Competitions, games, quests, party ideas for March 8th!

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The eighth of March is a long-awaited holiday that you want to spend fun, cheerfully and spring-like. And whatever it is - a serious event, or just friendly get-togethers - it is impossible to do without interesting competitions, the purpose of which is to get a little excited, entertain and amuse those present.

Choosing competitions, quests or games for March 8 is not a difficult matter; it is enough to take into account some nuances, for example, where exactly the celebration will take place, how many people are invited, their age categories and preferences. By paying a little attention to each characteristic, the celebration will certainly be lively and fun.

We have prepared new competitions, games and quests for the March 8th holiday, which will help turn this day into a truly Women's Holiday!

Competition with an interesting name “Butt-head”

The main participants in this competition are two dice. All participants take turns rolling the dice and doing what is rolled (this must be done in advance). Here the flight of imagination is limitless - you can assign something interesting to every facet. For example, there may be such tasks as the person on the right drinks, the person on the left, no one drinks, a penalty in shots according to the number of sides for one person, a penalty in shots for everyone, fulfill a wish, etc. Be sure to assign one of the sides to “Butthead” - the one who gets it puts a saucepan on his head and performs synchronously what the other participants get, until Butthead lands again - for someone else.

Battle of the sexes

The competitors are divided into women's and men's teams. They sit down opposite each other. The presenter reads the task one by one, and the players try to complete it as funny and quickly as possible. Whoever turns out to be quicker gets one point, and so on up to 5.

Questions and tasks may be as follows:

  • Draw an orangutan during mating season.
  • Pronounce the name of a town in Wales as accurately as possible: Llanwyrepwllgwyngillgogerychverndrobulllantysilyogogogoch.
  • Name 3 wonders of the world.
  • Depict the behavior of a cat and a dog.
  • Dance the cancan.
  • Sing the anthem.
  • Whistle your favorite song.
  • What is 7 by 9?
  • What is the most populous country in the world (Monaco).
  • Name 5 things that are yellow.

Game "Nomination"

For a corporate evening, the “Nomination” competition would be great, in which the names of the ceremonies themselves must be selected based on each specific team. for example, “Miss Laughter”, “Miss Extravagance” or “Miss Voice of the People”,

Celebrations in the family circle, or in a group of friends, can be diversified by the fact that each housewife, each wife, must be somehow affectionately called: “Miss Responsibility”, “Miss Sunshine”, “Miss Bunny and Fish” and even bring some funny or a funny incident.

If women are able to appreciate humor, you can come up with a couple of humorous nominations, for example, “Miss Punctuality”, for the woman who is always late everywhere, “Miss Grace”, for the one who always breaks and loses something, etc.


Participants are given a task on cards that they must complete without prior preparation. The chairs are arranged to create a kind of podium. You need to, without preparing in advance, walk in front of all the spectators like:

  • A woman with big trunks.
  • Monkey in a cage.
  • Titmouse on a branch.
  • Stork in the swamp.
  • Rooster in the chicken coop.
  • The guy who wore heels for the first time.
  • A watchman guarding a warehouse with jewelry.
  • Baby taking his first steps.
  • Nervous guy in front of the girl he likes.
  • Nikolai Baskov at his concert.
  • Marilyn Monroe on stage.

The girl who will have the most spectacular fashion show will receive a prize.

Competition "Skillful Housewife"

Every woman is a craftswoman and a housewife, and how to choose the best can only be determined by a fair competition, which can be arranged on March 8th with voting and prizes for the best cooked dish (one of them), for example, a sweet cake for tea will be a wonderful addition corporate celebration. In such a competition, every woman will be able to reveal her creative potential and demonstrate to colleagues and co-workers that even a strict accountant or a picky director (she should also participate) can be a gentle and caring woman. And what remains for men, as always, is the most “difficult” thing - to choose the best, among the best, through an incorruptible and transparent vote. Regardless of who wins the “Hostess” competition, each participant should receive a bouquet of flowers and a gift prize.

Steel eggs

This is a game for an adult and fun company. You will need from 4 to 8 men, it is important that there is a pair number. Each male has a small transparent bag with a couple of chicken eggs attached to his belt buckle. This bag should hang below your knees. By drawing lots, the men are divided into pairs. Then they stand opposite each other, spread their legs and take a semi-squatting position. The essence of the game is to swing the bag with its contents more strongly and hit your opponent’s balls with it. The one who breaks them leaves the competition. Thus, the number of pairs decreases until the very final, where the owners of “steel eggs” will compete with each other for the main prize. The winner is the participant who has at least one egg left intact.


