Birthday person's day: ideas, competitions, congratulation ceremony

Why is this necessary?

The teacher may limit himself to a routine gift and a small congratulation directly on each child’s birthday. However, in doing so, he will miss an excellent opportunity to unite the team. Birthday Day involves grouping children into groups according to the season of their birth (summer, winter, spring or autumn). At the same time, the usual distribution of children according to interests breaks down. In the spring, children may be born who fight in normal life. A joint holiday will allow them to see each other from a new side, to become a little closer.

In addition, playing together helps children relax. Such activities are recommended to be carried out during periods of control work to relieve stress. During competitions, younger schoolchildren learn to interact with each other and perform in front of the public. Birthday Day in 1st grade helps kids get to know each other in an informal setting and make friends. According to statistics, such holidays improve not only relationships between children, but also their academic performance.

The teacher, in turn, will be able to clearly see the psychological mood of the class and identify leaders and outsiders. And in the future, plan the work so that the relationships between the guys become more equal.

How to organize a sweet table?

Celebrating a child's birthday at school does not involve long gatherings with several dishes, snacks, salads and drinks. Therefore, to have a great holiday, parents need to follow several recommendations:

  • Find out from your child the number of children in his class. This will help you calculate the budget and give everyone a delicious treat.
  • Comply with sanitary standards and ensure the beauty of the table. That is, by covering the table with a tablecloth, you can avoid not only harmful microbes, but also create a festive atmosphere. In addition, you should use beautiful napkins, bright straws, and paper cups with images of cartoon characters.
  • Also, inflated multi-colored balloons will not be superfluous.
  • Be sure to stock up on plenty of disposable tableware and garbage bags. This will help you quickly clear the table after the holiday.
  • Take a knife for slicing the birthday cake and a spatula for transferring it into individual plates.
  • Eliminate all allergenic foods from the menu.

Keeping these rules in mind, the parent will be able to save himself time and fully think through the organization of the holiday.

Choosing a scenario

How to organize a fun birthday day? The script typically includes the following components:

  • collective congratulations to children;
  • game program;
  • sweet table;
  • mini disco.

Younger schoolchildren love active relay races and funny competitions. In grades 3-4, they can be diluted with quizzes or other intellectual entertainment.

A structured plot for the holiday is optional. Children will have enough fun games and dancing. However, they perceive themed events with a storyline with great interest. Some parents invite animators to the class, dressed in the costumes of their favorite characters. You can do it on your own, using proactive mothers, fathers or high school students for these purposes.

The scenario for the birthday person’s day can be based on the following storylines:

  • searching for gifts stolen by a fairy-tale character;
  • traveling to the Birthday Country with completing tasks during stops;
  • visiting at the appropriate time of year, holding seasonal games.

Thus, winter birthday people can be congratulated and tested by Grandfather Frost. The main thing is that the chosen character is familiar and interesting to all children, regardless of their gender.

Children's Birthday Party Decoration Ideas

The main condition for a bright children's celebration is a magical atmosphere, giving everyone present a lot of fun and a festive atmosphere. It can be created anywhere: at home, outdoors, in a cafe or even in a museum. We offer you some interesting ideas for decorating a room for a children's birthday with your own hands.

Using balloons

This is the most striking attribute of a children's party. Balloons easily fit into any theme and format of the celebration. They perform a double function: they not only decorate the room, but are also used as an attribute for games and funny competitions.

The easiest way is to inflate 2-3 dozen balloons and leave them in a small room. The birthday boy and his friends will have a lot of fun, “bathing” in them, scooping them up and throwing them at each other. You can ask little dreamers to “revive” the balls by drawing various faces on them with a marker. Supplement regular balloons with helium balloons. The kids enthusiastically watch the balls floating under the ceiling. Attach long ribbons to them - children will definitely want to reach out to the unusual “clouds”.

You can create amazing compositions from balloons. The most common decorations are a statement garland or a colorful flower. You can present the birthday girl with an unusual bouquet in the form of a flower arrangement made of balloons. You can make many little animals and other interesting crafts from oblong sausage balls. Balloons in the shape of favorite cartoon characters are very popular.

Colorful posters

An equally striking attribute of room decoration is a variety of posters. Their size can vary from small postcards to the format of huge wall newspapers. A great idea is to create a collage of photographs of the birthday boy, demonstrating the most significant events in his life.

A congratulations poster, where each of those present will draw or write something for the birthday person, can be a wonderful and memorable gift.

