100 riddles about the computer: exploring the modern world

Do you want to spend an unforgettable evening with your family and friends without going outside, but are you worried that your guests will quickly get bored with home gatherings? Organize a quest for them at home! The house quest involves participants guessing tasks and riddles that will lead them to the object where the next riddle is hidden. Thus, after solving all the puzzles, players will come to the place with gifts. In order to organize such an event, you need to think about what items to include in the quest, as well as create tasks and riddles for these items.

In this article we will tell you how to include a bed in a house quest, and also share riddles about this item.

Riddles about the computer

Computer riddles for children with answers.

Riddle No. 1

An electronic machine, Knows everything about the whole world, Can give all the answers to questions very quickly. Always helps people, called

(Answer: Computer)


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Riddle No. 2

What kind of iron friend is this, Interesting and useful. It’s boring at home, there’s no comfort, If it’s turned off...

(Answer: Computer)


Riddle No. 3

What kind of miracle unit is this? Can he do everything: Sing, play, read, count, become the best friend?

(Answer: Computer)


Riddle No. 4

He is faster than a man, Multiplying two numbers, A library could fit in it a hundred times, Only there it is possible to open a hundred windows in a minute. It’s not at all difficult to guess what the riddle is about...

(Answer: Computer)


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Riddle No. 5

We'll play games with him, We'll type texts with him, He'll format them beautifully And put them in the archives. He will make our work easier and provide instant communication. He draws and sings, and takes him to the Internet. What do you need, friend! Simply great! Our personal…

(Answer: Computer)


Riddle No. 6

There is a chest on the table. There is a window in the chest, You can see miracles, If you know a little.

(Answer: Computer)


Riddle No. 7

He lives at our house -

My teacher, postman. He has the wisdom of hundreds of books, Sometimes he speaks, Gives access to the Internet, Without him there is no life. Everyone understands this and recognizes him everywhere. You can take him with you, that’s how our hero is. Well, think for a minute, This nice friend...

(Answer: Computer)


Riddle No. 8

Previously, schoolchildren in our district did not have such a smart friend. Now in every house, on every table, He stands, an assistant to you and to me. He draws, counts, calculates anything, and if you want, he will play a game. He is a computer. This name is one. What else do we call him?

(Answer: Computer)


Riddle No. 9

A true iron friend has become useful in my life: He doesn’t mind playing with me And showing me the whole world. He will invite you and me into the big virtual world.

(Answer: Computer)


Riddle No. 10

What a miracle unit Can do everything Sing, play, read, count, Become your best friend?

(Answer: Computer)


Riddle No. 11

What kind of miracle is this? He counts and sings himself. It seems to be inanimate, but it will answer the question. He will show you pictures, He might even turn on a movie, Guess quickly: Who could it be?

(Answer: Computer)


Riddle No. 12

It’s amazing, today I was stunned: He counts without a mistake for just a few seconds. He has many books, of different types and motives, and among us people simply call such people “smart guys.” But here’s the thing, the smart guy is made of iron. Tell me, kids, what’s the name of the unit?

(Answer: Computer)


Riddle No. 13

He has a miracle mouse, a lot of buttons, and a monitor. What is this thing that visits every home?

(Answer: Computer)



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Riddle No. 14

I have one friend, He is irreplaceable in life: He calculates everything for me and prints the report. And it’s not difficult for him at all, Because he...

(Answer: Computer)


Riddle No. 15

What kind of miracle machine? He is the favorite of all the guys, The monitor is like a chest, And there is an icon on the button. You can play there, and read, and multiply. You guys know what kind of technology this is?

(Answer: Computer)


Riddle No. 16

Scientists invented it many years ago, and everyone knows it firsthand. And even in life, out of habit, We turn to him for help. He will be able to calculate a complex example for us, will show a film and turn on the music. The car in general is just super, and it’s called...

(Answer: Computer)


Riddle No. 17

It won't be hard for you guys to guess! You know him like no one else. He knows how to show miracles: Pictures, games, cartoons, movies. An iron box in the middle of your apartment, so useful and interesting in everything. Of course, it’s not difficult for you to recognize him, a mystery because...

