Competitions on February 23 for boys at school (1 photo)

Where to hold graduation in 4th grade

The first question that arises when organizing such an event is where to hold the farewell party? The venue for the holiday can be any place that has appropriate conditions for a mass noisy event.

Within our own walls

In most cases, graduation for the 4th grade is celebrated in the office or assembly hall of the school. This is convenient, since there is an opportunity for better preparation within our own walls. You can organize fun competitions, a performance or a disco right in the classroom. But this kind of thing has its downsides. Parents will have to prepare food for the holiday table at home. However, not all mothers are eager to stand at the stove. The school closes in the evening, which puts an end to the idea of ​​festive fireworks.

...or in a cafe?

The graduation ceremony in 4th grade can be moved from school to some cozy cafe. This more expensive option has undeniable advantages. In establishments of this kind, it is allowed to decorate the hall, invite animators, organize shows and fireworks. The cafe staff will set and serve the tables, freeing parents from holiday worries.


The elementary school graduation ceremony takes place in the last days of May. If the weather is warm, you should consider holding the celebration outdoors. Of course, in this case there will be more worries, but the pleasure of a holiday in the lap of nature is worth a lot of effort. On the bank of a river or a forest clearing there is enough space for organizing outdoor games, relay races, and various competitions.

Children love to travel and hike together, so graduation in elementary school can be held in the form of an excursion to interesting places.

Cool competitions for middle grades (grades 5-9)

5th grade is a kind of entry into adulthood. Since the beginning of the school year, a lot will change in the children’s lives, which means competitions and games should be a little different.

Best couple

All students are divided into pairs - boy-girl. This competition shows which couple will be the most artistic.

The point is to show the most beautiful dance to all types of music.

You need to make at least three music options, and preferably five, with different rhythms. A maximum of four couples can dance at the same time, the rest give marks.

The couple with the most votes wins.


A simple and well-known game, but among the guys he will determine the most accurate one who will receive a prize.

Hang the target on the board, the guys move away to a certain distance. They receive darts and begin to throw them at the target. Whoever scores the most points becomes the winner.

Team games can be played. The guys are divided into two teams, whose team scores the most points becomes the winner.

For high school, you can make it more complicated - give out three darts, two are thrown with open eyes, and the last one with blindfolds.


A comic competition that will show who is the bravest in the class.

A cup of potatoes, a safe knife and an empty cup for peeled potatoes are placed on the desk. They ask three brave souls to come out. The guys will think that they need to peel the potatoes quickly, but this is not so.

As soon as the daredevils appear, they need to go to the desk with the potatoes and name the dishes made from them.

Whoever names the most wins.


We divide all the guys into three groups. Each group receives a secret package from headquarters, with a code that must be correctly deciphered.

For the code, you can use any newspaper or magazine clipping. Having previously cut the sentence into words and put them in a bag. The guys need to write the sentence correctly.

Whoever does this first, that group wins.


  • In the evening there will be a disco in the gym (in, will take place, the gym, disco, in the evening).
  • The topic of the lesson was very interesting and informative (the lesson, very, interesting, was, the topic, informative).

Horse racing

You will need: a gymnastic ball with a handle (two pieces). All students or only boys can participate.

All participants are divided into two teams, each is given a ball. You need to ride your section on the sword as quickly as possible and pass the baton to someone else.

You cannot run or walk, you can only jump. The team that finishes the exercise first wins.

For high school students, this competition can be made more difficult - you need to jump blindfolded. And the rest of the team helps with advice on which direction to move.

What's the best way to celebrate graduation in 4th grade?

How to hold a graduation ceremony in 4th grade? Of course, it's fun and exciting! To do this, you need to turn the preparation of the event into a collective creative endeavor that will not leave anyone behind. The first teacher always knows which of the children is the best dancer, reader and trumpet player. In addition, in any class there will be people who want to decorate the hall, prepare costumes, and select music. The organizational part of the holiday will be taken care of by moms and dads. Parents can also be involved in an entertaining holiday program. And what can unite children and adults better than a common interesting activity?

Official part

I think there is no way to do without this. Fun, fun, and a few quatrains dedicated to February 23, kind words and wishes need to be prepared. There are quite a lot of such collections on the Internet. In principle, poems and congratulations in prose do not need to be learned by heart. Make beautiful folders for girls, the girls will simply read the path expressively. A video sequence with the presentation of postcards for February 23 will decorate such a performance.

