Birthday toasts: how to congratulate a friend, wife or mother at the table

They say that true friends don't lie on the road. Perhaps, but as they say, anything has happened to mine. So, I want to raise this glass to my friend and wish him, even if he is lying somewhere on the road, then only in the company of true friends who will never leave him in trouble and joy! 2

Friend, you know you mean a lot to me. Words cannot express this, only the eyes can tell. On your birthday, I thought for a long time about what I would wish. And I want to wish you good luck, so that it will be with you always and everywhere. Well, if something goes wrong, call me, I’ll help.


I want to wish my friend on his birthday the health of a marathon runner, the intelligence of an academic and the wealth of Bill Gates. You have everything else: wonderful parents and reliable friends. For you! For our friendship!


On your birthday I wish you to give smiles and shine with happiness Good luck and a bag of luck I wish your wallet to be full A good boss and friendly colleagues Health to you and all your loved ones forever!

Once upon a time there lived an old man on a high, high mountain. His house was very high, in eternal snow. And every morning and every evening the old man left the house and cleared the path to his house in the snow. Let's drink so that the road to our house, no matter where it is, will not have to be cleared - our friends will trample it!


One old wise Georgian said: - If you want to be happy for one day, get drunk... - If you want to be happy for a week, get sick... - If you want to be happy for one month - get married! - If you want to be happy for one year, get a mistress. If you want to be happy for the rest of your life, live to the fullest!!! Be healthy, dear!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!


I would like to wish you that your heart will always be light, but your pockets will always be heavy.


I wish you a lot of money, a lot of love and a lot of time to enjoy it!


My friend, support, my joy! On this wonderful day, I want to congratulate you on your birthday! I wish you happiness and a joyful long life! All the best just for you!


Congratulations on your birthday! I hope and wish you the best for the future. But the future is unknown to us. I also know that your past is full of success and joy. But the past should not dominate us. I wish you to live and enjoy every moment “here and now” - the only one that truly belongs to us...


How can you not drink, if there is a reason, If life is full of events: Today is your day - your name day, How can you live here without wine?

Not to celebrate a holiday, No, no, not at all, But to congratulate you with all my heart and wish you everything!

Toast is the most heartwarming birthday gift

The hosts of the holiday greet their guests with a beautifully set table, exotic treats, sweet pastries, and all kinds of drinks.

Guests give gifts and say long ornate congratulations. But at such a holiday, it is not the long toast that is valued. But on the contrary - sincere, short, memorable.

To congratulate the birthday person in an original way, you need to have short, bright speeches in prose in your storeroom. A successful toast at this event is the key to a good, cheerful holiday.

A toast to my husband

Let's start with husbands. A woman very carefully prepares a toast to give to her husband. After all, in a short phrase she must show everyone present her love and the importance of her husband in her life.

— Congratulations from the bottom of my heart to the most beloved man in my life! Real men are hard to find in the vastness of the earth, but I have the rarest, most amazing husband. I wish you health and success so that you can easily conquer career ladders and all the peaks that come your way! My toast to my beloved husband!

A glass to my wife

Husbands also don’t want to be left behind and, raising their glass, persistently choose good words for their wife, the woman they love.

- My beloved wife. Today you have become a little older. But I will never cease to be amazed at how God gave me such wealth and such happiness. I love you even more and cherish you even more! You are bright, juicy and sweet like an orange. So stay in the juice forever, happy birthday.

To mom

You always want to make a touching toast to your mother.

- I raise a glass to the most beautiful, bright, cozy and warm person, my mom! How many sharp corners, how many bitter minutes you gently removed from my life. It was hard for you too, but you tried to give the children happiness and more bright moments. It is the duty of the children to return to their mother those joyful moments that you gave us. We know how to repay debts, for you, mommy!

A wise parable about a mother.

When the child was destined to be born, he asked God: “I’m afraid to go into this world because I don’t know what I’ll do there!” God answered: I gave you an Angel. He will always be by your side and protect you from all troubles. - What is his name? - It doesn’t matter what the name is. - You will call him MOM.

From a guy

A toast to a friend from a guy is pronounced in beautiful words.

- I wish that all your days will be painted with all shades of wildflowers: red is love, orange is warmth, yellow is the bright rays of the sun, green is the world around, blue is the sky with a light snow-white cloud, blue is fidelity and honesty. As for the rest, let everything be purple!

To a friend from a friend

- May the Universe illuminate your path with bright stars - happiness, success, love, and five stars of expensive cognac! And if stars begin to fall from the sky, then this is fortunate. I want to drink so that my friend will fall under the starry waterfall more often.


Brother usually does not say pompous words to brother. Kindred souls already understand each other. But still, every brother will say a short toast.

- If you want happiness for the evening, get drunk, if you want to rest for a week, you can take sick leave, if you want to know joy for one month, then get married. And if you want to live happily all your life, be healthy!

Toasts for a woman's birthday

Be your husband desired and loved by everyone, always charming, unique! Let your eyes shine with happiness forever! Our toast to you! Let them pour some more!


Let your eyes glow with happiness! You will meet good people in life! May love bloom into old age! We wish you only joy! For eternal love and youth!


We wish you a lot of joy and light, So that life is full of desires! Let your Indian summer bloom, Well, let spring bloom in your soul!


Happy birthday, dear! Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts! We are in a hurry to raise a toast to your health now!

Toasts to the older generation

Mother in law

It's hard to find words for your mother-in-law, so these examples of toasts will help you cope with these difficulties.

- Dear mother-in-law! Without exaggeration, I will say that I am very glad that I met you in this life. And I never cease to rejoice at the fact that I have become your daughter’s life partner. May every day of your birthday be happy and bright, and we will try to make all your days wonderful. To the most benevolent, generous and sincere person!

A simple toast would also be appropriate for the mother-in-law.

— How many jokes and quotes have been invented about the mother-in-law. I never took them seriously, so I confidently declare that my mother-in-law is a wise and golden person! This is a great rarity, this is a find, this is a fairy tale. I'm lucky to have you. Happy birthday to my beloved mother-in-law and thank you for your daughter!

Wise toasts

I would like to make a wise toast to my parents, because they continued the genealogy of their families.

“Parents continued our family line, which comes from the roots of a mighty tree. Once upon a time, a small grain fell into the ground and turned into a powerful trunk. Parents are branches. And children are new buds of the family tree. So let's drink to our parents, who, even in difficult times, managed to preserve and continue their family line. For the parents!

If you are invited to an unfamiliar company and asked to say good words, then meaningful speeches will be appropriate in any company.

— You can live and have everything: power, apartments, money, cars. You must always remember that this was given to you for temporary use. But if there are no real friends, no love, then you can hardly be called a happy person. So let's drink so that the birthday boy will be surrounded by true friends and great love!

Toasts for sister's birthday

  • Let capricious luck always accompany you, So that the tariff of happiness is paid For all the coming years! Happy birthday my beloved sister, I want to drink to you, be happy!


My sister is more valuable to me than a treasure, For me she is a delight. Close, dear, priceless, My precious man. I drink to you, dear, Live forever without knowing troubles!


May life never end, May sadness and misfortune never meet, May you have great happiness, good friends, Health, success and joyful days!


Don’t have worries - live happily, so that everyone will always say: How beautiful this woman is, How infinitely young!

Toasts between congratulations

Giving guests a rest, the toastmaster can make philosophical toasts.

How does a wise person differ from a smart person? A wise person will never find himself in a situation from which a smart person will come out of it with honor. So let's raise our glasses so that we have the patience not to get into different situations, that is, to be smart, the intelligence to become wise and the wisdom to remain ourselves!

