Quest - game “In search of the key of knowledge.” Extracurricular event for Knowledge Day.

author: Efimova Tatyana Aleksandrovna

Primary school teacher MBOU "Gymnasium No. 22"

Quest - game “In search of the key of knowledge.” Extracurricular event for Knowledge Day.

Hello, dear guys!

Congratulations to you, your parents and teachers on the beginning of the new school year! I’m very glad to see familiar faces from class 4a. This means that together we will continue the interesting but difficult path to the Land of Knowledge.

Of course, my friends and I will help you “gnaw the granite of science.” At the same time, each student needs to find his own secret approach to studying different school disciplines.

Today I have prepared many interesting challenges for you. If you cope with them, you will learn this secret. You will find the “Key” to the “Casket of New Knowledge”. Make up your mind. The journey will be fun and educational.


Then have a good trip!

Anishit Yokopovna

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Quest game for future first-graders “Ready for school!?”

Prepared and carried out:

  • Novotelnova O.M.
  • Velavas A.V.
  • Vasina D.V.
  • Proshina E.B.
  • Skorobogatova I.O.



  1. Development of cognitive interest in children of preparatory groups.
  2. Identification of the degree of readiness of preschoolers for school education.


  1. Identifying and supporting children with high intellectual abilities, providing assistance in unlocking their potential.
  2. Uniting the children's team when solving common tasks.


Children gather on the sports ground.

Vovka: Hello guys! I'm Vovka Morkovkin and I live next door to your kindergarten. Next year my mother sends me to school - but I RELUCT! I can’t read, I don’t like to write. In this school, all the tasks and lessons are difficult - I don’t like it! I already know everything! So ask me what you want?

Ved: Tell me, Vovka, what letters do you know?

Vovka: Uh... I don’t know the letters...

Ved: Vovka, will you memorize the numbers? Can you count?

Vovka: (sad) No, I don’t know, I don’t know how...

Ved: But our guys know letters and can count.

By the way, you received a letter. (Takes out a letter) “From the distant kingdom. From Vasilisa the Wise"

"Hello my dear friend!

Your first teacher Vasilisa the Wise is writing to you.

In September, you will cross the threshold of the Land of Knowledge for the first time, and you will be able to proudly bear the honorary title - “Student” !

But before that, I would like to check how well you remember what you were taught in kindergarten. And for this I have prepared tasks for you.

I am sure that you will cope with them, and everything will work out for you!

I look forward to seeing you in class."

Vovka: Oh, guys! What should I do now? I didn’t go to kindergarten, and I don’t know a thing... How can I complete all the tasks of Vasilisa the Wise?

Ved: Vovka, don’t worry, our guys can help you with this. The smartest and kindest children come to our garden. Really, guys? Shall we help Vovka?

The teams are given backpacks and maps, which the guys will have to use to find tasks. For each completed task, the team is given an item needed at school. When the teams complete all the tasks, they must pack their backpack for school.


1 Logic puzzles

  • Grandma Dasha has a grandson Pasha, a cat Fluff, and a dog Druzhok. How many grandchildren does grandma have? (One)
  • Lena spends 7 minutes on the way to school. How much time will she spend on the road if she goes with a friend? (7 minutes)
  • The thermometer shows plus 20 degrees. How many degrees will these two thermometers show? (20)
  • My name is Yura. My sister only has one brother. What is the name of my sister's brother? (Yura)
  • The loaf was cut into three parts. How many cuts were made? (Two)
  • What is lighter than 1 kg of cotton wool or 1 kg of iron? (Equal)
  • The truck was heading to the village. On the way he met 4 cars. How many cars were going to the village? (One)
  • Guests have come to your place, and in the refrigerator there is a bottle of lemonade, a bag of pineapple juice and a bottle of mineral water. What will you open first? (Fridge)
  • What will happen to the red ball if it falls into the Black Sea? (He'll get wet)
  • Which hand is better to stir tea? (It’s better to stir anyway. What question cannot be answered “yes”? (“Are you sleeping?”)

