TOP 10 gifts for schoolchildren for any holiday and for different ages

Our site has already addressed the topic of gifts, showing you 5 teacher gift ideas and 10 specific teacher gifts. In this article, we will finally turn our attention to our children, schoolchildren. The New Year is just around the corner and you've probably already been thinking about what to give your children at parent-teacher meetings. TOP 10 gifts for schoolchildren is a “collection” of gift ideas for different ages and for different occasions: New Year, March 8th, class birthday.

Place of purchase - online stores already known to you : and

The first of 10 gifts for schoolchildren to enter the arena is a universal option, since it is suitable for all ages (any class) and for any holiday. To go to the product page, click on the picture.


The second type of universal gift, which is familiar to all parent committees. But here I would like to draw attention to the beauty and unusualness of the notebook so that the gift will be remembered.

If you don’t like any of the ready-made notebooks, then create original notebooks yourself, write the child’s first and last name, place photos of the class, decorate and the gift for the class is ready! Only your class will have such things, and all the children will be delighted. Where can this be done? - see below.

The next type of gift is for girls on March 8th.

Trendy gifts

All girls worry about appearance. This means that you should try to give the birthday girl something that will make her shine among her friends:

  • Cosmetics. The girl who received her first set of cosmetics will be incredibly happy. It may include lip gloss, shadows in delicate shades and teenage perfume.
  • Certificate. If you are familiar with the wishes of the birthday girl, please her. To do this, hand over a certificate for the purchase of clothing or cosmetics.
  • Accessories. Fashionable glasses or a hoop in the shape of cat ears look incredibly cool. These things will allow the girl to feel her own style.

For schoolchildren from 14 years old

If you can give younger schoolchildren any educational book or fairy tale, then teenagers will have to rack their brains when choosing a book. They don’t particularly like to read, but if it’s about a burning topic... Discuss at parent-teacher meetings whether it’s time to talk to your children about gender relations... Read the book yourself and give it to your children. Possible on an individual basis. Children will like it, parents recommend it.

Will be useful for first grade students

What to give to children in primary school for their birthday?


Some might say: boring option. But! Think about it, now not all parents buy children's literature. And an interesting (albeit inexpensive) book that is appropriate for the child’s age can become his favorite childhood book. Therefore, I think that this idea should not be discounted.

Stuffed Toys

Also a common option in terms of idea, but in execution it is not so simple. Firstly, choosing a sufficient number of really cute and inexpensive toys is not so easy, and secondly, they need to be different for boys and girls. So here you need to prepare carefully.

Small sets like Lego

They are different, you can choose for both girls and boys. But for boys, of course, such a gift is more suitable.

Cars - “models”

Oooh... I remember how my son collected them in elementary school. He still doesn’t want to part with this collection, even though he’s already 17. They’re just dear to him. The collection started with a gift from the class. So for boys it’s a super option, I think.

Little dolls

And if boys in the class can buy cars, then girls can buy small dolls. Moreover, now in large stores you can choose different ones to make it more interesting.

Origami kits (book + paper set)

At this age, children love origami. But parents’ help is still needed here. They themselves are unlikely to engage in such creativity (I could be wrong). But the gift, it seems to me, is interesting.

DIY photo frame

This idea can be considered for both girls and boys. A homemade frame can be a good reminder of primary school age (you know how everything we do with interest and with our own hands is remembered).

Inexpensive board games

Board games can also be a good gift. Children love to play quiet group games, especially when adults are involved in the game. So this option for kids can also be considered.

Launch Box

If this word sounds unfamiliar to you, it is a container for food that preserves the benefits, temperature and taste of food. Such “boxes” are recommended for schoolchildren when they do not want to eat in the school canteen. Gifts like these would be great for classes that refuse to eat in the cafeteria, which was almost entirely the case with my class. And suddenly at parent-teacher meetings you decide that children will bring food with them. You can put fruits, hot sandwiches, etc. there. I offer both more expensive and budget options.

Original gifts with a touch of creativity

They are given when a girl really has everything. A surprise will only lift your spirits. Let's consider popular birthday gift ideas for an 11-year-old child.

Photoshoot. It's hard to refuse such a surprise. Every child dreams of taking high-quality photographs. The image for the photo shoot is chosen at will.

Master Class. The acquired course of knowledge in any field will definitely be useful in life.

Excursion to the aquarium. Every child admires animals and the underwater world. This means that going to the aquarium will bring a lot of positive emotions.

Gadgets. Don't think that something like this is expensive. Among the many electronic gadgets, it is easy to find a cheaper option.

EBook. With its help, it will be possible to download interesting books from the Internet. By reading them, the child learns new and interesting information.

Flash drive. Buy an item in the shape of a heart or a pony. He will definitely please the birthday girl.

Set of pens

A set of blue ones (which always get lost or run out and 9 spare ones never hurt) + a set of colored ones (for highlighting headings and all the beauty, it’s not necessary to give to boys) + a set of standard colors (green, blue, red, black).

In this article, we looked at 10 examples of gifts for schoolchildren for any holiday, and for each age you can choose a specific type. Choose, order. I hope this article will help you in your choice and parents will be calm and children will be happy.

Are the reins of power for the children?

I know another experimental method that is suitable for joint name days. This means that we allow our son or daughter to personally choose a gift for a classmate (without the participation of the teacher)! Of course, within the agreed amount.