One smart person said: “Nothing shortens life more than the distance between toasts.” Let's drink to living as long as possible!

Toasts for brother's birthday

  • “Grow big!” - wished for you in childhood. And now I wish you to continue to grow above yourself! Happy birthday, my dear, beloved brother!


In the east they say that when a star falls, it is lucky. My toast today is for your life to be full of shooting stars!


You can’t help but drink, there are reasons, After all, life is full of events. Today is a holiday, name day, But how can you live without wine?! Let's pour glasses of wine and drink dry, to the bottom!


You know, today is more our holiday than yours. After all, on this day you were born and appeared in our destiny, changing it for the better in many ways! My toast is to you!

Funny toasts

For the holiday to be a success, the hero of the day and the guests need to make them laugh a little. To do this, say a toast with humor, but in such a way as not to offend anyone.

- May you have as much money as your wife needs, and as much health as your mother wishes for you. And if you come home at night, let it be for a reason that your wife suspects, but not your mother.

— There are moments in life when a dark streak covers us. I propose to raise a glass to the fact that if a bad streak comes, then let it definitely become a takeoff!

— A real man gets out of bed in the morning to rest. Let's raise a glass to a real man!

“I wish that the hero of the day would be bursting with everything: the table with treats, the wallet with money, and the bed with pleasure.”

— I wish you personal happiness, cash and non-cash.

Cool toasts decorate every holiday

— A man came to work after vacation and began to boast: “Eh, I had a good rest!” - Probably went to the seaside? Sunbathed, went shopping? - No, my wife and mother-in-law went to the sea, and I rested at home. We wish that after each vacation you have the brightest memories.

- Friends, you can’t drink individually, let’s get drunk collectively. So let's raise a glass to the great power of the team!

- Dear friend, let there be people in your life for whom you want to drink, and not those who make you want to get drunk!

Comic toasts

Good jokes, especially in the midst of a festive evening, heard from everywhere, lift the mood even more.

- Dear friends, let's drink so that the birthday boy will have as many troubles as we have drops in our glasses.

- Dear friend, I wish that your heart is always light and your wallet is heavy!

- I declare drunkenness - fight! And before the battle, those who go into battle need to drink!

— They say that youth is a disadvantage that disappears over time. I wish our birthday girl that time passes, but the deficiency remains. Let's drink to women with such a disadvantage!

- Let's drink to friendship, because it is friendship that supports in trouble, multiplies joy and shares sadness!

Witty toasts

A short table speech with an unexpected ending always causes excitement. Take note of what is suitable for your company.

— Weak women have a passion for strong men. Strong men have a passion for women's weaknesses. Let's raise a glass to the unity of opposites!

- Let everything pass by, except health, money and intimacy!

- I offer you a drink for your understanding! Without him there would be no friends, a wonderful evening and understanding people who are immediately looking for their glasses.

— Aristotle also said that two true friends have one soul between them. So let's drink to the unity of our souls!

- With age, memory and vision begin to change, a wife or husband can change, and only old friends remain unchanged. Here's to old faithful friends!

- Let's drink to business and sex, which in Russian means: to success in business and happiness in your personal life!

- Let's drink to the Airborne Forces - Faith, Valor and Luck!

- How many single men dream of good wives! By the way, some married men also dream about them... So let our dreams come true!

- If your memory fails you, then be glad that this is not your wife. Let's drink to our faithful wives!

Funny toasts from the bottom of my heart to a strong friend

Friend! I want to wish you a lot of everything, almost everything, but without excesses! After all, if you have absolutely everything, you will definitely no longer need to strive for something, go somewhere and achieve someone. I wish you an interesting and eventful life, and someday you will achieve everything you wanted and pass the baton to your children! Happy Birthday!


May today bring you many gifts. How we love and respect you, if only you knew! You are the best friend in the world, live beautifully forever. What more could you wish for? Probably love. So that you know why you should live in the world, create, and why you should go home!


I have known the birthday boy for a long time and very well. And he is very prudent, and always knows everything in advance. One day he came to visit me and said - I brought three at once. So you won’t have to go for the second one! Therefore, I propose to drink to the most prudent person in the world, who stocked up on a lot of mineral water for the morning!


For your birthday, I raise a glass of sparkling wine, and in this toast I wish you to feel the thrill to the fullest!

A young artist turned to Stanislavsky: “Do you want me to become your governess?” Stanislavsky laughed in surprise. - Yes, I don’t have children! - What do you mean no? - If only there was a governess, there would be children! Our birthday boy doesn't either. Let's wish him to get a pretty governess!


The glass is filled for you! I'll drain it to the bottom! I'll perform a rumba on the table, happy birthday! Hooray!


I will voice my toast from the bottom of my heart: I want to drink so that you can live both in happiness and in love, without knowing grief and trouble!


Let there be good health, let there be a million dollars! I raise my glass to you, that’s it, the toast is over, now I’ll drink it!


Dear birthday boy. My humble toast today to your dreams, to your health, to your improvement, and to your breathtaking success!


Happy Birthday to you, dear friend! I want the whole city to burst with envy today, looking at your gorgeous party. Well, tomorrow let our heads explode from impressions and from the amount of drink! After all, this is exactly how you should celebrate a friend’s birthday - noisily, on a grand scale and fun, in short, the way our friendly company does it, here and now! For you!


Let's raise our glasses to my friend, what a friend, to my brother, with whom we really have different parents, but with whom, despite this, fate brought us together. I wish you, my friend, doubly everything that you have, I would wish it “triplely”, but I’m afraid you’ll become arrogant:) for you.


Let's drink to our living better and better, no matter how disgusting it may be to those around us!


My friend, I wish that you always have enough money for what you can buy, and always have the strength for what you can achieve. Well, what does not depend on you, may fate grant you - good health, good luck and luck. Happy birthday!

Women's short toasts

There are purely female funny toasts that will amuse not only women, but also men. They will be appropriate in any company.

For us, beautiful ones

- Let's drink to us, girls, beautiful ones. Well, if we are not beauties, then the men are definitely greedy!

- A beloved man needs to be groomed and cherished: this makes his withers and neck grow!

- If a man does not succumb to our seduction, then he is a real blockhead. And logs can only be used to heat a stove. We will drink to those who give in, that is, to real men! For us, beautiful ones! For you, the gullible...

- Let's raise a glass to the men. Let him be a little more beautiful than a monkey, but have the temperament of a lion!

To the hero of the day

There are speeches from friends at anniversaries that are so funny that they bring you to tears of laughter.

- Sidor Petrovich, we wish you to have a mistress like Pamela Anderson. And he thinks to himself - uh, no, born in 1957... We wish to have only those whom we want...

— Every fisherman dreams of seeing a goldfish. Every girl dreams of seeing the Fairy Tale Prince. Every young man dreams of seeing the Beautiful Princess. So let's drink to the carrots! It will improve our vision!

— On the beach, a girl asked her mom: “Mom, why are the aunts’ swimsuits smooth, and the uncles’ swimsuits bulging?” The mother was embarrassed, and then came to her senses and firmly answered: “And the uncles, daughter, put money there.” So let's drink to the fat wallets!

About men

Women's toasts are always made about men.

- Let's drink to the men! But not for single people - they won’t marry us. And not for divorced people - they were so-so husbands. Let's drink to the married people - they love their wives and don't forget us either!

Men in men's company

Funny ones in a male company are always about women.

— Friends, do you know how a fairy tale differs from a fairy tale? The fairy tale is when he married a frog, and she turned out to be a princess. But reality is when it’s the other way around. So let's drink to make our life a fairy tale!