(Answer: Computer)


Riddle No. 18

Artificial intelligence knows more than humans. He knows everything about love, and he himself is iron. He knows all the jokes in the world, but he doesn’t know how to laugh. You know this item for sure; almost every home has it.

(Answer: Computer)


Riddle No. 19

He draws, he counts, designs factories, even flies in space, and gives weather forecasts. Millions of calculations Can be done in a minute Guess who this genius is? Surely…

(Answer: Computer)


See also:

Poems about family for children

Poems by Uspensky for children

Very difficult riddles with answers

Riddle No. 20

After school I come and go straight to him. Helps me with my homework, shows me cartoons. If I suddenly want to, he’ll tell me everything. Knowledge cannot be measured in him, but it is not difficult for him. Because this is my new one...

(Answer: Computer)


Riddle No. 21

I saw this yesterday in an electronics store! There is a large window there, I approached quietly. As soon as you grab the mouse, you control the window. There programs open, you can close them later. This wonderful window will show you everything you want. Tell me guys, what is it called?

(Answer: Computer)


Riddle No. 22

This smart machine solved five problems in a row in just one minute. I wrote on the screen, How to prepare salad for my mother - He is very smart...

(Answer: Computer)


Riddle No. 23

What kind of helicopter is this that won't fly? His job is not to fly, but to count, count, count...

(Answer: Computer)


Riddles about the balcony

People have always loved to envelop objects around them with secrets and extraordinary properties. Of course, the loggias were not ignored. Riddles about the balcony are very helpful in developing children's ingenuity and the ability to think logically; the ability to reproduce the image of an object using words develops imagination. And such an element of the building is not so easy to guess; for this you will have to think carefully. Let us give examples of several riddles, the answers to which will be the word “balcony”.

I left the house on the threshold. I took just one step, The door closed behind me, There was no way in front of me.

I am both at home and not at home, Between heaven and earth, Guess, friends, Where am I?

Not a house, but not a street either, High, but not scary.

A house is like a house, There are a hundred pockets in it. In every pocket there are beds with flowers.

The riddle about the balcony can be invented by both adults and children. Let the kids think a little and describe this building element; you can probably put together a whole ballad from the existing descriptions. Such structures have become such an integral part of people's lives that even the classics could not do without them; it is worth remembering “Romeo and Juliet”; the balcony can be called one of the characters in this world-famous work.

The history of the appearance of French balconies can be called remarkable and interesting. In the Middle Ages, there were no toilets in houses, so people had to relieve themselves using special dishes, and their contents were often simply poured out the windows of houses, directly onto the pavement. Because of this, the smell of the cities was simply unbearable, and it caused a lot of inconvenience to passers-by. In Paris, a decree was issued prohibiting pouring out slop without shouting about it three times; a fine was provided for failure to comply with this law.

Even in the Louvre, the palace of French nobles and kings, not a single toilet could be found in those days. Guests and courtiers had to either squat on the wide window sills or demand a special vase. The use of windows was extremely inconvenient, so they began to make special windows up to the floor, and to prevent nobles from falling out of them, they made a special barrier. Modern French balconies, of course, are not used for their original purpose; they serve as decoration of the facade and emphasize the unusualness of the interior, but the original name is assigned to them.

Living in modern houses and using various objects in everyday life, usually no one thinks about their origin, but everything has its own deep history. Much remains unchanged from its original image, and some objects have changed so much that it is hard to even imagine what they were like at the very beginning of their journey.

Home quest

- a way to give any gift in an original and fun way, turning it into an interesting, exciting game. Why this name? In general, a quest is a type of game with various codes and riddles that lead in a chain to the main prize.

Main idea:

the surprise is hidden in a secluded place, and the player is given a certain message-riddle-instruction with a hint where to look for the next note. Solving all the riddles leads the player to the place where the gift is located. The simplest version of this entertainment is an indoor quest.

Ready-made scenarios for conducting quests. Detailed information can be viewed by clicking on the image of interest.

