4 ideas for an outdoor quest that can be prepared in half an hour

What types of quests are there?

Puzzles, rebuses, ciphers, riddles, labyrinths and so on. The player's task is to solve such a puzzle.

Using props

For example:

  • various hiding places,
  • mechanisms,
  • sympathetic ink,
  • locks
  • and others.

The player's task is to correctly activate the props.

For example, click on certain parts of the box to open a hiding place, reveal sympathetic ink, and so on.

Active actions

For example, collect ingredients and brew a potion, cross an obstacle, collect an artifact, pass a pirate test, and so on.

Tasks with AR (augmented reality).

Any household item can be used in the game.

For example, in this task from the “New Year’s Quest” the player needs to “light” a garland by numbers in order to see the object in which the clue is hidden.

If the player does everything correctly, he will see the silhouette of a chair.

Tasks for quests at school , as a rule, are associated with active actions or the possibility of dividing into teams.

After all, the number of players at the school festival is greater than at home, and at the same time it is also necessary to provide each player with the opportunity to prove themselves.

And, tasks in a cafe may be limited to one table or lounge.

Office assignments may be related to the specifics of the company's activities and office facilities.

And such a task is in the “Superheroes” quest. To see the name of the cache, you need to find and complete 2 parts of the clue.

Game Photo Quest for summer camp

Photo Quest “We can do anything”
Author: Irina Viktorovna Trubinova, teacher of Russian language and literature, Krasnokamsk Polytechnic College, Krasnokamsk. Description of the material: I offer you an entertaining photo Quest for a country or school camp on the theme “We can do anything!” Photo Quest in a relaxed atmosphere can be carried out both indoors and outdoors. Goal: expanding your horizons through play. Objectives: 1. develop creative thinking; 2. entertain the children during their vacation; 3. broaden the horizons of primary and secondary school students. Supporting materials: mobile touch phone, tablet, laptop, projector, screen. Methodological techniques: game situation, productive activities of children, summing up.

The game consists of children from different groups being divided into teams of 6-10 people.
Each team gives itself a name, the name should be very sonorous and creative. The team captain is selected. After the team gives itself a name, each team is given a sheet with a task. The presenter informs that the best photographs will be evaluated; it is necessary to approach the task creatively and creatively. You need to complete tasks as you understand them. It is necessary to inform in advance that in the evening the best photos will be shown on a common screen in the camp and a winner will be selected. The guys complete the task, then the completed tasks are handed over to the presenter and loaded into the laptop. In the afternoon, maybe in the evening, if this is a country camp, the most successful photographs are shown and the winner is determined. Tasks to complete: 1. Take a photo with 5 green elements in your clothes. 2. Photo “Team on the Palm” 3. Photo “Heart of the Team” 4. Photo “Pyramid” 5. Photo “Search for Summer” 6. Photo “I eat the team” 7. Photo “Letter N” 8. Photo of the number 15 9. Photo “Rainbow Mood” 10. Photo “Catch a Smile” 11. Photo “We Are Athletes” 12. Photo of a Watch 13. Photo “Flying to the Moon” 14. Photo “The Impossible is Possible” 15. Photo “The World Inside Out” 16. Photo “Balance” » 17. Photo “Reflection” 18. Photo “The Complete Opposite” 19. Photo “Door to Infinity” 20. Photo “Everything is Just Beginning” 21. Photo “Waiting” 22. Photo of an excerpt from the fairy tale “Teremok”: The bear climbed into teremok. He climbed and climbed and climbed and climbed - he just couldn’t get in and said: “I’d rather live on your roof.” - Yes, you will crush us. - No, I won’t crush you. - Well, climb up! The bear climbed onto the roof and just sat down - fuck! — the tower collapsed. The tower crackled, fell on its side and completely fell apart. We barely had time to jump out of it: a little mouse, a frog, a runaway bunny, a little fox-sister, and a little top - all safe and sound. They began to carry logs, saw boards, and build a new mansion. They built it better than before! 23. Photo “Shine” 24. Photo “Still Life” 25. Photo “Red and White” 26. Photo “Kolobok” 27. Photo “Turnip in a new way” 28. Photo “Film, film, film” 29. Photo “Zoo” » 30. Photo “Humorina”

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Outdoor quest tasks

Tasks for quests in nature, in the forest, on the street, in the city or in the country, involve walking and the relative distance of the quest objects from each other.

In this case, both stationary and natural objects can be involved, for example:

  • trees,
  • concrete buildings,
  • lanterns
  • and so on.

So are the introduced objects.