— A girl is walking down the street and suddenly hears footsteps behind her. She looked around and saw a handsome guy following her. She looked back a couple more times - and he continued to follow her. She decided that she wanted to meet. I looked around again - and he was no longer there... So let’s drink to the fact that the sewer manholes on the streets are closed on time!

— I’m walking through the park at night, the moon, the stars, a guy and a girl kissing on a bench. I go another time: the moon, the stars... The same guy on the same bench kisses another cutie. I go next time: night, moon, stars... and the same guy, on the same bench, already with a third young lady. So let's raise a glass to the constancy of men and the fickleness of women!

For the team - short toasts

Today it is customary to celebrate the anniversary in the team. It’s easy to say a toast to a colleague, but speeches dedicated to the boss are the most difficult.

To the boss

You shouldn’t be showered with praise; short wishes are more valuable. There are several examples of nice short toasts to your boss.

— Congratulations on your anniversary! We wish you to set high goals and achieve them. And in order to achieve them, we wish you wisdom in managing people, patience, health, and optimism! We also wish you stability, good spirits, as few failures as possible and, of course, personal happiness!

— We wish you good luck, optimism, conquering new heights, strength and energy, stability and prosperity, respect from your partners! And also good health, happiness, love of your family and friends!

Happy anniversary, dear boss! I would like to wish you both as a leader and as simply a good, kind, sensitive person great happiness, good luck and prosperity. Let every day of work be productive, and every moment of life joyful and kind. I wish you considerable success, unprecedented achievements, and health and energy like a perpetual motion machine.

— Dear ________, on behalf of the entire team we congratulate you on your anniversary! May success accompany you throughout life, and may your colleagues never cease to appreciate and respect you. Yes, one more thing: let them take an example from the ability to lead a team, solve important problems and be a sensitive person.

— We raise a glass to the fact that your competitors are always several steps behind, and you are dozens of steps ahead of them. Wishing you vigor and optimism in all your business endeavors!


When choosing phrases for a colleague, you can take these samples.

— They say that a colleague is a brother in business arms, as well as in the desire to have a fun birthday. So let's raise a glass on the name's birthday to military successes, an increase in the number of encouragements from the commander, and general grace on the personal battlefield.

“It’s very important to feel like you’re part of a team, that you can rely on your colleagues for everything. Without exaggeration, I can say that we can trust you in everything. We are simply happy to work side by side with such a professional as you.

— Dear colleagues, raising this glass to the birthday boy, I want to say that you are a true friend and assistant in your work. We wish you promotion to the top, because today you are already a real leader. So let your steps on the career ladder be a fast escalator that will take you to the top. Here's to your success!

“A friend is known in trouble, a horse in battle, and a colleague in work.” We got to know you at work, and we are very happy that we have you as a colleague and friend. For your success and happiness!

- On your birthday, I want to congratulate you and wish you: in addition to happiness and health, an irresistible desire to move forward. And don’t forget your colleagues in the event of a career takeoff. Happy birthday, I’m glad that I work with you in the same team. Let’s drink to you!

— Dear colleague, from the bottom of our hearts we want to congratulate you on your birthday! Today we won’t talk about work, because it’s hard for the “aces” of their business to want more! And we wish you what cannot be earned or bought with money - health, happiness and love!

Toasts for a friend's birthday

I want to raise a glass to the birthday girl And wish her on her birthday, So that everyone can tell her now: She is a beautiful moment of dreams! We wish you health and happiness! Let's drink our glasses to the bottom!


  • Shakespeare's Hamlet believed that beauty and virtue are incompatible things. Our birthday girl is a living example of how wrong he was!


Today, on this bright day, we wish you without a doubt, So that lilacs bloom in your soul, Not only on this birthday.


Often smart women try to hide their intelligence. But our (name) is smart and doesn’t think of hiding it. Let's drink to the intelligence and beauty of the hostess of the holiday!


Many women know how to defeat their rivals, but (name) simply doesn’t have them. After all, she is a real gift for her husband. Let's drink to the birthday girl and her husband, who received such a pearl!


Dear birthday girl! Let men open their mouths! Let computers open ports! Let them say: “Only you!”

Congratulations to the dearest people

For grandma

Anyone who has a grandmother knows what a kind and sympathetic person she is. Congratulations to your grandmother should be warm and touching.

— They say that a grandmother is a second mother. Often even more than the second mother. He is simply a loving, kind, wise, sometimes somewhat naive person. My grandmother is a real miracle! I want her to live another long, long life, because it’s difficult and lonely for me without you. Happy birthday, my dearest person!

- My dear grandmother! I congratulate you on your birthday and wish you strong and unbreakable health, joy and happiness. I will always remember your kind bedtime stories told in a soft, soothing voice. I will forever remember your firm instructions, which taught me to be human. Thank you for your upbringing, so I raise this toast to you, dear.

- My gentle, sweet, kind sorceress. The warmth of your heart warms me even in the toughest moments of my life. Today you have an important event - your birthday. Without you, our family tree of life would be much poorer. May everything you dream about come true. This toast is only for you, my dear man!

- Dear grandmother, with gratitude for everything you have done for me, I make this toast. Now my love and care will illuminate your future path! May your eyes shine with the light of the years you have lived, and may your life be warmed by love, mutual understanding and tenderness. For you, dear!

“On this beautiful day, I raise a glass to the wisest and kindest woman in the world.” Since childhood, you have been a bright guiding star for me, one of the closest people. I am grateful to you for everything you have taught me. All this has been useful to me on my life’s journey. Happy holiday, my dear granny!

Toasts to grandfather

Grandfather also has a lot of kind words. Grandfathers are most often not old people yet, so they accept even the most unusual toasts.

- Grandfather, I will always thank fate that I spent my entire childhood next to you. You taught me to work with a plane, hammer nails, and find the right way out of any difficult situation. You taught me not to give in to despondency, but to be sure to act. Let's raise a glass to my faithful friend and mentor!

- Grandpa! I raise a glass to your perseverance! You, like no one else, know how difficult it is to achieve success, but you always knew that there would definitely be a reward for your efforts. This is all deposited in my heart and helps me live. For you, my dear and persistent grandfather!

- Let's stand and raise our glasses to grandfather's kindness, perseverance in achieving goals, to the core that does not allow us to bend under adversity. We wish you to remain in the ranks as a staunch warrior and person!

- Grandfather, I want to raise a glass to you, the most persistent and kindest person. You are my example, advisor and mentor. Despite the age difference, we continue to understand each other. For you, grandpa!

Congratulations to the grandchildren

Grandparents also prepare congratulations for their grandson and granddaughter.

— Happy birthday, dear little man! May all your wildest dreams come true in your life, and may the highest stars fall from the sky! May your path be filled with a lot of the most daring victories and fabulous achievements! I wish you great happiness and bright, sincere love! May you always have loyal friends and family by your side!

- Happy birthday, dear! I wish you great luck in life. Fight for your dreams like a brave lion, surprise this world with your talents, conquer new heights of success and never doubt your abilities. Grandchildren are a continuation of the family, so be always brave, cheerful, active, kind, sincere and cheerful.

In your own words: Short birthday toasts

  • I wish you to be like an orange! It is bright and attracts attention, sweet in taste and always in the juice, just like you! Happy Birthday!


Dear friend! I raise this toast so that you always have heaviness in your pockets and lightness in your heart!


I want to drink to our dear birthday boy! It is difficult to list all his advantages, but the main one is that he is a bright man! I would venture to suggest putting a lampshade on it!


Let's thank the birthday boy and drink to him. Since only he was able to gather so many good and wonderful people in one place!


I would like to wish the birthday boy the health of a marathon runner, the mind of an academician, and wealth like Rockefeller!


