Celebrating 10 wedding years: interesting ideas and useful tips

10 years of marriage is a long time. The couple have already experienced many joys together, and perhaps trials, lessons and gifts of fate. The upcoming ten-year anniversary is called a pink or tin wedding.

This is the first round date that must be celebrated. In order for the holiday to be a success and to please both the celebrants themselves and the invited friends and relatives, you need to carefully prepare for it.

Those friends of the couple who attended the wedding ten years ago are sure to receive an invitation to the celebration. In addition, there are a number of nuances that you need to know in order to properly organize a pink-tin anniversary.


Symbols play a special role in the scenario of any wedding anniversary. For the decade they are roses and tin, and the wedding is called rose or tin.


It is a very flexible, soft and at the same time durable metal. That is why it is a symbol for this date, showing the need for such properties as flexibility, softness and strength in family life.

Without mutual understanding and mutual concessions, it is impossible to build a healthy, reliable family.

By the ten years of marriage, the spouses knew each other completely: where to give in, where to insist, how to make peace after a quarrel, how to avoid it. All adjustments and checks have already been completed, lived through, and the union has become indestructible. Tin is the male symbol of the 10th wedding anniversary.

Roses Another symbol of this round date. Ten years is already a long time to live together. But the spouses are still young, which means that romance and passion still bind this couple; romantic pink roses are a female symbol of the anniversary.

How to celebrate ten wedding years

The tenth anniversary is celebrated with the same attributes that symbolize it - roses and tin.

There is an ancient custom in which husband and wife carry a tin spoon in their pockets on this day. They say that it symbolizes mutual understanding, well-being and prosperity in the family.

Roses and pink color must be present at the holiday, for example - in clothes.

So that all guests do not forget - this is a pink wedding!

Congratulations and toasts

It is better to prepare in advance for the festive congratulations of the “young people”.

Table speech options:

Dear spouses! A whole 10 years have passed since that happy moment when you decided to link your lives into one. We all watched together how your relationship changed. From unreliable paper, which could ignite from a careless word, they flowed into the hardness of wood. And finally, after the inflexibility of cast iron, they turned into soft tin. So may your love change for the better and further and turn into a shining precious diamond. Be happy!

Dear spouses! We sincerely want to congratulate you on your family’s tenth anniversary. Let your eyes continue to shine as much when looking at your soulmate. Remember to make each other happy every day. Talk about love, don't be silent. May your home always be filled with happiness. Love you for many, many years!

What to wear for an anniversary

It is best for the husband to wear a light-colored suit, with a pink tie and a handkerchief in his breast pocket.

It is better for children and relatives to also adhere to the given tone.

Well, and for the wife - of course, a gorgeous pink dress!

Guests are free to choose their outfits in any color.

Where to celebrate

There are no restrictions, a tin-pink wedding is celebrated solely according to the choice and preferences of the married couple. Someone will want to celebrate their anniversary at home, someone - in a restaurant or club, and someone - in nature.

Everyone has different tastes and desires, so weddings are also completely different. But where and no matter how the holiday takes place, the whole atmosphere of the celebration should signal - a pink wedding! 10 years together! And this is just the beginning!

Romantic surprise for spouses

So, a tin wedding is planned, what to give and how to hold the celebration, so that you don’t just give gifts made of tin (dishes, jewelry, souvenirs), but to make the event look romantic, it is recommended:

  1. decorate a room or restaurant hall in pink colors (curtains, tablecloth and napkins);
  2. both celebrants and guests should dress in pink clothes (for men it is enough to wear a matching shirt or a pink tie);
  3. furnish the hall with pink flowers and red roses;
  4. put pink drinks, wine and champagne on the table.

The best romantic gift for a tin wedding for a woman is the singing of a morning serenade, as well as flowers and any crafts in the shape of a heart. Tender surprises for the 10th anniversary should speak of love. It can be:

  1. soft toys and pillows;
  2. romantic breakfast (for example, fry an egg in a heart cut out on toast);
  3. candies with love messages on the wrapper;
  4. aquarium with goldfish;
  5. bath with champagne and rose petals;
  6. dinner in a trendy restaurant by candlelight;
  7. launching fireworks;
  8. journey to the city of love Paris.

What to gift

As the anniversary approaches, the question arises, what to give?
Wife to husband, husband to wife, friends, relatives to married couple. If in the first years it is not difficult to understand what the newlyweds need, then by ten years of marriage the spouses, as a rule, have acquired everything they need long ago, and choosing a worthwhile gift that, after thanking them, will not be hidden away in the closet, becomes a difficult task.

