How to organize a children's party in nature: from ideas to their implementation

Every parent wants their child’s birthday to be remembered for a long time and to be the brightest and most fun. For a celebration in the summer, you can choose an outdoor location. Organizing a children's birthday party in nature is not the easiest task, but it is creative and interesting. Parents need to prepare an entertainment program, take care of gifts, menus and some other equally important issues.

Organization of children's parties in nature

In order for a children's holiday in nature to become a source of only positive emotions and unforgettable impressions, parents will have to work hard on organizing it and think through everything to the smallest detail. We cannot allow any force majeure to spoil the holiday for children and nullify all the efforts of parents to organize it. But, be that as it may, a holiday in nature has many advantages:

  • He is very economical. There is no need to spend money on renting a children's cafe, and you can do without outdoor animators.
  • Children have the opportunity to run and jump as much as they want without fear of hitting or breaking anything.
  • A huge selection of games and entertainment, which are also not limited to four walls.
  • A picnic that all children simply adore. Even the biggest “haters of food” have an appetite.

What should the ideal children's party be like?

The ideal children's holiday is bright, colorful, cheerful, memorable . And most importantly - exactly the way your child wants to see him. Therefore, be sure to discuss the future event together with the little hero of the occasion. Who does he want to invite? What games should I play? What does he prefer as a treat? Perhaps the child wants a themed holiday - with pirates, robbers, or vice versa - princesses? Be sure to find out this so that the holiday really is for children, and not “for children, from the point of view of an adult.”

  • Graduation from school is both a joyful and sad event at the same time, so the graduation party should be remembered for a long time.
  • A themed-style wedding has long come into fashion in our country and is 100% justified in its demand, details are here.

Special Forces

If your child is already old enough, then more serious games are needed. Arrange a real combat mission for the birthday boy and his guests. It is better to hold such an event in the forest, where there are many obstacles and shelters. Mark the boundaries of the field and indicate to participants that leaving the field is strictly prohibited.

Then conduct special forces training: an obstacle course to see who is the most accurate and fastest. And then offer the restless people a real mission. Let them search for a tasty prize or race to get from point A to point B.

Choose tasks that are aimed at team building, training the ability to listen to each other and dexterity. Of course, this matter cannot be done without weapons. Just let them be water pistols or water bombs.

After the mission, provide the heroes with rations from McDonald's.

Where should I start?

So, all wishes have been taken into account and you can proceed directly to organizing the event. First of all, it is worth considering that nature can present an unpleasant surprise and ruin the holiday with heavy rain or cold wind. Therefore, first of all, take care of the place where you and the children’s company will relax, and check whether there is an opportunity to shelter from bad weather. Also, just in case, consider an alternative celebration option in case the weather is completely incompatible with outdoor recreation.

Holiday menu

Of course, a children's holiday in nature is impossible without a holiday menu, which, in this case, should be a little specific.

First rule : no perishable foods. That is, you will have to resolutely refuse salads with mayonnaise or cakes with cream. It should also be remembered that children do not like complex food, so the holiday menu should consist of vegetable and fruit slices, small canapés and, of course, dishes freshly prepared over the fire (kebabs, burgers, potatoes and grilled vegetables).

It is better to replace the cake on a sweet table with cookies, candies or other sweets that do not contain cream and do not spoil outside the refrigerator (for example, meringues). Also make sure you have enough drinks - juices and homemade compotes are best, but regular drinking water must also be present.

And one more important point : before creating a menu, be sure to contact the parents of all invited children and find out if anyone has allergies or intolerance to any products.

Resort complex "Tsargrad"

In the urban district of Serpukhov on the banks of the Oka there is the Tsargrad resort complex. A wonderful eco-zone for an intense country family holiday. The resort offers a variety of children's activities. A wonderful water park, the possibility of individual training for learning to swim. An equestrian club where special horses are specially prepared for children to ride. There is a games room with table football and tennis, and a laser shooting range.

