For those who want a Real Holiday: a few secrets on how to decorate a room for your husband’s birthday

Recipe for a great mood

Hosts should remember a few simple rules to make the party unforgettable.

It is better to announce to the invitees in advance what outfits they should wear. This is necessary to maintain the general mood of celebration.

The location is important: you can gather in a cafe or at home. The general style should be present not only in the decorative elements of the room, but also in the gift packaging.

Entertainment also needs to be thought through. It’s good when a birthday takes place according to a given scenario, where the time for the feast and entertainment is taken into account, and what kind of music will be played is indicated.

Table competitions

You can start them after a small feast, when the first toasts have been said and gifts have been given. This is the best option, since you don’t need to get up from the table and create unnecessary commotion. At the same time, it will be a good way to entertain guests. In this case, personalized drinking songs are suitable. You can remember and sing songs that mention the name of the hero of the day, or remake popular songs so that her name fits appropriately into the text.

A number with forfeits will be exciting for the public. This is a fun option for celebrating a woman’s 55th birthday without a toastmaster at home. This game requires a leader. He will collect and put the guests' things in boxes. The birthday girl will get them, and the owner of the forfeit will say congratulations and drink a glass to the health of the hero of the day. Questions about the life of the birthday girl, riddles, and the writing of congratulatory odes would be appropriate. This will fit perfectly into a home event.


Balloons will allow you to decorate a room without breaking the bank. You can place weighted helium balloons on the table, one for each person. Figures of cartoon characters, numbers or flowers will stand beautifully around the perimeter.

Garlands and arches look great, especially at significant celebrations. Balloons released into free flight under the ceiling, decorated with ribbons hanging from them, are also appropriate.

Good idea: balls in a net. This design is attached to the ceiling, and when the network is untied, multi-colored rain is obtained. A similar method is a large ball with several small ones inside, which shower guests after the shell explodes.

We recommend reading:

At dusk, LED balls look beautiful. Other original photos of birthday decorations will become a source for implementing ideas with balloons.

Picnic on the roof -

good because it is suitable for a large company (up to 40 people) and for family gatherings.

There is no need to travel tens of kilometers to the taiga or pampas, the amazing vertical world is next to you. In St. Petersburg, there are cool rooftops on Lodeynopolsky and Nevsky (from 6 thousand rubles/hour) with lanterns, barbecue, ice maker and rain canopy. In Moscow - on Taganskaya, Krasnoselskaya embankment and a bunch of other places.

Of course, this option can only be considered in the summer and not for very long. If the roof is equipped with enclosed spaces, all the necessary amenities and heat guns, there is a chance of not freezing. But there are less equipped roofs, where the only heating available is a blanket and hot tea. Imagine how girls in summer dresses wrap themselves in blankets after sunset and glance at the clock on their mobile phones. This should not be allowed.

But such views and unforgettable romance can be found in few other places. Of course, most cities are wonderfully beautiful from a bird's eye view, and the mood rises with every meter.

There are three disadvantages: unpredictable weather, a possible lack of parking spaces (if a large group gathers) and a somewhat specific dress code - it is often windy on the roof.

Paper decorations

You don’t have to worry long about how to come up with birthday decorations if you have crepe paper at home. It will allow you to make balls with your own hands.

You need to take 4-8 sheets and fold them like an accordion, and tie them in the middle. A semicircle is cut along the edge and the product is straightened. 10-15 resulting balls can be tied on long threads to the ceiling.

How do you like the idea of ​​going to a museum?

Are you kidding? Instead of a crazy dance floor and amazing designer cocktails, a dull art gallery? Not necessary. Museums of modern art certainly cannot be called boring and dull! Among the incredible installations and crazy art objects, you simply won’t get bored. Rather, you will vying with each other point your fingers and giggle embarrassedly in front of the controversial creations of contemporary artists, filming them on your phones.

To choose from in Moscow:

  • Moscow Museum of Modern Art
  • Center for Contemporary Art "MARS"
  • Garage Museum of Contemporary Art
  • Museum of Contemporary Art "ART4" 18+

In St. Petersburg:

  • Erarta Museum of Contemporary Art 18+
  • Museum of Shadows
  • Loft Project Floors
  • Museum of Art of St. Petersburg

Even in Moscow, “Walks in the Dark” - a tour of an unusual museum where there are several locations: a street, an apartment, a bar, a museum - and not a single ray of light. Senses are heightened, sounds and smells come to life, tactility is off the charts. A complete break in the pattern!

In St. Petersburg, on the ground floor of the Piterland shopping center, a spherical cinema has opened with a 360-degree view and a place where you can experience an almost real spacewalk . 1000 squares of altered reality! If you want this anniversary to be remembered for a long time, then such an excursion is definitely what you need.