2. Replace the first sound in the word with the sound “R”

  • Sponge-
  • Leg-
  • Dance-
  • Moo-
  • Goat-
  • Frighten-
  • Flour-
  • The seam-
  • Cat-
  • Trunk-

3. Task “Make a word.”

Each envelope contains an object picture and a set of 4 letters.

Instructions for the participant: “Get out the letters, a picture. Make up a word on the magnetic board that represents the drawn object.”

  1. envelope. Letters D, M, O, P (house)
  2. envelope. Letters S, K, O, U (juice)
  3. envelope. Letters Zh, K. U, V (beetle)
  4. Scene pictures. (Appendix No. 2)

The adult asks the child to arrange the story pictures in a logical sequence, answer the questions with complete answers and retell the story.

(In the spring, Tanya dug up the soil in the garden and planted tomato seedlings. Every morning the girl watered the young plants with warm water. Under the gentle rays of the sun, the green plants quickly gained strength and stretched upward. In the summer, Tanya noticed that the plants had grown and bloomed. A few days later, instead of flowers, fruits appeared on the thick branches - green tomatoes. At the end of summer, the tomatoes turned red. One afternoon Tanya went to the garden and collected a full bucket of ripe, red tomatoes. Tanya grew a good harvest!)

1. Answer the questions:

  • At what time of year did Tanya plant the tomato seedlings?
  • How did Tanya care for the plants?
  • At what time of year did the plants bloom?
  • Tell us what changes have occurred to the fruits on the branches of plants?

2. Retell the story.

5. They settled into houses.

Game "Settle the Tenants"

Equipment: Model of a house with four floors, and on each floor there are 4 apartment windows. Planar images of animals.

The teacher tells the children that one day different animals got together and decided to live together. We built ourselves a house (a model of the house and images of animals are displayed on the board). The animals began to argue about who would live where?

Teacher: - Let's help populate the house.

  • The bear lives on the third floor in apartment 3.
  • The bunny lives on the first floor in the second apartment.
  • The cockerel lives on the fourth floor in the first apartment, etc.

At the end of the game the teacher asks:

  • - Where does the bear live?
  • - Where does the bunny live?
  • - Where does the Cockerel live?
  • - Where is the bun?

6. Task “Get in order!”

Goal: training to work according to the program; consolidation of knowledge of the number series; hand-eye coordination exercise; training of voluntary attention.

“Look at the top row and name all the numbers in order.

And in the next row there are gaps. Do you know how to fill them out? Think first, then write.”

If the first row is completed successfully, then it and the sample program closes and the child fills out the next rows without relying on the sample.

Vovka: Guys, I visited you and I liked it so much! You are so great. You know numbers, you know how to count, but I... I don’t know either letters or numbers, and I don’t know how to count.

Presenter: You see, Vovka, how bad it is to be lazy and inattentive. You had to go to kindergarten like all the kids, because every day they had interesting classes, so they know a lot and can do a lot.

Vovka: Yes, I understand this now, because if I had attended kindergarten and paid attention in class, I myself would have been able to read the letter from Vasilisa the Wise. Guys, I promise you that over the summer I will learn all the letters and all the numbers and go to school prepared. After all, it is so important in our time to be literate!!!

Presenter: Vovka, we are very glad that you understood everything and we hope that you will be a diligent student at school!!!

Children receive gifts.

Next >

QUEST GAME “We are future first-graders”

Summary of the quest game “We are future first-graders,” school preparatory group, 6-7 years old.

QUEST GAME (for children in the preparatory group for school)

Age of pupils

: school preparatory group 6-7 years old

Quest topic:

“We are future first-graders”



Forming high motivation and interest in children through the introduction of a new form of gaming activity into the educational process - a quest. Creating a favorable atmosphere for direct free communication and emotional intimacy.

