Fun competitions for children's birthdays from 4 to 12 years old

Well, who didn’t love their own birthday as a child? This is the day when all the closest and dearest gather, friends come, give a bunch of gifts, cut a delicious cake. These are the most fun and vivid memories of childhood, and to make them even brighter, parents need to work out a scenario for a children's party, birthday competitions. The main thing is not just to meet guests and sit at the table, but also to entertain them, giving the child and his friends the opportunity to unite even more, have fun to the fullest and remember this day as the best in life. But what kind of competitions are needed for a child's birthday? We will offer you many options, and when choosing, be sure to take into account the age of the children and choose the most interesting games for everyone present.

Great Boxers

Now almost all children have a children's boxing set. Just the boxing gloves from such a set will be needed for this competition. If there are several such gloves, that is, for each participant, then all the guys participate at the same time, if there is only one pair, then the leader times the time for each participant. So, each participant puts on boxing gloves and receives a banana. At the “start” command, the guys try to peel the banana, and doing this with gloves is not so easy. Whoever manages it first wins. For fun, you can include the following condition in the competition: not only peel the banana, but also eat it. The first one gets first place and a prize.

How to decorate a child's room for a birthday

Not only adults are waiting for their birthday, but also children dream of an unforgettable holiday. After all, they are sure that it is on this day that the most cherished dreams and wishes come true, and long-awaited gifts are presented. And in order to create the appropriate atmosphere, the apartment, and especially the baby’s room, should be decorated festively. Let's consider small but very interesting ideas for decorating space.

Recommendations for organizing a holiday

You can read how to make delicious and healthy ice cream for the holiday in our article HERE.

When decorating a child’s room for the first time, you should consider several basic rules and recommendations:

  1. There is no need to complicate the decor, especially if the baby is still too small. An abundance of unfamiliar objects can greatly frighten a child;
  2. It is worth choosing your jewelry carefully so that it does not contain small details. It is also worth giving up balloons, because if they burst, they can cause severe fright in the baby;
  3. It would be a good idea to use children's photographs and collages to decorate the space. But it’s worth choosing those where the baby recognizes himself and which he likes. And teenagers may even perceive some pictures negatively. We want to create a festive atmosphere and not cause conflict;
  4. It’s also worth choosing a time to decorate the room. It will be very pleasant for very little children in the morning, after waking up, to see an elegant room, but older children can be involved in the process.

Don't know what to cook for a children's party? Read our article “WHAT TO PREPARE FOR A CHILD’S BIRTHDAY”.

Balloons and garlands

It is birthdays that are associated with balloons, and the more there are, the naturally better and more elegant the room looks. Therefore, they are the symbols of this holiday. And if the baby is not afraid of them, then you should use balls for decoration.

You can simply scatter them on the floor, and children will go crazy about them during games. A panel on the wall for memorable photographs, which can be made from knitted balls, will also look original. Well, don’t forget about helium balloons with hanging strings on which you can attach small cards with wishes.

A luminous garland will look no less impressive, and ordinary streamers with congratulations will be very appropriate at such a celebration.

Commemorative drawing

The guys are divided into small teams of about 3-5 people. Each team receives a large sheet of paper and pencils (markers). The presenter shows a bright and colorful drawing to the children for a minute (absolutely any picture that depicts many different objects). Then the presenter closes the drawing and gives the “start” command, according to which the children must reproduce the picture on their piece of paper within a certain time, for example, 5 minutes. The team whose members can display the picture they saw as accurately as possible will win.


In this competition, each of the holiday guests has the opportunity to feel like a turtle. So, the guests are divided into teams with the same number of people. Bowls with goodies (cookies or candies in quantities equal to the number of team members) are located at the same distance from the teams. The first participants are given basins (bowls). At the “start” command, the first participants get down on all fours and put the basin on their backs and set off towards their goal (to a bowl of treats), take one treat and back to their team, pass the basin and baton to the next participant. The team that quickly covers the distance and snatches up its treats will be the winner.

Competitions for boys

"Sumo wrestlers"

A very fun and entertaining competition is best suited for boys. A couple of daredevils are called to the “ring”. Everyone gets a big dad T-shirt or just an oversized T-shirt, puts it on, and stuffs a pillow under the T-shirt. A circle is drawn around the children. If you play outside, you can draw a circle with chalk, and then erase it or put on a gymnastics hoop. For the home, scarves, ribbon, and rope laid out in a circle are suitable. The task of sumo wrestlers is to push each other out of the circle with their soft cushion sides without hands.

"Head and Ball"

Two participants are called, each is given the same ball (if there is only one ball, this competition can be held in turns for a while). The task is to push the ball with your head without touching it with your hands and feet, and, as quickly as possible, bring it to the finish line or go through a certain route and come back. Boys usually really enjoy this challenge.

