Birthday contests for children 9 years old, for home and more

Parents strive to give their child the best birthday ever. But how to organize a holiday so that everyone remembers it? To keep everyone happy? Did the kids have fun? Was your child happy? By asking yourself these questions, you will understand that the holiday must be well organized and planned. You need to draw up a script, choose a costume, decorations, come up with games, competitions and treats.

Children love to compete with each other. Therefore, holding competitions causes a storm of emotions in them. For the holiday, you need to choose games so that everyone can cope with them. So your child is turning 9 and you decide to celebrate his birthday at home? Then you should watch the following competitions.

Who eats what?

For this competition you need to prepare stickers, chips, and funny little pictures in advance. The point is that while the guests and the birthday boy are eating, you can ask them questions. And for each correct answer, give a prize, which can then be counted.

Questions may be related to food. What animal eats what? To begin with, you can name simple animals, such as a hare, a dog, a cat. And then list the exotic animals that the children will need to think about.

There may be several such entertainments at the holiday. At the end of the birthday party, it will be possible to count which of the guests has the most collected chips. And for the efforts to reward the winner with a separate prize.

Give me the correct answer

The presenter must prepare a series of questions for children for this competition; the questions contain a small, but tricky part, in case someone gets caught. Example questions: 1. A lunatic is a) a person who lives on the Moon, b) a person who walks at night; 2. A Martian is a) a fictional alien who lives on Mars, b) a person who constantly eats a Mars bar, and so on. The question is answered by the child who raised his hand first. If the answer is correct, the participant is given a tasty reward, for example, candy.

our planet

For this competition you will need to inflate the required number of balloons and markers in advance. There should be enough for each guest. The presenter tells the children that each child has their own planet in their hands and they urgently need to populate it with people. Then a certain time is noted and the start is given. The one who can draw the most people on a balloon will be the winner.

Pass the button to the birthday boy

The guys are divided into two teams with the same number of people. One team is on one side of the table, and the other is opposite. The first members of both teams receive a button and place it on their index fingers. At the command “start”, the first team members, without the help of hands or other participants, pass the button with their index finger to the index finger of the next participant, and they, in turn, pass the button with their index finger to the index finger of the next one. The team that passes the button to the birthday boy faster than their opponents using only their index fingers will be the winner.

Attention boxing

This competition will have the effect of surprise. For him you need to prepare two pairs of boxing gloves, a watch and candy. Two children are called to the middle of the room. They put on boxing gloves and are asked to warm up before the upcoming fight. After 3-5 minutes of warming up, each of them is given a piece of candy and the time is noted. In a fairly short time, children need to open and eat the candy while wearing boxing gloves. Everyone will enjoy this competition and the children will have a good laugh. The one who completes the task faster wins.

Feast for children and adults

By the way, at this age children are already beginning to understand whether the celebration is beautifully decorated. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to take care of the festive and original table setting and decoration.

  • serve the main course on identical plates and with a single design theme;
  • Place canapés and desserts on wooden or plastic skewers that resemble forks (only with very blunt ends). After eating, skewers must be removed immediately so that they do not become objects for play;
  • Divide the canapés onto several small plates so that they can be placed at several ends of the table. If you don’t have a common table, then place the plates on the windowsills, coffee table or bedside tables;
  • choose some dense product as the basis for canapés - hard cookies, bread, cucumber, marshmallows, root vegetables (so that there are no crumbs);
  • avoid eating rye and gray bread for sandwiches - this is too heavy food for small tummies;
  • to add originality to the dish, cut the canapes into shapes: square, oval, circle, star, heart;
  • coat the canapes between layers with sauce: cottage cheese, sour cream or low-fat mayonnaise;
  • decorate the main meat dish in the form of funny hedgehogs, fish and crabs. Attach legs to the crab made from strips of boiled carrots or canned zucchini rings, and let the eyes be cloves or dark olives. Any children's salad can be decorated in the form of funny animals;
  • Put several animals on each child’s plate at the same time: for example, from salad and from meat - there will be no limit to the child’s delight;
  • Include sausages from a trusted manufacturer (necessarily made according to state standards) in your holiday diet, even if you don’t like them in everyday life. You can make many interesting and funny figures from sausages: turtles, octopuses, rabbits and dogs - whatever your imagination allows you to create.

