TOP 115 amazing ideas on how to give money in an original way for birthdays and other holidays

Today, money is the most desirable, universal and correct gift. But, it can easily turn into offensive if you present it incorrectly. And beautiful envelopes won’t save you. And a postcard with money too. Today we need to play up such a gift and make an unexpected surprise out of it.

So, if you were relieved when you decided to give money as a gift, don’t relax, because the hardest part is ahead of you. But, fortunately for you, this article outlines all the intricacies of the process.


General recommendations on how to give money

Firstly, if the person responsible for the event expressed his desire to accept money as a gift, then in this case it is necessary to give money.

Secondly, handing over money requires tact. Taking money out of your wallet and handing it to the birthday boy is bad manners; it looks extremely rude. And then, accepting money in this way is quite humiliating.

The very moment of giving a gift requires careful thought. Then every little detail is important: the packaging of the gift, the method of presenting it, the amount of money, the words that should be spoken.

Money as a gift: etiquette features

Of course, money as a gift requires tact not only from the donor. It must be taken correctly. What do the rules of etiquette dictate:

  • You should not even look into the envelope with money, much less count the money as soon as you accepted it as a gift. And even after the holiday, you should keep secret about the amount accepted as a gift.
  • Be sure to express your gratitude and add that you already know how to use this gift.
  • It is customary not to leave envelopes on the table in plain sight. Provide a special container for this occasion if you are celebrating in a banquet hall.

Cash gift for a wedding or birthday.

We sign the envelope for friends and colleagues

When signing a money wedding envelope for acquaintances who are not your close friends, it is better to limit yourself to standard phrases. Excessive familiarity is also not appropriate if you are going to congratulate one of your colleagues or distant relatives on their wedding day.

The most successful examples : *** Dear (names of the bride and groom), congratulations on your wedding day! Love, mutual understanding and financial well-being!

*** Happy legal marriage, (names of the bride and groom)! May every day of your family life be happy and successful. I wish to accumulate wealth and spend it for my pleasure!

How much money to give

Let's be honest, we usually don't have enough to dream. Enough for all daily expenses, and even for gifts for loved ones, but not for your own dreams. Maybe that’s why money is still one of the most desired gifts?

Now the question arises: how much to give? There is a risk of offending the recipient with a small amount or putting an excessively large amount into an awkward position. And you shouldn’t be annoyed about the withdrawal of an amount that is significant to you from the budget. To get your bearings, here are some useful rules:

  1. If the degree of kinship or friendship is quite close, then the gift should be more significant than the gifts of other guests.
  2. If the birthday person is a child, the amount of the gift will be less than a gift for an adult. Read below about how to give money to a child.
  3. If you are a wealthy person, it would be inappropriate to give too small an amount.
  4. If it is a wedding, the gift increases approximately 2 times compared to a birthday.
  5. If possible, get an idea of ​​the amount by asking the other guests how much they intend to give. Of course, you can contact them provided you know these people well.

If you don't have much money

When the amount is very small, ingenuity will help. You can exchange money in the bank for small change, choose an original way of presenting a gift, which you can choose from the examples in this article. Add a pinch of humor and delight is guaranteed!

If there is enough money

Here again it is appropriate to talk about tact. Don't impress other guests with an overly generous gift. The hero of the occasion may feel obligated to you (however, if you did not set such a goal). That is, in addition to your capabilities, keep in mind the level of well-being of the person to whom the gift is intended.

A magnificent gift is a gold bar (you will find it in any bank). Of course, these are not banknotes, but the strongest currency.

Groom suit

Let's start with the shirt:

