How to congratulate women on March 8, 2021 in an original way, if there are many of them: script, in verse, in your own words

With the inevitability of an iceberg, the favorite holiday of the fairer sex is approaching. The male part of the work collectives began to rack their brains in advance about how to congratulate women on March 8 at work. For some, banal tulips and mimosas seem to be the height of creativity, while others are ready to put on a theatrical performance for their beloved colleagues.

For a long time now, the brainchild of revolutionary friends Clara Zetkin and Rosa Luxemburg has not been perceived as a day of women’s struggle for equality and independence. Its meaning has changed dramatically. Women want to be weak and vulnerable, comfortably hidden under the wing of strong and caring men. Give them this feeling, let them at least on this day feel tender and defenseless, but under the constant protection of their brutal colleagues.


In many places, March 8 is a day off.
Of course, there are areas where they work not only on International Women’s Day, but also on January 1st. However, at the state level this day is a day off. Therefore, men who have girls working in their team should congratulate the ladies in advance, for example, on March 7th. There are cases when men simply forgot to congratulate their colleagues on this holiday. But if you don’t want to spoil the atmosphere in the team, then it’s better not to forget about it. In order for congratulations to your colleagues on March 8 to go beautifully and without any problems, you will need to prepare for this. Of course, you can put everything off until the last minute, but this way you won’t be able to congratulate your colleagues in a beautiful and original way. So if you want to make them happy on this day, then take care of the preparations for International Women's Day.1. Office decoration March 8 is a truly beautiful, light and bright spring holiday that marks the end of winter. That is why on this day everyone wants to plunge into the appropriate festive atmosphere. This is especially true for the hero of the occasion, who on this day want to feel that this is really their holiday. In order to immediately immerse their colleagues in the festive atmosphere of International Women's Day, men can decorate the office. They can do this with the help of rose petals, balloons and all kinds of decorative accessories. To do this, men need to come to work early and decorate everything. If you are afraid that traffic jams will prevent you from making it in time, you can do everything the evening before.2. Choosing gifts If you want to beautifully congratulate your colleagues on March 8, then you need to decide in advance what you will give to the women with whom you work. When choosing a gift for beautiful ladies, you don’t need to rely on what they gave you on February 23rd. Try to give them gifts not “for show,” but so that their colleagues will really like them. If your team consists of an overwhelming number of men and only a few girls, then you have a great opportunity to please beautiful ladies with really worthwhile gifts. But even if there are much fewer men in the team than women, you can give your colleagues gifts that they will really like.3. Going to a restaurant: yes or no? If you have a fairly large and friendly team, then you will probably want to celebrate this holiday on a grand scale. And this is understandable, because such a celebration will unite your team even more. However, you must immediately decide how exactly you will celebrate International Women's Day. For example, you can celebrate March 8 right in the office. To do this, you will need to buy food and drinks, decorate the office and think over the concept of the celebration. Instead, you can simply book a table at a cafe or restaurant and not worry about anything else. Although it will be a little more expensive.4. Buying flowers Never forget about flowers. You must buy them without fail. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to buy large bouquets for colleagues, because you can get by with a few tulips. The main thing is that the flowers are Well, what they will be is not so important. If you are afraid that you will not have time to buy flowers for your colleagues in the morning, then you can do this the night before. In this case, flowers should be bought by one person so that they look approximately the same

You can agree among yourselves who exactly will do this. 5. Choosing a method of celebration In the process of preparing for the celebration of International Women's Day at work, you need to immediately decide on a way to congratulate all your colleagues. This will make it much easier for you to congratulate the beautiful girls you work with.

