Gravity falls birthday contests. Birthday in the style of the Gravity Falls quest

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One of the original scenarios cannot but be considered the “Gravity Falls” quest for a birthday, which will appeal not only to fans of the animated series, but also to those who are not familiar with it.

How the holiday was planned

A birthday in the style of “Gravity Falls”, the script for which was finalized specifically for this event, was planned to be held in several stages: • the “Gravity Falls” birthday quest itself, which took a little more than 1.5 hours; • traditional tea party with an original cake design and presentation of gifts; • a half-hour game “Crocodile”, which children and their parents really liked.

Organizing the holiday was a very exciting and responsible event for us simply because it was a new event in the style of everyone’s favorite animated series, taking place for the first time in the Grimm House on the street. Staroderevenskaya in St. Petersburg. Additionally, a good photographer was ordered to conduct a photo and video review of the holiday, balloons with the Gravity Falls symbols, as well as a game after the tea party.

The presenters at the event were Tema and Katya, as well as Andrey. Each child was captivated by the game process and did not stand aside. According to children's reviews, it turned out that participating in the lives of cartoon characters is even more interesting than enjoying watching it. And, undoubtedly, each of those participating gladly wanted to repeat the adventure and meet the heroes again.

We arrange an apartment (room)

If the birthday party will be held in a cafe, decor and paraphernalia can be ordered on the spot. To celebrate at home, you will have to work a little to create a magical ambience; fortunately, you can find a full set of accessories with unicorns on sale - from wooden skewers to human-sized figured balls. Where to begin?

  1. The main birthday decorations are, of course, balloons. Make a festive mix of ordinary balloons, helium or foil, depicting the main theme of the holiday. Now it is possible to order huge life-size figures of unicorns, which can easily accommodate several children.
  2. Hang congratulatory garlands and posters throughout the room, paying special attention to the area near the candy bar (if there is one) or the festive table.
  3. Prepare a photo zone for a fun photo shoot: on a white background you can make decorations from flowers, hearts and cute horses, hang LED garlands, the inscriptions “Unicorn-party”, “B-Day party”, decorate with balloons. You can also order a professional banner.
  4. A magical atmosphere is impossible without surprises. Make your own magic box or a special box of miracles in which you can place small souvenirs for guests, tasks for competitions, comic predictions and good wishes.
  5. You can make masks in the shape of a cute unicorn face, which will be given to all guests upon entry.
  6. The costumes are quite simple - just white T-shirts and skirts made of multi-colored tulle. Colored sneakers and smart shoes will look appropriate.

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Holiday caps.
Photo: Separately, it should be said about the photo shoot. It is not always possible to invite a professional photographer, but each of us has a friend with high-quality optics (even on a phone) who loves and knows how to shoot.

Take care of accessories for the photo shoot: funny caps and decorative horns on the headbands, tulle skirts, soft toys, pillows in the shape of a cloud or a rainbow. Together with the birthday girl, think through the plot of future photographs, search for information on the Internet or look for ideas from professionals on their websites. You can apply face painting after practicing the day before. Dare, fantasize - and everything will work out in the best possible way!

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Posted by Keiren Browne (@allpuffedout) Apr 16, 2021 at 4:59 am PDT

Gravity Falls birthday quest

Children and their parents prepared in advance for a Gravity Falls-themed birthday party. So, the birthday boy himself was wearing Dipper’s cap and vest, and his younger sister was transformed into Mabel. The children were very happy with their outfits and chosen roles, they couldn’t wait to start the quest. The start of the game was intriguing. A video of Uncle Stanford was shown on the screen, from which everyone could find out that Bill Cipher was again threatening Gravity Falls.

To defeat him, the team must find all three diaries, and then enter the cancellation code for Weirdmageddon. Finding the diaries turned out to be a very exciting experience. After all, on the way, the children came across various characters from the animated series, whom they had known well for a long time. There was a meeting with Grenda and passing her check, from time to time the grumpy Uncle Stan came out to the children, and for the Mystery Shack they had to complete several tasks.

In addition, on the way to finding the diaries, the birthday boy and his guests managed to rescue Waddles from his cage, guess many codes, come face to face with the real Bill Cipher and defeat him. It turned out that the children are real fans of this cartoon. They enthusiastically carried out all the proposed tasks, with delight they won one victory after another.

Then, after completing the Gravity Falls quest, a tea party was organized with a cake ordered especially for the birthday in the form of a diary with real figurines of the characters from the animated series. And all the guests received keychains with the Bill Cipher symbol as a souvenir. The game “Crocodile” completed the celebration, also leaving a lot of pleasant impressions.

If you want to order the same exciting birthday scenario in the style of “Gravity Falls” for your birthday boy and his guests in St. Petersburg and its surroundings, then we are always happy to help organize this event for you. Moreover, we will take into account all your wishes and ideas, select games, competitions and fun so that every child will be delighted with the holiday. Our studio offers original props, professional presenters, unusual and interesting competitions, as well as an exciting adventure that will remain in the memory of everyone participating in the quest for a long time.