  • First, take the bill and, holding it horizontally, fold it in half. We carefully follow the fold.
  • Turn the bill over vertically. We bend the top two corners towards the central fold. The triangle you get needs to be folded down.
  • Using a pencil and ruler, you can draw a tie on the curved triangle. You should end up with a triangle, the main vertex of which will be at the very top of the bill.
  • Unfold the bill. Now, you need to bend the “tie” along the contour that you drew earlier.
  • We roll up the bill again. Now, bend the tie in half to the right side. Swipe across the top left corner. Do the same with the upper right corner.
  • Now you need to bend the right and left sides of the bill towards the center so that the tie remains in front. To do this, after you have made the fold lines, you need to connect the left corner with the central one. Repeat this for both sides of the bill.
  • Next, slightly bend the bottom of the bill towards the tie.
  • Turn the bill over and fold the two bottom corners toward the center. This will be the collar.
  • We turn the bill over again, bend the bottom towards the tie so that there is approximately 3 mm between them.
  • Now, to make the sleeves for our shirt, we need to go back to the previous step. Unfold the center of the bill a little and bend the collar towards the tie again so that we have two triangles at the edges.
  • We turn the future shirt over. We bend our bill in half.
  • We bend the bent side again in the opposite direction.
  • Turn the craft over. Adjust the collar so that it is in front.

Next, we make the trousers:

  • Take the next bill and fold it in half 2 times.
  • After that, bend it in half, but diagonally.
  • We bend the top corner towards the legs.

So, the groom's suit is ready.

Tips for giving a cash gift

We offer you 3 proven methods when money is accepted with special pleasure:

  1. The most popular is when guests join forces and chip in on some expensive item that the birthday person cannot afford himself. And the birthday boy gets a dream as a gift!
  2. No less desirable is a certificate for a gift-impression. Tickets to your favorite rock band, or an airplane flight, or tickets to the Bolshoi stalls!
  3. And, of course, a prepaid card that can be used to pay in any store. Such a gift is perceived as more valuable than just money. After all, the card is a symbol of financial freedom. Needless to say, all guests can put their money on this card in advance. Cool!

The energy of money: how to give money so that it brings good luck

Well, now let’s touch on the intangible side of a material gift. It is known that money carries the energy of well-being. Even without any esotericism, it is not very pleasant to accept tattered or dirty banknotes as a gift. Therefore, banknotes intended as a gift should be treated with particular care.

If you are still a follower of esoteric rules, then before giving, check:

  • Are there any tears or other damage on the banknotes, how fresh and presentable do they look?
  • To avoid giving away your financial success along with your money, be sure to put the money in any packaging.
  • There is no need to transfer money after sunset - according to signs, this leads to the loss of your gift.

Congratulations for a cash gift

A monetary gift, like no other, requires a verbal tale or anecdote when presented. An original congratulation will be no less a pleasure for everyone present.

Keep your money in the bank.

We have selected several universal options on how you can correctly season your priceless gift with words:

  • Don’t have 100 rubles, but have 100 friends - says a well-known saying. And we wish you such 100 friends who will bring you 100 rubles. And let this gift become the key to our strong friendship with you!
  • Our dear friend, priceless comrade! Money doesn't matter as long as you have it. I wish you never to attach great importance to money! May you always have them! And as a sign of wishes, accept this modest gift from us!
  • Over the years, the main purpose of money was revealed to me. It turns out that money is needed mainly in order to get along freely without it. And my cash gift also means that the more money, the better!
  • Money doesn't matter as long as you have it. Let your well-being not depend on money, let it always be!
  • There are things more important than money, but without it you can’t buy these things. Therefore, we give you a certain amount of money for things that you buy for yourself!
  • My belief: money is the best gift. Because everything else costs too much. Please accept our humble gift from the bottom of your heart.


If you are invited to the wedding ceremony of a sister, brother or another close relative, you can use the following phrases to sign the envelope:

*** Dear (names of the bride and groom), we congratulate you on your joyful wedding day! May your home be as strong as a fortress and full as a cup of abundance. And our gift will attract financial luck to your family. *** Congratulations on the best day of your life, dear (names of the bride and groom). Spend that cash as you please and be happy!

When not to give money

  1. It is believed that on gender holidays (March 8, February 23, February 14, Mother's Day, Father's Day) giving a gift in money means showing that you are not particularly fond of this person. Because these are the most convenient occasions when you can especially clearly show your love and care.
  2. Men don't like accepting money from women because it shows that he earns less than she does. This does not apply to relatives.
  3. For the same reason, younger people should not give money to elders.
  4. Based on subordination, you should not give a monetary gift to your superiors. It looks stupid: most likely, the boss earns more than you.

Options and methods

Nowadays, giving money simply in envelopes is considered unethical. Let's look at various ideas on how you can give money in an unusual way so that it looks correct.