Quests are the latest non-standard development, so to speak, a novelty invented by the talented and spontaneous minds of humanity, so that the holidays are not only fun, but also interactive.

1. The quest can be organized in any case, in any room, the difference will only be in the scale of the search area.

So, an excellent thematic quest for March 8 will be a special scenario consisting of objects that need to be found and hints for them. With the help of such a quest, for example, in the office you can easily play with the presentation of flowers and gifts to women.

For example, print out two photographs of an office, an office with a different arrangement of objects in it (prepare in advance) and women, in search of a surprise, will have to find the differences in the images, behind one of which the next clue with the location will be hidden. In the game you need to use the maximum area, all the dark places and corners, cabins, and it’s even worth sacrificing the Boss’s office!

2. The quest can be arranged for the men of the team, who, like real knights, will look for gifts for their female colleagues; such a game scenario is perfect for both an outdoor celebration and an office or restaurant setting.

3. If there are Leaders, you can arrange a sedentary quest with guessing answers to questions and earning points, which are then used to buy a gift for the woman. The questions can be very diverse, for example:

Question : A citizen whose body currently contains a large amount of ethyl alcohol, which, according to standards, exceeds the permissible value, is prone to more than strange behavior regarding the depth of certain bodies of water. Answer : A drunken sea is knee-deep.

Question : My pyrotechnic services are very expensive, but at the same time I am an indispensable worker, since I work for three people! Answer : Zmey-Gorynych.

Question : “Simply Maria!” Answer : An ordinary girl Masha.

Question : “Don’t be born beautiful!” Answer : It would be better to have an oligarch dad.

Depending on the age category of the invited ladies and men, the questions for the quest game can be very diverse. The main thing is to always be tactful and appropriate, because there is nothing worse than an inappropriate joke told at the wrong time.

One of the fairly simple and original tasks-hints for quests is a text that, in order to understand where the next task is, you need to turn it over and read it in a mirror.

Guess who?

The facilitator divides the participants into 2 teams, preferably divided into men and women. One participant is selected from each team. A tantamaresque (a photo stand with a cutout for the face) is placed in front of the girl; she sticks her head into it, but does not see who she is depicting. By asking leading questions to her team, which can be answered “yes” or “no,” the participant tries to find out in 2 minutes who is depicted on the tantamaresk. The competition is repeated similarly with the men's team.

The tantamaresque must depict someone very cool or famous.

Private bussiness

The presenter calls 4-5 participants, who stand with their backs to the audience. A sign is attached to the back of each with the inscription “Cowshed”, “Gynecologist”, “Station”, “Toilet”, “Sobering-up station”, “Tax”, “Psychiatrist”. Participants ask guests a variety of questions to guess the contents of the sign. For example:

  • Do I come here often?
  • Who do they go there with?
  • Who can you meet?
  • How do you feel after the visit?
  • Why go there?
  • Do they pay for visiting, and you?
  • Is it comfortable there?

The winner will be the one who guesses the contents of the sign faster than others.

Bottle and flower

The game is a pair game, but the participants may not be in love. All you have to do is choose a man and a woman for couples. The young lady must hold an empty bottle under her arm, neck first, and the guy holds the flower in his teeth by the stem. A man tries to hit a bottle with a flower at a signal. If the task is simple, it can be complicated: turn on the music so that the couple continues to dance during the competition.

Competitions and games for the holiday "March 8 - International Women's Day"

Game "Be careful!"

Listen carefully to the riddles and tasks and try to answer quickly and correctly. It will be fun!

Grandmother asks Arkasha to eat... salad (porridge) from radishes.

The roads have become drier - my feet (ears) are dry.

They repair roofs, furniture, frames, ... dads (mothers) go fishing.

Like a green log, I’ve been lying in the water for a long time, But don’t touch my belly, I can eat you! I am... a crocodile (frog).

A clubfooted bear (crocodile) passed by the hive.

I was able to pick up a pair of mittens for... hands (feet).

The frost is crackling in the yard, you put your hat on...on your head (on your nose).

To iron a T-shirt and panties, Mom plugs in the iron (watch).

Hockey players can be heard crying. The goalkeeper missed their ... puck (ball).

The bunny went out for a walk, the hare has exactly four (five) paws.

The head is round, the letter is the same shape... O (A).

We bought sandals (felt boots) for my little sister for the summer.

Let's pick up an armful of flowers and we will weave with you... a wreath (hat).

Old women go to the market to buy food (toys).

