Games and competitions. Simple props for a children's party. Part 1

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With all the richness and variety of children's programs, without filling them with suitable, properly selected competitions and games, the holiday will not be successful. It is very important to have not only a huge list of games, but to know how to present them and present them under different thematic programs.

On this page we will offer you birthday competitions that are not entirely boring for children of different ages, which can be held both at home and at any site.

  • Competitions and games for children 2-4 years old
  • Competitions and games for children 5-8 years old
  • Competitions and games for children 9-12 years old
  • Games for dance program - disco

Competitions and games for children 2-4 years old

At this age, birthday parties are usually organized at home. The number of invited children does not exceed 5, all games are designed for a small group of participants. Within an hour, you can hold 3-4 competitions in which there is no joint activity, which is not necessary for kids. Happy birthday greetings are included in any form.

  • “The Fox and the Bunnies” The presenter agrees on where the common house will be. Then she sings the song “I am a red fox. I am a craftswoman of tricks. I walked through the forest and looked for bunnies... Into the hole “Boom!” And the hares: “Jump-jump, jump-jump They galloped onto the meadow They all saw the fox and ran to the little house!” The fox is trying to catch those children who did not hide in the house.
  • An analogue with words for ages 5 years and older: “I take mushrooms and berries from a bear in the forest. But the bear is not sleeping, but the bear is growling!” After growling, all the kids run into the house. The one who is caught becomes a bear. You can scatter mushrooms on the floor at home to make playing more interesting.
  • Game “Planting Carrots” Two leaders or assistants stretch a canvas - a bed with holes for carrots. Children “plant” soft toys, after which the mole shakes the bed and the carrots are planted again. Option - the bed is higher than the kids, who reach behind it and pull the carrot towards themselves by the root.
  • Musical game, repetition of movements to the music, boogie-woogie “right hand forward, and then back…”
  • The nose-floor-ceiling game is for attentiveness. The presenter confuses the children at her discretion.
  • I’ll freeze the analogue. The presenter reads aloud: “Dariki-dariki, evil mosquitoes, They curled and circled and grabbed their nose.” The child covers the named part of the body with his hand.
  • “Guess what!” Children dance with their eyes closed, an adult covers one of them with a cloth. He sits quietly under cover, when the children open their eyes, they are asked to guess who is not with them. They name the options. The presenter suggests to the hidden child: “If you are Olya, meow like a cat.” Olya meows (barks, crows).

Unlucky sculptor

In this case, you should not say the name of the game, otherwise the meaning of the game will be revealed, and this is of no use. All guests go into the next room, and the host of the competition and three players remain. One of them is chosen by the sculptor, and the other two are his creation. The sculptor is given the task of putting the other two in very uncomfortable positions. Moreover, the poses must be really uncomfortable. For example, one freezes in a push-up position in the top position, and the other sits on it with his hands clasped behind his back. And then the presenter switches places between the sculptor and the one with the most uncomfortable position. You came up with it yourself - suffer yourself.

The next participant is invited to the room, who in turn is asked to change poses and be a sculptor. What follows is the same pattern: the newly minted sculptor takes the most uncomfortable pose, invented by him. The participating guests do not leave the room, but take the place of spectators. And so on until the last participant passes.

Competitions and games for children 5-8 years old

You can already invite many children to the birthday party of a child of this age. The guests may include friends from the kindergarten group and the playground. At the age of seven, children already invite school friends to their birthday parties. You can hold competitions at home parties, on the street, depending on the number of invitees. The whole holiday can consist of competitions, the guests will only be happy. You can include relay races with balloons and competitions for agility and speed.

