How to organize a quest yourself? (good advice)

Every day the popularity of quests is growing - more and more people are learning about them. And many people have a desire to come up with their own quest for some holiday for their family and friends. Coming up with tasks for a quest is not an easy task; here you will have to call on all your imagination, ingenuity and resourcefulness to help.

It is worth noting that puzzle-solving games are loved not only by children, but also by adults. Over many centuries, humanity has come up with a huge number of riddles, charades, logic problems and other tasks that can not only diversify leisure time, but also help develop mental skills and thinking.

In this article we want to tell you how you can apply many well-known and favorite tasks from childhood to your quest. Pay attention to the main condition - the answer to the task must be a word denoting a place or object, and which can serve as a kind of hiding place. After all, a quest is a chain of tasks, each of which is hidden in a certain place. Having completed the next task, players learn the key word, and it tells them where to move next. At first glance, it may seem that the answer in the form of some word is obtained only when solving puzzles, crosswords and riddles. In fact, you can even get a word in a puzzle like origami. And we will tell you how to do this in this article.

Table of contents

  • What to pay attention to when writing assignments
  • Puzzles for the quest
  • Riddles for quest house (in apartment)
  • Riddles for an outdoor quest for children
  • Codes for quests at home, at school, on the street

First, watch the video where we talk about the most popular letter riddles for the quest:

On our YouTube channel you will also find many other useful tips for conducting indoor and outdoor quests, go ahead and subscribe. New useful videos are released every week.

Individual tasks

Above we described only a small part of the tasks that can be used in the quest. In our scenarios you will find many other original and unique tasks.

We try, whenever possible, to include so-called individual tasks in our quests. They help to personalize the quest and give it the appearance of an individual, designed specifically for a specific person or company.

For example, the task “Our Date” in the Romantic quest (link to the rum quest) is based on the date the couple met. Without remembering it, it is impossible to solve the task. A similar type of task “Do you know me well” with personal questions is also irreplaceable if the quest is being prepared for a loved one.

What to pay attention to when writing assignments

Focus on the age of the children and their number. Basic rules that should not be forgotten: the more children there are, the simpler the puzzles should be, but you can make them bigger. This way, each participant will have the opportunity to both find the clue and solve the task. The same rule applies to children 5-7 years old: they still don’t have enough patience to solve a complex puzzle for a long time, but running around and looking is just the thing. For children aged 8-13, the riddles can be made more complex and the answers less obvious.

And do not forget, when preparing the quest, to create a sequence of caches for yourself along the chain in the order in which you will hide the clues at home or on the street. Each clue will point to a hiding place where the next one is hidden and so on, and the last one will show the children where the gift or sweets are hidden. For detailed step-by-step instructions on how to make a quest for a child yourself, read our article here.

Complex riddles about the painting

This riddle is used in our ready-made detective story “Operation Santa”, you can download it, print it and create a cool adventure for yourself at home.

This is interesting!

How to write a game script yourself?

Review of riddles from ready-made scenarios.

Puzzles for the quest

Puzzles about household items for the quest

Let’s say right away that we recommend including puzzles in the quest for children who already know how to read. And before solving puzzles, you need to either make sure that your children know how they are solved, or describe the basic rules for solving them:

  • the rebus can be combined: drawn with a picture, written in letters and numbers;
  • one or more commas to the left of a word means that you need to remove as many letters from the beginning of the word as there are commas. The same thing, if commas are to the right of a picture or word, you need to remove the letters from the end;
  • if a crossed out letter is drawn under or above the picture, it must be discarded when reading the solution. If the number is crossed out, we cannot read such a letter;
  • Also, letters in a word can be rearranged: then the order in which they need to be read is written above the word.

Some puzzles only involve the use of letters, prepositions and conjunctions that signify the interaction between letters: for example, “o” runs to “a” - we read “O to A” - Oka. The drawn syllable “pr” consists of many letters “y”. We read “PR from Y” - prizes. In the letter “o” the syllable “da” is written inside, we read “in O DA” - water. And so on, using any conjunctions and prepositions.