Integration of educational areas in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education:

“Social and communicative development”, “Cognitive development”, “Speech development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”

Preliminary work:

  • conversations about school, about the teaching profession;
  • looking at illustrations about school and school supplies;
  • excursions to school, visits to school lessons;
  • reading fiction: E. Charushin “How the boy Zhenya learned to say the letter r”;
  • V. Krupin “The First Primer”;
  • fairy tale “How Mishka went to school”, etc.;
  • drawing “I'm going to school”, “School”;
  • modeling “My favorite letter”, “Make your name”, etc., role-playing games “School”

Material for the quest game:

  • Picture “School”, cut into 7 parts; an envelope with a letter from the teacher; group plan with arrows indicating “Route to clue”; hoop-tunnel with ropes on sticks (3 pcs.), 3 envelopes with letters - O, C, E, N, K, A;
  • Text of hints on cards (see text)
  • Code - 0A, 1E, 2CH, 3N, 4K, 5I, 6U, 7O, 8S, 9L, table with code - 6 2 1 3 5 4; pictures, including the image of the student;
  • A container with semolina in which school supplies are hidden (an eraser, a paper clip, a proofreader, glue, a pencil, a pen, a ruler, a code), improvised items - forks, straws, spoons, tweezers; sheets lined into 8 parts;
  • Sheets of paper on which are drawn with a candle - pens and pencils; pencils for each child;
  • For muses pauses – tape recorder and fun dance music;
  • Cards with “encrypted letters” (half letters), mirrors for each child;
  • Large attractive book “Encyclopedia” - Bright box with “Future First-Grader” medals, sweet prizes

Stage I – motivational and orientational


Arouse children's motivation and interest in upcoming activities

Educator: Guys, do you all want to go to school? Why do children need to study? (- Yes, we want to go to school. We need to study at school in order to know everything, in order to become smart, in order to learn to write, read, etc.) - Involving children in the game.

Educator: Our group received a letter from a primary school teacher.

LETTER: part 1

“Hello, dear guys! You'll be going to school soon. An interesting and challenging school life awaits you. Are you ready for it? Let's check! I offer you tasks.

Let me tell you straight, you will face difficult challenges. But if you are attentive, answer questions together, and help each other, then you will cope with all the tasks.

Hints will help you complete the tasks. For each correctly completed task, you will receive pieces of the prize; at the end of the game, you will receive a reward - the main prize and the title “Future First Grader”. I wish you good luck!”

(children listen to the letter and get acquainted with the proposed topic of the quest game) -
Statement of the problem: let's check how you prepared for classes at school
Predicting the result: complete all the teacher’s tasks and receive a PRIZE: “Future First-Grade” medals and a sweet prize.
Educator: I suggest you do this in the form of a game. Do you agree?

Well, are you ready? Then let's begin.

Stage II - Main



  1. Activate children's ideas about school and the learning process.
  2. Encourage children to engage in cognitive activity, the ability to model words from letters; compose a word according to encoding; find answers to questions using hints.


  1. Develop the ability to navigate on a plane and sometimes on a plan; develop fine motor skills of the hand, eye-hand coordination.
  2. Develop mental processes: attention, imagination, visual memory, imaginative thinking, auditory perception.
  3. Improve children's intelligence, ingenuity and ingenuity.
  4. Develop the ability to reason and make simple conclusions.


  1. To interest children in joint activities, to evoke an emotional response and curiosity.
  2. Promote a friendly attitude towards each other during joint activities.
  3. To promote the ability to focus on peers, listen and hear a partner, observing the order of statements.

We draw the children's attention to the layout of the room. This is a hint

TASK No. 1 “Find on the map”

On the map "Room Plan"

From the desired START point - take three steps forward, turn left, take three steps forward, turn right, take one step forward.

There is a hint where it is written: “Between two windows there is a house in a room, dolls live in that house, you go to the house and find the clue” (Children together with the teacher approach the group plan, complete tasks according to the plan, search and find - 1 - th part of the PRIZE) – Children’s ability to navigate on a plane using a route diagram.

