Designing a wall newspaper at school: ideas, requirements and examples

The life of many educational institutions cannot be imagined without a wall newspaper. The wall newspaper at school, which came to us from the Soviet era, is still relevant today. This small poster can contain various information, for example, holiday greetings, talk about current events, warn or agitate, entertain and have educational functions. Children from the age of nine to ten can design a wall newspaper with their own hands, where they can fully demonstrate their creative abilities. We will offer you several ideas on how to properly and originally design a wall newspaper for some holidays.

Rules for designing a wall newspaper

This task is creative. There are no strict requirements for the design of a wall newspaper, its content and drawings. It all depends solely on the theme and creative ideas of the authors. But there are basic rules with which you can facilitate the process of creating it.

First, create a scaled-down layout and sketch out a plan for the future wall newspaper, identifying places for the drawing, information part and photographs. This will help a lot. If you skip this stage, the finished project may turn out ugly, empty or clumsy. The next step is to create fields. Stepping back from the edge of the sheet by 2-3 cm, draw them using a ruler and a simple pencil. If desired, the fields can be highlighted with a bright felt-tip pen. This will attract attention to the wall newspaper. Then allocate space for the heading. It should be large, but not too much. Typically, the heading does not occupy more than 1/5 of the sheet. In the lower right corner, place the name of the group or class that published the wall newspaper.

Then you need to distribute the content. The most interesting material should be placed in the center, less important material should be placed at the edges. Text material should be alternated with images. If a wall newspaper contains several articles, you need to delimit them or make several columns so that they do not merge with each other.


Such a project should be approached seriously and responsibly. Before decorating a cool wall newspaper, you need to prepare a working surface of the required size. If you are working on a project in a classroom, you may have to move a few desks to do it. When working with paints, you need to protect your school uniform with a special apron.

Prepare all the necessary items in advance: whatman paper, simple and colored pencils, erasers, markers, brushes, jars of water and paints. If the wall newspaper has applications, you will additionally need glue, scissors and colored paper.

Tips for decorating a wall newspaper

There are several tricks. If you apply them, the resulting newspaper will be of higher quality not only in content, but also visually. For ease of reading and beauty, the text content can be printed separately and then glued to the main poster using a glue stick. If the text is written by hand, then the handwriting should be beautiful and readable.

Take the time to create quality drawings. Without them, a wall newspaper will be just a boring “bulletin board”. It's even better if you find a real professional who can draw well. But don’t despair if you’re not very good at drawing or if you don’t have an artist nearby. In this case, beautiful clippings from magazines on the topic or printed photographs will help.

It is better to decorate the background in calm, non-distracting colors. When looking at an overly colorful wall newspaper, it will be difficult for schoolchildren to concentrate on its content.

Unusual congratulations for loved ones

I want to especially please my relatives, putting all my love and warmth into the gift. If you make a sweet birthday poster with your own hands, it will be filled with good energy and bright emotions. The birthday boy will be pleasantly surprised, because you will be able to express the features of his personality and character in a gift.

In addition, it will be affordable, so even a schoolchild can make a poster. You can please your parents, classmates or teacher with such a gift by buying sweets with your pocket money.

Information wall newspapers

A wall newspaper containing useful information comes to the aid of social life in a school or kindergarten. There are several types of information wall newspapers for different purposes. In a kindergarten, such projects can talk about traffic rules, safe living rules, or the achievements of a kindergarten or a certain group. An information newspaper can also be a school or class periodical that tells about the life of a class or school. A wall newspaper must have a permanent name and a list of the editorial board who worked on it.

A school project can talk about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle, contain calls: “Don’t litter,” “Take care of nature,” etc. A humorous wall newspaper on the topic of the day or a project on some school subject that is interesting will arouse great interest among children at school. and captivatingly written.

Poems for wall newspaper

  • Poems for first graders;

  • About school;

  • Poems about the beginning of the school year;

  • For a classmate's birthday;

  • For a classmate's birthday;

  • About kindergarten;

  • For the teacher;

  • For Teacher's Day;

  • For the teacher's birthday;

  • For a wall newspaper about summer.

