How the bride ransom is carried out. Who does the bride price? How does the bride ransom ceremony end?

The bride price is always a fun and responsible event for both parties, but it does not always go according to the planned scenario. The groom is tired or the guests are bored... To avoid unpleasant moments, we recommend using the following tips:

  • When thinking about competitions for bride price, think about whether your chosen one is able to complete this or that task (you don’t need to mock him too much so that the holiday is not spoiled by his bad mood).
  • The purpose of the ransom is not to rob the witness and the groom, but to stage a theatrical performance. Therefore, when choosing or drawing up a script, focus on beautiful competitions: songs, dances, gypsies, skits, more scenery, costumes, non-standard competitions.
  • Don’t lubricate competitions by thinking that everyone is already bored. Follow through. Unless you are late for the registry office.

As a rule, the ransom consists of three stages - the street, the entrance and the doors to the bride’s apartment/room. We have selected interesting competitions for each of them.

Wedding traditions: then and now

The bride price symbolizes the girl's departure from her father's house. She says goodbye to her parents and heads off into adulthood. Previously, the groom coming to the house had to please the girl’s parents, present gifts for his beloved and show his respect. And that was all that was needed for the bride price in the parents' house.

Now the ritual has changed almost completely, turning into a fun lead-in to the wedding event itself. The ransom is fun, accompanied by dancing, jokes, and riddles. Today, the ritual has become a funny competition for the groom, during which the bridesmaids try to confuse him and play a joke.

The groom comes to pick up the bride at her parents' house and undergoes tests prepared for him by the bridesmaids. The tests can be anything - guess your beloved's shoe, solve riddles, name 20 compliments, etc. No restrictions. If the groom fails to cope with the competition, he can pay him off by presenting him with a gift - money, sweets, fruits, etc.

The groom must know what to do and say at the bride price, and be prepared for any tests, so it is better to prepare for this event in advance.

Previously in Rus', before the wedding celebration, the groom sent the bride a box. This has been happening since the morning. The box contained gifts for the bride and her bridesmaids. you can easily follow this ancient custom, thereby appeasing your girlfriends and future wife, and who knows, maybe the bride price will go easier.


Sweet words

  1. Different letters are written on the steps; the groom must, going up the steps, say sweet words to the bride starting with this letter.
  2. Place daisies of two colors on the stairs. Step on the red one - say a kind word about the bride, step on the blue one - tell me how you will scold her. If you don’t want to scold, pay.
  3. The groom tears the petals from the flower and lists the tender words with which he will call the bride.
  4. The groom is given an apple with matches, he must pull out the matches and speak kindly about the bride. (it can also be modified and the witness can speak about the groom’s positive qualities)

Compliments • the groom praises his chosen one, looking in the mirror at his serious, solemn face. But at the same time you can’t laugh or even smile at him. All the participants of the celebration will be reflected in the mirror, who, of course, will have fun watching the groom. Experience shows that only a few people can avoid laughing in this situation. If the groom even smiles while uttering words of praise, he gives the fee.

(A mirror – preferably a large one, on a stand, or even better, a crooked one, in which the groom will be reflected in a funny way. The inscription on the mirror (“Look at yourself”, “Don’t worry, tomorrow will pass”, “Nothing, it’s happened worse”, “ Man, I saw you somewhere!”, etc.)) The choral sighs of friends when the groom affectionately called the bride - it was something, the neighbors even looked out from behind the doors. • The groom and his friends must write compliments to the bride on sticky heart-shaped pieces of paper within 3 minutes and paste them around the floor. • “Ribbons - compliments” Multi-colored ribbons are attached to the door to the bride’s room. The groom removes the ribbons from the door one at a time and with each ribbon gives a compliment to the bride. The door is cleared of the barrier, and the groom enters the bride's room.

Household chores • The groom goes up the stairs and at each step names household chores that he will do after the wedding, for example, buying groceries, vacuuming, taking out the trash, etc.

• The groom's promises to the future bride in abbreviated form are pasted on the floor. For example, - VD (raise children); — GB (ironing clothes); — DR (do repairs); — ZD (earn money); — Salary (make the bed); — MO (window cleaning); — MP (wash dishes); — PC (vacuum the apartment); — PP (wipe dust); — SB (wash clothes); - X to M (go to the store). The groom needs to decipher these symbols

  • Several hearts are made (just for the flight of stairs), and on each one the reason for the marriage is written: “by convenience,” “by accident,” etc. The inscription “for love” is placed on the topmost step. The groom must reach the top heart without stepping on the steps on which the wrong answers lie, without using the railing. The witness must guess to carry the groom upstairs in his arms.

