Fanta for adults' birthday funny table

Fanta for adults' birthdays

Forfeits in a completely adult company are a lot of fun! They can have light erotic overtones or be overtly sexual in nature. Most often, they try to involve the birthday boy in the most active participation, or, on the contrary, for him, guests fulfill wishes, which can be, for example, the following:

  • Tell a poem, inserting after each word the same strong expression.
  • Collect as many lipstick marks as possible on your face, as well as on other parts of the body.
  • eat the grapes lying on the dish without helping yourself with your hands.
  • Depict famous paintings: “Deuce Again”, “Girl on a Ball”, “Three Heroes”, etc.
  • Stick your head out the window and shout 3 times: “Ku-ka-re-ku!!!”
  • Name 50 words with one letter.
  • Dance a striptease.
  • Tell an anecdote, a poem, a tongue twister on the topic of the day, that is, on the topic of name day.
  • Sing a birthday song.
  • Sitting astride a chair, portray Chapaev.
  • Tell a fairy tale about “Turnip”, “Kolobok”, “Little Red Riding Hood” or any other story in a new way.
  • Make the balloon located between a man and a woman burst - they need to hug so tightly!
  • Go out into the street and shout loudly: “How beautiful I am, who will get me!?”
  • Advertise something so that one of the guests will buy it.
  • A man should give a lady an unusual hairstyle.
  • Be able to confess your love without words.
  • Kiss your table neighbors.
  • Depict any animal or bird during the mating season.

Good old birthday forfeits will not let you get bored under any circumstances! If you approach the preparation of entertainment in advance and with due attention, then this particular day can remain in the memory of the birthday boy and his guests for a long time. Forfeits are always a game without losing, in which friendship wins, and therefore after it all that remains is a great mood plus pleasant memories of time spent fun and carefree with friends!

Assignment for the anniversary of Fanta

To maintain a cheerful mood on your anniversary, complete the following tasks:

  1. Politely ask one of your guests to scratch your ear a little.
  2. Grunt happy idle thuja.
  3. Quietly tell your neighbor a tongue twister in your ear without laughing.
  4. Approach the hero of the day and tell his ring finger about your love.
  5. Call a friend and say in Carlson’s voice, “We’re playing with buns here.”
  6. Empty the neighbor's glass on the left and the neighbor's plate on the right.
  7. In swallow pose, make a toast and drink a glass of wine.
  8. Compose a solemn hymn in honor of the hero of the occasion.
  9. Come up with the 5 most ridiculous ways to take time off from work.
  10. Conduct a five-minute sports session for all guests.
  11. Name five cartoons about princesses and three about monsters without stopping.
  12. “Start” a funny rumor about the hero of the occasion.
  13. Dance the gypsy girl with her exit.
  14. Hug everyone present one by one.
  15. Shout out the window: I see Turkey.

Game “I’ll tell you a secret”

An interesting entertainment for which you need to prepare a little - “I’ll tell you a secret.” What is the essence of the game? Everything is very simple - each of the guests draws cards from a hat with a funny text in verse prepared in advance (you will have to try hard here). All cards begin with the words “I’ll tell you a secret,” and then there are possible options, for example:

  • I’ll tell you a secret that I don’t wear underwear, if you doubt it, I’ll show you now;
  • I’ll tell you a secret, I’m on a diet, I only eat grass, I don’t look at cutlets.

If you choose active competitions, such as the best dance or running around chairs, make sure that there is enough space around so that people of all sizes feel comfortable.

Do you prefer competitions for a small company? It happens that you need competitions for parties, but you definitely won’t have too big a group, try to play something intimate and not require a large number of people. These could be text games and competitions for a small company, or verbal ones, for example:

  • Burim;
  • writing a fairy tale line by line;
  • forfeits.


This game is the fastest of those offered, but also one of the funniest. The players line up and each player is given an inflated but not tied balloon in their hand. We will launch rockets. On command, the kids must release their “rockets” from their hands.

The winner is the one whose rocket flies the farthest. It is impossible to predict the course of the game, since such inflated rockets behave unpredictably and can even hang on a chandelier.

Game of forfeits for children: tasks

Game of forfeits for children
Children simply love this game. Kids are happy to complete tasks, having fun and frolicking. The task should be funny. Here are the tasks for playing forfeits for children:

  1. Show a funny animal so that the rest of the guys guess
  2. Do a funny dance
  3. Show your favorite cartoon character
  4. Letting someone ride you like a horse
  5. Show your parents so that others can guess them
  6. Show movie star
  7. Act out funny life situations (or fairy tale events)
  8. Sing or read a poem
  9. Eat something nasty
  10. Jump and shout something shameful. For example: "I'm a fool"
  11. Climb under the table and crow
  12. Lie at the feet of the other players like a puppy

Here are some more exciting forfeits for older children (10-12 years old):

Tasks for playing forfeits for children

Tasks for very small children (5 years old):

Tasks for playing forfeits for children

New Year's forfeits for a fun company for 2021

The New Year's feast covers almost all age categories, and therefore in this section let's look at examples of tasks for forfeits, with the participation of children.

  1. To recognize fruits or vegetables blindfolded and without hands, you can only taste or smell.
  2. Sing a New Year's song like a pig.
  3. Perform a New Year's dance at the Christmas tree like a mouse.
  4. Show the symbol of the passing year, only with the help of gestures and facial expressions.
  5. Show the symbol of the coming year, only with the help of gestures and facial expressions.
  6. Swap one thing with the neighbors on the left and right and stay like that the whole evening.
  7. Unwrap it, and then eat the candy with your hands tied behind your back.
  8. Draw a rat, holding the pencil with your mouth only.
  9. Demonstrate dancing snowflakes.
  10. Show a baby elephant releasing water from its trunk.
  11. Answer the question - what is the rat pups’ favorite treat and why.
  12. Show a monkey asking for bananas.
  13. Draw a holiday tree with your left or right hand, depending on which hand is the supporting one.
  14. Show a hen that hatches eggs.
  15. Show your dog for training.

