How to congratulate a friend on his birthday in an original, fun and interesting way?

Happy Birthday friend! I'm always glad to see you. You are not just my friend, you are almost like a brother to me. I wish you that you are healthy, that love flourishes in your heart.

May trouble bypass your home, And may money always flow to you like a river!


I have feelings for you, warm as the blood inside me... Without you, the world would be empty, Please take care of yourself! On your birthday, blowing out the candles, Make a wish in silence. God always fulfills them immediately, Hearing our requests on high!


I wish you a sea of ​​happiness, smiles, sun and warmth. To make life even more beautiful, Luck leads by the hand!

Let there be only joy, comfort, prosperity and peace in the house. Friends and family will be there, Trouble will pass by!

I wish you good health and easy paths in life. And may your little angel always bless you!


I present these lines to you with the desire to give you the whole world. I love your magical, bright-eyed look, you are my ideal, angel, my idol! I congratulate you on your birthday, And I thank heaven for having these wonderful moments with me, When you are near, you are with me, when you are here!


May you be lucky in life In all its meanings: I wish you a whole locomotive of health, without a doubt.

Luck sticks like honey, Wealth, fame and honor jump after you and don’t lag behind you a single step.

Success in business, affairs. Let your friends be faithful, May your family be happy! Friend, happy birthday to you!


Today is a holiday, birthday boy, here! Get out of bed, everyone has been waiting for you. The cake was brought, all the gifts are on the table, Come to us and blow out the bright candles.


Happy holiday to you, happiness, joy, warmth. So that when trouble comes, all your friends are nearby!

Let all your dreams come true, let all your sorrows go away, let good luck and luck illuminate your star path!

I wish you good health, So that fate does not see fate, Achievements and successes, Plans that come true in due time!

Happy Birthday greetings to a friend in your own words in prose

Buddy! Congratulations on your birthday! I wish to encounter as few obstacles as possible on my path. Let the road be smooth. And if you encounter obstacles on it, perceive them as bumps in extreme rides. Let only good people and positive emotions surround you.

Congratulations on your birthday! I wish you health, joy, success, money. Optimism, determination, fulfillment of all plans! Never give up, believe in yourself! I wish you devoted love, confidence in the future and victories over all problems!

Voice original congratulations on the friend's anniversary on the phone

On your birthday, congratulations from us are just the thing. We send kind words - that's two. Being ahead all the time is three. Living with everyone in friendship, in peace, seems to be four. Never be discouraged - that's five. Multiplying everything you have is six. Being considerate to everyone is seven. Always being at a normal weight means eight, nine, ten. Well, and in addition to this - Happiness, joy, good luck! May you not live sadly. The cabbage is crunching in your wallet. The key to the car is in your pocket. The TV remote is waiting on the sofa.

Dear friend, you are always with me, 25 is a miracle year. How much happiness we experienced with you, how much sadness we went through with you! Continue to be as cheerful as you are. I give my word, And I will put it on this piece of paper - It turned out to be a congratulation poem. We will continue to be friends with you, sing, laugh, and love deeply!

Congratulations, friend, With great spirit. After all our separations, My heart is bursting with inspiration.

Birthday reconciled, Our dispute is final. And you gently repeated, Words of love carefully.

Let our love always be expressed in feelings. I want to be with you again, Friendship continues.

Keep your youthful enthusiasm, of course. And in spite of fate, be young forever.

I wish you bright and beautiful days. More sunny lights, bright and playful.

On your birthday, dear friend, I wish you a fairy tale. So that the beautiful princess adores only you. Let the Leshy, the ghoul, and Koschey bypass him. May you be cooler in life than Tsarevich Elisha.

On this cheerful day you will leave the house, flocks of sparrows will whistle congratulations, and any passer-by, as if you were an acquaintance, is ready to move the glasses on your birthday for you.

But you won’t celebrate with everyone, because it’s important to celebrate this day with close friends. And we will get together, we will smile together, we will jingle our glasses of vodka joyfully.

Let's have fun! Our faces will be red and funny on your birthday. This holiday is important Every year once, so we must celebrate with a friendly crowd.

Funny congratulations on the presentation of gifts to the hero of the day

Creating a collective portrait of the hero of the day

All those present create a so-called collective postcard in the form of a portrait of the birthday person.

An A4 sheet of paper is passed from one guest to another, and everyone who receives the portrait must draw a part of the hero of the day’s body or his thing - for example, ears, mouth, legs, hands, a wallet full of bills, in his hands, etc.