  • My toast to your wisdom, to your kindness and to your earthly simplicity. Be the best and most successful. The happiest and very charming!


May your life go peacefully and may your health be good. And may your head always be dizzy with joy, love and goodness!


I raise my glass to have everything you need in life: love, health, positivity and great strong friendship!


I say this birthday toast: I want to wish you happiness and health. Let everything be okay in life, don’t be timid when you see happiness.


I wish you to go to work with pleasure in the morning and to return home with pleasure in the evening!


  • I wish you to make friends with sports! Literball doesn't count. Health to you, my friend, let's drink to your healthy lifestyle!


I wish the birthday boy a life as cloudless as the sky in the desert. Full of bright emotions, like this festive table. Big and interesting, like our Universe!


I would like to wish that at least eight stars shine in your life - a star of happiness, a star of success, a star of love, and five stars of strong and expensive cognac!


They usually say: if a star falls, it is fortunate. I’d like to drink to our birthday boy getting caught in the stars every night.


I wish for the birthday boy to break everything: the table from treats, his wallet from dollars and euros, and the bed from pleasure.


Happy Birthday! We wish you to be a happy person in life, and let misfortune and grief remain aside, more health and good luck!


Let me say briefly: for you! So that there are many more name days in your life, and happiness is in full swing. Let your health never give you weakness!


More sun for you! Love! Happiness! Warmth and joy! It may be trivial, but it is very important! Thank you for having us!


I propose a toast to the seven “Ns” of our heroine of the occasion. For our unusual, unique, incomparable, gentle, necessary, beloved!

How can you not drink, if there is a reason, If life is full of events: Today is your name day, How can you live here without wine?


Not to celebrate a holiday, No, no, not at all, But to congratulate you with all my heart and wish you everything!


Eastern people say: when a star falls, it is good luck. May your life be a complete shower of stars!


On your birthday, not a person becomes one year older, but another year is completed by such a wonderful person like you! Congratulations to you and this happy year!


A man is a steel spring, a motor singing in the sky, a single formidable step of a squad, an eagle screeching in the heights of the mountains.


A man is a bunch of pepper, a master's firm hand and a heart that loves women: So let's drink to the man, to the birthday boy!


With all my heart I personally wish that, like a house cat, you always have a great life, both at work and at home!


Our dear birthday boy! Today is your next birthday, and I propose to raise a glass so that you live for about two hundred years, and we all witnessed this!


Let's drink to the birthday girl soon! Let's drink to the stars of bright eyes! And for the curve of sable eyebrows, In general, for everything that is dear to us (Name)!


I propose a toast to the seven “Ns” of our heroine of the occasion. For our extraordinary, unique, incomparable, irresistible, necessary, beloved!


My wishes will be very brief: Always be a queen and live in abundance!


Don't worry, live happily, so that everyone always says: How beautiful this woman is, How infinitely young!


Sweet, kind, gentle - You are so beautiful now! Be like a fresh rose, With bright sparkles in your eyes Let's drink so that adversity does not darken your gaze, Let's drink so that with age there will be enthusiasm in it, as before!


I wish on your birthday that the years stop! And you will remain so young forever!


We will all come in twenty years to congratulate you - both of us! You are sitting, and you are seventeen, As fresh as ever, you are young!


Fall, but into your arms, Cry, but with happiness, Stumble, but for your health, Choke, but with laughter! I drink to you, my friend! Happy birthday!


My dear dear friend! Today I only wish for you that you will always have an amazingly light heart and amazingly heavy pockets! Happy Birthday girlfriend!


My dear friend, I am very happy for you. You always look beautiful, And the years have no power over you. I wish you to sparkle like a star, prosper materially, bloom, smell fragrant, love!


We really hope that you liked our cool birthday toasts and you were able to choose the one that suited you.

It has been proven by time that the best thing to do in the midst of fun is cheerful congratulations, based on this, the article presents more than 80 funny and unusual toasts.

Happy Birthday to You! And in wonderful years I wish you good luck, and goodness to boot!


Happiness, life without sadness, So that everyone around you is surprised, There is money in your wallet, So that you are always lucky!


I wish for the birthday boy to break everything: the table from treats, his wallet from dollars and euros, and the bed from pleasure.


Your holiday has arrived. And I want to wish you many happy, different days, so that you can live without despair.


So that the house would be a full cup, Everyone who is dear to you would be nearby, So that friends would call more often, And all enemies would forget.


Let your health not fail you, And let spring sing in your soul! Happy birthday, I drink to the bottom for you!


Heed my words, dear friends: Today we came to the table in vain.


My dear friend! I raise my glass to you always having a light heart and heavy pockets!

We sit at a table side by side, have a drink, and wish you happiness. Please accept our congratulations on your wonderful birthday!


So let's drink so that the hero of our occasion will not be afraid to enter his gates and never miss his chance!

There is a big date behind this day, and raising my glass higher, I wish you a life sweeter than chocolate, so that every day becomes even happier!


Let sweet wine flow like a river on your birthday! So that the special effects, like in the movies, will lift your spirits!


For your birthday, I raise a glass of sparkling wine, and in this toast I wish you to feel all the excitement to the fullest!


I propose this toast on your birthday! It will be short, it will be simple, catch your luck by the tail!


On your birthday, let all your glasses be filled to the brim, and let everyone be happy to drink, for this dear holiday!


I will voice a toast from the bottom of my heart: I want to drink so that you can live both in happiness and in love, without knowing grief and misfortune!


Let there be good health, let there be a million dollars! I raise my glass to you, that’s it, the toast is over, now I’ll drink it!


Dear birthday boy. My humble toast today to your dreams, to your health, to your improvement, and to your breathtaking success!


In the East they say that when a star falls it is lucky, and my toast today is that your life will be full of shooting stars!


On your birthday, accept congratulations from me, and listen to the modest toast quickly: I wish you many, many impressions and faithful, devoted friends!


After all, on this day you were born and appeared in our destiny, changing it for the better in many ways!


I want to wish you: a sea of ​​money, an ocean of love, and a lot of time to fully enjoy this happiness!


My toast to your wisdom, generosity, kindness. And for your earthly simplicity. You are the best, the most dear. I congratulate you with all my heart!


On your birthday, I wish you health like a marathon runner, intelligence like an academician, and wealth like an Arab sheikh!


Please accept congratulations today on your glorious birthday! I also wish you inspiration, and that there will always be love!


We wish you a sea of ​​friends, smiles, and greetings. Happy, long, and endless meetings!


On your birthday I won’t get tired of filling your glass to the brim! And if I can, my friend, I’ll get up and say a solemn toast!

Let's drink to your coffin, which is made of oak that is a hundred years old, but which has not yet been born. I wish you to live another hundred years!


I propose to drink to our friend! He is such a bright personality that you want to put a lampshade on him

Let's drink to the four-stroke engine, because in just its 4 strokes it allows us to keep up with everything everywhere, buy things and start toasting at the table on time!


I propose to drink to the great word “let’s” because it can be perfectly harmonized with the equally important word “let’s drink”!


The speed of the sun is approximately 217 km/s, the speed of the earth is about 29.765 km/sec, so I propose a drink so that each of us is in no way inferior to these two planets.


I suggest you have a drink and wish the birthday person to place his life under a waterfall of good luck, joy and prosperity.


And so that this waterfall is in no way inferior in size to the waterfall from central Asia (Burkhan-Bulak).


One of the wise men said, “the time has come to collect stones,” so I raise my glass so that our stones will always be diamond, and set in precious metals!

Let's drink to joy! Let this be the only thing that comes into our lives without an invitation!


How good it is when everything is fine! And my toast to that. May everything be simply wonderful, extraordinary, awesome, magnificent and incomparable for you!


