Gifts for wedding competitions – original, comic, standard

Any competitions and quizzes assume that a person will receive something in return for his efforts. This is normal, because no one wants to waste their energy on useless actions, and many understand this. But often newlyweds forget to take care of the prizes, and gifts for wedding competitions are bought at the last minute, after the toastmaster reminds them about them.

To prevent this from happening, you need to decide in advance what gifts the guests will be rewarded with. After all, small gifts require careful search and selection, so you should decide what style they will be in.

Purpose of gifts

Some couples do not consider it important to purchase symbolic gifts that will win wedding competitions. To some of them it seems like a waste of money, while others don’t see the point in small trinkets. But it is with the help of these gifts that you can diversify the celebration and amuse the guests.

Any professional toastmaster will offer the newlyweds to purchase small souvenirs for competitions. After all, a wedding is not a place to save money. For many, such an event happens only once in a lifetime, and therefore requires special organization.

Guests with a good sense of humor are able to appreciate humorous souvenirs from the newlyweds. For example, a stern-looking man may well be happy with a baby rattle or a lollipop.

Usually, the toastmaster compiles a list of gifts for all wedding competitions. Each gift has a symbolic meaning, which the host announces when presented. This way of organizing an entertainment program allows you to encourage guests to participate in competitions.

Gifts for children.

Of course, don't forget about the little wedding guests! They need to prepare separate gifts.

  • A small book.
  • Coloring.
  • Stickers.
  • Hair accessories.
  • A set of pencils or felt-tip pens.
  • Toy.
  • Sweets.
  • Ticket to a children's event.
  • Air balloons.

Types of prizes

Gifts for wedding competitions to guests can be of a material or intangible nature. Material prizes require a cash outlay. In addition, they can remind the owner of the wedding celebration for a long time. But intangible gifts cannot be touched and can be expressed in verbal congratulations.

Conventionally, gifts can be divided into several groups.

  1. Standard. These include small souvenirs symbolizing the wedding celebration. These could be magnets with images of the bride and groom, angels or miniature bouquets.
  2. Original. These could be chocolates in a wrapper with the inscription “thank you for being with us on this day,” memorable photographs of the newlyweds, personalized matches or lollipops with wedding inscriptions.
  3. Thematic. They will be appropriate if the wedding is organized in a certain style. For example, if the celebration is done in red and white, then the gifts can have exactly this combination of colors.
  4. Humorous. They can be presented in the form of verbal comic congratulations or have a material form.

When organizing a wedding celebration, it is important for the newlyweds to purchase gifts for guests of early significance. It’s better to choose just one thing, because if you give one participant a funny figurine and tell another a poem, you can ruin the overall mood of the celebration.

Souvenirs for wedding guests - a beautiful tradition

Giving souvenirs for wedding guests in Russia was not customary until recently. However, now this situation is beginning to change and more and more young couples are following the Western custom of presenting small gifts to guests. Why is this being done? Firstly, in this way the newlyweds express gratitude that the guests shared this wonderful day with them. Secondly, a small souvenir remains as a keepsake of the newlyweds and their wedding day.

So what kind of gifts are given to wedding guests? Usually these are small and inexpensive gifts. Often small candies - lollipops or "Raffaello" - are placed in small boxes (bonbonnieres). This is a fairly typical gift option. Sometimes they give something more practical, for example, girls are given pocket mirrors with the monogram of the newlyweds.

Often guests use wedding souvenirs as a reason to stand out, so they give them something completely unexpected (we also have interesting little things in our online store). If the holiday is stylized, usually the gifts have a certain contextual meaning or decor that matches the overall idea.

You can present such gifts for guests in different ways:

  • in America, gifts are usually packed in small boxes - bonbonnieres, and laid out on tables near the plates;
  • Another equally popular way is to set aside a separate table for memorable wedding souvenirs, from where guests can always pick them up;
  • Sometimes newlyweds personally present gifts to guests at the beginning or end of the evening.

Traditional gifts

To facilitate the process of choosing prizes for participation in wedding competitions, newlyweds can purchase standard souvenirs. There is a certain list of symbolic gifts designed to emphasize the importance of the event.