Holiday program ideas

  • Festive program with elements of a sand show . The principle is very simple - a representative of the organization comes with his attributes and creates amazing sand paintings. The dynamics with which pictures are created and erased are high, so it definitely won’t be boring.
  • Light show elements . The principle is very similar to the previous performance, only in this case everything is carried out in pitch darkness, and the created drawings appear out of nowhere and hang in the air for 20 minutes.
  • Invite artists of the original genre . A magician, trainer or juggler will amuse your colleagues and present unique competitions. Today, a very popular way of congratulations is congratulations with colorful doves. At the end of the program, you can offer everyone present ice cream in the color of the birds.
  • You can give chocolate figurines or sets of sweets with the image of each employee. But what everyone will definitely be delighted with is the chocolate fountain. Catering companies providing these services will help you with this.
  • You might think about creating a photo zone in the office . To do this, you need to invite a professional photographer who will independently create all the conditions for organizing high-quality photographs. Photos created on this day will constantly remind you of the pleasant moments spent in the team.
  • Surely, every woman will not refuse to visit a beauty salon, especially in the workplace. Invite a specialist and give him a separate room; we assure you that your colleagues will appreciate this gift.
  • Unusual and harmless pranks that will make everyone smile - a fun and enjoyable pastime. Take beautiful cards and fill them out, for example, “comprehensive massage”, “peeling” or “hypnosis”, but with the condition that the procedures will be carried out here and now. Hand it to each employee and invite them one by one to a separate room. Record unusual sounds on tape in advance and play it loudly when the woman enters, so that others will be surprised. While the recording is in progress, offer the lady champagne and ask her not to say anything when she leaves the office, so the intrigue will remain until the end of the event.
  • The next competition is just gaining popularity, the main advantage is that time is spent productively and fun. Creative competitions help to reveal the hidden sides of the participants and join a new hobby.

You can create different things, for example:

— create a new variety and type of chocolates;

- paint a picture in oil or graphic pencils;

— creation of cosmetic sets or new personal care products;

- make your own unusual type of soap;

— making decorative candles;

- creating jewelry from improvised materials;

— artistic painting of elements of clothing or tableware.

  • What is a holiday without songs and dances? Surely, many girls dreamed of becoming singers, so why not start from this day! Prepare karaoke, and the long-time dream of many will come true today.

Performing with backup dancers is encouraged, and sometimes the dance can overshadow the performance of the song itself. Don’t be shy, lead by example and see the silent gratitude of your colleagues.

  • Surprise of the very best . Any woman simply loves it when attention is focused on her advantages. Give out a prize, but not just a material reward, but come up with nominations for which you will present it. For example, “the most pleasant voice” or “queen of intelligence”, in every employee you can find a quality for which you should give a bonus.
  • We all know that every woman is romantic by nature, imagine how pleased your colleagues will be if you dedicate a poem or a short aria to each one. It’s great if you take verses or poems that are not well-known to everyone, but come up with something of your own; in the worst case, you can contact a specialist, since there are now many organizations specializing in various kinds of celebrations.
  • A very unusual idea - to become a good wizard for women for a certain period of time . And a wizard in the most literal sense. The essence of this competition is the following - you need to come up with and write down a list of good deeds that you are ready to do for your colleagues, then draw them by lottery. Moreover, the lottery can be two-sided, for example, first the woman draws out the man’s name, and then the man draws out a ticket on which is written the task that he undertakes to complete. Completion dates are agreed upon immediately.

Examples of tasks:

- transport an employee to and from work within the agreed time;

— monitor the cleanliness of a colleague’s car;

— daily coffee delivery to the workplace;

- regularly present flowers;

- feed lunch for a certain period of time;

— fulfill the employee’s wishes.

How to congratulate women on March 8th at work in an original and humorous way

If there are many women in your team, it will be difficult for you to get through all of them for individual congratulations on March 8th. Difficulties can also be caused by trying to gather everyone in one place at one time to congratulate them centrally (it’s a pre-holiday day, but still a working day). How to create a light, cheerful mood for everyone together and each individually?

The solution is to start with a cool congratulations in the morning! A funny start to the working day will charge your colleagues with positivity for a long time, and you only need a small team of men to organize it.

Children's games for girls will help set a cheerful tone for the holiday. Use a simple game like hopscotch. Even the most serious ladies - from an accountant to a commercial director - will not deny themselves a little mischief in response to the offer to overcome several cages by jumping on one leg.