One of the ideas for decorating a children's birthday party with your own hands is to create a gallery of drawings of the birthday boy.

To prevent adults from getting bored at a children's party, come up with several logical problems and arrange them on sheets of whatman paper, organizing a small puzzle corner. This idea will also be appropriate when organizing a quest or spy party, when participants need to decide to solve several intellectual tasks in the form of puzzles or charades.

Don't forget about the classic decoration for any children's birthday - a banner with congratulations for the birthday boy. It can be decorated with ribbons, bows, paper flowers and pompoms.

Preparing the costumes

Costumes are an important element of the decoration of any children's celebration. If the party does not have a specific theme, prepare bright hats for everyone present (not only for children, but also for adults). The thematic event dictates its own dress code rules. For example, at a pirate party, all guests should become real “sea wolves”, dressed in a black bandana, vest or other striped clothing, at a party for wizards - young magicians in robes and with magic wands. Little Indians, spies, star warriors, and charming fairies can always choose an interesting outfit from scrap materials and casual clothes.

Organization of a photo zone

Everyone present will definitely want to capture the bright moments of the holiday in photographs. To ensure that your photos convey all the colors and atmosphere of your birthday, consider creating a photo zone. A win-win option is to arrange it among decorations in the form of balls, satin ribbons, paper decorations, huge pompoms and other bright decorations. Take note of other, more original and colorful birthday ideas:

  • Taking a photograph in a frame, you can hold it in your hands or hang it, for example, among tree branches)
  • Creating a themed fence with details based on the theme of the holiday; this option is most often used on the street)
  • Tantamaresk stand for photography at parties with slots for faces, thanks to which children transform into their favorite characters.

Preparation for the holiday

Balloons and garlands will help create a joyful mood on the intended day. Involve the children in making a holiday poster. Hang photos of the birthday people in a prominent place. You can decorate them depending on the season. If it happens in the fall, use colorful leaves. In the spring, paper flowers will come into play, and in the summer, butterflies. Snowflakes would be appropriate for winter birthday celebrations.

The scenario involves presenting gifts to the heroes of the occasion. It is better if they are of the same type and not too expensive. You can buy encyclopedias, unusual stationery, and sweets for children. Boys will be delighted with the cars, girls - with creative sets from which beautiful beads or bracelets are assembled.

A common gift from the class can be homemade postcards, as well as concert numbers and funny skits. For participation in competitions, give children symbolic prizes: stickers, chocolates, stationery with popular cartoon characters.

It is better to entrust the preparation of the sweet table for the birthday person’s day to parents. Let them buy candy, cookies, waffles and juice. Include a variety of fruits in your menu: bananas, apples, grapes, tangerines. Make sure there are treats for children with allergies too.

Competitions and games for the holiday

Games will help children relax a little and take their mind off previous lessons. Here are some examples of interesting and easy competitions:

  • Leaves with wishes. To play this game, the birthday boy’s parents make a beautiful box or wizard’s hat in advance. Folded leaves with wishes, quotes or interesting phrases are placed there. Let the number of leaves be greater than the number of children in the class. Wishes must be positive and realistic. You shouldn't wish for a new car or computer.
  • Game “It’s good because...”. To do this, the presenter needs to prepare a felt-tip pen with a black and white side in advance. The game begins with the presenter saying any sentence. For example: “Today I met a black cat on the street...” And passes the marker with the white side forward. The neighbor must come up with a continuation and start with the words “and that’s good, because...”. And so the felt-tip pen is passed around in a circle.
  • Game “What? Where? When?". All participants are divided into two teams, and the presenter begins to ask pre-prepared questions. Facts should be interesting and age-appropriate for children. It's better if they are funny.

There is no need for a lot of games, since time is limited, and children still need to eat sweets. Pre-prepared sweets for school birthdays are suitable both as sweet prizes in competitions and as a simple treat for participants.

Congratulation ceremony

It is logical to start the holiday with a ceremonial part. Happy birthday greetings to birthday people can be said by teachers, parents and even fairy-tale characters. Classmates will recite beautiful poems by heart, sing the song of Gena the crocodile or the no less popular Happy Birthday.

You can ask each of those present to write a wish on a piece of paper and put them in a hat. Birthday people pull out notes with their eyes closed and read them out loud. Another option: divide the children into teams and invite them to take turns saying wishes to the birthday people. Who will last the longest?

