Competitions and tasks for a child's first birthday. How to celebrate Children's Day

Features of the holiday

To celebrate a little birthday beautifully and for everyone to have fun, you need to calculate the time and prepare for various surprises and surprises. Here's what you need to know to make this day joyful for guests and not too tiring and difficult for his parents.


Limited time. For such a birthday, only an hour or two hours is enough, depending on the baby’s schedule. Because long and noisy fun can tire him very much and the holiday will be ruined not for the guests, but for the hero of the occasion.


There should be few guests
The abundance of people is as tiring for him as noisy and prolonged fun. To prevent this from happening, it is better to invite relatives and close friends, you can call your neighbors, and bring a cake to your work colleagues and drink with them to the baby’s health. You can also hold several exciting competitions with them that will be bright and enjoyable for his mom or dad, and can also amuse the guests.


Hypoallergenic snacks.
The baby will be drawn to sweets and what is on your table .
He needs to prepare a special menu that he will eat with pleasure. It could be a charlotte with apples, a cake with cream, if it contains a little coloring and a preservative, and, of course, juice.

Fortune telling for a child's first year

One of the most intriguing episodes of the holiday is fortune telling about the baby’s life path. The child is seated on a fur base (ideally sheepskin) - a hat, fur coat, collar.

Various objects carrying some sacred meaning are placed within equal reach of it (below, in the table). It is believed that the object or objects that he chooses will symbolize his way of life.

ItemProfessionThe main life credo
Onion garlicgardener, agronomistgood health
House keysrealtor or bosswelfare
Car keysdrivercomfort
Walletentrepreneur, businessmanwealth
Bookscientist, scientific or educational figureThirst for knowledge
Ladlecookdelicious food
Laptopprogrammer, web developeradvancement, intelligence
Glassesteacher, scientistintelligence, education
Brushartistart, craving for beauty

Games and entertainment for your baby

Children at this age cannot yet respond meaningfully to games and take part in great entertainment. But you can also play with the baby using a rattle, some bright and interesting toy, or you can hang a special toy over his crib, to which bright and interesting toys are attached to elastic bands of different lengths. He will take them one by one, and they will hiss, rattle and just bounce, and he will pull, but by one thread, then by another. He will be interested in having fun like this. Well, with those who came to the holiday, you can play the following types of games.

1st birthday contests for children:

"Masterpiece for the birthday boy"

Children are given finger paints. Each of those present must leave a handprint on a piece of whatman paper or some kind of drawing as a keepsake for the birthday person.


If school-age children are present at the holiday, you can invite them to dramatize one or another children's fairy tale (at the children's choice).


Children will have a lot of fun blowing soap bubbles, and if you also announce a competition for the largest or “longest” soap bubble, then it will be much more interesting for the children.


A variety of items are placed in a beautifully designed bag: a doll, a ball, a keychain, a pacifier.

Putting their hand into the bag, the kids should understand by touch what they got. What they pulled out goes to them as a present.

"What does the baby look like"

Guests take part in this game, everyone except relatives. This game is good to play if the number of relatives and guests is equal to each other. You just need to take a close-up photo of the baby and hand out pieces of paper of different colors to the guests, on which they need to write who the baby is most like. Guests take turns looking at the photos and writing their opinions. You can specify several relatives. After this, the game host counts the number of votes and the relative the child most resembles must be given a prize. Usually this is something sweet or a glass of champagne for the child’s health. You can also give prizes for first, second and third place.

"Maternal instinct"

This competition can be held together with colleagues and friends, as well as with guests. Relatives are presented with photographs of one-year-old babies, one of which is the birthday boy. Usually there are 5 photos of the baby in a folder. The rest should be with other children. The results are summed up by the parents and the person who can guess the largest number of photographs of the baby can be given a prize. Only relatives should not take part in the game, since they can recognize their grandson or granddaughter by their clothes, and the competition will be unfair.

1st birthday contests for adults

"Who do I look like?"

A photograph of the baby is glued to the center of the Whatman paper, and photographs of the parents in infancy are glued to the edges.

Under the portrait of the birthday boy, features are written down in a column by which the resemblance to mom and dad will be checked - eyes, nose, cheeks, mouth, etc. Those present should carefully look at the photo and in front of each similar feature put the corresponding letter: “M” (mom) or "P" (dad).

The result of the competition determines the dominance of one or another letter.

For participation in the collective competition, each guest can be given a symbolic souvenir.

“What is drawn here?”

Those present are given “paintings” by the main “art critic.”

Based on the “drawings” of the birthday boy, guests must guess what is drawn on them.

"What's in the jar?"

A serial number is written on the lids of baby purees, and the jars themselves are carefully wrapped in gift paper so that the name of the product is not visible.

Guests must taste the baby food and guess what flavor it is.

"To you, the grown-up"

Guests are given leaves and pens.

Each of those present must write their own wish addressed to the grown-up child.

The messages are sealed in an envelope, which indicates the date when it should be opened.