Congratulatory wall newspapers

The main difference between congratulatory newspapers and other information newspapers is that holiday projects contain a minimum of text. The main purpose is to create a festive mood, so the main role will be given to the drawing. In addition to the name of the holiday, you can write a short (or long) congratulation, but a wall newspaper option without any inscriptions is possible. For example, there is nothing wrong with the fact that when you draw a New Year's picture, you do not write an inscription. It will be clear to everyone that this wall newspaper is for the New Year.

However, there are events in the life of a school or kindergarten when it is necessary to convey this or that information to its readers. This could be victories in Olympiads, achievements in competitions, or the anniversary of the existence of an educational institution. How to do this, what examples of designing wall newspapers for the holidays can be, we will consider below.

DIY wall newspaper for your birthday:

Creativity has become an integral attribute of every holiday. We suggest considering options for congratulatory newspapers for the birthday of the teacher and your classmates.


In holiday decoration stores you will find a lot of decorations and ready-made wall newspaper templates. Among them, there are also posters for sale for the birthday of a classmate or classmate.

Photos from memorable holidays are pasted into the empty cells, and poetic or prose lines with congratulations are added if desired. If you purchased a black and white poster, then color it to your liking, but it is better to buy a ready-made drawing. You can also draw a wall newspaper for a classmate or classmate yourself. A box of watercolors, whatman paper and a brush are all we need for a holiday masterpiece. Think about the preferences of your classmate(s). Perhaps your “colleague” loves the Ninja Turtles or some other heroes. Decorate his wall greeting card and make him feel good.

For classmates, you can make newspapers that not only hang on the walls, but also those that contain sweets. Lay out a path of sweet congratulations, for example, like this wall newspaper, below.

And another option that is suitable for all students in the class would be a general newspaper called “Cool Corner”. Provide a separate column for birthday people. Call it “This Month's Birthdays” and include a list of students who celebrate their birthdays on the dates of the current month.


The newspaper “Happy Birthday, Teacher” should have an aesthetic meaning. The main rule that should be followed at all times is that you do not need to indicate the age of the teacher. Come up with a bright signature and a beautiful wish that you will present from the whole class to your respected teacher. An original idea for congratulations would be to create a collage with signs in the hands of children. Each plaque (sheet of paper) must have a wish printed on it. An example in the photo below.

Ideas for a holiday wall newspaper background

The background will help to decorate the original design of the wall newspaper. It is not necessary to create a monochromatic backdrop using a large brush and paint. You can decorate it by splashing colorful paint with a toothbrush or mixing several colors at once.

You can quickly and beautifully create a background by applying paint using a regular sponge. For this purpose, the paint can be diluted in advance, adjusting the contrast of the sponge prints. You can also paste large confetti over the entire surface or grind off the core of colored pencils with a blade and shade them with a cotton pad.

Do not forget that the background is a secondary element of the newspaper, so it should not be too bright and distract attention from the content.

Project for Mother's Day

More recently, a good tradition has appeared in Russia to celebrate Mother's Day on the last Sunday of November. This holiday is very popular in kindergartens and schools, where wall newspapers are prepared for this day. The main task when creating such a wall newspaper is to convey all the warmth and love to dear mothers.

An excellent idea for creating a wall newspaper for Mother's Day in a kindergarten group would be numerous handprints of children, signed by teachers and located on the poster in the form of flowers or rays of the sun. Or you can just leave it on your small palms. The mother of every child will definitely see the palm of her baby, she will be pleased to see such a wall newspaper.

Wall newspaper: how I spent my summer in kindergarten, photo with explanation

The responsibilities of the cultural sector and the editorial board in preschool institutions fall on the shoulders of educators or enterprising parents. Immediately after a short holiday, the first topic in kindergarten is “How I spent my summer.” Interesting conversations between the teacher and the children are confirmed by wall newspapers as a fact about the work done. This work is performed on whatman paper A1 or A0. It makes no sense to choose smaller formats, since photographs of children, their drawings, palms, and tree leaves are used to participate in the sketch.