Let your youth not fade away, And with it love and kindness. May peace and warmth be your eternal guest in your home.


Women are flowers. And flowers are beautiful when they bloom. So let's drink to loose women!


Let's drink so that we walk down the street late at night and get attacked by money! But we couldn't fight them off!


I propose to drink to the most gentle, the most charming, the most affectionate, the most patient! For us, men!


Let's drink to everyone being able to do at least something, but better than others.


They say that a shooting star brings happiness. So let our life be an eternal shower of stars!


With you this world seems brighter! I would like to wish it to sparkle for you with all its colors!


Dear birthday boy! We wish you not to experience irreparable losses and intelligently adjust your outlook on life so as to always be happy. Cheers!


My dear friend (name)! I raise my glass to you always having a light heart and heavy pockets!


Eastern people say: when a star falls, it is fortunate. May your life be a complete shower of stars!


I wish your life to be luxurious, with luxurious well-being, luxurious mood and luxurious prospects. Happy birthday!


On your birthday, let all the glasses be filled with a mountain, and let everyone be happy to drink, for this dear holiday!


For your birthday, I raise a glass of sparkling wine, and in this toast I wish you to feel the thrill to the fullest!


Let's drink to you having a lot of money, a lot of love and a lot of time to enjoy it!


Let's drink to the birthday boy living better and better, no matter how disgusting his enemies may be!


Let there be people in your life for whom you want to drink, and not those who make you want to get drunk!


I propose to drink to our friend! He is such a bright personality that you just want to put a lampshade on him.

On your birthday I want to wish you smiles and shine with happiness, good luck and a bag of luck, I wish your wallet to be full, a good boss and friendly colleagues, health to you and all your loved ones forever!

They don’t drink for happiness - they fight for it. They don’t drink for health - they pray for it. They don’t drink for love - they do it. Let’s drink to the dreams of our birthday boy - let them come true!


So that you can eat and drink, So that you want and can, So that everyone and everywhere can be with someone and be where!


Today we will be in the clouds: And may not only today, but always the sky above you be cloudless and clear! Happy holiday to you!


When the sun shines brightly, the woman undresses to her swimsuit. So let's drink to make the eyes of men shine brighter than the sun!


And there is nothing more wonderful to celebrate a birthday with Champagne, which is boiling in your hands with impatience. Be healthy, cheerful, kind fellow! I ask everyone to support us with a filled glass.


They say that a streak of bad luck sometimes turns out to be a winning streak. So let's drink to our joyful prospects on the runway!


It’s better to be well-fed than to be hungry, it’s better to live in peace than in anger, it’s better to be needed than to be free, that’s why we’ll drink so that the birthday boy can be well-fed, in peace and needed!

The given introductory fragment of the book The Most Original Toasts (N.V. Demidova) was provided by our book partner, liters company.


Oddly enough, the first toast is raised not to the birthday boy, but to the one who will say toasts in his honor.


So let's drink to brevity and her brother - talent, and let them help all those who will honor our birthday boy today!


Let's follow the principle of the State Emergency Committee, saying toasts in honor of the hero of the occasion. That is, Tell Whoever What You Like!


Having warmed up those present in this way, you can move on to the main course - congratulations to the hero of the occasion. And here you can really turn around in full.


To which I received a very unusual answer: “Yes,” he answered, “I am, but I’m hearing something random for the first time.” Thank you for opening my eyes!”


In Siberia they say: a thousand kilometers is not a distance, a hundred deer is not a herd, sixty degrees is not frost, fifty years is not an age!


We wish you, dear (NAME OF THE BIRTHDAY BOY), in about fifty years to come out of baby’s swaddling clothes and grow up, so that we can say: this is age!


They say that the voice of those crying in the wilderness will be heard if they cry in unison. Let us all wish the hero of the occasion happiness in unison so that we can be heard even in the Sahara!


They say that sclerosis is a good disease, nothing hurts and every day there is news. Let's drink so that this news for our birthday boy will always be only good!


Plato said that philosophizing is learning to die. And we will drink so that our birthday boy does not forget the main thing - learning to live.


And I propose to drink to what we are absolutely not indifferent to - to live or die, as long as we can raise our glasses to the health of the hero of the occasion!


Life is a win-win lottery: in the end everyone gets their own piece of land. Let's drink so that the hero of the occasion loses in this lottery for as long as possible!


Happiness is being in the right place at the right time. We are all happy that we got to this holiday and came on time - so let's drink to the birthday boy while there is nothing left!


Teenagers are walking in the yard, they are joined by a “new guy” - a “bespectacled” guy and clearly a weakling. As usual, local authorities immediately attack him:


I propose to drink so that our birthday boy will always be in good company, and we will willingly help him in this!


Then his friend came in. He saw what was happening and exclaimed: “If you die, I have no reason to live!” And he also tightened the rope around his neck.


They both jumped down, and the beam broke off. And gold suddenly fell from under the beam! If this man had not had a friend, he would have died and would not have acquired wealth.


Let's raise our glasses so that our birthday boy has the same friends who would not leave him in difficult times and would be like real gold!


One day, one padishah had a dream, and he called his oracle to explain its meaning to him. This was the plot of the dream.


Of course, the padishah became angry with the old man and put him in a high tower. But needless to say that all his predictions came true.


Let's drink to the fact that our birthday boy has gathered a variety of people under his roof, and let each of them have fun as best he can!


You can surprise everyone present with a congratulation-toast, dressed in poetic form.


Agreeing with the words of the unknown poet, I want to wish that the soul of our host would be pure and smooth, like a deserted beach, and the waves would bring only joy to him!


Shakespeare said that if every unjust word left a mark, we would all walk around dirty from head to toe. Let's drink to the radiant purity of our birthday girl!


What is the difference between a blonde and a brick? A brick doesn't call you every day after you lay it once. Let's drink to the fact that our birthday girl, thank God, is a brunette!


Let's drink to ensure that our beautiful birthday girl never finds herself in situations where her beauty and intelligence will be a hindrance to her!


A true woman is smart, but hides it, but (NAME OF THE BIRTHDAY GIRL) is smart and doesn’t think about hiding it. Let's drink to the mind of the hostess of the holiday!


A true woman will definitely appreciate a pleasant male company, and (NAME OF THE BIRTHDAY GIRL) will definitely make sure that the company of pleasant men appreciates her.


Let's drink to our birthday girl, who is highly valued by all the men present here!


Shakespeare's Hamlet believed that beauty and virtue are incompatible things. Our birthday girl is a living example of how wrong he was!


I also want to suggest living life in such a way as to earn a priceless gift - the ability to not let go of beauty!

Congratulations to growing children

You always want to wish a small child a lot of toys, a happy birthday, and a lot of friends. And growing up, never know defeat, never cry or be discouraged, but only rejoice, have fun, laugh and be healthier than all the heroes combined! Let everything around you be joyful, bright and exciting.

Other congratulations are given when the child turns 18.

- Today is a special day in your life. You are 18. What does that mean? And the fact that many doors and paths are open for you. We wish you not to get lost in this big world, find your way, discover new talents and opportunities, and also meet your great and reciprocal love. Let only good people be around, only good weather outside, and only good thoughts in your head. Happy coming of age!

People at this age especially appreciate original toasts.

— Congratulations on your 18th birthday and we want to wish you that you can handle any nut, that only positive songs fit into your repertoire, and that your mood is always great. Let your Hollywood smile sparkle with white teeth, and there will never be noodles on your ears.

- This toast is for the most mature person, who is already able to boldly deal with any issue. Just let your head remain on your shoulders and your wild impulses in check. Don't let your hot 18-year-old heart cool down on the path to success or love. I wish you an extravaganza of joy and unquenchable passion for everything you desire.