"Find me"

Participants in the competition are offered many photographs with children of different ages; among the piles of photographs, guests must find only photographs of the hero of the occasion.


Those invited are given sheets with the lyrics of those songs that are familiar to the child.

Accompanying themselves on a children's toy drum, cymbal, xylophone, and rattle, guests must perform the musical composition assigned to them.

“How much to weigh in grams?”

Each person present takes turns picking up the baby and trying to guess how much the baby weighs.

The winner of this competition is determined by the baby's mother.

You should not play this game if the child is capricious and refuses to be held by anyone.

“Call it what you want”

The competition has several variations.

Guests are invited to name derivative words on behalf of the baby, or come up with diminutive nicknames for the child that would characterize his qualities.

"Biography Quiz"

Those present are invited to answer questions that relate to the most important moments in the life of the birthday person. For example, on what street is the maternity hospital where the baby was born located? On what day of the week was the baby born? At what months did he start sitting/crawling/walking? What was the first word the little one said?

The one who gives the most correct answers wins.

"Masterpiece of baby food"

Everyone has tried baby puree at one time or another and has already forgotten its taste. But now you can remember it if you take part in the next competition. You need to buy several jars of baby puree with different flavors and seal the contents of the label with special adhesive tape. Then prepare the fruits they contain as prizes. Guests need to try the puree and try to guess what it is made from. The host of the holiday writes down the words of each participant and, when all the puree options have been tried, peels off the sticker on which it is written what each puree consists of. The winners receive as prizes the fruits contained in the puree they like. Usually these are bananas, apples, pears and peaches.

Competitions with the participation of adult guests, children and joint

Competitions for a one-year-old child are held after all the guests have relaxed enough and eaten. A playful atmosphere will help to involve as many guests as possible.

The most experienced grandfather

The grandfathers are given the task of taking turns picking up the baby and determining his weight. The one whose answer is closest to the correct one will win.

My grandma is the best cook

If there are 2 or more grandmothers present at the holiday, you can hold a competition. The presenter explains the choice of grandmothers by the fact that their cooking, as a rule, is the most delicious for their grandchildren. But whether they have enough experience to determine the taste of baby food from the store will be decided by the competition.

The participants are blindfolded and alternately presented with jars of baby puree - meat and vegetable. Grandmothers must determine by taste which delicacy is in front of her. For greater reliability, the labels on the jars can be temporarily sealed.

The smartest dad

The male half of those present participate in the competition. The goal is to swaddle the baby faster and more correctly. Since, as a rule, there are not enough small children for each “dad,” toys are used as “test subjects.”

Competitions for a one-year-old child will help make the event fun and useful.

These can be dolls, hares, bears. The main rule is that you cannot help. You can set the task execution time – 30 seconds, 1 minute or another.

The most experienced mother

The guests split up in pairs - a man and a woman. Each couple is given several balloons. At the “dad’s” signal, they inflate the balloons, tie them, and pass them to the “moms.” Each one runs to her chair, puts a ball there and suddenly sits on top of it, so that it bursts. Then he returns for a new ball. The team that pops all the balloons first wins.

I believe - I don't believe

Competitions for a one-year-old child can be not only fun, but also interesting. Fun facts are read to guests one by one. The task of those present is to determine whether this is true or fiction.

Example of some:

  • In Japan, there is a tradition of storing the dried umbilical cord of a baby in a bag buried under a sakura tree. (False. The tradition of keeping the umbilical cord does exist, but it is placed in a small wooden box engraved with the child’s date of birth and the mother’s name. Such a reminder is kept in the house.)
  • In Africa, children are fed on average 4 times per hour. Moreover, not only the milk of one’s own mother is used, but also that of other nursing women. (Is it true).
  • The Dutch consider the primary task of parents to be to provide adequate rest for their children in the earliest years of life. The role of intellectual development is relegated to the background, even if a child at 2 years old has just mastered a rolling toy. (Is it true).
  • Koreans do not celebrate a child's first birthday. It is believed that this can attract evil spirits to the baby. (Lie.)
  • In Central Africa, children begin to walk at six months. (Is it true).
  • In England, strangers usually do not make comments to other people's children. This is considered bad manners. (Is it true).

Fun Zoo

Everyone is given cards with an image of an animal. The player must, without looking at the card, but opening it for everyone to see, guess what is depicted on it.

He may ask leading questions, for example:

  • “Is it a carnivore or a herbivore?”;
  • “Does he have a trunk?”;
  • “Does he have hooves?”
  • “Does he have a full mane?” and so on.

The winner is the one who guesses the animal by asking the fewest questions.

Crocodile hunting

A clothespin acts as a “crocodile”. At the beginning of the event, the presenter announces that a crocodile has escaped from the zoo. He loves to pester people, so throughout the evening he will appear at one or another guest. The finder receives a reward for capturing the “beast.”

After this, during the evening, a clothespin is discreetly attached to one of the guests. Anyone who discovers the fugitive is given a small present. This can be repeated several times.