Keyboard riddles

Keyboard riddles for children with answers.

Riddle No. 44

There are buttons lined up on the board. Guess boys, How to poke your finger here?

(Answer: Keyboard)


Riddle No. 45

There’s a board lying next to the screen, She’s the mother of letters and buttons! He knows the Russian alphabet and will surprise you with English. Very smart person! What's this?

(Answer: Keyboard)


Riddle No. 46

Lots of buttons, numbers, letters, “Enter”, “Shift”, “F2”, “F5”, In English and Russian You can write with it, children. I tap on it with my fingers. Who is she? Tell me quickly!

(Answer: Keyboard)


Riddle No. 47

No, it is not a piano, there are only so many keys in it! There is a picture of the alphabet, signs, numbers too. Very subtle nature. Her name...

(Answer: Keyboard)


Riddle No. 48

There are almost a hundred keys here. It's better if you push wisely. There is less, there is more. Take a closer look at them: Numbers, letters, signs, arrows, Shift, Caps Lock, spaces. Yes, my rich nature...

(Answer: Keyboards)


Riddle No. 49

There are a lot of buttons on it: The alphabet and numbers are there. To write a word, you need to press buttons.

(Answer: Keyboard)


Riddle #50

There are many keys on it. Type words quickly! This is where the fingers get exercise. Who is this?

(Answer: Keyboard)


Riddle No. 51

Jump and jump on the keys - Be-re-gi no-go-tok! One or two and you're done - Tap out the word! This is where the fingers get exercise. This is...

(Answer: Keyboard)


Riddles on the theme "Bed"

Companion of the very first days, Every day we come to her; In very ancient times, it was not easy for her to keep warm.

Riddle in rhyme No. 1982.

At dawn and sunset, one sleeps sweetly at...

Riddle in rhyme No. 5934.

She has four legs, but does not walk on the path, and is comfortable to sleep on. This is soft...

Riddle for children No. 1951.

Four legs, but not a beast. There are feathers, but not a bird. What is this?

Riddle for children No. 1976.

During the day he sleeps on it with a blanket and pillow, and at night Andryushka sleeps there.

Riddle in rhyme No. 1969.

If you are tired of playing, then lie down on...

Riddle for children No. 1972.

Four legs, one body and two backs.

Riddle in rhyme No. 2056.

From worries and from work We rest here, Well, a lazy person is ready to Live in this place, Here we sleep and here we lie, If we are sick, A person cannot live Without his...

Riddle for children No. 1980.

Four legs, One body and two backs, On one of the backs is a Feather for Irinka.


Riddles about the Internet

Riddles about the Internet for children with answers.

Riddle No. 52

The network web has entwined the entire world. Don't let the kids pass by. What is this?

(Answer: Internet)


Riddle No. 53

He knows everything and even more, and will rush to our aid. Any question, no matter how complex, will be instantly resolved with ease. He weaves his web, Although, in fact, he is not a spider. He sees everything. Have you guessed it? Come on, what kind of friend is this?

(Answer: Internet)


Riddle #54

It's like a web, In it you will find everything about everyone: About animals, about cars, Will it rain today, snow? You can read everything about the world and the planet in...

(Answer: Internet)


Riddle #55

It's called the World Wide Web, and there's so much more to this network! She will tell you everything and even show you. What is it called?

(Answer: Internet)


Riddle #56

He unites us all, He knows about everything in the world, He will show you a movie, He will tell you about everything.

(Answer: Internet)


Riddle No. 57

It has games and social networks, Movies, mail, exchange rates. There is all the news of the planet, They dance and sing in it.

(Answer: Internet)


Riddle #58

The means of communication were rare, but now everyone has it. Now it’s wireless, before it was fiber optic.

(Answer: Internet)


Riddle #59

There is such a net in the world You can't catch fish with it. Even children join it to communicate or play. They get information, and what is there! What is that network called? Well, of course…

(Answer: Internet)


Riddle #60

The World Wide Web, or, also, the web, You will find in it about everything - about people, about cars. There is so much different information in it! She's called, you know...