Most often, small notebooks, keychains, pens, rattles, lollipops and small toys are awarded for participation in competitions. Also, quite often at such events you can get a prize in the form of a magnet, candle, scented soap or figurine.

In order not to waste a lot of time and effort searching for different gifts, newlyweds can opt for bombs and bath salts. These products can have a variety of packaging and flavoring, and therefore each guest will receive an individual gift.

Coffee cups, teaspoons, waffle napkins and soft toys are often used as prizes. The main thing is that these things have a festive design. For example, a soft toy can be decorated with a veil, and a spoon can have a festive engraving.

Birthday lottery for children in verse

Boys and girls, and also their parents.
Would you like to play the children's lottery? The children's lottery will amuse everyone and will pleasantly surprise you with various prizes. 1. Get this, my friend, a fashionable keychain. (Keychain) 2. Every day and every hour A pencil will come in handy. (Pencil)

3. You love, everyone loves children, Very tasty candies. (Candy)

4. Visit a fairy tale with colorful coloring. (Coloring book)

5.You draw from the heart. You need markers. (Felt pens)

6. Keep your pocket wider, my friend, don’t be shy, you’ve become richer by a hundred rubles. (Bill)

7. Don’t you dare lag behind in height. Measure your height with a ruler. (Ruler)

8. To avoid worries, have a notepad with you. (Notebook)

9. Neither pills nor injections, Dirol is more important for teeth. (Chewing gum “Dirol”)

10.If you collect puzzles, you will never be bored. (Puzzle)

11. Read this book, learn a lot of new things. (Book)

12.You love to hum songs, I hope you will be happy with the disc. (DVD disc)

13. There is a lucky one among us - A “Nuts” bar for him. (Nuts chocolate bar)

14.Instead of ringing rubles. Two delicious bagels. (Two bagels or dryers)

15. Don’t be bored in the evenings, inflate this balloon. (Balloon)

16. In order not to be like Grandma the Hedgehog, you need a comb for your hair. (Comb)

17. During the day, or maybe at night, try on your socks. (Socks)

18. And for you, my friend, as a reward, a sweet slice of marmalade. (Pack of marmalade)

19. Draw the sun, mother, peace! To be known as an artist. (Paints)

20.Your lungs will be strong, blowing soap bubbles. (Bubble)

21. Today fate gives you an eternally needed calendar. (Calendar)

22.Every day will be successful when you eat hematogen. (Hematogen)

23. There are no pens or rulers. There is, but a set of stickers. (Stickers)

24. Don’t listen to anyone, my friend, quickly eat the apple. (Apple)

25. Not cookies, not kalach. You get a great ball. (Ball)

26. Consider yourself lucky - Here is a magnet for you. (Magnet)

27. Friend, smile more often, Don’t part with your lantern. (Flashlight)

28. Mom and dad will be happy with this stylish photo frame. (Frame)

29.Come closer, baby doll. You with a lollipop toy. (Chupa Chups)

If you love chocolate, you will be incredibly happy. If you don't love it, it doesn't matter. Mom will eat it then! (small chocolate)

Some got soap, some got a candy wrapper, and you got a bow! (hairpin - bow)

So that you can always taste sweet tea with your friends, Receive this mug along with congratulations on the holiday! (disposable mug or toy cup)

To make your hair beautiful, you are given this comb! (comb)

To become a great mathematician, you simply need this notebook. (notebook)

I don't want to be greedy! I'll give you a candle! (candle)

Well, you are just great! For this you get a cucumber! (cucumber)

Wanted to get a flashlight? And you just got a ball! (balloon)

There is no better prize in the world - a box of chocolates for you (empty box)

A souvenir for your kind eyes! And this is... (Fairy tales)

Don’t think about being angry with us – lemon will come in handy on the farm! (lemon)

Here's a ticket, here's a ticket, don't rummage through the numbers, Consider that there is no winning - cry and calm down. (Handkerchief).

You and your companion will never be lost! You won't come home hungry from any guest! (disposable spoon)

There is no better win than a plastic bag (New Year's bag).