Irinka and Oksanka Three-wheeled have... bicycles (sleds).

Birthday is around the corner - We baked... a cake (sausage).

From the palm tree down, onto the palm tree again... a monkey (cow) deftly jumps.

There is no point in this whole argument. If you cut fabric, take... scissors (an axe).

In the thicket, with his head raised, a wolf (giraffe) howls with hunger.

Both capricious and stubborn, my daughter (mother) doesn’t want to go to kindergarten.

Always wearing rompers Sleeping in the garden with a pacifier... little brother (grandfather).

Mothers take their children to... a clinic (school) for vaccinations and injections.

Only a fearless teacher (diver) enters the classroom for first-graders.

He is a big naughty man and a comedian, He has a house on the roof. He's a braggart and an arrogant guy, and his name is... Carlson (Dunno).

All wheezing, sneezing Lada: Ate a lot of... ice cream (chocolate).

For lunch, Vanya’s son’s mom cooks soup in…a saucepan (glass).

Yulia's mother asked her to pour some tea into... a cup (pan).

Dresses and pants for dolls. Girls (boys) always love to sew.

He is a reliable security guard. The door cannot be without... a lock (faucet).

Summer is getting closer to us every day. Soon we will all be on... rollerblades or skateboards (skis).

Look at the bird - the bird has exactly two (three) legs.

The teacher explained to Ira that two is more than... one (four).

Both in Voronezh and Tula, children sleep at night on... a bed (chair).

The fiery red-haired evil fox (cow) ate the little hare and caught the second one.

Who's chewing a pine cone on a branch? Well, of course, this is... a squirrel (bear).

Run to the shore quickly! A toothy crocodile (parrot) is swimming.

The tail is like a fan, there is a crown on the head. There is no bird more beautiful than... a peacock (crow).

Daughters and sons are taught to grunt... by a pig (ant).

All the kings in the portraits are drawn wearing...crowns (berets).

The sun's ray has gone out over the forest, the king of beasts... the lion (rooster) is sneaking.

The prickly ball, a kind... hedgehog (gnome), built a house between the snags.

Under the circus dome, a brave and strong... gymnast (pilot) will set off on a dangerous flight.

A knight and a rook walk across the squares, the chess player (judge) prepares his winning move.

Trains lions, dogs Brave, our brave... tamer (fisherman).

Rolls and rolls are baked for us every day by... bakers (doctors).

Folds, pockets and even piping - The beautiful dress was made by... a tailor (musician).

Cooks porridge and broth. Kind, fat... cook (postman).

At night, each window is weakly illuminated by... the moon (sun).

You will sleep during lessons - For your answer you will receive... two (five).

Game "Women's professions"

Name a woman's profession based on its brief description.

– Always flying in the clouds – flight attendant; stabs those who came to her - a nurse; provides children with milk - milkmaid; measures, cuts, sews, dresses - dressmaker, seamstress; The entire kindergarten teacher is waiting for her; cuts bangs, does hair - hairdresser; school class mother - teacher; grows roses, cacti, mimosas - florist; On her counter there are dolls, balls, pins - the seller.

Game "Guess the teacher"

Interested participants pull out a piece of paper that contains the name of the teacher who needs to be shown, focusing on her main differences, habits and habits. The rest of the students and guests of the holiday must guess who was shown to them. The most artistic and cheerful students who show imagination are awarded prizes.

Game "Find your name"

A girls team competes with a boys team. Children's names are written on stickers. Then they are mixed and distributed to the children. Everyone sticks the given name on their clothes on the left. You need to find your name and stick it on your clothes on the right, and then help the participant who gave you the name find his. The team that finds all their names the fastest wins.

Game "Princess-Nesmeyana"

One or more “Nesmeyans” are selected from among the competition participants. The task of the others is to use any means necessary to make Nesmeyana laugh. Only touching and tickling are prohibited. You can tell jokes, make faces, giggle contagiously, and so on. The winner is the Nesmeyana who maintains a serious expression on her face the longest.

"Parodies of classmates"

Each of the boys in the class takes out his own forfeit, which contains the name and surname of his classmate, whom he will have to show. Without saying the girl's name, each boy in turn comes to the board and shows the girl from the class, and everyone else guesses. The funniest and most hilarious parodies are awarded prizes.

What's in front of me

One of our favorite competitions at corporate events. The presenter blindfolds 4-5 participants. In front of each person he places a plate with inedible items, and gives them a fork and knife in their hands. You need to guess what exactly is in front of the participant. The item must not be touched with hands; only cutlery can be used. The smartest girl wins.

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