Competitions for February 23 for boys 6-18 years old: 24 ideas for original games and competitions to be held at school

Tea secrets For this competition, the presenter must prepare questions from the history of tea and tea ceremonies. The presenter reads the question to each participant in turn, and the participant must answer: yes or no. For the correct answer - one point. Whoever has the most points at the end will win. Examples of questions: Tea cubes were once used as money in Siberia (yes) Once upon a time, tea was smuggled into England and was drunk only by men (yes) Tea is the national drink of America (no) Most tea is drunk in Ireland (yes) In China, black tea is called red tea (yes) and so on.

Blitz tournament

While the children are enjoying aromatic tea and sweets, the presenter will take turns asking questions that need to be answered quickly. Whoever raised his hand first is the one who answers. For the correct answer - a point, and the most points - a prize. And the questions are completely simple, but require a little thought and understanding, for example: it can be put in tea or in a jar (lemon); friend of the stick (carrot); both the commander and the cake (Napoleon); It can be both sweet and medicinal (cotton wool); the baked goods that Carlson indulged in (buns); a youth expression when something doesn’t work out, and can also be sweet and with any filling (pancake) and so on.

Games and competitions for February 23rd for children 6-10 years old

Competitions for boys of primary school and grades 5-6 should be distinguished by their simplicity and unambiguity; it is worth excluding tasks that may not be understandable to children, but in any case, special attention should be paid to explaining what exactly needs to be done in the competition, how they will be calculated points. You can also provide for joint competitions between boys and dads.

  • Digging trenches

Small boxes of the same size are quite suitable as trenches. Spoons can serve as shovels, and finely chopped paper confetti can serve as soil. The participants' task is to dig a trench as quickly as possible, that is, scoop confetti out of the box with a spoon.

  • Message from the signalman

A good memory is essential for any soldier. A message has been received from the communications operator. Each team takes turns reading their words, and after some time the participants must remember and reproduce them. The words can be anything, preferably related to the theme of the evening, but there should be no more than 10 of them.

  • Saboteurs

The saboteurs were caught on the territory of the headquarters. It is necessary to interrogate them. To do this, one participant is invited from each team, who carefully examine each other for a minute. After this, the guys stand with their backs to each other. The presenter takes turns asking everyone questions regarding the appearance of the opponent. For example, what color shirt is your opponent wearing? What are you wearing on your feet? How many buttons, etc. Whoever gives the most correct answers becomes the winner of the competition.

  • Preparing the equipment

A very fun competition. One participant from each team is called up. They will have to use a marker on a sheet attached to the board to draw as quickly as possible with their non-working hand (if the child is right-handed, then he draws with his left hand, and vice versa) the object that the leader will quietly whisper to them. The team that is the first to guess what exactly their participant is drawing wins. You can draw military equipment (airplane, tank, ship, missile carrier, etc.).

  • Watch

Our observation post is located in a swamp, we need to be extremely careful. There was a single, very small hummock (a thick sheet of paper or cardboard) on which the participants would have to stand on one leg. The one who stumbles will “drown in the swamp” and is eliminated from the game. Either one person from a team or several can participate.

  • Mined field

Participants will have to pass through a mined field and not get blown up. Blindfolded players must walk around 8 mins (pins or plastic bottles). The team whose guys hit the fewest mines wins.

  • Prisoners under guard!

Prisoners have been detained and need to be put in prison. But this is not so easy to do.

Two people from each team participate in the competition. A circle is drawn on the floor. Participants stand outside the circle at the border and join hands. At the leader’s command, they must drag the opponent into the circle, but not get there themselves. The one who crosses the border of the circle is eliminated.

  • Military backpack

Each team needs to prepare in 5 minutes a list of items that they will definitely have to take on a military campaign.

Download presentation templates by February 23 >>>

Tea Party Helpers

Elimination game. Children sit in a circle and take turns naming, without hesitation for a long time, any object that is somehow involved in tea drinking, and there are a lot of such objects, so the game will be fun and exciting. Sugar bowl, cup, mug, spoon, saucer, bowl, samovar, pancake maker, frying pan (bake pancakes), baking sheet, oven, multicooker (bake a cake), waffle iron, tweezers for refined sugar, cake knife, microwave oven (bake a cupcake) and so on. Whoever doesn’t name is eliminated, and the best tea party “helpers” get prizes.