Fanta birthday tasks

What's a birthday without having fun until you drop:

  1. Place an empty matchbox on your nose and remove it without using your hands.
  2. Go out into the yard and jump high when you meet the first 10 passers-by.
  3. Without words, dramatize “The Roasted Hen.”
  4. Jump around the house on a broom with a festive cap on your head, while whistling Happy birthday.
  5. Place tangerine slices on disposable plates, place them along the room and eat without using your hands.
  6. Walk like a penguin with a hat on your head for 5 minutes.
  7. Pretend that you are a turnip and tell a fairy tale on your behalf.
  8. Tape a basin to your back and depict a turtle having a birthday.
  9. Eat 10 candies, saying “I am the fattest glutton” each time.
  10. Exchange two things with a neighbor of the opposite sex.
  11. Shake a branch on a tree and loudly indignantly “Where are all the bananas?!”
  12. Climb under the table and shout “I’m fine!” three times.
  13. Come up with affectionate nicknames for those present.
  14. Tell the recipe for scrambled eggs using gestures.
  15. Portray a guest dissatisfied with dinner.

Cool tasks for forfeits

Here is a selection of cool tasks for friends:

  1. Play a scene: an evil hare and a good wolf.
  2. Tell and depict the fairy tale “Kolobok” by mixing up the characters.
  3. Place an orange on your head and walk around with it so it doesn't fall.
  4. Bow to the participants in the game in different ways without repeating yourself.
  5. Pretend to be a bear and go around the house looking for honey.
  6. Give the player a creative hairstyle.
  7. Draw a samovar.
  8. Try on the shoes of all the guests, as if you were choosing new shoes in a store.
  9. Put on a robe and sunglasses, go to the nearest store and ask if they sell fly swatters.
  10. Say “Exactly 5 minutes have passed” every five minutes for an hour. If you miss time once, start over.
  11. Try drinking the juice using a holey straw.
  12. Become a juggler and juggle raw eggs.
  13. Transform into the evil Shrek.
  14. Come up with three original ways to escape from prison.
  15. Pretend to be a friendly vampire.

New Year's tasks for the street

Tired of sitting at home? It's time to go outside and play forfeits with passers-by. It would be interesting. Here is a selection of forfeits for the street:

  1. Pretend to be beggars or homeless, walk around passers-by, ask for money or food.
  2. Invite three passers-by to have a small drink with you.
  3. If there is a spruce nearby, then, depicting the symbol of the next year, walk around it several times.
  4. Make a snow woman in ten minutes.
  5. Near a large spruce tree, where there are a lot of people, sing a New Year's song as loudly as possible.
  6. Gather as many strangers as possible around the New Year's tree and persuade them to dance in a circle.
  7. Exchange phone numbers with the opposite sex.
  8. Invite the first passerby of the opposite sex to dance.
  9. Persuade several passers-by to sing a New Year's song with you.
  10. Go to the store wearing unusual makeup or dressed strangely.
  11. Make riddles to passers-by.
  12. Ask members of the opposite sex to fill in the missing link in the Spin the Bottle game.
  13. Ask a passerby to ride down the slide together.
  14. Find and bring coffee or tea for everyone present.
  15. Before the holiday tree, I congratulate everyone, imitating the head of state.

Adult forfeits

Forfeits for adults are especially fun in the second half of the holiday, when guests have already managed to “take it to the chest” and relax. Choose the funniest tasks to make the game interesting and help the participants get closer:

  1. Using a dark felt-tip pen, draw a mustache for yourself and walk with it for 1 hour.
  2. Make a New Year's toast with nuts in your mouth.
  3. While running around a tree on the street, say the phrase from the movie “The Irony of Fate”: “You need to drink less.” You need to run at least 7 laps.
  4. Portray the symbol of the year, the White Rat, trying to beg a treat from the guests.
  5. Take a lot of water into your mouth and try not to swallow or spit it out while those around you try to make the phantom laugh.
  6. Take 5 more participants into your team and portray the Bremen musicians (Troubadour, Princess, Rooster, Donkey, Cat and Dog).
  7. Sing any song while bouncing on one leg.
  8. Simulate a cheerful steam locomotive that picks up trailers (other guests of the holiday) along the way.
  9. Act as a mirror, repeating the movements and actions of other participants as funny as possible.
  10. Take a marker in your teeth and draw a simple picture on paper (sun with rays, a balloon on a string, a heart).
  11. Draw a samovar or a kettle that is about to boil, and release the steam at the end.
  12. In the hallway, try on each guest’s shoes, just like before choosing a new pair in a store.
  13. Come up with three creative ways to escape from prison.
  14. Take a photo with all the participants in the game at the same time, but first arrange them in original poses.
  15. From the available accessories suggested by the presenter (toilet paper, tinsel, Christmas tree balls, a large bra, a Panama hat, funny glasses, a wig), come up with an outfit for yourself and parade as if on a catwalk. Don't forget to take a photo.
  16. Say “What a great guy I am,” imitating different voices and intonations - and so on exactly 10 times.
  17. Come up with affectionate nicknames for all players. Another option is to tell which animal each of them is associated with.
  18. Take on the role of a hereditary fortune teller and invite those present to tell fortunes on their hands. Each of the guests, including the presenter, must receive a prediction.

In the company of friends, tasks with jokes always go off with a bang - original and unexpected for everyone present. You can take them from this list:

  1. Go out onto the balcony (if there is no balcony, you will have to go outside) and shout “Hello lunatics!”
  2. Make a call to the first (unknown) number you come across and congratulate the subscriber on the holiday. But you need to congratulate not on the New Year, but, for example, on the day of the paratrooper, diver, astronaut or tightrope walker.
  3. Go out into the fresh air and ask the first three passers-by a funny question: “Did the Serpent Gorynych fly here?”
  4. Relay task “Pass it on.” The participant who gets this phantom does not complete the task, but transfers this right to another, coming up with something interesting for him.
  5. In a few minutes, come up with a short 4-line poem on a topic suggested by the presenter. When the poem is ready, stand on a chair and recite it with expression.
  6. Sing a famous song, pronouncing only vowels in the lines - you will see how funny and interesting it is.
  7. Recognize the five participants of the entertainment by touch.
  8. Dance an energetic dance (disco, cancan), holding a glass of water in your right and left hands.
  9. Tell a real story from your life, about which you are terribly ashamed (but within reason). You can simply replace it with a funny story.
  10. To exchange clothes with the selected player - 2-3 things are enough.
  11. Drink all alcoholic beverages that remain in the glasses and glasses of those present at the moment.
  12. Every 5 minutes, inform participants that exactly 5 minutes have passed - and so on for an hour. If the forfeit misses the specified time at least once, the task begins from the beginning.
  13. Go to your neighbors’ apartment and bring what the host says (chicken egg, salt, newspaper, candy, change, etc.).
  14. Give any participant a relaxing heel massage.
  15. Sew up an invisible hole in your neighbor’s pants that suddenly “appeared” on his buttocks.
  16. Dance a striptease on all fours (it is advisable to select appropriate music in advance for realism).
  17. With the help of the leader, tape a plastic basin to the body with tape and depict a turtle celebrating the New Year.

Fanta fun tasks for adults

To prevent the game of forfeits from becoming boring and monotonous, you need the most fun tasks:

  1. Talk for ten minutes, pronouncing words without the letter “K” or “F”.
  2. Prepare a cocktail from the ingredients on the table, come up with a name for it and solemnly taste it.
  3. Allow yourself to draw a mustache with a felt-tip pen and walk with it for a while.
  4. Tell 10 funny stories about yourself.
  5. Call a phone number at random and congratulate them on Victory Day/Diver Day/Alien Day.
  6. Climb under the festive table and pretend to be a cat begging for a treat.
  7. Turn to your neighbor, and then repeat his facial expressions, intonation, and movements.
  8. Try to reach your own elbow and bite it.
  9. Play the bodyguard of your table neighbor for 15 minutes.
  10. Place two walnuts in your mouth and make a toast.
  11. Go out into the street and ask three passers-by the question “Did Baba Yaga fly here?”
  12. For 10 minutes, turn into mom/dad and take care of the baby: feed, water, rock.
  13. Become a waiter and take care of all the guests present at the table, while telling jokes.
  14. Portray as a sales assistant selling dietary supplements, jewelry or other goods, and try to sell them to guests.
  15. Run seven laps around a tree outside, singing “We need to drink less.”

Why is all this necessary?

Many people (let’s not point fingers, but most often these are not our most positive comrades) sometimes ask the question - why all these competitions? Usually I get off with jokes or answer seriously that otherwise it will be boring. In fact, the reason, of course, is not boredom. Any holiday for adults most often involves alcohol, and so that guests are not too zealous with breastfeeding, they need to be a little distracted, amused, and simply encouraged to dance.

Another important aspect is embarrassment, which is something I often encounter when throwing a party for my children or nephews. They have already passed the age when you can just come up and start playing together, and when children who are strangers to each other find themselves in the same company, you need to help them overcome a slight chill in communication.

The only place where you can do without additional entertainment is a youth party in a good club, where it’s not boring for adults even without fun competitions, and it’s better to help any group of adults spend time with pleasure and fun.


Don't think that you can prepare the entire party, including table games for adults, at the last second. I usually set aside a few days for this because you will need:

  • write a script;
  • select competitions for adults;
  • find or buy props;
  • stock up on small prizes for the winners;
  • minimal rehearsal (for example, if it is expected that several large women from the accounting department will compete in bag jumping, then you need to check in advance whether the room can withstand such a scale and whether there is room to turn around).

Ideally, you need an assistant for all this.

For a fun adult company with jokes

And these forfeits are suitable for a cheerful adult company. They have funny jokes.

  1. Grunt the song “The Color of the Mood is Blue.”
  2. Sketch “I am a plasterboard wall” from 30 to 60 seconds (depict).
  3. Crawl under the table on all fours and kiss the knee of each member of the opposite sex.
  4. In one minute, collect 25 kisses from the opposite sex on your face, the host counts how many there will be. (No more than one per person at a time).
  5. All evening, at the presenter’s signal, covering one eye with your hand, repeat one phrase: “I am a one-eyed talent.”
  6. Dance a belly dance to erotic music.
  7. Sing the song “On the Dancing Ducklings”, replacing them with “pigs” and dance all the verses alone.
  8. Demonstrate a sign language translation of the poem read by the presenter.
  9. Draw a beautiful girl/guy on a piece of paper, with the marker in your mouth.
  10. Make a toast while sitting under the table, but very loudly.
  11. In front of the mirror, praise your beauty and other virtues (5 minutes).
  12. Oink the long toast for at least two minutes. It is advisable that it is understandable to guests (you can gesture).
  13. Arrange a moment of repentance: quickly tell about your sins this year.
  14. Run 6 laps around the gym. At the same time flapping his wings and shouting: “I’m an alcoholic.”
  15. Throughout the evening, at the presenter’s signal, imitate the chimes. And then repeat the phrase: “I need a drink.”
  16. Dance the fluffy dance to light music.
  17. Show everyone a rooster from which all the feathers have just been removed (sketch for 1.5 minutes).
  18. Look out the window and shout: “Good people, kiss me quickly.”
  19. Create one or more alcoholic cocktails yourself from the drinks on the table, and then drink them.
  20. Say a celebratory toast, imitating the head of state.
  21. Dance with lit sparklers, to light music.
  22. Tie festive tinsel around the girls' waists.
  23. Call an unknown person and bring Happy New Year greetings.
  24. Draw a blindfolded boar.
  25. Eat a fruit or vegetable with your hands tied.
  26. Remove the candy from the container filled with flour or sour cream.
  27. Throughout the feast, imitate the laughter of everyone who laughs.
  28. Tickle your neighbors to make them laugh in one minute.
  29. Imitate animal sounds, such as goats or horses, through an open window.
  30. Show how a simple kettle boils.
  31. Stand up like a swallow, say a toast and drink a glass of champagne to the bottom.
  32. In belly dancing, pester the opposite sex.
  33. Drink a strong alcoholic drink and snack on large lemon slices with a straight face.
  34. Raise a toast loudly using Georgian or Armenian accents.
  35. Show a man a light striptease; if a girl gets a forfeit, she gives it to her other half or just to the nearest man.
  36. Tie a pencil to a long stick and draw a Christmas tree.
  37. Copy the neighbor across the street for an hour.
  38. Depict a mouse dance.
  39. Feed your neighbor blindfolded.
  40. Sing a children's song in a child's voice.
  41. Make a promise to fulfill the wish of the neighbor on the left tomorrow.
  42. Transform yourself into a fairy-tale deer, ride those who want for two minutes.
  43. Try to explain all the positive and negative qualities of the next year on behalf of the Ox.
  44. Perform a New Year's dance at the Christmas tree like a mouse.
  45. Show the symbol of the passing year, only with the help of gestures and facial expressions.
  46. Show the symbol of the coming year, only with the help of gestures and facial expressions.
  47. Swap one thing with the neighbors on the left and right and stay like that the whole evening.
  48. Unwrap it, and then eat the candy with your hands tied behind your back.
  49. Draw a bull, holding the pencil with your mouth only.
  50. Demonstrate dancing snowflakes.
  51. Show a baby elephant releasing water from its trunk.
  52. Answer the question – what is the calves’ favorite treat and why.
  53. Show a monkey asking for bananas.
  54. Draw a holiday tree with your left or right hand, depending on which hand is the supporting one.
  55. Show a hen that hatches eggs.
  56. Show your dog for training.