Unusual toasts from different countries

We have always been attracted by oriental toasts for their originality. They are all intricate, but very wise, giving the right direction in life.


At any holiday you can make Armenian toasts, for example, this one:

“A real man is one who remembers exactly a woman’s birthday and never knows how old she is.” And a man who never remembers a woman’s birthday, but knows exactly how old she is, is her husband. So let's drink to real men!

— The older the wine, the richer its bouquet and the more refined its taste. Let's drink to the fact that our hero of the day, like good wine, becomes more and more valuable over the years, accumulating a bouquet of wonderful memories and living with taste!


People of all nationalities especially enjoy Georgian toast.

- May your life be cloudless, like the sky over the Sahara desert, full, like the jug of the generous Georgian Givi, long, like the longest Mexican TV series, and may your eyes glow with happiness, like the sky glows during the northern lights. For the hero of the day!

— Every year nature gives the residents of Georgia many beautiful and tasty fruits. They are collected and served in order to enjoy the best Georgian wine - because their aroma is complemented by the bouquet of wine. So let's drink to the fact that fruits and good wine will never be left on the table of our hero of the day!

“They say that once a poet came to the great Queen Tamara and complained that he was very poor. The queen answered: “Homer was much poorer, but to how many people he gave spiritual food!” I propose to drink to our hero of the day - a man who gives people inspiration!

— In Georgia they say: a man should look like a hazel tree trunk, a woman should look like a peach fruit. So let's drink to our dear hero of the day, who, like a ripe peach, is always rosy and fresh!

Even more Caucasian toasts

Caucasian toasts are always funny and wise at the same time.

— There is a legend in the Caucasus: when a child is born, God kisses him. If God kisses a child on the mouth, he will grow up to be a magnificent speaker; if he kisses his hands, he will grow up to be a jack of all trades... So let’s drink to the birthday boy, because even God himself doesn’t know where he kissed him!

- Well, Dato, is it delicious? - asks the young wife of her husband, having prepared lula kebab for the first time. – Not bad, Nana, just next time don’t forget to add some meat to the salt. So let's drink to the culinary abilities of the hostess, which we were able to verify today.

“One day a young man came to the sage. He asked the sage: what is happiness? The sage, after thinking a little, said: “Happiness is an elastic concept, for a mother happiness is a baby, for a merchant it is a new horse.” Everyone chooses for themselves what happiness means to them. So let’s drink to our birthday boy realizing his own happiness.

— In Georgia they say that a person’s wealth is measured by his wealth, and happiness by the merits of his soul. So let's drink to the hero of the day - a man worthy in all respects!

— A Caucasian man walks into a candy store and says to the saleswoman: “I’m canfet.” - Which ones? - Well, these... I killed them, how could they... Mi her... Nat.... Ah, I remembered! A PINEAPPLE! So let’s drink to the fact that our birthday boy, when he comes to the shops to buy gifts for his beloved, never forgets the names of her favorite sweets - flowers... perfumes... precious stones... car brands... And so on, so on, so on!!!


And at least one toast must be Jewish.

— The phone rings in Rabinovich’s apartment. - Ask Izya to answer the phone! - He's not home! - the relatives answer, “He’s at the dacha.” - What, Izya has a dacha? - He’s at the dacha... testifying! I propose to drink to a rich life with real dachas!

— There’s a fight in the synagogue. The rabbi exhorts the fighters: “Jews, is this a synagogue or a brothel?” Rabinovich slaps himself on the forehead: “That’s where I forgot my galoshes!” Let's drink so that we never forget where we are!

Table happy birthday greetings are cool

I wish you, cousin, my dear and glorious one, I wish you that the trolley takes you away happily,

I wish you, beautiful and wonderful sister, that you find the Amur arrow, and that you are dreamy,

So that the most vulgar dreams, Cousin and wonderful, could come true for you, After all, life is more interesting with eroticism!


I wish you, dear cousin, to be the happiest and sweetest,

I wish you, beauty, Well, just a super model, I wish you to please everyone, May your husband be a beast in bed,

Let your life not be sour, And let the cabbage crunch in your wallet, I wish in my mind to sum up the numbers that the bosses are saving for you!


Mom wishes sweet pies on her birthday, attraction to girls and a million bales of happiness,

I wish you, handsome, to show you class, I wish you to leave the troubles of yesterday, and not for a second, son, not to lose heart,

I wish you to sleep for a hundred days in a row, I wish you to be lazy to your heart's content, I wish you to receive six hundred awards and get drunk to your heart's content at a party!


I wish, my son, to be yourself, smile more often, little one, and eat lard with garlic,

Drive away germs, Never lose heart, Believe in miraculous deliverance from problems and regrets,

I wish to gallop until the sun, That light gives in the window, So that mother can always be proud of You!


I congratulate your dear and wonderful grandson on your birth into the world, I wish you a beautiful life, I wish you to be always happy.


I wish you to be successful, May you be joyful and amusing, May you smile cheerfully, May you become a wonderful magician.


And may the money never run out, May this world smile at you, May everything be great, and may there be happiness in your personal life.


With all my heart I wish my grandson great happiness, May all bad weather disappear, I wish you great joy.


Today you were born into the world And on this special day I wish to conquer all the girls And so that the shadow does not overshadow.


May you be the soul of the company and always at the center of it, I wish you good health, May your beard grow.


On your birthday, I wish you with respect, Wonderful Uncle, Super influential,

Brilliant and cheerful, So that in cities and villages they carry you in their arms, So that everyone forgives mistakes,

So that morning, day and night Troubles are torn to shreds, So that every day and hour Nephew gives sparkle to her eyes!


I wish you, my dear, that you are awesome, that you find okroshka in the summer, that you drink grog in the winter,

I wish you, golden one, like your nephew, that you be yourself, just as charming!


I want to congratulate you, my godson, on your birthday, dear. I wish you happiness and patience, so that you are not an outcast in life.


I wish you true friendship, cloudless love in fate. I wish you joy flying, on wings, as if to you.


And let the cheerful feast come tonight. I wish you many years, good health, and let all the bad things recede!


I wish you fiery passions, desired news, wonderful creative ideas! I wish only clear weather,

Lots of pleasant things to do for many years to come! I wish you the most eternal life, blooming and heartfelt love,

And also carefree joy! I wish my heart peace, Let success flow in a wave; Happy Birthday, my godson!


I wish dear men to lie at your feet. I wish you happiness without reason, without regret and sadness.


I wish to burn over trifles, And to light up men’s gazes. Well, who to give yourself to, you decide for yourself - as it will be necessary.


I wish you sincere girlfriends, warm-hearted, right friends and let them shout to you: “Pour it”! And hundreds of arms hug.


I simply wish you, my niece, career growth day by day, and your uncle will help you in your bright destiny!


Happy birthday, pensioner! I wish you to be a gallant and courteous man, so that the younger generation takes an example from you. I wish to be an enviable groom for lovely ladies. I wish you all the most wonderful things in this life. Let your heart be filled with love, understanding, patience.


Firstly, we wish you health, and secondly, lots of happiness, and of course, that love will accompany you, and life will never know disappointment.


I sincerely congratulate the most dear people in the world - my parents on their birthday! Thank you for giving me life, for caring and loving me. You still haven't stopped looking after me. Thank you for giving me a happy childhood. I love you very much!


You are so wonderful today, so beautiful and lovely! Dear aunt, happy birthday, I wish you good mood!


May all your dreams come true today, may your feelings not be deceived. I wish you a crazy, interesting life, I wish you a bright, wonderful life.