So that the heroes of the occasion can be seen from afar, give them medals or put crowns on their heads. Play the famous game "Loaf". Place the birthday people in a circle, hand them balloons and sing a song, inserting the name of each of them in turn. With the words “choose whoever you want,” the children must give their ball to one of the guests. He says words of congratulations.

Have a fun round dance. The presenter gives various commands, trying to confuse the children. Let them go left and right, make the circle wider or narrower, speed up and slow down. Periodically arrange stops during which you need to clap your hands, stamp your feet or throw your hands up as many times as the birthday boy turns old. The game ends with three times “Congratulations!” and loud applause.

Competitions with the participation of parents

Parents are usually present at a celebration in an elementary school. Involve them in games for the birthday person's day. The following competitions can be organized:

  • "I was born". Mothers “swaddle” the heroes of the occasion in toilet paper from their feet to their necks, trying to do this as quickly as possible. Lastly, the baby is given a pacifier. Then the “baby” needs to be swaddled at speed. The last round is garbage collection. Which birthday boy will roll the biggest ball out of leftover toilet paper?
  • "The Seventh Sense" Mothers with their eyes closed must find their child in the line of birthday people.
  • "I know you." Parents and children are placed with their backs to each other. The presenter asks questions about the child. He must give an answer with a gesture (nod or shake his head), and the mother must answer out loud. The most accurate pair wins. Everyone can be interested. Does your child like semolina porridge? Does he read books every day? Can he ride a two-wheeler? What about swimming? Can he wash the dishes by himself?

Presenter's invitation

The best way to entertain children is to invite a host or animator to the party. However, every parent must remember that a child may become shy at the most crucial moment. Therefore, the holiday will be ruined, and the hero of the occasion will remember his failure for a long time. Even if all the competitions and games were thought out in advance.

You can ask your teacher how birthdays are celebrated at school. And after that, parents decide whether to invite a host or animator to such a holiday. You should not organize a carnival, as neither teachers nor children will be happy about such an event before the next lesson.

If the parents are not going to organize a serious holiday, then an aunt or older sister will be suitable as the host. With this person, the child will feel freer and will not worry, be afraid and be embarrassed.

Competitions for birthday people

Invite the heroes of the occasion to complete individual tasks and receive a prize for them. For this game, prepare a flower. The number of its petals should correspond to the number of birthday people. Write down the name of the competition on each one. Children tear off a petal and complete tasks. For the birthday person’s day they can be as follows:

  • Depict a scary monster eating a cake.
  • Blindfolded, guess the fruit by smell and taste.
  • Say “I am the most beautiful!” 10 times with different intonations and not laugh.
  • Find your prize in the class, focusing on the “hot and cold” clues.
  • Blindfolded, draw a snowman, flower or ice cream in a cup on the board.
  • Pour water from glass to glass while reciting a famous poem.
  • Call a friend for help. Go to different corners. Blindfolded, find each other and shake hands.
  • Say what you will do with the gift, and then take out a note from your hat with its name. Usually the game is fun, as the birthday boy puts a bicycle in a beautiful frame or eats a cell phone.

School birthday treats for kids

What the sweet table will be like depends on the size of the event. If the holiday is held after school and time is not very limited, then children will have the opportunity to eat all the treats and sweets prepared for them. For a small celebration of the birthday people, it is better to make treats that will be given to each classmate.

At the beginning of the year, at a parent meeting, it is worth checking whether there are children with allergies in the class. When choosing sweets, juices and other products for the sweet table, this information must be taken into account and suitable sweets must be selected for such children.

Ideas for classroom birthday treats:

  • sliced ​​fruits, grapes, vegetable canapés;
  • pizza, sandwiches;
  • chocolates, biscuits, sweets;
  • cake, cut into portions (if cakes are allowed at school);
  • You can put marmalades and marshmallows on skewers;
  • cookie;
  • cupcakes, gingerbread;
  • juice, lemonade, tea.

If treats are given to everyone personally, then they can be packaged in beautiful bags (for example, made from paper in the form of ice cream). For the sweet table, you must definitely purchase plastic dishes for children, which will be easy to throw away after the end of the holiday.

Ideas for a sweet table

This sweet cake will also make an impression on children.