Fanta tasks for an adult company

Tasks for adult forfeits:

  1. Pretend to be drunk, pester passersby and faint.
  2. Portray a stripper/stripper.
  3. Give your neighbor a relaxing heel massage.
  4. Drink three glasses of vodka in 15 seconds. If you don't have time, do another approach.
  5. Play an obscene fashion model advertising children's toys.
  6. Go to the next apartment and bring a glass of water/a little salt/tights, etc. from the neighbors.
  7. Drink all the alcohol that was poured into the glasses on the table at the time of the game.
  8. Transform into Alla Pugacheva/Terminator/Winnie the Pooh.
  9. Drink a glass of wine/champagne without hands.
  10. Confess your love using gestures and facial expressions without words.
  11. Play the skit “My husband returned unexpectedly from a business trip, and at home...”.
  12. Transform into a fortune teller and tell your guests their future.
  13. Kiss your neighbor on the knee/back of the head/ear while apologizing sweetly.
  14. Persuade the neighbor on the left to marry you.
  15. Sew up the invisible hole in your neighbor's pants on the right that appears on his buttocks.

Assignment for the company

Extraordinary tasks will be useful for unbridled fun:

  1. Take some water into your mouth and try not to swallow/spit it out while others make you laugh.
  2. Using a felt-tip pen, draw a balloon or a heart in your teeth.
  3. Blindfolded, try to tie another participant’s shoes/sneakers.
  4. Depict an invasion of scary monsters.
  5. Act out a scene from Tom and Jerry.
  6. Show a big fireworks display without words so that others understand what it is about.
  7. Play the role of a mirror, displaying the movements of other participants.
  8. Tie your left hand to your partner’s right leg and walk like this for 5 minutes.
  9. Depict a concert of the Bremen musicians.
  10. Sing in chorus, adding “Ku-ku” to the words of the song.
  11. Depict a woman applying makeup in front of a mirror/man shaving.
  12. Depict the characters from the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs.”
  13. Draw a steam locomotive and funny carriages. Drive a couple of stops, picking up passengers on your back.
  14. Change your shoes backwards and dance a waltz.
  15. Sing a song while jumping.

Fanta for a bachelorette party

Forfeits will help make your bachelorette party inimitable:

  1. Run around the house and shout “Hurray, I’m pregnant!”
  2. Blindfold yourself and feed your friend food that doesn't get dirty, like an orange slice or an apple.
  3. Say the names of all guests backwards.
  4. Play the role of Princess Nesmeyana, while all the guests try to make you laugh.
  5. Show Mashenka from the funny animated series “Masha and the Bear”.
  6. Portray a dental patient who is terrified of having his teeth treated.
  7. Dance a waltz with the first person you meet.
  8. Pull a lot of elastic bands around your waist and dance a comic striptease until the last elastic band is removed.
  9. Get a free cocktail at the club in any way.
  10. Perform a robot dance in front of everyone.
  11. Serenade a stranger.
  12. Come up with a fairy tale about the bride and groom.
  13. Do a funny belly dance.
  14. Draw portraits of the bridesmaids.
  15. Make yourself a funny makeup with a mustache, nose, red cheeks...

Funny birthday contests

"Beat the Guy"

A cool competition will fit well into a party of close friends, a bachelorette party on the eve of a wedding.

Several girls are participating. Each of them attaches a long thread (to the floor) to the belt. A matchbox with a photo of a famous actor and singer is attached to a thread. Dynamic music is playing. The contestants' task: without stopping the dance movements, step on the opponent's box in order to tear it off (beat off the guy). The girl who did not save the box is eliminated from the competition. The winner is the one who keeps her “boyfriend” and takes it away from her rivals.

"Clockwork box"

Before the feast, prepare the props: a spacious box. Place a variety of things in it, as much as your imagination allows:

  • flippers
  • curlers
  • bathing cap
  • Sunglasses
  • robe
  • funny headbands

Invite each guest to participate in the lottery, as a result he will receive something from the contents of the box. You will need to perform one dance with the item you receive. The one who completes the task more artistically will win.

After such a competition there will be a lot of cool photos left!

It happens that a motley group of people gather at the festive table for a birthday, where people do not know each other. This can lead to a tense atmosphere at the table.

Fun competitions will save the situation, which will at the same time relieve tension and introduce neighbors at the table.

Transitional button

The competition will fit well into the beginning of the feast. Participants remain at the table. At a sign from the host, one guest places a button on his index finger and turns to his neighbor at the table. The task is to transfer the button to the neighbor’s finger without helping yourself from others. Another object can also serve as a button. A guest whose transfer does not take place is eliminated from the game. The rest of the participants remain in their original places, so soon they will have to pass the button across the entire table. The two remaining participants win.