To keep the drawing organized, the presenter reads a poem with instructions (2 lines for each artist).

This congratulation on the anniversary for the creation of a comic gift should be accompanied by wishes and compliments (who got which part of the body - it should be painted in all its glory). The finished portrait is inserted into a frame and solemnly presented to the birthday person.

Presenting a much needed gift for all occasions - a basin

Friends congratulate the birthday boy and bring into the room a huge box, beautifully tied with a ribbon. Stirring up interest, guests say that this gift is the ultimate dream of the hero of the day.

Having opened the package, the hero of the occasion sees that he was presented with an ordinary basin. Seeing the disappointment on the birthday boy’s face, the guests say that they will now prove that there is no more necessary gift in the world.

In poetic form, they talk about the benefits of the present. There must be at least ten of them:

  • You can wash floors in it
  • suitable for picking berries
  • suitable for washing clothes
  • for the New Year you can cook enough Olivier in it
  • the basin is an excellent vehicle - it’s great for riding downhill, etc.

At the end of this comic congratulation on a man’s anniversary gift, the host makes a toast and finds another use for the basin - all the guests drink from it.

Awarding the hero of the day with medals

A round date of 50 or 60 years is an excellent occasion to highlight all the merits of the birthday person

and present comic medals. Options for such awards are “For reaching the 50-year mark”, “50 years in service”, “Master of Sciences”, “Champion in the 50-year distance running”.

The presentation of the medal should be accompanied by appropriate congratulations and parting words - for example, wipe the medal with alcohol and drink the remaining alcohol, wash your neck before wearing the medal, etc.

Funny congratulatory scenes are not only bright surprises for the hero of the occasion, but also a sparkling celebration for all those present, who will be charged with positivity for a long time and will more than once remember one of the funniest parties in their lives.

We recommend:

A true Woman with a big letter. Sweet, cheerful, with a kind soul. How you admire the foliage and flowers. True Woman means you!

Faith in beauty is not lost in the heart. You try to conquer the heights of the spirit. The future, the past - everything lives in you, the craving for the unknown calls you on the road.

Oh, don’t know old age, always be like this. Please don’t be friends with sadness and longing. Let the sun make you happy, let your friends make you happy. A woman simply cannot live any other way.

My friend, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! And so as not to be trivial, I am the essence of the wishes. I will change it initially:

Failures at work, disagreements in the family, falls, mistakes and all sorts of misfortunes

I wish you never to know! Let everything be at “5” at work;

Let love and goodness flourish in the family, let ups accompany you more often!

It is unlikely that you will be able to avoid mistakes, - But God grant you to make mistakes less often!

Let them continue to run after the years, - May there always be happiness in your soul!

Don't plan for failure - life will go topsy-turvy! Set yourself the task of thinking less about the bad! Our thoughts are material - don’t think of trouble! Every word is real - why are you talking nonsense! How many times have you, by the way, said: “I knew it!”? So he thought and defamed, dug a hole for himself? How many times have you cursed and reproached the villainous fate, and then looked for a loophole in what you yourself said? The subtle world is somewhere nearby, in it both thoughts and words bloom like a lush garden, a twig like a weed! Tara-bars, conversations, this and that - verbal rubbish! Then you climb the fences that you set up for yourself!

Better think positive. Don't whine! Do not get mad! Don `t cry! Don't worry about every penny! Take a break! Can not? Sing! Sing about joy and happiness, and about life without separation! You yourself will notice that the bad weather has suddenly receded. Somehow it has become cleaner nearby, something is less unlucky, Look: the time has come and the soul itself is singing! You don’t twist ropes with your thoughts, you don’t wag your tongue, Life goes easily and deftly, and doesn’t rush head over heels! So, becoming a little wiser, you live easier, more joyfully - It is you who pave the path along which you yourself walk!

  • long
  • short
  • beautiful
  • obscene
  • unusual
  • original
  • funny
  • sms
  • table

Vigilance like an eagle, Cunning like a fox, Full of bear strength, Courage like a tigress, Modesty like a ferret, And aspirations like a woodpecker, Harem like a rooster, Animal instincts for you! Happy birthday!

Like Scrooge McDuck, bathe in gold, Like Grimm, need your brother, Like Skywalker, be brave, Like Tom Cruise, be fearless! Be strong like Schwarzenegger, Walk the glorious path like Rocky, Be smart like Harry Potter, Happy birthday! Be the best!