Briefly about the main thing

  1. Creating the necessary ambience will take time, so start preparing for the holiday in advance, preferably several weeks in advance.
  2. The location depends on your desire and financial capabilities. You can spend it in an apartment, outside - in the summer, on a playground, in a cafe or entertainment center.
  3. Depending on the age of the guests, choose a convenient time for the celebration: optimally in the afternoon. If your guests are preschoolers, be aware that they may have naps during the day.
  4. Prepare prizes and souvenirs for competitions
  5. Agree with a person who will become your personal photographer for the party.

Birthday scenario in Gravity Falls style

Kulkova Marina
Birthday script in Gravity Falls style

Birthday scenario in Gravity Falls style

Bill Cipher bursts onto the scene with a menacing laugh and says in a scary voice:

B. sh - Ha ha ha, do you know who I am?

- You recognized me. I heard from someone else today. Who?

- Ha-ha-ha! Do you think I came to congratulate Katya on her birthday? No! I came to steal her dr and all her friends and I will steal your birthday cake.

To the sound of menacing music, BS spins around the children and runs away.

- You won't have any more fun

Dipper/Mabel appears immediately

D. -What happened to you? Why are you so sad? Did BS offend you?

-Don’t worry, I’ll help you catch BS and together we’ll return the stolen friend and the birthday cake. Are you ready to go in pursuit?

—But in order to prevent BS from stealing others from anyone else, you need to remember in which cartoons or fairy tales the characters celebrate others.

Game "Cartoons with others"

-Great! Cartoon characters have been warned. Now you can go in pursuit. Forward!

The children follow D. in a circle to the music and D. suddenly remembers...

- I forgot the most important thing! We need to put on makeup so that BS doesn’t recognize us. Ready? Then we remember our date of birth and turn into little animals.

Game "Who am I"

The presenter writes all the months of the year on a large piece of paper, and opposite them - adjectives, for example, cheerful, interesting, beautiful, kind, evil, and so on.
Below he writes numbers from 1 to 31, and opposite them are the names of various animals, for example, frog, bear, hare, mouse, snake, and so on. Each of the guests, in turn, goes to this sheet and names the date and month of his birthday, and the host matches him with who he is, for example, a funny bear or an evil mouse. The task of the participants is to show their best animal hero. We make up the children with face painting
- Now BS definitely won’t recognize us, it’s time to move on.

Children follow D to the music.

-Stop! Where can we look for him? Let's think about where he can hide, and to do this, let's play the game “Guess where?

A piece of paper is hung above one of the participants with the name of the place in which he is supposedly currently located. This participant does not look at the inscription. He asks the other participants questions to which they can only answer “yes” or “no.” Place names can be very diverse. For example, the zoo, the sea and much more.

- Well, now we’ll definitely hire BS. I suggest everyone to go further in search of the stolen device on a centipede.

You can hold a competition between children and adults. Divide the children into teams (a team can have from 2 to infinity). Children stand one after another, the ball is squeezed between the back of the previous child and the stomach of the next child. Hands down.

Now let's go to the music! Who will go through the longest without breaking?

The children follow D. to the music and approach the table.

- Looks like BS wasn’t able to steal all the treats; there are still a lot of delicious dishes left here. Let's play the game "Guess what dish this is?" I will name a letter, and you must find a dish for that letter.

Game "Name the dish"

-Listen, guys! So if we eat all this, what will we turn into?

-Let's try ourselves as fat people

Game "Fat Men"

Each team selects a player. He wears a giant size T-shirt. To the accompaniment of cheerful children's music, the players of each team tuck balloons under their T-shirts. The team that puts the most balls under their T-shirt wins the competition. You can do it a couple of times.

- Of course, all the treats on the festive table are very tasty, but what would it be without cake, you need to go further in search of BS.

They follow D. to the music and come across BS

- Gotcha BS, give us back the birthday cake!

BS— Okay, I will return everything to you if you prove that you are real friends. Are you friends?

—And friends know each other well. Shall we check?

Game "Guess who it is?"

The birthday boy is blindfolded and can wear mittens. Katya determines who it is by touch; if she finds it difficult, the guest may hiccup or giggle, etc.

BS - Okay! I see you are real friends. I hid your birthday and birthday cake on Friends Planet. To get there you need to play one game. I'm giving you balls, these are planets. On them you need to draw the inhabitants - your friends. Let's see who can fit the most of them on the planet.

Game "Planet of Friends"

BS - okay, have a seat! I see Katya has a lot of friends, but I still can’t just give you the cake. We are the heroes of Katya’s favorite cartoon, we’ll check how well she knows him, and her friends will help her.


He always had it.

He found it along with a mysterious diary in the forest, near an iron tree.

Great Uncle Stan allowed Dipper and Mabel to take something from his store. Dipper took the cap.

This cap belonged to Zus and he himself gave it away as a gift when he met.

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