A random topic can be selected. The first, randomly selected guest pronounces a sentence, for example: “Fyodor went to the store to buy bread.” The participant sitting next to him continues, uttering his own phrase, for example, “In the store, a display case with cereal fell on Fyodor.” So the guests take turns making up a story. It always has an interesting plot and an unexpected ending.

Birthdays are celebrated not only by friends and relatives, but also by the organization where we work conscientiously. At an anniversary corporate party, fun competitions are more than appropriate.

Habitual offender

Contestants, within a limited time (no more than 5 minutes), prepare an explanation for the fact of being late for work. The author of the most fantastic and creative story will win.


Participants receive props:

  • newspaper
  • scissors
  • glue
  • blank sheet of paper

Task: in a limited time (no more than 5-7 minutes) compose a short story about the organization using words cut out from a newspaper.

Who is the package for?

Props are prepared in advance: a small souvenir is carefully wrapped in many layers of different paper. The best option is to alternate layers of regular newspaper and beautiful packaging material. Employees pass the parcel to each other, each taking turns removing one layer of packaging. Anyone who comes across a layer of beautiful packaging will scream with joy and then sigh in disappointment. Eventually the participants will start saying: “There is nothing in the package.” The winner will be the employee who gets to the contents - a small souvenir.

Most likely, within a week after the corporate party, he will proudly walk around the office and rejoice. The parcel went to him!

How to play the game and prepare forfeits

There are several ways to conduct this entertaining stage of the party.

You can choose anyone, it is important that the company is already ready for testing

First option

The oldest way to play forfeits, it is designed for the lightning-fast imagination of players. This will require small wardrobe items or accessories for each participant gathered at the company table. For example: scarves, ties, lighters, cufflinks, mirrors, lipsticks, earrings, etc. The host or hostess of the evening collects all the items in one box, then calls an assistant, who turns away. He takes out each item in turn and asks the question: “What should this phantom do?” The assistant should quickly say a simple but fun action, for example, “He should hiccup loudly.” The task must be completed immediately.

They say that forfeits originated in the 19th century. However, even before our era, rich women of Rome, often married, entertained themselves by inventing simple tasks for each other that had to be performed. Slavic youth also had a similar game, the leader was blindfolded, and the girls or boys either let the participant down or took a ribbon, flower, or twig from him. Often, kisses were used as a test.

Second option

The presenter gives out beautiful small pieces of paper on which the participants themselves write tasks. He puts them in one place, then mixes them and invites each participant to draw a piece of paper. He can pull it out for himself, or he can point it out in advance to any of the sitting people.

Third option

The assignments are already written on beautiful small pieces of paper. The host of the evening calls an assistant, blindfolds him and gives him a piece of paper to pull out. Then he stands behind any participant and asks them to open their eyes and read out a funny “sentence.” Then everything repeats all over again. This option is great for children.

Ready-made set for playing forfeits

To save your time, we offer a ready-made set of children's forfeits with all the above tasks in two versions - in the form of cards and in the form of a daisy.

Ready-made cards with tasks for playing forfeits for children.

The game for children “Funny Daisy” is a variant of forfeits in the form of chamomile petals.

Contents of the kit:
  1. Cards - 12 pages (6 cards per A4 sheet + blank templates + back of cards), pdf file
  2. Chamomile - 12 pages (chamomile core + 10 pages of “petals” with tasks + “petals” template), pdf file

Attention! The kit is offered in electronic form - you will need to print everything you need on a printer yourself (sheet format when printing is A4, regular office paper is suitable)

Price: 75 rubles

After clicking the button, you will be taken to the cart

Payment is made through the Robokassa payment system using a secure protocol. You can choose any convenient payment method.

Before purchasing, please read the terms of supply and answers to frequently asked questions

My friend is a superheroine

The birthday girl is blindfolded. In the room there is an easel with a prepared full-length portrait of the birthday girl and a box with multi-colored felt-tip pens. Each guest pulls out a forfeit, which indicates a heroine, for example, Harley Quinn, Catwoman, She-Hulk, SuperGirl, and so on. Then each guest in turn comes to the easel and draws the characteristic features of the superheroine that he got in the fantasy, for example, the She-Hulk can be painted green, and SuperGel can draw a dress and a red letter “S”. When all the guests have made their contribution, the birthday girl’s eyes are opened. A friend must guess which superheroine she was presented as today.

Fanta for children. Funny wish tasks

Finding an exciting activity for the gathered children and getting them interested in something is not so easy. Forfeits will also be an excellent way out of the situation. It is only necessary for one of the adults to lead the process. For kids, you can easily come up with easy-to-fulfill wishes for the game.

Several options for children's tasks:

  • read a poem;
  • sing a song (you can illustrate it, for example, sing “I’m lying in the sun…” in the role of a lion cub);
  • puffing out your cheeks, say the quatrain: “In a hole near the mountains, the hamster Egor lived. There is little time to sleep, he is busy all day.”;
  • ask a riddle;
  • portray a cartoon character, for example, Cheburashka or Winnie the Pooh;
  • dance the dance of the little ducklings;
  • show a dog, a cat, walk like a penguin or crawl like a snake;
  • scratch behind the ear with your foot;
  • praise a neighbor;
  • remember 6 names starting with the letter “B”;
  • tell about your favorite toy;
  • name 20 words starting with the letter “P”;
  • draw an elephant.

Download cool wishes for playing forfeits for the New Year

Download cool wishes for playing forfeits for the New Year
(downloads: 20)

This video talks about an application with which you can play forfeits for both adults and children:

Download funny forfeits-wishes for children”> Download funny forfeits-wishes for children

(downloads: 8)

Such funny wishes for friends will help to hold a children's party in a playful way, and they will remember the holiday itself for a long time.

Tasks for children, tasks for 8-12 years old

Pre-teen children participate with great interest in competitions and games. Forfeits for guys can be like this.