Memories Print photos from your most romantic and important events in your relationship. Then hang them in the entrance, this will take approximately one flight. The groom's task is that he must remember all the events depicted in these photos. This is not only a romantic, but also a very interesting competition for guests. Those who did not know everything about the couple will be able to hear their love story, and friends will once again return to a common, cheerful past.

Footprints The girls need to draw footprints on the stairs with chalk in such a way that it would be difficult for the groom to walk along them. The task is to climb a flight of stairs strictly following the tracks, and for each mistake the young man sprinkles the trail with jingling or rustling currency. If the groom's friends are dexterous, they can carry him in their arms so that he only hits the painted tracks with his feet. But you shouldn’t give such advice—let them figure it out themselves.

Songs • On each staircase, the groom and his friends must sing a song about love, about the sea, about roses, about how much he loves.

• The groom and his friends sing a love song. And to emphasize the solemnity of the moment, they are given: a toy children's drum, a toy guitar, rattles, and the groom - a microphone. The groom sings a love song to improvised music.


We create the surroundings

So, what does the groom need to buy the bride? Props for competitions may include various items. Depending on whether you are the future spouse or the host, it will differ dramatically. You need to prepare it in advance so that you don’t end up in an awkward situation on your wedding day.

What will your future spouse need?

As a rule, the bride, in order to avoid awkward situations, warns the young man in advance about what she will need to take with her. There is a certain list of what the groom needs to buy the bride. It is suitable for any ritual scenario.

  1. Money in small denominations - at competitions the groom and his friends will have to pay for incorrect answers, additional attempts, to cajole those who stand in the way, etc. As a rule, for such purposes, the groom selects banknotes with a denomination of no higher than 100, 500 rubles. Particularly generous suitors pay off with a larger denomination.
  2. Coins - will be needed in case a competition is prepared for the groom “put the name of your beloved in money”, etc. Coins can be of different denominations - from 5 kopecks to 10 rubles. Take more coins with you.
  3. A bottle of champagne or several – champagne or wine is often used to pay off a task. You should have a few bottles with you, even if you don't plan on giving them to your bridesmaids for your wrong answers.
  4. Candies. If you want to approach the ransom with a sense of humor, offer the bridesmaids a bag of gold for your beloved. Present a bag of chocolate coins wrapped in gold foil. It is also necessary to have several boxes of chocolates, lollipops, chocolates or chocolates with you.
  5. A pen, a notepad - it may not be useful, but it is better if it is included in the props. Suddenly you need it unexpectedly.
  6. Cartoon currency (print money with the image of the bride and groom). You will need them if there are not enough real ones, and the edible currency runs out (candies, champagne, etc.)
  7. A set of jokes, songs and, of course, a great mood. You can’t go anywhere without this – the most important item in the groom’s requisites.

When planning a bride price, the groom must be prepared for anything. You should stock up on money (both real and printed out yourself), you will definitely need it, because you cannot know everything that has been prepared for you as a test. Buy more fruits, sweets and champagne or wine, put them neatly in bags and give them to a friend or witness for safekeeping. They will be useful to you in any case - passing a test incorrectly, asking to appease your parents, getting a hint to a question, etc.

On a note! Think of it as a fun competition, not a challenge. Think in advance about what you need to do when buying a bride. Remember all the significant dates - acquaintance, birthdays, etc., learn a song and a poem.

Items for organizers

The details for the ransom organizers will directly depend on what competitions will be included in the program. There are also props that are used at almost every celebration.

  • Posters. They will decorate the house and create the right atmosphere. Posters can contain wishes for the newlyweds, indicate that the bride lives here, etc. If you want to distinguish yourself with an original approach, you can make it yourself or order posters depicting newlyweds from a workshop; porters in the style of movie characters or cartoons will also look interesting. Posters will later become a wonderful reminder of your wedding day.
  • Pictures of various directions. Their content will depend on competitions. For example, a gift poster - the groom throws darts at a poster that says what he should give to his future wife. Also, prints of lips, feet, words written in different handwriting, etc. can be applied to poster pictures. pictures, their meaning and content will depend on the competitions, but in any case they will be useful to you.
  • Chamomile. Found at almost every ransom. A large chamomile is made, and on each petal a significant event for the newlyweds is written - first acquaintance, first kiss, etc. The groom must name the dates when this or that event occurred.
  • Pen, paper. Be sure to have a pen and blank sheets of paper with you. The ransom can go according to any scenario, during which you urgently have to write down or correct something.
  • A chest for money or a bag for collecting ransom. In order to ensure that the groom's payoff is not lost, especially when it comes to money, it is necessary to prepare in advance a chest or bag where everything will be put.


