All about birthday sketches: essence, types, examples of children's and adult productions

The concept of skits at a holiday: their essence, meaning and rules of preparation

When organizing a celebration in honor of a birthday, you want the holiday to be bright and sparkling, to look like an enchanting show with elements of humor.

In creating such a feast, you will be helped by skits - short plot performances in which pre-prepared guests and the birthday person participate.

The skits will not let guests get bored for a minute - they will immerse them in a fairy tale, give them the opportunity to remember their favorite films, everyday situations and laugh heartily at their parodies.

However, in order to ensure that there are no rough spots in the event and that all those present are satisfied and charged with positivity, you should correctly approach the selection of skits and their preparation.

Tips for organizing

Listen to the following tips on how to organize unforgettable holidays:

  • Performances should be thematically close to the birthday boy and guests
    Birthday greetings should relate to favorite movies, performers, works, television shows, hobbies and interests of the birthday person, and his professional activities.

    For example, it is inappropriate to stage a play with a married couple in the lead roles if the hero of the occasion is not yet married.

  • Use costumes and props to turn amateur productions into real stage shows. You can make costumes and masks yourself from ordinary things and scrap materials or rent them.
  • Perform skits in accordance with the “rhythm” of the holiday. Any celebration has three main parts - an introductory part (reception of guests), an official table part (toasts and congratulations, presentation of gifts) and an intermission part (dancing, games, competitions and other entertainment).
    It is important to fill each stage of the holiday with mini-scenes so that guests do not get bored. For example, you can greet guests in a gypsy setting, requiring the arrival to sing a song or draw a fortune-telling card.
  • Consider the psychological atmosphere at the event. At first, not all guests feel relaxed,
    so postpone active and contact entertainment until the height of the fun.
  • Have several spare versions of skits Conducting mini-performances is improvisation.
    Even if the guests and the birthday boy carefully prepared for the production, unplanned situations may arise. It happens that the scene doesn’t go well - the guests are frankly bored and don’t want to take part. For such cases, you need to have backup scripts to save the situation. Sometimes the host chooses at the holiday itself what to hold, based on the mood of the guests and their activity.
  • Before you throw a party, be sure to find out where to celebrate your child’s birthday in a fun and inexpensive way.
  • Read here how to organize a quest correctly and professionally at a corporate event in a fun and interesting way.

Varieties of scenes at a festive evening

Parody scene

This type of skit is based on popular stories - films, fairy tales, musicals, television shows, stage performances of show business stars.

The main requirement for organizing such productions is colorful costumes and a high level of acting skills so that all participants are recognizable in their roles. Parodies often use musical recordings, soundtracks, and text excerpts from films.


It’s very easy to prepare such comic birthday greetings in the form of funny scenes - just choose the joke you like and act out it.

Anecdotal stories can be related to family and everyday situations, work, hobbies (for example, fishing or gatherings in the bathhouse with friends).

Sketch of congratulations

There is no specific plot in such productions. Their main goal is to congratulate the birthday person in an extraordinary way.

One or more guests can prepare an unusual surprise for the hero of the occasion - a poetic congratulation on behalf of the Chukchi, Indians, savages, aliens and other funny images.

You can adapt a creative congratulation to the lifestyle or profession of the birthday person (for example, Robinson Crusoe can congratulate an avid traveler, and Dr. Aibolit can congratulate a doctor).

Impromptu scene

The advantage of such shows is that you do not need to prepare for them in advance. The whole performance is a complete impromptu, and this is its “zest”.

The organizer writes a text on a specific topic (usually popular fairy tales or everyday situations), thinking through a role for each participant (sometimes it includes a short text).

Then, at the festival, the host announces the list of roles, the performers are selected, and, if necessary, dress up in a “stage image.” Their task is to repeat after the presenter everything that he reads from the script, trying to get used to his role as much as possible.

Scenes with active and passive participation of those present

Depending on the degree of involvement of the guests and the birthday person, two types of productions can be distinguished.

The first involves passive observation of what is happening on an improvised stage - actors come out, sing songs, act out performances, and the guests are spectators.

Performances of the second type contain elements of competitions for the birthday boy and guests. Try to alternate these types of productions so that guests do not get bored and have time to relax.

