Quest for teenagers 14-16 years old - example scenarios

So, congratulations, you have decided to open your own business in the quest industry. Well, or, at the very least, you are looking at this niche and want to understand it better. Sooner or later you will be faced with a situation when you need to come up with and choose a good name for your quest project. Read this article to the end to find out exactly how a brand name is invented, what mistakes entrepreneurs most often make in branding and positioning their quest projects.

So, let's begin!

The name should be sonorous

Remember once and for all – the name should simplify your marketing. Not to complicate, but to simplify. Therefore, if you don’t rush and spend not 30 minutes choosing a name for your quest project, but at least a couple of days, then in the future you can save yourself a lot of money.

All other things being equal, if we take as an example 2 conditional quest projects, one of which is called “Questomania”, and the second “ALPA”, then the owner is 100% likely to spend less money on promoting the first project than on promoting second.

Because the potential consumer will immediately understand what exactly the company does. In the second case, everything will be very difficult.

The first thing that comes to mind with the name “ALPA” is the Alps, i.e. maybe the Alpine mountains? This means that the company probably sells mountaineering equipment, or, at worst, something for winter recreation, maybe?

What will be your surprise when you find out that this is what they called... a quest project? Such a name will be much more difficult to remember, because it is in no way associated with what the company offers.

Therefore, the recommendation here is simple: “Come up with meaningful names!” For example, the FixPrice chain of stores, the literal translation of which from English is fixed prices.

The store offers to buy most of the goods that are in their assortment at a single price (for example, 50 rubles). The name is so simple that even grandparents who are frequent visitors to such stores can easily remember it.

Yes, the owners of many billion-dollar companies did not look for easy ways and came up with names that are not even close to the product itself or the company’s line of business.

You know them for sure: Apple, Adidas, Nike. But this is an exception to the rule, not the rule itself. Who knows, maybe if the companies were named differently, they would have become even more popular and rich?

Detailed description of the quest

With the help of this quest you can easily and cheerfully present a gift (surprise) to your family and friends.

♦ Age category: from 12 to 17 years. ♦ Target audience: the quest is universal - suitable for both boys and girls. ♦ Completion time: total completion time up to 30 minutes. ♦ Purpose of the quest: searching for a gift - after completing all the tasks, the participant will find a cache in which the quest organizer knowingly hid the treasured gift (surprise). The quest is perfect for giving a gift for a birthday (birthday person), a gift on the occasion of any celebration or holiday, or if you just decide to surprise your loved one. ♦ Venue: indoor quest - house, apartment, dacha. ♦ Number of participants: quest for 1 person (gift recipient). ♦ Tasks: All tasks are completely ready for the quest. You just have to choose the most suitable places - hiding places for your home and print out cards with tasks. The quest consists of 10 task cards and 10 hiding places, respectively. ♦ Quest genre: active quest with a search for a gift. ♦ Hiding places in the quest: ◊ Mirror ◊ TV ◊ Washing machine ◊ Refrigerator ◊ Stove ◊ Table ◊ Computer ◊ Sink ◊ Sofa ◊ Flowers ♦ Necessary props: pencil or pen for filling out the answers. ♦ The finished quest kit includes three PDF files : 1 . The file “Instructions for the quest” contains a detailed list of necessary actions to prepare the quest for implementation. 2 . The “Quest” file contains all the cards with tasks that the participant will need to solve. 3. The “Quest with answers” ​​file contains the entire list of tasks with detailed answers. These files will need to be printed on a black and white or color printer. ♦ Other quests on the site: Quests up to 10 years old Quests up to 16 years old Quests from 18 years old

Ideal names for quest projects - examples

The company with the cool and sonorous name “Claustrophobia” was the first to enter the quest industry in Russia. She took, perhaps, the most intriguing, provocative and one of the most interesting names for her quest business.

Artem Kramin, an entrepreneur from Kazan, also took a very good name for his project. His quest network is called "Escape the Room". Simple, clear, easy to remember.

