“New Year with Pirates” methodological development (middle, senior, preparatory group)

As soon as the first film about Jack Sparrow , children's animation exploded with a pirate theme. Everyone ordered pirates! Even the youngest birthday boys, who had difficulty understanding why there were so many skulls on their holiday?

Although there are exceptions . One day I was invited to present a pirate program for the birthday of a five-year-old girl. How could I dissuade my parents, offering Fairy, or Squirrel, or another cute character instead of pirates. The parents insisted. I'm coming... And there, for sure, is a little robber, a nimble, precocious and mischievous girl. Apart from pirates, it’s unlikely that anything else would suit her. We pirated for two hours and everyone was happy!

What I mean is that everything is individual. And every child is special in their own way. But still, this case was rather an exception. But in my extensive experience, the age category of the guests should still be taken into account. The pirate theme is rarely able to inspire children, but it can frighten them. Yes, a little man comes, and here are skulls, all in black, and it’s unclear who comes in and calls for battle.

Pirate Party Scenario

To organize a party in a pirate style (as in any other), it’s not superfluous to think about the decoration of the hall. Visual perception is very important! It immediately sets the mood .

Therefore, before we begin the scenario, let's look at decor .

Hall decoration

Balloons, pennants, streamers—the stores are full of them. And yet, such ready-made sets will make your holiday similar to many others.

But all loving parents want their child to have the best , most unique holiday!

Professionals can best help you with this. Design studios specializing in holiday decoration. Although... be careful here too! details carefully . Otherwise, you risk getting a standard set.

Some animators (like me, for example) also create holiday decorations. To the best of my ability, without pretending to be super chic. And this option also exists . After all, a children's party does not last long - usually 2-3 hours.

To decorate a pirate party, I have an exclusive set that you cannot buy in a store.


This is a banner with a poster of your favorite movie characters. Most often I use a special screen for it. The banner can also be mounted on the wall. Or stretch it between the trees, on the wall of the house (if the holiday is outside).

Not only children, but also parents happily take pictures against this background.


Wow, they are back in fashion and probably are not going to lose popularity! It's cool, interesting, fun. No need to change clothes - just stick your head through the hole and now you are a dashing pirate!

Tantamaresque is easy to carry with you and will help you add the appropriate style to your holiday at any time.

Table decoration

We won’t dwell on chic, professional table decoration here. Let's look at how to do it quickly, inexpensively, and even with your own hands.

Cut out skulls from thick paper and insert a napkin into them

Do you remember how to make boats from paper? Great! Napkins folded in the shape of a boat or ship are a great holiday decoration! What’s even nicer is that you can easily involve your child in this activity.

Octopus pasta.

Pizza in the form of a card. Sandwich boats

Pirate costume

Costume for child

Children usually have a lot of friends and everyone loves to organize themed parties. You can't have enough for every occasion . And you won’t always have time to do it either.

An animator comes to the rescue!

I use black bandanas with skulls on them. This immediately puts you in the holiday spirit!

How to make scarves and how to apply the design so that it is not afraid of any washing - I will tell you! Write to me in a personal message ( preferably in VK ), my coordinates are on the website - go by clicking on the link.

BUT! In the process of work, this prop revealed several unpleasant moments

  • after each holiday they need to be washed and ironed
  • they must be laid so that they do not wrinkle
  • the children are hot in them and after 2-3 competitions they want to take them off
  • sometimes children “take” scarves as souvenirs and have to replenish the props, which is troublesome and you don’t always have time
  • if you are invited to a big holiday - there are 30 people, or even more, you won’t have enough for everyone, and it is unacceptable to single out someone

Therefore, we use such bandanas mainly for photo shoots.

There is a simpler and cheaper option. It’s not a shame to leave these holiday attributes, you don’t need to collect them, and most importantly, children feel comfortable and not hot in them! The idea came to me when I looked at the uniform of English sailors.

We cut the printed sheet into 4 parts - so that the picture is on each strip in the middle. From another sheet of paper we cut out the same strip, but without the picture. So you have 2 stripes - one clean, the other with a pattern. We fasten them. With a picture - on the forehead, without a picture - on the back of the head. We quickly fasten the sides with a stationery stapler or just a glue stick and here you have your personal pirate headdress.