We don’t feel sorry for anything for good people. Get a cool jump rope as soon as possible. (Jump rope)

If you want to be strong, like a gin, get it like a vitamin. (Carrot).

My dear friend, get some candy, but don’t eat it yourself, give it to your neighbor. (A large chocolate candy that needs to be given to the neighbor sitting next to you at the table)

But this is a fork! Get it, honey! (disposable fork)

Give me your hand! Get the onion head! (onion)

You will be in a better mood! You get cookies (pack of cookies)

Here is your lucky ticket, hold your pencil tightly. (Pencil)

Your winnings are quite rare, you are happy, no doubt about it. You didn’t get three candies, but... three pieces of paper from candies!!! (three candy wrappers)

Happiness fell into your hands. You got potatoes! (potatoes) Don't be bored today! Get some delicious tea! (tea)

Better draw a cloud. Here's a blue pen for you (ballpoint pen)

To keep the jar full, you need a lid (a lid for the jar)

They wanted to win a piano, but what they got was a calendar. (calendar)

Receive the main prize - this is a small surprise (something valuable, the main gift of the lottery).

And not empty, and not dense! Your winnings are forks of cabbage! (head of cabbage)

You are extremely lucky! Hug your neighbor on the right! (no prize)

Take this coin, my friend, and joyfully walk around the world! (1 ruble coin).

To be clean and beautiful, get this soap (soap)

All diets are not scary for us, If we have candy (candy)

You were quite worried. But there is no loss! You got beets for your ticket To make a vinaigrette.

Gift ideas for guests for wedding competitions: 8 great options for every taste

The central figure of any wedding is the newlyweds. Guests say a lot of warm wishes, compliments, and give gifts. The newlyweds can thank the guests for this not only with delicious food, but also with interesting competitions. And there are prizes for competitions.

What to hide is that it is the opportunity to receive some kind of gift that motivates many people to participate in them. The variety of possible rewards for competitions is beyond description. So let's talk about what they can be, how to find good prizes and not spend a fabulous amount on it.

Tangible and intangible prizes

Everyone loves to receive prizes, because everyone is pleased that they were rewarded for something, even if purely symbolically. Incentives can be tangible or intangible .

The first option is the most popular. Of course, this is a separate expense item, but it is much more pleasant for guests to take home a gift that will remind them of the special event. Nobody says that you need to buy expensive things as prizes, just cute little things. The main value is not in the gift itself, but in its meaning, which the toastmaster informs the winner of the competition.

When choosing material prizes, many newlyweds have doubts about their appropriateness. For example, it may seem that giving soap bubbles to a respectable adult man is absolutely ridiculous and may offend him. This is a partly justified opinion, so you should choose gifts depending on the age and social status of the guests .

Intangible prizes, no matter how small, can encourage even inactive guests to take part in competitions. An original and interesting encouragement will definitely not go unnoticed. The main thing is to present it correctly.

Non-material prizes may include:

  • applause;
  • gratitude from the young;
  • kiss of the bride or groom;
  • the ability to include any song in dance competitions.

Such “gifts” require the use of imagination and also save the budget.

So what to choose - tangible or intangible prizes? Of course, both options have a right to exist. Guests still come to the wedding, first of all, not for prizes, but in order to congratulate the newlyweds . On the other hand, an original gift will become a pleasant reminder of this special event that the guest will take with him. Some gifts can be very useful in everyday life. And, to be honest, it’s nice to be a winner even in the most humorous competition.

What to give to guests?

Prizes for wedding competitions can be anything, the main thing is that they are appropriate. You should buy gifts in advance so as not to waste time on shopping on the last day. However, the newlyweds do not always decide which prizes to buy. Quite often the choice is entrusted to the toastmaster. In this case, be sure to check out the list of competitions and prizes to avoid any unpleasant situations.

Useful little things

Gifts for wedding competitions can even be sold in the nearest supermarket . Your own imagination will help you choose them. For example, a chocolate bar can be a nice prize if you give it to a guest with a wish for a sweet life. Go to your local hardware store and you'll see some good prizes there too. For example, a set of hair ties can be a wonderful gift in competitions designed specifically for girls.