You won't need any great artistic abilities, but be careful when composing puzzles and choose not very complex pictures (or consider the possibility of getting a hint from you or another assistant).

We have compiled for you puzzles for children's home quests with solutions and answers. Study our examples and you will understand how to create any puzzles for finding a gift in an apartment (or use ours - we don’t mind).

Rebus about a closet: draw a scarf, write an explanation under it: 1 K 2 4. How to solve? You need to read the first letter Ш, followed by the letter K and the second and fourth letters: A and F. You get a “cabinet”.

How to make a puzzle for a complex word, for example, “refrigerator” is quite a mystery. The solution is this: any long word can always be mentally divided into two or three small ones. The rebus about the refrigerator will work out great by guessing two words: hunger (hungry man, change the first letter to “x”) and alarm clock (subtract the first two letters). This is what such a card will look like; we have drawn all the puzzles here at once with an explanation of the solution and the answer for your convenience.

Using the words “one” and “bath”, we decided to encrypt the rebus about the sofa : from “one” we subtract the first and last letter using commas. We subtract the last two letters from “bathtub”.

The rebus about the TV for the quest looks a little more complicated, but also more interesting: let’s draw a phone and subtract (with commas) the last three letters from it. And the rest of the word, “visor,” sounds just like “B, made from OR.” So let’s draw the letter “v”, made from the syllables “or”. It looks unusual, and you need to think to figure it out!

The simplest rebus in the world is about a table : after all, it is the number 100 and the letter “l”!

The rebus about the mirror is complex and not so simple: we encrypt the first part of the word through “grain” without two letters, and “kalo” sounds as if the syllable “lo” runs to the letter “a”, so let’s draw them! Let's get ZER + k A LO - there was an interesting riddle about a mirror.

Everyone has probably seen the pillow puzzle Pillow. This is our pillow.

a rebus about the oven with a picture and letters : “perfume” without the last letter and the letter “o” in the syllable “ka”. As you can see, we didn’t draw it very beautifully, but it’s quite understandable, in a hurry, to show you that you don’t need to be Picasso to draw a simple rebus.

And the rebus about the microwave from “microbe”, “wave” and again, “o” in “ka”, and subtract unnecessary letters in the first pictures. Children will definitely love this riddle about a microwave!

In solving the puzzle about the balcony , you can see that it was very easily made up of “squirrel” and the letter “n”.

Using a picture meaning “blood,” we made a riddle about a bed . We designated all the letters of the word with numbers, and how to read them and what letters were added is explained by the code: 1 2 3 4 A T 5. Taking the letters of the word “blood”, we made up “bed”.

The easiest way the rebus about a washing machine for a quest is to encrypt it with an abbreviated name (the children will already guess the answer from the first word anyway) “washing machine”: draw bones and a stick, subtract the first two letters from the bones, and replace the first letter from the stick with “r”.

The pictures “cat” and “knife” will help us to create a puzzle about the window : under the pictures we indicated how to rearrange the order of the letters and which ones need to be read.

to draw a riddle about a backpack : we’ll draw a glass and a lock and cross out those letters that don’t need to be read.

Puzzles about street objects

To encrypt the rebus about the door , draw “two” and replace the last letter with “e”. And in the word “lantern” we cross out the first four letters.

What pictures will help you come up with a puzzle about a bench for a quest? “Scat” and “watering can” immediately came to our minds. We cross out what is unnecessary, replace one letter - voila, the bench is encrypted.

Three herons in the forest, or how to make a puzzle about a ladder for a quest: draw a forest, the number three and a heron. Let’s replace one letter, cross out unnecessary letters, and get “forest+tni+tsa”.

