Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum! Preparing a birthday party in a pirate style

How to invite guests?

"Black Mark"! And that's it. For real pirates, such a mark foreshadowed not very good events. And for children it will be the harbinger of an unusual, exciting party full of dangerous adventures and romance!

This is what a black mark looks like.

You can do it yourself or, if possible, print it on a printer. The main thing is not to forget to write the text of the invitation.

It may sound like this.


On May 3 at 11:00 we are waiting for you at the meeting of sea wolves on the occasion of the 7th anniversary of Artyom the Merciless!

We are waiting for: schools of sharks, walking on the edge of a knife, and other dangerous adventures!

Come if you are not afraid!

For a while, we will leave our guests in joyful anticipation and begin to create a festive menu.

By the way, do you know what pirates prefer for lunch?

Selecting musical accompaniment

Properly selected music for a children's pirate party will help create an atmosphere of romance of distant wanderings and exciting adventures. For example, you can choose soundtracks from Pirates of the Caribbean or your favorite songs from the cartoon Treasure Island. However, any other catchy music to which you can have fun and fool around is also suitable for the playlist.

Holiday menu

Rather, you know what they are drinking! And this, of course, is rum!

If the very thought of having, even fake, rum on the children’s table doesn’t bother you, then I’ll tell you how you can make it. We take a bottle, pour into it some dark-colored drink that is quite suitable for children (juice, fruit drink, etc.), and put a label on the bottle with the word “ROM.” All! Ready!

A few words about table decoration. We put away the tablecloth with ruffles, cups with flowers and plates with ducklings. Today, the rougher the better. Are we pirates after all or not?)

Large melted candles are suitable for table decoration, and it is not at all necessary to light them. Figures carved or made from various vegetables. For example, cannons or cucumber towers. We try to turn everything into boats and sails.

The pirate table is the best place for seafood in all its forms. Use your culinary imagination and create miracles! Just when you fantasize, don’t forget that you are cooking for children after all. And it doesn't hurt to be on the safe side. Fry a reserve of ordinary, not at all pirate cutlets, in case one of the guests cannot stand anything fishy.

It is necessary to provide not only main courses, but also snacks. What if Big Harry or Crooked Bill wants to eat a little between competitions? Canapes will look great as a snack.

This is when pieces of something are held together using skewers or toothpicks. For example, sausage + cucumber + tomato + bread. Or a fruit option, apple + orange + banana + grape. And to add a pirate flavor, you can attach a small black flag with a skull to the tips of the skewers.

Well, everything is more or less clear with the table. What about interior design? Any ideas? We have so much! Now we will share.

Children's pirate party scenario

The proposed scenario is designed for a children's group of 12 people. All roles according to the script are played by adults - parents, grandmothers, older brothers and sisters. For example, mom can play the role of the Lady of the Seas, dad can play the role of Terrible Harry, and the eldest child can play the role of the Amazon of the Sea.

Festive interior

Let's start with what you can buy at the holiday paraphernalia store. Look at these balls!

Ideal for our idea, don’t you think? We inflate and hang around the rooms. It's all about the design.

We stick posters on the walls with images of the sea, uninhabited islands, Jack Sparrow, and treasure maps.

Are there parrots in the house? So this is great! And it’s okay that they are small and wavy! They will be welcome at the pirate festival!

We stretch festive pirate streamers under the ceiling. We glue small black flags with the Jolly Roger onto the rope and tie them either around the perimeter of the room or diagonally.

We throw nets (if available, of course), burlap, and any coarse fabrics over sofas, chairs, and armchairs. A real rope ladder can be woven from ropes with the skillful hands of dad; it will also fit perfectly into the interior.

You can cut out a steering wheel from whatman paper and hang it on the wall.

Well, put a treasure chest in a place of honor.

Just let it be closed for now. It needs to be wrapped with chains, which can be easily purchased at hardware stores. And close these chains with several padlocks. And the task of the entire competition program will be to obtain the keys to the locks in order to finally open the chest and find out what kind of treasures are stored there.

Yes, and don’t forget about the photo zone! You can install a table in it, and on it put a bottle of rum, a cage with parrots, some ancient scrolls, feathers, and a treasure map, of course.

My own screenwriter

Let's start creating the script!

A pirate party is just a haven for imagination. Here you can come up with something like this. Which is, in fact, what we were doing. Now we'll tell you what happened.

So, the guests have arrived and are ready to have fun. Traditionally, one of the parents takes on the role of facilitator. And at the same time he takes on a new name, for example, Billy Bones. Suddenly a letter appears from John Silver, which is read out loud in front of everyone.

Letter from John Silver

First, we all need to transform into pirates. You will need a pirate wardrobe. Various vests, bandanas, belts, pistols, and blindfolds will do. All this needs to be prepared in advance, having thoroughly rummaged through grandma’s chests so that there is enough for everyone, or you can ask the guests to take care of their pirate outfit themselves.