Funny skit for 2 people about summer

On the stage there is a tower made of cubes, a doll and a ball. This is a sandbox for children. The first to appear is a girl in a summer dress. She carries a bucket, a shovel and a rake. The girl sits down near the turret, straightens the doll’s hair, and then begins to play with the sand.

A boy runs onto the stage with a toy car. He imitates the noise of a motor, rolls a car around, destroys a tower of blocks and drops a doll in the sand.

Girl indignantly: What are you doing?! These are my toys, and you break them!

The boy sits down next to him and continues to play: Well, so what? Just think!

The girl gets angry and pokes her neighbor with a spatula.

Boy : Aw, it hurts!

Girl : My doll is in pain too!

The boy tries to take the spatula from her. The guys begin to pull her in different directions.

Boy : Give it back!

Girl : I won't give it up!

The boy pulls her ponytail with his other hand. The girl responds by grabbing his nose.

Boy : Oh, you wicked one!

Girl : You're nasty!

Both stop abruptly and look at each other with loving eyes. The boy again pulls his friend's hair, and she flicks him on the nose. Children laugh.

The girl takes a bucket of sand and jokingly throws a handful at the boy. He responds in kind, but gets caught in his hair. In retaliation, the girl puts a bucket on her friend's head.

Boy : Can't see anything!

He tries to catch the girl by touch. She is laughing.

Girl : Serves you right!

He gets up and runs backstage. The boy takes the bucket off his head and runs after him.

A second later, the boy runs across the stage, and an angry girl with a bucket on her head is chasing him.

Voice-over : Thus begins a childhood friendship that can last a lifetime!

There is laughter in the hall, the audience is delighted.

A selection of funny scenes for a children's party

Production “Leopold the Cat”

During this scene at a children's birthday party, two mischievous mice from the cartoon about Leopold the Cat come out to the guests - dressed as adults. They begin to grab pieces of cheese and sausage from the festive table and stuff them into their mouths.

Having eaten, they begin to implement their plan - to ruin the birthday boy's birthday. They ponder out loud what dirty tricks they could do in this house.

Options - pour salt into the sugar bowl, hide all the presents, burst all the balloons, etc. But in the end, the mice are convinced that nothing will work out - they will give gifts again, those present will do without sugar, because there are already plenty of sweets here...

At the end, Leopold the Cat comes out and hands the birthday boy a cake, singing his song (it can be converted into a congratulation for the hero of the occasion). The upset mice leave.

Sketch “Catch the Joy”

The presenter says that every child has many joys in life

- got a good grade, bought a chocolate bar, went on vacation at the seaside, met a new friend, etc.

They wish the birthday boy many small joys and invite him to “feel” them. The host throws up pre-prepared pieces of paper with written joys, the hero of the occasion must catch as many pieces of paper as possible.

Then he reads them out loud, and the parents have no choice but to fulfill everything that their child caught (the list of joys must be agreed upon with the parents the day before).

Performance “Masha and the Bear”

A child (Masha) and an adult (Bear) enter the room with the guests and the birthday boy. There is a dialogue between them.

Masha is capricious all the time and shouts that she wants her to have a birthday too. The bear explains to the girl that there was a holiday recently, but Masha becomes even more capricious.

She sits down next to the birthday boy and declares that it is her birthday and demands to bring more sweets and gifts.

Misha says that he has a present in store, but it is for the birthday boy, then he remembers that Masha was supposed to carry the sweet gift. Masha sighs and takes out only one candy from her pocket - she ate the rest on the way.

The skit ends with Masha starting to dance and sing as a gift, and sweets fall out of her bosom, which are distributed to the guests and the birthday boy.

  • The most interesting ideas for holding a children's birthday are in this article.
  • You will find an excellent selection of the best competitions for corporate events for the New Year at this link.

Outdoor puppet shows for children's parties.

Children are a special audience. They are emotional, open, caring, ready to empathize and help their favorite hero. This is why the best children's performances should be interactive and take place in a cozy environment. An interactive children's performance turns theater into a game for a child. In such performances, children become co-creators of a fairy tale. And in an environment familiar to the child, the line between the stage and the hall is blurred, and a friendly and sincere atmosphere reigns at the performance.

Options for skits and performances for lovely ladies

Mini-play “Cinderella”

Any birthday girl will appreciate this interesting and unusual Happy Birthday greeting in the form of a skit based on a popular fairy tale.

