Competitions for children 10 years old. Children's competitions and games

A children's birthday party is a celebration for the whole family, for which you need to carefully prepare, especially when the child celebrates his first anniversary - 10 years. The holiday can be celebrated outside the home and at home, the main thing is that the celebration leaves an unforgettable impression in the memory of the birthday person and the invited guests. To do this, you need not only to set the festive table, decorate the venue, but also prepare funny, interesting, fun games, entertainment, quizzes and children's birthday competitions for children 10 years old.

At the celebration, among the invited guests there may be children who do not know each other, they may have different interests, which means that in preparing the holiday you need to take into account all the nuances for all those present.

Fruity mood

The guys stand in one big circle, each of the guys is blindfolded. A funny song sounds, the presenter hands the first participant any fruit, and the participants pass this fruit to each other to the music. As soon as the presenter stops the music, the participant on whom the melody stopped holds the fruit and names it. If he named it correctly, he remains in the game; if not, he is eliminated. Then the music turns on again and the presenter hands another fruit to the next participant. The fruit again goes around the circle of participants until the music stops. All the guys who correctly guess the fruits and stay in the game until the bitter end will receive prizes.

My 10th planet

An interesting fact for children who didn’t know: there are 8 main planets in the solar system and plus another dwarf planet called Pluto. The others are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. And now it’s your turn, guys, to come up with your 10th planet in the solar system in honor of the birthday boy (birthday girl). There are no limits to imagination. So, after 5 minutes of thought, each participant imagines his planet for the birthday boy and describes it in a few words, for example, this is the planet Mikhail, the soil there is sweet caramel and kazinaki, gingerbread and buns grow on the trees, the planet is inhabited by Mikhail people - cheerful people, who love computer games and big trips to neighboring planets. The participant who comes up with the most interesting planet and presents it best will receive a prize.

Rainbow, traffic light, country

For this competition you need to prepare many stripes or squares of different colors, the main thing is that among these colors there are the colors of the rainbow (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet), traffic light colors (red, yellow, green) and the colors of the country’s flag , in which children live (for example, red, blue, white). Children receive a task: to collect their own rainbow, their own traffic light and the flag of their country from a bunch of flowers. At the “start” command, children begin to complete the task. The participants who complete the task faster than others and assemble a rainbow, a traffic light and a flag will become the winners.

Road games

  • 1, 2, 3, car stop. This game can be included in children's sports competitions to learn road rules. The presenter-policeman stands with his back to the players and says the words “One, two, three, stop the car.” At this time, the machine players go to the leader. As soon as the policeman said the words, he quickly turns around and looks to see who didn’t have time to stop. Penalties start their journey all over again. The presenter turns away again and says the words. He can stretch them out or jabber. The players’ task is to quietly “reach” the leader and touch him. Next, the player becomes the leader, and the game starts all over again.

  • Traffic light. This game is similar to the previous one. Only the presenter stands facing the players and pronounces some color of the traffic light smoothly, quickly or syllable by syllable. Players should stand motionless on “red” (arms at their sides), on “yellow” tilt their body forward, and on “green” run towards the leader. The first one to reach the leader will be the winner.

Such active thematic games will allow you to quickly consolidate the acquired knowledge and diversify any school scenarios for children's competitions. They are especially relevant at extracurricular events dedicated to traffic rules.

Build a pirate

Well, which of the children has not heard about pirates? In this competition, the guys are divided into equal teams of about 4-5 people. Each team receives a bag with things, among which there will be pirate things (hook, wooden block, cocked hat, pipe, toy parrot, treasure map, pirate flag, etc.) and other things (bag, tie, mirror, encyclopedia or any book and etc). At the “start” command, each team must choose one participant - a pirate - and assign to him all the pirate items from the bag. The team that can figure things out and build their own pirate faster than the rest will win.


The presenter prepares a description for the cartoons that the children must guess. Children are divided into pairs or teams, the leader reads the description, and whoever raises their hand first gets the right to answer. Examples: in this cartoon there is a SIM card, but not a phone number, a zero, but not a mathematical one, their parents and even grandfather are “Fixies”; this cartoon about wild animals and one human child - “Mowgli”; a fairy tale about a girl whose name is associated with the color white and about 7 small boys - “Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs”; a cartoon about a lilac bee not from our planet - “Luntik”; in this cartoon, one character is toothy and green, and the second is fictional and with big ears - “Gena the Crocodile and Cheburashka” and so on. Whoever has the most points wins.