How to organize a festive, humorous meeting of employees:

  1. On the floor in front of the door, from the very entrance to the office, we “draw” the classics using masking tape (it’s white, like chalk; clearly visible; easy to use even without scissors; at the end of the action, such tape easily comes off, leaving no sticky marks).
  2. We turn on cheerful music and wait for the employees.
  3. We shower every colleague who comes through the door with a whirlwind of care and humor:
  • one gentleman, greeting the girl, takes her purse and offers to overcome a playful obstacle by jumping to the finish line;
  • the second recites a solemn or humorous verse dedicated to Women's Day;
  • the third meets a stunned but happy employee at the last “classics” square and gives her a present (tulips, a box of chocolates, a chocolate bar - depending on financial capabilities);
  • If you have other male assistants at your disposal, you can trust them to film what is happening on video or with a camera. There will be funny shots as a memory.

Art parties

A very popular type of office holiday. The organizers are not holding a boring master class, but an art party, where there will be bright emotions, laughter, excitement and even dancing.

Here are the most popular formats (some online, some offline):

Fluid art (abstract painting with liquid acrylic)

Paintings are created without using brushes. The canvas is filled with liquid paint, which is then distributed over the surface in a bizarre way (participants tilt the canvas at different angles and use a hairdryer). All paintings are different, but in the same style. You can use corporate colors and then decorate your office with chic artwork.

Minimum order - 52,000 rubles (up to 15 participants) 3,500 rubles per person

The big picture from the patterns

Delightful beauty! Participants draw their own canvases, which are then combined into a single canvas, but at the same time separately look like independent works. Canvases, paints, protective aprons and gloves are included in the price of the master class.

Minimum order - 52,000 rubles (up to 15 participants) 3,500 rubles per person

Dream Board (art installation, collage)

Fashionable theme! Many women are interested in drawing up wish cards and visualizing goals, so a master class on creating an emotional collage is very popular. Magazines, canvases, paints, brushes - everything is included in the kit.

Minimum order - 52,000 rubles (up to 15 participants) 3,500 rubles per person


Even if you went the traditional route (went into the office with a postcard), no one bothers you to get three or four firecrackers for the premises and set up a fireworks display. Now there are firecrackers from which money flies out (you can choose rubles, dollars or euros), rose petals or regular streamers.

Let someone command: “Fire” so that it happens at the same time. It is better to warn the guards so that they do not press the panic button out of fear. The hero of the day will be showered with money from head to toe with best wishes.

“Cold fountains” also look great. These are completely safe tabletop or floor structures that will delight the birthday boy with bright silver splashes for a few minutes. Here's more about safe silver spray in the office.

The most killer option is a huge transparent ball that holds from 50 to 100 small balls and confetti. Needs to be hung from the ceiling. Now we need a daredevil with a pushpin. Ba-a-abah!!! And the whole office becomes colorful. I know a specialist in making such a “killer” surprise ball, I will help.

Option #3

Dear women, colleagues, friends!

We congratulate you on International Women's Day!

This holiday is dedicated to the most important role of women in the life of society and its healthy development. March 8 is a holiday of all women, whose professional and personal contribution to the lives of each of us is priceless.

Beauty, kindness, femininity, the ability to empathize and protect the home are not just words, but also qualities that we value in women and colleagues. We sincerely believe that neither everyday routine, nor everyday life, nor the intense pace of professional activity and modern life can destroy these qualities in our women. You will always be able to inspire, restore peace in the family and team, support your neighbor in difficult times and give wise advice at the right time.

We wish that changes in your life will always be for the better. And may you have enough time, health, patience, energy, mental strength and money for everything.

What to give to beautiful ladies

Any woman is pleased not only with the attention shown to her during the preparation for the holiday, but also with its material expression in the form of a present that will remind her of this day and invariably return her high spirits.
It is customary for each team to approach this issue in its own way. If the number of women is small, you can present more expensive gifts. And if you have a whole “flower garden” at work, while there are few representatives of the stronger sex, then you will have to think about souvenirs that are dear to your heart or other pleasant, but inexpensive signs of attention. What if you need to congratulate the boss lady? There's no way you can go wrong here. In general, the problem of choosing a gift is not the easiest, however, do not panic, we are ready to help you!