After the feast and the ceremonial removal of the cake with candles, be sure to organize a children's disco. Let the kids jump and frolic to the cheerful songs of cartoon characters. And let the children have unforgettable impressions after the celebration!

Enjoy your preparations and happy holidays!

Marina Talanina and Lyudmila Potsepun.

Exciting dances

Only girls participate in this competition. Each of them is given a fan. The presenter throws feathers into the air and turns on rousing music. Participants need to use a fan to support their feather in the air while they need to dance. The girl who manages to do this the longest will be the winner.


Two of the guys are detectives, and the rest are interviewees. The guys being interviewed receive a secret word - an object that was stolen, for example, checkers, a book, a car, a painting, and so on. The detectives, with the help of their questions, to which the respondents answer only “yes” or “no,” must find out what exactly was stolen, for example, is it one thing? Can this item be played? Can this item be worn? Is this item heavy? Is this item oversized? and so on. The first detective to guess what was stolen will win a prize.

Find your gift

For this competition, you will need to prepare colored cardboard cards and prizes for each participant in advance. So, take a square of paper and write an interesting task in one corner and the name of the prize in the other. The square is then cut in half. The other half with the gift is put into a separate box and put away. Tasks can vary from reciting poetry to drawing pictures. While the child is completing his task, others should support him, encourage him, and applaud him. After everything is done, the contestant looks for his soulmate in the box and finds out his prize. Gifts can be different. For a 9-year-old child, markers, stickers, pencils, small books, card games, etc. are ideal.

Fun competitions for the birthday of a 9-10 year old child

This, of course, is a separate topic. All competitions and games at your baby’s birthday party should include as many children as possible. Ideally, they will be common for the children.

Competition for the most important beech

All children present take part and must be asked to form a circle.

  • You can determine the first participant using a counting rhyme. He should begin by saying the word “ha!” with the most serious look.
  • The next participant should already say “ha-ha.”
  • The third is “ha-ha-ha”, the fourth is to add another “ha”.

It is strictly forbidden for those speaking to smile, but others should try to make them laugh. They are allowed to puff out their cheeks, make faces at the speakers and try to make people laugh in any way possible.

Practice shows that after the fifth or sixth participant, the competition turns into general fun.

Competition for the fullest suitcase

It can be organized for children without leaving the circle in which they were looking for the main beech. The first participant is asked to start by saying: “I’m going to the sea and taking an inflatable ring with me.” The next person must completely repeat the phrase just said and add one more thing to the “suitcase”, for example, fins. The third child repeats the phrase, already mentioning two things and adding a third. And so on.

The first one to miss something from the list is eliminated from the game. Then the game starts over. Again with one thing and so on until the suitcase again becomes too heavy for some participant.

The winner can be given a small handbag or wallet as a prize.

Game for children "Fanta"

This old game does not lose its relevance and there is hardly anyone who does not know what it is.

From each of those present it is necessary to take something belonging to him, preferably a small thing. Place all items in an opaque bag or box and mix. The birthday boy, standing with his back to the bag of things and the adult who takes them out one by one, must guess what the owner of this or that phantom, that is, the thing, should do. Perhaps it will be: recite a poem or sing a song, shout “ku-ka-re-ku” three times or jump on one leg from one end of the hall to the other... The main intrigue in this game is that the birthday boy’s phantom is with everyone else in a common box and he, like everyone else, will have to fulfill his wish.

Instead of things, you can also make cards with the names of the guests and roll them into tubes.

Another trick: 9-10-11 year old children will never admit that they would love to ride a toy pony, tumble in a pool with plastic balls, or jump on a water trampoline. They consider themselves too old for this fun. But it is precisely these and similar entertainments in a special game room that can become a pleasant surprise for them. You just need to involve the children in the game, and later they themselves will not want to stop the ensuing fun.

