How to have fun celebrating the New Year 2021 with children at home: the best ideas, script, competitions and games

Surely, we all understand perfectly well that with the advent of our first child, life changes dramatically. Moreover, changes inevitably affect all spheres of life and activity, this includes the celebration of some event. Almost all married couples who have small children hold special events at home, this also applies to New Year celebrations. However, New Year's Eve at home with children can turn from an ordinary annual holiday into something magical and bright.

In order for your holiday to become a bright event in the life of a child and to please all adults, it is necessary to carry out pre-holiday preparations.

Preparing for the New Year together

Preparations for the New Year should begin in advance, because it will take a lot of effort to plan events and come up with a New Year's scenario for kids and adults so that the whole family will be happy and interesting.

If your heir is still young and the upcoming celebration raises a lot of questions for him, then it will be very good if you tell him a little about the history of the Christmas and New Year holidays.

It will be joyful and interesting if you find time for the whole family to watch cartoons and read books on Christmas and New Year themes.

Then you can invite your child to make New Year’s decorations and toys for the holiday tree and apartment together.

And be sure to invite him to decorate the Christmas tree and consult with him, ask his opinion about what is happening.

Christmas is a holiday for children, filled with the expectation of a miracle, and its celebration should not be complete without a joint visit to church, because these days it is so beautiful in the church and grace fills the world.

Mysterious evening under the blanket

If you are already tired of running around and noisy gatherings, spend some time alone with your child. You can build a hut from chairs and blankets in the center of the room, put an LED candle in the center, and climb into this hut together or in the company of toys. Imagine that you are sitting by the fire and telling each other stories and fairy tales.

Ask your child what his favorite bear cub is afraid of and what he dreams about. Listen carefully and support, because, most likely, the child at this moment will talk about himself.

Letter to Santa Claus

Prepare a traditional letter to Santa Claus. Tell your child how to write a letter in which he can talk about his dreams and desired gifts.

If your child cannot write yet, he can draw a picture.

The finished message can be placed under the Christmas tree so that Santa Claus can pick it up at night.


This city contains a lot of history , so here you can visit a large number of architectural monuments and castles to immerse yourself in the ancient world of knights and kings. We are sure your child will be delighted! In addition, a large number of New Year's performances and shows , and you can take excursions to Mon Repos Park and Ruskeala. You can also see the Vikings in the city of Svargas. All this will allow you to immerse yourself in the ancient atmosphere and spend your time usefully, learning better about the history of this area.

Decorating the house

Give your loved ones a fairy tale. If you want to celebrate the holiday at home cheerfully, New Year's surroundings are a must. And you shouldn’t take all the worries about decorating your apartment yourself. Children will be happy to help you with this!

Kids, as a rule, love to make things. Invite them to make New Year's home decor with you:

  • Garlands,
  • snowflakes,
  • Christmas decorations,
  • candlesticks,
  • original compositions with Christmas tree decorations, tangerines, tinsel and other New Year's attributes.

With older children you can make a complex installation. This could be a decorative fireplace made of cardboard with electric lighting, a snowman, a fairy-tale house of Santa Claus, or something else. There are plenty of ideas for such crafts on the Internet, as well as detailed instructions for bringing them to life.

Don't forget about the main New Year's attribute - the Christmas tree! You can celebrate the New Year 2021 with a living forest beauty, or you can make an artificial Christmas tree with your children from tinsel, ribbons or other material - the space for flight of imagination is unlimited!

Invite your kids to make small Christmas trees from pine cones. Opened spruce or pine cones are shaped like a Christmas tree. Paint them with gouache or acrylic paints. Decorations for such “Christmas trees” can be made from plasticine, beads, etc. These crafts will look cute in the interior. In addition, children can use them as New Year’s “compliments” for friends and loved ones.

Prepare a photo area for holiday family photos. On New Year's Eve, you probably want to capture the moments when the whole family is together.

Together with your children, you can purchase firecrackers and sparklers. Kids love these bright attributes of the holiday and, under the supervision of adults, will be happy to celebrate the arrival of the New Year with them. You should not plan fireworks displays only if the family has children under 3 years of age. Loud gunshots and flashes can frighten them.


New Year is an amazing carnival where the most incredible heroes have the opportunity to meet. Get away from the banal snowflakes and bunnies. All children fantasize and every child aged 3 to 6 years already has his favorite characters.