Plot and mechanics

You can turn the plot into reality and have an incredible time with the help of a selection of original riddles. Children will be happy to complete tasks according to the instructions with various puzzles, riddles, and charades. But the quest will be much more interesting if all the tasks are combined into one plot with a sequential schedule.

You can offer the following options for your holiday:

  • "Treasures of Atlantis"
  • "Lost World",
  • “Night at the Museum”
  • "Follow the compass"
  • “Secrets of Space”
  • Fairy tale “The Town Musicians of Bremen” and others.

Come up with the main characters, who will be followed by the quest participants, and the goal that needs to be achieved. But the obstacles on the way are tasks that the guys will complete together. Let's call it mechanics .

If the quest is for little ones, have older siblings help you. Come up with a few more challenging tasks for them so that they will also find it interesting. Current game ideas can be viewed in collections on YouTube channels on the Internet.

Riddles for the quest at home (in the apartment)

What if you don't feel like drawing a puzzle or creating a text riddle? That's okay, there's a great way to present the prompt differently. Here are some illustrative examples.

Letters in balloons

There is such a task in one of our quests, “The Case of the Stolen Cake.” You will need balloons according to the number of letters in the word (or more if you want to add empty pieces of paper - decoys).

For example, a riddle about a FIREPLACE, or a DRESSER, a CARPET (or any other word!) is simply 5 letters written on pieces of paper, and the pieces of paper are stuffed into balloons, which are then inflated! The guys have two options: read the letter through the balloon or burst it. If the word is long, write its number in the word under each letter. And before popping the balloons, you can play with them (for example, dance with the balloons, or not let them fall to the floor while music is playing, or exchange balloons in the air in a circle between participants).

Connect the dots

An excellent riddle about objects that are easy to trace, for example, a riddle for the words “chair”, “armchair” or “iron” . Just draw and number the dots (or label them with letters of the alphabet, then you will need to connect in alphabetical order). Moreover, you can use the alphabet, for example, English, or ask the numbers to be combined in descending order. You yourself control the difficulty of the task depending on the age of the children who will complete the quest. You can distribute tasks into easier and more difficult ones, and indicate who exactly solves each given riddle.

This is how the fork was encrypted in our New Year's MegaQuest: among all the icons you need to find and connect only the letters of the Russian alphabet.

Cross out the repetitions

Draw a square and divide it into squares; for younger children, 6*6 squares are enough; for teenagers and adults, 10*10 squares are possible. Fill the square with repeating letters of any word on the topic of your quest, or with any words at all, but not used in the word of your hiding place, also write its letters in the square. In the task, write that you need to cross out such and such letters and see which ones remain, and then make a word.

For example, the riddle about the closet from our Dinoquest: cross out all the letters D, I, N, O from the table. What letters are left? Make a word out of them. Having crossed out all the unnecessary letters, the children will see that the letters of the word “cabinet” remain. It’s so convenient to make up riddles about a clock, a window, a table, a sofa, a door (that is, short names of hiding places).

Word riddles

It’s very interesting to come up with descriptive riddles: “The clue is in your room, on the largest object on which there are two squares in bags ( riddle about the pillow ).” "Look for a new clue in the hot box." Without clarification, you will have to use your brain to guess that this is a riddle about the oven .

How to combine a riddle and a puzzle

We also want to tell you about a more complex, but very original and interesting way of using riddles. Yes, you can add a riddle to the quest in its “pure” form, i.e. just a card with the text of the riddle. The player found it, read it, answered it and ran on. What if the riddle was encrypted ? That is, the player does not find the text of the riddle, but a certain cipher or puzzle in which the text of the riddle is encrypted. Thus, you will have a task that essentially consists of two stages: the first is to solve a puzzle or code and get the text of the riddle, and then the second is to guess the riddle itself.

Here's an example:

Task "Garland" from the New Year's quest. A good example of how you can “hide” the riddle text in a puzzle. The card depicts an intricate garland, on the bulbs of which letters and syllables are written - parts of words from the riddle. If you “unravel” the garland, you can read the text of the riddle: “I will display everyone and everything, but I am silent and do not judge . The answer is, of course, MIRROR .