  • Children stand in a circle holding hands. The presenter pronounces the actions, the children repeat: “Let's go three steps to the right - one, two, three, And then we'll go left - one, two, three. Together we will now come together one, two, three, and then we will separate one, two, three. And let's clap our hands once, twice, three times. Let’s spin a little, once, twice, three times.” Can we do it faster? It pushes the pace beyond impossibility in 3-4 games.
  • For a large number of children, an option with the words: “We rode on the swings, and then on the carousel, And then, then, then, then, Everyone ran, ran, ran, Faster and faster...” The presenter at any moment announces “Wait, wait , stop the carousel!
  • The players stand against one wall. The leader is at some distance, with his back to them. The task is to touch until he sees them moving. You can turn around at any time, while players freeze so that they are not sent back to their starting point.
  • "Sea-land." The section can be a long rope. Participants stand along the rope on dry land. The presenter calls “sea” or “land” alternately, trying to confuse the players. Their task is not to confuse the teams and to always be on the right side of the divide at the right time. For elimination.
  • The leader stands in the center with a thick rope. The rest are in a circle, dodging the untwisting rope. When it flies at the bottom, everyone jumps. The rope can fly along the top, a rather unexpected move, then the players duck down. For elimination.
  • "Walk under the rainbow." The players take turns walking under the rope, which drops lower each time. It is necessary to walk, bending back and looking up.
  • Tug of war is a team game for any age and number of participants. The task is to listen to the leader’s whistle and drag the opposing team towards you at an agreed distance.
  • With props - any objects that children must recognize with their eyes closed. For example, dummies of vegetables and fruits. We play in teams. We use the same props for the game “cook”.
  • "Cook". The teams are given the task of cooking soup and compote. The winners are those who have chosen the most complete and correct composition of products from the offered range.
  • Teams are located on opposite sides of the net, rope, border. An equal number of foam balls or cubes are distributed. At a signal, children begin to throw objects to the enemy’s side. The presenter begins the countdown. At the words “stop,” everyone freezes with their hands raised. The team with the fewest foam items left on its territory wins.

Guess what's in your hands

Thanks to modern soft toy manufacturers, this game can be a lot of fun at a holiday party. To do this, you need to choose several small soft toys. It is better to choose not banal bears and hares, as they are easily recognizable, but something unusual. And, of course, the owner of these toys cannot participate in the game, because he will immediately guess them.

The essence of the game is that the presenter blindfolds the participant, gives them a toy and asks them to guess it. The player can comment on his thoughts, which will be very funny if he is wrong. By the way, you can use not only soft toys, but also plastic toys and just objects. The main thing is that they are not too obvious.

Usually guests are surprised that they could not recognize such a basic thing.

Competitions and games for children 9-12 years old

The age when birthdays are celebrated in restaurants, cafes, children's clubs or anti-cafes. Games are more relaxed and do not require a large space. They can also be carried out at home, in a limited area.

  • "Crocodile". The child, without the help of words, tries to convey a phrase or phrase to others. The one who guessed correctly becomes the leader.
  • A piece of paper is glued to the player’s forehead, indicating who he is now in this game. Those around him try to help him guess who he is, without saying the word itself and answering his questions only “yes” and “no.” The more players, the more interesting and confusing the game.
  • Pieces of paper with inscriptions of 2-3 words are glued to the backs of a couple of players. They put them face to face and announce the start of the competition. Everyone’s task is to be the first to find out the contents of the note and not show theirs to their opponent.
  • Blind maniac. Participants hold a rope in a circle, forming the boundaries of the playing field. A loud countdown from 1 to 10 begins. Inside there is a blindfolded “maniac” and a “victim.” The “maniac’s” task is to catch the victim before the final number “10” sounds. If the “victim” runs out of bounds, he is considered a loser.
  • "Golden Gate". Two players, holding hands, form an arch, under which a line of participants passes in a chain. At the same time, they recite the poems: “Golden Gate, come through, gentlemen! The first time is forgiven, the second is not forbidden, and the third time we won’t let you through!” With these words, the arch lowers and the slowest ones fall into the ring. The losers join the group of leaders and, holding hands, form a new passage arch. Thus, the number of players decreases, and the leaders increase until the “golden gate” wins completely.
  • “Burn, burn clearly.” It is not carried out at home; a large site is required. The players stand in a large circle and sing the words: “Burn, burn clearly, so that it doesn’t go out! Look at the sky, the birds are flying, the bells are ringing. One or two, don’t be a crow, run like fire!” In this case, the presenter with a bright scarf in her hand stands between any neighboring players standing in a circle. Those who find themselves on opposite sides race around, trying to be the first to snatch the scarf from her hands.
  • "Minefield". Each team is delegated 1 player, who is blindfolded. Balls of 3 colors are scattered on the floor - black, white and red. Teams orient their delegates without touching them so that they crush the balls of their color without being blown up by black mines. The first team to complete their task wins.
  • “Go through the gate.” Two or more players, depending on the size of the goal, are blindfolded. They stand with their legs “glued”, but work with their torso and arms. The presenter places them so that they overlap each other. The task of the players of the other team is to pass through the guarded gate without allowing the guards to touch them. To be clear: the movements of the defenders resemble the dance of aeromen.


