Plan the perfect 4th grade graduation: choosing a venue

Organizing a holiday of this level for children of this age is not an easy task. It is important to take into account the interests of the entire class, and at the same time not to forget about the wishes of teachers and parents.

Alexgrim studio specializes in organizing children's parties, one of which is graduations in kindergartens and schools. We know how to find an approach to children, how to keep them busy and involve them in a round dance of fun. With us, events take place on a positive wave. And adults don’t have to worry about anything; we take on most of the worries. A fabulous and fantastic graduation for primary school is guaranteed!

Children aged 10-11 years have already passed the first school stage. And now the time has come to part with our beloved teachers. There are many new interesting subjects ahead and a more serious approach to the curriculum. Therefore, it is not surprising that fourth graders feel like adults and look down on students in grades 1-3. Still would! But at the same time they remain children who need attention, care, and support from adults. Taking into account all the features, our professionals organize graduations in a developing, interesting format. They add a touch of mischief and positivity to the event. Parents just have to decide on the topic.

Where to hold graduation: deciding on the location

The choice of venue for your primary school graduation depends on several factors. Let's call them:

  • children's wishes;
  • financial capabilities of their parents;
  • the competence of the teacher (in some cases, parents as well) in holding a graduation ceremony in a particular place;
  • level of team cohesion.

First of all, you need to pay attention to the wishes of the graduates themselves , because this is their holiday, and they have the right to have fun as they want. To understand what their irrepressible energy is striving for, it is enough to conduct an organizational class, where you can easily decide on the location of the event.

Choose any method: oral - in the form of a conversation, or written - in the form of a survey. Offer several options for the most interesting, in your opinion, places for a holiday. Of course, there won’t be a unanimous opinion, but it’s worth listening to the majority of the guys who choose this or that place.

Soon after class, a parent meeting should be held to discuss the issue of where to hold the graduation. After familiarizing parents with their children's preferences, you need to discuss possible costs. To do this, the teacher must prepare in advance: find out the cost of all possible options for organizing the celebration.

As a result, adults must come to a certain compromise: take into account both the wishes of the children and their financial capabilities. Some ideas (for example, an outdoor holiday) may have different price categories, so there is always something to choose from.

When talking with parents about organizing graduation, the teacher should enlist their help and support. It would be good if some parents (or even all) would accompany the teacher and children during the holiday and help the teacher in organizing it.

The teacher himself must calculate his strength and prepare a cultural and entertainment program suitable for a particular place of celebration. Often, children are entertained by animators who are professionals in their field, so the teacher does not need to rack his brains over what to captivate students at the holiday. But still, the class teacher should play it safe and select several backup options for games and competitions that can complement the main scenario of the event.

No one knows the interests and hobbies of children as well as their teacher and parents, so sometimes you can even tell the animator how to replace or supplement the holiday show.

Another important point that needs to be taken into account when choosing a holiday location is the degree of cohesion of the children’s team. Their interest in team games and their desire to do something together depends on how friendly the guys are. Give preference to experienced animators who can captivate children, despite the level of organization of their team, thereby uniting it even more.

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What interesting show programs can we offer?

Harry Potter

The animator-presenter in the image of a wizard, together with the children, will go to study the magical arts at the school of wizards. But first you need to find the magical attributes. The competition takes place between two house teams - Slytherin and Gryffindor. During the journey, everyone will have to perform miracles using magic spells and a magic wand. All this is accompanied by courtship of magical creatures, potions and other miracles.

Alice in Wonderland

Everyone plunges into a funny atmosphere of absurdity. Imagine, words lose their meaning, the clock shows the time two days earlier, and for croquet you have to run in the completely opposite direction. Sweet madness, where the usual rules do not exist. Everything is unusual and this makes it even more attractive!

Treasure Island

Which child has not dreamed of becoming a real corsair and going on an exciting journey across the vast expanses of the ocean! The kids will have a lot of incredible adventures and pirate treasures. The hosts of the holiday are Black Dog, Jack Sparrow, Doctor Livesey. Those who show themselves to be real sea pirates receive a well-deserved reward. Everyone is on board!

