How to organize an unforgettable graduation in 11th grade? Everything for graduation in 11th grade

Are you wondering how to properly organize a graduation party for the 11th grade? or are you looking for a reliable company that will help you organize?

We, the wizards from the “Sea of ​​Joy,” are involved in holding graduations and will be happy to tell you about the intricacies of these events. If you are planning to prepare a graduation ceremony yourself, then in this article you will find a lot of useful information.

If you are planning to order a turnkey graduation party, we will be happy to provide all the necessary services from selecting a venue and creating a concept, to catering and conducting a modern program for teenagers.

Briefly about us:

  • We have been holding graduations for over 6 years
  • We cooperate with the best venues in Moscow
  • We hold modern shows with wow effect
  • The largest event was for 4,000 people
  • We use the latest technologies

How to organize a graduation ceremony in 11th grade? Organization and holding of the prom

It’s worth discussing and figuring out how the graduation ceremony will take place at the beginning of the school year. Not long ago, any celebrations with feasts and alcoholic beverages were prohibited from being held in educational institutions. Therefore, within the walls of the native school there will be a small ceremonial program with congratulations and the presentation of certificates. Next, students and their parents must take care of the festive evening.

In addition, do not forget about important little things. You need to agree with:

  • Photographer
  • Hairdresser
  • Makeup artist
  • Buy holiday outfits
  • Book a cafe or organize a trip
  • Write a list of everyone present at the holiday

What show to do?

The performance must have a modern and vibrant program - this is the only way to “hook” teenagers. The main thing in the show is entertainment and technology. It is important that every detail of what is happening is visible to any guest, no matter where he sits. To achieve this, arrange the tables correctly and create an impromptu stage. At the performance itself, focus on the transitional stage in the lives of young spectators. Show them how many wonderful things and talented individuals there are in the world.

Here are examples that might interest you:

  • Evening with the artist.
  • Illusion show.
  • Projection show.
  • Wool show.
  • Confetti show, paper show.
  • Laser illusion show.
  • Extreme performance.
  • Pyro show, fireworks.
  • Bartender show.
  • Show with light and neon effects.
  • Performance by beatboxers and DJs.

Where to hold graduation in 11th grade? Prom venue

Nowadays, many people no longer want to celebrate graduation in a cafe or restaurant. Everyone is tired of boring drinking and partying. Many people want to spend time usefully and have a lot of fun. Nowadays, many holiday organizing agencies offer various celebration scenarios. They differ significantly from standard parties in cafes and sunrise greetings.

Prom celebration options:

  • In the cafe. This is a standard place that needs to be ordered several months before the significant date. Usually in April and May all decent clubs and restaurants are already booked. It is better to book your seats 3-5 months in advance. Brainstorm the menu as a class. It can be a buffet or a standard menu with hot dishes and snacks. Be sure to use the services of a DJ or toastmaster. It will be very boring to just drink all night. We need a host for the evening who will come up with interesting competitions and games, and will not let everyone present get drunk until the morning
  • On the road. This could be a camp site or a guest house by the sea. One of the best options, although in this case you will have to pay rent for the houses and come up with a menu yourself. In addition, the most active ones will have to go to the market or supermarket and independently purchase alcohol and all the necessary products. One of the parents will have to marinate the meat. This is not an easy option, as it is important to take care of the little things and clearly assign responsibilities. So that each of your classmates is responsible for something
  • Excursion to another city or country. A simple way to celebrate from an organizational point of view, since travel agencies usually take on all the responsibilities for organizing transfers, hotel accommodations and feeding tourists
  • Water park, bowling alley. Recently, this type of celebration has been gaining momentum. Entertainment centers usually do not organize luxurious feasts. Most often this is a buffet and active recreation
  • Holiday on the boat. This option is available in large cities with rivers. To celebrate, you need a large ship with a platform for dancing and feasting. In some cases, ship owners offer their cooking services
  • Outdoors. This is a wild holiday when children and their parents go into nature with tents. In this case, you will have to write a list of products for each classmate so as not to forget anything

What should you consider when choosing a location?