1. The player must juggle three balls, which can be replaced with round fruits for fun. 2. Act in a creative role and, with the help of other participants, depict sculptures. 3. Read a well-known children's song in rap style, using the appropriate dance moves. 4. Tell us about yourself in two minutes. You need to have time to talk about the past week, write down your daily routine. Then do this in reverse chronological order, that is, end with a description of the events of the past week. 5. You need to act as a screenwriter, write a short story for a film with the participation of other players. 6. This phantom will get the role of a choreographer. You need to invent a simple dance, teach it to others and dance it with all the guys to musical accompaniment. 7. Show how women do makeup for 5 minutes. All accessories are imaginary. 8. Give each participant in the game a compliment, noting a good character trait. 9. Invent a fairy tale plot using five given verbs and nouns. 10. Depict the scene “getting up in the morning and getting ready for school.” 11. Cooking task. You can make a salad from fruits that everyone should try and appreciate. 12. Feed a blindfolded friend non-messy food, such as an apple slice. 13. Name ten cities or countries that begin with the same letter. This must be done in a minute. 14. Quickly say the names of everyone who is present, vice versa. 15. Pop the balloon without hands, holding it with your feet. 16. Put on some clothes for babies, wings, and dance the dance of little swans. 17. Draw a crayfish standing backwards. So you need to walk around the entire room or apartment, you cannot turn around. If the participant turns around, then he goes through the path again until he succeeds. 18. This forfeit is performed by two participants. One shows pantomime, the other repeats his movements and facial expressions. 19. Draw Siamese twins. To do this, two children stand close to each other and hold the other’s waist with one hand. Afterwards they walk around the room and feed each other. 20. Fant must sing a modern song; the words in this task are replaced by the voices of animals, for example, “meow-meow”, “me-me-me”. 21. This player must perform the skit alone. The plot is based on a simple children's fairy tale, all the characters of which are portrayed and voiced by a phantom. 22. Play the role of a chicken that has hatched from an egg, show its first steps. 23. Walk around the room with your eyes closed as a tightrope walker does. 24. Act as a journalist who interviews a present adult on the topic of his childhood. Ask him a few questions. 25. Fant gets the role of Princess Nesmeyana. All the children will make the player laugh, who must last a couple of minutes without laughing. 26. Eat lemon slices, telling them what a sweet and incredibly tasty fruit it is (if the child does not have allergies).

Tasks for children, tasks for 13-14 years old

The following tasks are suitable for both teenagers and adults.

1. Depict your hobby with pantomime. 2. You need to look at yourself in the mirror and with a calm expression say the phrase “Today I look the most beautiful of all!” several times. 3. The player hides behind a chair and shouts “I’m fine” 5 times. 4. Hold your nose and tell everyone what a pleasant and beautiful voice the phantom has. 5. Listen to a compliment from everyone present. 6. Come up with affectionate nicknames for the five participants. 7. Give yourself compliments in front of the mirror for two minutes; you can’t laugh yourself. 8. Show with gestures the profession that needs to be guessed. 9. Make a threatening face and approach someone with the words “Ah, there you are!” 10. Be in the role of a mirror for everyone who comes to look into it. 11. Lean out the window and shout “People, how I love you!” 12. Read a few tongue twisters. 13. Come up with an astrological forecast for several participants. 14. Draw a self-portrait with a blindfold. 15. You need to sell an item from the environment by first advertising it. 16. Show different emotions that those present guess. 17. Depict a man walking on hot coals. 18. Answer friends’ questions without saying “yes,” “no,” or “I don’t know” for at least three minutes. 19. Be a living sculpture made by other players. 20. Pinch the ball so that it bursts. 21. Come up with a funny story for a joint photograph, funny arrangement of each person in the composition. 22. Fold the newspaper into a square with your left hand. 23. Draw a boiling kettle.

Fanta - wishes for the game: 100 cool and funny wishes

Desires in forfeits
The game of forfeits - desires in it should always be interesting and quite simple. Remember that the game is just for fun and you should not ask any difficult tasks.

Merry forfeits - wishes for the game and the losers

1. Show your favorite leisure activity or hobby with facial expressions and movements. Everyone must guess it, and the one who shows it remains silent.

2. Look at yourself in the mirror and say joyfully 5 times: “How wonderful I look today!”

3. Try to bite your elbow, while saying the well-known saying - “The elbow is close, but you won’t bite.”

4. Show with movements and sounds how to open a bottle of champagne.

5. Among all the participants, approach one and express your love. Creativity is very important! You can't just talk about love. We need to do it beautifully.

6. Go up to each participant, shake hands and say: “I am the king, it’s a pleasure!”

7. Hide behind a table, chair, curtain or any other place and say: “I’m completely fine!”

8. Sing any favorite song as if you were very drunk and can barely speak.

9. Hold your nose with your hand and say: “God! Yes, I have the best voice on this planet!”

10. You can make a wish for everyone. It's like a lucky phantom. In this case, each participant comes up and admires the one who drew the forfeit.

11. Make a sexy voice and say: “Are you bored and nothing makes you happy? Then dial me…” and don’t forget to say your phone number in the same tone.

12. Sit on a chair, broom or bench and jump. Say: “You can’t be late for adventure! It's time to hurry!

13. For each player, come up with a kind and affectionate nickname.

14. Look in the mirror and praise yourself. You shouldn't laugh!

15. Show one of the professions, and others must guess it.

16. At the same time, stroke your stomach and head. The directions must be different!

17. Choose one of the players, come up and make a scary face and say: “Well, here we are!”

18. Show how to properly cook an omelet or scrambled eggs, without saying a word.

19. Say the phrase “I love hamburgers” in different intonations, as if you are scared, happy, sad, etc.

20. Pinch your nose with your hand and sing any children’s song, or maybe not a children’s song.

21. Tell something about an elephant for a whole minute. You can choose any other animal.

22. Stand on a chair and tell a poem, a life story, about yourself, and so on. Here, give free rein to your imagination and come up with something to talk about.

23. Say a Chinese style toast. For example, come up with haiku or portray a samurai.

24. Tell any nursery rhyme with an accent like that of a Caucasian resident.

25. Shout loudly three times how much you love people. To make it funnier, you can wish for food or something else.

26. Quickly pronounce any three tongue twisters.

27. Show everyone how erotic it is to eat a banana or tomato. It can be any other vegetable or fruit.

28. Pretend that you are an astrologer and predict the future for a couple of players.

29. Get on your knees and share your three worst sins.

30. Take any two players and dance any dance, for example, mumba-yumba, cabaret, and so on.

31. Tell everyone - “I’m sad and don’t touch me!” Sit with such a face as if the whole world is your enemy, and others should cheer you up.