Name your profession

For this competition you need to prepare appropriate pictures in advance. The presenter takes turns showing a certain combination of pictures, and the children guess the profession from these pictures. Whoever guessed it raises their hand and answers, for the correct answer they get a point, and whoever has the most points in the end gets a prize. And examples of pictures can be absolutely anything: brick, concrete mixer and trowel (builder); microphone and stage (singer); stethoscope and white coat (doctor); handcuffs and police cap (policeman); broom and trash can (janitor); scissors and hair (hairdresser); pots and white cap (cook) and so on.

Interesting games for younger schoolchildren (9-10 years old)

For older children, it is good to choose funny competitions that contain elements of competition. For small rooms, you can take the following games for children aged nine to ten.


Balloons are scattered around the room, without strings. To the music, children collect balls, trying to hold them. The child who collects the most balloons wins.

Repeat in reverse

The presenter shows various movements. The task of the participants is to repeat them in reverse. For example, the leader raises his hands, which means the children lower their hands. The one who makes a mistake is eliminated. The most attentive one wins.


Teams line up in front of the starting line. Teams receive three balls. They must be carried to the end of the room, then returned back. It is difficult to hold three balls at once; you need to move carefully, very carefully. The fastest team wins.


Each participating team will need 5 sheets of cardboard. Imagine, we found ourselves in an impassable swamp. You can cross it only by shifting sheets of cardboard and stepping on them. Having covered the distance, the player takes the sheets and runs back, passing them to the next participant. A child who stumbles is considered drowned. The team that crosses the “swamp” with the least losses wins.

Drag your opponent

Two teams play. The room is divided in half, with teams occupying different halves. The players' task is to pull members of the opposing team towards themselves. A overstretched child fights for the team in whose territory he finds himself. Soon the children form a large group on the right or left side.


Teams are offered a creative task. Imagine yourself as artists. Try to draw candy wrappers from a confectionery factory. Use the names: “Fabulous”, “Unusual”, “For Kids”, “Rainbow”. Limit the task to a time frame.

Outdoor games

With the help of time-tested or modern fun, you can stir up even the laziest “unwilling” ones, encouraging them to take part in outdoor games with other children in the fresh air. Then they will remember this memorable day for a long time and, if necessary, ask adults to repeat interesting and exciting fun.

For outdoor games you will need appropriate props, for example:

  • Strings;
  • Skittles (they can be replaced with water bottles);
  • Balls and balloons;
  • Water pistols;
  • Pebbles, cones, chestnut fruits, etc.

You can arrange a bunch of different outdoor games with these items on the street, but what can you come up with at home? This question worries more than one parent. Let's consider several options for indoor outdoor games.

Sparrows and crows

The players are divided into two teams and agree who will squat and who will stand on one leg at the command of the leader. If one player on a team fails to complete the task, the team is awarded a penalty point. The team with fewer of them wins.

Catch the ball

A leader is chosen, the rest of the children stand at a distance in a line facing the leader. At the command of the leader, the players, having heard their name, must catch the thrown ball, and the Players who are standing before this child must sit down so that the ball reaches the desired player. The team with the most points wins.

You can see other outdoor games for preschool children in our article HERE.

Tips for a good holiday

  1. The first thing you should take care of is small memorable souvenirs, so that all invited guests have memorable gifts. You should definitely make sure that there is an opportunity to take photographs during the entire holiday;
  2. In the article we have already mentioned “Memorable Congratulations”, let adults take part in this fun along with their children, and then, after the paints have dried, together with the child they will come up with a small humorous congratulation and write it on behalf of the baby;
  3. Small children get tired quite quickly, so it is worth considering a series of active games and quiet activities. If children are very overtired, then you can distract them with a short cartoon by sitting them in front of the TV directly on the floor;
  4. You should not organize themed parties for very young children - they may be very upset if their costume does not match the party and the holiday may be ruined.

Don't plan a holiday that's too long for the little ones. The duration should not exceed 2 hours. Try to change the scenario of competitions and fun every 15-20 minutes, inviting children to drink water or juice, because they are active and move a lot.

But teenagers can have as much fun as they want for 3-4 hours. They should not constantly bother you with their presence. Older children do not like to be constantly in front of adults.

Happy holiday to you! Natalya Belokopytova.

Competitions for girls


This competition can be held with or without mothers. Participants are divided into 2 teams. You prepare the props: 2 chairs, 2 headscarves and 2 large skirts - one item for each team. The participants’ task is to take turns running to a chair, putting on a headscarf with a skirt, sitting down and saying some phrase: “I’m a beauty!” After this, the participant takes off everything and runs back. The next one gets down to business. You can complement the competition with other clothing items of your choice.

"Dress the doll"

A pair of participants is selected. In front of each is a doll and a bunch of clothes. The task is to dress the doll as quickly as possible. You can play races or against time. If the girls are older, you can ask them to comment on the set and tell them where it can be worn.