On the territory of the complex you can celebrate your child’s birthday. Cheerful and resourceful animators will take care of the interesting holiday program, offering interesting games and an intricate quest. The hotel will provide children's name days with festive props and prepare a delicious elegant cake.

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Technical aspects of the organization

So, the place has been chosen, the menu has been drawn up. What's next? Next, you need to think through all the important moments that will arise one way or another during the celebration, and prepare for them.

  • The first thing you should do is discuss with your child the number of guests, make and send out (or hand over) invitations. In the invitations, you can also indicate your wishes regarding the form of clothing, as well as what you need to take with you: a sun hat, a warm jacket, socks, raincoats, etc. Don’t forget to indicate the collection point if you are taking the children in an organized manner, or attach a map if the parents must take the children to the place.
  • Then, be sure to find out and write down the phone numbers of the parents of all guests. Discuss all safety and transportation issues with them in advance.
  • Prepare the venue for the party. It makes sense to go there in advance to inspect everything and remove any trash that may be left there from previous vacationers. It would also be good to send one adult there on the day of the holiday - to prepare everything for the arrival of the kids. Arrange tables, chairs, pull up awnings or assemble tents, hang up balloons.
  • Think over the holiday scenario and competitions with which you will entertain the children. Prepare balls, badminton and everything else you might need for outdoor games.
  • Take care of the dishes. Now they are selling beautiful colorful sets that include everything you need for an outdoor party - cups, plates, forks, spoons and even tablecloths. Be sure to buy plenty of napkins and paper towels.
  • Pack a first aid kit. Its contents should include various first aid products for cuts, burns and scratches, as well as protective products against the sun and forest insects.
  • Make sure you have enough water to wash your hands, wash your face, etc.

Organization of overnight stay

If your children's holiday in nature is not just a picnic, but a full-fledged overnight trip, then you need to take care of some additional points:

  • There should be a lot of food and it should be even less perishable: for example, cookies, cheese sandwiches, fruit (apples are best), etc. These will be snacks between main meals, cooked, of course, over a fire.
  • The fire needs to burn for a very long time, so stock up on plenty of wood in advance.
  • Make sure that all children have enough space in tents and sleeping bags. It’s better to try setting up your tents in advance to avoid any embarrassment later.


To decorate a holiday in nature, everything that can be bought for such an occasion in specialized stores or even just in supermarkets is suitable: bright tablecloths, colorful disposable tableware, various garlands and balloons that can be hung on trees or decorated with awnings and tents.

A special case if the event is themed. For example, for a pirate holiday it is worth hanging the appropriate flags, laying out compasses, etc. In general, let your imagination run wild here - as long as the design is festive and evokes delight and positive emotions in the children.

Musical accompaniment

Of course, what is a holiday without music? Be sure to take care of the musical accompaniment. Bring a battery-powered record player with you, and make a playlist at home in advance. Include both calm compositions (for background during meals) and cheerful, lively songs for dances and competitions.

If your vacation is overnight, take your guitar with you. It doesn’t matter if you only know how to play “a grasshopper was sitting in the grass” - evening gatherings around the fire with a guitar will not leave any of the guests indifferent.


You can choose from several options for the place where you and your children will relax:

  • A city park, the main advantage of which is that you don’t need to travel outside the city, which means you don’t have to deal with issues related to transporting children. However, if your event is scheduled for a weekend, then there is a chance that all the best places in the park will be occupied.
  • Country house. An excellent option, as it combines nature and all the necessary living conditions. An additional plus is the ability to shelter from bad weather.
  • Forest Glade. This is also a good option, however, it must be inspected by you for the presence of dangerous objects (for example, broken glass) before the kids arrive. In addition, you will need to take care of shelter from sudden rain (this could be an ordinary tourist tent) and transportation of guests.
  • Tourist base outside the city. A place where you will be provided with all the conditions for a comfortable stay in nature with children - gazebos, benches, kitchen, water, etc. The only thing is that you will have to spend money on all this plus transportation of children.