Suit for animator

Dear colleagues, I understand everything, in our small town the price tag for an animator is also not high. But still don’t love your profession !

You can’t get black pants out of your things, wring a striped vest (or even just a T-shirt) from your husband, tie yourself with a scarf and show up for the holiday. This option is suitable for parents (older brothers and sisters who decided to organize the holiday on their own)

My suit is probably not the most chic. But it's still a costume! Although it is made with your own hands from inexpensive fabrics.

The basis of the pattern is the vest. Lengthening the pattern will not be difficult. Braid with fringe and lurex. Finishing. Line. I sewed the suit on my great-grandmother's machine - i.e. even without a zigzag.

I widened the trouser pattern at the waist and made breeches with elastic - very comfortable. And it's not hot in this suit. Comfortable.

Welcome zone

Just as a theater begins with a hanger, so any holiday begins with the arrival of guests .

Guests rarely come all at once. As a rule, they improve gradually. Everyone is welcome. Those who came earlier are bored. If children do not know each other, or not everyone knows each other, they feel uncomfortable and constrained.

And the task of the organizer (animator, parents) is to organize them before the start of the holiday. And nothing unites as well as a common cause!

Creative master class at the holiday

Children, we didn’t have time to prepare the decorations for the holiday! Help us please!

We make chains.

All it takes is cutting strips of paper and asking the children to assemble them into a chain using a stapler or glue stick.

I use professional props - the chain is assembled using Velcro. The links are made of felt.

But you can make it simpler - paper! and all the children work for the benefit of the holiday


The giant coloring book will serve as a holiday decoration and will unite the children. And the memory will remain

I sometimes use templates - I remove faces from pictures in Photoshop. The child can draw himself there, color the drawing and take it with him

For example, I also like to insert a photo of the birthday boy into the picture and tell the children - the color printer is broken. Help me color the picture. It is very funny!

You can offer a competition for attention. Find 7 differences in pictures

All! The preparatory stage is completed! Let's start the holiday

Pirate party for children scenario

BACKGROUND - soundtrack

from the movie Pirates of the Caribbean

Presenters: Hello, dear kids! What are you doing here? And for what reason did you gather? Birthday? And will there be gifts? And cake? And here are the figurines!

There will be no cake for you!….. But we are ready to give it away on the condition that you all join the ranks of pirates, take the young pirate course and become desperate sea robbers! Do you agree?

Then let's meet I am the pirate Mary. And I am Agatha, the daughter of a pirate.

Where is your birthday boy? Where did he go? (they approach different children and mothers with “Congratulations, you’ve grown up big”) Ah! Here she (he) is. What is your name? How old are you?

Tell me what they’ve already done to you: did they pull your ears? Did you give gifts? Did you drive a loaf? Did they explode firecrackers? Noooo? Yes, you just don’t know how to handle D\r. Okay, let's bring some firecrackers and let's blow them up right now? How come there are no firecrackers? (ahhh you can’t explode) Well, that’s okay. We are here and we can do everything with our own hands. Let’s take our magic hands and throw them away now so that it turns out to be a firecracker. How many times can we clap? (how old is the birthday boy) They clapped.

Nooo, you clap badly. It doesn't look like a firecracker . Right now, let's make it so loud that the logs in the house would shake, the chandelier would sway, the leaves on the trees would fall off, so that the neighbors would come running and tell us to call the police, so that they would rush from the street and ask if a war had started. And at the end we will jump high and scream in a bad voice HOOOOOO!

- And you, birthday boy, look : whoever jumps high and claps loudly loves you. And whoever can barely move his hands, don’t feed him cake. They clapped. They shouted. Now clap those who love our dear birthday boy - who love sweets - tasty - who likes to play, tumble... Rolling around in a dirty puddle. - Who loves prizes, gifts, treats, slaps on the head.

That's it, jokes aside, let's get to work!

Tell me, what should every pirate have ?………children answer……. The main thing that should be is COURAGE ! Do you have courage? Get her out! Now we're going straight into the shark's mouth! Who will go first? Everywhere and everywhere today is the first birthday boy!