Synonym for verbs. School competition

The expression “rich and powerful” our language appeared more than 100 years ago, and said it, evoking the deep thoughts of I.S. Turgenev. But what, after all, is the Russian language rich in? If you think carefully, you can make a whole list of the advantages of the Russian language. The Russian language is very rich in synonyms. For almost every verb, you can select more than a dozen words that are close in meaning. For example, the word “look” can be replaced with

  • "look",
  • "to glare"
  • “open your eyes” and similar synonyms.

Assignment: you need to select at least ten synonyms for the following verbs:

  • eat,
  • fell,
  • relax,
  • go,
  • speak.

Sweets in pictures

For this competition, the presenter must prepare pictures in advance (the Internet will help), from which one can get one name for any sweet, for example, a picture of a bird + a picture of milk = “Bird's Milk” cake; picture of a car steering wheel = steering wheel (donut); Napoleon picture = Napoleon cake; picture of granulated sugar + picture of a cube = refined sugar; picture of the planet Mars = Mars bar; picture of a potato = Potato cake. One by one, the presenter shows a picture or a composition of pictures, and the children show quick wit and guess the name of the sweets. The first person to raise their hand is responsible and receives a point for the correct answer. And whoever has the most points in the end will receive a sweet prize.

Different dating scenes

Each person meets someone all the time throughout their life. How to make an impression, how to get acquainted correctly - there are a great many tips and recommendations. Such rules generally apply under normal conditions. What about incredible acquaintances? How to behave in this case? You need to imagine a situation of incredible acquaintance and try to stage it.

  • Acquaintance of astronauts with aliens;
  • hunters with Bigfoot,
  • the new owner of the haunted castle,
  • a sailor who was washed ashore after a shipwreck with a tribe of cannibals
  • or a traveler with his distant great-grandfather, traveling in a time machine.

Sweet titles

Taking turns in a circle, the guys pass each other pieces of paper with the first and last name of each participant, where the guys write the name of the sweet that this participant resembles or is associated with. When all the sheets are filled out, a count is made and each of the guys is given sweet titles, for example, if Ivanov says 1 time - donut, 2 times - biscuit, 3 times - cupcake with condensed milk, then Ivanov - cupcake with condensed milk. If there are no matches on the sheet, then the title is chosen based on applause, that is, which of the written ones you like best. After the titles are assigned, they need to be written down, and later make a fun class stand, where you can place photos of the guys and pictures of sweets, as well as inscriptions with the titles, for example, Petrova - a bun with poppy seeds, Ternov - a pretzel, and so on.

Games and competitions on February 23 for children 11-13 years old

Teenagers in grades 7-8 are quite inquisitive, so you can come up with competitions for erudition. Children also greet with great delight funny original competitions with an unexpected task (for example, “gather your will”).

  • Encryption

The children are given sheets of encrypted texts. A computer keyboard will help you decipher them. The texts are written on sheets of paper in English letters. To decrypt, you need to find this letter on the keyboard and see which Russian letter it corresponds to.

  • Gather your will into a fist

Children are informed in advance that in the next competition they will need to muster their will. After this, each participant is given a large sheet of paper on which the word “will” is written in large letters. You need to crumple this sheet into a fist with one hand. The first one to complete the task wins.

  • Nurse

At the front, you constantly have to provide assistance to the wounded, and the speed of the medical service. personnel often depends on human life. For the competition you will need gauze bandages. Players need to rewind the bandage back into the roll as quickly as possible.

  • Difficult position

Soldiers often have to find themselves in difficult situations and get out of them. A player from each team has his hands tied behind his back. A box of matches is poured onto the floor in front of each person. The participants' task is to collect matches as quickly as possible.

  • There is strength...

Soldiers must have a certain strength. The goal of the competition is to squeeze as much juice as possible out of half a lemon with one hand. The winner is the one with the most juice.

  • Site plan

Each team is shown a map of the area with schematic signs marked on it for one minute. After this, the teams are given exactly the same card, only without the signs. The participants’ task is to place the same signs from memory on an empty map in one minute. The most attentive ones will win.

