How to decorate a stage - modern ideas and best tips

A stage, or podium, refers to a special area where events are held. They can be very different - from theatrical productions to meetings of company shareholders. In any case, first of all, the audience’s eyes are directed to the stage, which means its design must be at the highest level and fully correspond to the theme of the event.

If a performance is given in honor of the New Year, on stage, as a rule, there is a Christmas tree and other elements of the holiday: tinsel, toys, rain, etc. When staging the performance, costumes and scenery of the appropriate era are used. There are certain trends in the design of such venues, and today we will talk about them, as well as how to properly decorate the stage in each specific case.

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General recommendations on how to decorate a stage

As already mentioned, stage design depends, first of all, on the event itself: its idea, purpose. If the style and mood correspond to the theme of the event, then success is almost guaranteed. The only thing is that it is important not to overdo it when decorating. As in many other areas of life, quality is more important than quantity. But let's move on to recommendations for decorating the stage:

1. If we are talking about a theatrical production, all sketches and layouts for it should be created by a professional.

Performances can be on a variety of topics. This means that the stage needs to be decorated individually for each of them. Moreover, this can apply not only to the scenery, but even to the curtain.

2. Official events require the installation of a presidium on the stage, as well as a chair for speakers.

Depending on the type of event, the stage can be decorated with different drapery: plain, with the company’s brand, etc.

3. In the case of a corporate party, wedding or anniversary, the scope for imagination is unlimited. You can decorate the stage with your own hands using flowers and balloons, fabric and paper garlands.

4. The performance of modern musical groups is a real show using color, laser, smoke and other equally impressive effects.

5. Fabric compositions.

Some may think that fabric draperies look banal today. This is far from true, and it all depends on the skill of the designer. With the help of beautiful lush arches made of soft folds, you can literally create a window into a magical world.

For such an event theme, it’s hard to think of a better way to decorate the stage.
What makes this method popular is the ability to use materials of a wide variety of textures and colors. The number of looks that can be created with a skillful combination of certain fabrics is literally incalculable. It is impossible to describe all the options; you need to see it with your own eyes or at least in a photo. 6. Balloons - economical and effective.

  • Decorating a stage or room with balloons even has its own name - aerodesign. This solution has several advantages, including the effectiveness of the design and its budget. It is easy to create the most incredible compositions from balloons in the form of garlands and bouquets, arches and panels, even paintings. And you can fill balloons not only with air, but also with helium.
  • As an example, we will give one option that causes special delight among kids at a children's party. Imagine that the stage is decorated with large balls containing dozens of small ones. At the right moment according to the organizers, the large balls “explode”, showering the audience with a “waterfall” of small balls. From the outside, such a surprise looks simply grandiose.
  • A stage decorated with balloons is an almost constant attribute of the Last Bell holiday. One option is to attach them to the backdrop in the form of a meter-long bell with a large bow at the top. If the size of the stage allows, the bell can be made voluminous and hung in the center of the stage. In addition to the “obligatory” bell at such holidays, you can make the date of the outgoing school year or any other beautiful thematic composition out of balloons. Balloons located along the contour of the stage or even completely filling it will look good.

Another advantage of decorating the stage with balloons is that they not only add special solemnity to the moment, but can also hide unnecessary details if necessary.

7. Dancing figures.

Inflatable decorations for decorating scenes for holidays began to be used not so long ago, but have already gained legitimate popularity. There are many advantages to such a design. Firstly, the dancing figures are easy to use; their installation does not require much effort or time. Secondly, despite existing opinion, they are very reliable and are not afraid of even adverse weather conditions. Thirdly, and this is perhaps the most important thing, the variety of forms and types of such decorations can amaze the viewer over and over again.

  • Aerofountains, plumes and aeromen are in greatest demand. They not only decorate the stage, but also give the unfolding action some dynamics. If you place similar dancing figures along the edges of the site, they will make the space around it visually complete.
  • Instead of many ordinary balloons, one huge one with lighting will look interesting.
  • Folded pneumatic garlands look like an ordinary vine, but as soon as the pump starts working, the scene will instantly be decorated with spectacular stars, snowflakes or flowers.
  • If a holiday is organized for children, one should not forget about the presence of fairy-tale characters - and not necessarily in the form of actors. You can use various life-size puppets, the height of which will depend on the size of the room.