Moreover, things even reached such a slight absurdity that in 2015 he turned to our partner with a request to remove the heading from the quest project website, where leaving the room is mentioned as an entertainment format, and not as the name of his brand in quotation marks.

Abroad, his brand, however, has already been transformed into one Russian word written in Latin - “Komnata”. By the way, one of the global marketing studies announced interesting results: 11% of consumers basically do not buy anything from a company if they do not like its name. In our case, these 11 people out of 100 will not even be interested in your quests, no matter how good they are, so do not save time and effort in searching for the very name that will catch the minds and hearts of your future Clients.

In Saratov, by the way, we came up with the following name for our Client for the quest project: “Kvesterika”. The name is easy to remember, it is very creative and perfectly reflects not only the fact that the company is engaged in quests, but immediately makes it clear that these are probably also horror quests. Horror fans have already checked it out.

Quest for teenagers 14-16 years old – “Cossacks-robbers”

Teachers can organize quests for teenagers at school. Thematic quest for teenagers - “Cossacks-Robbers” is held on the street. Props for the game are made for two teams of different colors at once. Hints are hidden in various places; whoever reaches the finish line of the quest the fastest is the winner.

Items for the quest:

  • Ribbons of different colors for two teams
  • Hints written on paper
  • Treasures and the Bandit Flag
  • One tent, two syringes
  • Water, bottles
  • Hint photos.

Quests in nature
Quest scenario for teenagers 14-16 years old: “Cossacks-robbers”

  1. The host says that he welcomes the quest participants. Voices the rules. Each team must represent its interests. All participants are given ribbons. Cossacks - blue, robbers - red. Hints for each team are also given by color. The details are also blue for Cossacks and red for robbers.
  2. None of the team members should use other people's tips or objects. Now that it has become clear who is playing on the Cossack team and who is on the bandit team, you can start the game.
  3. First of all, the Cossacks must hide their treasures from robbers. The robbers hide their flag. Now each team must find these items. Whoever finds it first wins.
  4. Both teams come up with a password to communicate with their members. The presenters must take a photo of where the treasures and the flag are hidden.
  5. The presenters send one prisoner at a time to the opponents’ tents. The rest of the participants go looking for clues.
  6. The presenters also give hints to the participants of both teams, directing them to clues and dictating directions (south, east, left, right).
  7. The prisoners are in the enemy's tents and begin to extort passwords from the guards.
  8. The presenter gives a hint to the guards, so that the password is saved, their captives must be released. Participants approach the tents, the guard sets a condition - he will release the prisoner only if the teams fulfill a number of conditions. More precisely, they will go through a whole relay race and bring him water.
  9. A relay race is held at the base. Each team uses its syringe to pour water from a large container (bucket) into a bottle. To do this, all team members line up and pass the syringe of water exactly as many times as it takes to fill the bottle.
  10. When the bottle is filled to the required level, the water is given to the guard, and he releases the prisoner from the tent.
  11. A team member who was captured gives a hint to his team members. It states that they should find the bag.
  12. After which the team searches for this item. It is hung on a tree in advance. The approximate height of the bag is 2 meters. Someone climbs a tree and takes out a bag. There's a clue there. A photograph cut into particles.
  13. After the guys collect this photo, they look for the place depicted on it.
  14. Having found that place, participants will receive as many as nine clues. Some elements from the periodic table of chemistry will be drawn there. They need to be translated into numbers. To do this, it is enough to know what number in the table this element is under.
  15. You will get a phone number. Young people will have to call this number. And the owner of the room will send them a photo with the location of the treasure or a photo with the location of the enemy’s flag.

Cossacks and robbers find these objects, the leaders call them to the base. Prizes are awarded there. Separate souvenirs are given to prisoners who were able to extort the password of their rivals.

On our portal you can read interesting articles on similar topics here:

  1. Quest script for finding a gift;
  2. Quest for children - script, organization;
  3. Outdoor quest game “Burn, Burn Clear”;
  4. Games for children on the street.

