Birthday of a little princess in Frozen style

The cartoon “Frozen” has won the hearts of little fans and admirers. Girls dream of being like the main character of the cartoon, Elsa. Why not make this dream come true for one day? And you can do this by organizing a Frozen-themed birthday party.

We will look at how to do this and what is needed for this in our article. We will discuss all the details, from inviting guests to the birthday cake.

If we talk about the colors of the holiday, blue and white colors will prevail here - the colors of winter and ice. You can also complement the overall picture with purple details; pink would also be appropriate, since a holiday in such a theme is usually a girl’s holiday.

In decor you can use everything that is in one way or another connected with winter, frost, snow. Some New Year's decorations will come in handy.

Well, now let’s dwell in detail on each of the points.


The standard option is a rectangular card with a picture of Elsa. You can simply print out such a postcard, fill it out and send it to the addressee.

If you want something more creative, you can make invitations in the shape of a dress or a snowflake. We decorate the dress with tulle and sparkles, snowflakes with sparkles and small rhinestones.

Snow menu

Usually children do not sit at the table for a long time. Our feast follows the following pattern. The main meal, something more substantial. You won't get too far off here. After all, we won’t serve meat straight from the freezer to the table.

But you can already play with desserts. These could be cookies in the shape of snowflakes. White marshmallows. Cold milkshake. Some delicious curds. And of course ice cream!

You can style the dishes. It would be great if the plates were transparent, as if they were ice-cold, and the cups could be decorated with sugar around the edge. They will look like they are frozen.

Don't forget the cake. Nowadays, ordering a cake based on a cartoon is not a problem at all. There are such masters and such modern technologies that the treat will be simply AH!

We welcome guests

The holiday has arrived and it's time to welcome little guests. We organize the meeting so that the theme of the birthday is felt from the threshold. To do this, we decorate the path to the house with paper snowflakes, and turn the front door into a cheerful snowman Olaf - we attach a nose, mouth and other details to it. The friendly smile of the snowman will cheer up the guests at the very beginning of the holiday.

Room decor

To decorate a hall or room you will need snowflakes, small snowmen, white and blue garlands.

Traditional balloons would also be appropriate. This can be a composition of balloons only or a combination of regular balloons with foil ones. You can also arrange balloons with paper pompoms.

Decorative garlands can be either the most ordinary of circles to match the rest of the decor details, or garlands of cotton balls that resemble falling snow. Volumetric snowflakes in white or blue also look impressive.

Color spectrum

If we talk about the colors of the holiday, blue and white colors will prevail here - the colors of winter and ice. You can also complement the overall picture with purple details; pink would also be appropriate, since a holiday in such a theme is usually a girl’s holiday.

In decor you can use everything that is in one way or another connected with winter, frost, snow. Some New Year's decorations will come in handy.

Birthday girl outfit

This is one of the most important points in terms of preparing for the holiday. Her mood, and therefore the success of the entire holiday, directly depends on the appearance of the hero of the occasion. Prepares the outfit, preferably with the participation of the birthday girl herself. The traditional option is a fluffy tulle skirt in blue tones and a T-shirt with cartoon characters. The name of the hero of the occasion may also appear on the T-shirt. A braid like Elsa’s can be easily woven from threads, securing it to a crocheted crown.

Dress code

The dress code also helps to create the right mood for both the hero of the occasion and her guests. It is advisable to dress the birthday girl in a dress similar to the outfit of the main character of the cartoon Elsa.

And ask the guests (you can write about this in the invitations) to have with them a certain element of the costume, for example, mittens. After all, they are heading into winter. And it will be very unusual, especially if it’s a red summer outside.

By the way, these mittens can be used later for a couple of entertainments. We'll talk about entertainment a little later. In the meantime, let's try to figure out what to put on the holiday table.


You can also take care of the appearance of your little guests so that it matches the birthday theme. A universal option for boys and girls - caps in the style of cartoon characters. If only girls are invited, then you can make a hoop with a crown of blue felt for each of them - let each of them feel like a little snow queen.