Safety is the main priority when organizing a children's party in nature. Be sure to go to your chosen location in advance. Make sure there is no risk to children's safety. See if someone left dangerous objects there. Check for places where you can hide from the rain and sun.

If there are none, make them yourself - just pull up a large awning. Also, be sure to discuss the rules of behavior in nature with your children. For example, agree that when the whistle blows, all the children should gather near you. Turn it into a game - whoever runs first wins. Be sure to warn children that they must all be in sight and not go anywhere without an adult. Remember that to ensure maximum safety, there must be one adult for every five children.

In the animal world

This holiday option is suitable for the youngest birthday people. The kids will understand the concept and the presence of animals will be a fun learning element. Hang pictures of animals everywhere, dress up in costumes, and invite your pets to the party.

Cover the table with an unusual tablecloth, come up with a path with animal tracks, hang a garland in the shape of a python, where congratulations to the birthday boy can hang.

Games can also be related to animal themes:

  1. "Guess the animal."
  2. "Animal Karaoke"
  3. “Pick up your ponytail.”

Invite an animator who will make different pets out of balloons. They will be a pleasant addition to the surroundings and a gift for invited guests.

Outdoor Birthday Scenario

It is best to write out the scenario for a children's party in nature in advance. Even if you don’t strictly follow it in terms of time, it will still help you stick to a certain schedule and you will know exactly when it’s time for the kids to eat and when to play.

And any children's holiday in nature should include competitions, and it is better to prepare them in advance.

Remember that two active competitions must alternate with one calm one - to avoid overwork.

  • To find out what to give your grandmother for her birthday, sometimes you just need to ask what she would like for herself.
  • A wedding ceremony in oriental style should be organized in the warm season, detailed description.

"Petrukhino Club"

"Petrukhino Club" is located in close proximity to Moscow in the Serpukhov district. Here you can celebrate your baby’s birthday with great comfort, while significantly saving your budget compared to the capital’s costs. The local restaurant "Palisade" has developed a special children's menu for organizing a festive banquet. Animators will offer children an interesting program of outdoor entertainment and interesting quests.

There is an equestrian club here; you can organize rides for children on calm, trained horses. Cozy cottages and a country setting invite you to a calm, leisurely break from the bustle of the capital.

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First of all, children need to get to know each other. This is best done immediately upon arrival at the celebration site. You can turn getting to know each other into a fun game - line the kids up in a circle and give them a ball. They must throw it to each other in a random order, and the one with the ball must introduce himself and tell a little about himself.

Relay races

The most suitable games for nature are, of course, relay races. After all, where else, if not in a forest clearing, can you run around to your heart’s content, and even win a prize? So, first, divide the children into two teams. Let each team choose a captain.

Next, you need to line them up one after another and you can begin the relay race. It can be either the most classic - run a certain distance with a stick and pass it to another player, or with options - for example, instead of a stick, you can invite players to carry an egg in a spoon.

In any case, relay races are something that children really enjoy and teach them to work as a team.

Comic games

In nature, it is quite possible to play comic games that will give the children a lot of fun and give them a great mood. One of these games is “Train with Obstacles”. The essence of the game is very simple: a rope is stretched in a zigzag between the trees (not very high so that children can step over it).

Next, the children gather in a “train”, holding each other by the waist. The task of the “locomotive” is to go from point A to point B, overcoming obstacles in the form of a rope. When the task is completed, one player is selected from the team, blindfolded and asked to follow the same route.

But the whole point is that the rope is removed at this moment, so the player will overcome obstacles that, in fact, are not there.

During the process, the leader must prompt the player where to raise his leg and where to turn. It all looks very fun and comical.


The guys love and enjoy participating in competitions and fights. For example, they will like the Knight Tournament. For this game you need to find a suitable log on which two “knights” and a couple of long balloons that will act as swords can stand. The winner will be the player who manages to push his opponent off the log and at the same time stand on his own.

Also a very interesting competition is “Duel with Balloons”. Players take part in it in pairs, each with a balloon tied to their right leg.