Competitions for other guys

Games for birthday children should be alternated with entertainment for other children. Small prizes can be awarded for winning them. Here are some interesting competitions for the birthday person:

  • “Take a guess.” Children must name the height of the birthday boy in bananas and oranges, determine the youngest and oldest of them. A good idea is to use baby photos of the kids for the game.
  • "Present". Use gestures to depict your gift. The birthday people have to guess what it is.
  • “Pass the fruit.” Children are divided into teams with an even number of people. A plate of fruit is placed in front of them. The couple holds an apple or orange between their foreheads and brings the fruit to the birthday boy. When the guys return, the next participants start. Which team will feed the birthday people faster?
  • "Seasonal relay races." Teams need to run the distance in different ways, depending on the time of year. If it is autumn, the children carry a plum in a spoon. In winter, they change into a down jacket, passing it from one player to another. In the spring they run without stepping on spilled puddles. The latter are carefully laid out by the presenter. In summer you need to collect a flower from petals of the same color. They lie on the table mixed up. Each participant brings one and glues it to the album sheet.
  • "Accurate shooter". Children throw candy into a disposable plate. Which team will do it better?

Unity games

The main goal of the birthday boy's day is to make friends in the class. Therefore, in addition to competitions, it should include collective games and fun that do not involve identifying winners. For example, these:

  • "Confusion". Two teams stand in a circle. They need to hold hands and get entangled as hard as possible. Team captains go to their opponents and try to line them up in a circle again, as it was originally.
  • "Cake". All children line up in one line and join hands. The leader takes the lead. He begins to “bake a cake” - spinning a chain of children around himself. You can't unclasp your hands. When the cake is ready, candles are lit on it. To do this, the children raise their hands up and move their fingers, depicting a trembling flame.
  • "Centipede". Children line up one after another, holding their shoulders. They are now a cheerful centipede. The leader gives various commands: raise the right or left paws, jump on one leg, back away, sit down and jump up, scratch the back left leg with the front right paw.
  • "Smiley." The class lines up in a circle. The driver throws the handkerchief up. As he descends, everyone laughs merrily. As soon as the scarf touches the floor, the children become silent. Whoever continued to laugh changes places with the leader.

Merry disco

Tea drinking is an indispensable component of any birthday scenario. There is usually a dance in the class afterwards. Children will love dancing to music from modern cartoons. These can be the popular “Masha and the Bear”, “Smeshariki”, “Madagascar”, “Ice Age”, etc. You can diversify the disco with the following games:

  • "Figures". Children initially dance in a circle. At the leader’s command, they need to change into a square, trapezoid, rhombus, triangle, oval and rectangle.
  • "Colors". When the music stops, the presenter calls out the color loudly. You need to find a classmate whose clothes have the desired shade and touch him.
  • "Fast slow". Alternating passages with fast and slow melodies are prepared in advance. To the first one, children dance alone. When a slow composition plays, you need to break into pairs. Moreover, the partner must be different every time.
  • "Disco figure" Children are invited to play “The Sea Is Troubled.” While the music is playing, they actively move and dance. As soon as the melody is interrupted, everyone freezes in the chosen position. The presenter can comment on the figures and try to make the guys laugh.
  • "Nesmeyana." Birthday people make sad faces and try not to smile. The other children try to make them laugh with their dancing. It is prohibited to touch Nesmeyan with your hands.

Spectacular finale

Every holiday ends someday. However, this should not be done abruptly. It’s better to put a bright, memorable point. In the finale, congratulations on the birthday person’s day may once again be heard. Presentation of gifts and making wishes are usually timed to coincide with this moment.

Here are some ideas for a beautiful end to the school holiday:

  • Announce the last dance to a song about friendship. Children can be lined up in a circle. Give them sparklers or neon sticks. Place the birthday people in the middle, let those gathered unanimously shout “Congratulations!” and “Hurray!”
  • The Last Dance can be played out in other ways. Give the children a “magic” umbrella. If you make a wish under it, it will definitely come true. Let the kids dance, passing the umbrella from hand to hand.
  • Farewell photo session with gifts. Take a group photo of the whole class. Place the birthday people in the first row and let them hold gifts. Ask the children to make happy faces, then sad ones, and finally make funny faces.
  • Launching balloons into the sky. Give the children small pieces of paper. Let them write their wishes on them and tie them to the balloons. Multi-colored balls flying into the sky will create a fabulous atmosphere.
  • Soap bubbles show. At the end of the holiday, each child can receive soap bubbles as a gift. Then the whole class will go outside. Let the children arrange a soap bubble show for the heroes of the occasion.

Birthday day at school, if celebrated with passion, turns into a favorite event for all children and their parents. The atmosphere of general joy and fun unites younger schoolchildren, allows them to relax and feel their importance for the entire team.

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