The participants of the game (from 4 to 6 people) need to be placed one after another, sideways to the guests. Give everyone a piece of paper and a marker. We show the last player a drawing of a snowman, and he must repeat the drawing on the back of his neighbor. Naturally, silently, without commenting on what he draws. He, trying to understand what the participant is drawing on his back, repeats it on the next player after him, drawing on a whim. At the end, the first of the game chain shows a drawing. Usually it turns out to be just a face, and body parts are lost in the process.

Dance competitions for children's disco

When organizing a disco, one of the main tasks is animation to catchy music. Children should be interested in dancing, and continuous entertainment with dance competitions is the best way to engage children in the program.

  • They dance in pairs, clutching the balloon with their knees, backs, and bellies.
  • The same without the ball. “Sticking” with elbows or heels, dance movements are performed.
  • Dance with a specific part of the body. The presenter calls in turn: finger, hand, eyebrows, elbows, knees. The remaining parts are resting.
  • At the direction of the leader, the specified number of children gather and dance together. Pairs, threes, eights and fives break up and form again, attracting free dancers.
  • The hat is on the leader who sets the dance pattern. Everyone repeats his movements until he puts it on someone else.
  • The host selects a player and takes him aside. With the rest, a “lighter” is assigned, after which all movements are repeated, as in the previous competition. The chosen one released into the circle of dancers must identify the “lighter”. The unmasked leader of the disco is taken aside. Everything is repeated in a new circle.


The host divides the guests into several pairs. Next, several cards are made on which some part of the body is written. The cards are laid out on the table with their face down. Then the couple must choose a card and stick to each other with the part of their body that is indicated. The more inconvenient the gluing location, the more fun it will be. Now you should tie a scarf onto the glued pair. It is better if not everyone does this at the same time, but each couple takes turns. Those whose situation is more difficult win.

There is another variation of this game. Props you will need: laces, wax candle, matches, sheet of paper, ballpoint pen, scissors. The participants of the game are divided into several pairs. Each pair hugs each other in such a way that only the left arm and leg of one and the right arm and leg of the other player remain free. For convenience and synchronization, you can tie the “third leg” with a belt. The result is Siamese twins. Now they need to do a few simple steps, working together. This is trying to light a candle with matches, tie your shoelaces, cut out a shape from paper, or try to insert a rod into a pen.

I never…

Popular fun with elements of drinking. You can drink both alcohol and non-alcoholic drinks.

The players sit at the table, on a blanket, on the grass in a circle. A glass of drink is placed in front of each person. You can play clockwise, by lot or according to the “bottle” principle. A person is randomly selected. He pronounces a phrase starting with the words: “I have never...”.

For example, a beginner says the phrase: “I have never spied on girls.” Spins the bottle. The one to whom the neck points comes into play. He drinks the contents of his glass if he has ever spied on a female. If not, the one who said the phrase drinks. Then the person to whom the neck pointed continues the fun and chooses the next character.

The phrases spoken depend on the imagination of those present. There are no exceptions unless they are discussed in advance. You can play as much as you like until you get bored.

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