We organize an away quest for a corporate event

Quest for a corporate party - detailed review

There is no need to talk about the growing popularity of quests. Today, rare parties, holidays, corporate events and even weddings take place without this wonderful entertainment. In winter, story games are held right in the office. In the summer, people get more freedom to express their imagination and organize quests in a variety of places.

What is a quest?

They are also called “reality quests” so that no one confuses them with computer adventure toys. That is, these are games based on any life situations with a huge number of puzzles and challenges. Naturally, this kind of entertainment is best done as a team.

Most often, the plot is taken from famous films or books to make it easier for participants to grasp the essence.

Quest games can be played either without a competitive component, that is, the players simply have to solve a problem, or with a competitive component, when teams have to actively compete with each other.

Who are corporate quests suitable for?

Mainly for companies that employ people with out-of-the-box thinking who love creativity and action. The number of players can be very different, and the scenario must be selected individually for each group. The main thing is that all employees are active and easy-going - standing in a corner, thinking about the meaning of life, will not be possible here.

Where to do the quest?

Of course, where you intend to hold a corporate party. Another question is if you don’t know which place to choose for celebrating and organizing story games. eventspro is ready to help you with this problem.

But if it's summer...

Firstly, remember - you can always find a platform, for example, from our performers, using the application service.

This could be a tourist base, a huge estate, a sanatorium area, a dacha, a park, a forest, and even an area near your office, if there are trees, nice fountains and cozy gazebos.

Experienced professionals organize quests anywhere. And if you really want it, you will have luxurious decorations, realistic costumes and everything else. You can do everything so that during the corporate event you will briefly fall out of reality and will be in a completely different, amazing world of adventure.

If it's winter...

There are also many options. Unless they will be limited to certain premises. You can organize a quest for a corporate event in your own office, cafe, restaurant, country house, recreation center, hotel, sanatorium, and so on.

It is best if the area is large enough so that teams can move freely without restricting each other's movements.

All that remains is to decide and start preparing.

Why is it better to use the services of a professional?

Quest games are quite difficult to prepare and think through. If you decide to try your hand and organize everything yourself, at a minimum you will need the following:

  • organizational skills and experience
  • great idea for a quest
  • well thought out script
  • thinking through emergency situations and ready-made solutions for each of them
  • prepared hints if the game participants start to “stalle”
  • design of your quest (especially if it will take place indoors)
  • a set of “artifacts” corresponding to your quest, for example: maps, notes, evidence, tips, and so on.

If you do not feel confident in solving at least a couple of these tasks, we advise you to use the experience of professionals.

Let's say you decide to organize a quest related to the Middle Ages. Specialists will offer you ready-made decorations for the game. After all, hardly anyone can argue with the fact that seeing an almost real medieval city or castle, cemetery, inn or church is much more interesting than using only your imagination.

In addition, experienced performers will be able to arrange a quest wherever you wish. And they will do it at the highest level, taking all the worries upon themselves.

Examples of quest situations

In relation to a corporate holiday, quests can and should have a corporate twist; let's sketch out a few examples of corporate quest themes.

Start example #1

Let's assume that each employee receives a letter from their superiors (by email). The text contains an important message: “Very important and secret corporate information has been stolen from our working servers. If it falls into the wrong hands, our company will be in serious trouble! We are asking employees who received the letter to join the search team and help resolve the situation. Come (date, address and time). It was here that our specialists managed to find the first traces of the kidnappers.”

Start example #2

The employees get to the camp site to start a simple “kebab” corporate party, when they suddenly realize that they are involved in the investigation of a strange crime.

Start example #3

The third quest may be related to an annual bonus for employees! Imagine that the boss reads out a solemn New Year's speech, where he thanks the employees for their excellent work, for exceeding the plan, for the coherence of the work, and so on. And among other things, he announces a New Year's bonus! The employees explode with happiness and joy, and then the boss begins to frantically grab his pockets and asks in bewilderment: “Where is the key to the safe?” And instead of a key, he finds a note in his pocket from the attacker who stole this key with the first clue that will help him find it...

All these examples are just an illustration of how a quest can make your holiday more interesting, richer, and give the team the most vivid emotions!

Types of quests for corporate events

What kinds of quests are there? This is perhaps the most important and frequently asked question among those interested. There are so many different types of scenarios. Today we will tell you about the types of quests and tasks for them.