(Answer: Internet)


Riddles in home quests

When organizing a quest, do not forget that riddles are an important stage of the game. With the help of puzzles you can describe any object without naming it. If there are no riddles in the quest, the participants will quickly get tired and lose interest in the game. Therefore, riddles and puzzles play a big role in quests.

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Riddles about the joystick

Joystick riddles for children with answers.

Riddle No. 65

If I play a game, I press buttons. Buttons, levers and a tail... Did you guess it? This…

(Answer: Joystick)


Riddle #66

And now, friends, a riddle! What is a handle, two buttons, a trigger and a tail? Well of course it is...

(Answer: Joystick)


Riddle No. 67

Zhenya plays the following game: He leads the kangaroo Thing through the forest to the left - he runs to the left, Presses the button and spins in a jump Down - the kangaroo tucks its red tail. What should we call this thing?

(Answer: Joystick)


What other interesting ways can you use a computer in an quest?

  • If you plan to give a gift in another place, you can put a picture with a task on the work background or turn on music with a hint to the next cache.
  • If this is a quest for fans of computer games, you can use your favorite computer game as one of the stages of the quest. In which you need to pass the level on speed or perform other actions.
  • You can set an entry password that players will have to guess.
This is interesting! Review of ready-made tasks for quests at home or outdoors.

Riddles about the printer

Riddles about the printer for children with answers.

Riddle No. 68

It was a matrix machine at first, But life did not stand still: It became a silent laser, It printed quickly, without getting tired. To have both text and photos Without problems and without worries, you will buy a new, much needed one for your computer...

(Answer: Printer)


Riddle #69

Sometimes inkjet, sometimes laser. They always force him to print it. He will print out what you need on paper. We all really need this printer.

(Answer: Printer)


Riddle No. 70

This is joy, this is laughter On paper, without flaws, From what box does the Text come out, to the surprise of everyone?

(Answer: Printer)


Riddle No. 71

I work in tandem with a computer. Known since birth. We are brothers, friends. For breakfast, lunch and dinner I will eat about two hundred paper sheets - no problem.

(Answer: Printer)


Riddle No. 72

I print letters, draw flowers, and I’ll print a photo for you urgently. I stand on the table in the office and at home. Well, guess what? Do you know me?

(Answer: Printer)


The sun's rays smile through it

Short riddles about the window for children 4-5 years old


When we open it, we let clean air into the apartment. (Window)


The sun's rays smile through it, But drops of rain and snow do not penetrate. (Through the window)


It lets in the light, the sun's rays, but the wind and snow won't let you in, don't wait! (Window)


There is a hole in the wall, There are eyes in the hole, The outline is wooden, The middle is glass! (Window)


That big opening in the wall is only friendly with glass. (Window)


It hangs on the wall, looks out into the street, opens up inside, and decorates in the cold! (Window)


It's snowing, but I'm warm. It's raining and I'm laughing. After all, I look through glass into an ordinary one... (Window)


Guess, guys, what the riddle is about. A bun jumped out of it from his grandfather and grandmother without looking back. (Window)

Over the centuries, just like the view behind the glass, the appearance of the windows themselves has changed.

Riddles about the monitor

Riddles about the monitor for children with answers.

Riddle No. 73

On the table it is in front of us, the gaze is directed at it, it obeys the program, it bears the name...

(Answer: Monitor)


Riddle No. 74

With a TV - two brothers, but for different things, guys. Haven't guessed it yet? - Connected to the computer...

(Answer: Monitor)


Riddle No. 75

If you turn on the computer, the film will show and teach you how to bake a great cake. Friendly with the mouse...

(Answer: Monitor)


Riddle No. 76

You can read information from it, watch pictures and play games.

(Answer: Monitor)


Riddle No. 77

Like a brave captain! And on it the screen is lit. It breathes with a bright rainbow, And the computer writes on it And draws all kinds of pictures without hesitation. At the top of the entire machine is located...