  • Select a blank sheet of Whatman paper. Draw a frame if it suits your chosen design style. In order to save money and accommodate a large amount of information, it is better not to draw fields;

  • Think about the style in which the work will be done. How exactly will you demonstrate your vacation in the summer? It is possible to design in pictures, lists, photo demonstrations. Basically, educators ask parents to bring a photo and make a collage with a caption for each photo on some thematic background: flying butterflies, sunny clouds, sea waves, palm trees, blooming greenery;

  • Text. As an addition, between photos or pictures you can insert euphonious quatrains reminiscent of summer and vacations, funny quotes, anecdotes or family signatures for each participant in the wall newspaper.

New Year

Very often, in the design of a wall newspaper at school for the New Year, there are animals that are symbols of the coming year. Cute little animals will always attract attention. But it’s worth thinking about depicting a Christmas tree, Father Frost and Snow Maiden, as well as New Year’s landscapes in the wall newspaper for the New Year. At the same time, the plot of the drawing should be thoughtful and not overloaded with all the characters at once.

Three-dimensional elements look very good in a New Year's wall newspaper. This could be snow made of cotton wool or snowdrifts made of cotton pads, real tinsel decorating a painted Christmas tree, stars and snowflakes cut out of foil.

If desired, the New Year's wall newspaper can contain interesting text about the history of the holiday, about Santa Clauses from other countries and New Year's traditions of different nations.

Background Ideas

The background plays a big role in the design of a wall newspaper for the New Year. Since this is a festive winter night, it can be blue, dark blue, with a bright silver moon and stars. But in this case, the rest of the image against this background should not have dark, gloomy tones. It is better to use bright yellow, red, snow-white tones for maximum effect of the images and do not forget to draw the general frame of the wall newspaper.

The background will look beautiful in a New Year's style if you finely chop the remaining tinsel and then pour it into places previously coated with glue in the form of snowdrifts or curls. To depict snow-covered trees, you can dip a suitable leaf of a houseplant in white or blue gouache and print it on a winter background.

Victory Day

When designing a wall newspaper for May 9, it is important to use both images in the form of war photographs, drawings, and text content describing the exploits of front-line soldiers, songs and poems of the war years. You can talk about the heroic deeds performed by children of that time. You can also provide information about the students’ grandfathers or great-grandfathers by attaching copies of their photographs.

The often used St. George ribbon in the wall newspaper for Victory Day is quite easy to make from orange and black colored paper. Using a glue stick, stick the orange stripes onto the black background. You can use images of front-line awards and orders as decorations, making them from colored paper. A red battle flag made using the technique of three-dimensional applique from napkins will look impressive.

Wall newspaper for the school anniversary

The work of designing a wall newspaper for the school’s anniversary is very honorable and responsible. In such a project, it is necessary to indicate the age of the institution. You can make a sketch of the school itself, insert images of it, as well as photos of the teachers who work here. It would be interesting to present a brief history of the school, to indicate that, for example, famous personalities on the scale of a village, city or even country studied there.

How to make a birthday poster for a boy with photos and wishes?

A poster with photographs can please a child at any age. It is only important to choose colorful joint and family photos that carry a charge of positive energy, memories and experiences.

Various posters with photo collages for a boy’s birthday:

Various types of greeting posters for a boy's birthday

Colorful poster with photos and wishes for a boy

Poster with photo in the form of a daisy

Poster with photos from friends

Poster with a series of photos

The meaning of a wall newspaper

Creating a wall newspaper is a fun and interesting activity that helps develop a child’s creative abilities, promotes the expression of imagination, teaches him to formulate thoughts and look for ways to convey them. Since several people usually create a wall newspaper, this is also an excellent opportunity for children to interact with each other. Together they share ideas, skills and abilities, learn to work in a team, which, of course, will be useful to them in their future lives.

Of course, the children's team needs help from adults. This can be either a teacher who guides and helps children, or parents who are actively involved in the school life of their children. It is important to provide not only practical, but also ideological assistance, patiently showing the basics of creative work. The fruits of adult labor will not be long in coming - starting from grades 6-7, children will be able to design wall newspapers on their own, and then will take an active life and social position.

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