Children's holiday with 5 points: how to organize and spend an unforgettable birthday

No fun holiday can be complete without an entertainment program for children. Interesting birthday contests for children are one of the prerequisites for a modern holiday. Boring gatherings over tea and cake are a thing of the past, because today our children have seen a lot and you won’t surprise the birthday boy with a simple, banal celebration. To meet his needs, parents have to be very sophisticated, which is essentially beyond the power of many to cope with. Many resort to a simple solution to this problem and turn to specialized companies for help. In this article, we propose to familiarize yourself with tips on choosing an entertainment program, clarify what is important in the process of preparing a special event, and how to properly organize and conduct it.

We develop a script and plan a budget

Preparing for any event begins with planning. To organize a holiday, you should, first of all, take into account the age of the child and decide on the number of invited guests.

How many years?

There is a rule: no matter how old the birthday boy is, so many friends can be invited. That is, if the baby is only 3 years old, then it is advisable to gather a company of 4 people. And when you invite a baby who is under three years old, the presence of an accompanying person (mom, dad or grandmother) is required.

Another psychological feature: the younger the children, the earlier the holiday should be held. It is better to plan the birthday of a 3-year-old child in the morning. But teenagers may well get together for a party.

Master classes for a blogger party

For a blogger party, you should select appropriate master classes that fit into the theme of the event.

Master class options

  1. Blogging - all about Instagram, YouTube and TikTok lessons from a blogger. Promoting a personal blog. An introductory master class is suitable for a party, where children will be told about promotion in search engines and social networks, how to properly prepare content, its design and much more.
  2. Photography. How to shoot a video correctly, how to pose and present yourself from the best side.
  3. Acting skills. The interactive will fit well into blogger parties of any direction. Children will be able to develop specific skills and become more relaxed.
  4. Cartoon. Frame by frame, the children will create a fabulous cartoon, which they will then post on their accounts. This master class develops imagination well, because children will have to think through the scenario on their own.
  5. Style and image. Girls will be able to learn how to choose the right outfits for their videos, how to present and win over them.

View all master classes here

Contents and participants of the program

Taking into account age, a children's party script is also drawn up. It is clear that the older the child, the more varied and longer the celebration program. Costumes for animators are selected according to age. Pirates, super-agents or Ninja Turtles can come to school-age children. But for kids, more “calm” fairy-tale characters (Snow White or Luntik) are suitable.

A character or several characters effectively appear at a time clearly specified by the holiday script - for example, an hour after the start of the event (when the guys have already had lunch). And if you order animators for a few hours, they can meet guests and spend half a day, or even the whole day, with children.

The animators’ program can be thought out in advance and filled with competitions, games and quests. The scenario can include a short performance, a trip to a fairy tale, as well as taking out and blowing out the cake. And of course, it’s worth diversifying the day with bright shows.

Musical arrangement

To hold a children's party, you will need musical accompaniment: funny songs, melodies for competitions and background music. The repertoire is compiled, again, taking into account the age of the children and the content of the program.

Look on our website: ready-made scenarios for children's parties in Moscow.

How to order a Blogger Party in Moscow

You can order a blogger party from the Sea of ​​Joy agency; it can be held in a loft, restaurant or home. The main thing is a spacious room so that there is room to spread out.

We can offer you classic options with an animated dynamic program or calm options for small groups. Our managers will select the best option for you.

Contact us by phone 8-(495)-765-17-97 or Whatsapp 8-(985)-411-54-08. Or leave a request on the website. You can also ask all questions by email

We will take care of all the organizational aspects so that your children can enjoy the holiday and learn a lot of new things for themselves!

Choosing animators

What would a birthday be without colorful and fun animation!
This concept has become firmly established in our lives. Now, in order for the children's event to be successful, you need to order animators. The artists come to the holiday in costumes of characters familiar to all children and their favorite ones. To guess the choice of characters, it is enough to know at least a little about the child’s hobbies. Remember what cartoons he watches with particular pleasure and what toys he plays with. You don’t have to order a cartoon character for your birthday—a fairy-tale hero or just a big plush toy can come to visit you.

Every age has its own heroes

Animators at a children's party are a sea of ​​positivity, fun, laughter and joy.
But in order not to make a mistake with the choice of characters, we advise you to proceed, first of all, from the age of the children. For example, Luntik, Barboskins, Snow White, Carlson, Masha and the Bear, Leopold, Peppa Pig, Crocodile Gena, Fixies and plush toys are quite suitable for 3-5 years old. Children of primary school age are delighted with Alice, Cinderella, Minions, Paw Patrol heroes, Ninja Turtles, Mickey Mouse, Little Pony. Pirates and Cars will appeal more to boys, but the Winx Fairies and Frozen heroes will appeal to girls.