Crossing words

Over 4 years of working in the quest market, we have discovered an effective rule for coming up with names for quest projects: crossing words. We are by no means claiming to be a genius, but time-tested techniques in such matters as naming, for example, often work very well. We take the word “quest” and cross it with different options.

Here's what can happen: “Questerika”, “Questomania”, “Monte Questo”, “Realquest”, “Questgrad”, “Questtime”, “Monsterquest”, “Questar”, “Greenquest”, etc. In a few hours of brainstorming, I'm sure you can come up with some cool free options for yourself.

Yes, this may seem a little banal, but who said that non-banal options will be remembered better and bring more benefits to your brand?

You can even name it after yourself

The only option when you may like the name, and perhaps not quite like the public, is if the brand is named after you, that is, by your last name.

Look at Oleg Tinkov, for example. Why is his bank called Tinkoff? Because personal responsibility gives a great bonus in sales.

If we simplify the logic, then everything works in the human brain something like this: “The person named the company after himself! This means he bears personal responsibility for the result. You can trust him." That is, there is a clear relationship between the personality of the owner and his business.

If a quest project named after the founder opened in my city, I would at least spend a little more time out of curiosity studying such a company than on some too banal “QuestQuest” (no offense to competitors). For me, this is a litmus test - a person will not name a quest that he is not sure about after himself. It will be a shame. Plus, this name makes the brand stand out from the crowd of competitors.

Quest for teenagers 14-16 years old for an indoor birthday - tasks

It is not always possible to spend birthdays outdoors. Especially in the winter season. Therefore, you can organize a celebration in the hall and have a lot of fun with friends and family. In addition to a themed party, you can also organize various quests for teenagers. The only thing is that you need to prepare the prizes in advance and the props too.

Quest for youth

Indoor quest for teenagers - tasks:

  • Golden box . All participants exchange paper money for change in advance. Teenagers sit at the table and count in a circle to 33. When counting, you should skip all numbers that are multiples of three; the participant who receives this number must silently clap his hands. If he does not do this, he must put the coin into the general jackpot. The winner is the one who says the last number thirty-three. The winner takes the coins that the participants throw in.
  • Lucky. Many different buttons are poured into the bag. It is desirable that there be all the colors of the rainbow. Participants begin to take out these buttons and guess by color what will happen to them in the near future. Red is considered the color of love. Orange - predicts climbing the career ladder. Yellow is the color of wealth. Green – calm, measured life. Blue - for travel. Blue – changes in marital status. Purple – moving, improvement in financial income.
  • Strongest. Guys and girls will have to split into pairs. When the leader gives the sign, the guys take the girls in their arms. Those who drop out first lose. If the participants hold the girls in their arms for a long time, then they should come up with conditions so that the game ends faster, for example, sit down with the girl.
  • Dancing . The teenagers are blindfolded, start dancing, and while the music is playing, find a partner. Whoever does not find it is eliminated from the competition.

Moscow as a source of inspiration

In Moscow they know how to do cool marketing, so you can and should learn from Muscovites. For example, in Moscow there is a chain of cafes called “Three Rules”. Agree that the name is intriguing. What are these rules?

And their rules are as follows: “No chemicals, only natural products,” “Food like in a restaurant, but at a lower price,” “Guaranteed freshness, because what is prepared today will only be sold today.”

So easily and playfully, the guys not only came up with a good, meaningful and intriguing name, but also closely connected it with their key principles.

In Moscow, for example, there is a butcher shop with the unusual name “Man and Meat”. Simple and original. Moreover, this is not simple meat, but a premium level - for gourmet steaks.

What's there in the West?

By the way, a good way to find a name for an quest project is to look for the names of escape projects in the West. To do this, just go to foreign Yell or TripAdvisor in the “Escaperooms” section and see who is called what. You can also Google the following queries: “escaperoomsNY”, “escaperoomsChicago”, “escaperoomsBoston” and so on.

If your English is good, then I’m sure you can get a certain amount of inspiration. If you have it like me, then sometimes you will need to Google, armed, for example, with the Google Translate service or in the arms of any other online dictionary. In an hour or two of wandering you can find a lot of interesting options.