Holy classic! Someone is being robbed, there are clues and clues, and the thief himself is one of the participants. We think, make guesses, use the method of deduction, and so on. Ultimately, we find the “villain” and come up with a funny but harmless punishment for him.

In general, the point of such a game is to find someone or something.

The most popular of these quests are “Find the criminal”, “Saw”, “Search for the missing expedition” and “The Godfather”.

Extreme quests

This is perfect for real adventurers! Here reality is so intertwined with the game that it becomes truly creepy. Remember the movie called "The Game"? You have to be in the shoes of one of the characters.

The best options for such games are “Trapped”, “Experiment” and “Killer Hotel”.

Historical quests

Complete immersion into an ancient era! Isn't it great? There will, of course, be little truth and accurate historical events here - it is, rather, something like a romantic, adventure novel. However, that’s the beauty of the game!

We invite you to pay attention to: “Olympic Passion” (about the ancient Greek gods), “Journey to the Middle Ages” and “Lost Treasures”.

Creative quests

The good thing about this kind of games is that, in addition to the memories of a fun corporate party, you will remember artistic creations created by a friendly team.

You can make your own film. Filming, takes, makeup, etc. Are you already interested?! Just don’t forget that this is not just entertainment – ​​it’s also a quest. This means there must be secrets, riddles, a cunning plot and inexplicable things.

Adventure quests

It's constant action and amazing challenges. Employees must be ready for any challenge. No one should get confused or unexpectedly leave the game. Team spirit is the main weapon!

The following quests are very suitable: “Time Machine”, “Fort Boyard” and “Gold Rush”.

What types of tasks are there?

There are not so many of them, but you definitely need to know about this when preparing for a corporate event.

Games with the participation of specialists

In this case, not only the host, but also some of the quest characters will join you in the game. They will not only dress in beautiful themed outfits, but will also help you with your tasks, giving you tips.

Team games

Some quests are impossible to complete with a small number of participants. Basically, everything is arranged in such a way that each of the numerous players is an important link in one big chain. It also happens that you need to quickly go through to collect information, complete some part of a task, or literally instantly find clues. At the same time, the playing area is at least 70-80 m2. And the rule works here: together we are strong!

Logic quests

Such entertainment is full of puzzles, riddles and codes. If you have a close-knit and smart team, this is what you need! Just remember that in such games it is often important to identify a leader who is responsible for all your actions.

Now you are charged with all the necessary information and can safely begin to take action. Don’t forget that our performers, whom you can find using the application service, are always happy to help in organizing this or that event. Good luck!

An example of an off-site New Year's quest in the office

Players enter a room (it could be an office, a meeting room, or a hotel room) and the door is locked behind them. The room is filled with riddles and ingenious devices that separate the team from their cherished goal. Target - find a way out of the room in 30 minutes, showing ingenuity and solving mysteries. We have thought through every little detail and interior environment in detail, which will allow you to completely immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the game.

An example of an off-site quest for March 8 in the office

All items, riddles and hints logically connected. Our quest scenarios are not linear: there are several related main mysteries, each of which leads to its own storyline. This approach greatly increases the options for completing the quest and makes the game special and unique. The complexity of the tasks is determined by the number of hints from the operator watching the progress of the game. The operator intervenes in the course of your actions if they pose a danger to any of the players or may affect the success of completing the quest.

Benefits of TeamSpirits

There are no restrictions on the location of the game scenario: loft, office, street, restaurant, water area, city streets, hotel in Moscow and the Moscow region.

We take into account all your wishes. We adapt the game scenario to the activities of your company.

Experienced and professional gaming technicians competently guide teams of participants and accurately explain each task.

Preparing for the game takes only 1.5 hours. You will not have to coordinate an early check-in to install the props.

All our tests are safe even in winter. None of the participants will be harmed. At the same time, our first aid kit is always nearby.

We will send you a presentation describing the tasks for the game. You can choose what suits your employees.

What does the company get as a result?

Close-knit team , blazing with enthusiasm. The quest fulfills the main goal of any corporate event 100%. • Satisfied employees . A good corporate event “tells” the team that he is dear to the company, that his opinion is heard, and his work is recognized. • High loyalty . The quest is an excellent feedback tool. • Big potential. The quest strengthens the desire for a common goal. • New leaders. The quest helps to bring out leadership qualities in your employees. • Correct reputation . By holding unusual corporate events, you declare yourself to be a bold experimenter.

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