Basic rules for decorating a hall

  1. Find out or measure the area of ​​the ceremony hall.
  2. Make sure that the hall meets technical safety standards.
  3. Count the number of sockets and electrical appliances in the ceremony room and make sure they are working properly.
  4. Take helpers into your team.
  5. Select a main organizer and assign responsibilities.
  6. Carry out general cleaning and ventilate the room.
  7. Measure the temperature and humidity of the room.
  8. Balloons, flowers, ribbons, tablecloths, napkins, decorative decorations must be in the same style. Stick to one color scheme, or combine no more than two or three colors in one room.
  9. Don't do everything at the last minute.
  10. Buy hall decoration elements in advance.
  11. Always order with a reserve, as the balloons may burst, the flowers may break...
  12. Remember that goods can be returned or exchanged within two weeks.
  13. Know the exact number of guests.
  14. If you doubt your design abilities, then it is better to entrust the matter to professionals, or use any ready-made idea you like taken from the Internet.
  15. Try to do everything at a high quality level and then everything will work out.

How to decorate a stage for various holidays

General rules for stage decoration will help you in holding a wide variety of holidays. But, be that as it may, the design of a site for a specific event has its own nuances. Let's take a closer look at them.

Kindergarten graduation

The last day of kindergarten is an event no less important for a child than graduation from school. And maybe even more. That is why parents and educators need to make every possible effort to ensure that this date remains bright and joyful in the children’s memory. Along with the choice of dresses for the ball and the scenario of the event, a skillfully decorated stage will be of great importance.

Doing this with balloons is the simplest, most inexpensive and popular way. Why? First of all, balloons come in a variety of colors and sizes. Secondly, they are easy to attach to anything. Thirdly, you can create almost any composition from balloons, from a picture of a fairytale forest to a beautiful congratulatory inscription.

If you decide to decorate the stage for your kindergarten graduation with your own hands, you should start by decorating it with balloon flowers. They are made simply: the middle plus five “petals”. Hang the finished products on the back wall of the stage, and it will immediately take on an elegant and festive look.

You can arrange the flowers as you like: chaotically, in the form of a rainbow, in a checkerboard pattern, etc.

A more solemn decoration option is an arch .

But they are suitable not only for decorating the stage. The entrance to a group or assembly hall decorated with their help will look impressive and at the same time festive. Arches vary in type. For example, balls can be held both on a frame and without it. The second option is completely simple to make; you just need to fill the balloons with helium, make a beautiful chain out of them and attach its edges to the floor or wall. Thanks to helium, the balls strung on a fishing line will rise and eventually form an arc. Moreover, it is not necessary to make an arch from one row of balls; you can build a whole garland from several layers intertwined with each other.

When decorating the stage with helium balloons, keep in mind: their supply of “soaring” is limited from 12 hours to a day. During this time, most of the gas comes out and the balls descend. To increase their service life, the inside of the balls is treated with a special solution called high-fleet.

From this point of view, frame arches for stage decoration are more practical. Balloons filled with ordinary air are mounted on a curved metal rail, and this design can retain its attractive appearance for about a month. The frame arch has other advantages:

  • it does not require additional fasteners, i.e. the arch can be installed almost anywhere;
  • if one composition of balls gets boring, it is easy to replace it with another;
  • there is no need to monitor how evenly the balls are located and how much they are filled with gas.

A frame arch is more expensive, but the ability to decorate the stage with it at several events in a row makes this factor not so significant.

Last call

Decorating the stage for prom is one of the main points of preparation for the event. After all, the main, solemn part of the holiday will take place on this site. Just as in the previous case, a good option would be to use balloons.

Even if the main emphasis is not on them and you hang only a few helium chains, it will still look great. But once you set a goal and decorate the stage with various compositions from balls, make life-size figures, panels and something else no less effective out of them, the results of your work will definitely be rewarded. Graduates will remember such a holiday not only as their last day at school, but also as a bright and colorful show.

Here are some more tips for decorating your graduation stage.

