An important event is coming up, but you haven’t decided yet how and where you will celebrate it? We invite you to organize a home quest. Such an event will not let guests get bored for a minute and will give only positive emotions! All you need for a house quest is to select the items that will be used in the game, as well as come up with tasks and riddles for them. If you're looking for riddles with the answer "oven", you've come to the right place. In this article, we will share with you extraordinary ideas on how to hide a card in the oven and, of course, we will compile a selection of the best riddles about this item for your guests.

Riddles about dishes and kitchen items

In that house that is in the kitchen, black bread and a candy bar are “staying.” (BREAD BOX)

They cook cabbage soup, compote and porridge in it for the whole Big family! (POT)

“House in the Village” We see it on the pack. What's in there? A simple task. (MILK)

The “boss” whistled, Our kettle was on the stove: “Come on, turn it off, And cook for everyone...”. (TEA)

Green, black and in bags, Some are loose, some are in briquettes. Come on, buddy, help me out: “What do you drink with lemon in the morning?” … . (TEA)

You can use it to cut bread and sausage for a sandwich, and spread butter on a bun. It is good for many jobs! (KNIFE)

Adults and children love to eat these sweets with tea. You can eat them without tea, without noticing “dirty” hands. Just lick your fingers, and tell me what to call them. (CHOCOLATE CANDIES)

The rake's younger sister, she has four teeth. But her life is in the kitchen, And she only knows her business! (FORK)

We stand side by side in the closet, shining with our cleanliness. They invite us for tea. Do you know us? So answer! (TEA CUPS)

Cabbage also loves meat, Tomato, watermelon and lard, Cucumber, it grows thickly. Maybe enough or not enough? (SALT)

Fire gnomes “Live” in a cardboard house. (MATCHES)

I love it very much, I drink it with milk in the morning, But not coffee or tea, Well, answer quickly! (COCOA)

We bake pancakes, fry potatoes, we cook an omelet on it. It is not allowed and we do not steam an infusion of herbs and bran. (PAN)

Helps us prepare in the morning: coffee or tea. Did you recognize that boiler? Well, answer quickly! (KETTLE)

I drink it every day, I’m not too lazy to enjoy it. He matures in Ceylon - He can guess every answer here. (TEA)

The teapot's friend has two ears, cooks porridge and soup for Yulia. And her name is... (Pan)

There will be delicious food With a golden crust, If you use... With Teflon (Frying pan)

Soup, salad, mashed potatoes, cutlets, Always served in a (Plate)

And for tea and sour milk, Submit, my friend - (Cup)

A boat is floating on my plate. I put the boat of food into my mouth. (Spoon)

From a hot well, water flows through the nose. (Kettle)

Among spoons I am a colonel. And what's my name? (Ladle)

This white-headed elephant lives on the table in the dining room. (Salt shaker)

They are all made of glass, intended for tea, juice, milk. (Glasses)

I don’t eat myself, but I feed people. (Spoon)

The long-tailed horse brought us sweet porridge. The horse is waiting at the gate - Open your mouth wider. (Spoon)

New dishes, but all full of holes. (Colander)

She doesn’t eat herself, but feeds people. (Spoon)

The pike is in the sea, and the tail is on the fence. (Ladle)

The duck is in the water, - And the tail is on the mountain. (Ladle)

The whole top is full of small holes, - Bitter bitterness in the plates. (Pepper shaker)

Wooden dungeon - And bread is always stored in it. (Breadbox)

On the iron flower bed there are blue flowers - they help to cook any kind of food. (Gas stove)

I puff, puff, puff - I don’t want to get warm anymore. The lid rang loudly - Drink tea! - The water has boiled! (Kettle)

On the stove is the boss of the pots. Fat, long-nosed? (Kettle)

There is a button on the head, a sieve on the back, one hand, and even that on the back. (Kettle)

As soon as he starts talking and talking, he needs to make tea as soon as possible. (Kettle)

In the summer, dad brought us frost in a white box - And now the frost is dry We have it both in summer and in winter It protects food: Meat, fish, fruit. (Fridge)

In our kitchen, Santa Claus lives in the closet all year round. (Fridge)

Admire, look: the North Pole is inside, Snow and ice sparkle there, Winter itself lives there. Forever brought to us this winter from the store. (Fridge)

Look what a house it is - Even in the summer there is cold in it. (Fridge)

In this white chest We store food on the shelves. It's hot in the yard, and cold in the chest. (Fridge)

It looks like a house from the outside, But it's so cold inside! No, just look: the North Pole is inside! What a cold house! How do the products live in it? (Fridge)

Although he lifted his nose to the top, But this is not serious. He is not proud of anyone, Anyone who wants to drink will be convinced. (Kettle)

Hard, full of holes, prickly, clumsy. Whatever they put on her back, she will immediately devour. (Grater)

He puffs like a steam locomotive, holding his nose up. Make some noise, calm down - Invite the seagull to drink. (Kettle)


Mobile game Birthday Modeling construction Quest for husband's birthday Paper

Hi all! Recently it was my husband’s birthday and I thought for a long time about what to give him. Then I found a gift and wanted to give it in an original way. I scoured the internet and found an option called a quest game. I liked the idea and started designing the quest. To begin with, I will say that I decided to place the gift itself in the freezer (in each envelope I put a letter from this word, so that at the end of all the tasks my husband would make up the word where the gift is located), but so that my husband could find it himself, I designed several for this place search steps with tasks. I'll tell you in more detail later. If anyone is interested, stay on the page. At the end I will show you the gift itself and the materials I used.

So, let's begin. I printed out an envelope and a form for the text of the letter

I glued the envelope together and wrote the letter by hand, because that’s the only way letters are written. I cut the letter itself up like a puzzle for my husband to assemble and read. The inscription on the envelope: From whom - From my beloved wife From where - From the very heart To whom - To my beloved husband Where - Personally in the hands The text of the letter itself (in case it comes in handy for someone) - My dear husband, on this day I would like to wish you so much! Please always remain the most wonderful husband in the world! And I will do everything so that when you come home and leave for work in the morning, you are happy. I love you very much, my dear. Happy birthday, my wonderful husband! “I prepared a gift for you, but I won’t give it to you. I suggest you take part in the quest game and find my surprise yourself! If you can find the answer to all my riddles, then you will receive a gift, or rather, you will find it yourself!”

I threw the letter itself into the mailbox and then told my husband to pick up the mail, or I could hand it over personally or send him an SMS that he had received a letter. My husband’s reaction: he opened the envelope, saw that the letter was out of order, smiled, folded everything and read it carefully with a smile, and then said, well, it’s necessary. How interesting you cut the letter. And I put the first envelope in the washing machine.

1. Envelope in the washing machine The task is to connect the picture dot by dot and guess where the next clue is. We have a picture in our house, assembled a long time ago from a children's puzzle with a picture of a cat; I attached a second envelope to the back of the picture. Husband's reaction - Oh, what a face, who? He drew it quickly, but didn’t immediately understand where it was, he said, we don’t have animals at home.

2. Envelope behind the picture Task - You will always find a clue where the water splashes noisily (Answer - Bathroom) In the bathroom, I secured 3 envelopes behind the mirror, so that one corner stuck out a little, in my opinion it was better this way. Husband's reaction - he guessed quickly and stomped into the bathroom, saying that he caught a glimpse of something colored in the mirror

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