Have a fun holiday with competitions for a 10 year old girl! Scenario for a birthday at home

Do you want to organize a cool party for your child in honor of his first anniversary? Our Sea of ​​Joy team has prepared more than 70 interesting ideas for you. We have been organizing holidays for 7 years; stars, large companies and simply caring parents trust us with their events. If you want to order a turnkey birthday party, please contact us by phone or leave a request on the website. And if you want to organize a holiday yourself, read our article. We will tell you in detail about holiday ideas for girls and boys

Scenarios, games and competitions for children's birthday 10 years

Do you want to prepare a party for your child yourself? We have prepared 22 interesting ideas for Games and competitions for you. You can easily do them yourself

  • Comic Labyrinth

A labyrinth is created in the room using a long rope that is attached to different surfaces. The task is to create a labyrinth where the participant, while passing, needs to sit down somewhere and step somewhere. One participant from each team is selected, they must remember how the ropes are located, then they are blindfolded. The main task of the players is to get to the finish line as quickly as possible with the help of their assistant, who prompts by voice. At the moment of passing, the number of times the rope is touched is recorded. The one who touches the maze the least wins

  • crooked path

It is necessary to create a curved path on the floor. It can be outlined with chalk or bright long ribbons. The participants' task is to walk the path from beginning to end, always looking at their feet through inverted binoculars.

  • Rope

Teams are given a rope. The participants' task is to pull it through the sleeves of all participants faster than their opponents.

  • Big hoop.

Children are divided into teams. Each team stands in a circle. The participants' task is to pass the hoop through the entire team without opening their hands. Each participant must pass their body through the hoop. The team that completes the task faster wins.

  • Feather.

Guests are divided into two teams. Each participant is given a plastic straw. The team's task is to pass the feather to each other through a straw. You cannot use your hands.

  • Sea wolf

Teams are asked to tie five tight knots in the rope. When the first part of the task is completed, it is proposed to untie these knots. The team that can untie the knots faster wins.

  • "Ribbon Pair"

The presenter invites 6 couples (girls and boys). All participants stand in a circle around the leader and take in their hands the end of one of the ribbons that is in his hand. The presenter tangles the ribbons in advance so that they are difficult to untangle. At a signal, the presenter releases the tangled ribbons and the task of the pairs is to untangle their ribbon as quickly as possible.

  • duck goose

All participants stand in a circle and put their hands on each other's shoulders. The presenter says “duck or goose” in each child’s ear. Next, the Presenter tells the rules: if he says duck, then everyone who belongs to the ducks tucks up one leg, and when a goose speaks, then those who belong to the geese tucks up two legs. A happy heap is guaranteed for you).

  • Web

Children are given a ball of woolen thread and tasked with weaving a web around the room, attaching the thread to different objects. The presenter controls this process so that it is then possible to actually pass through the woven web. After the web is woven, each child tries to walk through without touching a single thread.

  • Small box

One participant comes out from each team. They receive a large box with the same set of things. The participant’s task is to put all the things in the box and close it with a lid as quickly as possible. Each new participant is given a smaller box, and there are more items. The team that puts all the things together faster and better wins.

  • Bank robbery

Teams are given two large transparent jars with money. You can put banknotes of the same or different currencies in the jar. The children's task is to calculate how much money, translated into Russian rubles, is in the bank. The team that names the number closest to the answer wins.

  • Well-known saying.

Teams are given several Whatman papers, markers and cards with sayings. The participants’ task is to draw a saying so that the audience can guess it.

  • Erudite.

Each participant chooses a card at random with 10 rare words written on the back. The card may say: “role”, “apogee”, “a priori”, “architect”, “investment”. Children need to be told what each word means. The team that explains the most words wins.

  • Famous picture

The players are shown a picture that is covered with a shield with a hole, the diameter of which is 2-4 cm. The presenter moves the shield around the picture, so that the participants can only see a small episode in the hole. The task of the teams is to guess faster than their opponents what kind of picture or cartoon character is depicted.

  • Suitcase of interesting things

The presenter tells the participants that he is going on a trip and needs to pack a suitcase of special things. Children take turns naming objects, and the leader says whether he needs it or not. The task of the participants is to guess by what criterion the selection is made. For example, only fruits, or things starting with the letter “a”, or things starting with the player’s name are taken.

  • Capital letters

Teams are given sets with capital letters. Letters can be drawn on cardboard. Each child should be assigned their own letter. Next, the teams are asked a question. The task of the teams is to arrange the word “answer” in the correct order. The team that gives the most correct answers wins.

  • Puzzles

The presenter selects several mathematical problems with matches in advance. The teams are given the conditions of the tasks on the table. You can use regular or fireplace matches. Teams must solve their puzzles faster than their opponents.

  • What kind of fruit?

Team captains are blindfolded. Their task is to guess what he is trying now. For this competition, you need to prepare plates with pieces of different fruits, vegetables and sweets in advance. The winner is the team whose captain correctly and quickly guesses all the food.