In a chic suit, In a car, with money, Rush towards your winged dream at full speed. Let great success meet you everywhere, - May it light you up with joy and cheerful laughter! Don't complain and don't worry, curb your problems. And if anything happens, fight, don’t hurt yourself. And so that you are appreciated - don’t get tired of being the first, lasso success and happiness!

I wish you have a million friends and go to visit them, don’t invite them to your place! I wish you a million wonderful days, when you can hang out, play, walk! I wish you a million beautiful ladies who will only indulge you! I wish that I achieve everything myself, All that remains is to wish for a million euros!

Birthday is cool, Birthday is cool! On your birthday, you will not leave and hide from us, You will not be in danger of solitude and silence on this day, Even if you fly on a rocket to the moon! We are so eager to congratulate you, we want to hug you so much, that our desire and desire cannot be appeased. We want to pull your ears so hard that we will come to you, we will come, if necessary, we will fly! We will throw flowers, we will kiss, lovingly, We will either sing or bark “Happy birthday” for you! There will be a lot of congratulations, there will be toasts, there will be laughter, there will be wild fun (being depressed today is a sin)! So what if a birthday adds an extra year? This is nonsense! “You are younger than everyone else!” - the people will tell you this - “The most beautiful of all, the most wonderful of all, the smartest of all and the youngest of all!” Age, really, does not depend on the number of days that have passed! It’s not wrinkles and gray hairs that give away your age, brothers, It’s those who grow old who are tired of enjoying life, Those who grumble, those who love squabbles, even if they are 20 years old, But perhaps there is no one older and more decrepit than them in their souls! And for those like you, cheerful, who do not smolder, but burn, who are open in soul and heart - old age is not at all a threat! Sing and laugh with us, don’t scold us for our pranks, Happy Birthday! Have fun and rock!

Our birthday boy is the best! May success await him in life! Happy birthday, we wish you happiness and health! Cool wishes are given only by satisfied friends! We are always happy with you, We are calm about your fate!

My friend, on this beautiful day I wish for you, That there will always be joyful days in your destiny, That you laugh and joke, that you will always be loved, That God will always love you and that trouble will pass you by,

So that you will always be devoted to your sweet loving wife, so that the fire burns in the fire and so that the boss loves. So that women would be kind and without male enemies, And even on dark days you would not be alone.

So that you don’t lose old loving friends in your life, So that you don’t face prison or logging, So that you don’t “burn out” at work and everything is okay, And so that you always watch hockey on weekends.

Well, in general, I want to wish such things in fate, So that very often you envy yourself!

A birthday is the day when we turn another page in our lives and take stock.

You can be a master at coming up with different greetings for your friends, family, loved ones and loved ones. Joking, having fun, coming up with various jokes. But there are times when jokes will be inappropriate, and for a person much older and more experienced than you, you will need to come up with a very serious and wise birthday greeting.

So, if the birthday is for the head of your family, or your boss, or a family friend, you need to take care to buy a serious gift and choose good words for a wise birthday greeting.

You can borrow interesting wise sayings from great writers, critics, musicians, and artists. You can write a wise birthday greeting in verse, it’s best to compose them yourself so that they are unique. On the Internet you will find many beautiful ideas for wise congratulations. Look at the toasts of Caucasian writers - you will find a whole treasure trove of interesting sayings and stories.

The main thing in congratulations is to pay attention to your intonation of speech. It must correspond to the text. Speak evenly, look the birthday person in the eyes. Don’t even think about telling jokes - the public may not accept them. End your congratulations with sincere wishes, but under no circumstances touch upon the personal life of the birthday person - by and large, it does not concern you.

In this case, it would be best to give an appropriate gift. It could be a wise book, interesting films.

If you are counting on a more expensive gift, buy the birthday person a ticket to travel, for example, to Europe, or to Egypt - where he can not only relax physically, but also gain spiritual food for himself, learn a lot of new things and see historically important things with his own eyes.

At 18, life is like a garden And it reminds you of spring, But don’t forget about the main thing: He who works receives happiness!

I wish you inspiration and I want to wish you health, Well, the main thing in life is luck! So, friend, don’t be discouraged!

17 years is almost a serious age, think about plans and hopes! Change your style and image of life, grab fate, grab luck by the hand!

But don’t rush to say goodbye to your youth. She herself will slip away one day. But for now - live, love, breathe! And may success find you everywhere!

You are already twenty-one. You are at the very beginning of your journey. So always be safe! We wish you to reach your goal!