TASK No. 2 “Add a word”

The next clue is hidden in a new object that appeared in our room (hoop-tunnel) (children pay attention to the newly appeared object in the group - tunnel (hoop)

Tie strings on a stick (2-3 pieces) to the hoop; children must pull it out by winding a string around the stick. At the end of the ropes are envelopes. (At the same time, 2 children wrap ropes around sticks, at the end of which there are envelopes with letters)

Hint: envelopes with letters in them

Add the word, you will get the answer: the word “ASSESSMENT”

What's the worst grade in school? (Two) Best grade in school? (Five). Where do our numbers live (in the Cognition Center) (children look for the number “5” in the Cognition Center - in it they find the 2nd part of the PRIZE) - Updating children’s knowledge about motor images of letters; the ability to form letters into words.

TASK No. 3 “Coding”

Next tip. At school you will need these modern intercom gadgets. What is this? (These are phones)

Where do we have phones in our group? (game “Cellular Communications Salon”) (Children approach the game with phones and find a phone and a cipher with a code)

There are number buttons on the phone, each number corresponds to a letter of the alphabet.

Use the code to decipher what word is written.


0 A 1 E 2 H 3 N 4 K
5 I 6 U 7 O 8 C 9 L


6 U 2 H 1


3 N 5 AND 4 TO

Word: student. (Children complete the task - decipher the cipher using a code and add the word “student”) - Ability to work according to a coded scheme, correlate the number with the desired letter

Imagine that soon you will be real disciples. What does a student need to study?

— Children think about what a future schoolchild needs. Find the student in the pictures

(you are asked to select pictures on the easel). On the back of the correctly chosen picture is part 3 of the prize.

(- Children look for a picture of a student and find the 3rd part of the PRIZE.)

TASK No. 4 “Pathfinders”

Next hint:

Here we love to study, conduct experiments,

We will learn a lot of new things, we will be able to surprise the world.

A hint awaits us here. (Children think about the clue and approach the Experimentation Center)

In the center there is a container with hidden objects (an eraser, a paper clip, a glue stick, a pen, a pencil, a proofreader, a cipher). Nearby are straws, spoons, forks. Additional condition: get objects using available means. (Using improvised means (tubes, forks, spoons, etc.) children take out school supplies from the container. - Selecting material for the upcoming activity. Children’s examination activities.

Task: Arrange the objects using a code (the same school supplies are drawn on a piece of paper that are hidden in the container)

Children lay out objects on a sheet of paper according to the code. - Work from memory based on the children’s personal experience

For the correct answer, you receive the 4th part of the prize.


Hint: Find among the many objects the loudest and most sonorous one, with the help of which you can lift your mood very well.

(Children are looking for a clue among the objects in the group (this is a tape recorder). Let's have a recess. At school - during recess you can also dance and play. Let's play. (Children dance, coordinating the movements with the lyrics of the song). - Joint dance movements to the music

TASK No. 5 “Miraculous transformations”


Check what is always 4,

Carefully examine each of the four and find the clue attached. (These are the legs of the table) - Development of thought processes:
thinking, memory, imagination
Future students also need tables, at school they are called desks.

What are the tables for? (- Children’s statements: they eat at tables, write, draw...)

In the hint - There are pictures on the table, but you can’t see them at all, you just need to try, color the sheet, and then we’ll just say - one, two, three, you, the picture... come to life! (Children take sheets of paper and color them, on which... unexpectedly an image of different clocks appears). Ability to paint objects; development of fine motor skills of the hand; - relying on children’s personal experience when completing the task

- This is a clock? Are they really needed at school? (Children's statements: a clock is needed to know when the lesson starts and ends, when recess begins. When to come to school and go home).