Don't forget about creativity

It will be great if the name for the quest project is creative. A person is greeted by his clothes, and a quest project is greeted by its name. A boring name may lead a potential player to think accordingly. If we abstract from quest rooms, I will give several striking examples of company names.

Imagine a chain of stores selling building materials and bricks called "Monkey Chi-Chi-Chi." Is it easy to remember? Yes. Is the name viral? Certainly. I am sure that at least every third visitor, and simply anyone who has seen the advertisement, will tell their acquaintances and friends about such a store with the aim of “laughing”.

But when the question arises about where to look for building materials, the image of the same monkey that sold bricks will immediately pop up in your head... It’s not necessary to hang a rope in the store, but you can play with such a cool trick.

And here’s another interesting name for a hookah bar that operates in the city of Naberezhnye Chelny – “Dut”. In youth slang, “to blow” means to smoke weed. However, this term eventually passed into the hookah industry, that is, when people suggest “blowing”, this also means “smoking a hookah.”

Okay, that's all great, but what about quests? Here are some interesting creative names that we found in different cities of Russia:

• “We were closed” (Cherepovets) • “What Quest?” (Rostov-on-Don) • “Mr. Quest” (Simferopol) • “Pseudologica” (Ufa) • “Mousetrap” (Tomsk)

But in pursuit of creativity, don’t go too far. Otherwise, you will end up making a mess later.

An example of such wood splitting is the brand name “Fekalof”. The company deals with autonomous sewage systems and “cleverly” plays on the word feces. Yes, it is quite possible that the brand has wonderful products, excellent service and truly competitive prices. But what's the point if a certain segment of the target audience does not want to interact with a brand whose name seems simply disgusting to them?

Remember the study where 11% of respondents do not buy anything from a brand if they do not like the company name... And with such a name, customers who will not want to cooperate with the company may be a little more than 11%.


When coming up with a brand, also keep in mind that people will try to simplify it. For example, the great computer game CounterStrike is popularly referred to as “KS” (ke-es), i.e. "Counter Strike". Also keep in mind that people will remember you not only by the brand name, but also by the name of the quests. If your brand is called, say, “Cool Quests,” and your arsenal includes the quests “Robbery of an Italian Bank” and “Horrors of a Psychiatric Hospital,” then when discussing the topic of quests, people will express themselves much more simply: “You were in a mental hospital ? or “Have you been to a robbery?” if these are unique topics in the city.

The brand name here will with a probability of 80-90% be secondary, and often not remembered by players.

Quest for teenagers 14-16 years old - features

Quests are interactive entertainment. During these events, players perform various actions to achieve a certain goal, to reach the finish line. At the end of the quest there should be a certain motivating prize. If a quest for teenagers is held in honor of a birthday, then the reward may be a certain gift or cake. It wouldn’t hurt for all participating young people to receive small but pleasant surprises.

Quest room Trap

In reality, many interesting, exciting quests have already been invented for teenagers aged 14-16, where various tasks are performed. The subject matter can be very diverse. Quests are created based on your favorite films, novels, and cartoons.

They are also divided into such groups:

  1. Quest in open space
  2. Indoor quest (quest rooms)
  3. Quests on historical themes
  4. Quests on detective and spy themes
  5. Scientific quests
  6. Quests for 1-2 people
  7. Group quests.
  8. Quests with one solution to the problem (single-level)
  9. Quests are multi-tasking.

Types of quests
Thanks to these games, not only for children, but also for adults, you can feel collective unity in completing tasks, unforgettable sensations, and positive emotions. Each participant will show their potential and discover new abilities.


To come up with a cool name for your future quest project, you need high-quality brainstorming.

Here are a number of tips that will help you achieve maximum efficiency during collective brainstorming:

• During the first stage of brainstorming, it is important to get up to speed. To do this, you need to completely turn off criticism and write down absolutely all the ideas that come to mind. Even if they seem delusional, crazy, boring, provocative. Brilliant ideas sometimes come at the intersection of something. Here you need to tune in to the wave of generation and write down, relatively speaking, 100 ideas for the name of your brand.