(Answer: Display)


Riddle No. 78

This box is tricky! He will show you and me everything: House, car, spruce, axe. Who is this?

(Answer: Monitor)


Why is it so important to ask riddles?

It has been scientifically proven that from the moment a child begins to crawl, he pays attention to every little thing, to every object that comes his way. That is why it is necessary to maintain the baby’s interest in the world and the objects in it through games.

Riddles are a game suitable for any age, because from childhood we all strive to absorb everything that is told to us, which is why psychologists and teachers consider children under 15 years of age to be the most capable of learning. Riddles about furniture can also become a source of knowledge; they will develop logic and help you cope with more complex tasks.

Logical thinking is the type of thinking that is formed in a child very first, so it is important to pay special attention to this. Furniture riddles are a great way to practice for your little one.

Riddles about the floppy disk

Riddles about a floppy disk for children with answers.

Riddle No. 79

Although it is small in volume, it stores information. We know the whole device is called...

(Answer: Floppy disk)


Riddle No. 80

Even though she looks very small, she keeps many secrets. He will tell the children a fairy tale, and show them a small cartoon. And he will ask a riddle and name the answer. It will help adults with their business, and will not let them get bored either. All they need is to tell, draw and show. In a word, it’s a necessary thing that will be useful to everyone in the household. You all understand what this is -

(Answer: Floppy disk)


Riddle No. 81

This is a record. She is not big. Any picture will be saved on it. And you can also record different information on this record. Write it down and everything will be saved on it. Just insert it into the drive as soon as possible. This glorious Helper will help you both in winter and in summer -

(Answer: Floppy disk)


Riddle No. 82

Although it is small: It is compact and light, A hundred smart dictionaries Can fit in it. You will place programs in it for both dad and mom! Indiscriminately, everyone rushes to her for help. Without a cell phone or walkie-talkie, it will give you the information you need. Packaged like candy, it will fit into the drive...

(Answer: Floppy disk)


Riddle No. 83

She was lying by the computer. She had a lot to do. To everyone who wants to write it down and pass it on. She worked for how many years, and, believe me, she was not lazy. But the years take their toll, She disappeared - into nowhere. Nobody remembers her. The other one is boldly hugged. The other is both more compact and smarter, and will be able to save more of everything.

(Answer: Floppy disk)


Beginning of the game

A message with a description of the game and the first riddle can be:

  • Give to the birthday boy personally
  • Send as SMS message
  • Place it in a visible place or attach it to the wall
  • Deliver it through friends or neighbors, using a courier service - it all depends on your imagination and your capabilities

Approximate text of the message:

"Happy birthday! A gift has been prepared for you, but it is safely hidden. Complete all the tasks, and then you will find him. Good luck! »

And then you watch as the player enthusiastically solves your messages and finds a gift. Alternatively, you can invite friends to participate, and then the adventure will turn into a real holiday for everyone. In any case, such a surprise will definitely please the birthday boy, and the memory of this wonderful adventure will warm him for a long time!

Riddles about the tablet

Riddles about a tablet for children with answers.

Riddle No. 84

It will replace our computer. It is convenient, small, thin, light, I can even take it with me to the park.

(Answer: Tablet)


Riddle No. 85

It's small and very thin, it's like a computer screen. I play different games, sitting on the sofa with him.

(Answer: Tablet)


Riddle No. 86

It's like a small computer: It has games, the Internet. Thin, light and comfortable, Called...

(Answer: Tablet)


Riddle No. 87

Not a computer, not a smartphone, But he can do everything.

(Answer: Tablet)


Game as a form of learning

Do you want to unobtrusively teach your preschooler about furniture? Play. Your dolls and toys may want to play hide and seek, but each of them wants to hide in a certain place. Let the children, at their request, seat the players in a closet, under a table, under a bed or sofa, behind a mirror, under a chair, behind a door, on a balcony - you can go around the whole house. While the dolls are hiding, talk about the pieces of furniture you are approaching.