And if you go to a low-price store, which is now available almost everywhere, a huge scope opens up for creative ideas. Here are some very simple examples of things that can serve as prizes for competitions:

  • stationery - pens, rulers, notepads;
  • household goods - soap, shampoo or dishwashing sponge;
  • beauty products that are advisable to use in competitions for girls - washing sponges, beautiful hair clips, hand creams;
  • kitchen utensils - tea strainers, cup stands, baking tins;
  • useful little things - a shoehorn, clothespins, silicone cloths for cleaning laptop keyboards;
  • just cute things - soft toys, anti-stress pillows, head massagers.

Many of the listed souvenirs cost less than 100, or even 50 rubles.


If you give alcohol, then only good alcohol. However, not all newlyweds can afford a bottle of expensive cognac, and it is inappropriate to give too expensive gifts. It is optimal to give small bottles (about 200 ml) of good alcoholic drinks; it is inexpensive and quite convenient. If you really want to give a large bottle as a gift, you should organize a special competition for this, where this prize will be a worthy reward.

Sweets - which ones to buy?

If you give guests a delicious candy, a small cake or a lollipop as a prize, it will all be simply eaten, especially if the award is given for a table competition. It turns out that the guest will not even take anything with him from the wedding, he will only have time to taste the edible prize.

For example, a good gift would be a jar of jam, which, moreover, the presenter will be able to play correctly. Here are some more examples of sweet gifts:

  • beautiful packaging of macarons;
  • lollipops;
  • marmalade;
  • cookies in a holiday box.


Handmade gifts are not always good . Firstly, handmade items can be quite expensive, in which case they fall into the category of inappropriate gifts that will embarrass the guest. Secondly, a handmade gift made unprofessionally is also unlikely to be appreciated. The exception is if it has some kind of emotional connotation, for example, it was made by a child specifically as a prize.

But, despite these shortcomings, there are plenty of excellent souvenirs among the handmade prizes:

  • postcards using scrapbooking technique;
  • Stuffed Toys;
  • Handmade soap;
  • stylish decorative figurines.


All guests will be pleased to take the photographs with them as a prize. These do not necessarily have to be photographs from the wedding; you can also use previously taken photographs of memorable moments. One option is photographs of newlyweds . Please note that only close relatives or friends will be pleased to receive prizes with such photos; others may not appreciate such a gift. Photos do not necessarily have to be printed; you can put them on some souvenirs, for example, magnets.

Another option is to give funny photos of guests . These should be personalized gifts intended for specific people. The photographs can depict significant moments or just some funny shots. Try to choose a photo so as not to offend the person. In this case, competitions need to be tailored to specific people. You can trust this to the toastmaster.


Wedding gifts with images can be very different; it is not at all necessary to put photographs of the newlyweds or guests on them. They may also contain original inscriptions or congratulations. Texts can be universal or intended for a specific guest. You can put inscriptions on pens, mugs, T-shirts and other things.

Also, the prizes may have some kind of symbolism designed specifically for the event . Of course, the presenter must explain to everyone the meaning of the symbols.

Various funny pictures and inscriptions look great on the prizes. A funny picture will definitely cheer up the guests and enliven the event. The main thing is that the picture is not offensive, vulgar or offensive. Presentations with images can be made in the form of predictions . Then you can arrange not a competition, but a comic fortune-telling. For example, come up with good wishes that every guest would be pleased to receive.

You can also put text on the prize stating that it was made at your wedding, the date of the event and the location. Of course, this should not be simple, but beautifully designed text.

Cool stuff

It doesn’t hurt to add a little humor to any event program with competitions. You can laugh not only during the competition itself, but also at the gift that comes with it. Examples of cool prizes:

  • colorful ties from a carnival store;
  • clown noses;
  • fan pipes;
  • firecrackers.

What else can you give that is delicious?

  • Small souvenir packaging of tea or coffee.
  • Souvenir bags with nuts (sugar or chocolate glazed).
  • Miniature bottle of wine or champagne . The guest can save it and drink it another day. And if you stick a memorable label about your wedding (maybe with your photo) it will be just super! As a gift, you can choose any drink (mead, strong alcohol).