At the end of the official part, we summarize the results of two home preparations:

Prom competitions for adults and children

Competitions with the participation of adults and children are always joyful and lively, causing laughter in the auditorium and excitement on the competition site. There are different types of competitions:

  • mobile (for speed, accuracy);
  • intellectual (logic, intelligence);
  • creative (for creativity, artistry).

Outdoor games and graduation competitions

Outdoor games and competitions are ideal for outdoor graduation. In the open air you can run, jump, and kick a ball. The games “Fun Starts” and “Forest Olympics” using sports equipment are an excellent way to organize active recreation in nature. What to do if all your plans are ruined by bad weather?

Holding a graduation ceremony in a school office does not exclude outdoor games and competitions. Of course, there is not enough space in the class for a relay race, but it is enough for competitions like “Who is faster.” For example:

  • who can tie an apron and headscarf the fastest (“Matryoshka” competition);
  • who will collect the scattered pine cones the fastest ("Teddy Bear" competition);
  • who can make 5-10 paper boats faster (Admiral competition).

Parents, as a rule, have a hard time in such competitions.

With the participation of adults, the well-known confusion can be organized. Participants join hands and form a circle. Then together they begin to get entangled, climbing over the “arches”, stepping over those crouched, twisting their arms. The circle cannot be broken. The “grandmother,” who has been behind the doors all this time, is invited to unravel the “tangle.” Such a fun competition will brighten up any school holiday.

Competitions for wits

Graduation competitions should include some tasks for ingenuity and attentiveness:

  • puzzles;
  • charades;
  • puzzles;
  • entertaining tasks;
  • logic puzzles.

Requiring non-standard thinking, tasks with a trick will help you spend your 4th grade graduation not only fun, but also useful. For example, you could have teams brainstorm new ways to use a tin can. Or use paper, scissors and tape to build a rocket in minutes.

Mobile children's competitions

Security guards

All children from the class will participate in the game. We choose two boys who will act as guards. We draw a large circle in the middle of the room, and all the other guys go into it. We tie all the children inside the circle with their hands behind them.

The bottom line is that the guard guys should not let anyone out of the circle. On command, the guys try to break out of the circle, but the guards don’t let them.


Every spy must have a good memory. The guys are divided into several teams, and one spy is called in at a time. The boys stand facing each other at a distance of one meter. They need to remember the clothes the opponent is wearing.

After a minute they turn their backs, the presenter asks questions to each participant; whoever names the most correct answers wins.


All the guys are divided into two teams, in front of each there is a field with mines.

The point is to go through the field blindfolded and not get blown up by a bomb.

On command, the guys begin to move across the field one by one. Girls can help the boys by telling them where to step.

You can use plastic juice containers or skittles as mines.

Holiday details

Due attention should be paid to the details of the holiday. Decoding and decorating the room plays an important role in creating the overall impression of the prom. If parents have chosen a themed party, then inflatable balloons alone will not be enough to create the appropriate atmosphere. By showing imagination and demonstrating true skill, through joint efforts parents can achieve incredible success in decorating the room and creating props.

Music and lighting should also be appropriate. If the class has the opportunity to rent a disco ball and good speakers for graduation, then why not take advantage of it.

Like any grandiose event, graduation consists of important components and small details, and if all these components are well thought out, the result is that children receive a real holiday, and parents receive simple pleasure and joy for their kids.

Photo competition "Men's Business"

The terms of the competition and the prize for winning must be announced 2-3 weeks in advance. Children should bring a photograph that would illustrate a real man's work. In the photo there may be a father, grandfather, great-grandfather with orders (even if he is no longer alive), a brother (even a newborn), a male teacher.

Nowadays it is easier to provide children with a digital photograph so they can make a presentation. Naturally, each photograph must have a title and author.

You need to come up with many nominations so that there are several winners (here girls also have a chance to win a prize, because the whole class participates). Here are examples of nominations: “Bogatyr” (for a photo with an axe, shovel or even dumbbells), “Soul (helping in the kitchen in an apron is very masculine), “Behind the wheel”, “This is the job” (many took pictures of dad at the computer ). Most of all, children bring photos of their little brothers :-). These men with nipples, in the bath or on the slide, are always successful and do not refuse to pose.