  • The smile of the Mona Lisa

Children are given cards on which the characters they must portray are drawn or photographed. Next, each child walks down the catwalk in an appropriate look. At the moment the child passes, the character that the child is copying can be displayed on the big screen, so that all viewers can appreciate the artistic talent. The most artistic team wins.

  • Impromptu theater

Each participant is given a card on which is written the state that the child must portray. The card might say: you have a toothache, you got wet in the rain, your eye itches, something heavy fell on your leg, a tiger is chasing you, a wasp is flying around you, your trousers are falling down, you are playing football, you ran 10 km, you have an appointment with the dentist. The task of each participant is to read a famous poem, taking into account the condition that is written on his card.

  • "Dance with Fans"

This competition can be held only for girls or for all guests. Each person is given a fan and a feather. The participant's task while dancing to Korean music is to keep the feather in flight, and the feather should not fall to the floor. The participant whose feather falls last wins.

  • Van Gogh's masterpiece.

Prepare 2 canvases with the outlines of the painting or buy ready-made “painting by numbers” kits. The team's task is to paint a picture faster than the opposing team. We advise you not to take too complex or large paintings. It is important that the painting takes no more than 30 minutes to complete. You can involve parents in the process, so the drawing process will go faster and more fun. And the resulting paintings will remain for the birthday boy as a keepsake of his birthday.

Animator's choice

All children, without exception, love fun. A win-win option - perky animators. When planning a child's decade, the most difficult thing is to understand his desires. To do this, ask your son or daughter what characters they love, who they would like to see at their celebration. An animator for a child's birthday will go to your home, cafe or outdoors with a cheerful company of pirates with their treasures, PJ Masks, Super Cat and Lady Bug, Ninja Turtles... You just need to contact Party Pups, and many, many others Interesting characters will entertain your children for the whole holiday. We don’t just play with children, we find an approach to each child and carefully plan every holiday we hold. Each celebration is a separate scenario. You can offer your own version of the entertainment program, which our animators will follow.

Organize and hold a child's birthday party on a turnkey basis

Do you want to completely entrust your event to the Sea of ​​Joy team? We will be happy to create a bright and fashionable holiday for your child! To do this, contact our wizards and tell us about your ideas.

What is included in organizing a turnkey children's party:

  • site selection
  • menu coordination
  • food control on site or turnkey catering
  • scenery and site design
  • candy bar and cake
  • guest meeting program
  • interactive program
  • show program
  • creative program
  • Technical equipment
  • attractions and special effects
  • photo and video shooting
  • project manager

We invite guests to nature!

If your baby was born in the warm season, you are very lucky! You always have an alternative to having guests at home - go on a picnic.

For many, this is a very non-standard holiday format. At the same time, there is a certain charm in it, since it is in nature that people relax the most. Guests will find it easy and fun. You can arrange real competitions between families and young guests.

What should you consider when preparing the “Birthday at a Picnic” format?

Menu. Think in advance about what you will treat your guests to outdoors. Dishes should not be heavy or greasy. Avoid mayonnaise salads and complex desserts.

Give preference to light snacks, canapés, fruits and vegetables. Well, and, of course, the king of the picnic is the kebab. You can surprise your guests with juicy steaks or grilled ribs. Original and incredibly tasty.

Dishes. You shouldn’t bring expensive service, crystal glasses and a starched tablecloth out into the countryside. Even if you want to give the holiday a certain chic, manufacturers now offer a wide range of disposable tableware of all kinds of shapes and colors.

If you are an esthete at heart and you want to surprise your guests with a beautiful table setting, choose the style and color scheme of the table decoration. Buy all the dishes, napkins, tablecloths in the same tone. Inflate balloons of the same colors.

By the way, you can ask one of your friends and relatives to come to the place of celebration an hour or two in advance. Give them instructions to decorate everything beautifully with balloons, ribbons and paper flowers, and arrange the furniture. When the guests arrive, they will simply gasp from the festive splendor) Let it be a surprise for your child too.

The entertainment part. There are many ways to entertain guests in nature. These can be joint team games: football, volleyball, Cossack robbers. You can organize fun relay races with a prize fund.

A great idea for celebrating your 10th anniversary outdoors would be to play paintball. Contact the paintball club by ordering a game for a specific time.

This sports game blurs the boundaries between age and social status, so it is suitable for both children and parents. You can arrange a battle between children and adults. Just imagine how much fun your guests will have while immersing themselves in the atmosphere of gambling strategy!

If some of the guests, for some reason, cannot take part in active hostilities, be sure to take care of their leisure time. Take folding furniture, umbrellas, magazines, and drinks to nature.

Everyone should feel comfortable and at ease at the holiday.

The hike is a surprise

Carrying out this type of trip is possible both in an apartment and on the street. One big surprise “meets” the children at the end of the hike, or several are prepared after each stage.

In the version below, the holiday takes place at a summer cottage, the territory is divided into travel zones. You will need costumed heroes: a fairy, a princess of flowers, a kikimora.