  • Check how many people will attend the event (teachers, parents, and teenagers themselves are taken into account).
  • Choose a location that is easy to reach for all party participants.
  • Give preference to a hall with a spacious dance floor. A big advantage will be the presence of a stage on which graduates can show their prepared performances.
  • Decide on the menu. Take into account all the wishes of young people - after all, this is their holiday. Favorite dishes will delight teenagers and put them in a good mood.
  • Provide themed decorations. The interior must strictly correspond to the design.
  • Make sure you have proper lighting. In bright light, you get clear pictures and it makes your soul feel more cheerful. An additional advantage will be the presence of lighting equipment for dancing (for example, a disco ball).

How to choose a cafe for a prom?

It's a difficult question. So that you are not disappointed with the cuisine and you are satisfied with the service, find out the following details:

  • How many people will come to the graduation?
  • What cuisine do the participants of the celebration prefer?
  • Event budget

After this, you can begin to choose a place for the celebration. It is not necessary to go to restaurants right away; it is advisable to simply call and clarify:

  • Minimum order amount and what is included in this amount
  • Can I bring my own alcohol and other products?
  • Rental is paid or free
  • Is there a place for fireworks
  • Is there an extra refrigerator for a huge cake and alcohol?
  • Does the restaurant have its own musicians and presenters and how much do their services cost?
  • Can I bring my own host or DJ?
  • Is there parking nearby and is it convenient to get there by public transport?
  • Whether the account is fixed or not. This is necessary so that on the day of the celebration you do not pay one and a half times more due to rising prices

If you have figured out everything and, after discussing with your classmates, decided that the establishment is right for you, go to the cafe like ordinary visitors. Look at the interior, as almost all photographs will be taken in this room. Pay attention to the cleanliness of the toilets and the sociability of the staff. You may not be happy with the waitress with a sour face, and the dishes will be dirty.


In the same store we were told that the average price for suits in the city varies from 46 to 80 thousand tenge. If you sew to order, it will cost 200 thousand and more.

Here you can also cheat and rent a suit . It will cost about 15 thousand, in some cases it can reach up to 40 thousand tenge.

But if the mouse has already tightened the noose in your refrigerator, then it is best to contact the head of the family or close male relatives and borrow their jacket and trousers for one evening)).

Menu for prom 11th grade

The menu directly depends on the restaurant's cuisine. If you are celebrating graduation at a grill bar, then, of course, almost all hot dishes and meat will be cooked on coals.

Sample grilled menu for graduation:

  • Pork shish kebab with tomato sauce, onion and lavash
  • Baked potato
  • Meat salad with mayonnaise
  • Vegetable salad
  • Pickles
  • Lightly salted herring
  • Baked vegetables (second hot)
  • Binge
  • Juices and bread

Of course, this is the approximate simplest menu for an inexpensive cafe. If you decide to celebrate your graduation in a chic restaurant, then the menu will look like this:

  • Julienne with mushrooms and chicken
  • Potatoes in cream
  • Sandwiches with red fish and caviar
  • Salad with Chinese cabbage and scallops
  • Baked trout with vegetables
  • Cold cuts
  • Vegetable mix
  • Booze, juices and bread

The cafe does not participate in the preparation of cakes, so you will have to order dessert in advance at the bakery or at home.

Expectations of parents and children

Guests want the following to be present at the graduation:

  • Cool competitions.
  • Memorable moments.
  • Luxurious decorations.
  • Dancing until you drop.
  • Spectacular performances.
  • Creative organizers.
  • Funny jokes.
  • Heartwarming stories.

All this is just an incomplete list of what the invitees dream of. Sometimes opinions differ: parents want fun competitions, and children want adult entertainment. You can find a compromise and organize something that suits everyone. The budget plays a big role, but it is not the main thing. The most important thing is to put your heart into it and use creative thinking!

Competitions for graduation in 11th grade

During the celebration you need to move a lot and have fun. Fun competitions can lift your spirits.