For middle school age, appropriate characters are needed: Jack Sparrow, Super Agents, Spider-Man and others. That is, before ordering an animator for a holiday, you need to estimate how old the children are (each age has its own heroes).

Our website presents the most popular animators for children's parties.

Animator show

Children's animation is not just about the appearance of artists in character costumes.
Animators at birthday parties always put on a mini-performance. First of all, the artists introduce themselves and get to know the audience. The task is to attract, interest and win over children. When this task is solved, you can safely move on to dynamic games and competitions with obligatory gifts and surprises. In one hour-long performance, the animator manages to conduct at least 10 competitions and games. And if time permits, exciting quests are launched. And of course, heavy artillery - spectacular shows (with bubbles, nitrogen, light, etc.).

Another component of the animation program is a journey into a fairy tale. The artists tell the children an interesting story, and sometimes show it (scenery and auxiliary accessories can be used for this). Most of the action takes place to music. Magicians and clowns

A win-win solution for a children's party is a magician or a clown. If you want to please the kids with funny jokes and practical jokes, invite these artists. They will put on a bright performance and will not let either children or adults get bored.

The clown is a character that is equally easily perceived by children of different ages (starting from 3-4 years). If you have a group of different ages at your birthday party, this is the best choice. And it’s even better if a clown or magician comes to the party along with the animators.

The children's party program can be supplemented with an incendiary disco. In this case, you will need a DJ who will play catchy hits and create a truly festive mood. We recommend ordering a DJ along with a paper, tape or light show - the effect will be simply amazing!

Decor for a blogger party

Holiday decor adds a fabulous atmosphere. Decorations must be made of safe materials and structures.

Suitable for a blogger party:

  • Photo zones-banners with logos of specific social networks
  • Balloon decor: avalanches, fountains, garlands. Balloons can be ordered with the desired logo
  • Tantamareski in the form of frames from Instagram and other networks
  • Volumetric decorations:
  • Cabinets with social network logos
  • Blogger throne
  • Photo zone kaleidoscope
  • Balloon bath

View decor options here

Show programs for children

The highlight of the festive program can be a bright, spectacular show prepared in advance by the artists. It will decorate a children's party and give a lot of positivity, joy, and delight. And most importantly, you can order any suitable show for your event, or even several special performances.

All children's show programs are interactive and necessarily involve the participation of children. The kids immerse themselves in the exciting, exciting action - such entertainment leaves unforgettable memories!

Next, we will briefly describe the most popular shows for children's parties.

Papers and tapes

The paper show is an exciting whirlwind of paper streamers and confetti.
These are white and multi-colored paper snakes that escape from the hands of the animator and, under the pressure of the air stream, quickly scatter throughout the entire site. Paper literally fills the entire space, and entire paper drifts form on the floor, in which you can swim, as if in waves. During the delightful paper show, children can simply jump and fool around and have carefree fun. Or you can come up with fun competitions or arrange a paper photo shoot! The performance usually lasts from 15 minutes or more, up to 1 hour. All this time, the children, rejoicing, circle around the festive area.

Silver show

Do you want to make your holiday even brighter? Order a foil show! In this case, instead of paper, silver ribbons and stripes are launched into the air. They shine and shimmer with all the colors, making you laugh with joy. This is a great gift for both children and adults who would also like to swim in the silver rain! Fun bubbles

Another popular way to entertain children at a party is to have a bubble show. All the kids are crazy about these amazing bright balloons, inflated from soapy water. They can be blown manually, or using a special device - a soap bubble generator. The machine is capable of filling the hall with dozens of large and small bubbles in a matter of moments, which delight children.


The giant bubble show is no less fun. They are blown by hand using special devices. With certain skills and experience, you can blow bubbles of incredible sizes, as tall as a person. Children will certainly be delighted by the size and unusual shapes of the giants.


Fire bubbles look impressive. This is real magic - when a bright flame suddenly lights up in the artist’s hands. Of course, performances with fire require great professionalism and strict adherence to safety regulations. Only older children are allowed to participate in such experiments. Trained animals

Shows of trained animals are always a success at children's parties. Dogs, cats, mice, hamsters, and birds are capable of performing original tricks, which will amuse the kids a lot. The success of the performance depends mainly on the skill of the trainer - it is important to invite an experienced specialist to the birthday party.

Animal shows are good because they provide close contact between children and our little brothers. Especially if the trainer allows you to pet or feed the pets.

Shows with dogs are especially popular. Many people have dogs at home, but not every dog ​​knows how to follow commands and perform funny tricks. Therefore, the performances of smart dogs always cause tenderness and delight.

Science and experiments

Fascinating and spectacular science shows are designed for middle and high school children. They are in great demand today because they allow you to combine entertainment with physical and chemical experiments.