Believe fervently in your dream, Step forward boldly! May Fate send you health, love, beauty!

Let there be everything you need in life, What makes life good: Love, health, happiness, friendship And an eternally young soul.

Live and know that life is beautiful, And no matter how much evil there is in it, Do not offend people in vain, Know how to forgive, be kind always!

Let there be everything you need in life, What makes life good: Love, health, happiness, friendship And an eternally young soul.

Live and know that life is beautiful, and no matter how much evil there is in it, do not offend people in vain, know how to forgive, be kind always!

I wish you to live this life with dignity and be wise in solving problems, and accept failures calmly, because you cannot live in life without failures.

May your wishes come true, Yuri, and I wish you kindness, patience, mutual understanding, and may you be happy in life.

Be happy - even though it will be difficult sometimes, Be loved - love always saves us, Be young - hold on in any conditions, After all, no matter what happens, this life is wonderful!

16 years old is serious, you are entering the adult path. So let life not be formidable, but only good.

I wish you good luck and make all decisions only as your heart says, and success awaits you in everything!

Vyacheslav, we congratulate you, Today you are eighteen, And with all our hearts we wish you to keep pace with your destiny,

Learn to solve problems easily, don’t get too nervous and don’t scream, deal with difficulties calmly, anything can happen in life!

We wish you to finish your studies, to find a job worthy of your liking, so that your career goes up quickly, so that love finds you!

Be happy now and always, Love both the snow and the wind, While your years fly, While you live in the world!

There is not much happiness in the world, And there is no reward more valuable than leaving a mark of kindness In the hearts of those living nearby!

Hello, old man, I heard: you’re out for a walk, celebrating your birthday. And I’m glad to congratulate you, Let’s party like a year ago.

I want to wish you only to reap the fruits of love, to succeed, to be in the clip, and to drink excellent cognac. Life is short, hurry up, you have to do everything in life. Copy

On your birthday, I want to tell you, There is no greater pleasure than dreaming about you!

After all, you always know how to be strong and needed, and I’m always ready to share delicious things with you. And may our whole world smile at you, my dear, And I wish you health, money, sun! Copy

Hello, bacha, how are you alive and well? Today is your name day! Do you remember how they celebrated at the front? And the best friends were alive!

We take a sip of alcohol in the mountains of Afghanistan, And two horns are a gift for you... Live, brother, and don’t let your wounds ache, Let your relatives congratulate you with love! Copy

Happy Birthday friend! Congratulations from the bottom of my heart! I wish you a life without troubles and separation!

Whatever you need, have it, whatever you want, achieve it! If it’s scary, be brave, If it’s bitter, laugh!

And always, and not suddenly, Remember: I am with you. Happy Birthday friend! And no other words are needed.

Today is your birthday, my best friend. Please accept congratulations on this wonderful holiday from me.

I wish you to be brave, like a seasoned captain, to lead your schooner to triumph, not to mope, not to be despondent.

Take your loved ones, precious ones and relatives on board. I wish the embodiment of all your dreams and plans. ©

A day is not enough to list the list of your merits. You are undoubtedly a cool guy, the main thing is that you are a loyal friend.

On your birthday, thank you. I will tell you for everything, and with great honor, my friend, I will shake your hand firmly.

You deserve only happiness, Let it come to you, Be in its magical power, Open the window on a new day. ©

Jam day!

Cool birthday greetings - short SMS to a friend that he will appreciate!

  1. I wish you to always enjoy what you have! Thank you for your friendship, carried through the years!
  2. Happy birthday! Always be such a cheerful son of a bitch!
  3. Congratulations! Forget about sorrows, be perfect! Carry your goods and never drop them!
  4. I wish you to live the life you dream of! Be happy!
  5. Happy birthday! Don’t be sad, don’t be sick, but have patience! All positive things to you.
  6. Happy birthday! I wish you to live not just long, I wish you eternity! Let eternity also have its own friend.
  7. I wish you that only the best people will always live near you, who will never offend or betray you!
  8. Happy birthday! Congratulations and I wish that girls always turn to look after you!
  9. Congratulations! Never lose what makes you such a great guy!
  10. Happy birthday! Live long, eat deliciously, play with passion and get everything from life!
  11. May everything always turn out even better than you imagined! Happy holiday!
  12. Congratulations and I wish you always have loved ones who will support you with advice and help with action!
  13. Happy birthday! And may your courage be sung for centuries!
  14. Never turn your back on problems - solve them like a man! Happy birthday!
  15. Happy Birthday friend! I wish you only fair winds in life and maximum luck!
  16. Whatever happens, remember that friends are always there! We will tear everyone down for you! Happy holiday!
  17. I wish you never to know sorrows and failures! May luck accompany you even where she is afraid to look with other people!