Graduation competitions:

  • Guessing game. This competition is prepared in advance. To do this, parents select several photographs of themselves and their child from the family photo album. It is necessary that the people in the photo are approximately the same age. Children are divided into two teams. They are given a stack of photographs and they must lay out two cards each, a child and a parent. Whoever has the most matches wins
  • Rewarding. A fun competition that is prepared in advance. You need to make prizes or medals to order. These are prizes in the categories “Punctuality”, “Heartthrob of the class”, “Flirty of the Year”, etc. Select appropriate music and present prizes to your classmates
  • Fashion show. 5 participants are selected for this competition. In 5 minutes they will have to collect as many items starting with the letter “m” in the hall as possible, such as a mobile phone, an easel, a mannequin, etc. You can guess any letter. Then each participant will demonstrate their findings.
  • Ship. Participants are divided into two teams, and each team is given a newspaper. In 5 minutes, participants must make a ship out of newspaper and fill it with treasures. These are car keys, money and jewelry


As we were told in one of the famous Almaty stores, the average price for a girl’s toilet starts from 50 thousand tenge and can reach 300 thousand, or even more.

If you don’t want to buy an outfit, you can rent it. The amount varies from 15 to 80 thousand tenge. A good option for saving money. They also added that fluffy dresses and mermaid dresses are in particular demand.

If you already have enough expenses and need a more modest option, go to free classifieds sites , for example, OLX or, where you can find an option for only 5 thousand tenge.

And in the case when the budget does not allow spending at all, contact your parents or relatives so that they can lend you an evening outfit. The main thing is to choose the size.

Games for graduation in 11th grade

Without games and competitions, not a single holiday is possible. It is necessary that the games be active and fun. They will help maintain warm friendships after graduation.

Graduation games:

  • Dictionary. It is necessary to divide all participants into two teams: Children and parents with teachers. That is, there will be an adult group and girls with boys. Each team is given a set of letter cards. The presenter reads the definition of the word from the explanatory dictionary, and the participants must post the answer from the letters they receive. For example, who did the aborigines eat? (Kuka), or a large shoot on the side of a tree trunk (bough). The questions may not be from the dictionary, but some humorous and funny ones
  • Roll call. This is a fun game in which absolutely everyone invited participates. In this case, each category of the hall will have to say its own phrase. In this game there are the following participants: Flowers (mothers), June (fathers), Summer (grandparents), Teachers, Girls and Boys. Everyone has their own phrase, so June says “we didn’t expect it”, Summer “I’m already here”, girls “I’m so ugly”, boys “yes we are”, teachers “remember about us”, flowers “we are very dear now”. Next, the presenter reads the fairy tale: “June. The long-awaited summer has finally arrived
  • The first flowers appeared. Every summer in June there is a series of graduation ceremonies. So we have gathered in this hall together with our beloved teachers to lead our graduates: boys and girls into a new life. Look at our young men. They are smart and serious to begin with. And the girls. How beautiful our girls are in the summer, like blossoming flowers. The same cannot be said about teachers. But June will end, vacations will begin, and by mid-summer our young men will not recognize their teachers, or rather, they will confuse them with their girls. And, of course, give touching bouquets of flowers to your dear Teachers who have become family over the years.” In this case, all Participants must pronounce their phrase in chorus

Party on the boat

A trip along the Moscow River on a beautiful ship will be symbolic: entry into a new life, open spaces and... a rocking deck under your feet.

To get to solid ground you need to go a certain way; time will tell whether it will be difficult or easy. In the meantime, you can dance, sing, enjoy treats, discuss plans and remember the coolest moments of your school years!


  • Fresh air,
  • relative freedom - make noise and have fun!


  • high cost - from 7000 rub. per person
  • it will be uncomfortable in cool or rainy weather,
  • a banquet on a boat is already a banality.

Script for 11th grade prom

There are a lot of scenarios, the most important thing is that they correspond to the main theme of the party. Often a holiday is created in the style of the 60s or in a nautical style. In this case, interesting competitions are associated with the main topic.