Do we have a watch in our group? Probably there is a clue hidden here. (Children show where the clock is in the group and find in it the 5th part of the PRIZE)

TASK No. 6 “Encrypted sticks”

Hint: You were sitting on the hint and didn’t see it. (there is a hint under the chair of one of the children) (Children listen to the task and find the hint) There is a note in the hint: We love to read, count and solve problems, we suddenly decided to solve encrypted sticks. What will help us with this? (mirrors) - Mirrors will help us. Children take mirrors and solve the “encrypted” sticks using mirrors. -What is shown here? (letters - a, p, o, m, n) Where are our letters? (at the Gramoteika Center)

Children go to the Literacy Center and find in a box with letters - part 6 of the PRIZE. - Carrying out search and research activities (working with mirrors). Making hypotheses and assumptions.

TASK No. 7 “Guess the riddles”

Hint in the answer to the riddle:

I know everything, I teach everyone,

but I myself am always silent. To make friends with me,

You need to learn to read and write. (Children listen to the riddle and find the answer. This is a book.) - The ability to guess riddles based on characteristic features.

Hint: Children learn about everything in the world from smart books.

What are they called? (These are encyclopedias) - Updating children’s existing knowledge about books

Where do our books live? Pay attention to the hint. (Children go to the library and choose encyclopedia books, one of them contains part 7 of the PRIZE)

Stage III Reflective-evaluative


Contribute to the formation of the ability to express a personal attitude to activity, analyze and evaluate one’s activities (the ability to find clues and complete tasks, find pieces of a prize)

All the pieces of the PRIZE - the picture are collected, which depicts the SCHOOL.

Educator: That’s why you and I did the tasks, to go where? ( to school)

Educator: Guys, you completed all the tasks and deserved a PRIZE.

A box appears. (Children and the teacher open the box - there are “Future First-Graders” medals, sweet prizes and a letter from the teacher ) - - Joint reflective activity of children and adults: the ability to analyze and evaluate their activities.


"Dear Guys! If you received these prizes, it means you completed all my tasks! You guys are great! Only smart, friendly, active, independent children are ready to go to school. You proved it! See you again at school"

— Did you like our game - a quest with tasks?

— What do you remember most?

- Do you want Sveta? -What do you remember, Dima?

— What new things have you learned?

- Who will you tell?

— What do you think helped you cope with the tasks?

— Do you think you are ready to go to school? Why? - The ability to express one’s personal attitude to the activity.

On behalf of the teacher, the teacher gives the children “Future First-Graders” medals and sweet prizes.(

Children receive prizes and rejoice at the title “Future First-Grade”)

Article “School quest. From idea to practical implementation"

Syrnikova S.A., Sheptura A.A.

"School quest. From idea to practical implementation


Currently, the development of a positive motivational school environment can be considered a necessary condition for improving the quality of education. Motivation is responsible for the child’s active position in learning and personal development.

To help increase students’ interest in the subjects they are studying, to try out a new form of organizing extracurricular activities and intellectual leisure, to create conditions for the development of children’s creative abilities and their self-affirmation - the authors chose the implementation of the “School Quest” project as one of the ways to solve these issues. This is a modern type of intellectual team games that requires productive generation of ideas and non-standard solutions. Psychologists say that quest technology improves the perception of educational material, contributes to the moral development of the child as an individual, and can stimulate the mental and moral development of children. Quests are a great way of group interaction. Participants in the game have to interact with each other, analyze available information, use dexterity, erudition and all their skills. The child discovers new abilities and character traits, while receiving vivid emotions and unforgettable impressions. And, what is especially important, quests take children out of virtual communication into real ones. But the process of creating a quest is even more exciting. When developing a quest, everyone is given the opportunity to gain experience in project activities by involving them on a voluntary basis in the development of an interdisciplinary gaming space at all stages: from idea to practical implementation.

About the project. The goal of the project: to meet the needs of children in engaging in socially significant activities, creative development, improving educational and cultural levels, self-realization, as well as the formation of moral qualities, developing children’s self-government, increasing the motivational environment of the school by creating a play space and its further operation.