There is only one minus - you still need to “catch up” somewhere, so the issue with a cafe or restaurant remains.

Wish tree

An original idea that will please the hero of the occasion and guests. A silhouette of a tree is cut out of large thick cardboard and attached to the wall. Paper rectangles are attached to the branches, where those invited will write congratulations.

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You can hang it on its own or as an addition to the previous idea.

On whatman paper you need to write a title, stick a photo of the hero of the day and postcards. Leave space for inscriptions, prepare markers and colored pens for guests.

Cafe or bowling?

So, where to celebrate a girl’s 30th birthday? The first thing that comes to mind is a cafe. Of course, this is quite banal, but still.

If your favorite band or singer arrives there on this day, it will create a real sensation among the guests. You can invite your friends to bowling and combine business with pleasure. It will be great if we all go to see a movie together. It will be especially good if the theme is somehow related to your date.

Giant candies

The instructions on how to make birthday decorations will be clear even to those who have not created similar designs before.

  • A 50-60 cm plywood strip is covered with light paint;
  • A circle of foam plastic with a diameter of 30 cm is covered with brightly colored paper;
  • The parts are fastened together;
  • The foam “lollipop” is wrapped in oilcloth, which is tied with ribbon to the stick.


The birthday cake can be made to order , or you can purchase it in the same hypermarket. As practice shows, less than half of the guests “live” to see the sweet table, so there is a high probability that you will take it back with you. But still, according to all the rules of the genre, he must be . Moreover, there is a high probability of children and car enthusiasts who will happily eat a couple of pieces with a cup of tea.

Lately, edible photo prints on cakes . If you already have a prepared image that you would like to see printed on the main dessert of the evening , simply send it to the pastry chef and wait for delivery on the appointed day.

It is best to arrange delivery directly to the venue on the day of the event.


Many voluminous stars will create a fabulous atmosphere. The diagram must be attached to paper and cut out. Fold the blanks according to the pattern. Glued together, these parts form a star.

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Paper pompom

A semicircle is cut out of thick paper folded in half. Several sheets of corrugated paper need to be placed on top of each other and cut out a circle.

Glue the paper alternately in strips to a sheet of cardboard, and at the end - cardboard. Fasten the thread inside the product and glue the cardboard semicircles.

Garlands without using glue

Even a child who knows how to use scissors can make such a decoration, since the pattern is very simple. You will need: A4 paper (calculating one sheet of paper for 4 elements of the garland), scissors, pencil.

The order of assembling the garland:

  1. Cut a sheet of paper into 4 even pieces.
  2. Take one part, fold it in half (across), and then in half again (also across).
  3. Draw with a pencil the shape you will use to cut out.
  4. Cut out the shape and carefully unfold it.
  5. Connect together the individual elements of the garland (as shown in the picture), alternating colors.
  6. Hang the garland.

We offer you several alternative designs for this garland.


This decoration is created from photographs of the birthday boy. You can simply attach them to the wall, but it’s better to be creative.

Photoshop will help you combine the face of the hero of the occasion with the body of any movie or cartoon character. If a children's party is planned, then the photo of the child is fixed on the poster as he grows older.

Original gift giving - quest to find a gift using notes

1. carefully read the instructions;

3. We involve your loved one (or the whole company) in an interesting adventure in search of a surprise gift.

That's all you need to do to set up this original quest - finding a gift from notes to your husband.

After 20-40 minutes, all satisfied and cheerful participants will be happy to try your culinary masterpieces. Well, your loved one will look at his gift with childish naivety and look at you with grateful, loving eyes.

So, the fun holiday was a success! But it’s not time to separate yet. After all, the holiday still has to be celebrated with friends and family.

Balloon characters

To realize your plan, you need a lot of balls of different shapes, colors and sizes. What you get in the end depends on your imagination and skills.

For a children's party, animal figurines, comic book and fairy tale characters are suitable. The product can be supplemented with paper parts.

About DIY decoration

It’s easy to decorate a hall for an anniversary yourself. Turn on your imagination, put your soul into your work, and at the end you will get a bright design that will help you create a festive mood.

Balloon decoration is:

a unique solution for those who like to experiment;

a chance to make the holiday memorable and bright.

The variety of design options for balloons creates enormous scope for the implementation of the most daring and creative ideas. Remember, holiday decoration is not limited to one bunch of aerial elements.

Table decoration

The overall style of the cutlery, tablecloth and napkins will add joy to the overall atmosphere. Near each plate it is interesting to place a distinctive detail: a figurine, a twig, a personalized card, a gift for a guest.

When serving, the finished food can be decorated with tomato, cucumber or chocolate flowers, depending on the type of dish. Don't forget about fruits. Shaped and arranged, they will look even more appetizing.

Photo tips on how to decorate a room for a birthday

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