32. Blindfold yourself and draw yourself, maybe some animal or object. You can ask for anything.

33. Portray a capricious wife who wants a new phone, but her husband doesn’t want to buy it.

34. Picture a husband who came home from work and didn’t like dinner.

35. Freeze in some position and stand there. You are a statue, but others can change your position. The longer you stand, the better.

36. Take any item and sell it to other players, praising all its usefulness.

37. Become a journalist and interview someone by asking the trickiest questions.

38. Take an original photo of the participants. Arrange them interestingly, set the atmosphere.

39. Draw a scale without words.

40. Sing a children's song, any one. Here you can write different options, but the player must blow kisses to everyone.

41. Call someone you know, or maybe a stranger, and ask to spend the night. You can call an unfamiliar number and just talk for a few minutes.

42. Portray a popular person so others can guess him.

43. Show a person in a dental chair.

44. Make a short self-presentation and tell them why they should be friends with you, marry you, love you, and so on.

45. Portray different 5 emotions so others can guess them.

46. ​​Become a foreigner for a few minutes and speak only in “gibberish” language.

47. Show very quickly how a woman puts on makeup, looks for a suitable outfit, and so on.

48. Depict how a person walks barefoot on coals or glass.

49. Talk like a robot for three minutes and talk to other participants.

50. Picture a chicken that suddenly laid an egg.

51. Purse your lips and without opening your mouth say: “He who laughs last laughs best.”

52. Answer the questions of others for three minutes, but the answers “yes”, “no”, “I don’t know” are prohibited.

53. Wear toilet paper gloves for the whole circle.

54. Take an egg into your mouth and sit in a circle with it.

55. The following desire is suitable for playing cards: when the trump card comes up, say any funny phrase or an ordinary one, but with a funny intonation.

56. A man can be forced to spin a hoop and sing a song at the same time.

57. You can also ask a man to dance something erotic to folk songs or just moving music.

58. Run around the table in a black cloak and shout: “I am the horror that flies on the wings of the night!”

59. If your friend is a brutal man, then you can ask him to sing children's songs or something cute for the entire next circle.

60. If you have newcomers, you can make a wish for the player to grant their wish and greet them as politely as possible and help them sit down at the table.

61. Do 100 push-ups or less. Here rely on physical training. You can write any number.

62. Squat up to 100 times. The desire is similar to the previous one, and you can also specify a different number of exercises for it.

63. If several people lose in your game, then come up with a funny competition for them, for example, a steeplechase.

64. Run 100 or 200 meters in a minute.

65. Remember the physical exercises from the school curriculum. Ask the loser to stand on the bridge, make a birch tree or a wheel.

66. Do some somersaults back and forth in turn.

67. Make the losing player jump over a fictitious “goat”.

68. Drink a glass of vodka or other drink in one gulp.

69. Make a “ruff” or other explosive cocktail and wish to drink it.

70. As an option, you can offer to drink a couple of liters of beer without a break.

71. Make an alcohol roulette and tell yourself to choose one of the drinks by spinning it.

72. Drink 100 grams of vodka and immediately do 20 push-ups or squats. This will be very difficult to do, so think about whether you should give such a task to a friend, especially if he has poor preparation.

73. Drink an alcoholic drink with hot peppers.

74. Snack on alcohol with a product that is not usually used for these purposes.

75. Offer the loser to clean up after the holiday.

76. After completing the game, send the player to the store.

77. Prepare a meal for the whole group. Here everything depends on your imagination and you can prepare something specific.

78. You can even ask to take out the trash, but this is a very unpleasant wish, so you probably shouldn’t make it.

79. You can offer to wipe the dust from the mezzanines.

80. A useful desire to stroke things, but, again, not everyone can make it.

81. Go home with a big teddy bear and treat him like he’s alive - talk to him, sit him down and even pay for the subway fare.

82. Take a selfie with a taxi driver, minibus driver or cashier from a store. Even a photo with a random passerby will do.

83. Put socks on your ears and go to the store like that.

84. Go to the store and confess your love to the cashier.

85. Wish every passerby a good day or congratulate them on their holiday.

86. Show how this or that animal behaves.

87. Wrap a towel around your head and take a walk outside.

88. Take a photo with a saucepan on your head and post it on the Internet. It is important that the photo remains on the page for at least one day.

89. Build a snowman and bring it home. By the way, it looks very funny, but there will be a lot of water after it.

90. Get on all fours and run along the entrance. At the same time, say “I’m in a tank!”

91. Put as many things on your friend as possible and force him to go to the store. Or at least post a photo on the Internet. This could be three sweaters, five hats, three pants and more. This desire is especially interesting in the summer.

92. Dance a striptease. It is not necessary to use a pole for this, because a chair or mop may be at hand.

93. Take a ball and run around the house kicking it. You can also force the player to squeeze him between his legs and carry him in this way for 100-200 meters.

94. Order pizza or sushi at home, and let the loser pay for the order with fake money or candy wrappers.

95. Pick flowers from the flowerbed and give them to every passerby.

96. Approach the first passerby you come across and ask how to get to Italy, Paris or any other country.

97. If the loser is a man, then you can put on bright makeup and persuade him to walk to the store. By the way, you can even dress him accordingly.

98. As an option, you can put makeup on the guy and ask him to take a selfie, and then put him on his avatar on social networks, at least for a day.

99. Run up to anyone similar and enthusiastically ask him for an autograph.

100. Fill your mouth with water and sing a popular song.

How to play forfeits

Option 1. Game participants choose a leader. They give him one of their things, preferably something small in size. All these things are put in a box or hat. The presenter first comes up with and voices the task, and then, without looking, takes the item out of the box. Whose thing it is, he performs the task. If the task was completed accurately, then the item returns to its owner. And so on until the box is empty.