You can use face painting to depict mustaches, beards, eyebrows, as well as scars and bruises on faces.

When the team looks the right way, the presenter reads out the pirate code.

Pirate Code

Each point of this code is nothing more than a small mini-competition or mini-entertainment.

So, let's go point by point.

Leave your name on dry land

Well, a pirate’s name cannot be Vasya Ivanov or Timofey Ryzhikov. Pirates have sonorous and telling names. So the children will have to come up with new pirate names for themselves and address each other in a new way all evening.

Rough voice

Pirates are invited to loudly shout “Yo-ho-ho!” in a rough voice, salted by the sea wind!

Wash away the dust of the earth

This is a kind of rite of passage into pirates. We play the game "Wave".

Parents take a large sheet or curtain, or just some piece of fabric and begin to lift it and lower it. This is such a wave. And the pirates are invited to slip under this fabric so as not to be covered.

You will walk on the edge of fate

A rope is laid out on the floor. This will be the rope. You need to go through it. In order to complicate the task, the children are blindfolded, and the rope is placed not evenly, but in some kind of loops and zigzags.

Don't forget about the sharks

We play the game “Sharks and Fishes”. The leader is a “shark”, and all the rest are “fish”. When the presenter says “Day” everyone runs around and has fun, as soon as the word “Night” is said everyone should freeze. Whoever does not freeze is out of the game.

Let's drop the loot

The competition will require props. An old hat, if there is no hat, then some kind of bucket and coins, for example, five rubles. Coins are given to children. The hat (bucket) is placed at a distance from the participants. The task is to get coins into the hat.

Loading your head

You will need matchboxes, or rather not the boxes themselves, but only their outer parts. These boxes are placed on the noses of the participants. The task is to free your nose from the box without hands, using only facial muscles.

Friends, don’t forget to have your camera ready) You’ll hardly ever see such funny pirate faces again) I found a photo that shows exactly how to put on the boxes.

For active participation in competitions and demonstrated courage, pirates are awarded small interesting prizes. Don't forget to purchase them.

So, let's warm up a little. Now you can sit down at the table, congratulate the birthday boy, eat, and look at the gifts.

Well, after “in the arena” a treasure map appears!

Treasure map

As you can see, there are marks on the map. Each of these marks indicates a competition. For each successfully completed task, a team of sea wolves receives a key to the lock to which our chest is locked.

Cape of Quests

The words of the presenter: “Hey, pirates! We have arrived at Cape Quest! At sea, it is very important to listen to the captain and correctly follow all his commands! Shall we try?

Naturally, everyone shouts: “Yesss!!!”

Children are distributed around the room so as not to disturb each other. The presenter says: “We’re scrubbing the deck!” The children pretend that they are cleaning the floor.

  • Presenter: “Left hand drive!” Children run to the left.
  • Presenter: “Right steering wheel!” Everyone runs to the right.
  • "Karma!" Let's run back.
  • "Nose!" Let's run forward.
  • "Stranded!" Everyone sits on the floor.
  • “Admiral on board” Everyone stands at attention.

The presenter pronounces phrases, the pirates carry out tasks. Phrases are pronounced quickly and in any order. I warn you, this is a very fun and noisy competition)

Mystery Peak

At Mystery Peak you can ask the kids pirate-themed riddles. For example, like this.

And then organize a competition.

Preparation required. You need to inflate the balloons, but not transparent ones. Place the key to one lock in one of the balls.

Presenter: “The Peak of Mystery is called that because there are complete secrets all around here. I don't even know where the other treasure chest key is. Because it's a secret! Perhaps he is in one of these balls, find him!

The balls are placed on the floor, the children use their butts to pop the balls and look for the key)

Sea of ​​Spectacles

Presenter: “We have entered the sea of ​​spectacles! The key will only go to those who are familiar with the sea. How well do you know the sea? Will you show me how you know him?”

The good old game “The Sea is Troubled” is quite suitable here. I hope you remember how to play it. If your memory is already bad, then you can refresh it by reading this article.

Bay of Miracles

Host: “Do you know why this bay is called the Bay of Miracles?”

The pirates express their assumptions.

“Hey, no! This bay is so called because if a ship manages to navigate through it all, it is a real miracle! After all, there are reefs all around here! Can you navigate your ship through them?”

We are starting the “Reefs” competition.

Objects are laid out on the floor in front of the participants; these can be soft toys or cubes. These will be reefs. Then one of the participants is blindfolded and needs to cover the entire path without bumping into a reef. Other participants help him, telling him where to go with phrases:

  • “Left hand drive!”
  • "Right steering wheel!"
  • "Full speed ahead!" and so on.

Any pirate who wishes can pass through the reefs.

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