The presenter makes an introductory speech, from which it becomes clear that a modern woman cannot be called anything other than Cinderella - she takes care of the housework, works, takes care of herself, and has time to dream about a handsome prince...

So, the birthday girl is declared Cinderella, and the presenter puts a crown on her. Cinderella's evil stepmother and sisters enter the room. Smiling maliciously, they begin to congratulate Cinderella on her birthday.

They did not notice how a fairy, the assistant and savior of the main character, sneaked behind them. Her task is to correct congratulations from “loving” relatives.

For example, the stepmother says: “I wish you, Cinderella, to wash dishes all your life!”, and the fairy adds: “In the latest dishwasher.” The older sister says: “I wish you to sew dresses all your life!” Continuation from the fairy - “The world's best fashion designers” and so on.

After 4-5 such congratulations, the sisters and stepmother cannot stand it and leave dissatisfied, and the fairy solemnly congratulates the birthday girl and presents her with a valuable gift.

Scene “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”

This is a funny greeting

Happy birthday to a woman in the form of a cute scene
will allow the hero of the occasion to see how her friends and relatives appreciate her
and hear many compliments addressed to her.

Seven gnomes appear at the door - men dressed as fairy-tale characters, one of whom is the husband of the birthday girl. They say that since Snow White left them, they have not found peace, because there is no one to guard their treasures.

All this time they are looking for a new Snow White who meets all the criteria - she must be smart, beautiful, with a kind heart, skillful hands, etc. (you can come up with any number of criteria to match the hero of the occasion).

The gnomes go around all the guests, carefully examining each of them, and finally stop near the birthday girl.

Having announced that they have finally found a new Snow White, they present her with a “treasure bag” (it may contain chocolate medals), and the eldest gnome (the birthday girl’s husband) solemnly gives her the main treasure - a piece of jewelry.

Congratulation sketch “Elementary, Watson!”

Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson enter the room with the guests and the birthday girl. They are puzzled by the investigation of yet another case and “don’t notice” those present. From their conversation it becomes clear that something out of the ordinary happened here, and the woman is to blame.

Next comes the search for evidence using the detective’s “analytical abilities”: a lot of flowers, boxes of gifts, a lot of guests (they are finally “noticed”). Conclusion - a birthday is celebrated here.

The next stage of this cool scene of congratulations on a woman’s birthday is the search for the hero of the occasion. And again, Holmes’s brilliant mind makes it possible to identify the birthday girl as the most charming, elegant and happy of all those present.

A funny skit for two children about school

The actress is sitting at the table with a phone in her hands. She plays the role of a school nurse. The girl dials a number and calls her friend.

Nurse : Hello, Katenka? Hi dear. How are you? How's your husband doing? I heard he got a second job. Does he even make normal money?

A student enters. He coughs violently and approaches the nurse. She doesn’t notice him and continues the conversation.

Nurse: Oh, what a great fellow you have! He does everything for the family. But Tanka’s husband has become completely selfish, he only thinks about himself. I told her...

The student coughs loudly, trying to attract attention.

Nurse : Oh, Katya, wait, someone came here. (Puts the phone on the table) What did you want?

Student : Hello. I think I'm sick. Can I go home?

Nurse is dissatisfied: What are you saying! Can you jump?

Student : I can.

Nurse : So jump.

The student is jumping.

Nurse : Here! So, sit in class too!

The student leaves. The nurse picks up her cell phone again.

Nurse : So what am I talking about? Yes exactly! I’m telling Tanya, you shouldn’t tolerate this. Put it out the door! Let him try to tell you something, I’ll...

The student rushes into the office again, coughing wildly, and falls to his knees at the nurse's desk.

Nurse : So, wait, someone came here again. (Puts down the phone) What did you want?

Student in a hoarse voice: Please let me go home!

Nurse : You have no conscience!

Student hoarsely: And there is bronchitis!

Nurse : Get to class, quickly!

The student barely gets up and leaves.

Nurse on the phone: So. You and I need to straighten her brains out, otherwise she will be completely lost with such a husband! Oh, do you need to leave? That is OK. We'll talk in the evening, Katenka. Kisses, smack-smack!

The nurse hangs up and gets to work. A student crawls into the office to the sound of mournful music, tries to say something, but falls unconscious.

Nurse gives up: Okay! So be it. You can go home.