Sample scenario for a school graduation:

  • Presenter: “Hello graduates and all guests. Today is a solemn day, our children are setting off on a great voyage called “life”, let’s applaud them.” Everyone clap
  • Presenter: “Let’s ask the administration and the entire teaching staff, who contributed a piece of their soul to the upbringing of children, to come on stage.” Teachers come out and congratulate the children
  • Presenter: “The last bell has rung, all exams have been passed, but now our students are on the verge of new achievements and discoveries, they have to take important steps to decide on their future profession. Let's help them with this." First-graders appear on stage dressed as a mechanic, a fireman, a doctor, or an office worker. Kids dancing to music
  • Presenter: “Let’s call our graduates to the stage.” Children go on stage and are presented with certificates. Everyone clap
  • Presenter: “Now it’s time to have a little fun, let everyone present in the hall play one interesting game. Fun and good mood are guaranteed." The presenter explains the conditions of the game “Roll Call” (see above in the “Games for Graduation” section)
  • Presenter: “Now that everyone has warmed up, it’s time for the guests and graduates to relax a little, we invite the kids to the stage.” First graders come out and sing a song about school
  • Presenter: “Everyone received certificates, but this is not the end of the award ceremony. With your help, we have identified several nominations, and everyone will receive their own prize.” An “Awarding” competition is held during which each child is given their own award
  • Presenter: “Well, our evening has come to an end. “Guys, we hope that you will bring your children to our school and we will be happy to teach them kindness and humanity.” The holiday ends with classical music. Graduates go to celebrate graduation in a cafe or outdoors

Flash mob organization

There are several varieties of it:

  • Dance . The scenario can be developed by both choreographers and schoolchildren themselves. The latter choose the theme, musical accompaniment and style themselves. But let the video be shot by a videographer with extensive experience. The video will turn out to be of poor quality if you use cheap recording equipment and choose the wrong angle. You can organize a flash mob literally anywhere: in a school or park, on the bank of a river or city embankment, near a fountain, on the flat roof of a high-rise building. Involve teachers and parents in discussing this issue, and work through safety rules with students.
  • Musical . This event allows children to be creative and show what they can do. You can use musical instruments on it, or you can record a video clip for a song that all teenagers like. Appoint children with appropriate abilities as dancers and actors, and children with good vocal abilities as singers.
  • Arranging into figures . The idea is that students build numbers and words from their own bodies. To form such figures, you will need to rehearse the construction several times. To enhance the visual impact, ask participants to wear matching colored caps and T-shirts. Balloons and ribbons will add a “zest” to the look.

How to organize an unforgettable graduation in 11th grade: tips and reviews

Initially, you need to talk with the school administration about whether it is possible to arrange gatherings with teachers at the table. If you are refused, look for a cafe or restaurant.

Some tips on how to organize a graduation:

  • Write a list of everyone who will be celebrating. Include absolutely everyone, parents and sisters, if they want to go with you. Check with the cafe to see how many people they can accommodate. Some rooms can accommodate a maximum of 50 people
  • Book a host or DJ
  • Take care of soap bubbles and fireworks if you plan to end the holiday with them
  • Study the menu and write a list of products that you can buy. Usually this is alcohol and cold cuts
  • Order the cake in advance, approximately 150 g of dessert per person. Think about transportation in advance. It is better to order a rectangular cake
  • Don't forget to include in the list of invited teachers you would like to celebrate with
  • It is worth remembering gifts for the school administration and teaching staff
  • Some parents organize a separate buffet for teachers, because they do not consider it necessary to invite teachers to a restaurant or cafe along with everyone else
  • Don't forget about the photographer and video camera. Never trust one of your parents to take pictures.
  • Start collecting money for the celebration from the beginning of the year, accordingly you will have to calculate the estimated cost of a cafe, fireworks, DJ and other costs

Organizing a holiday on your own is quite difficult, but if all the children and their parents participate, then everything will work out.


Another popular passion among parents of graduates is to invite famous Kazakh stars to the celebration. But how much do our pop stars charge for a performance?

For example, the public’s favorite Kairat Nurtas will perform 2-3 songs at your party for 7 thousand dollars, the price of the famous singer Toregali Toreali is similar, and the popular singer Jah Khalib will require 20-25 thousand euros .

If you’re going to invite artists, then it’s cheaper. For example, Dilnaz Akhmadieva charges 4 thousand dollars, singer Aikyn will sing for 800 thousand tenge, and MC Saylaubek will perform for a thousand dollars. But the most economical option would be to choose karaoke.

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