  • Defuse the grenade

Each participant receives a knife, an apron, a ripe pomegranate and a container. Players need to peel the pomegranate and extract the seeds. Whoever completes the task faster than others wins.

  • Air bomb

A three-liter jar is placed opposite each team. The guys take turns, at the command of the leader, run with a coin clamped between their knees (buttons can be used) and try to “drop a bomb” into a jar without using their hands. Whichever team had more coins in the bank won.

Need to decorate the room? Download the finished stretch:

Stretching for decorating an office or hall (printed on a printer)

Original certificates and diplomas for children and adults:


Book covers

One of the printing houses decided to republish the fairy tale “Doctor Aibolit”, which was written by K.I. Chukovsky. Every book must have a cover with something written on it. The publishers decided to place an order with five artists, who after some time brought their works. It is necessary to imagine what the covers of the fairy tale “Doctor Aibolit” looked like, drawn by the artists:

  • space sci-fi artist
  • still life artist,
  • artist-icon painter,
  • artist of battle paintings
  • and an artist of propaganda posters.

New Year's competitions with candies

Cool competitions for the New Year, for adults, children, at home, on the street, at the table and standing.

I continue the topic I started about sweets competitions. I will describe the following:

Competition "Princess and the Pea" . Only girls participate in this competition. As many chairs are placed in one row as there are girls who will participate in the competition. Caramel candies are placed on each chair, no more than 5-6 pieces. They are covered either with a piece of cloth or with an opaque plastic bag. The music turns on. The participants come out. The task of each of them, without involving their hands in the competition, is to determine with their second “90” the number of sweets lying on the chair. The one who does it faster and more accurately wins!

Competition "Sweet Tooth".

Candy is placed on a chair or table. The participant must unwrap the candy wrapper without using his hands and try to eat the sweetness. The audience applauds, the contestant is covered in chocolate. Funny!

Competition “Feast of the Sweet One”.

Sweet prizes are tied to the thread. Scissors are provided. Everyone is blindfolded in turn and allowed to cut one object with scissors. Whoever succeeds takes the sweet reward for himself.

Competition "Chupik".

Call an adult player. They invite him to take a lollipop and dance, while eating it at the same time. Includes an assortment of different tunes. Cheerful, sad, romantic, etc. The main thing is that our actor adapts to the music and entertains the audience by eating chupik. The funniest thing happens when they turn on slow music or striptease music...

Competition "Salt and Sugar".

The organizer of the competition grinds salt and sugar separately in a coffee grinder in advance. So that the two white powders do not look different from each other. Players with a sweet tooth are asked to determine, without tasting, which plate contains the sweetness. You can smell, look, touch, but you cannot taste. Whoever correctly guesses where the sugar is gets a box of refined sugar.

Competition "Wrapper".

Plasticine braces are placed in candy wrappers. 9 pieces. So that they do not differ from real sweets. and only 1 candy will be real. The contestant must determine, without unwrapping, where the candy is hidden. Whoever finds it takes the candy for himself.

Competition "My chocolate".

The tanned girl is chosen among the guests. And they call one guy. He must come up with as many affectionate nicknames related to sweets as possible.

For example:

My candy, mulatto chocolate, toffee, strawberry, syrup, pie, etc.

The girl's task is to melt like sugar...

Competition "Sweet Kiss".

Santa Claus asks married couples to kiss while listening to music. Whoever lasts longer receives a delicious prize - Raffaello.


A story based on the first and last lines

In ancient times, writers wrote their novels and stories using goose feathers. Goose quills were soon replaced by fountain pens and then by typewriters. Today, the most popular tool for writers is the computer. But if you handle your computer incorrectly, it can erase all text from your memory.

This is what happened to the aspiring writer. He had five stories typed on a floppy disk, but it later turned out that only the first and last lines of each story remained. Now the writer needs to restore his texts. It is necessary to come up with events between the first and last lines of the story. This is what these lines sound like:

  1. The snow creaked underfoot... The oil hissed in the frying pan...
  2. All traces were washed away by the rain... And there was a jackhammer lying on the bed...
  3. A woodpecker poked its head out of the hollow... The destroyer was entering the bay...
  4. The iceberg towered above the surface of the sea.... The flies hid in the cracks...
  5. The fire went out a long time ago... The balcony was painted lemon color.
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