Circus show

Do you think that you will watch stunts, magic tricks, trained animals and the like? But no! All participants themselves become real circus performers - they jump through a circle of fire, dance with ribbons, perform magic tricks, and have fun like real clowns. Stage costumes, fun, sheer positivity! Teachers and parents are spectators of this wonderful performance. A holiday that brings laughter to everyone!

You can supplement your graduation scenarios with various master classes and bright shows, the variety of which in Alexgrim Studio will impress anyone.

Graduation within the walls of your own school: the secrets of a sparkling holiday

Holding a 4th grade graduation within the walls of your home school is the most common idea . Its advantages are obvious: it is easier to organize children in a familiar environment, and the celebration itself does not require large material costs. But still, the children will not be able to completely rest and relax in a school environment, be it an office or an assembly hall. They need bright emotions, fun, active entertainment, loud music and many other exciting things that are usually prohibited within school walls.

If you nevertheless decide to organize a graduation at school, then you should make the celebration as colorful and unusual as possible on the school grounds. Take note of a few practical tips on how to hold your graduation so that it turns into an incendiary celebration:

  • create a bright festive atmosphere - decorate the place of celebration. Balloons, colorful ribbons, flowers, and even the most memorable photographs of the class for 4 years are suitable for this purpose;
  • think over an interesting entertainment program or invite professionals - animators, magicians, soap bubble show organizers. When choosing games and competitions for schoolchildren, give preference to adventure and detective genres - children of this age love to explore, search, and overcome obstacles;
  • throw a themed party. A simpler option: give each graduate the task of coming up with their own costume and organize a costume show or costume contest.
  • Don’t get hung up on one classroom – let your class have the whole school at your disposal. For example, you can organize competitions in the courtyard, hold a small concert or present a musical in the assembly hall, or organize a sweet table in your office.

Idea 2. Cooking party

What could be more interesting and fun than throwing a culinary party at one of the specially equipped areas? You can make such a holiday in a competition format (two teams, boys against girls), or you can do it as a master class. Pizza made by yourself or sushi “Made by 4B” - for the participants of this party there will be no tastier food, no matter what you order!

Sports and tourism motives: organizing a graduation ceremony in nature

An excellent option is to celebrate graduation outdoors. Here children have a place to run wild: an interesting, unusual environment, a lot of space for active entertainment, the opportunity to feel like a tourist or traveler (bonfire, quests, endurance, strength and dexterity competitions) - and this is what 9-10 year old children are most interested in .

No one has canceled the rich game program here, but the entertainment will be somewhat different: you cannot organize a costume show or theatrical performance in the forest, but there may be an obstacle course, a rope or cable park, cooking a tourist lunch over a fire and other forest entertainment.

If desired, you can rent part of the territory of a boarding house, children's camp or recreation center. In addition to this, you can invite an animator, who will always have the most entertaining competitions for young “savages” and tourists in stock. And if you give your kids a laser show or fireworks display, their delight will never end!

You need to end this busy day with a calm ritual - a fire will come in handy here. Singing songs, creating a “chain of wishes,” expressing one’s emotions and impressions – such moments will remain in the memory of every child for a long time.

Cafe, restaurant, club - fireworks of emotions and bright colors

Celebrating graduation in a children's cafe, restaurant or entertainment center is quite an expensive pleasure. But parents don’t really need to prepare for it: the festive table will be organized by the establishment’s employees, and the children will be entertained by animators, actors, cultural organizers and other specialists.

The holiday menu in a children's cafe is not a home or school table created with your own efforts. Instead of the usual sandwiches and sweets, children will be offered many original treats: caramel apples, chocolate fountains, and cocktails with unusual taste sensations...

The decoration of the holiday place and the atmosphere as a whole cannot be compared with the same school decorated with balloons: there are light shows, the use of video and audio effects, and a variety of children's attractions. Of course, organizing children in such an unusual place will not be easy, but a professional will cope with this task with a bang.

There is only one conclusion: a cafe or a children's club is one of the best ideas both for graduates themselves and for their parents and teachers. Therefore, if the material issue has been resolved, then feel free to go to this place for bright emotions.

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Celebration on the 89th floor of the Federation Tower Moscow City

A very unusual holiday! Children will visit the playground with a breathtaking 360-degree view. 6-meter windows and 9 entertainment areas, including the world's tallest ice cream and chocolate factories "Clean Line" with unlimited tasting! PANORAMA360 is located just 4 kilometers from the Kremlin! In addition to an interesting excursion and educational quizzes about the history of Moscow, you can organize a full-fledged entertainment program with show numbers, performances by artists of the original genre, science shows and a paper disco.