Festive drink fountain

You can also decorate a sweet table in a playful way. It’s enough to invite the kids to build a pyramid for a festive drink out of disposable cups. At the base of the pyramid, say, there will be a square with sides 5x5 cups. The second tier is 4x4, the third is 3x3... the pyramid should be crowned by one glass proudly standing at the top.

Now you can very carefully pour the drink into the top glass. It will spread beautifully over all the glasses below. Just be careful again! Disposable cups are not glass. They weigh almost nothing and are easy to move or knock over carelessly.

When the festive drink fills all the glasses, you can bring in the birthday cake. Let the hero of the occasion cut it himself and distribute it to everyone present.

Eating dessert goes very well with group viewing of children's films or cartoons. This will be a worthy end to the holiday.

Organize a trip to the bowling alley for your child

Many bowling clubs are good because here, next to the lanes, you can arrange a festive feast with tea after the competition.

The birthday boy or girl always greets arriving guests. Each of those who come can be invited to write a wish for the birthday boy on a poster fixed here in the hall. The games that the children will play need to be thought out in advance and, depending on them, the guests should be divided into teams.

Distribution into teams can be turned into a kind of lottery by handing out closed envelopes with cards or water tattoos to guests. There should be as many types of cards or tattoos as it is planned to create teams of players. You can name the teams based on the guys' preferences. It could be “Golden Dragons” or “Emerald Lizards” from the fantasy world “White Lilies” or “Wild Orchids” if these are teams of girls... You can simply name the teams after the names of the houses at Hogwarts school (Harry Potter). There are many options. And even choosing names for their teams will be interesting for the kids.

Later, while some of the guests are knocking down the pins, the rest of the team members can be asked to come up with a short motto-chant for their team.

Adults will count points in the game and points for mottos invented by the children can be added to the points earned in the game.

It is desirable that all teams, both those who won and those who took second, third and last places, receive symbolic prizes. After all, this is a holiday and you cannot allow one of your child’s guests to be seriously upset by losing at bowling.

After a bowling match, guests can be invited to play various forfeits without looking up from the food. Here you can prepare cards with forfeits in advance, mix them in some kind of hat and pass them around. Each of the guests takes out a forfeit card and does what is written there. For example: meow a cat-like song “Happy birthday to you...” or read a greeting for the birthday boy in the style of some famous poet... And let the child insert some “boo-boo-boo-boo” instead of a rhyme. The main thing is that the game is not interrupted.

Chocolate game

Have the children sit in a circle and place a chocolate bar, a knife and fork, a cube and a set of outfits in the middle. Children take turns throwing the dice, and when they reach 6 points, they must put on clothes and eat the chocolate piece by piece using a knife and fork. The child continues to eat chocolate until the other participant gets 6 points. After this they change roles.

Typically, each child takes turns eating some chocolate, although some children do get more than others. Keep a spare piece of chocolate in case some children don't get it. If you want to make the game more challenging, place the chocolate in the freezer overnight. This will make eating chocolate more difficult.


The presenter reads famous phrases from famous cartoons “Well, hare, wait!”, “I’ll sing now”, “They feed us well here too”, “To buy something unnecessary, you must first sell something unnecessary”... Players must guess What cartoon is this phrase from? Each person who guesses correctly is given a colored card. After guessing all the phrases and cartoons, the presenter counts the number of cards the players have. The one who collects more cards wins.

Number of players: from 3 people Age of players: from 4 years Inventory: cards Premises: room, classroom or office


The players sit down at the table. One is blindfolded, the leader puts pieces of different food into the player’s mouth. The player must guess what it is. The more dishes a player guesses, the more chances he has to win.

Of course, competitions should be interrupted by breaks for the consumption of all sorts of goodies, as well as for fun dancing!

Neurous Invasion

Another exciting game that can be played at the Hero Base. Many years ago, a villain named Neuros created the most powerful criminal organization. The Network (this is the name of this organization) includes the most cruel and insidious villains. It is with them that the young scouts of the Earth will have to fight. Players will have to solve a bunch of puzzles and riddles before engaging in battle with Neuros.

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