Help kids transform into their favorite characters. Create bright and outrageous outfits for children. Face painting, accessories and fancy dress rental companies will help. Although, with a little tinkering, you can make a creative, eye-catching and unique outfit yourself.

There is an important rule in choosing holiday attire - the outfit should be comfortable and not restrict movement. All elements of the costume must be tightly attached and not fall apart while moving.

Keep a list of heroes of the New Year's celebration. Try not to have duplicate costumes, but don't push too hard.

If the child does not take the initiative in choosing an outfit, and cannot choose one favorite fairy-tale character, offer several options:

  • For girls: fairy, princess, sorceress, snowflake, Christmas tree, Snow Maiden.
  • For boys: elf, prince, knight, pirate, gnome, clown, snowman, bear cub.

As for parents' clothing, there is no need for a special dress code. The main thing is that relatives who come to the holiday do not overshadow their child’s outfits in family photos.

Have fun New Year's competitions with your children

For example, the day before, cut out a lot of snowflakes from napkins and write the word “prize” on the back of one of them.

Scatter snowflakes in any place and explain to the children that they must find all the snowflakes. The one who finds a snowflake with an inscription receives a prize, a souvenir.

When celebrating Christmas and New Year at home, of course you need to develop a scenario - how to give a gift to children.

This can be done by Santa Claus (grandfather, dad in disguise, or a family friend or artist specially invited to such an important moment) in response to your baby’s rhyme or song.

But there are other original ways to receive treasured gifts.

New Year's menu for children for 2021

Unlike adults, a magnificent feast for children is not an important component of the New Year's holiday. For them, the most important thing is the atmosphere of fun and expectation of miracles. Therefore, when planning a holiday menu, it is advisable to divide it into two parts - “adults” and “children”.

Develop adult menu options taking into account your own preferences and the budget planned for the New Year's table. Select children's menus not to feed the kids more, but to enhance the holiday atmosphere.

Set the New Year's table fabulously! All children's dishes should be decorated in accordance with the holiday theme so that they are not only tasty, but also attractive. By the way, the kids will be happy to take part in their preparation and decoration.

An excellent choice for a children's New Year's table would be:

  • light salads decorated in the form of a flower bed, Christmas tree, animal figurine or fairy-tale character (snowman, symbol of the year - pig, etc.)
  • light snacks (for example, quail egg mushrooms with caps made from cherry tomato halves, small tartlets, interestingly designed small sandwiches - in the shape of a ladybug, a smiling face, an animal face, etc.),
  • shaped cookies,
  • Gingerbread house

To prepare the main dish, it is better to use lean meats (turkey, chicken, veal). You should not include mayonnaise in children's dishes (replace it with olive oil), sausage (it is better to take poultry fillet), peas and corn.

A prerequisite is a festive setting of the festive children's table. Let it be bright, elegant and cheerful. Kids don't need white tablecloths. A bright tablecloth with images of cartoon characters, other colorful designs, or a pattern of rich rainbow tones would be more suitable for them. Choose napkins to match it. It is advisable that they correspond to the New Year's theme.

To prevent the holiday from being ruined due to an accidentally broken plate from the family set, for the New Year's feast, you can buy special plastic unbreakable dishes for young children or, in extreme cases, disposable cardboard dishes with bright designs. Fortunately, in the retail chain today there is a huge selection of such goods for every taste, color and budget.

Competitions and entertainment for children at home for the New Year

Mouse and cat

Props : 3-4 meter elastic band, tied to form a ring.

What to do:

  1. Choose a cat - the one who will catch everyone.
  2. All children (and adults) stand in a circle. The elastic should be stretched low along the legs, at a height of approximately 5-10 cm from the floor. Everyone in the circle is little mice.
  3. While the music is playing, the cat is sleeping. As soon as the music ends, the little mice need to jump out of the circle through the elastic band before he catches them.

Who has won:

The cat won. Because now he is no longer a cat. And the new cat becomes the one who was caught.

crawling out

Props : children

What to do : One child lies on the floor, 2-4 others on top of him. The goal is to crawl out.

Who won : the winner is the one who crawled out.

Check out the herringbone


  1. huge bags of beautiful colors;
  2. a gift box containing the prize;
  3. The main New Year's attribute is the Christmas tree.