What do you give your wife?

The husband traditionally gives his wife eleven roses, ten scarlet and one white.

Ten scarlet roses signify love and passion during the ten years of marriage, and the eleventh white rose represents hope for a happy future.

In addition to flowers, the wife, of course, will appreciate a useful additional gift.

This is a phone, a book, a laptop, some kind of accessory for a dressing table, and so on. It would be especially nice if the accessory also turned out to be pink.

A woman will always be pleased with beautiful and stylish jewelry. Therefore, on the day of the 10th wedding anniversary, a husband can please his wife with jewelry with pink stones.

Well, if you manage to find a product that contains tin, then the gift will be a real find for the pink-tin anniversary. If the spouses have free time and the opportunity, then a sea voyage will once again breathe romance into the relationship, and the wife will again turn into a loving and romantic bride.

10th wedding anniversary traditions

Any traditions, signs and rituals allow you to believe in miracles and add color to life, and they appear thanks to the experience and observation of the people.

  • The tenth anniversary begins with a charming gift from the husband, who gives the woman he loves a delicate pink bouquet of roses. The number of flowers in the bouquet plays a major role here. It is customary to give 11 flowers on a pink wedding anniversary. Moreover, this number is quite symbolic. After all, 10 pink roses should remind you of the beauty of every year lived together, and the eleventh flower should be snow-white. This is a symbol of purity, common thoughts and hope for a cloudless future together.
  • Another tradition was weaving a wreath, always from roses. Each flower was woven into the composition (it was believed that rose thorns could protect against evil spirits and bad people) with words of hope and a request for protection from evil people. Such an unusual wreath was hung on the front door, and when the flowers dried up, it was removed and carefully stored for a whole year until the wedding anniversary.
  • An interesting tradition associated with the tin spoon. Before a formal reception, a man must put a tin spoon in his pocket. After the holiday, the spoon should be placed under the wife’s pillow. Popular rumor says that all thoughts and thoughts that were transferred to a spoon from a man will be recognized by the wife at night, and future life will go easier and happier, because according to legend, this will further strengthen the union of loving hearts.
  • On the day of the 10th wedding anniversary, husband and wife must exchange tin rings. You can pre-order engraving on rings with lines about love and family or vows of eternal fidelity. This tradition hints that jewelry and wealth are not the main thing in life, but love is much more expensive and valuable.

Some families have their own traditions and customs for their 10th wedding anniversary, for example, a culinary masterpiece based on recipes passed down from mother to daughter, or a walk to the place where they first met. Each couple decides which traditions to choose, in accordance with their own capabilities and fantasies.

What to give your husband

If your husband is a beer lover, he will certainly appreciate a large, nice, good tin beer mug, which, by the way, would be nice to have signed.

If the husband is a brave man, a lover of weapons, then tin soldiers and weapon sets will perfectly decorate his office or desk.

If your husband is a lover of board games, then tin chess is what you need!

Any tin souvenirs, sets, fakes, pink stones are suitable as a gift for this wedding anniversary.

Inexpensive universal gifts - list of ideas

Often the newlyweds, without celebrating their anniversary, still treat their employees to cake or sweets. Friends and colleagues use things that can be purchased at a nearby store as inexpensive universal gifts, these are:

  1. books;
  2. cool souvenir;
  3. mug;
  4. Frame;
  5. money box;
  6. diary;
  7. personal pen (Parker);
  8. flash drive;
  9. mat and mouse;
  10. car accessories (for car owners);
  11. lighter;
  12. ashtray;
  13. gift tea;
  14. cosmetics (handmade soap, aromatic salt, etc.);
  15. flowers.

Gifts for friends - married couples

Traditional gifts from friends or relatives for spouses on this day will be:

1. Compositions of fresh or artificial pink flowers, which can be placed in baskets or pots.

2. Souvenirs made of pink minerals, various figurines and sculptures. A good choice would be, for example, a Goldfish, symbolizing success in financial matters, or a tree, symbolizing passion, ardor and romance in relationships.

3. Pink wines or expensive chocolates in a pink box.

4. Rose jam is a wonderful and gently sweet gift, especially touching if you can make it yourself.

5. Tin tea set.

6. Money is a universal and, by the way, very useful gift, suitable for any wedding; it is enough to present it in a pink envelope or box.

7. Decorative tin or alloy jewelry containing tin.

8. Bed linen in pink colors or patterns. 9. Pink blanket, blanket, pillows and other bedding.

10. Artistic paintings depicting roses.

11. Household appliances. In this case, you need to know exactly what the spouses need from household appliances. A certificate for the purchase of household appliances will come to the rescue here. Such a gift is simply destined to be successful.