The decorations should be large and clearly visible even from a distance. It is desirable to include in the script the bells that have already become traditional for such events. Moreover, their shape can be very different, starting from the image of a contour on the wings and ending with three-dimensional models.

Of course, a stage decorated with a single bell will look poor. Therefore, other elements that fit the theme of the holiday are also needed: year of graduation, class numbers and schools, made from foil or wicker numbers. The theme of the bell itself can be continued in dance numbers or story productions prepared by graduates. Sometimes the bell is depicted as a sun, next to which clouds float and a rainbow spreads out.

It is necessary to decorate not only the stage itself, but also the backstage. Various compositions with images of stars, flowers, etc. are attached to the curtains. Bouquets on legs or racks of balloons can be placed below. If, according to the scenario of the event, the scenes will be closed and opened, think in advance how the decorations will look in both versions.

Another place that definitely needs to be decorated is the edge of the stage. The elements can be used the same as on the scenes - so that they echo each other. There are steps in the center of some scenes. Fountains or thematic compositions will look good along their edges. All decorations must be carefully secured; no one wants accidents at graduation.

March 8

Although March 8 is considered a women's holiday, absolutely everyone celebrates it. Companies organize corporate parties, educational institutions prepare concerts for this date.

You need to decorate the stage for March 8th in a special way:

  • This holiday is the first one we celebrate in the spring. And spring means swelling buds, early flowers, melting snow, drops, butterflies. Using all these elements when decorating the stage is a great idea. Butterflies can be cut out of multi-colored paper and then hung from the ceiling using threads. Paintings or homemade posters with tulips and lilies of the valley will also look very organic on stage.
  • And again - balloons. You can decorate the stage with them in different ways: for example, distribute them among the backstage, grouping two or three pieces. Tie helium balloons to the edge of the stage so that they float at a low height. At the end of the celebration, the threads can be cut, and the balls will simultaneously fly up to the ceiling, depicting a kind of “fireworks”. Another option is to create a thematic composition from the same balls: the number “8”, an image of flowers, etc.

  • March 8 is still a women's holiday, which means that when decorating the stage, it would be logical to use “feminine” tones, in particular pink and lilac. The satin bows decorating the stage look great too. Posters of the world's first beauties hung on the walls will hint that “our” women look no worse than Marilyn Monroe, Catherine Deneuve and other film stars. And, of course, if possible, you need to decorate the stage, as well as the entire room, with fresh flowers. The symbols of this spring holiday are mimosas and tulips.


Decorating a hall for a wedding celebration is a joyful, but painstaking job. If you want this day to be remembered by the newlyweds forever, and to evoke pleasant memories among guests for many years to come, when decorating the stage and the entire room, you need to follow a few basic rules. And it’s not at all necessary to ask a professional designer for help. If you wish, having the necessary sense of style, you can do everything with your own hands.

The main thing is to realize that decorating a wedding hall is not just work for the benefit of the newlyweds, but real creativity, an opportunity to brighten up boring everyday life with pleasant chores. Moreover, if everything goes well, you will be guaranteed the admiration of guests and relatives.

When decorating the hall, almost the main attention is paid to the wall in front of which the newlyweds will sit. Whatever it is decorated with - drapery, hearts, doves as a symbol of love and fidelity - this wall, being a kind of decorated stage for the other guests, should stand out from the rest of the room.

Hand-made garlands, carefully drawn posters with congratulations, and towels with beautiful embroidery are often hung over the newlyweds. There are a lot of options here. The only condition: when decorating this “stage” you need to ensure that its design elements do not deviate from the general style of the banquet hall.

Here are some more ideas that you can use to decorate this place:

  • Flower boom. The backdrop can be made in the shape of a heart, an arch or a beautiful lawn.

The advantage of this model is that you can use both fresh flowers and artificial elements. The main thing is that everything together looks elegant and stylish.

  • Textile curtains. Take several types of chiffon in pastel colors, combine them and decorate the “stage” for the newlyweds.

If the fabric falls down, it will create the effect of flowing water or cirrus clouds.

  • Firefly. Using LED lighting to decorate the “stage”, you will give the decor a glossy effect.

The more layers of such decoration, the more the “main” table in the hall will glow.

  • Decorating with paper is suitable for those who have decided to please their young ones with homemade decorations.