So that happiness often comes, and brings luck with it. Everything in the house is harmonious, and in the soul, everything is perfect.


Darling! You are my happiness and joy. You are a ray of goodness in my life now. I feel so good when you are next to me! I don’t need anyone else, believe me!


On your birthday, I wish you success and happiness, good friends, good luck and peace, and light in your destiny. And so that you can walk through life more cheerfully!


And I will always be by your side, I will help you if things get difficult! May God give you many years of life, You are my happiness, my Sun!


Happy birthday, beloved friend, I love you! Let noisy fun be arranged for you today, loving! Gifts, wishes and a whole sea of ​​attention!


Good news for people! It's our _____ anniversary. We wish you heavenly manna, So that money pours into your pockets, So that health flows like a river.


You stay young! So that sadness, sorrows and worries go into the underground voids. So that evil and shadow disappear, so that every day becomes happy!


HAPPY ANNIVERSARY. On your anniversary, we wish you with love prosperous and happy years, mental strength and good health for new wonderful victories!


We wish you health and good luck in everything! Let every day be the happiest day! Boss, we respect you, and we wish you happiness in life!


May your work bring you success, and may praise and honor await you in life! And we will support you in everything. Well, happy anniversary!


We were wondering what to give you. They wanted to dedicate poems, But they remembered that it was the Anniversary, And they gave it as a gift. (number) rubles!


An anniversary is a wonderful holiday! Congratulations and I want to wish you to live an active, full life, set goals and achieve them easily!


Congratulating such a woman, I am taking a very big risk now. I know that I’m not eighteen anymore, but I don’t believe it and I’m afraid to admit it.


I am glad to congratulate you on your anniversary, And you always walk forward along the alley of life, May only joys be ahead.


Let beauty not fade, let luck soar upward, let success in life not disappear.


Let all worries fly away into the distance, And joy will come to replace them. We wish you a happy journey on the anniversary that is coming today.


We wish you joy, kindness, Health, happiness and warmth, Flowers, smiles and friends On a joyful anniversary. A woman is always beautiful.


And age is not a hindrance. Don’t forget to keep reserves of kindness and laughter in your soul. And let not only on this day the nightingale sing in the heart.


So that your heart burns with love And the light in your eyes does not go out, So that the sun warms you with warmth And so that your flight is high.


Be happy, be loved and, as before, kind and sweet. Remain unique, Be just as immensely gentle.


You are a goddess among the female sex, Who lives among mortal people. I wish to celebrate this fabulous anniversary of yours with dignity!


Whatever you want, let it come true, Let all the good things be remembered, Let your eyes glow with happiness, Let you meet good people. May there be love until old age, I wish you only joy!


If you are the sun, shine! If you are a bird, fly! If you are a fish, swim! If you're going to be cancer, call me!


The road is like a sister, And close to me like a mother, You are my friend And you cannot be taken away. I congratulate you on your name day, There is nothing better for me, You and I are like family!


Birthday - Creative! I'll buy a condom, I'll just blow it into a balloon, I'll light a flashlight in you!


Let there be an ocean of happiness, a universe of success, and let there be less grief than a glass, and hide it away!


I give you flowers of unusual beauty! Not peonies, not daisies, but flowers made from blotting paper!


Our life is very short - Extend it - drink beer! May you live a beautiful life. I wish you a lot of beer! In mugs, in jars and in bottles! A case of beer in the freezer! And so that you can cope with it, We are already running to you!


Congratulating you on your birthday, We wish you from the bottom of our hearts, Don’t extinguish the fire in yourself And live the same way, without burning out. To be successful, to be healthy, to meet good people more often, and to find happiness in the harsh glades of life.


My toast to the sunny sky, To your life in health and work! Never know hunger for bread or thirst for warmth or water.


Accepting all the toasts and toasts, I want everyone to sound more solemnly. This is the toast that I raise To the earth - to the beginning of all beginnings. I am like a plow that plows the ground, I am like the hands of a plowman on it, And the grain that fell into the furrow in the spring, And the ear with swelling grain.


They say that if a woman does not wear expensive earrings, necklaces, bracelets and even rings, then this means that she married for love. So, gentlemen, let us drink to true love!


The wisest Chinese proverb says: Do you want to flutter like a butterfly? Then don't flap your wings like a crow. I want to drink to the hope that everything will work out perfectly for us, everything will go like clockwork, and this will make us fly like real graceful butterflies.


One sage said: “The most amazing thing about a person is that he often grieves over the lost state, but as his life passes, he is not upset.” Let's raise a toast to making every day of our lives bright and useful.


What does the glass consist of? From a support and a drink bowl. What does a person consist of? From the body - the material support and the soul - the spiritual cup. Let's drink so that our glasses are filled more often with wonderful wine, and the cups of our souls are filled with wonderful feelings!


Ever closer to polite manners, Men are all at the mercy of lovely ladies, And ladies are favorable to gentlemen. So let’s shake off the oppressive whining from our souls And, pouring out the bitter tincture, Let’s raise a toast to a better life! And, at the same time, let's remember perestroika!


There is a bandit attack on the train. The robbers get to the collection car, which contains the gold. The first bandit says: “I’ll take one bag.” The second one says: “And I have two bags.” And the third one says: “And I’ll take the gold.” Let's drink to never forget about the main thing in trifles!


Not everything is fine with the country today. And the heart rejoices and sings again, When spring has already begun to breathe. The blue is intoxicating and enchanting, And I rhyme the line in a new way And say: “Long live spring! “And again and again I kiss the sun on the cheek. But brighter than the suns are smiles here and there.


Let's move these cups so that generosity lives in us, so that everyone in the world gives only good deeds. Let everyone consider it happiness to intervene in a difficult struggle, and with a kind word and participation, strengthen a broken destiny. Let everyone be happy from now on Do not count your hard work.


I want to drink to her. Because she's waiting for me. I know that being with her is easy and joyful. She greets me without unnecessary kisses, warms me on cold nights, and every night talks about happy love. So let's drink to her - to her dear and close soldier's bed!


The road again We are always on the road. I know how long I have walked and lived. And how much further there is to go, You don’t know, and I don’t know either. There is no water, no milk, no tea. Don't force those who don't want to drink!


Let's drink wine and love women, rejoice and laugh. We'll drink soda and read sermons tomorrow!


We have known for a long time a wonderful way to preserve age: We do not attribute to age even the days that we spent together with our guests. Therefore, my good guest, to you, to your generosity I drink today. By being with me, for a moment or an hour, you will so easily extend my life!


I’m talking about this, so that happiness comes to people more often. May you not have any enmity in any year, in any family, or any enmity. Let nothing impoverish your life. In your well-being, in your growth, let your only loss be that guests are sitting at the table today.


If you want to rest in blessed bliss, And see this arrogant world at your feet, Come over to my faith, learn from me, - Drink wine, but do not drink this bitterness of the universe!


It's better to walk than to run. It's better to stand than to walk. It's better to sit than to stand. It's better to lie down than sit. But it's better to die than to lie down. So let's drink to an active lifestyle! I suggest you dance.


The poet exclaimed: I want, I want to look into people's eyes, And drink wine, and kiss women, And fill the evening with fury of desires. Let's drink to the rage and harmony of our Desires!


Let's drink so that we always have a glass of wine in one hand, and with the other we can give a face to anyone who decides to take it away!


Fill the rustling of years with the murmur of alcohol, Because, as one poet said, There is no happiness in the world, but there is peace and will, Which, unfortunately, is not there either.


Like a caravan, our whole life passes. Blessed is he who spends his journey in joy. Why guess about the future, friends? Give me some wine! The night fog is passing!