The goal is to burst your opponent's balloon while keeping your own intact. The winner of one pair of players goes to battle with the next opponent with a whole ball, and so on until there is only one winner of the entire tournament.

Catch-up games

Catch-up is one of those games that city children very rarely get the opportunity to play, since space does not always allow it. But you can run into nature to your heart’s content! One example of catch-up will be the game “Paints”.

Its essence is very simple: children line up, the leader moves a few meters forward and turns his back. Names a color. Those who have this color in their clothes hold on to it and remain in place. The rest run away. The one who was caught drives next.

Throwers and throwers

Games in which you can show limitless imagination are, of course, a variety of throwers and throwers. There can be a lot of options here: from the elementary thing of hitting a tree trunk with a ball from ten steps to “Town” and its variations.

Also interesting would be a game in which a “weight” is tied to a tree branch - a bag with a ball, for example. The “cargo” must reach almost to the ground. On the sides of the “load” (but not too far) you need to place “pins” - plastic bottles or something like that. The player’s task is to knock down all the pins with a “weight”.

So, if you want to give your child an unforgettable holiday - a trip to nature, and even with an overnight stay - this will be it. For children growing up in the city, this will become a whole event, will give a lot of impressions and will be remembered for a very long time.

What drink to treat children with - Strawberry lemonade

No one will refuse aromatic strawberry lemonade. After all, it tastes much better than store-bought soda.

We will need:

  • strawberries – 1 kg,
  • lemon – 2-3 pcs.,
  • mint – 1 bunch,
  • sugar - to taste.

How to cook:

Scald the lemons with boiling water and squeeze the juice out of them. Finely chop the mint, tear off the sepals of the strawberries, wash them and puree them in a blender.

In a bowl, mix strawberry puree, mint, lemon juice, add sugar. Place the resulting lemonade preparation into empty plastic bottles, filling the bottles no more than a third full.

Place the bottles in the freezer until the strawberry mixture is completely frozen. At a picnic, all you have to do is add sparkling or regular water to your bottles and wait a little. Delicious and healthy strawberry lemonade is ready!

We design a dacha (clearing, gazebo)!

There are ready-made paper decorations that can be turned into voluminous balls, stars and pompoms in a couple of seconds.

Ready-made paper decorations

That's the problem. All these decorations are quite LARGE and you don’t need so many of them to decorate a room. The price is very reasonable, they are sold folded and fold up very easily, literally in a couple of seconds. Rate my work, I dedicated a separate article to each type of decoration:

Here is a selection of articles with examples:

Read more about accordion balls here (many examples).

Here's everything about ready-made paper pompoms with a link to the site.

Large voluminous stars (56 cm in diameter) - here with examples

Multi-colored paper pom-poms-tassels are also a great decoration, look at the pictures

And here are some more honeycomb balls. What a beauty, look!

Do you know what forfeits are? These are fans for decoration. Adore!

Fence and picket fence

The inside of a large fence can be given an original thematic color: rainbow, flowers and fruits, forest animals, fairy-tale characters, funny caricatures and more.

We paint the picket fence in bright colors. Wide stripes can be turned into magic men and soldiers.

You can decorate a small fence with a wide variety of flowers.

The image of a small fence can be made using two slats and a rope stretched between them. We literally string plywood figures onto it. These figures can be nailed or glued to a board, bench, or wooden flower shelf.

Preparing the “clearing”

Decide on the location of the holiday. The selection of a place also needs to be done in advance: make sure that no one will occupy it, check the safety conditions (there should be no steep slopes and cliffs, holes, thickets of thorny plants, hummocks, the presence of aggressive wild animals or insects, poisonous plants and mushrooms), choose enough extensive space for entertainment, distribute the location of tents, awnings, fires, tables, toilets, etc.

If there is debris on the site, it must be removed. Advice on choosing a site for a holiday: it should not be completely in the shade of trees, but it is also undesirable for everything to be located in the open sun (this is especially true in the summer). The best option is a combination of shaded and sunny areas.

If you still decide to have a party at home, we suggest you read the article: How to celebrate a child’s birthday at home

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