Each team tends to approach this issue in its own way. If the number of women is small, you can give more expensive gifts. And if you have a whole “flower garden” at work, while there are few representatives of the stronger sex, then you will have to think about souvenirs that are dear to your heart or other pleasant, but inexpensive signs of attention. What if you need to congratulate the boss lady? There's no way you can go wrong here. In general, the problem of choosing a gift is not the easiest, however, do not panic, we are ready to help you!

When choosing a gift, think not only about financial costs. Since you are going to give gifts not just to ladies, but to colleagues, you should not lose sight of corporate ethics. On such a day, you should not risk the mood and disposition of women by giving them gifts that can be interpreted ambiguously.

Order a caricature from a photo

The photographer can be replaced by a cartoonist. In an hour, our cartoonist draws 5-7 funny portraits, so he will depict the hero of the day from all angles :-).

If you just want to give a caricature in a frame, send us by mail several photographs of the hero of the day from different angles, and we will deliver the finished gift in a frame to you by courier. You can depict only the face, you can draw a funny torso and objects in your hands to capture the character and characteristics of the character. Everything is discussed in detail!

But! You can give not only a drawing in a frame. Order a mug, plate, calendar, poster, T-shirt, etc. with a cartoon. Here's more about how to use cartoons to decorate souvenirs.

Photo collage

This idea will appeal not only to the typical geek, but also to any office employee. First you need to collect an archive of photographs. If the company’s corporate spirit is not so strong and photos of colleagues are not publicly available, go to social networks. There you will definitely find your favorite pictures of your employees. Then use any collage software to create a personalized gift. Print out works of art (you can order printing from a photo studio, but at worst, the paper in the printer will help you). Now all that remains is to decorate the desktops of beautiful ladies with their own photographs. You can have walls, a kitchen, and a negotiation point - whatever you have enough imagination and opportunity to do. You can also make a slide show from collages and play it all day long on the screen in the middle of the office. Cuteness.

Photo published by Natalya Peresypkina (@natali_peresypkina) Mar 1 2021 at 5:12 PST

Congratulations for mom on March 8: poetry and prose

Mom, like no one else, will be able to appreciate the gift of a poem; if you dedicate a literary work to her, she will appreciate such a surprise.
After all, in childhood, everyone told their mothers poems at matinees in kindergarten/school, and this is undoubtedly one of my mother’s best memories. My dear Mommy, Happy beautiful holiday to you, And on Women’s Day, March 8th, Accept the bouquet and congratulations! I wish you to always be healthy, Only get prettier over the years, Good luck, happiness, understanding, Thank you for having me!



Spring begins in March And in these spring days I will tell you, my mother: Accept my congratulations!” I want to give my mother a ray of sunshine and the rustle of leaves. I wish you health and happiness, because you are the best!

If you are afraid of not being able to cope with the rhymes of poems, then feel free to turn to prose or express your wishes for Women’s Day in your own words. We offer several examples of prose texts.

Cinema ticket

The cinema will help you make sure you don’t go wrong with a gift. Finally, in Magadan you can choose a movie to watch not only by time, but also by preference. Everyone loves cinema. Unfortunately, there is nothing touching and loving like Titanic on screens right now (By the way, congratulations to Leo). Therefore, you will have to work a little harder and decide on the film individually. Donate tickets for the coming weekend. And yes, it’s better to have two pieces.

Photo published by Svetlana (@sver4ok_21) Feb 26, 2021 at 12:46 PST

Ways to congratulate colleagues on March 8

There are a huge number of different options on how to congratulate colleagues on International Women’s Day. Therefore, you can easily choose the method that suits you. 1. ClassicPerhaps this particular option for congratulating colleagues on March 8 is the most popular

And although it cannot be called truly original, you can safely pay attention to it. Moreover, this method of congratulations is the simplest