Original money gift ideas

Here are the most modern ways of giving, they are also the most desirable monetary gifts:

  • A great option is cryptocurrency. But not virtual, but physical bitcoins. And their packaging is just what you need.
  • A magnificent gift is a gold bar (you will find it in any bank). Of course, these are not banknotes, but the strongest currency.
  • An open bank account is an excellent gift for an anniversary or a birthday.
  • The most unexpected cash gift is a closed bank loan. But there is one condition for this - people are close relatives.
  • The down payment on an apartment is a very unexpected and, at the same time, desirable option for a gift for newlyweds.

Elegant design for a cash gift.

Romantic money gift options

Such options are suitable for a dating or wedding anniversary, or as a name day gift, for example.

Choose any way to give money romantically:

  • Predictions placed in cookies, in which, along with a wish, is a neatly folded bill.
  • A garland of banknotes hanging in the room rustles pleasantly, like wind chimes. Great feng shui.
  • For those who are especially impatient, it is possible to freeze banknotes in a piece of ice. It’s not a sin to laminate a large bill.
  • You can make a monetary gift by placing banknotes in a photo book compiled in advance.
  • To create the illusion of an endless flow of money - fasten banknote to bill from the end and roll them into a roll. Why not serpentine?

Stylish ideas for giving money

In general, all the gifts of money described in the article are quite spectacular and are usually vividly remembered at banquets. Here are just some of these examples:

  • Money shovel with neatly placed bills. The size of the shovel is directly proportional to the ability to row them.
  • The trend of the season is banknotes placed in a syringe with the inscription “Vaccine of Happiness”!
  • An option for a heavy smoker is a pack of cigarettes rolled up from banknotes, inside of which there are rolled up cigarettes made from banknotes. Fire!
  • If the gift is for a woman, present it stylishly in an elegant cosmetic bag in her favorite color with the words: amazing cosmetic product!
  • If the gift is for newlyweds and you have “green bills”, hide them in cabbage forks.

An option for a heavy smoker is a pack of cigarettes rolled up from banknotes, inside of which there are rolled up cigarettes made from banknotes. Fire!

Gift of money for the New Year

Giving a cash gift on the most magical holiday of the year needs to be completely fabulous, unusual:

  • It is very symbolic on the eve of a new stage in life to give money in a glass jar - the safest place for it.
  • An angel figurine with wings and a purse around its neck can be hung not only on a Christmas tree, but also on a chandelier!
  • Transparent Christmas tree decorations with banknotes inside are the most stylish piece of furniture. This gift of money can also be “packed” into a mini-quest, offering to find it.
  • On New Year's Day it's nice to receive money as a gift along with the symbol of the year on which the wallet is hung.
  • You can make a beautiful green New Year's tree out of dollars as a gift and decorate the New Year's table with it (however, a tree made from banknotes of any color will fit perfectly into any decor).

How to give wedding money to newlyweds in an original way

Since ancient times in Rus', money was given to young people - a newly born family needs to get on its feet. But the modern tradition has reservations. For example, if you don’t know the newlyweds well, then you shouldn’t give them such a gift. The same restriction applies if the newlyweds are much older than you.

A few ideas on how to give money for a wedding in an original way:

  • You can give your loved ones a map of the world in a valuable frame made of banknotes. And place banknotes of different countries on the map. Wish to go around them all, spending more there.
  • This unusual money cake is not inferior in the wow effect to its culinary counterpart. All bills are wrapped in tubes and placed along the round edge. This three (four, five...) tiered cake is decorated with ribbons and placed in a real cake box.
  • Make a real banknote tree. To do this, attach banknotes to the branches of a purchased living plant.
  • An umbrella with money, or rather with a rain of money that pours directly from under the umbrella onto the newlyweds when opened, is a very spectacular and, we hope, unexpected, spectacular gift.
  • A transparent electric kettle, inside which you can put cash and give it along with a tea set, is a twice useful gift. Text: “And this is your tip.”

Bablothrower. Let him sweep away only the bad, and let the good stick to him like a magnet.