GAME – Tunnel Shark (several times) BACKGROUND=Uhaha

Now you are ready to take your vow!

Pirate oath chant

We sail on a ship (movements of the oars) Sometimes we walk on the ground (step) Sometimes we are rude (gesture with our fists, as if we were fighting) Because we are “Pirates” (shout in unison)

Aliens are sinking ships (we hold our noses and squat down as if we are going to the bottom) Sometimes we sit aground (squat down) sometimes we fight like soldiers (saber in our hands) because we are “Pirates” (shout in unison)

Today we are on our way to the treasure (hand to forehead, peering into the distance) take a map with us so as not to forget (pretend to read) We will be very happy to find the treasure (jump up, spread our arms) because we are “Pirates”. (shout in unison)

GAME: Now we need a flag and a motto - The picture is cut into pieces. The presenters explain that the flag was damaged during the battle. You need to collect it and read the team motto

Now we have a real team! This is a reason to rejoice! When we are happy, we clap our hands!

BACKGROUND: to the tune of the Freddie Mercury song Vive Vive Raku GAME: Clap and stomp “I came for the holiday”

— We travel , we end up in different countries, we need to somehow explain ourselves to the locals. What foreign languages ​​do you know?….they say…. We will show you this language - knowing it, you will be your own person in any company, on any coast. The language is called soku-bachi.

BACKGROUND - GAME Soku-bachi. Phonogram in the Animashki folder

Competitions for a pirate party

Game - Learning the pirate gait. We walk along the tightrope with a looping step, then do the same thing, but with a show off. Have you seen Jack Sparrow? Pirates have a special gait - the ship constantly sways.

Do you know any birds or fish? Show them, draw them. Now let's show it in the same way. (children repeat the movements after the leader) Can you count to three? …. 1-2-3 BACKGROUND - ANIMASHKA “What attracts the bird” Video and description of the animated dance here

We begin to restore order on the deck. BACKGROUND – ANIMASHKA “ Washing”

We pirates can do everything! But most of all we love, you know what? Fight!

GAME Choose 2 people. We put caps glued together from 2 sheets of A4 paper on their heads. We give inflatable swords to your hands. In the right hand is a sword. We hide the left one behind our back. The pilot cannot be adjusted. The players' task is to knock the cap off the enemy's head with a saber.

But we don’t have the name of the ship ! We give the children letters and ask them to form a word from them. The correct answer is Victory.

Hooligan Tale about “Victory” - we put the word together, then everyone reads it and the animator removes it letter by letter. A ship was walking on the sea……. The sailors wanted...... Something happened on the ship…….. rotten in the hold……. Have you eaten it?……

We divide into teams. What are the pirates looking for? COMPETITION “FOLD A WORD” The children are given large letters in red and blue: P, I, A, S, T, R, Y. – whose team is faster

While they are standing in teams GAMES: - Each team gets a saber and a ball. The ball is a projectile, you need to bring ammunition. Without touching with your hands and without letting you fall to the ground. - We move the ball through the air with a saber.

We are on the island, there are terrible spiders . Who's afraid of spiders? You need to conquer your fear - look it straight in the eye! GAME: We put on spider legs and walk with our backs on the floor. (IF ON THE STREET - DO NOT USE!!!!!!!

- Learning to eat pasta the naval way - Winder with fork

“POPULATE A DESERT ISLAND” - Balloons and flo masters Each player is given a balloon and a felt-tip pen. We write the names of the participants on the balloons. It is necessary to populate the “deserted island” (ball) with aborigines (show with an example) - quickly draw little figures of people on the ball with felt-tip pens while music plays. Whoever has the most natives is the winner. Each player is given a balloon and a felt-tip pen. We write the names of the participants on the balloons. It is necessary to populate the “deserted island” (ball) with aborigines (show with an example) - quickly draw little figures of people on the ball with felt-tip pens while music plays. Whoever has the most natives is the winner. Props: balloons, markers.