Heroes of good fairy tales

For this competition you will need small pictures with heroes of good fairy tales, for example, three heroes from each fairy tale: Pinocchio, Artemon and Malvina from “The Golden Key”, Cipollino, Cherry and Tomato from “Cipollino”, Hare, Wolf and Kolobok from “Kolobok” , The Little Humpbacked Horse, The Firebird and Ivan from “The Little Humpbacked Horse” and so on. The guys are divided into teams with the same number of people, approximately 3-4 participants. Each team receives a stack of cards (pictures) of the same composition, in which all the pictures are mixed. At the “start” command, the guys must arrange the pictures according to the fairy tales, that is, three pictures from one fairy tale, below - three pictures from another fairy tale, and so on until all the fairy tales have been collected, or rather the pictures of their heroes. The team that completes the task first will win.

Games at school

You can even play the following games in the hall during school recess.

  • “Bunny, bunny, what time is it?” The leader (hare) stands with his back to the players. Everyone takes turns asking the time and adding: “I’m in a hurry for my birthday!” The hare calls any time. The player measures his steps (an hour is a large step, a minute is a simple step, a second is the length of the foot). For example, three hours five minutes three seconds means three large and five normal steps, three foot lengths (one and a half steps). Whoever reaches the hare first and touches him takes his place. Everything starts all over again. This event will diversify children's time study competitions and reinforce terms.
  • “Ring, ring, go out onto the porch.” Players stand or sit in a row with their arms extended forward (palms tightly closed into a boat). The presenter takes a “ring” (any small detail), which he must quietly place from his “boat” into the player’s palm. He may pretend to give the ring to the player after hesitating. Then the presenter stands in the middle and asks the participant with the ring to come out. The players' task is to catch the one who has the ring. You can't hold hands. If the participant with the ring manages to jump out of the row without being caught, then he becomes the leader. If he is caught, then the game continues with the old leader.
  • Sea battle. Participants draw a field (10x10 cells, marked on the left with numbers, with letters on top) with one-, two-, three-, and four-decker ships. The player names the number and letter of the cell. Getting into the ship, continues the game; Having missed, he passes the move to the opponent. At the same time, he clarifies whether he “killed” or “wounded.”

Young accountants

The guys are divided into teams of about 3-4 people. Each team receives the same bag of change (in the same quantity). At the “start” command, the teams must: first, distribute the change by denomination, for example, in one pile - coins with a denomination of 1 ruble, in the second pile - with a denomination of 5 rubles, and so on, and second, count the entire amount of change. The team that is the first to complete both tasks, that is, distribute all the coins and name the correct amount, will become the winner. And each member of the winning team will receive a prize, for example, a calculator.

Classics of the genre

On the street during school breaks, children prefer a variety of classics.

  • Regular digital. Draw hopscotch up to ten. The player’s task is to throw a pebble into the cell with a number, “jump” the classics and pick up the chip on the way back. It is prohibited to step outside the lines. As soon as the first level is completed (from one to ten), the game begins with the next number (two, three, four, etc.). A player who enters the line or does not hit the desired cell with a pebble passes the turn to another. The participant who completes the most levels wins. To hit the cells with the numbers “nine” and “ten” with a pebble, you are allowed to step on the first square. And you can jump on them with a running start, also jumping onto the first number. Sports competitions for primary school children are not complete without classics, which are sewn from cellophane or fabric.
  • Round digital. Draw a large circle, mark a small circle in it, from which you draw radii. Write numbers. The essence of the game is similar to the previous one. Jump from one number to another until you stand in the center. The difference is in the jumps. In the first version, you jump alternately on one leg and then on the other. In the same game you jump on two adjacent numbers. Then, when moving to another number, the left leg should be in the air. That is, the right one goes from the first number to two, the left one is in the air, and then drops to three. The essence of the game is that you need to jump quickly and not step over the lines. Such warm-up games will add laughter and fun to intellectual competitions for children 10 years old. Numbers can be replaced with thematic images.
  • Verbal. Any version of the classics with a “roof” is drawn. Desires are written in each column (house, dacha, car, child, husband, trip, etc.), and “fire” is written on the roof. The player stands with his back to the line and throws a pebble, looks at what kind of wealth fell out, jumps and picks up the chip on the way back. You can't go beyond the lines of the classics. If you fall into a “fire,” then all your wealth is burned. The richest one wins. After the first game, children can adjust the rules themselves, modifying them to suit their capabilities.

Competitions for children over 10 years old at a birthday party at home

Having celebrated their first anniversary, teenagers no longer consider themselves children. Therefore, for those over 10 years old, you can safely select adult competitions, of course, carefully analyzing each selected one.

"Miss Universe"

Four volunteers are selected from those present. Two of them, on command, blindfolded, begin to dress the other two. Moreover, they dress up with all the items that are in pre-prepared bags. Wardrobe items can be both simple items of clothing and the most unexpected, for example, a diaper, a hair clip, mittens, panties, a pacifier, a tie, shoe covers, a bib, beads - whatever your imagination allows. The winner will be the one whose beauty the audience likes more.