Original congratulations on the anniversary of a friend

I’ll tell my friend a lot today, but first I’ll thank you for everything. It’s so nice to live in the world, When I’m friends with you like that.

You are reliable and faithful too. With you, everything around is possible. You are forty-five years old, you are starting your run.

You used to be just a “chick,” but now you have become fast-winged. So let your luck rush quickly, But never dissolve.

Let a friendly good congratulation lift your spirits and cause laughter.

Today, my mobile phone gives me a reminder, saying, today is my birthday, and so I send wishes:

So that your wallet is full, And you are always happy, And the car is cooler for you, So that the traffic police does not torment you!

You, my friend, have already achieved so much for yourself that everything is fine for you now, After all, you are great at business!

Of course you can wish, so accept it anyway, so that you don’t know the word “difficult”, help your loved ones!

All the best, good luck, May you always be lucky, And may fate not give you back if something doesn’t go your way!

We wish you happiness without sadness, We wish that your friends do not upset you, That you do not encounter pain and grief in life, And that joy in life does not end!

Let there be springs among winters and summers, Let there be a lot of light, And let everything planned come true - After all, for this it was worth being born!

If it’s a dacha, then it’s a big one. If it’s a cool car. If it’s money, then it’s green. Only the queen as a wife. If it’s a vacation, then it’s in Miami. If it’s beer, then it’s with friends!

Today is a holiday - your birthday, And I hasten to present you with congratulations: So that on the path of life Love, luck, A large dacha in the Maldives, a Rolls Royce and a yacht at the pier are waiting for you... And so that the wave rocks it. I want trouble to be avoided, and joy not to be translated. So that the credit card has unlimited limits, then the whole world is open to you. Let “Durso” splash in the glass so you can post pictures on Instagram. Let life be bright, like a flash... And there will be an oil derrick.

More cold beer, some salted fish to go with it, so that everything always lasts longer, nothing irritates you!

Days pass, years fly by. You stay young. You don't age one bit, You don't feel gray. And that’s why you remained young, Because you didn’t give up in heart and soul, You didn’t stop believing in yourself, You didn’t forget your friends, and the doors that you open for them are always friendly, hospitable, Just like you, you’re the best in the world! And you know this better than anyone, That anything can happen in life, Dreams don’t come true right away, Problems come up sharply, But only friends, whom you will not forget with your heart and soul, Will understand you, will always support you, because these are the kind of people who are in trouble They won’t abandon you, just like you, They will always support and help without asking, They will show you the right path, They will serve as a strong support. Your time will come, and you will achieve What you strongly strived for, And in the days of dawn and success, your affairs will go smoothly. You will fly high, and sitting on top, Never forget us.

I wish you happiness and fun May life flow as it always has, May bad weather pass you by, And may your beloved be by your side forever, Do not betray and wait, May the rivers flow in the same direction, so that water always flows in them!

My friend is exactly twenty-five - let's go celebrate his anniversary! Happy birthday and with all our hearts we wish:

Believe in peace, goodness, people and support from friends! We will stand shoulder to shoulder: “We don’t agree to a draw!”

You need victory - to understand the world and experience everything! Twice, three times 25 Let's celebrate together!

With all my heart I want to congratulate my dear friend and on your birthday I will wish you a big Harem.

Beautiful and funny congratulations to a friend on his anniversary (best friend, family friend) from friends

When a friend has an anniversary, it is customary to give gifts. But the main thing is to thank your friends for making life bright.

And I thank you for your kindness and understanding. And from the bottom of my heart I give you the best wishes in the world.

Love, good luck and warmth, May the road be smooth, May hope be bright, And may your life be sweet!


Happy anniversary, our friend, let me congratulate you quickly. We will leave the secret of your age among our friends. We wish you hundreds of joyful years, not to go gray, not to gain weight, and not to know fear and troubles.

So that your capital grows faster than years, So that you are always active and joyful. So that everyone loves you and everyone takes care of you. So that you can accomplish what we couldn't.

So that in your old age, having groaned about the past, you would not regret anything at all! And so that time and life don’t scatter us And in your hundred everyone would be like they are now!