We've got a great original riddle for a home quest.

We have given a simple example of a two-step task with a riddle. Although there are more interesting and sophisticated ways to encrypt the text of the riddle, we will not reveal all the cards, see our quests.

Riddles for an outdoor quest for children

Any street riddle should be solved fairly quickly; it is better to do more of them than to rack your brain for 10 minutes over each task. Still, a quest on the street requires more dynamics than at home. If possible, do not use small puzzles or cut-out pictures to prevent the pieces from being blown away or getting lost. Make sure that in a public place your clue is not accidentally discovered ahead of time by other children or passers-by; here it is better to hide it more reliably. If the weather is cloudy, protect the tips from rain with a bag or cover them with tape.

Description of the item in your own words

Adjust the volume of text according to the age of the children. For example, for younger people, a riddle about a garage looks like a simple description in your own words: “Look for a clue in a special room for cars.”

Description of an object by definition from Wikipedia or books

For a child 8-12 years old, you can even riddle about a swing : “A movable structure with an axis of rotation, a structure for fun and entertainment, which is installed in parks, courtyards and recreation areas.” You'll have to think before you run in search of a clue.

Options and locations of hints for home quests

The quest industry is very popular today; they are an excellent replacement for board games. The main idea is that children guess one by one the places where new notes, passwords, tasks are hidden without any instructions in order to test the logic of the participants. Of course, the guys will be happy to rummage through the entire apartment in search of a gift and without notes - just let them! But the task of adults is to ensure that the children do not tear the apartment to pieces. Therefore, you need to create a moderate level of difficulty; this will be an alternative solution for keeping your location and furniture safe and sound. For those who are especially thoughtful, you can choose a city quest, so that the children in general are not involved in indoor locations and inadvertently cause a brownie.

So, where can you hide notes?

  • sofa,
  • armchair,
  • table,
  • dresser,
  • pillows,
  • fridge,
  • washing machine,
  • vase,
  • painting,
  • carpet,
  • refrigerator magnet,
  • Mailbox,
  • suitcase,
  • briefcase,
  • volume of poems by A.S. Pushkin.

Unexpected hiding places:

  • bottle in the bath (floats in water),
  • Balloons,
  • ice figures (freeze water in molds),
  • candies in wrappers,
  • box of sand,
  • cookies with hints (bake in advance, after hiding the note in the dough),
  • dishes on the festive table.

Options for tips for the youngest children (from 3 years old) can be found here:

Codes for quests at home, at school or on the street (with answers and keys)

We have a variety of interesting codes in stock for children's quests; we will show you the easiest ones to prepare. Such ciphers are also suitable for quests for schoolchildren: they are solved quite quickly and you can quickly look for a new clue - after all, everyone wants to participate, and waiting in line can be difficult.

Code with pictures

Draw the key to the cipher: line the sheet into 33 sectors (fewer are possible, then you decipher only those letters that you use, plus a few more unnecessary ones). Let each letter correspond to any picture. In our detective quest, images on the theme of detectives and detectives can be any drawings, symbols, geometric shapes, dots, lines. The main thing is that children understand the principle of solving - to substitute letters instead of symbols.

Code from the first letters for the quest

It is similar to the previous version, but here the images do not mean a specific letter, and the child needs to take the first letter of the word that means this object. It’s easy to draw such a code: “n” - socks, “e” - spruce, “o” - cloud, “ya” - apple,” etc.

This is how the word “duvet cover” is encrypted in our New Year’s MegaQuest. For you it may be a riddle of another long word, for example, “window sill”, “computer”. If the word contains the letters “ы”, “ъ” and “ь”, write them immediately in the correct cells.

Codes for quests for teenagers are more complex, but solving them is more interesting and easier for older children (from 10 years old). We will give examples, for your convenience, ciphers with answers.