WE BOARD – We wind the ships on a rope. Who is faster

Game: who gets closer to the treasure. Stick a pirate sticker on the card with your eyes closed; whose sticker is closest to the chest wins. Stickers

Mechanics competition. Presenter: Your task: use a spoon to transfer water from one vessel to another. Who will do this faster and more accurately? (Attributes: 2 spoons, 2 plates, 2 glasses.) Host: Now imagine that a storm is coming (checkers are scattered around the hall). Where are our cabin boys? For you - the “Clean Deck” competition. Whoever collects the most garbage wins. The difficulty is that the ship rocks from side to side. We will blindfold our cabin boys. (Attributes: 2 scarves, checkers or other items.) Walk along a tightrope (along a rope laid out on the floor)

A pirate must be able to hide in the jungle. We depict animals

Footprints. We stand on them. Then we dance when the music stops - jump on your trail

Pirates must be accurate. Knock down at least one of the three pins arranged in a row (skittles, ball or bat

.5. Gambling game “Ring Throw”. - Rings

Props for the Pirates party

Props. First of all, a chest where all the props for decoration are stored, a chest, balls, a pump, tape, scissors, felt-tip pens. cuttings for chain collection!!!!!! Cards why I go to school, cards from cartoons, Ship - as a gift for the birthday boy - Two steering wheels - cut picture. Who can assemble it faster in the air (not on the floor)

Scriptwriter and director: Elena Solyannikova

If you liked the script , like it , leave a comment here on the site. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them! I will answer as soon as possible.

If you want to receive additional material , musical accompaniment, original animations on props - write to me.

New Year's quest “Pirate Tricks”

Event scenario

Children receive a letter from Santa Claus:

Hello, my guys, I'm Grandfather Frost! A big problem happened to me! On the way to you, a bag of gifts that I was carrying for you was stolen from me. I don’t know who could have done this... I was in a hurry to come to you for the holiday and I fell into a snowdrift, and while I was getting out, and while I got to you... and now I’m confused! And where did the bag go?! Oh, I wish I could find him! I had a long journey to get to you. My path lay past a water swamp, I passed a hut on chicken legs, I ran past the cave of the Serpent Gorynych. I’m very tired and sick from all the excitement, so excuse me, my dear guys, for not being able to show up.

Sincerely, your Grandfather Frost!

Enter the Pirate:

“HA-HA-HA! And I have gifts! Were you hoping to get them so easily? Thousand devils! WILL NOT WORK! They are safely hidden! But I agree to give them to the one who proves that he is worthy of the title “REAL PIRATE”. To do this you need to pass tests. Do you agree?

Then - GO! It is not customary for pirates to address each other by name. They all use nicknames. On pieces of paper, write the first letters of your first and last name. Within 2 minutes, everyone must come up with a nickname starting with these letters. For example, Subbotina Kira may be called the Brave Cat. The author of the most original nickname receives a prize.

Test one

To sail on ships you need to be able to maintain balance during a storm. From the wardroom, where we have gathered today, a rope laid out on the floor leads somewhere (an ordinary fairly thick rope). Your task is to walk along the rope and not fall! Forward! Be brave!

Pirate: Well done, you showed your dexterity, courage and inflexibility, and now we know for sure that more than one storm will not overtake us and throw us off course.

Test two.

You can go sailing on a raft, in a boat, on a yacht, but it is safer to sail on a ship.

And I want to show you what a beautiful ship I managed to recapture. But the storm wind that hit my ship the day before tore the photograph into pieces and scattered them in different directions. Only one small piece remained. Your task is to find the remaining fragments and put them together to create a photograph of my ship!

A fragment of a photograph falls out of the envelope along with the letter. The rest are hidden in hidden corners in the room.

For this task you will need to cut a photograph of a ship into pieces.

Pirate : You have completed the task and can admire my magnificent ship, on which you and I will now go on a very exciting journey, with new adventures. And we have a third test on our way. Is the team ready? Then go ahead.

Test three.

I caught a bottle in the sea, and in it was a piece of paper with riddles. But I couldn’t solve them because I haven’t read many books, I don’t know anything except the title about the New Year and its irreplaceable and eternal attributes. Have you read a lot of books? Then help me solve the riddles!