Shall we play?

Every child loves to show off their toys, especially the birthday boy. In this competition, all the children are blindfolded, and the birthday boy (birthday girl) takes one of his toys and brings it to the guest. The guests stand in a row. The birthday boy chooses his toy and gives it to the first participant, and he must guess what it is (a bunny or a gun, a doll or a teapot from a dish). Then the birthday boy takes another toy and gives it to the second participant, and so on until the last participant, or in a second round until the toys run out. At the end of the game, the guest who guesses the most toys will receive a prize.

I wished for an object

Each of the guests takes turns thinking “to themselves” about any object that is in the room. The rest of the guys take turns asking the person who made the wish a question about the object he had in mind, for example, is it red? Is it round? Is this a male item? Is this an item of clothing? Is this from furniture? And so on. The person who made the wish can answer “yes” or “no” to the question. Whichever child guesses the item first gets the right to make a guess for their item. At the end of the game, when the children are already tired, the results are summed up and the participants who guessed the most objects are awarded prizes.

Tips for having fun competitions at home:

  1. Fun competitions for children will be most interesting if everyone knows each other. Organize a simple acquaintance game before the competition, for example, “The sparrow is jumping, jumping.” Help participants relax!
  2. It’s easier and more fun to organize fun games for kids of about the same age.
  3. Prepare more props. Children love to dress up and become fairy-tale characters. They love receiving small gifts. Prepare the necessary equipment: costumes, masks, incentive awards, prizes.
  4. Consider age. For younger children, organize simple competitions and offer clear, understandable tasks. Make the rules more difficult for older guys, let them show ingenuity and intelligence.
  5. Do not make the tasks too difficult; excessive difficulties discourage interest in further entertainment.
  6. Eliminate competitions that cause embarrassment. You cannot use competitions that, if lost, will make the participants feel stupid and inept.
  7. Hold several competitions without a clear winner. Let each participant be awarded prizes. This advice is especially relevant when organizing competitions for young children.
  8. Write a script. List the games, competitions, give them a brief description. Then you can easily navigate during the event.
  9. Consider the size of the room. You should not conduct active outdoor games and competitions in a small room at home. During competitions, it is better to move away disturbing furniture, take out fragile objects, and remove flower pots.

Calm, entertaining tasks

It is advisable to alternate active competitions with calm competitions that require attention, ingenuity, and resourcefulness. They are easy to carry out in small spaces. For children to enjoy playing them, they must be fun and include funny tasks.

Inside out

The presenter pronounces the words. Children rearrange the letters in reverse order and write down the resulting word. For example, when a child hears “pencil case,” he writes “lanep,” and the word “table” is “lots.” Use different words appropriate to the age of the players.

New fairy tale

Children are invited to turn into good wizards to help the sad fairy tale. Choose any fairy tale with a sad ending, and then invite the children to come up with a happy ending. Prepare your props and act out your story.

Speak without hesitation

Participants receive sheets of paper with a tongue twister. The child who reads it the fastest without hesitation wins.

Drawing blindly

Two teams are participating. Players have to blindly draw a car. Children are blindfolded one by one and asked to draw one part of the car.

Whoever is more like the real one wins.

Guess the song

The competition is held with groups of children. Teams are given cards depicting different objects, animals, plants, things from famous songs. Teams must guess which songs are encrypted in the pictures. A drawn train can mean the song “Blue Car”, a red-haired boy - the song “Red, Red, Freckled”, an image of a mammoth - “Baby Mammoth Song”.

Caring parents will always be able to make their children’s leisure time exciting and interesting if they take a creative approach to organizing it. A selection of fun games for children will help them with this!

Competitions at the table

Table entertainment at a child's birthday is not only about competitions and riddles. We would like to invite you to try another interesting option.

"Funny story"

You can conduct it with 2 or more people - the more participants, the funnier your story becomes. So, all participants are given a piece of paper and a pen, and you ask them if they want to try themselves as writers?

For example, your competition might start like this: “Guys, who wants to become a writer? Now we will have the opportunity to all try this thing together! So let's begin! We take our sheets and write at the top: When and where this story happened. We don’t show anyone what you wrote. After this, bend the sheet so that your phrase is not visible and pass the sheet to the other participant on the left. On a new sheet of paper we write the continuation of your story.” Children write a new phrase and pass the sheet around. It is important not to forget to bend the sheet well and pass it on. And so on until the final. Then everyone reads out their story. It usually turns out to be a lot of fun.

The presenter can spy a little on what exactly they write in order to help the children better understand the rules if anything.

We recommend this story structure:

  • When and where did this happen?
  • Who are the participants in this story?
  • Who else was there?
  • What they were doing?
  • Why did they decide to do this?
  • What happened next?
  • What did the heroes do when this happened?
  • How did it all end?
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