Friend, comrade, brother... how much important meaning these words hide. I sincerely congratulate you, my dear friend, on such an important date. May all your plans lead you to success, and may all your endeavors be carried out with ease. Let nothing darken your aspirations, and let the path of life be smooth, smooth, long, carefree and happy. Happy holiday!


Happy anniversary to you Hello, my friend, Don’t let go of your happiness.

By right, you deserved your Anniversary, You put tens and dozens in a pile.

Let the pile grow, And the years flash by. Work, family. Let them flourish.

May your anniversary bring you Happiness and may your every year be happy.


I congratulate you on your anniversary, my glorious friend, May your soul only grow younger, May your body not be taken by illness.

Let ideas flow like a fountain, Let everything always go well, Let your glorious family love and understand.

Anniversary wishes for a friend


Happy anniversary, my precious friend! What is more important in the vast universe? This is friendship, support for loved ones, let all this be invisible

Helping you step only towards success, Achievement. When you encounter an obstacle, do not be afraid. Don’t be afraid of problems, just always turn to one!


Friend is not a word for everyone. And we were able to become friends, Only because we managed to realize something important in life.

You were always my comrade, Supported me in the struggle. Life-affirming Character helped you all the time.

The time on the day of the bright anniversary is now. I want, my friend, I wish to Fulfill everything that is cherished, Open, achieve, experience.


Congratulations, friend! Oh, words are not enough for the two of me - I know you are worthy of an ode, What are our years! For such an occasion, And there is no better day, I wish you eternal joy! I love you, I respect you, I shake your hand firmly, ... happy birthday! Various benefits, love and passion, May you have happiness!


Friend, today you are celebrating your long-awaited anniversary, I wish you to become happier and wiser, have fun to the fullest, have a great holiday, be successful, patient, go towards your goals!


My dear friend, you have become more mature, Exactly a year has passed, and we are celebrating the anniversary. I wish you to be wiser, Take care of the people you love.

And I also wish you prosperity, And tolerance and kindness for you, So that everything is always in order, So that your dreams come true.

So that you do not know grief, and troubles are always avoided, my friend, wherever you are, remember, I am with you to the end!

SMS congratulations on the anniversary to a friend


Congratulations on the anniversary! Today your age has rounded up, and you are still the same desperate teenager as you were several decades ago. Please never lose your passion and optimism in life. Be happy, happy, healthy!


Happy anniversary, friend! I wish you success and happiness, May there be a beloved family, May there be more participation.

But don’t forget your friends, give us a little attention. I wish that any dreams come true as soon as possible.


My friend, here it is, this long-awaited day, today is your holiday, your birthday - anniversary!

We've been through a lot together, I want to say a lot, But from the bottom of my heart I want to wish you, like a second one, Love and happiness.


Dear friend, my faithful comrade and assistant, I congratulate you on your anniversary. I wish your life path to consist of great successes, good deeds, happy moments, merry holidays, good news, big victories and exciting adventures. I wish that you love and are loved, that you do not give up your dreams and always achieve any goal.


My dear friend, greet your guests with joy and delight, today is your anniversary, in fact, on which I congratulate you!

Let your eyes burn with fire, Let an evil word not disturb your hearing. Know that you are never alone, Because you have your best friend.

Happy Anniversary Congratulations to Best Friend


Today is a magical day, Today is the anniversary! Open the door wider, Greet guests sooner.

Today with congratulations, All friends are in a hurry. Health, happiness, money And all kinds of awards.

After all, a birthday is cool, and an anniversary is a hundredfold. Have fun with your friends, Let your neighbors be silent!


My dear, kind friend, today you celebrate another anniversary, and this special day you spend every year among devoted friends.

I wish you, filling every step with joy, Walk a happy and long road. I wish you all the best blessings in the world, and to overcome all earthly troubles!


Buddy! Happy Birthday to You! On your anniversary, with dignity and honor, I wish that fidelity and family come first for you.

Let pride not come before love, let not friendship be measured by money. Let your cherished dreams come true, And let all your talents come out.

Be loved, love desperately... And send all adversity to hell. Be happy, smile and live. Live happier and better every year!


On your anniversary, friend, I wish you good health, mutual, tender and endless love, not turning gray until old age.

Work and career are also important. May success only await you in your work. I wish you happiness beyond measure. Let your laughter be heard in the house.


My best and dearest friend is celebrating his anniversary today. I wish him to be himself, to be worthy among people.

It’s easy to win girls’ hearts, to have success in your affairs, to always be a brave knight, encountering a minimum of interference.