To the cheerful song “I feel good,” the student jumps up from the floor, dances with happiness and runs away.

End of the show, the audience laughs!

Original productions for the stronger sex

Scene “Childhood”

While listening to a children's song, a man dressed as a little boy comes skipping out to the guests (to be convincing, you can draw a black eye on him and smear brilliant green on his knees). He congratulates the birthday boy on the holiday and says that he is his childhood.

Inviting everyone present to plunge into the childhood years of the hero of the occasion, the host offers several tests “from childhood” - jumping rope, hitting a ball with your knee, playing a child’s whistle, etc.

For each completed task, the presenter offers a reward - a glass of alcohol. At the end of the scene, the guests raise a toast to the happy childhood of the birthday boy.

Production “Ryaba Hen”

“Ryaba Hen” - a man dressed as a chicken - comes out to the guests. He says a comic congratulation for the birthday boy and says that he laid two eggs for him (Kinder Surprises act as testicles).

The hen gives one egg to the hero of the occasion and asks him to open it and see what awaits the birthday boy in the near future.

The host gives the second egg to the wife of the hero of the day, asks him to “crack” it and show all the guests what gift her husband will give her on her next birthday.

Scene “Technical inspection of the birthday boy”

This cool mini-scene to congratulate a man on his birthday is especially suitable for avid car enthusiasts.

A traffic inspector approaches the birthday boy, introduces himself and offers to undergo a technical inspection. Examining the hero of the occasion from all sides, he makes a conclusion using automotive terminology:

  • the engine is in perfect order, which means fuel is supplied in a timely manner (feels the pulse)
  • headlights work (looks into eyes)
  • load capacity is excellent, even higher than normal (examines and feels the muscles)
  • exhaust pipe works smoothly (looks at the bottom of the back)
  • the brakes work on time (assess the legs).

As a result, the inspector issues a document with the appropriate content (it is best to issue it in the form of a collective postcard in a car setting), congratulates him on his birthday and invites him to go further on his journey, where many surprises and new discoveries await him.

Scenario for a home performance for 2 people for a birthday

There are two chairs on the stage, the actors portray mother and son. The actress appears first, she holds a small old phone in her hands and looks at it with sadness. A young man comes out to her with a box in his hands, but intriguingly hides the thing behind his back.

Son : Oh, mom, hi. I didn't know you were already home.

Mom : Yes, I asked to leave work early. It's a birthday after all!

Son : I just wanted to congratulate you! Happy holiday, mommy! He comes up and kisses him on the cheek. Mom hugs with gratitude.

Son : I have a gift for you too!

Mom : Son, thank you, but I need your help now. Remember when I said my phone was dead?

Son : Yes, but she didn’t say what.

Mom : Well, so I sat on it, and that’s it! It hasn't worked well since that day, and now it won't even turn on.

The son takes the phone in his hand and examines it.

Son : Mom, this is the last century! And my gift will save you from having to repair this wreck. (Puts the phone in his pocket and hands out the box with the smartphone)

Mom accepts the gift with surprise, opens the box, pulls out the phone and gives it to her son.

Mom : Wow, what a beautiful box! I will grow seedlings in it! Thank you, darling!

Son : Wait, this is not a gift. Here he is. This is a smartphone, everyone has it now.

Mom : What kind of smartphone? I would like a new phone.

Son : So a smartphone is a phone. But not simple! It is called a smart phone.

Mom : And what's special about it?

Son : From it you can not only call and write, but also access the Internet, leave notes, watch movies, take photographs. There are social networks and games here. If you want.

Mom : Well, show me how it turns on?

Son : Let's take the film off him first.

Mom is scared: Don't! Don't you remember what happened when we removed the film from the remote control? The next day it fell apart!

Son : What are you doing? He was old!

Mom : No need. Just turn it on. And if it doesn’t turn on, knock on the table a couple of times. Mine always started working after that!

The son shows her the right button and turns on the mobile phone.

Son : Here, look. This is Facebook, this is Instagram, this is Twitter. You can call via WhatsApp and Telegram if there is Wi-Fi.

Mom is shocked: Slow down, from your words I only understood “call”! And what kind of guy is this?

Son : Oh mom, it's an android.

Mom waves to the phone: Very nice, android. I'm Ekaterina Andreevna, Slavik's mother!