"The Trickster"

They invite volunteers and give them mittens and a lollipop candy. Use mittens to remove the candy from its wrapper. The first one to do this wins.

"Siamese twins"

Several couples are invited. Pairs are tied to each other as follows - the left leg and hand of one child is tied to the right leg and hand of the other. Three tasks that must be completed are read out, with free hands, one player with the left, the other with the right. Tasks may vary. For example, sharpen a pencil with a sharpener, tie a scarf on your head, roll a roll of toilet paper, tie your shoelaces. The winner is the one who completes all tasks faster.

"Fat-cheeked hamster"

Volunteers are chosen and caramels are poured in front of them. Each person in turn, after putting the caramel in their mouth, says the phrase “fat-cheeked hamster.” They continue to say this phrase, each time inserting candy. The last one who can pronounce it wins.

"Where I am?"

They invite a volunteer, seat him with his back to the guys, and attach a piece of paper to his back with the inscription, for example, “dentistry,” “toilet,” “bathhouse.” The volunteer does not know what is written on the sheet. Children should take turns asking questions such as “why do you go there?”, “who do you go there with?”, “how many times a week do you go there?” The player must answer these questions. The more interesting the questions, the funnier the competition.

Costume party

Not a single child can forget the holiday, which is based on the film “Harry.” "Poter." In this case, the mother of the birthday boy will have to work hard, since she needs to take care not only of her child, but also of the visiting guests. But it’s best that the guests themselves do everything for this, so it will be interesting and fun for them. 1. Magic wand. Prepare the children with all the necessary materials to make it. 2. Potion. Several ingredients are placed on the table, which you need to put on your plate strictly according to the proposed recipe and season with magical power. 3. Magic conspiracy. You need to pronounce it clearly and without hesitation, only in this case it can take effect. 4. Portrait of Voldemort. But you need to draw it not just, but blindfolded, the one who can do it best should receive a prize. 5. The science of herbs is herbology. First, strings with gifts are tied to a stick, and children begin to cut off the selected string with their eyes closed.


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Two competition options for girls only

Share your smile

The tasks are printed on the cards. Each willing contestant chooses a card where she should smile like:

  • Mona Lisa (you can show a portrait of Mona Lisa);
  • the teacher smiles at the student;
  • a girl meeting an unfamiliar boy;
  • infant to mother;
  • the girl from the famous advertisement;
  • Leopold the cat to his mice;
  • a poor student who received an A;
  • the dog grins at its owner.

It is better to give prizes (or tokens) to all girls.

Fan dance

Participants must dance while holding a feather in the air with a fan. Everyone else counts out loud which of the girls will last longer. It is important not only to watch the feather, but also to dance.

Music and dance competitions

Musical competitions set the mood for the entire holiday. Just don’t delay each task, switch to others in time so that the children don’t get tired.


Take one thing from each guest and put everything in an opaque bag. The birthday boy turns his back to him and says what the owner of the extracted forfeit needs to do. The funnier the tasks, the more fun the competition. The birthday boy's forfeit is also in the general pile (he doesn't know about it).

  • perform a song for the birthday boy;
  • show a car that cannot be started for a long time;
  • shout out the window “Happy Birthday!” 10 times;
  • depict without words how you are in a store buying three birds with one stone as a gift for a friend;
  • perform a song on behalf of an African aborigine;
  • compose a poem in honor of the birthday person (like a burime) with the words: congratulations - birthday, gifts - hugs, speeches - candles, toys - girls and read it like a real poet;
  • perform the song “Happy Birthday” with a noise orchestra (“instruments” (spoons, rattles, etc.) are prepared in advance);
  • depict how you are late for school and don’t find your backpack;
  • retell the fairy tale “Turnip” from her own perspective;
  • show a cat who is afraid of something, but is interested;
  • to parody an adult who does not dare to ski down a hill.

Guess the melody

Guess the melody before it even sounds. First, a description of the song is offered. If the hint is not enough, a fragment of the melody is played. Children must tell what the song is about. Choral karaoke performance is encouraged.

  1. A song about a territory surrounded on all sides by water, the inhabitants of which are very happy from regular consumption of tropical fruits (“Chunga-Changa”).
  2. A song from a cartoon about sky-colored railway transport (“Blue Car”).
  3. The song is about how an animal with luxurious hair takes a sunbath and purrs a melody (“I’m lying in the sun”).
  4. A round dance song about a plant that grew in the wild until a peasant cut it down (“Song about the Christmas Tree”).
  5. A song about an insect that is similar in color to a garden vegetable and lives in the grass “There was a grasshopper sitting in the grass”).
  6. The song is about bad weather that cannot ruin the holiday (“We will survive this trouble”).

At the age of 10, a child already shows his individuality, so it is very important to create a friendly atmosphere at the holiday, not paying attention to the children’s inadequacies in certain moments.

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