12. A gift certificate from an interior design store will also appeal to spouses. They will definitely choose something for their home that they both will like. 13. An original gift - cast or forged rose products.

You need to remember - pink or roses must be present in a gift for a pink-tin anniversary.

If, for example, the gift is a household appliance that is not pink in color, you can attach a beautiful pink rose to it, or package it in pink.

Or if you have collected several things for a wedding gift that will definitely be useful to the spouses, but which are not pink or tin, then they need to be beautifully packaged in pink wrapping paper.

You can’t do without a bouquet of roses on this day. If there are a lot of roses in the bouquet, then their number can be either even or odd.

Top 5 most original gifts

Unexpected surprises and presents made to order are considered original gifts. Such purchases include not only expensive, but also affordable surprises. For example, in an original gift store you can find “Notebooks of wishes” for men and women, where a separate wish is written on each sheet (this could be “coffee in bed,” “lunch in a restaurant,” or even “performing an erotic dance”).

Top 5 original gifts (from cheap to expensive):

  1. Personalized mugs with wishes.
  2. Blanket and pillows with family photos.
  3. Electronic photo frame with a congratulatory slide show.
  4. Portrait nesting doll, including members of the whole family (painted to order).
  5. High quality telescope.

Gifts are a hobby

For so many years lived together, the spouses probably found common interests and activities that both husband and wife equally love. Then gifts to each other can also be in this vein.

If they love to travel, they will be equally happy with, for example, a sleeping bag or a family camping tent.

Photographers will be happy to have the lens for a specific shoot or other photography accessories they need.

Adventure seekers will enthusiastically accept a certificate for some kind of adventure event.

And for those who like to be lazy, a large TV will add coziness and comfort to a quiet family life. A large, roomy suitcase will rightfully be appreciated by a spouse who loves a comfortable stay. Those who like to sit at home at the computer will appreciate a variety of computer accessories.

Photo shoot ideas

A whole decade together is worth hiring a professional photographer to capture the moments for an album. You can arrange a photo shoot both in a festive outfit and in some thematic style.

It is popular to indicate the number of years together in a photo: hold a sign with an inscription or lay out an inscription of flowers/photos/stones/balloons. A photo looks good where the spouses are kissing in the background, and the camera is focused on a sign with numbers. Photos taken outdoors in wedding costumes stand out. Add roses to your photo to symbolize your anniversary.

And if the spouses decide to take a photo every anniversary in the same place in the same pose and clothes, then this will be the best idea. This will allow you to see the changes and growth of the family, as well as the thread of love that stretches through the years. You can hold in your hands a frame with a photo of the last anniversary every time. You will get an incredible “photo within a photo”, where the whole story will be collected.

The cost of a good gift

As a rule, really close people are invited to a wedding anniversary, both those who were invited to the wedding and those who became close to the family during the years of marriage.
Therefore, an anniversary differs from a wedding in less pomp and becomes more of a home, family holiday. Therefore, gifts here do not have to be bright, expensive and memorable. The invitees know the couple well and probably treat them well. Therefore, gifts, regardless of their cost, should serve most of all as a sign of friendship, love and respect.

If guests have a crisis in the family budget, then even a jar of homemade rose jam (which would be nice to present, however, in a beautiful package) will decorate the festive table and delight the hosts.

On the other hand, flowers can be bought at a flower stall relatively inexpensively, or you can fork out for an expensive bouquet in an online store worth twenty thousand rubles.

Souvenirs can also be budget but stylish keychains and, for example, mugs up to a thousand rubles or exclusive tin chess sets for forty-five thousand rubles and tin soldiers for twelve to fifteen thousand.

So, although the wedding anniversary is not as exciting as the wedding itself, it is also an event that deserves very careful preparation. After all, it’s good to celebrate a wedding anniversary - it means showing everyone and yourself, first of all, that the family ship is not just afloat, but is also successfully plowing new temporary seas and oceans, and is not afraid of storms or hurricanes. Both his captain and navigator are happy!

Ready-made scripts

When preparing for the “second” wedding, it is difficult to think through everything down to the smallest detail and write scripts, especially when the celebration is held without a professional toastmaster.

  1. Initially, the spouses meet, invited relatives and friends are already lined up in the corridor and are waiting at the wedding anniversary celebration site. They are holding baskets with rose petals, preferably pink. The host greets the husband and wife, and the guests shower them with rose petals as they walk along the arranged route.