Here's a table - how do we know it's a table? It has 4 legs and a roof. What is it for? To eat or write with him. Where can he stand? In the kitchen or in the room. Here's a chair. What is it for? To sit. How do we know it's a chair? It also has 4 legs and a lid, only it is small and has a back. The chair always goes side by side with the table.

Here's the door. It can be wooden, iron, plastic, large or small. What is the door for? It can be opened and closed to separate one room from another. Here is the door to the balcony. What is a balcony? This is the part of the house where you can stand outside. The balcony can be on any floor.

Have fun with the kids and let them climb into the closet with the toy. Who are they now? Books or clothes? After all, a closet is needed to put things away. The closet can be a bookcase, a linen closet, a large one covering the entire wall, or a small one.

There's a mirror hanging on the closet. There's a window in the wall. How are they similar? They look both in the mirror and out the window. But the one who looks in the mirror will see himself, and the one who looks through the window will see the street. And if you look at the picture on the wall, you will see in it what the artist saw when he painted it.

The doll hides behind the sofa, and the bear hides under the bed - how do we know where to take whom? The sofa has a soft back and armrests. There is no bed, but it does have a mattress. A sofa is needed to sit comfortably and sometimes sleep. Bed - to sleep comfortably and sometimes sit.

We'll go around the whole house to create a general picture of all the pieces of furniture in the child's head. Talk about the concept of “home”. What does it take to call a room home? Is home where you sleep or something more?

Are all the toys hidden in their places? Now start looking for them. Make riddles about the corresponding objects and take turns finding the hidden toys. Now it will be easier for your sunshine to surprise you with the correct answers to not so simple riddles about household items.

Riddles about speakers

Riddles about columns for children with answers.

Riddle No. 88

The computer will be silent, if there are no such maidens next to it. And if there is, he speaks, sings, plays and squeaks. Standing above him on the sidelines are two Twins...

(Answer: Columns)


Riddle #89

If you turn something off, the computer will go silent, hard of hearing, like a bear, he won’t be able to sing anything.

(Answer: Columns)


Riddle No. 90

So that the computer can sing songs and be able to read poetry, We will connect not cardboard boxes, but musical ones...

(Answer: Columns)


A closet is a great place to hide a task.

There is usually a wardrobe in every apartment, so very often this item is included in the quest scheme.

Let’s immediately make a reservation that with the word “ wardrobe ” we generalize such home interior objects as: chest of drawers, wardrobe, wardrobe, kitchen cabinet, bookcase, etc.

Closets can be very large, so you can hide a task “very deep” in them - so that the players will have to suffer to find it.

In addition, the closet is perfect for hiding a gift. Those. the cabinet can be used as the last object in the chain.

Riddles about the cursor

Riddles about the cursor for children with answers.

Riddle No. 91

The column is black, somehow strange, It can run across the screen. Look at the monitor, Who's running there?

(Answer: Cursor)


Riddle No. 92

Who can tell me where to read, Where to start writing a letter? Who is the owner of the monitor? - This is a dash...

(Answer: Cursor)


Riddle No. 93

The pointer on the screen will show the letters to everyone's place. It will be easier to work with him, he is a screen mark. On the screen the eye sees how it blinks at us...

(Answer: Cursor)


Cards for the quest

To save time during preparation, we offer to purchase a set of ready-made cards for the quest (in electronic form) for only 65 rubles.

You will receive all materials immediately after payment (within 10 minutes) to the specified e-mail address. Click on the “Place an order” button. You will be taken to the product page, where you will need to fill out the fields and select a convenient payment method.

All you have to do is print it out and hide it around your apartment. What is included: 1. Cards with tasks (the text of the cards is adapted separately for girls and boys) 2. Blank cards for your own adjustments or tasks 3. Separate letters (of the entire alphabet) for task No. 4 4. QR code (encryption for this scenario) 5. Additionally - a stylish “happy birthday” card. It can be attached to a gift that the player finds.

Attention! The order is sent automatically. If you have not received the material within 10 minutes. (check your spam folder), then write to us immediately in tech. support (address below), we will resend.

By placing an order (by clicking on the “place order” button), you consent to the processing of personal data and agree to the site’s privacy policy.