To congratulate your colleagues on International Women's Day in the classic way, you will need to buy flowers and gifts, and during lunch or in the morning give all this to the women.2. Premium This method of congratulating colleagues on March 8 is suitable only for bosses who manage women's teams. On the eve of the celebration of this bright spring holiday, you can issue extraordinary bonuses to women. Be sure that they will really like this method of congratulations.3. DeliciousTo congratulate the women you work with in an original way, you will need to arrange a sweet table for them. Order a large birthday cake from the bakery and buy sweet drinks. During your lunch break you will need to cut the cake and distribute it to the women. This rather cute way of congratulations will surely please all your colleagues. Note: instead of cake, you can buy burnt drinks, and instead of sweet drinks, coffee.4. FestiveDo you want to congratulate women on March 8 in an original way? Organize a real holiday for them. Decorate your office with rose petals and balloons. Set the festive table and prepare beautiful congratulations for the ladies. Having plunged into this festive atmosphere, women will certainly be happy and cheerful. So please the ladies you work with. This will definitely bring your team closer together.5. Drinking Different companies have their own corporate traditions and customs. But even if you don’t have the habit of celebrating holidays in your work team, then on March 8 you can organize a real festive feast for the women with whom you work. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to prepare something in advance, because before the feast itself you can go to the supermarket and buy everything you need.6. Book Today, many people are quite skeptical about the famous saying, which says that a book is the most successful gift. But at the same time, this saying has not lost its relevance. The book still makes a truly great gift. However, now few people expect to be given a book. So if you want to surprise your colleagues on March 8, then give them books. They definitely won’t expect such an original congratulation.7. Advertising Today, more and more people are using advertising to congratulate someone on a particular holiday. So why don't you also take advantage of this still original way of congratulations? With its help, you will definitely be able to surprise and delight your colleagues. There are probably advertising billboards near your place of work. And if this is really the case, then you can post congratulations on March 8th for your colleagues on one of them. At the same time, in the advertising text, you must indicate who exactly you are congratulating, so that your colleagues understand that this congratulation is for them. If you decide to choose this particular method of congratulations, then you will need to order advertising placement in advance. This is especially true if your place of work is located in a place where there are a lot of people. The fact is that in such places advertising is ordered several months in advance.8. CoffeeIf you don’t know how to congratulate your colleagues on March 8 in a fun and original way, then you can do this very simply and without any problems. To do this, all you have to do is prepare coffee and cake for all the women you work with in the morning. Such a beautiful gesture will surely please them all.9. Restaurant Do you want to congratulate your colleagues on March 8 in a truly original, beautiful and serious way? Take them to a restaurant. They will be delighted with such a congratulation.


Ideas for decorating an office:

  • Balloons. Balloons have long and quite firmly occupied a dominant position in room decoration, so you should not neglect them. Make a big figure eight out of them and hang them in the most visible place. You can hang 3-5 balls on the walls and curtains, this will create an additional effect.
  • Flowers. What is a women's holiday without flowers, however, for the decorations we will not need real flowers, which will very quickly lose their appearance, but fake ones, created from balloons, paper or plastic. We decorate the walls and ceiling with them, you can create several large bouquets and arrange them around the room.
  • Multi-colored ribbons. This paraphernalia creates a moment of solemnity, so we do not hesitate to use it. You can decorate anything with them - from the walls to the employee’s workplace.
  • Garland. Today, there is simply a huge selection of all kinds of garlands that are suitable for any holiday. We decorate the ceiling and walls, work tables and windows with them, or you can create an independent figure eight that shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow.

Agree, absolutely simple actions, however, the bottom line is that it turns out original, beautiful, inexpensive, and most importantly - you will create a solemn atmosphere before you even start congratulating!

Congratulations for women in verse on March 8

Poems are often used in congratulations.
In this case, there can be any reason. The poems are melodic and pleasant to the ear, so you can give such a congratulation to representatives of the fair half of humanity, regardless of age and profession. Today we congratulate the ladies on International Women's Day, we dedicate our works, publish poems in newspapers and sing songs about love. With all our hearts we wish them that their life will be all bright, their dreams will certainly come true, and their heads will spin, from roses, gifts, happiness and goodness.



Happy International Women's Day We hasten to congratulate women, We would like to quickly say a few bright phrases: So that happiness runs by the hand and never leaves. So that the soul is light, And life brings only warmth, May love always surround you, And...

so that your health “doesn’t suffer”, There is luck, beauty, Today, tomorrow and always!