Cash gift for housewarming

Money for the house is a good omen! And, perhaps, there is no better housewarming gift in modern realities. Agree, it is difficult to choose something for the interior or garden of a private house without disturbing the harmony carefully created by the owners. What to give with money:

  • A carpet of banknotes of different denominations, which can be collected and folded into a carpet pattern or into a self-assembled tablecloth, or at least into a napkin.
  • A real brick with a compartment for a wad of money, carefully tied with a ribbon, will remind the owners where their construction or renovation began.
  • Bablothrower - take an ordinary neat broom and generously decorate it with banknotes. Let him sweep away only the bad, and let the good stick to him like a magnet.
  • Money carefully wrapped in toilet paper helps you feel its value. Truly an impressive gift that makes you think.

Banknotes instead of napkins.

How to give money for an anniversary

An anniversary is a public and solemn event, for which they sometimes prepare for six months in advance. Therefore, the gift must be appropriate - impressive and thorough.

  • A whole bag of money. Banknotes of any denomination, as well as coins, are placed in a beautifully decorated linen bag. And if you present it as valuable postal cargo, you can write the recipient’s address on the bag and seal the jute rope with a wax seal.
  • Money picture. Print an enlarged photo of the hero of the day and attach the banknotes in such a way that they create an imitation of his clothing. It has been noticed that such gifts exist untouched for a very long time, since it is very pleasant and, at the same time, symbolic to see oneself in money attire.
  • The happiness vaccine is nothing more than an ordinary syringe with a bill placed inside it. If you present a collection of such “antidepressants” in a beautiful box with a ribbon, the effect is predictable in advance. The following inscriptions are very suitable: “For the blues”, “For a good sleep”, “For a good mood”, which may sound like a wish with a joke, but they will still delight the owner of the gift for a long time.
  • Filled candies are a great gift for a grandmother from her granddaughter, for example. A granddaughter, no matter what age she is, can play the role of Little Red Riding Hood and give her grandmother a basket of sweets. Of course, grandma will discover that instead of candy, there are bills wrapped in candy wrappers.
  • The serpentine of happiness is a roll of banknotes that are taped to each other at the ends. Such a roll is placed in a closed box for napkins (you can even find these in porcelain in a hardware store). And a napkin with a serpentine money ribbon attached to it is left in the slot. You can give such a gift with the inscription: “For unforeseen occasions.”

The bow tie. A box with such ties for every day is a spectacular anniversary gift for a man.

How can you beat a cash gift?

Above, we have already given many examples of how effectively you can use your gift. If you give it carefully, the recipient will never think that you are giving him money just because you didn’t want to spend time choosing a real gift. On the contrary, he will receive triple pleasure - a beautiful gift, a valuable congratulation, and a dream come true (gift funds can be spent on its realization). Let's consider targeted gifts of money for different recipients.

How to give money to a man for his birthday

Men are sensitive to money, the money they earn themselves. But not every offering they make can definitely please them. Therefore, this must be done as correctly as possible. At the same time, take into account all the nuances described earlier: age, status and closeness of your relationship.

How to give money to a man for his birthday in an original way:

  • Russian doll. Using the nesting doll principle, place the boxes one inside the other, and place your priceless gift in the last one.
  • Treasure chest. It is especially nice to receive it for a romantic man who loves to travel. Place a wad of cash at the very bottom and top it with gold chocolate coins.
  • The 12th chair from General Popova's set. If a man is an intellectual, then he will appreciate your gift - a presented chair with soft upholstery in a classic style. The man should be asked to sit on a chair and feel that he is the owner of the treasure. Do not allow vandalism - hand him treasures in the form of a stack of bills along with the owner’s certificate, which you supposedly took out of the chair in advance.
  • Pizza made from money is perfect for a young fast food lover. Let it be money neatly rolled into pizza segments, presented in an appropriate box.

How to give money to a woman for her birthday in an unusual way

The most important thing here is how elegant and aesthetically pleasing the gift itself and its offering look. Please try to make the woman feel exceptional.

Rose from a banknote.