Appreciate your parents, Move towards your goal faster and faster. Find a moment for two, sharing with your girlfriend.

Congratulations on a friend's anniversary


Happy anniversary, my friend. You're really cool! And I want to wish you to continue to prosper.

Be healthy and happy. Love yourself and be loved. Never be sad, be surprised by the positive.

May your capital grow during this new year. So that you have enough for both the dacha and the car.

In general, you can live without troubles - Many, many long years!


Our friendship has been tested over the years - It hasn’t fallen apart or fallen apart. We once trusted each other, And that trust was justified.

On my anniversary, I really want to wish you an endless warm summer. So that you do not know the hours of loneliness, So that life has bright colors.

There will be ups and there will be downs - be sure to remain yourself. Dear friend, for your birthday I will drink a glass without delay!


Congratulations on the anniversary! Today your age has rounded up, and you are still the same desperate teenager as you were several decades ago. Please never lose your passion and optimism in life. Be happy, happy, healthy!


We will stand up for each other like a mountain, With you into the fire and into the ice hole. You helped me and my whole family in trouble and sorrow.

For this, on a holiday so significant, on your long-awaited anniversary, I want to take off my hat to you, you are the best friend of all friends.

You and I still have a lot of hunting and fishing in the rain and thunder, and if, suddenly, my wife doesn’t let me in, we’ll have a drink at the table at home.

But what about the wife? Let's take it with us - After all, someone has to pour it. For this, having earned money, you will buy fur coats for her.


You are always my hope, Better than any doctor: Who else will support me And comfort me in difficult times?

Let's get together this evening over a bottle of cognac, and over the years it will only become stronger. Our friendship will last forever.

And please remember: In the midst of rains and blizzards, I will always come to the rescue - Happy anniversary, dear friend!

Funny happy anniversary greetings to a friend


Even though every day is a holiday for me with you, today is a special day, congratulations! After all, today is your anniversary, my friend, I wish you well!

I wish you to be cheerful and rich, happy, efficient, generous! And I’m so happy, I’m so happy for you, Let’s drink a glass!


Hello, dear friend, You have many years behind you, So you have greeted your anniversary sunrise carefree. So you have become a little wiser, Well, maybe not a little... (Hello, as best I can, Sorry for the poetry) In general, happy holiday, comrade! Be healthy, grow big. For you, you yourself know, I will always stand like a mountain!


Happy anniversary, dear friend, I wish you happiness. There will be hundreds of bright days, Joy and passion.

May your cherished dreams come true faster. And mutual love warms your soul.

You are a wonderful person, please us longer. Let life last a whole century, or better yet, longer.


I want to congratulate you on your anniversary, friend, at this feast! Wives grow old over the years, but we only become husbands with dignity!

I wish you to live cheerfully, so that the spirit sings, the body sings! It is natural that your balance does not lead you to the left.

Let fortune smile, Making dreams real! And let not the place below the back be exposed to you.

There was money in abundance, the horseshoe of happiness was knocking! And what about the remnants of hair... So that this doesn’t bother you!


Of course, I prepared for the anniversary in the morning: I can drink half a bucket, I’ll probably take two buckets.

And I'll grab a gift for you. Hold it, I’ll give it to you! Well, I greet you quickly and I’ll pour you a drink for your health!

SMS happy anniversary to a friend


On your anniversary, friend, I want to always wish you, So that money flows into the house, Like mountain water, So that everything is as it should be, Children, home, wife - a joy, And on all fronts - success, Everything, always and the best!


Dear friend! On this day, your parents caught a goldfish and made a wish - you. It came true immediately. Without hesitation, she granted three more wishes: she made you happy, healthy and purposeful. I wish that the golden fish recognizes your dreams and goals and gives you luck, strength and perseverance to achieve them. And I will always be there, support and listen to you even if your limit of desires runs out. Happy anniversary, dear!


My friend in the world is the best, I raise a glass to him. How many times has he rescued me from the worst, from great trouble.

I am proud of you, my dear friend, And on this day I want to tell you, No matter what happens to you suddenly, I will extend a helping hand in any trouble.


Congratulations, dear friend! Your anniversary has come suddenly. May your wishes be fulfilled. So that Jubilee brings a whole cart of health to you. So that family is your joy. What else do you need from life? So that the boy gets more money, So that your mother-in-law loves you. And your wife adored you and asked for your love all night long. Well, a friend here sends you His friendly greetings, Be happy for a hundred years!