The children are divided into two teams. Each is given the task of getting to the prize, which is displayed in a festive package under the tree in a single copy. Each person from the group needs to jump to the treasured tree, walk around it and return. Actions take place in large bags, which will be passed from participant to participant. And the last team member must take with him that same gift box and bring victory to his group.

Tangerine Nosobol

Props : tangerines.

What to do : Scatter tangerines on the floor. The child must use his nose to push the tangerine across the floor from point A to point B.

Who won : the one who delivered the most tangerines.

Ball with a surprise

Props : balls, papers with a task.

What to do : Place tasks in balloons and inflate them. Give the child a ball. Now he needs to burst the ball without using his hands, and then complete the task.

Help the bunny

Props : several pairs of tights. The legs of the tights are tied with ten different knots.

What to do : Bunnies are children with tights on their heads. We need to save the bunny. He ran so fast through the forest that his ears were completely confused. Without removing the tights from your head, you need to untie all the knots.

Who will win : the one who unraveled first.

Lost oxtail!

To play the game you need a large picture or poster of the Bull, but without a tail. Sound accompaniment is also necessary - music and applause.

Children’s task: with eyes closed, attach the tail to the Bull. Each participant has 3 attempts in a row. After each incorrect attempt, there is a stylized squeal, and if correct, there is applause. This way the child will understand when the tail has hit the picture correctly.

Everyone can play for about 5 minutes.

What do we know about the Bull?

  • Why does a bull get angry when he sees a bullfighter's red rag? Does he not like the color red? (Bulls don't see the color red, and the rag irritates them because it is waved)
  • Which deity of ancient Greek mythology can turn into a bull? (Zeus)
  • What is the name of a large and shaggy animal that looks like a bull? (Yak)
  • If a person is gloomy and gloomy, how can you describe his mood? (I got used to it)
  • What is the name of the ancient giant bull, exterminated by man in past centuries and considered the ancestor of modern cows? (Tour)
  • What mythical monster has the body of a man and the head of a bull? (Minotaur)
  • What is the name of the longest, never-ending tale about a bull in the world? (Megillah)
  • What do domestic bulls eat in winter, when there is no fresh grass and it is not straw or hay? (Silage)
  • What zodiac sign and constellation corresponds to the bull? (Calf)
  • Why did bulls have a nose ring in the old days? (so that by threading a rope or chain through it, it would be better to control the animal)
  • How is the state of a perfectly healthy person described? (Healthy as a bull)
  • Which vegetable has the "Oxheart" variety? (Tomato)
  • What can you say about a person who immediately fearlessly took on the most important and difficult part of some business? (Took the bull by the horns)
  • What wild bull lives today in the forests of Belovezhskaya Pushcha? (Bison)
  • Who wrote the famous children's poem “The bull is walking, rocking...”? (Agniya Barto)
  • Why is the bullfrog called that? (Because she is big and can scream loudly and strongly, and not just croak)
  • In the ancient world there was a proverb that something may be allowed to Jupiter, but not allowed to someone else. Who are we talking about? (About the bull)
  • What is the name of the Spanish traditional entertainment in which a man fights a bull? (Bullfight)
  • What bull did the cowboys of the Wild West hunt so zealously that they almost wiped out its species? (Buffalo)

Braid the Snow Maiden's hair

For the competition you will need a wig with long hair or a headband with 6 ribbons. Children are divided into 2 teams of 3 people each. Each team is given 3 ribbons if it is a headband, or half the volume of hair if it is a wig.

Task: Braid the Snow Maiden’s hair with speed and accuracy! Whoever does it better is the team that wins. But it is advisable to encourage all children, this is a magical New Year!

Decorate the Christmas tree with snowflakes

There are many snowflakes of 2 colors scattered on the floor: bright blue and light blue. The number of varieties of snowflakes should be the same. Children are divided into 2 teams (from 4 to 6 people).

Task: collect and hang snowflakes on the Christmas tree faster than the other team. Each team collects snowflakes of its own color. The time given is from 30 seconds to a minute.

The team with the most snowflakes on the Christmas tree will win. Tip: It will be easier to count the remaining snowflakes on the floor or in the hands of team members. Whoever has the fewest remaining snowflakes will win.

Collect gifts

A large basket or box contains toys for boys and girls. Everything mixed together: cars, dolls, soft toys, construction sets, jump ropes, etc.

Children are divided into 2 teams: “Boys” - it consists of only boys, they are given a blue bag, and “Girls” - consists of only girls, they receive a red bag.