Another win-win option is flowers. All women love them. Since the times of the Soviet Union, March 8 was a holiday when all women were given flowers.

Entertainment on March 8

To make the holiday memorable, you need to spend it brightly and richly. Not every work team is capable of spending time together. After all, for this, people should at least be comfortable together. Moreover, informal communication has nothing to do with industrial interaction. Try to use the festive atmosphere of such events to unite your team and get to know each other better.

Visiting a bowling alley or quest

For energetic and easy-going people, visiting a bowling alley or completing an exciting quest will be a useful workout for the body and mind.

Moreover, most women, burdened with family problems, are unlikely to indulge themselves in such entertainment in everyday life. A corporate “outing in public” timed to coincide with the celebration of Women’s Day will be remembered for a long time as an interesting and exciting adventure.

Corporate party in a restaurant, karaoke or sauna

And finally, a proven classic - corporate. In a cozy restaurant or cafe, women will not only have fun, but also show off their evening dresses to others.

A more democratic and very popular option lately is a corporate party in a karaoke bar. A cheerful feast here can be combined with vocal experiments. Such a pastime is very liberating and allows you to get to know people who have been studied, it would seem, far and wide, from the most unexpected sides.

A close-knit team of young and uninhibited colleagues can arrange a joint visit to the sauna. In order for women to feel more relaxed, the male part of the team can rid them of their company by renting a bathhouse for a few hours. A steam room, spa treatments and a swimming pool will heal and invigorate women’s bodies weakened by the long winter and allow them to participate in the work process with renewed vigor, remembering how unforgettable the celebration of International Women’s Day was.

Original gifts for a female colleague on March 8

Not all girls are delighted with classic flowers, sweets, diaries or dishes. Such gifts are practical, but a little boring. If the team is more like a friendly company with close connections between colleagues, employees will like original ideas. There is no need to choose too creative things; it should still be useful. Therefore, you should not stray too far from tradition.

Ideas for original gifts:

  • timer for boiling eggs;
  • beautiful tray;
  • portable cup warmer;
  • humidifier with USB;
  • cream honey set;
  • magnetic board for notes.

These kits are cheap but useful. Many people use these things on the farm. Therefore, they are classified as “useful little things”. Sometimes women perceive such a surprise ambiguously. They are sure that “useful little things” detract from their business qualities. For such employees, other options are suitable:

  • monopod;
  • flower in a flask;
  • selfie remote;
  • holder for jewelry.

Colleagues of different ages will like things like this. Such an unusual, catchy gift improves the mood of the hero of the occasion and creates a festive atmosphere in the office. But not all girls take such surprises seriously; they treat them only as entertainment.

A good gift option for all female colleagues is team building. Spending time together brings the team closer together and provides additional time for relaxation. As a result, the emotional mood of all employees improves, and labor productivity increases.

Advice! You can spend time together at a gaming training session, go to the premiere of a play at the theater, visit an entertainment center or a sporting event.

Options for original congratulations to women on March 8 in the words of great people

Another version of the original congratulations to women on March 8 is a description in the words of great people. For each employee, select the most appropriate catchphrase from a writer, artist or philosopher and read it when presenting flowers and a gift. Also, popular phrases can be printed on the desktop of each PC, beautifully drawn on stickers and glued to the monitors of all the heroes of the occasion. Find the most original words of great people to congratulate women on March 8 in the next section.

Gift with name (embossing, engraving, printing)

These are all sorts of beautiful things with the woman’s name or targeted wishes. Such a souvenir may be in a single copy, therefore it is especially valuable. Personally, I like calendars and posters on which my name is laid out with rose petals, clouds or pomegranate seeds. I will not refuse a decorative plate, mug, mirror, personal wine .

There is also a personalized flower pot; tea, the label of which promises happiness to Valentina Nikolaevna; chameleon mugs, which change their dull black color from a hot drink to the image of gold bars and the name of a woman. “Tasty Help” with candies or chewing marmalade is also very popular. Great!

Personalized gifts and souvenirs are made in 1-2 days in a single copy, in every city in Russia there are online ordering services, everything will be fast and of high quality.

More than 100 options for personalized gifts for March 8 can be viewed HERE

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