  • For example,
  • trunk,
  • checkboxes,
  • snacks
  • and so on.

For example, in this task from the quest “In Search of Treasure,” players need to rearrange the letters.

If they do it correctly, they will be able to find the desired object.

In this case, it's the trunk.

The tasks in quests for children take into account their age and skills.

So, for children who do not yet know how to read, graphic or active tasks are used.

And in the “Letter Eater” quest there are tasks that allow you to improve your reading skills.

Promotion from MasterFuns! “Chocolate Hunt” quest with ready-made tasks for only 450 rubles. Read more .

Photo quest for schoolchildren “Mysteries of Time” will be held in Aniva

On October 20, the photo quest “Riddles of Time” starts in Aniva.

“Photoquest is not a pure quest where you have to solve some problems all the time. This is a fusion of photography and travel, quickness of mind and not blindly moving around a picturesque city. But creativity is still crucial. The goal of the participants is to find an object (building, structure) encrypted in a text or graphic riddle, read a QR code with a photo theme, and take interesting and original photographs. The best of them will be exhibited at the Aniva Museum of Local Lore and will be posted on the website of the Central Library named after. P.N. Romakhina. The winners will receive prizes. The award ceremony will take place on October 27 at 2 p.m. in the library,” the district administration says.

Teams of schoolchildren of up to 4 people, aged 14 years and older, are allowed to compete.

At the start, participants will receive envelopes with tasks, according to which they will have to find 5 encrypted places (objects) in the city. The key to the ciphergrams will be the players’ own knowledge of the history of Aniva, as well as local history publications from the library’s collections. Players have the right to a hint, but 0.5 points are deducted for this. If the hint did not help, the organizers will tell you the answer, but will deduct 1 point.

According to the district administration, at each of the decrypted objects, after reading the found QR code, players will receive themes that will need to be translated into a photographic image. The code is read using a special program on the phone (downloaded before the start). If the phone cannot read the QR code, then the participant can call the organizers, and they will dictate the task orally. No points will be deducted for this. It is not necessary to photograph objects. For photography, 5 task topics will be offered, therefore, 5 photographs will have to be submitted at the finish line. Each photograph must have an author's title. You are allowed to photograph everything that, in your opinion, corresponds to the task. Filming in residential premises is prohibited. You are allowed to move around the city by any means and use any means of transport. Filming is permitted only on the territory of the Aniva district. Photo editing in Photoshop and other professional programs is prohibited. You can use camera settings and process photos in simple editors.

Participation in this competition is possible with cameras, tablets, phones and other digital devices. The method of movement of the team around the city is not regulated by the organizers. Applications for participation in competitions are accepted at the museum or immediately before the start.

The meeting place, start and finish of the competition is the library (from the museum side). Registration of participants is at 11:00. The photo quest starts on October 20 at 11:30. Finish: October 20 at 17:00.

The winner of the photo quest is the team with the minimum time to complete all tasks, taking into account the fines imposed, and who has scored the highest number of points for photo work.

Rating system:

— The quality, originality of tasks and their relevance to the topic are taken into account.

— For each photo, a team can receive from 0 to 15 points. — The overall grade is formed from the sum of points for all tasks.

Important condition! Teams may be disqualified for the following violations:

— use of images obtained before the start of the photo quest;

— use of images received from other persons (including from other teams);

— finishing (transferring photos to the organizers) after 17:00 on October 20;

— non-compliance by participants with competition rules. The organizing committee has the right to exclude from the competition personnel who grossly violate the rules or generally accepted ethical standards.

Mandatory team equipment: a mobile phone with a charged battery and an installed program for reading QR codes; cable from a digital device for copying photos to the organizers’ computer (if the memory card is of a non-standard shape).

Recommended team equipment: waterproof shoes, comfortable clothes, a thermos of hot tea and a couple of delicious sandwiches. But the main thing is a supply of creative ideas and a good mood.

Quest tasks for adult players

For example, the tasks for the outdoor quest for adult players in The Secret of the Vanished Tribe offer a standard level of difficulty.

However, the set contains tasks that can significantly increase it.

So, this task uses the Vigenère cipher.

Players can find the key to it in the archaeologist's notes that they have.

The key to the cipher is the word “Moscow”.

Having guessed this, players will be able to decipher “yuegshf” and find out that the game artifact is kept by the pine tree.

And in this clue from the quest “The Key”, which can be done at home or in the office, sympathetic ink is used.

Which can be revealed by H2O or water.

Those. The card needs to be wet to reveal the text.

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