it’s a godsend. Any holiday store has carnival accessories, buy them. By the way, they are not only New Year's. There are great items that can be used any time of the year.

also play the following game : place them on a small table, so that there are 1 fewer wig ears than the participants. Turn on fun music and let the children walk around the table. The melody ends abruptly, the children grab the accessories and quickly put them on. The one who is left “without a nose” is eliminated :-). Yes, it's like playing with chairs!

There are a lot of cool sets of photo props here.

Noise instruments for a merry orchestra

Spoons, rattles, rattles, bells, small bottles with coins, rustling bags, squeaking toys, rattles.

Rhythmic music, such as the Radetzky March, should be recorded.

Box and cracker

Any box with a lid will do (shoe boxes can be covered with bright paper). Children stand in a circle and place the box in the center of the circle. Let's play psychics. You need to take turns naming the items that may be in this box. Invite children to make movements with their hands like psychics, close their eyes and perform shamanism in every possible way :-). We give three attempts. Whoever is closest to the answer wins. You can add candy, prizes, toys... or a firecracker! Let the confetti fly out and shower all the participants. Girls like it when there are rose petals in the firecracker...

Cards with comic tasks

Not only the animator, but also the children get tired of constant noisy and active games :-). All sorts of cards with pictures will be very useful here. Children, as you know, love tasks with random answers; they find it incredibly funny. Suitable for ages 5-7 years.

The animator asks questions. For example: “What will you fly to the sea?” Children take turns drawing cards with cards: “On a cloud!”, “On a donut,” “On a vacuum cleaner,” “On a soap bubble!” etc.

Or this: “What do you most want as a gift for your next birthday?” Children: meat grinder, paper airplane, crocodile, stone, sunflower seed, etc.

There are also forfeits, danetkas, “Crocodile” with different variations, comic questions and answers, etc.

Board games

This is also a break from running around. Convenient to use if there are no more than 5-6 small guests.

Even children who are familiar with computer games find it boring to play adventure games. But if together with an animator, it’s a completely different matter. Some people get so carried away that they can't stop. I recommend! The box does not take up much space, chips and dice are included.

Disco ball

If you can darken the room, turn on the disco ball. It costs very little, and the disco turns out much more spectacular, believe me!

Chalks for face and body, paints for face painting

For a person who does not have special skills in face painting, crayons are just a godsend! You can draw simple patterns on your face and hands (of course, more fun for girls): flowers, hearts, cats, mice, emoticons, etc.

Toilet paper rolls

It’s you, dear animators, who are tired of playing mummy! And every year children are born who wrap themselves in toilet paper for the first time! Let them have lots of fun!

Another option (you can do it at the table). Pass the roll around and let the children tear off as many squares as they want. This is a test of greed (just don’t warn us in advance). Just come up with a “punishment”: say as many wishes to the birthday boy as you tear off the squares (do push-ups from the floor, crow, hug as many people, and so on).

Large fireplace matches or counting sticks

There are several interesting puzzles for logical thinking. Keep in mind, sometimes even adults get involved in solving :-). Here are puzzles that will captivate both children and their parents (we copy the link): https://logo-rai.ru/index.php/zadachi-golovolomki-so-spichkami?start=3

Rolled drawing paper

A good idea even if there are a lot of children. Roll out several meters of paper on the floor, give wax crayons or thick felt-tip pens. You can paint a huge picture on the topic. For example, “Underwater World” or “Sky”.

Materials for a creative master class

They are quite expensive, so discuss with your parents in advance whether you will paint glasses or cups with ceramic markers, draw on round stones , make gel candles, soap, paint photo frames, etc. Ideas for master classes can be found here (we hold them at children's parties).

Awards and prizes

If you choose the prizes for the holiday yourself, take ideas from my article “100 ideas for 100 friends under 100 rubles.”

If not, you should have some supply of stickers for clothes and comic medals (at least drying on a line).

Inflatable suit

If you spend a lot of holidays, it makes sense to invest in an inflatable costume. Host several competitions or a disco as a fat ballerina or personal trainer. Children really like this unexpected transformation. Read more HERE.

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