To make your own paper flowers, use pastel colored paper. Cut out a wide variety of buds from it: large and small, full and empty, blossoming and not yet. Connect them into a garland by twisting the ends of the leaves using scissors. On a wall covered with fabric of the same pastel colors, this decoration will look very organic.

  • Originality. It is not necessary to follow established traditions; recently, exclusive products have become increasingly popular. Moreover, making them with your own hands is not at all difficult. For example, you can cut out large letters, from which you can then make up the words: “Love”, “Family”, “Happiness”, etc. Elements of furniture, clocks or “doors to a new life” would look good on the wall.

theatrical performance

The stage is the heart of any theater. Decorating the stage appropriately not only shows respect for the viewer, but also pays tribute to art.

If the theater begins with a hanger, then the stage begins with a curtain. And its function is not only to separate the audience and actors before the start of the performance, but also to create a certain atmosphere in the hall. The first impression is often the most correct, and theater visitors, looking at the richly decorated curtain, get exactly this impression. Therefore, it is not surprising that, being a kind of gateway to the world of art, the scenes themselves are often nothing more than a work of this very art.

Scenography itself is a separate type of artistic creativity, and it is no less important for the theater than light, music, acting, and even the production itself. This is evidenced by the fact that at one time famous artists were involved in decorating the scenery: Marc Chagall, Nicholas Roerich and others. Just as in Hollywood one of the Oscars is awarded to the best production designer/set designer, so we have the same nomination at Golden Mask. And winning it is no less prestigious than becoming the best actor or director of the year.

However, curtains are not only the prerogative of professional theaters. By and large, not a single assembly hall in a school or kindergarten, not a single theater studio or ordinary concert venue can do without them.

When decorating the stage, you should never forget about the wings and backdrop. By decorating the latter with chic fabric, you can turn an ordinary assembly hall in the House of Culture into a room quite suitable for holding both an alumni meeting and an annual meeting of shareholders of a large company. Among other things, modern technologies make it possible to make the necessary print on the backdrop, carrying information that is relevant to visitors.

Scenographic design using large format printing is becoming increasingly popular today.

There are many advantages to this technology. For example, using a similar method will allow you to do without seams, which is sometimes of great importance for the production - say, when using certain lighting or backlighting. Decorations printed on blackout (synthetic dense fabric) look simply wonderful. Moreover, printing on this material is possible on both sides. Images on fabric that does not transmit light make color reproduction as accurate as possible.

High-level events

Decorating the stage for serious events requires great care and attention. First of all, because this can directly affect the image of the company, and therefore the attitude of partners towards it. Here the decoration is done at a completely different level, not comparable to graduation parties and especially children's matinees.

Decorating the hall with flowers

Rose is a very spectacular and beautiful flower. Most women consider him their favorite. Arrange bouquets and decorate tables.

Use rose petals to decorate the floor, tables, and windowsill. They can be sewn or glued to the tablecloth. The formal hall will look romantic and smell wonderful.

To add brightness to the formal room, choose flowers in bright colors. Thus, highlight the creativity of the event.

Large hand-made flowers are considered very fashionable. You can watch a detailed video tutorial on how to make it in this video!

Master class - large flowers from isolon (foamiran). IDEA for the NEW YEAR. Crimea

You can make small flowers from corrugated paper, then arrange them into a ball.

Decorating the hall with ribbons

Satin ribbons shimmer beautifully in the light. They can decorate a chandelier.

You can decorate chairs using satin ribbons.

Attach satin ribbons to the ceiling and they will effectively decorate any room.

Decorating the hall with fabric

Using the same fabric you can transform different tables and chairs. After this, they will look harmonious as if they were from the same collection. Tie a brightly colored bow on the back of the chair and admire the beauty.

Use a beautiful festive fabric with glitter and shimmer to decorate the walls.

To add lightness and elegance to the staircase, use thin translucent material.

Decorating the hall with candles

Candles will help create a gentle atmosphere. You can use small shaped candles in bright colors to decorate the table.

It’s a great idea to place a figurine or inscription with candles directly on the floor. Do this in a spacious area away from fire sources.

To emphasize the luxury of the event, use large aristocratic candles. It's better to buy flavored ones.

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