Frozen Birthday Cake

The birthday cake is the main character of the holiday, which everyone looks forward to. If you know how to work with fondant, then the main characters of the cartoon “Frozen” simply must be on the cake. If not, use white cream and coconut flakes, which look like frost, to decorate a homemade cartoon-themed cake.

Festive table

Here, too, white and blue colors predominate, but a pink tablecloth would also be appropriate if it was emphasized with some other pink details. In our example, these are openwork pink candlesticks. We choose napkins with images of cartoon characters or regular plain ones. Paper snowflakes placed on the table, as well as branches decorated with artificial snow, will help complete the picture.

Not only the table setting, but also the dishes themselves can be in a cartoon style. So an ordinary carrot can be served under the guise of Olaf the snowman's nose. I think children will eat such carrots with pleasure. The olives are served as the snowman's buttons, and the straws are his hands. All this can be supplemented with sauce.

Musical accompaniment

The space needs to be filled not only with decorative elements, but also with the sounds of suitable music. These could be soundtracks from a cartoon. And there are a lot of beautiful songs in the cartoon.

Or other winter-themed songs. For example, “Winter-cold”, “Winter lived in a hut at the edge of the forest”, songs about snowflakes, blizzards, etc. are suitable.

Candy bar

We also make a sweet table in the style of the entire holiday. A blue background, a white or blue tablecloth, and a table skirt made of blue tulle will help us with this. We complement all this with snowflakes and matching paper decor.

It is also advisable to serve sweets and drinks in blue and white colors so that the candy bar looks as organic as possible.

We decorate the drinking straws with paper snowflakes, and on the cups we draw the face of Olaf the snowman. Openwork round napkins make cute Christmas trees that can be used to decorate a candy bar, and branches with frost are easily made using glue and dry glitter.

Photo zone and photo attributes

Beautiful photos are pleasant memories of the holiday. A simple option to take a photo for a child’s birthday in the Frozen style is to take photo paraphernalia. We print out thematic templates and attach them to wooden skewers. A more interesting, but also more difficult to implement option is a photo stand with a snowman. Both options can be combined for group photos.

Forming the main blocks of the script

In order for the holiday to be a success, someone needs to take on the role of leader and overseer of everything. Dear parents, apparently, this honorable mission will go to you. And the leader must clearly understand what he is going after and in what direction he is moving.

Let's try to figure out the skeleton of the script.

  1. So, it all starts with welcoming the guests.
  2. The first feast with the main meal.
  3. First competition block (calm competitions).
  4. Parsing and looking at gifts, photos for memory.
  5. Second competitive block (moving competitions).
  6. Second feast with cake.
  7. Third competition block.
  8. Disco.
  9. Ice cream.
  10. We see off the guests.

How to entertain guests?

Almost any game or competition can be stylized according to the theme of the cartoon “Frozen”; let’s look at several options. Among them there are both active entertainment and calm, creative ones.


You will need coloring books with the main cartoon characters and pencils or markers. Children can take such creations with them as a souvenir of the holiday.

Gingerbread painting

Bake snowflake-shaped gingerbread cookies the day before and prepare the sugar icing. White and blue glazes are suitable. If you don't want to use dyes, you can limit yourself to just white glaze.

DIY sweets

Here's another idea on how to keep the kids busy at their birthday party:

Games with cotton wool snowballs

These are outdoor games. The first option is to collect snowballs with wooden sticks, the second option is to knock down a pyramid of cups with snowballs.

Elsa's snowflake and snowflake numbers

These activities are not only fun, but also useful. By drawing a snowflake with dots, children repeat numbers and train fine motor skills. The second entertainment also helps to learn or repeat numbers in a playful way.

Collecting Olaf

You can either completely assemble the snowman from individual parts or attach his nose. If the children’s task is simply to attach the nose, then this must be done blindfolded. And other guests can help with tips.

Face painting

A fun activity for little girls. This way all guests will feel like little cartoon heroines. Face painting can be applied at the very beginning of the holiday.