On the day of your anniversary, my friend, I sincerely want to wish you all the best. Not at all

Don’t regret anything - Life was difficult at times, But there are advantages in everything, Be able to see them. Haze

To recede, a bright ray to illuminate your life, Find, my friend, the key to happiness, Be happy, you deserve it!

Happy birthday greetings to a friend - happy anniversary


On your strange, wonderful, big anniversary, accept congratulations from your close friends. Never be sick or sad, May your health be perfect, May there be harmony, love and tranquility in the family, May success at work await you. Let's drain the glasses and pour again... Be happy, my friend, you are in your home!


It doesn’t matter whether it’s far or close, I know I have you. And we can’t list the telephone conversations.

May your loved ones and friends be nearby on this holiday, and even on any ordinary day. And with words of strong friendship - Accept a gift from me!


Congratulations on the round anniversary. And on this day I wish you to become happy and rich, and remember your friends more often.

Collect your assets, don't forget to invite us! We will help you positively and relax with a bang!


Happy anniversary, friend! This morning you were inundated with congratulations. Read this poem slowly, and don’t judge your skills strictly.

I wish the bag good luck and patience, so that there are no obstacles along the course of movement. So that your loved ones are always nearby, So that spring illuminates your soul.


Happy anniversary, my good friend! Together you and I are growing up, and we never know separation.

I wish you happiness, Light, peace and goodness. Misfortunes will never come to you from now on.

I want to be cheerful, To be simple and lively, And as cool as before, As dear as now.


Happy anniversary, friend! I wish you more happiness, your faithful friend, protects you from misfortunes. Excellent work, success in everything, May everything in life go smoothly!


Well then, my young friend! Are you ready to celebrate your anniversary? On this day I wish you Health and endless joy! Even though anything can happen in life, let friendship never dry up!


I'll tell everyone around me that I have a best friend. Without him, I’m nowhere, In total, water will not spill.

I hasten to congratulate you boldly, because today is the anniversary. You cannot find better in the world The most devoted friends.

You will always come to the rescue, You will never let me down. Without you I am like without the sun, You won’t find such a friend.

The years will not separate us, Our friendship is forever!


Today is your anniversary, you have gathered your family and friends around. It couldn’t have happened without me, and I want to congratulate you!

I wish you on this day to forget about sadness, melancholy and laziness, smile a lot and joke and I wish you to live like this all your life!

May your life be happy, may there be close friends around, a devoted faithful family, in general, happy anniversary to you, friend!


In whose life, in whose life, An anniversary is coming, Those days are coming, Called “holidays”?

To gather friends around, To brag about yourself, To cover and pour, We will congratulate you.

Our friend has a birthday today, It’s a great opportunity to say, From the bottom of my heart, thank you so much that we were able to establish a friendship.

You be healthy and joyful and cheerful. We wish you never to lose heart. You pour it for us and between cheerful songs we will drink to you and dance again.

From the heart

Send a cool birthday greeting to your friend – an SMS from the heart.

  1. I wish you to always have a backup plan so that you are never left with your nose! Happy birthday!
  2. May your refrigerator always be full of snacks, and may a beauty be waiting for you in bed! Congratulations!
  3. Happy birthday! I wish you that the wind pushed you only in the right direction!
  4. Congratulations! Less sadness, more cookies! Never forget who you are!
  5. Sunny bunnies for your home! May everything be even better for you than I could wish for!
  6. Happy birthday! I wish you to always achieve your goals and never deviate from your path.
  7. Happy Birthday friend! I wish you to always remain strong and face any difficulties head on!
  8. Never stop there, you will always deserve more! Happy holiday!
  9. Always be such a sweetheart for your friends, but give no mercy to your enemies! Happy birthday!
  10. Congratulations! I wish you to make fewer of your own mistakes and learn from others more often!
  11. Happy birthday! Live beautifully, drive expensive cars and take only the coolest girls for rides!
  12. Happy birthday! I wish you always have the strength to dream big!
  13. Happy birthday! Always dare and try the most delicious part of the pie!
  14. Happy birthday bro! I wish you to celebrate in such a way that all your neighbors will be jealous!
  15. Let no obstacles stop your path forward! Happy birthday!
  16. I wish you love more and more often! Life is a game, play it beautifully! Congratulations!
  17. Happy birthday! May everything work out for you, no matter what you have in mind!
  18. Good luck in everything! May she accompany you everywhere! Congratulations!
  19. Happy birthday! Happiness, success and health! And most importantly - more loyal friends who will always come to the rescue!
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