Riddles about the disk

Riddles about the disk for children with answers.

Riddle No. 94

It is round and shiny, It looks like a record, But it is smaller, more elegant, And still more modern. It stores a lot of everything you want. Now you insert it into the drive and read whatever you want.

(Answer: Disk)


Riddle No. 95

Small, round, inserted into the computer, there are fairy tales and tips, even photos appear!

(Answer: Disk)


Riddle No. 96

This is a record. She is not big. Any picture will be saved on it, and various information can also be recorded on this plate.

(Answer: Disk)


Modern balconies

Currently, a balcony is not only an opportunity to enjoy the surrounding landscape and fresh air, but also the prospect of expanding living space. Therefore, glazed loggias have become widely popular, in which you can arrange a storage room, an additional room, and a greenhouse for flowers.

The protruding spaces of modern houses can be divided into four main types:

  • - a platform protruding from the wall, having fences and railings;
  • Veranda
    - differs from a regular balcony in its larger size, mandatory covering on top and support in the form of columns;
  • Loggia
    is a structure recessed into the facade of a building, having only one side;
  • A French balcony
    is an opening in the wall, fenced from the street side, it does not have an exit platform.

In different countries, a certain balcony shape usually predominates, depending on the climatic conditions of the country. In countries with a sultry and hot climate, covered verandas and terraces are common, hiding from the scorching rays of the sun. Where the climate is more temperate, open structures and large verandas are used. In countries with cold and harsh weather, loggias are built in, and more often they do not use this architectural element at all.

Mobile game Birthday Modeling construction Quest for husband's birthday Paper

Hi all! Recently it was my husband’s birthday and I thought for a long time about what to give him. Then I found a gift and wanted to give it in an original way. I scoured the internet and found an option called a quest game. I liked the idea and started designing the quest. To begin with, I will say that I decided to place the gift itself in the freezer (in each envelope I put a letter from this word, so that at the end of all the tasks my husband would make up the word where the gift is located), but so that my husband could find it himself, I designed several for this place search steps with tasks. I'll tell you in more detail later. If anyone is interested, stay on the page. At the end I will show you the gift itself and the materials I used.

So, let's begin. I printed out an envelope and a form for the text of the letter

I glued the envelope together and wrote the letter by hand, because that’s the only way letters are written. I cut the letter itself up like a puzzle for my husband to assemble and read. The inscription on the envelope: From whom - From my beloved wife From where - From the very heart To whom - To my beloved husband Where - Personally in the hands The text of the letter itself (in case it comes in handy for someone) - My dear husband, on this day I would like to wish you so much! Please always remain the most wonderful husband in the world! And I will do everything so that when you come home and leave for work in the morning, you are happy. I love you very much, my dear. Happy birthday, my wonderful husband! “I prepared a gift for you, but I won’t give it to you. I suggest you take part in the quest game and find my surprise yourself! If you can find the answer to all my riddles, then you will receive a gift, or rather, you will find it yourself!”

I threw the letter itself into the mailbox and then told my husband to pick up the mail, or I could hand it over personally or send him an SMS that he had received a letter. My husband’s reaction: he opened the envelope, saw that the letter was out of order, smiled, folded everything and read it carefully with a smile, and then said, well, it’s necessary. How interesting you cut the letter. And I put the first envelope in the washing machine.

1. Envelope in the washing machine The task is to connect the picture dot by dot and guess where the next clue is. We have a picture in our house, assembled a long time ago from a children's puzzle with a picture of a cat; I attached a second envelope to the back of the picture. Husband's reaction - Oh, what a face, who? He drew it quickly, but didn’t immediately understand where it was, he said, we don’t have animals at home.

2. Envelope behind the picture Task - You will always find a clue where the water splashes noisily (Answer - Bathroom) In the bathroom, I secured 3 envelopes behind the mirror, so that one corner stuck out a little, in my opinion it was better this way. Husband's reaction - he guessed quickly and stomped into the bathroom, saying that he caught a glimpse of something colored in the mirror

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