At the end of the corridor, the host invites the “newlyweds” to choose one of three roses together. If they choose a red rose, passion will play in life, pink – tenderness and care, yellow – well-being and romance.

The host leads the couple into the celebration hall and begins to tell the legend about the rose: “They say that to attract new love, they take dried rose petals, grind them into powder, pour them into a glass of red wine and drink them during the waxing moon. Nobody knows whether this is true or a legend. This is not interesting to us, because we see two loving people.” The host wishes the newlyweds a happy life and ends the toast with the exclamation “bitter!” Spouses should kiss for as long as they have lived together.

The toastmaster talks about how much the spouses have overcome together during these 10 years of life under one roof, how they learned to find ways to resolve conflicts, and that the tin wedding is a symbol of these victories. Then he gives the man a tin spoon, which is supposed to protect the family from harm, and the lady - a rose, a symbol of beauty and rebirth. After this, the host invites guests to give gifts to the newlyweds.

“Women’s Wishlist” that annoys men the most

The next entertainment the toastmaster announces is a dance competition. It can be for the most unusual dance, a beautiful waltz or something else. The winner is chosen and the newlyweds are awarded the prize.

The toastmaster invites the guests to take their seats and gives the spouses the floor. They announce the lottery, while the presenter approaches everyone and offers to take a ticket. You can write riddles on the tickets, or just poems about the prize that the participant will receive.

Then the presenter announces several competitions:

  • "find your love." The husband is blindfolded, several girls are seated in front of him and he needs to find his wife by the knees. Then the wife is also blindfolded and forced to find her husband's shoulders;
  • "pink songs" The host divides the guests into two teams, each group must remember and sing as many songs about roses as possible;
  • "bananabol". 2 teams are formed: men and women. Each player is tied to a rope with a banana at the end, which is located about 10 cm from the floor. The goal is marked, as in football. Participants need to fill a balloon with a banana. The game continues until the first goal is scored, and the winners take all the bananas of the losing team;

The celebration ends with the couple releasing 10 pink balloons into the sky.

  1. After meeting the guests and making the first toast, the host invites the spouses to receive gifts from the guests, but under one condition. To receive each gift, spouses need to tell interesting or funny stories from 10 years of marriage.

The presenter organizes first a dance competition, and then other competitions:

  • "Alconauts". To liberate the guests, the host invites the men to compete. Each participant is given a half-liter bottle of beer and a glass. The task is to drink beer with a glass as quickly as possible. The winner receives the amount of beer that the participants did not have time to drink, or a prize in the form of a beer mug;
  • “I kiss your hand.” The wife is blindfolded and told that now different men will kiss her hand. The interesting thing is that the husband himself must kiss her every time, but try to do it in different ways. A woman needs to understand how her husband was. If the wife did not guess that it was the same person, then the husband is jokingly advised to kiss the lady’s hand more often;
  • "Auction". The presenter invites about 4 people who are ready to draw, and gives out a sheet of paper and markers. The task is to paint a picture of the family of the heroes of the day in a limited time. After the art is put up for auction with a starting price of 50-100 rubles. Bidding is held, and the winning artist receives a prize from the couple. You don’t need to pay for the painting, but you don’t need to talk about it in advance either.

  1. The host invites the spouses to go through the wedding ceremony again. Witnesses ask about mutual consent, the procedure of exchanging rings and painting is carried out, the guests shout “bitterly”.

The toastmaster invites everyone to the table, after a toast and gifts, congratulates the family for what they have already been through and turns on a video presentation with photos or videos of the family. It will be funny to alternate beautiful photos with funny ones. The presenter invites the family to add to their collection of photographs and have a photo session.

Afterwards competitions are held:

  • "Blind Man's Bluff." The husband and mother-in-law (or wife) are blindfolded and placed in different corners of the hall. They must find each other by voice (the mother-in-law calls “son-in-law”, he calls “mother-in-law”). At this time, guests interfere with them, get in their way, imitate their voices, and confuse them. If the players cannot find each other within a certain time, then they must dance together. Well suited for large rooms;
  • "Kiss". The presenter invites 2 men to participate and asks the women to renew their lipstick. The task of men is to collect as many kisses as possible on their cheeks in a short time. After the end of the competition, the number of lipstick marks on each participant is counted. The winner receives a kiss from any lady or a prize from the spouses in the form of a set of napkins;
  • "Darts". The presenter prepares questions about the family under each number that is in the darts. The players throw darts and the presenter asks a question under the number to which the participant was closest (if there has already been a question, the next closest one is taken). The player tries to answer, and the husband and wife answer whether it is correct or not. If yes, the participant receives a prize.

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