You can find out more about PANORAMA360 and order your graduation ceremony here.

Original graduation ideas for 4th grade

Graduation on a boat: traveling and having fun

Where to spend a graduation party for lovers of extraordinary holidays? One of the most original ideas for this event can be considered a holiday on a boat. Here you can combine a fun party and some excursion moments. In addition, in case of bad weather, you can always hide in the cabin. By the way, for safety reasons, it is not advisable to allow children to go on deck in any weather.

There are two options for organizing a holiday program on the ship. The first option is the simplest: the guys are having fun, dancing, sitting at the festive table, playing, fooling around, etc. In other words, the graduation scenario itself is no different from an ordinary holiday at school. The only difference is that the “office” in which the celebration takes place sways on the waves.

Another, more colorful option is a themed party. Usually the ship theme for graduation of fourth graders is pirate fun. An animator can meet guys dressed as Jack Sparrow and offer them a lot of interesting entertainment: initiation into pirates, a treasure hunt, a pirate disco, and the presentation of diplomas from real pirates...

Despite the undeniable advantages of this place to celebrate graduation, the ship also has its disadvantages. Firstly, these are considerable financial costs (in addition to renting a ship, you also need to pay, at a minimum, for the services of an animator, makeup, and a festive banquet).

The second disadvantage is the possible seasickness of some children. Although a boat trip usually takes no more than 1.5-2 hours, not all children will be able to calmly withstand rocking on the waves during this time.

Colorful graduation ceremony on the theater stage

Graduation in the theater is another idea for an original holiday, which usually results in a colorful costume show. In addition to the traditional banquet or buffet, competitions and other fun, the children are offered additional entertainment - a performance, a disco and a photo shoot with their favorite fairy tale and cartoon characters.

In many theaters, fourth-graders themselves can feel like fairy-tale characters - they have professional costumes and makeup artists at their service.

Often, elements of circus art are included in the “theatrical” graduation scenario: schoolchildren are entertained by magicians, clowns, tightrope walkers, jugglers, and acrobats. In general, the atmosphere in the theater corresponds to a solemn atmosphere, so special attention is paid to the official part, which may even include the presentation of special ribbons with the inscription “Elementary school graduate.”

In the world of discoveries and inventions: a fascinating graduation ceremony at the museum

If you decide to hold your 4th grade graduation in a museum, then you need to decide on the theme - it is very broad depending on the thematic focus of the museum. You can choose literary, historical, scientific topics. To decide on the focus of the holiday, you can talk to graduates or conduct a survey. Parents of fourth-graders can also come to help in this matter.

What is included in the entertainment program of the museum graduation? Of course, the centerpiece is the museum tour. In addition to displaying exhibits, children are given the opportunity to plunge into the world of a certain theme: schoolchildren conduct scientific experiments, learn dance steps “at a ball in the 19th century,” make crafts and designs. The excursion may be supplemented with a small theatrical performance.

Tea drinking or a buffet is an integral part of the holiday . Also, no one is canceling the disco. In most cases, the dance part takes place in the style of a gala ball - luxurious halls, high-society outfits just take you back to those palace intrigues and pompous festivities...

Thus, there are plenty of places to celebrate this great event. When choosing where to hold your elementary school graduation, take into account the interests and wishes of the children, the financial capabilities of the parents, the degree of cohesion of the children's team and your professional training in organizing the event.

Remember: the guys should not only have fun, but also become a little more mature, gain new spiritual and, possibly, intellectual experience, because a more responsible and serious stage of their lives lies ahead.


The main thing in makeup is not to overdo it. A 4th grade graduate is already an established personality.
The outfit, the hairstyle – everything is grown-up. But flashy makeup or bright manicure will obviously be superfluous at a children's party. Since girls want to imitate their mothers in everything, a modest trimmed manicure will be quite enough for both mother and daughter. After a hygienic manicure, you can coat it with colorless varnish - it will be absolutely perfect! Modern trends dictate special requirements for men to care for themselves. Dads and sons can also afford to get a manicure on this holiday, without varnish, of course. Today everyone needs to look 100%!

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