For example, in the city of Suzdal, special bottles of mead are produced, decorated for a wedding, with a wax seal and in beautiful packaging. Such a gift is traditionally given “for good luck.”

  • A miniature bottle of olive oil will not leave anyone indifferent! You can buy small bottles and pour oil into them from the main container. Pretty labels don't hurt!
  • Syrup in a small bottle.
  • A small jar of pickles . While I was preparing this article, I didn’t even know about this option. But it turns out that such a gift can be given! Especially if the wedding takes place in a certain style.


It is customary to wrap ordinary gifts, but should you do the same with prizes for wedding competitions? If the item is already packed, of course not. In addition, packaging is an extra expense. If an item is already beautifully packaged, it is simply not practical to come up with additional wrapping for it.

But there are things that are impractical to give without packaging. For example, cakes, Christmas tree decorations, fragile objects. You can come up with original boxes for them, buy beautiful small gift bags or wrap them in paper. You should not buy too expensive packaging , because the prizes themselves for guests are also usually cheap. Items packaged, for example, in craft paper, colored cardboard gift bags or bright boxes with ribbons look very stylish.

Packaging is also an important part of the gift; if it is intended, then it should look decent.

Gifts for wedding competitions – original, comic, standard

Any competitions and quizzes assume that a person will receive something in return for his efforts. This is normal, because no one wants to waste their energy on useless actions, and many understand this. But often newlyweds forget to take care of the prizes, and gifts for wedding competitions are bought at the last minute, after the toastmaster reminds them about them.

To prevent this from happening, you need to decide in advance what gifts the guests will be rewarded with. After all, small gifts require careful search and selection, so you should decide what style they will be in.

Types of prizes

Gifts for participating in competitions are cool, small and unobtrusive things that will remind the winners of a good time. And at the wedding itself, such a presentation will help complete the scene. After all, without a present it is very difficult to beat the end of one and the beginning of another competition.

Therefore, it is important to try to find inexpensive but high-quality prizes.

  1. Material – these include all things that the contestant can take with him after the holiday.
  2. Intangible – those that leave vivid memories, but do not have physical embodiment.

What kinds of gifts are there:

  1. Standard prizes are most often minor souvenirs that are related to the holiday or that the newlyweds simply liked.
  2. Original gifts - when the bride and groom want to make their wedding stand out from many others, they choose prizes that the guests will remember for a long time. These can be either homemade items or something that shows that the newlyweds showed attention to the interests of the person.
  3. Themed gifts - if the wedding is organized in a certain style, then it will be very good if the prizes are made in the same style or depict certain scenes.
  4. Funny prizes can be either material, like comic props, or intangible.

It is important to remember that there should not be two absolutely identical gifts, because each guest is unique, and he wants attention from the bride and groom, therefore, even when choosing magnets or keychains, you need to be patient and find a sufficient number of different figures.

List of standard souvenirs

When newlyweds select personalized prizes to award for participating in a competition, it makes the host's job much more difficult. Therefore, for weddings with a large number of guests, it is recommended to choose standard prizes that are well suited for any person.

  1. Most often they give notebooks with a picture of a heart or with the wedding date. This is a fairly simple prize, but it is important to remember that due to its frequent use at different weddings, it does not evoke strong emotions.
  2. Keychains that can be hung on your keys. But here it is important to choose the right accessory. It is best to focus on the age category and how seriously guests take their image.
  3. Fridge magnets can be either regular ones, with images of swans, doves or hearts, or made to order.
  4. Candles in the shape of hearts or with pleasant scents.
  5. Figurines or candlesticks – Small figurines are suitable for most guests, but it is important that they are small and appropriate. You should avoid figurines that are too romantic or extravagant, because they risk causing irritation at the thought that they will need to be hidden somewhere.
  6. Bubble baths or bath bombs are ideal for relaxation. But it is important to choose one with an unobtrusive scent so that they can be given to both women and men.
  7. Cups are a good way to leave a memory of the holiday. But it is important not to use a lot of decoration. Guests are unlikely to constantly use a cup with pink hearts or a photo of the newlyweds.
  8. A dance with the bride or a kiss on the cheek is a good way to encourage contestants. But there should be 2-3 such gifts for the entire holiday, and they should not be repeated.
  9. Photo albums or photo frames are an ideal option when newlyweds don’t know what to choose. On the back of the frame you can order an engraving with the wedding date and the names of the newlyweds, and small embossing is suitable for albums. But it is important to remember that the size of the letters should be small, otherwise the winner will not use the item.
  10. Edible prizes - you can give chocolates or candies. But here it is important to know about the tastes of the contestants, otherwise you can give something that will cause rejection. And also make sure that such encouragement is not given to a woman on a diet or a person with diabetes - this can cause a feeling of bullying.