Son : Mom, android is an operating system. That is, it controls your smartphone.

Mom : So I don’t need to do anything? Here, there is an android.

Son : No, you have to control the android.

Mom : How difficult! Okay, I'll figure it out. Show me how to call from here.

Son : You come here and choose a number. (Shows) I already wrote everything down for you.

Mom : You need to circle the button with a marker so you don’t forget!

Son : Just don't need markers! You'll get used to it quickly.

Mom : Well, okay. And you said something about notes. Show me.

Son : Yes, it's simple. Do you need to write something down?

Mom : Yes. Write it down like this: “On Tuesday, pay for water, buy pasta and bring your phone in for repairs”!

The audience laughs, the son shakes his head, and the mother is perplexed. End of the show.

The best ideas for funny scenes at a corporate party

Production “The Cleaning Lady”

This is a humorous and cool Happy Birthday greeting

in the form of a scene, it is most
suitable for a corporate event.
Two people take part in it, one of whom should not be familiar to the birthday person. Then this mini-performance will turn into a funny prank.

One of the guests approaches the hero of the occasion and begins to congratulate him, but a cleaning lady suddenly enters the room and begins to wash the floor, muttering under her breath that everyone does nothing but dirty the floor, and it has to be washed twenty times a day.

The actress should look very realistic - in a robe, with a bucket and a rag, so that the birthday boy would not guess anything. The cleaning lady constantly interferes with congratulations, is constantly irritated and in the end says that she is tired of it all.

She approaches the birthday boy with a bucket and “pours” its contents onto him, congratulating him on his birthday. To do this, you need to have two buckets, one of which will contain sparkles, pieces of serpentine and other tinsel.

Scene “Striptease”

This original mini-scene as a Happy Birthday greeting is best used in the midst of fun.

For the main role you will need a liberated male stripper. In advance, he puts on several layers of clothing - a lot of T-shirts, T-shirts, shorts, socks. The birthday girl is presented with this “gift” from the entire team.

The stripper slowly begins to undress to the music. When he takes off all his clothes and finds himself in only his shorts, everyone sees that his body is painted with congratulations from everyone present.

Funny scenes raise the level of fun at any celebration, be it a home feast or a corporate party.

When choosing scenarios for mini-performances, remember that their main purpose is an original congratulations to the hero of the occasion.

This approach to organizing the holiday will be especially pleasant for the birthday boy, and an unexpected surprise in the form of a costume show will be etched in his memory for a long time.

Short skit for 2 people for girls

Girls dress like older ladies. One depicts an ordinary old lady, and the second a fashionable modern granny. There are two chairs on the stage - seats on a bus.

The actresses take their seats and look at each other. The old lady has bags from the store in her hands, and the elderly lady has a new handbag with everything she needs. The fashionista decides to show off a little and takes a mirror out of her bag. The old woman squints closely and, without thinking twice, takes the iron out of the bag. She wipes the surface, looks at it as if in a mirror, and puts it back in place.

There's laughter in the hall!

The lady snorts in the direction of her fellow traveler and takes out a compact. He powders his nose with light movements and looks at his neighbor expectantly.

The old woman grins and takes out a small bag of flour. He collects some powder in his palm and blows it towards his neighbor. While she shakes herself off and wipes herself with a handkerchief, the old woman applies a pinch of flour to her forehead and cheeks.

There's laughter in the hall again!

The confrontation continues. A fashionista applies blush, an old woman applies a cut beet to her face. Both look at their reflection. To complete the makeup, the lady applies lipstick, and the old woman takes out a cherry (strawberry), bites off a piece and tints her lips.

The audience is clapping approvingly!

The score is equal. Fashionista grandma starts to get angry. She takes the beads out of her bag and, smiling contentedly, shows them to her neighbor. The second thinks, looks into her bags and finds a bunch of dryers there. With a grin, he hangs it around his neck and shows off in front of his rival.

Granny, finishing the marathon, takes out perfume. He sprays them generously on himself and puts them in his purse. The stop is coming, it's time to get out. Undeterred, old lady No. 2 takes out a cut lemon and sprays the aroma throughout the salon.

The fashionable grandmother is dissatisfied, twists her finger at her temple, and hurriedly runs away. Granny No. 2 says the final phrase: A woman is always beautiful and at any age! Bravo!

A curtain. The audience laughs and applauds!

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