Competition of drawings and postcards “Branches of Troops”

Also announced in advance. In order for the whole undertaking to have an educational meaning, distribute which type and branch of troops of the armed forces of the Russian army will represent: Ground Forces, Air Force, Navy, Airborne or Missile Forces. Children are good at using pictures from the Internet, so there will be no difficulties with selecting symbols.

If any of the boys can tell a few sentences about the chosen branch of the military, reward them with a worthy prize!

Other options for celebrating February 23 at school:

If you just want to have fun after the official part, we recommend our programs:

  • Diskostop (fun disco with games)
  • Blogger party (entertainment creative program)
  • Outdoor quest (leaders with props organize the game in a room of 50 sq.m.)
  • thematic master class (specialists will come with their materials and teach children how to paint cutting boards or wall clocks). On average - 750 rubles per participant. Read more here.

Outdoor games during class hours and holidays in grades 3-4

The game program for younger teenagers may be a little more varied. It is undesirable for an evening or matinee with invited friends to spend most of the time at the festive table

Live communication is important. We offer several tips for preparing and holding a family holiday at home or in the classroom - birthdays and any celebrations for adults and children

Continue the story

The guys are offered a text; The presenter stops at the most mysterious place. The players need to complete the story. It could be a fairy tale or fantasy story. Each subsequent one must continue the previous one. The game is accompanied by laughter, humor, and fun.

Write a fairy tale

Students are invited to compose a fairy tale based on the key words: “girl”, “forest”, “wolf”, “grandmother”, “helicopter”. Write a fairy tale “inside out”: a kind stepmother and a capricious Cinderella; a smart wolf and three stupid pigs; a tracing tale where popular fairy-tale characters find themselves in modern conditions.

Who will make up more words?

Following the example of the popular game “Finest Hour”, the children are given a word on a sheet of paper. It is necessary to compose the largest number of new words in 1 minute using only those letters that are in the proposed word.

Again 25, or Home Pentathlon

5 min – riddle competition; 5 min - competition of proverbs, sayings, tongue twisters; 5 minutes of “perpetual” movement (jumping, dancing); 5 min – song contest; 5 min – poetry competition.

Our TV

Come up with and play any children's show. To do this, you can form 2-3 microgroups, preparation time - 1 minute! The main thing is impromptu, resourcefulness, originality, invention and humor.

Giving and receiving gifts are equally pleasant, but this is a whole science. Adults should tell you in advance how to behave when receiving gifts, choose and what to give to a particular boy or girl, and present your gift to the birthday boy.

But a family holiday is not necessarily a birthday. It is quite possible that the class (group) has a tradition of spending its evening or matinee, so to speak, a “family weekend”. There are no parents here, but the atmosphere is still friendly and family, because this team has been living for several years.

The idea that we are all a big happy family can be expressed by the teacher himself.

A similar celebration can be held outdoors with a group. In any case, the organizer needs to remember that, as a rule, at the age of 8-10, teenagers are prone to outdoor games. But they get tired quickly, so the teacher always needs to have 5-6 different games in stock.

Mysterious words

3 words that are not related in meaning are taken at random. It is necessary to make as many sentences as possible that include the suggested words. You can change cases and supplement sentences with other words.

I option. “Lake”, “bear”, “pencil”.

Option II. “Street”, “book”, “apron”.

III option. “Ball”, “sky”, “flower”.

IV option. “Glasses”, “bag”, “bicycle”.

For example, a traditional sentence might be: “The bear dropped a pencil into the lake.” Originally Answered: "The boy picked up a pencil and drew a bear swimming in the lake."

The game can be made more difficult if sentences with three suggested words are composed so that they form a short story. The guys name their phrases, taking into account the requirement to “keep” the general idea of ​​the story in mind. Moreover, in each sentence it is allowed to use not all three given words, but two or one of them.

Eliminating extra words

The game is organized according to the principle of the previous one, but it also has its own characteristics. Again, 3 words are offered, chosen at random. It is necessary to leave 2 words for which a common feature can be identified. The “extra” word must be excluded and your choice justified. You should find as many options as possible to exclude the “extra” word.

I option. “Dog”, “tomato”, “sun”.

Option II. “Water”, “wind”, “glass”.

III option. “Car”, “horse”, “hare”.

IV option. “Chair”, “stump”, “apartment”. For example: “Water and glass are transparent, so wind should be excluded.” Example of an original answer: "Water and wind are objects that have the inherent ability to move, so glass should be excluded since it is static." For each option, you need to get 4-5 reasoning answers.

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