Assignment: the “Boys” team needs to collect boys’ toys, and the “Girls” collect girls’ toys. Competition for speed and accuracy. The team that disassembles the toys faster and more correctly within the allotted time (approximately 1 - 1.5 minutes) wins.

But both teams must receive prizes; they can divide all the collected toys among themselves.

Our New Year's fairy tale

This is not a competition, but just a game that will help you take a little break from running around, show your imagination and laugh heartily

The essence of the game: everyone: mothers, fathers, children, teachers or guests come up with a fairy tale.

Each person takes turns speaking one sentence. You can tell an already known fairy tale, or combine characters from different fairy tales, or come up with your own storyline with completely new characters. Collective creativity will both unite and make everyone present laugh.

Scene: How dad went for the Christmas tree

To the sound of a cheerful New Year's melody, dad runs onto the stage with string bags. The bags contain vegetables, fruits, all sorts of jars and drinks for the New Year's table. The man runs around the hall, plops down on a bench and takes a noisy breath. Dad takes a list out of his pocket: I bought peas, I bought mayonnaise, I bought pineapples... Hmm... but why do I have the feeling that I forgot something?

People in the hall laugh.

Dad : No, I'm serious, it feels like I forgot something most important. Can you tell me, kids, what I didn’t buy for New Year?

Children : Gifts?

Dad : No, I bought the gifts a long time ago and hid them in the garage. I have a tablet for my son, and a pink pony for my daughter, she’s still little (smiles, then thinks and scratches the back of her head). But I still forgot something, and I just can’t remember, here’s a garden head...

Children laugh.

Dad : Let's think together about what I forgot to buy for New Year?

Shout from the audience : Maybe a Christmas tree?

Dad grabs his head: That's right, guys, I promised my son and daughter a beautiful, fluffy, living New Year tree. And where can I get it now?

Hint from the audience : In the forest...

Dad : Exactly, we have a large nature reserve in the countryside. Maybe I can find a Christmas tree there. It’s not too late (looks at his watch), we have to go...

Dad runs around the hall with full shopping bags, and the noise of a departing bus can be heard behind the scenes.

A few moments later, the man appears on stage again, and the background has been changed from a city landscape to a forest one.

Dad : Oh, how nice it is in the winter forest. Here we are all running and fussing in the city, and here there is such beauty, silence and fresh air. Grace!

The man looks around, looking for a suitable Christmas tree. Then he shakes his head and sighs: Probably, you can’t cut down Christmas trees here, and I can’t return home without a Christmas tree. What to do?

Suddenly a little bunny runs onto the stage, gets scared and wants to run away.

Dad smiles welcomingly: Bunny, don’t be afraid, I won’t hurt you.

Hare : Aaaaah, I’m not really afraid!

Dad !

Hare : Hello, man!

Dad : I’m wandering around here looking for a Christmas tree, maybe you can help me, scythe.

Hare : Just a little, straight away, and by the way, I have 100% vision.

Dad : Well, that’s great, if your eyesight is good, then you’ll find me the fluffiest Christmas tree in the forest.

Hare : Do you have cabbage?

Dad: Cabbage? Are you selling Christmas trees for dollars? I only have $1 in my wallet, and only as a talisman.

The man takes a dollar out of his wallet and hands it to the hare.

The hare sniffs and winces: What kind of candy wrapper is this, and it smells so bad. Give me real cabbage...

Dad : Actually, money doesn’t smell, and I don’t have cabbage, only carrots for the capital’s salad.


Long winter holidays are an excellent opportunity to master ice slides in nearby parks, teach your child to skate or ski, or take first snowboarding lessons from an instructor.

Ekaterinburg skating rinks 2019/2020 prices, photos, addresses Ski resorts and centers of the Urals Rental and ski resorts in Ekaterinburg

You can go on a day trip to the thermal springs - swimming in hot mineral water and frosty air - something you can only experience in winter! There are several such sources not far from Yekaterinburg - in Turinsk, Tavda, Tyumen.

A walk with the whole family through the snowy forest on horseback or on a dog sled is fresh air and an unforgettable experience! In addition, many centers provide additional entertainment - trolls, giant football, and tea drinking in a tent with a real shaman.

Do not deny yourself and your children the joy of communicating with animals - in horse clubs and dog kennels there is an opportunity to take pictures, take part in the care, and listen to stories about the life of animals.

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