The teacher provides all parents with a class list with dates of birth. Parents remind the child at the right time about the approaching date, and he begins the search.

Agree, it's interesting. This is how we teach our child to respect his peers, remember dates, and be interested in the tastes of the people around him. That's great!

And one of my friends told me that they generally followed the “revolutionary” path.

At class name days, they present who, how and what they want: some a postcard, some a drawing, some something small or large. No conditions or requirements. No obligation. You don't have to give at all! And general tea drinking is not necessary.

I don’t know, perhaps such a system is also legal. Children also learn independence. But I am against such an innovation. I immediately imagine such a terrible picture in front of me: a schoolboy with a birthday who was not given anything.

Useful gifts

We should not forget about the self-development of a teenager. To gain extensive new knowledge, it is worth giving things that combine meaning and usefulness.

Books. Many parents believe that their children don't read books because they are boring. However, this is not always the case. The main thing is to find the right book. For example, all children like comics. It is more convenient to read a book when it is thickly bound.

Board game. Boys always enjoy solving various puzzles. The main thing is to try to find a game with a useful and educational meaning. For example, the game “Monopoly”, popular among young people, exactly fits these criteria.

Scientific experiments. Remember how primary school children want to learn chemistry lessons. Now is a great opportunity to let the guy learn about chemical editions. Perhaps this is his long-time dream.

Interesting corner

There must be a place in the classroom for a congratulatory poster - this is an integral attribute of the celebration. If there are no creatively gifted parents, such a poster can be ordered online once for the whole year. Usually a place is reserved for a congratulatory wish and a frame with a photo of the hero of the occasion, and the rest depends on your imagination. You can create a thematic picture with a set of small details for it. Let's say the picture shows a tree, and a mysterious bag contains small additions to it (images of fruits, birds, insects...). The birthday boy throws a dice or draws a number, and the teacher takes out the corresponding accessory from the bag, which is solemnly glued to the picture along with the name. Imagine how picturesque the picture will look by the end of the year!

We select and purchase gifts for little birthday people in your city


  • - Moscow, Nikitsky Boulevard, 12, +.
  • - Moscow, st. Varshavskoe highway, 132, building 9, +7 (495) 766-88-50.

Saint Petersburg

  • - St. Petersburg, Barmaleeva St., 26-6.
  • - St. Petersburg, st. Vosstaniya, 23,.


  • - Novosibirsk, st. Romanova 27,.
  • - Novosibirsk, Dzerzhinsky Ave., 1/1, Solnechny shopping center, +7 (383) 213-95-54.


  • - Ekaterinburg, st. Malysheva, 145, letter B12, 8 800 333-23-06.
  • - Ekaterinburg, st. Khokhryakova, 98,.

Nizhny Novgorod

  • - Nizhny Novgorod, st. Norilskaya, 6,.
  • - Nizhny Novgorod, Volzhskaya embankment st., 24, +7 953-415-68-98.


  • - Kazan, Yamashev Ave., 71a Bakhetle shopping center.
  • - Kazan, pr. Khusaina Yamasheva, 46/33, +7 960-051-45-99.


  • - Samara, st. Sanfirova, house 95, letter 4, office 309, +7 (846) 272-44-66.
  • - Samara, st. Stavropolskaya, house 45, office 105,.


  • - Chelyabinsk, Tswillinga St., 28, +7 (351) 777-6-110.
  • - Chelyabinsk, st. Svobody, 88,.


  • - Omsk, st. Pushkina, 137,.

Unusual surprises

At the age of 11, boys want to have fun every day.
Therefore, there is a great reason to buy him something that will create a similar atmosphere for a long time. Robot. Among the many types of mechanisms, make do with a budget option with basic functions. The robot will be able to answer questions and perform simple commands.

Telescope. A great thing that an 11 year old boy should have. With its help, the boy will immerse himself in the Universe and experience the world from the other side. This will make him seem mysterious.

Games. During adolescence, boys remain small at heart. Therefore, you cannot deprive them of the chance to accept any toy as a gift. It is important to make the right choice.

Constructor. You should buy a construction set that runs on a battery after assembly. The birthday boy will definitely like the toy.

DIY gifts

Young fashionistas love things that have a unique personality. If you have the ability to craft with your hands, please the young princess with a handmade gift.

Knitted set. Knitted items made at home are not of interest to all girls and women. But, large knitted scarves, hats and gloves made of soft yarn will definitely please the birthday girl. Remember that it is advisable to give such things in the spring or autumn. The item should match the color of the young lady's outerwear.

Diary for personal notes. Girls in their teenage years often keep diaries in which they write down their secrets. This notebook will replace a friend with whom you can speak out at any time. To make your notebook unique, decorate it with fabric material, sew on beads and shiny sequins. Place a photo of the young princess on the cover of the notebook. Your surprise is ready. If desired, the diary can easily be made with a live cover, making it in the form of an ikebana.

Casket. Let's figure out how to make a birthday gift with your own hands. To do this, you will need scrapbooking or decoupage skills. Buy a box at one of the specialized stores. It would be better if it was made of wood. You can decorate the box in any way you want. Use patterns and designs to decorate the outer surface of the box.

You can order a photo printing job on a T-shirt or piece of tableware. A photograph of the birthday boy or an interesting picture would be suitable as a drawing.

So, if you are preparing to go to a loved one's birthday party, think carefully about what to give. At 11 years old, children can have a variety of interests and hobbies.

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