Practical gifts

In my opinion, the best gift is one that will be useful to the guest and not gather dust on a shelf.

  • Handmade soap . You can choose any color, scent, size. Contact a soap maker in your city and he will definitely make wonderful bars of soap for you.
  • Jars with aromatic salt . You can make such jars yourself by adding colored clay and essential oil (optimally lavender) to the salt. Every guest will love this gift!
  • Mini bottles with bubble bath.
  • A small towel with the guest's name printed on it. Not terry, but thin fabric will do.
  • Personalized bags with aromatic sachet (universal lavender).
  • Personalized keychain . You can order a keychain with a memorable image of your wedding.
  • Small glasses with a memorable date of your wedding. These can be ordered from companies that print on mugs and T-shirts. You can choose small mugs or glasses.
  • Small scented candle .
  • Notepad with your wedding date. A practical gift that will benefit the guest.
  • Stylish handles. Can be given as a gift paired with a notepad.
  • An original stand for a cup or hot dish.
  • Reusable wine stopper with engraving of the guest's name.
  • Candlestick.
  • Beer opener
  • Miniature cutting board with a beautiful pattern.
  • Wooden spoon. If you think it won't be useful, you're wrong! It is good to spread honey or jam with a wooden spoon. You can choose a metal teaspoon with an engraving.
  • Christmas tree decoration. The gift will be appropriate if the wedding is planned for the winter.

Original gifts.

If you want to surprise your guests, choose an unusual and original gift that your guests don't expect to receive.

  • A living plant in a pot . A small pot with a cute flower will really surprise a person, it is really a very warm gift for a wedding guest.
  • Small tree seedling . This is very unusual, but will not leave anyone indifferent. Each guest can plant a tree like this (you can even plant it together as part of the wedding), imagine what a memory it will be like at your wedding! At the same time, you will contribute to the environment.
  • Bonsai. A small tree that will fit into any interior.
  • A set of sparklers - you can light it the same evening, it will be very bright and fun!
  • If the wedding falls on Easter, you can give your guests an Easter egg .
  • Fridge magnet with a memorable image of your wedding. No one will forget about your anniversary!
  • Lottery ticket. Add a little excitement to your holiday!
  • Funny badges for clothes with your wedding date.
  • Soft toy. A cute gift that will awaken warm memories of childhood in your guest.
  • Flash drives. Now you can choose different designs and make your own engraving. A gift for the most budgetary, but really useful!
  • Small photo frame . Each guest will be able to print a photo from your wedding and insert it into this frame.
  • Postcard. A laconic and versatile keepsake. Write a personal wish for each guest in the card, thanking them for participating in your wedding.
  • Personalized letter of gratitude . Give such a letter to each guest, he will be very pleased, especially in our time when letters have lost their popularity!
  • CD with music from your wedding. Especially suitable if there was an orchestra at your wedding. Every time you listen to this disc, your guests will remember you!
  • Cute teapot . A small ball into which tea is poured is ideal.

Original gifts

Competitions are one of the most significant components of every wedding. Many guests will not remember what was on the table or what flowers they decorated the room with - but what made them have fun will definitely remain in their memory. Therefore, you can prepare original prizes for participation and victory in competitions, which will evoke pleasant feelings even after many years.