Caesar Cipher

In this encryption, letters are encrypted with other letters, which can be found by counting a certain number of steps from the encrypted letter. You choose the step of shifting the letters relative to each other yourself and it is the same for all characters.

How to encrypt: write on a piece of paper the alphabet of letters that we will encrypt (in our picture it is red). We decided to encrypt by shifting 1 letter to the right (you can do 6 to the left and any other combination). Then instead of A we will write I, instead of B we will write Z (the alphabet for encryption is blue in our photo). You must leave these two alphabets on the sheet - a hint, this is the key to the code. And below - write the encrypted (blue) word, the child must translate it into red, true letters.

this shift, the riddle with the word “TV” the riddle with the word “toilet” looks like STYAKDS. To decipher, the child will move 1 character to the right, getting T instead of C. Instead of D - E.

For teenagers and adults, you can specify the following key for this cipher (without drawing the alphabet): B = V, P = R, F = Z. The main thing is to carefully encrypt the word yourself.

Cipher "Lattice"

To encrypt a word, write it letter by letter in the cells of a large square (as in the photo), in the remaining squares write any other letters. Cut out a second square of the same size and cut holes in it exactly in the places where the letters needed to read the words are located. The solver will need to attach a grid with holes to a square with letters exactly so as to read a word of 6-8 letters, for example, take for the riddle the words “backpack”, “toilet”, “vacuum cleaner”, “battery”, “bed”, “ balcony". This riddle will require ingenuity to solve!

Ready quest with tasks

Quest Instructions

Almost all tasks need to be beautifully laid out in envelopes and it is advisable to seal the envelopes (additional difficulties add interest to the tasks) and place them strictly in the indicated places. It is very important!

Where to put tasks

It is very important to lay out exactly as written!

  • PACKAGE-1 - parents show it to the children with the words: Our prizes (treats) were stolen. The thieves disappeared, but left the envelope. Perhaps they will demand a ransom, or they just decided to play with us. Let's see what is written here.
  • PACKAGE-2 – Hiding under a tree. Solution: “The next task is in the most free-flowing place”
  • PACKAGE-3 – Hiding in the sand (under a sugar bowl, in cereal, in a sandbox, even in a cat’s litter box J) Solution: “Lake”
  • PACKAGE-4 – Hiding in a place that resembles a lake: pool, basin, etc. QUESTION: What color is summer? We are used to hearing the phrase “Red Summer.” We need to find all the red letters and make a word out of them: ANSWER: pop the balloon
  • PACKAGE-5 – Place or hang the balls somewhere. Puzzle leaves are hidden in the balls. By collecting them, children will be able to find the correct answer. Balloons can be burst in any way you like, incl. and darts if you have them. Correct answer: Thirty-Two What does that mean? – by association 32 – a person has 32 teeth
  • PACKAGE-6 – a picture with a tooth can hang somewhere in an accessible place. It should be folded in half so that the text is not visible. The correct answer to the riddle is: Chair.
  • PACKAGE-7 – under the chair. You can tape the saddle to the back stubble. We arrange the colors of the rainbow correctly. Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits Red, orange, yellow, green and purple. We get the word CANDY

BUT where are they?

What can be done:

  • for example, hang a picture with a rainbow on a tree and the children will find a prize under the tree
  • place prizes in a rainbow piñata - breaking it gives you a prize


In this article we have given many specific examples with riddles, puzzles and codes about household items and street objects. You can use our recommendations to come up with your own or take our ready-made options and just copy them. It’s not difficult to come up with cool, interesting riddles for your child’s birthday or just to have fun on the weekend! Don’t forget to include outdoor games in your quests (especially street ones) - it’s good for children to take their mind off codes, burn off energy and get moving. We tell and show examples of outdoor games in this article. Check out this article for active exercises at home.