You are full of vigorous strength - drink wine, With your beautiful sweetheart - drink wine. This mortal world is a dark ruin. Forget what is and was - drink wine.


One doctor said to a patient: “You can’t eat fish, meat, fatty foods, or sweets.” The patient answered him: “If I had eaten them as much as I wanted in my time, I wouldn’t be sick today.” This toast is for drinking and eating, and wanting more.


On Monday there was no time, on Tuesday - not this, on Wednesday - not that, on Thursday and Friday - neither this nor that, on Saturday - both this and that. Let's drink to that and everything!


Dostoevsky said: “Every person should have a place where he can go.” Today I came to a house that made a stunning impression on me. Let's drink to the fact that this place is where I would go!


It's funny to worry about petty intrigues. Since God in heaven is invariably great - Be calm and cheerful, appreciate this moment. How long will you mourn and grieve, Friend, and lament that life is slipping out of your hands? Drink intoxicating wine, indulge in pleasures, Having fun, complete the destined circle!


At school they assigned an essay on the topic: “My parents.” A nine-year-old boy wrote: “We already get parents at such an age that we can no longer wean them from many habits.” So let's drink to our habits!


The sage said: “When you forgive, you receive satisfaction much greater than from revenge, since forgiveness evokes praise, and revenge evokes repentance.” Let us forgive each other our mistakes and failures and thus receive mutual satisfaction!


Our life is divided into two parts: providing life and enjoying life. But the prose of life is such that yesterday there is no time, today there is no time and tomorrow there is no time to enjoy life. So let's drink to whatever happens!


Two scientists met. - What are you hanging? - asks one. — A hundred meters of chintz for my bride to wear as a nightgown. - Why so much? - You know, the main thing in science is search. Today I found the cheerful company I was looking for, and I toast to my finds!


I want people to not know screams in the world, so that a sorrowful groan will not be heard, I want people to quickly forget the screams born of the horror of wars. My toast: May the sonorous cries of newborns always be heard. My toast: so that songs of happy people, songs of lovers can be heard in the world.


The escape of despondency-crime grows in the soul, Until the entire book of pleasure is read. Seize the joys and drink wine greedily: Life is short, alas! Her moments fly by.


What is bias? This is gymnastics for the eyes. To some facts we open our right eye wide and squint our left, and to other facts we open our left eye wide and squint our right. Let's drink to the fact that the eye that sees kindly and tolerantly will always be wide open!


Whether you are a caliph or a market beggar, In the end, everyone has the same price. So drink wine! In it is the source of immortality and light, In it are the blossoms of spring and past summers.


In the old days, men drank while dogs barked and carts creaked. The dog barks - they drink. The cart will pass too. Maybe we can play “Guess the Word” or “Who Knows More?” - songs, ditties, names, names of flowers, cities? The winner gets a glass.


Whether grief has thickened like a cloud, Happiness has been consigned to fire, Whatever happened yesterday, - Rejoice at the new day! Do not be upset by mistakes - This is a departed shadow, But greet the day with a cheerful smile, Good hope.


Glory to the skillful cupbearers, because they open the vessel and pour the noble drink into glasses and glasses. Here he opens a bottle of Stolichnaya with a firm hand, turning the golden head slightly on it.


So he twists a wavy awl in a port wine cork and then removes it with a characteristic sound. If there is no wavy awl at hand, he powerfully strikes the bottom of the vessel with his palm, opening the path to guilt. Let us drink wine, wine drinkers, to the butler's work!


Hurry to love everything, For everything is transitory and perishable. Hurry to love everyone, For people pass by like a dream. What is there to groan, what is there to gasp, It’s better to get away from the pile.


For those with whom life is full and over the edge, With whom - open your soul! - and to heaven. Those who eat simply will live to be a hundred. Whoever eats the delicacy weighs under a hundred. It is known that life is not sweet, Love will always impute to us, But still, let’s drink for order A glass of wine!


A mangy dog ​​is running, and towards him is a curly lap dog with a bow. - Who are you? “I’m a lap dog,” she said coquettishly, “And I just went out to pee.” I will tell you a simple toast, like this dog: so that there is a glass and there is money.


There is a Phoenix bird that has the ability, when death approaches, to burn in its nest and be reborn from the ashes. I want to raise a glass to our ability to be reborn, like the Phoenix bird!


One day a bee asked a snake: “Why, when I bite, I die, and when you bite, the bitten person dies?” The snake replied: “My bite is professional.” Let's drink to professionalism.


• Let your life be like a fairy tale: the same with good heroes, where good defeats evil. Let it be full of bright impressions, and let any troubles end in victory. I wish you to appreciate happy moments and record them in a notebook, and I give it to you on your birthday!


• Happy Birthday friend! What a gorgeous holiday! Do you hear - after all, this is your “Dnyukha”. May good luck and positivity accompany you throughout life! May you be lucky in achieving your plans! Well, for tomorrow morning there will be mineral water with ice and it will certainly be served by an angel.


• Happy Birthday to you! You are the best for us! All the very best to you! Good sportsman's health. Love, chic, colorful and with the Kama Sutra! A job that gives you pleasure! Earn more “cabbage” so that the family can live “in chocolate”. Blossom, shine and delight us daily and hourly!


• Gold or silver by themselves means nothing. It is necessary that the master has golden hands. So let's drink to the golden hands of the birthday boy(s).


• Friend! Live, bloom and smell, Fall in love, burn and play the fool! But there are two requests: don’t waste away from viruses And, if you can, don’t forget us!


• Birthday is a day of fun, We want to celebrate, We congratulate you creatively, We joyfully shout: Happiness, joy, good luck, Bag of Dollars. Let our gift be a stupor, a shock.


• You are my light at the end of the tunnel! You are a grasshopper in a meadow! I always go crazy about you! I can't live without you! Happy birthday - I'll break glasses for you. Oh, let's have a luxurious walk! How I love you!


• So that your pocket is full of crunch – And green lemon and cabbage! Shine your smile from ear to ear - Let's laugh together to our heart's content!


• Happy birthday and according to the list of blessings we wish: So that you get into the Duma! To become a new Russian! Outdid Gates Beal, celebrated a dacha in the Maldives! Let Paris Hilton fall in love and fall at your feet!


• May you live a beautiful life. I wish you a lot of beer! In mugs, in jars and in bottles! A case of beer in the freezer! And so that you can cope with it, We are already running to you!


• I wish you immodest profits A huge account in a Swiss bank Outside the city, a large dacha Good health in addition Great victories in the affairs of the amorous Canaries and the Cote d'Azur Successes in life of all kinds And most importantly, reliable friends!


Not everything is fine with the country today. And the heart rejoices and sings again, When spring has already begun to breathe. The blue is intoxicating and enchanting, And I rhyme the line in a new way And say: “Long live spring! “And again and again I kiss the sun on the cheek. But brighter than the suns are smiles here and there,

Let's move these cups so that generosity lives in us, so that everyone in the world gives only good deeds. Let everyone consider it happiness to intervene in a difficult struggle, and with a kind word and participation, strengthen a broken destiny. Let everyone be happy from now on Do not count it as hard work -


The road again. We are always on the go. I know how long I have walked and lived. And how much further there is to go, You don’t know, and I don’t know either. There is no water, no milk, no tea. Don't force those who don't want to drink!


My toast to those who are sick today so that they don’t get sick. To overcome grief in grief, without losing your will.


My toast to those who can drink the drunken moisture to the bottom, To those who wished us well - May the same be with him!


It's better to walk than to run. It's better to stand than to walk. It's better to sit than to stand. It's better to lie down than sit. But it's better to die than to lie down. So let's drink to an active lifestyle! I suggest you dance

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