• Appoint a moderator who will record all ideas expressed. He should write down every idea proposed by the brainstormers, no matter where. On a piece of paper, on a phone, on a computer, the main thing is to capture ideas.

• To be on the safe side, the entire brainstorming session can also be recorded on a voice recorder. This decision will absolutely not be superfluous, because sometimes it happens that one said something without remembering, and the moderator simply did not hear this idea or forgot to write it down.

• Remember to turn off all electronic devices and other devices. Sometimes one or two calls can interrupt a very effective flow of thoughts. Therefore, it is better to disconnect from the outside world and focus solely on generating ideas.

• Criticism is included only at the next stage. When the moderator has written down from 30 to 100+ ideas, we begin meaningful filtering. Here we are already removing certain ideas, arguing why this particular name is not suitable for a quest project.

• Controversial options that are liked by some, but not liked by other brainstorming participants, are best recorded separately and returned to them later (for example, the next day).

• We recommend showing the top five or three to your friends and acquaintances. To do this, you can create a general chat on VKontakte or WhatsApp, and ask your friends to vote for their favorite name option.

The collective wisdom at this final stage, as a rule, helps to choose a really good name, and not one that 2-3 founders of the project just liked.

Checking if a name is occupied

Be sure to check if the name you came up with for your brand is available in your city. Let me clarify: there is nothing wrong if in some city someone has already come up with a name that was born in your head and opened their own quest project there. Unless, of course, they have filed for official trademark registration.

Then yes, in six months or a year you may be asked to change your name or offered to buy the rights for an amount from 300 thousand to several million rubles. But the realities in Russia and other CIS countries are such that probably about 2% of companies in the quest industry reach official registration. Others don't bother so much. But if you are serious about the quest business, then it’s still worth submitting documents - it doesn’t cost that much. Depending on the city, a full set of registration services can cost from 20,000 to 60,000 rubles.

Don't forget to check domains too. It’s ideal when, for example, the name of your quest project is “Kvesterika”. Translated into transliteration, the brand name will already be written as “Kvesterika”.

Accordingly, the following addresses should be free: • • • And so on. This is convenient for searching, remembering, and easy to use in website design, printed materials, etc.

However, often entrepreneurs do nonsense and register completely different addresses. In our example, it could be something like this: • • •

Under no circumstances should you do this. Because, firstly, it looks very frivolous. Secondly, you greatly reduce the effectiveness of promoting your website and your communities on social networks. And plus, as practice shows, sooner or later entrepreneurs still come to their senses and try to bring everything into a uniform form. So why wait if you can do everything right away?

That is why, at the stage of selecting a name, it is better to immediately check such things.

Home quest “The Cellar of the Spirit”

When you decide to surprise your child and his friends for his birthday with a quest at home, remember that preparation is necessary. There are two options - invite a professional or prepare it yourself.


Invitations are a necessary part of the game. Having received such messages, the participants will be prepared in advance that they are invited not to simple gatherings, but to a full-scale game. The invitation must indicate the time, place and dress code.

Invitation example:

“Sergey (guest name)! I invite you to take part in an exciting game dedicated to my birthday. I will need your help, so I’m waiting for you at 13:00, August 25 this year. The dress code is loose."

If the party is a costume party, then indicate the theme and what clothes to wear.

Preparing the premises

Our quest will be called the “basement of the spirit,” which means the rooms need to be decorated accordingly.

On the walls, you can hang posters depicting bricks or destroyed premises. It is better to light the room with table lamps. Dim light will shine on the worn bricks, thus creating a basement atmosphere.

The maximum number of players if the game takes place at home is up to five people. It will be more inconvenient, the players will interfere with each other.

main idea

You need to solve a series of puzzles to get to the hidden treasure step by step. If there is only one child, then this may just be a gift. If you are with friends, then in addition to the gift, you can put incentive prizes in the cache, for example, coupons for a visit to a pizzeria or a movie.

Give hints to the children during the game, preferably in different ways - notes, oral answers, via telephone and the Internet.