Play with pleasure, and if you always want to have a sea of ​​ready-made ideas in stock, subscribe to our fun Instagram, where we share free games, tricks, and crafts for all occasions. We wish you inspiration and joyful moments spent with your children!

Quest for your husband's birthday - a cool scenario for congratulating your loved one right from the early morning!

For a woman, her husband is the most important person in life.
I really want to surround him with positivity, warmth, and care on his birthday. Choosing a gift is a difficult and responsible task. After all, attention and love cannot be bought in a store. But for a creative wife there is always the opportunity to surprise and pleasantly please her husband. Well, men love to be surprised. We’ll take advantage of this by offering our husband a series of simple and fun challenges for his birthday—a cool quest. The organization will not take much time, but it will force the married couple to shake themselves up, have fun and spend the beginning of the wedding in a special “operational” mode, different from the tired annual “relaxation”. Without a doubt, congratulations, in which the soul is invested, the desire to surprise and please, will not leave any man indifferent - who among them in childhood did not dream of treasures and treasures? After completing several consecutive quest tasks, the birthday boy himself will find the gift intended for him, that is, he will find the “treasure”. We offer a cool version of the quest that can be easily arranged in your own apartment.


Props used for the quest:

  • four balloons (rubber glove),
  • colour pencils,
  • scanned images of a piece of furniture,
  • cut into pieces to make a puzzle,
  • several elegant envelopes,
  • scotch,
  • scissors,
  • colored pencils in a box of seven pieces in all colors of the rainbow with letters pre-glued on them,
  • cellular telephone,
  • flash card,
  • computer,
  • notes-instructions,
  • gifts for the birthday boy and the main gift.

Attention : it is better to use a mobile phone for tips. This will eliminate the need for direct verbal contact, which will reduce the thrill of the game!

Quest scenario

Birthday. Morning. The birthday boy wakes up to the sound of an SMS: “A surprise awaits you in your mailbox.” The birthday boy hurries down to the mailbox, from which he takes out an elegant envelope with congratulations and an explanation of the further course of events.

The letter says: “My beloved birthday boy! I really want to sit down with you at the festive table and wish you everything! But when this happens depends only on you. After all, the gift prepared for you must be found by yourself. How? It's simple. Be attentive to the signs that will help you act in the right sequence. I think that you will successfully cope with everything yourself, but if you need my help, then for each hint you will have to wash the dishes instead of me. Of course, not on this glorious day of your birth: you will owe it in the future! Good luck to you. I'm rooting for you!"

The message is accompanied by mysterious rhymes:

“The golden ball is spinning and spinning, The golden ball is not empty at all. The ball has a hidden secret, In this secret you will find the answer.

PS Yes, greetings from Koshchei to you too!

Greetings from Koshchei are a decorative pin or needle stuck into the postcard, symbolizing the immortality of the fairy-tale character. I wonder what it's for?

1. While the puzzled husband is reading a mysterious message near the mailbox, the wife quickly hangs three pre-inflated balloons right outside the front door: red, yellow, blue. In yellow she puts the key to the next action. It is the yellow one, also known as gold, that needs to be pierced with the received needle, since it is in it that the note with the task is located. The song “Blue Ball” can confuse your husband and force him to choose a blue ball. Well, then you'll have to wash the dishes over time. But we believe that the birthday boy does not fall for minor provocations and takes out an instruction note from the punctured yellow balloon.

2. A note from a yellow balloon with the following content: “Here are mixed fragments of three phrases from three very popular songs of the Soviet period. Namely: “Smile, they still walk and run away in the world if they are in a quarrel.” This is taken from the lyrics of the following songs: “Five Minutes” (film “Carnival Night”), “Antique Clock” performed by A. Pugacheva and “Farewell to Love” (V. Kikabidze). The songs are dedicated to one important thing in the life of every person. Guess what this thing is? Find her. It is clear that the answer is “a clock,” and the quick-witted birthday boy moves towards a wall or floor clock or other outstanding clock located in the apartment. His goal is to receive instructions for his further actions. Attached to the back of the clock are 2-3 photos of the wife in front of the furniture, to which the next clue should be attached. This is where you need to pay special attention to the furniture.