This is not a breakdown at all, it shoots loudly. That's a shot like from a cannon! Wow toy! (Clapperboard)

I'm never scared at the top of the tree. I sparkle on top of my head, Like on the Spasskaya Tower. (Star)

He runs down the queen Christmas tree on a thread, Metallic flowing, Although not at all liquid. (Rain)

He fell from the sky in pieces, rolled up into three balls, got up with the help of the kids and remained standing. (Snowman)

Children glue these painted chains from paper. (Garlands)

Test four.

Pirate : Real pirates are not only strong, dexterous and brave, but they are also very smart. And if danger awaits them, then they can easily find the right way out of the current situation. For example, this one.

“Two pirates competed for the title of best swimmer. And from the deck of the ship the crew watched them. And suddenly they saw a shark. And they shouted..." What did the crew shout from the deck of the ship?

That's right. " Watch out for the shark !" - this is the name of the game organized by the pirates. And this is how we will play. When the leader commands “Day!”, all players swim around the sleeping “shark”. At the command “night”, the players freeze, the “shark” wakes up and hunts. Whoever moves first is taken prisoner by the “shark”. The loser becomes the next shark.

Test five.

Sea battles! Not a single pirate or crew of a pirate ship can do without them. And “ Battleship ” awaits us, only not the real one, but the New Year’s one.

In the room on the floor, lay out a border - a rope. Divide into two teams, throw the balls to the enemy’s side. The team whose side has more balls loses. During the game, the balls burst, and each ball contains a note with a comic task. Losers must complete these tasks (Appendix 1).

Test six.


A real pirate is not only brave, strong, dexterous, knows maritime science, but also perfectly masters the art of tying sea knots. The next competition will show how novice robbers can do this.

First you need to appoint a leader. The presenter leaves the room. The remaining participants firmly hold hands, forming a closed chain. This chain needs to be tied into a sea knot. Players can twist around, step over the hands of the player standing next to them, and crawl anywhere without letting go of their neighbor’s hand. After the sea knot is ready and the participants are twisted to the limit, the pirate crew shouts: Polundra! The leader enters the room and unravels the knot without breaking the chain. The competition can be repeated several times.

Pirate: Well done! But the tests are not over yet and there is a new obstacle on the way - THE BIG WEB . You need to walk carefully so as not to wake up the spider!

Seventh test.

Game with threads and ropes - " Web "

Take a ball of woolen threads, preferably bright ones, and stretch the threads in the office between all the elements: chairs, table, sofa, closet. You will end up with a web. The essence of the game: the child must pass without touching the “web” and without waking up the spider. The game helps develop coordination and dexterity. After going through the web, the children find an envelope with the next task.

Test 8

Get into the bottle” is the name of the next test. In front of you hangs a sheet of Whatman paper with frames for inserting letters (like in a field of miracles). Each team of children has a row of bottles with messages inside. The messages contain riddles, each letter of the answer to which is a letter of the hidden word. The team that writes the word the fastest wins. This word will indicate the place where gifts from Santa Claus are hidden!

Pirate: How dexterous, brave and skillful you are! You made me very happy that you will cope with such difficult tasks and find all the gifts intended for you! And now you simply must give me a gift. Which? And here's what! Pirates love to dance. I invite you to dance. Let's all dance together " Pirate Flash Mob "!

The pirate stands in front of the children and gives them the command to repeat all the movements after him. After which the music “LosdelRio-Macarena” is turned on, and the pirate begins to dance.

Options for saying goodbye to children:

1.(for group)

Pirate: It was very interesting with you. But the time has come to say goodbye, new adventures and new treasures await me, and I invite you to a fun party! I wish you to always be as brave, dexterous, smart and most importantly FRIENDLY! After all, YOU found your gifts so quickly only because you did everything together! GOOD LUCK! BYE!

2. (for one child)

Pirate: You’re doing great, kid, I’ll be happy to accept you into my team when you grow up, you’re so dexterous and smart, you completed all the tasks “perfectly”! Well, I have to go, my ship and my comrades are waiting for me. Happy New Year! Bye bye!

3. (for a public event)

The pirate says goodbye to the participants, and the event continues according to the general scenario.

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