  1. Cups are handmade or made to order. They may be of unusual shape or color. If the newlyweds want to leave a reminder on the dish where it came from, it is worth imprinting the wedding date on the bottom. You can also decorate the sides with a golden inscription, with words pleasant for the recipient.
  2. A notepad or notebook in a circle or diamond shape.
  3. Handmade photo frames or albums - although such prizes are classified as ordinary, due to the fact that they are decorated by hand, they become unique. And unlike store-bought ones, they are always appropriate - after all, they are created to order by newlyweds who know exactly what and who will like it.
  4. Soft blankets, in the corner of which there is a small monogram of the first letters of the names of the bride and groom, as well as the wedding date.
  5. Magnets are handmade or made from unusual materials. Wooden animals that are rarely associated with weddings look very creative - foxes, hares, wolves, bears, cats and squirrels look beautiful on any refrigerator. But you can also choose more exotic animals - red pandas, phoenixes, giraffes, dolphins. The main thing is that they do not remind of some negative quality (pig, cow, deer, goat, etc.).
  6. Hobby-related prizes are pleasant little things that will delight the guest because the newlyweds remember his hobby. When doing what you love, a person will always remember the newlyweds and a fun wedding.
  7. Jars of colorful jam or honey, with beautiful homemade stickers and lids.
  8. Chocolate packed in paper with a photograph of the newlyweds.
  9. Gift alcohol (small bottles) with a funny or inspirational card.
  10. Desserts made by the bride (groom).
  11. Made-to-order desserts are a great way to delight your guests. Homemade chocolate figurines look especially beautiful.
  12. Handmade soft toys are well suited for giving gifts to any guests, regardless of their age. Often newlyweds refuse such gifts because there is a stereotype that this can only be given to their girlfriends or children. But small, neat toys are also suitable for serious people; the main thing is to choose calm colors.
  13. A set of aromatic oils with a special lamp.
  14. Homemade candles.
  15. Jewelry boxes or stands for writing instruments.
  16. Small embroidered paintings are a very unusual gift, and the more carefully the depicted subject is chosen, the more likely it is that it will be hung in the house.

Original gifts require more time and effort to choose. After all, the list of standard things consists of those that have stood the test of time.

But unusual ones are always a flight of fancy, and if chosen hastily, they can be ridiculous or useless. Unlike standard prizes, original copies have a number of disadvantages:

  1. Newlyweds need to know exactly the characters of their guests in order to choose the right gifts.
  2. To select personalized prizes, it is important not only to know the interests of the guests, but also to spend a lot of time searching for them.
  3. You need to know exactly who will be participating in the competition in order to award the appropriate prizes. This greatly complicates the work of the presenter, because he needs not only to remember about competitions and words, but also who to call, so as not to confuse the prizes.

Original prizes are a very good way to make your wedding stand out from the crowd of others. After all, when choosing gifts for guests, newlyweds spend more time thinking, which means a more careful selection of things.

This increases the likelihood that the prize will be truly useful and evoke positive emotions.

Sweet gifts.

A universal gift that every guest will love. The undoubted advantage of this option is a large selection of sweets for every taste and budget.

  • Meringue or marshmallow. An airy and delicate gift, very much in harmony with the festive mood.
  • macaroon cake - this dessert is not very popular, and therefore it will greatly please the guest!
  • Truffles. Guests will appreciate these sweets when coffee is served.
  • Candies. Any candy that you find appropriate for a gift can be packaged very beautifully. As an option - small packages of Rafaelo!
  • Cookie . You can find fortune cookies inside - it will be very original!
  • Small buns. This budget-friendly gift is ideal for a small home wedding. The main thing is that they are fresh.
  • Kinder Surprise. A gift that will both cheer you up and give you moments of nostalgia :)
  • Chocolate. There are several options: bars, figured chocolate, handmade chocolate with different fillings (nuts, berries). Chocolate can be ordered handmade, then it will be given the desired size and shape.
  • Multi-colored marmalade in sugar - very fun and cute!
  • A small jar of honey, jam or preserves . After the wedding, over a cup of tea, the guest will be very pleased to remember you!
  • Handmade gingerbread cookies that can be made in absolutely any design and shape. You can write your names and wedding date on them.
  • A bag of sweet dragees . You can choose any filling, M&M`S is very popular and loved by everyone

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