  • An area near a tree is a “Glade of Beauty.” Decorated beautifully with ribbons and balls. The fairy of beauty lives here.
  • Gazebo – “Troll Cave”. The gazebo is hung with a dark cloth; you can attach their papers inside the spiders.
  • Flower bed – “Flower Kingdom”.

While the guests are gathering, each new arrival traces his palm on colored paper, writes a short wish for the birthday girl on it, cuts it out and attaches it to a special congratulatory poster. Invite your guests to go on an exciting journey - a trip for a big surprise. Warn them that obstacles and difficulties await them, because the evil kikimora also ran to look for a surprise. Kikimora left traces that need to be found. Traces can be cut out of paper and attached randomly throughout the area so that they lead to each zone.

At the “Glade of Beauty”, where the kikimora has already visited, the fairy meets the children and asks them to complete several tasks:

  1. The fairy's main assistants, the butterflies, are in trouble. The old kikimora stole their outfits, and now they look more like gray stones. Assignment: place colorful puzzles prepared in advance on the contours of butterflies to return them to their former appearance.
  2. The fairy runs a “beauty salon”. Children are divided into pairs or groups. In 10 minutes, they must make an original costume from improvised materials. You can use pieces of fabric, ribbons, bows, tulle, bags.
  3. Prepare fruit ingredients, ice cream, juices in advance so that the girls can make beautiful and tasty cocktails.

The fairy thanks the children for their help, praises them and gives them glow sticks or lanterns. These items will be useful to them on their “journey” through the troll cave. In the dark room of the gazebo, in the “Troll Cave,” the kikimora hid a bucket and spoons. Now the princess of flowers cannot water her wonderful flowers.

Children need to find these items. In the “cave” you can hang painted spiders, prepare special music and sound, hide things in secret chests, and so on.

In the "Flower Kingdom", where the children come with the bucket and spoons they found, they are greeted by the princess. Here the birthday girl and her guests also perform several tasks:

  1. Two teams use buckets to pour water into empty glasses with spoons. The winning team receives a few more wildflowers for their wreaths. The princess weaves wreaths of wildflowers with the children.
  2. They make riddles.
  3. Children are given wreaths and a fairy holds a musical flash mob.
  4. A kikimora appears and also wants to dance. Children play musical games with her: “Loaf”, “Guess the song” and others.

Kikimora reports that a big surprise awaits everyone at the festive table.

Where to spend it?

A 10-year-old child is already old enough to have his own birthday wishes. Talk to him, find out where he would like to spend the holiday. You can celebrate your birthday in many places:

  • At home. This option is still quite popular among children 10 years old. A familiar environment calms you down and gives you a feeling of comfort.
  • In the country. If the holiday falls during the warm season, a picnic would be an excellent option. Choose a clearing in the forest, the shore of a lake or river. Take care of children's games. Bring a ball, badminton and other sports equipment with you.
  • Aquapark. This is a more expensive option for a holiday. It is better to go there with a small group.
  • Bowling. At the age of 10, not all children know how to bowl. In this case, you will be assigned an instructor who will lead the game.
  • Equestrian club. All children love horses, especially riding them. Such a day will be remembered by both the birthday boy and the guests for a long time.
  • Cafe. You can go to celebrate your birthday at a children's cafe, McDonald's or another establishment that your child likes.

Holiday - travel

The theme of the trip can be any:

  1. Guests, together with the birthday girl, go to a desert island, where they meet pirates, mysterious caves, unusual inhabitants, and complete tasks to find treasure. The treasure could be a huge cake, an original greeting, or a clown who went to a party and was captured by pirates.
  2. The main setting is your favorite cartoon. Those present are his heroes.
  3. A sea voyage with interesting games and unusual stops: anchor in the bay of elves, visit the jungle, meet an iceberg along the way.
  4. You can go to the island of fruits, to a sweet country. To save “residents” in trouble on these trips. Another option is that all prizes that are awarded after games, tasks, and quizzes will be sweet or fruity. The main part of competitive games should also correspond to the theme:
      get into the balls where the candies are:
  5. bring the apple in a spoon;
  6. Guess the fruit with your eyes closed.

What to gift?

One of the important issues when preparing for the holiday is the choice of gift. 10 years is the age when a child’s hobbies are formed, and they can change frequently. If your child is interested in drawing or designing, you can choose a gift that will serve him in this hobby. For example, a new set of paints or a construction kit, painting a picture by numbers on canvas or cardboard.

Children's cosmetics, handicraft kits, dolls, as well as things that turn her into a little lady, such as jewelry or an elegant wristwatch, are popular among 10-year-old girls.

Poster with sweets as a gift

In children's stores you can find many kits offering to make decorations with your own hands. This develops creative skills and gives special pleasure from wearing such beads or earrings.

Ten-year-old boys will be interested in robots, puzzles, Lego sets with the assembly of ships or airplanes, and burning kits. A boy of any age will be delighted with a radio-controlled car, a battery-powered helicopter or a railway.

If parents are not against an early interest in computers, you can give your child a new game or gadget. New board games or books are almost always win-win gifts.

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