Guess the fairy tale

Guests are divided into two teams. If children are present, you can arrange a competition between adults and the younger generation. The presenter reads out one of the popular fairy tales, omitting names and key titles. Players try to guess the name of the fairy tale. It is better to prepare the text in advance to make the competition interesting.

watering hole

2-3 people can participate in the competition. Baby bottles are filled with juice, baby formula, or other liquid. If it is acceptable for the hosts, alcohol is allowed. The hole on the nipple should be so wide that the action does not drag on for a long time. The task of the participants is to empty the container as quickly as possible. The main condition is to drink without using your hands.


Guests are invited to take the birthday person in their arms one by one and try to determine his weight.

It is better for friends and relatives who are not sufficiently aware of all the intricacies of the birthday person’s life to take part in the competition.


Guests are asked to guess the names of popular children's fairy tales based on their distorted “alternative” versions.

For example:

  • "Skyscraper" - "Teremok".
  • "Green Socks" - "Little Red Riding Hood".
  • "Eagles-Hawks" - "Geese-Swans".
  • "Mouse in Slippers" - "Puss in Boots".
  • "King of the Rain" - "Snow Queen".
  • "Sasha and the Hare" - "Masha and the Bear".
  • "Household Toad" - "Frog Traveler."
  • “Pawed Goose” - “Ryaba Hen”.
  • “Rusty minnow” - “Goldfish”.
  • “Filly-Aspen” - “Little Humpbacked Horse”.


The competition requires awareness of the life of a child from birth to one year.

Questions regarding the first year of the birthday person’s life are written down on the sheets in advance, on his behalf:

  • “What weight/height was I born with?”
  • “What was my first word?”
  • “What is my favorite toy?”
  • “How many teeth do I already have?”
  • "My favorite meal?".
  • “My favorite cartoon/song?”
  • “When did I take my first step?”

There can be any number of questions. The main thing is to decorate it beautifully. Sheets of paper can be cut into the shape of daisy petals and attached with pins/paper clips to the core of the flower. Or you can write it down on small sheets of paper and put it in a bag. If the guest does not know the answer to the question, then he passes the sheet on.


You will need banknotes of different denominations, change, scraps of paper (newspaper), and various scraps. The money, mixed with extras, is placed in a small glass jar. Guests are invited to take turns looking at it and estimate how much money there might be there. The one who names the amount more accurately will win.

I do it like a birthday boy

Participants are asked, without looking, to take out of a bag/box a forfeit, in which is written an action characteristic of the age of the hero of the occasion. You need to repeat it as accurately as possible in front of the guests, and they already evaluate how believable it was.

Examples of forfeits:

  • “I’m crying like a birthday boy”;
  • “I dance like a birthday boy”;
  • “I eat like a birthday boy”;
  • “I walk/crawl like a birthday boy”;
  • “I suck a pacifier like a birthday boy.”

"Milk Bottle"

A very funny and interesting competition that will appeal to all participants of the holiday. You will need to take several pacifier bottles filled with milk or milkshake in different flavors. The consistency of the cocktail should be very delicate and such that pieces of berries and fruits do not get stuck in the hole of the pacifier. After this, each participant drinks milk from the pacifier. Just don’t take very cold options, as they can lead to a sore throat for the contestants. Whoever drinks the milk or cocktail the fastest wins. Sometimes milk is replaced with lemonade or non-alcoholic champagne, such as champagne for children.

Parent and child - double talent

In this competition, every parent must show their ingenuity and resourcefulness. Pairs are formed: parent - child. Each couple chooses a forfeit that will indicate who they should show, for example, a pirate and a parrot. Then the parent becomes a pirate with appropriate facial expressions and gestures and places the child on his shoulder, who will act as a parrot. Or an example - Umka with a mother bear, a pot with a flower, where the pot will be the hug of the parent, and the flower will be the child. In general, with invented plots, everything depends on the imagination of the presenter, but how to show it is up to adults to think. Prizes for the most artistic couples.

"First Congratulations"

Participants in the competition are asked to take some colored paper (for example, stickers), markers and glitter, as well as colored pencils and any items for creativity. We need to come up with an original congratulations card for the young birthday boy. The author of the most interesting, neat and beautiful postcard will receive a prize. There is another interesting competition called “My First Wish”. Participants are asked to write a short story on the topic: “What would I like to receive as a gift for my first birthday.” Fantasies can be anything. The author of the most interesting story can be invited to print his story and use it, if desired, as a wish for the birthday boy.

End of the entertainment program

Towards the end of the holiday, most guests will feel more relaxed, so you can arrange dancing or karaoke. A small festive fireworks display will cause a surge of emotions. It would be symbolic to launch paper lanterns or balloons with wishes for the birthday person.

The scenario for celebrating the first birthday should include both a sentimental and entertainment component of the program. Competitions and entertainment at the celebration of a child’s 1st birthday will appeal not only to children, but also to adults. A cheerful and solemn atmosphere will allow you to escape from the gray everyday life and plunge into the world of childhood.

Author: Pavlova Maria

Article design: Oleg Lozinsky

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