3. The birthday boy, guided by the photo, must find this furniture in the house. A box of colored pencils is attached to this part of the furniture set. The box says: “Give yourself a rainbow”! The box contains seven pencils: purple, blue, cyan, green, yellow, orange, red. A printed letter is attached to each with tape. The correspondence is as follows: purple – “B”, blue – “D”, blue – “I”, green – “B”, yellow – “A”, orange – “H”, red – “E”. Collecting a rainbow involves arranging the pencils exactly in the sequence of rainbow colors. Or draw with them in the required sequence, paying attention to how the corresponding letters form a word. Then the birthday boy will easily read the next instruction “IN THE SOFA” and rush to the sofa.

4. And between the cushions of the sofa, the first incentive prize awaits him - a box of chocolates. But at the bottom of the box there is another riddle. This is a puzzle. On a cardboard sheet of postcard size, write, beautifully decorated with colored felt-tip pens, a line from V. Vysotsky’s song: “Light the stove for me in white.” Write and cut into several parts so that the birthday person can deal with the puzzle. Let him collect it.

5. Without a doubt, having completed the puzzle, the birthday boy will guess to look either in the oven or in the microwave. And there the following instructions await him: “If it doesn’t burn in fire, then where to go?”

6. And our birthday boy goes straight to the bathroom, where a bottle of whiskey awaits him - another gift from his wife with an elegant sticker containing an acrostic:

Toropyshka was hungry and dropped the cold iron. He shined the lantern for a long time, Only one Needle was found!

If the wife relies on her husband’s natural ingenuity, then the first letters of the lines need not be highlighted. The absurdity of the verse should suggest that the idea of ​​further search is hidden not in the meaning of the message, but in the form of construction or something else.

7. So, “SHOES”. The husband should inspect several pairs of his shoes. In one of the pairs he finds a recommendation: “Set a course for the North Pole”! The birthday boy goes to the refrigerator and opens the freezer. The chamber contains a frozen ball or rubber glove with a note and the following prize: a keychain. The balloon is defrosted by the birthday boy under hot water. You get a keychain and a note with the following content: “All secrets are hidden in the ground.” In the ground and at home, where is it?

8. Of course, in a flower pot! You'll have to dig around a little to bring to light another elegantly decorated square of cardboard with a mysterious inscription:

Four elements in the world Today you met only three of them. Find the fourth one too. And your heart will beat in your chest!

9. The birthday boy has to think: what are the main four elements in the world? The answer is obvious: Earth, Water, Air and Fire. Which of them has not the birthday boy encountered yet today? Of course, with the element of Air. And his path lies on the balcony: where else does His Majesty Air reign? On the balcony, a bright, beautiful envelope is attached to the clothesline. It contains a flash card with just one audio file.

10. Having inserted it into the computer and having enjoyed the wonderful old song “The highest dream is height”, the husband is unlikely to have any doubts that the treasured main gift is hidden in the highest place in the house - on the mezzanine or maybe even on the chandelier . It's up to the hostess to decide. To make the decisive final assault easier for your beloved husband, stick an airplane on this treasured place. Let there be a hint.



Ready-made sets and scenarios

You can purchase ready-made quests with the necessary tasks, materials and detailed instructions on our website. All that remains is to carefully hide everything and enjoy the game.

This could be, for example, the following quests:


In the story, monsters steal the cake intended for the birthday boy, so the main task of the players will be to return it and prevent the evil monsters from ruining the holiday.

After reading the instructions included in the kit, you can organize a quest in 15 minutes.

This time is enough to hide the finished cards.

Go to it.


The set contains instructions, detective letters, evidence, tips and other components.

All this will allow you to easily conduct an interesting and exciting quest at home.

Go to it.

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