The show is usually hosted by an artist dressed in the costume of a “brilliant scientist.” In front of the amazed eyes of the children, he conducts extraordinary experiments in his “laboratory”. As a result of the experiments, colorful liquids, gases and solids are used. And as a result of manipulations, unexpected transformations always occur.

Cryo show

The so-called cryo shows and experiments with liquid nitrogen are enchanting. The genius professor takes nitrogen and turns it into smoke, then performs funny and educational tricks on various objects. For example, you can freeze a flower in nitrogen, make a hammer out of a banana, and much more amazing things!

Tesla show

An original performance that leaves no one indifferent - the Tesla show. These are spectacular experiments with electricity. Using special equipment, the artist literally extracts electrical discharges from thin air, capturing the imagination of all those present. You should definitely see this!

Other shows

There are many more interesting shows in the assortment of modern artists, each of which is interesting in its own way.
This includes a light show, which looks beautiful in a darkened room, a foam show with soft cubes, and a sand show (hand drawing in the sand on a luminous screen). The transformer show fits well into the format of a boys' children's party. The real transformers will come to visit you - 2.5-meter giants, realistically designed in the form of humanoid robots of the future. They will provide an entertainment program and will also be happy to take part in a photo shoot with children.

Watch these and other children's show programs on our website.

Where to celebrate a child's birthday?

The choice of holiday program is directly related to the location of the holiday. Agree, an ordinary apartment is not suitable for a spectacular paper disco or transformer show - you need a larger room. That's why parents decide to celebrate their child's birthday in a cafe or a specialized children's club.

Club or cafe?

The club is perhaps the ideal place to celebrate. However, it must create the conditions for a delicious program: a place for a large festive table is required, service is required (good cuisine, waiters). It would be great if the club, among other things, has a trampoline or a children's labyrinth. Children will be able to climb and jump to their heart's content.

A children's cafe is another suitable place. Here you can set a luxurious table, as well as order a chocolate fountain and cake. When choosing an establishment, you should make sure that there is enough space in the hall for the animators to work and the children to have fun.

Holiday decor

Don't forget about decorating a children's party. On the eve of the event, the site is decorated with balloons, ribbons and other decorative elements. Using decorative means, you can successfully highlight the place of the birthday person. Thanks to professional decoration, the celebration place is filled with the appropriate mood. In addition, it provides a colorful background for photographs and video shooting.

You can also celebrate your child’s birthday at home, especially if you have enough free space.

Tips for organizing a blogger party

You can't do without accessories and props at a blogger party. Here are some accessories tips:

  1. Prepare all the scarves, bracelets, glasses, bags, hats that you can find at home. And put it in one box. You can even borrow spectacular wardrobe items from friends so that there is enough for all the guests.
  2. Carnival accessories can also be used. Carnival glasses, wigs and garlands - all this will enliven photos and videos.
  3. You can purchase paper photo props.

When decorating a holiday at home, it is difficult to free up a lot of space from furniture. But you can use the ideas for creating a photo zone!

  1. The background can be made from paper garlands and corrugated ribbons.
  2. Arrange houseplants on multi-level surfaces.
  3. Try to choose unusual angles for ordinary objects!
  4. Help young bloggers: keep different backgrounds vertically behind them, which can be tablecloths, blankets, scarves and stoles.

Another good tip for a blogger party: let the children relax and have fun, and don’t rush to post every video they shoot online. Let them do this after the holiday. Then they will have time to select the best shots and edit the videos to collect more likes.

Report of the children's holiday: Savely's birthday (Moscow)

We've covered a lot of things.
Now we’ll show you how children’s parties are held using the example of Savely’s birthday (he turned 6 years old). We organized and held this event in Moscow for the birthday boy himself, his guests and parents. Organization

For the celebration, a comfortable and fairly spacious hall of one of the famous children's clubs was chosen. Before the start of the event, the site was decorated with inflatable balloons, fabrics and colorful printing.

The scenario for the child's birthday was developed together with the parents. Since the holiday budget was limited, we chose the Standard package, which includes the work of one animator for 2 hours. The program included: 20 fun competitions and games, a show of small soap bubbles, face painting and musical accompaniment. Thus, when organizing the holiday, we managed to save up to 50% of the budget.

Carrying out

Exactly at the appointed time, an animator dressed as a pirate arrived at the place of celebration, which delighted all the children. After meeting, the artist immediately endeared himself to the children: with jokes, songs, games, and competitions. The children practically did not leave his side and had noisy fun.

During the program, the birthday boy was given a vest and a real pirate bandana. The pirates' oath was pronounced, after which all those gathered went on a fabulous journey in search of a gift. During the journey, they had to overcome many challenges proposed by the old pirate. As a result, all tasks were completed and each guest at the children's party received a sweet prize. And the hero of the occasion was given the promised gift.

At the final part of the festive program, a sweet cake was brought out. The birthday boy and the guests were absolutely delighted!

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