The goal is achieved by solving the following tasks:

  1. identifying and uniting creative youth;
  2. organizing practice-oriented activities for students by involving them on a voluntary basis in the development and creation of an interdisciplinary gaming space;
  3. the use of gaming space to organize intellectual leisure for students who are not involved in its development and creation.

The solution to the first task includes holding information meetings with schoolchildren, working with promotional materials (advertising stand, announcements, etc.), uniting interested youth within the framework of a school club, which opens up opportunities for the development of children’s self-government, communication with peers, and the formation of moral qualities, informal communication between teachers and students.

Solving the second problem implies:

  • choosing a quest topic,
  • development of projects for intellectual tasks of interdisciplinary gaming space and their implementation,
  • design of the playing space.

The correct choice of quest topics allows you to increase interest and motivate children to study a particular block of disciplines.

Developing projects for intellectual tasks allows you to reveal the creative abilities and interests of children. When implementing project assignments, a more in-depth study of certain issues is required, which undoubtedly leads to the study of additional literature, cooperation with specialist teachers and parents. Practice-oriented activities of students allow them to realize their own importance, raise self-esteem, and self-realization.

Work on the design of the play space contributes to the formation of a positive attitude towards work and the development of aesthetic qualities.

The implementation of the third task, related to the operation of the created gaming space, involves completing intellectual tasks as a team in a limited time. This makes it possible to organize intellectual leisure for children who are not involved in the development of the quest. Difficulties that arise when passing through the play space also contribute to children’s interest in the disciplines they study.

Contents of the project implementation stages:

  1. Identifying and uniting creative youth
  • holding information meetings with schoolchildren
  • working with promotional materials (advertising stand, announcements, etc.)
  • bringing together interested youth within a school club
  1. Choosing a quest theme
  • The theme of the quest is determined based on the interests of schoolchildren, their capabilities, educational goals, and the need for motivation to study a particular block of disciplines.
  • drawing up the initial version of the game script.
  1. Development of projects for intellectual tasks of the gaming space
  • putting forward task ideas;
  • their discussion;
  • uniting participants into creative groups and assigning tasks to them;
  • detailed study of each task with the preparation of a technological map for its production and a list of necessary materials, tools, equipment;
  • if necessary, study additional literature, consultation and cooperation with specialist teachers and parents;
  • making changes and adjustments to the game script.
  1. Implementation of assignment projects
  • acquisition of necessary materials;
  • performing technological operations to implement project assignments;
  • testing of tasks, with their further refinement if necessary.
  1. Design of the playing space
  • design of the premises;
  • placement, fastening, installation of tasks;
  • design of the final game script.
  1. Play space testing
  • completing the quest with trial teams;
  • identifying shortcomings in the work of the quest and eliminating them;
  1. Preparation of documentation for a school quest
  • development of a project passport;
  • development of business cards, memorable badges for winners.
  1. Operation of the playing space
  • team completion of intellectual tasks in a limited time;
  • game support;
  • maintaining the play area in working order.

Results of practical activities:

When implementing the project

  • an interdisciplinary gaming space “School quest “The Secret of the Third Planet” was created, consisting of 2 locations and containing 14 tasks. Brief scenario of the quest: “Alice, the main character of the famous remake story by Kir Bulychev, again goes on a space expedition, where she encounters a problem that only the quest participants can solve within one hour. They will have to penetrate a secret laboratory located on Earth, collect fragments of the encrypted code, decipher it and send the password to start the engines to the spaceship.”
  • The play space is operated regularly. Teams are formed from students in grades 8-11, teachers, and school guests. Only positive feedback was received from players who completed the quest. Players note the variety and excitement of the tasks, the interesting scenario, the atmosphere of the quest and the high level of design work. And it is extremely important that these works were carried out by their comrades and teachers. Some guys have already expressed a desire to participate in the creation of a new play space.

The results allow us to consider the experience gained positive. Prospects for further work in this direction include modernization and modification of tasks, as well as the creation of new projects. The authors continue to search for interesting forms of extracurricular activities that will help increase interest in learning and unleash creative abilities.

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