We choose a presenter in advance; it could be one of the parents.

Presenter : “I greet the brave and courageous treasure seekers. Now, we are at a depth of 30 meters, it remains a mystery - who and when built this shelter. It was discovered many years ago by a mad scientist who hid an important document. The document is protected by an immortal spirit. As legend says, the spirit will reveal its secret only to those who can pass all its tests. Before you, there were countless attempts to find him, but all without success. I hope this works for you. I don’t know all the secrets of this dungeon, so the spirit itself will tell you something. This phone will help you find your lost document.”

Quest tasks

Test 1

Presenter: “in order to cross the threshold of the asylum, you need to show that you are worthy of it. You need to solve several logical problems." Posts several examples from matches. Presenter: “Rearrange one match to get the correct answer.”


8+3-4=0 (we remove one match from 8 to get 9 and rearrange it to 0 to get 8). 5-5+9=6 (at 9 we rearrange the match to make 6).

If necessary, explain the course of action.

Test 2

Presenter : “okay, now let’s see how well you remember. These are symbols of the international system of units (at the age of 14-15, they already studied it at school), each symbol will represent a specific action. In one minute, try to remember. I’ll give you a hint: divide the symbols among yourselves, it will be easier.”

L – call a doctor. M – no way to go forward. T – food and water required. I – that’s right. Q – no way. N – tell me where to go. J – repeat.

After a minute, the presenter removes the symbols and lets the players into another room. There lies on the floor or attached to the wall a symbol - T.

Players are required to have a snack.

Test 3

Presenter : “while you are all at the table, look at the bottom of the plates, there should be a new task there.”

Attach a note with the task to the bottom of one plate.


“Proceed to the adjacent room. There you will see five numbered glasses and a bottle with strange water. Pour one tablespoon into each glass. The reaction that has begun will point in the right direction.”

There is vinegar in the bottle, and flour in all the glasses except one. In the third glass there is soda. By adding vinegar to it, a chemical reaction will occur.

So, the required number is 3.

Test 4

Host : “let’s go back. Pay attention to the shelves, look for the right number.”

Among the total number of books, you need to include a multi-volume edition. We need volume No. 3, between its pages the guys will find a blank sheet.

At this time, a message should come to your phone: “iron”.

The trick is that this is not a simple sheet, but a message or drawing written in milk. To ensure that nothing happens, monitor the entire heating process.

In our case, it will be a washing machine.

Test 5

The guys open the machine and find red, yellow, and blue paints; clean format and the following message:

“Draw a congratulations to a friend. But the color should be orange, brown, purple, green.”

Players must mix colors until they get the ones they want. After that, everyone chooses a color and draws a congratulation.

The desired colors are obtained by mixing:

  • Yellow with blue – green.
  • Yellow with red – orange.
  • Blue with red - purple.
  • Mix all three - brown.

Presenter : “Remember each of your colors and move on.”

Test 6

The group enters a room filled with balloons of different colors. A prerequisite is that among the total number there are balls with the colors of the previous test.

Presenter : “I hope you remember each of your colors. Now pay attention - there are important scraps in the balls with your flowers, you need to find them in two minutes. You can only eat your own color. Forward!".

Scattered fragments are one whole message. To do this, you need to write a quatrain of a famous poet on a piece of paper.

For example, Lermontov, Pushkin, Yesenin, you can take poets who were recently studied at school. Then randomly cut it into the number of players, put it in a ball and inflate it.

Test 7

Presenter : “I see you have found all the pieces, now put them together. Remember whose poems these are. Do you remember? Then we return to the room with the books.”

The guys find the right author, in the book there is an envelope with cinema tickets and a message to the birthday boy, where the gift is.

Presenter : “friends, you did an excellent job with all the tasks, well done! Now let’s all go to the table and celebrate this!”

Check the names very carefully

In our city in 2021, at approximately the same time, 2 quest projects with the same names opened. Then the pun began.

Both quest projects are located on the same street, approximately 2 minutes by car from each other. Both quest projects are located in the hotel.