Snowy competition program

It’s not for nothing that I called this program snowy. After all, all competitions will in one way or another be related to snow, ice and other winter activities. Let's divide the competitions into calm and active ones. Let's start with the calm ones.

Quiet competitions

"Snow Factory"

A very beautiful name for a very simple competition. We will cut out snowflakes. The props are scissors (don't forget to prepare them in advance) and sheets of white paper or napkins. We cut out the snowflakes all together, for a while and to lively music.

The winner is either the one who cuts out the snowflake the fastest. Or the one whose snowflake turns out to be the most beautiful. All the snowflakes cut out during the competition can be pasted into your “Ice Album”, that’s where they belong!

"Warm heart"

This competition requires pieces of ice. So freeze them in advance in the freezer. There should be as many pieces of ice as there are guests. Each participant receives an ice cube. And at the signal, you need to melt these pieces of ice. You can hold them in your hands and blow on them. Do not lick ice or put it in your mouth. The one whose piece of ice melts first is declared the owner of the warmest heart and receives a prize.

"Snow Quiz"

I think there is no need to explain what a quiz is. Questions could be:

  1. Are there two absolutely identical snowflakes in the world? (No)
  2. How many types of snowflakes are there? (7)
  3. What is the diameter of the largest known snowflake? (12 cm)
  4. Name the winter months of the Earth's Southern Hemisphere. (June July August)
  5. The maximum speed of an avalanche rushing down a mountain. (360 km/h)

You can come up with even more questions by reading this article about snowflakes.


This game is known to many, and, judging by the name, it will be perfect for our party. And its meaning is as follows.

The first participant says: “I put a sled in my magic bag.”

The second participant says: “I put sleds and skis in my magic bag.”

Third participant: “I put sleds, skis and skates in my magic bag.”

Fourth: “I put sleds, skis, skates and ice skates in my magic bag.” And so on.

The snowball is getting bigger. You can set a limit to use only words related to winter.

"My Friend Olof"

Do you know who Olof is? Of course, this is the snowman from the cartoon Frozen. Let's sculpt Olof! Of what? Made from artificial snow. We showed how to prepare it here. Don't forget to print out a photo of this adorable snowman so that the participants remember him and try to reproduce him. Whoever gets it closer to the original is a great guy.

If you don’t want to bother with artificial snow, then you can draw portraits of Olof, but then you should blindfold the participants. It will be much more interesting and fun this way)

Mobile competitions

"Catchers of Ice Dreams"

You can tell the following backstory: “When snowy Elsa thought, her most beautiful thoughts and dreams turned into shimmering ice balls. They fell to the ground and broke...” Soap bubbles will act as these ice dream balls. The participants' task is not to let their dreams die.

Children put on the mittens they brought and try to catch the soap bubbles and prevent them from bursting for as long as possible. With mittens this is quite possible! You can even hold them on your hand. You will learn how to prepare a high-quality mixture for bubbles in this article.

"Shubuna, put it on"

This competition again requires mittens and a pair of men's shirts. We put shirts and mittens on the participants. The task is to fasten all the buttons as quickly as possible. Whoever is first is well done.

“Whose flock is larger?”

Every self-respecting snow wizard should have a deer, or better yet, a whole herd. And the deer needs to be caught. You will need props for this competition.

There is a game where you need to throw rings on sticks from a certain distance. So our sticks will be deer; you can cut out deer faces from colored cardboard and paper and glue them to the sticks. Participants take turns throwing rings (catching deer). Everyone has the same number of throws. The one who has more hits has a larger herd of deer, he’s done well and won.

"Snow Fight"

This team competition will require at least some free space. We divide the participants into two teams, and use a rope to divide the room into two equal parts. We give out snowballs to the participants. They need to be prepared in advance, made from crumpled paper and covered with cotton wool on top.

On command, participants begin throwing snowballs to the opposing team. When the “Stop” command is heard, the snow fight stops. And the presenter counts how many snowballs are on the side of each team.

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