Option 2. You can play without a leader. Everyone present writes tasks on pieces of paper, folds them and throws them into a box or bag. The forfeits are mixed well and pulled out in order. Whoever pulled out what does it does it. It is desirable that the wishes be unusual, cheerful, funny, but at the same time quickly fulfilled. If the participant does not complete the task, he will be fined. The fine must be agreed upon before the start of the game.

Option 3. Guests write their names on pieces of paper, fold them and throw them into the box. Then everyone comes up with a task together and one of the guests pulls out a piece of paper to find out who will perform this task.

Option 4. Game with lots. First, everyone comes up with what needs to be done, and then, by drawing lots, they choose who will do it.

You can prepare in advance: print out the names of the guests and tasks.


For this task, you need to build some kind of track that the children will need to walk along with the ball. For example, place chairs that need to be walked around, or gates that need to be entered.

Only to move the ball, moving with it from the start line to the finish line, you need to wave a fan at it. A fan can be made from a landscape sheet. The winner can be determined by timing the time it takes to complete the course using a stopwatch or a watch with a second hand.

The game of forfeits is the essence

Fanta entertainment can perhaps be called a real adventure that charges you with positivity, brings you closer together, and helps you have fun. The essence of the game is simple: participants have to perform various tasks for forfeits. As a rule, they are quite entertaining, light, and arouse interest and excitement among players. The trick of the game is that not a single player even guesses what task he will perform.

There are clear rules for all tasks:

  • The tasks you need are simple: they can take no more than 5-10 minutes to complete.
  • The task cannot be offensive or shameful.
  • The task should not be associated with unaesthetic moments, and there should be no risk of physical injury.

There are many options for playing forfeits; you can follow them unquestioningly or create your own rules. It all depends on the company gathered and the interests of those present.

Forfeit option No. 1:

  • First, choose a leader. He and the other players each place one personal item in the bag, such as a hat, scarf, handkerchief, as collateral. In this case, the bag should be opaque.
  • Then the presenter turns away, and one of the players pulls an item at random from the bag and asks: “What should a phantom do?” and receives a task from the leader.
  • The player who owns the retrieved item completes the task and receives it back.
  • If a player refuses to complete the task, the item will go to the player who completes the task.

Option #2:

  • The game takes place without a leader.
  • The company comes up with all tasks in advance.
  • The forfeit is determined by lot. It is best to take a burning match and pass it to each other: whoever it goes out will complete the task. Or you can use a less traumatic option - pulling out matches: whoever gets the short match gets a forfeit.
  • When a forfeit is selected, he is given a task that was invented before the draw.

Option #3:

  • All participants write tasks on pieces of paper and put them in a box.
  • Then, one by one or by drawing lots, they draw out pieces of paper and complete the tasks.
  • If someone refuses to complete a task, they are “fined.” This is a symbolic cash payment into the common bank, and it then goes to the player who diligently completed this task.

Musical forfeits

Having heard that the competition involves a creative component, many potential participants will begin to deny it, arguing that they can neither sing nor dance. The organizer will have to explain to those present that the goal of the competition is not to win or win prizes, but to relax and have fun. As they say, the main thing is not victory, but participation.

The advantage of such forfeits is that the same tasks can be given repeatedly or to different participants at the same time, and the options, for example, are as follows:

  • independently choose a partner from among those present, invite him to dance, dance either something of his choice, or something that is clearly indicated in the forfeit (for example, a waltz);
  • dance a group dance – the most popular is traditionally the “Dance of the Little Swans”;
  • if the company is in a public place where Father Frost and the Snow Maiden are present, persuade one of these characters to dance with the participant who received the corresponding forfeit;
  • if the celebration takes place in the company of colleagues, the participant who pulled out the forfeit should invite the boss to dance;
  • go out in front of the audience and sing a few ditties in the most playful way possible;
  • sing a song about a Christmas tree, imitating a wolf howl, but so that the words and motive remain legible;
  • in a predetermined limited time, have time to remember several (at least three) New Year's songs and quickly sing them to those present so that they can identify what kind of songs they are;
  • sing a duet with your boss, suggesting a song to your liking.

To learn how to play forfeits, watch the following video.

Fun forfeits tasks for adults

To make the fun a success, use the following selection of tasks:

  1. Hold three matches in your mouth and pretend to be your friend.
  2. Build and bring a snowman into the house (if it’s winter outside).
  3. Close your eyes and guess all the guests by their nose.
  4. Tell us what hero/animal/artist you associate each player with.
  5. Come up with a poem on the fly about your wife/husband.
  6. Lick one of the participants without him noticing.
  7. Suddenly bite your neighbor and make him squeal.
  8. Repeat everything after your neighbor for 10 minutes.
  9. Portray the Snow Maiden/Father Frost and prove that she/he exists.
  10. Call the radio and say that you are Santa Claus and order the Merry Christmas song.
  11. Peel and eat the banana without your hands.
  12. Get an answer from your neighbor to the question “Why doesn’t the glue stick to the inside of the tube.”
  13. Pop nuts/corn sticks into your mouth, proclaim yourself a hamster and say “I’m a hamster, I love grains. If you touch him, you'll be finished!
  14. Try to inflate the balloon with your nose.
  15. Dance a striptease on all fours.

Forfeits for wedding tasks

Nowadays, not a single modern wedding is complete without forfeits. They are there for the young, for witnesses, and for guests.

  1. Repeat the first declaration of love to each other (for young people).
  2. Write the wedding date secretly (for young mothers) and give it to the presenter, say the wedding date into the microphone (for young fathers).
  3. Act out a scene of the groom asking for the bride’s hand in marriage (for witnesses).
  4. It’s funny to show how a young man will count money given for a wedding.
  5. Depict how the newlywed unpacks gifts after the wedding.
  6. Show how a stripper/stripper seduces the bride/groom at a bachelor/bachelorette party.
  7. Feed the bride the wedding cake with a small spoon.
  8. Make a plan for the wedding night for the newlyweds.
  9. Show with gestures how much you love your partner.
  10. Blindfolded, find the bride/groom.

And five more options for tasks in verse:

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