Both quest projects are located in the hotel basements. Both quest projects were called, as mentioned earlier, the same (something like “Trap Quest”).

Both quest projects had scary quests in their arsenal. Now imagine how many times teams did not get to the quest where they booked the game, simply because the addresses were mixed up because of the names.

Believe me, such incidents happen very often, so you need to check the names of quest projects very carefully. You must be different from your competitors in everything: name, logo, corporate identity, location, etc. The more differences there are, the easier it will be to remember you.

Quests for 14-16 year olds - scenario for the quest “Treasures of Flint”

The easiest way to organize quests is to contact any agency. Professionals will make the event at the highest level. However, you will have to pay for this. But I want to come up with something unique, make, for example, an extraordinary birthday gift. Young people love something unusual and will certainly appreciate the efforts of their parents.

Quest for young people

And if you want a costume quest, then you will have to look for costumes at special rental points, so the participants will really feel like the heroes of the film, and perform the roles with maximum diligence. The quest script needs to be written out step by step. Prepare the venue in advance, lay out the details.

  • Scenario of the quest "Flint's Cave"

It’s good if this quest is organized in the country or in nature. There will be trials and obstacles along the way for the teenagers, they must be passed in order to receive a reward (treasure in the cave). The presenter will be dressed up as Flint himself. The remaining participants can choose any pirate or doctor hero (at their discretion). You need to take into account that you will also need makeup to look as much like the characters in the film as possible.

You will also need these auxiliary items:

  • Champagne bottle with letter
  • Balloons filled with water
  • Long strong rope
  • Plastic bottles with water
  • Metal utensils (pots, spoons, bowls)
  • About ten plastic bottles filled with water
  • Target, sticks instead of spears
  • Plastic plates, disposable
  • Disposable glasses
  • Empty bottle
  • Clothespins, brushes, paints, brushes
  • Cones, neat stones of different sizes, pasta
  • Map cut into pieces
  • Large chest with imaginary treasure.

Birthday - pirate party
Quest scenario for teenagers 14-16 years old :

  1. After the participants change into costumes, the presenter must announce that the teenagers should find a bottle that contains a letter, but it is encrypted. Therefore, they will still have to go through the stage of collecting coconuts (collecting balls, which will contain the key to the message code).
  2. And in order to collect coconuts, you also need to go through a web. The web is pulled from ropes. Moreover, it is undesirable to catch the web.
  3. The next stage is the “Noise Orchestra”. A kind of ritual in order to quickly find treasures. Participants must take metal utensils, stand in a circle, dance and play with spoons, and run around with bowls and pans in a circle. It would be nice if it was around the fire in the evening.
  4. Now all that remains is to overcome the path; this is precisely why the bottles are placed in a zigzag, so that the participants will quickly run between them.
  5. They will run to the clearing, where the spears will be waiting for them. There they take turns shooting at the target with these sticks. You can use darts and darts for this.
  6. To get the treasure in the cave, participants will have to make a sacrifice. This is where paint plates and brushes come in handy. They draw faces on the plates and hang them on clothespins on a rope.
  7. The next ritual is to break into two teams and pour glasses of water from a container into a bottle, lining up in two chains, passing the water from one person to another. Whoever does this faster continues to participate further in the quest.
  8. Now the teams must build tall forts using glasses. Whoever is higher has an advantage.
  9. Afterwards, the team breaks the rocks from glasses with water bottles.
  10. Having passed these obstacles, all that remains is to find clues in the trees where the map pieces are located. Having collected it, participants will find out where the treasure is.
  11. The search may take a long time. Especially if there are conditions for this, it’s good if there is a forest belt on the obstacle course. Then there can be a lot of arrows on the trees.
  12. When the parts of the map are collected, it remains to determine where the chest with imaginary valuables is located.

IMPORTANT : Valuables are stones painted with gold spray paint, pasta, shells, etc. Silver plated too with the paint of their spray can. The main prize is a gift for the birthday boy. Friends must play along and make sure that the hero of the occasion wins.

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