How you can achieve this and give money beautifully:

  • A bouquet of banknotes folded like roses. You can enhance their aroma by lightly sprinkling them with patchouli essential oil - it has an amazing money smell. A very unusual bouquet of money will make a woman feel her specialness.
  • An emergency reserve that can be used in a pinch. Prepare a three-dimensional picture with a tied hammer in which to place your gift. Hand over the money along with instructions for use.
  • A money necklace will decorate any woman. Roll the bills into graceful flower buds, or bows, or butterflies and combine them into a necklace. Ask a woman to try on your gift, and she will wear it all evening without taking it off.
  • A container for storing greens in the refrigerator is common. Of course, you need to fill it with other greenery - in the form of dollars, and present the money with the wish not only to keep it, but also to spend it wisely so that it has time to grow.

How to give money to a child for his birthday in an original way

A child, if he is in his teens, is quite difficult to please, unless you are his parents, who are very well informed in this regard. It is only important that the young birthday boy understands the value of such a gift and spends everything for its intended purpose. Although, wasted money also leaves a good preventive memory.

Ideas on how to give money to a child for his birthday in an original way:

  • Funny piggy bank with coins.
  • An interesting radio-controlled car for a boy with money inside.
  • A cool doll for a girl with a handbag containing banknotes.
  • A whole collection of kinder surprises with money inside.
  • Favorite candies with banknotes in packaging.

A great option is cryptocurrency. But not virtual, but physical.

How to beautifully give money to a girl for her birthday

There is only one rule here - no boxes, so as not to achieve the opposite effect. All girls have a strong association that boxes always contain engagement rings or at least diamonds. It’s not even worth playing it in this direction. Believe me.

How to give money in an original way to your girlfriend or girlfriend:

  • A fan made of money that can bring a breeze of pleasant fantasies to her, what she could spend her gift on. To make it, just buy an ordinary fan and wrap it in banknotes.
  • Place your gift along with confetti in a variety of balloons. Offer to get the treasure and excitement with loud emotions will be guaranteed. And don't forget to take pictures of the whole process. The pictures come out very happy and festive.
  • Arrange a quest for the girl. Place your gift around the house in various places (refrigerator, jacket pocket, chandelier shade) and offer to collect all the bills. Here it is important to indicate the final amount of the gift, otherwise the girl may find more than what is due).
  • And, of course, all girls will love money cake without calories. For a gift, prepare a three-tiered paper frame, which you carefully cover with banknotes that are fashionable rolled into tubes.

Gift for a girl.

How to give money to your colleague in an original way

There are several nuances here. Firstly, it is convenient to give a colleague money only if it is a general decision and your contribution will be part of the overall gift. The size of the amount is usually small, so an envelope is extremely inappropriate here and the preparation of a gift is a particularly careful task in this case.

How to present money to your boss in an interesting way:

  • Give your colleague a desk calendar with pages that will be decorated with attached bills.
  • Roll the banknote into an origami figure. For example, the zodiac sign of the birthday boy. To do this, you need to exchange the collected funds in advance for a beautiful dollar bill. Elegant and tasteful!
  • For a gift to the boss, for whom not just the entire department, but the entire team of the department will donate, you can make a case with money. To do this, cover the souvenir model of the case with banknotes.
  • And of course, a safe disguised as a book, inside of which there is a recess for bills instead of pages.

Gift with instructions.

TOP 5 DIY cash gifts for birthdays

Even without much experience, it is possible to make almost all of the gifts described above on your own. Take the time, prepare the materials and tools, and a good mood is guaranteed along with the finished gift. Here we offer the Top 5 most favorite handicraft options.

So, let's give money creatively:

  • For an album with money, take any photo album and place banknotes interspersed with bills. And don’t forget to sign what needs to spend each one on.
  • Money sofa cushion with a zippered cover, inside of which there is a wad of cash. You can print a photo of the person for whom the gift is intended.
  • A book containing a mini cash “safe” with money inside. Bookworms will appreciate this cache.
  • A clay flower pot with coins is almost like an ancient amphora with gold. Decorate, write, stick in a mini-shovel - choose your own decor option.
  • Money printing press is a task for experienced craftsmen. Such a machine can be carefully made from rollers, between which, when the hands are scrolled, money is twisted out.

Box of chocolates

The method is suitable as a small surprise. All you need is a box of chocolates. It is advisable to keep small candy molds in it. We will invest money in them. Take coins and bills and carefully place them in the molds. Close the box and wrap it nicely with ribbon. The gift is ready!

Such a gift will delight any child. After all, he will think that you are giving him candy, but in fact there is some pocket money there.

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