Puzzle “Heart” The groom and his friends are greeted by the bridesmaids. The witness explains to the groom that the latter should take the ransom seriously and not skimp when it is necessary to give money, because since ancient times it was believed that the richer the ransom, the richer the life of the young people after the wedding.

In order for his girlfriends to give him his beloved, he must piece together one heart. (The day before, the girlfriends cut out a red heart from cardboard and cut it into puzzles. The number of puzzles corresponds to the number of prepared obstacle competitions for the groom. It is better to make 7 of them, since the number seven also symbolizes family, and on the day of its creation this is more than appropriate For each failed competition, the groom must redeem the puzzle, otherwise he will not collect the whole heart and will not receive the bride.)

Serenade The groom, with the help of friends, must perform a serenade under the bride's balcony.

Option 1: to do this, he must buy from his girlfriends the tools they had prepared in advance: two pan lids, wooden spoons, a tambourine, a guitar/balalaika, wooden clothespins on a rope (like a ratchet), a saw, etc. (depending on your imagination and the abilities of the groom and his friends). After the instruments have been purchased, the groom chooses a song and performs it to the accompaniment of friends.

Option 2: the bride thinks in advance which song she wants to hear performed by him. It should be a song that he knows well and generally sings well. The girlfriends say that the bride wants to hear this song from him, and to make his task easier, she has prepared musical accompaniment. He can buy a tape recorder (any boombox with batteries) that contains a cassette with a melody. The delighted groom buys the tape recorder, he is even given the words of the song (in case he suddenly forgets) and he prepares to publish the first words when it turns out that he must sing this song to a different melody (for example, “a Christmas tree was born in the forest” or “rubbing their backs”) bears”, etc.) Practice shows that it is almost impossible to sing one song to the tune of another. It turns out to be sooooooo much fun!

Heart Assignment: depict the beauty of your love under the bride’s windows.

(it is assumed that the groom will draw a heart or write her name or or or... whatever his imagination and love is enough for. Materials at hand that he can buy: red rose petals, an armful of mimosa, a can of spray paint, firecrackers, balloons, etc. ( all this should be prepared in large quantities by girlfriends.Here we can once again emphasize that skimping is not allowed.

Comic praise of the groom This is where friends must prove themselves. To get the third puzzle, they must not mince words and list all the advantages of the groom. You can point out to your girlfriends that the better they praise him, the greater his chances of success, because their bride doesn’t need “just anyone,” but only the very best. With a competent approach, friends should start vying with each other to list its advantages. The girlfriends need to patiently listen to everything to the end, and then say: “Great, just so that we understand that all this is true, we’ll have to repeat it all again. But: this time everyone will have 3-5 (depending on the compassion of their girlfriends) Chupa Chups candies in their mouths.

Unpredictable dance The groom is invited to perform a dance to the music. The groom's friends can also take part in the test. The catch of the task is that the melodies change every 15 seconds. At the same time, the more diverse melodies you select, the more difficult it will be for the groom to adapt to them.

Labyrinth A labyrinth is drawn on a large Whatman paper or on the asphalt near the house, the main thing is to make it not complicated; at the end of the labyrinth, instead of the word finish, the name of the bride is written. You can decorate the road with trees, houses, draw various signs, the main thing is to make it elegant. The groom is given a remote control for a car and asked to drive it through the maze. The main task of the groom is to do this as safely as possible. Based on the results of the competition, the bridesmaids issue him fines and, after payment, are allowed to see the bride. To make things even more interesting, you can issue an impromptu license for passenger transportation of your wife.

Two grooms The groom's car drives up to the house, all the cheerful happy people get out and go to the bridesmaids who are standing at the entrance. A conversation begins, an exchange of pleasantries and at this moment... another motorcade arrives, from which another groom emerges, in a military uniform or a sailor's uniform, and approaches the bridesmaids for ransom. The witness asks him questions: where and to whom he came, what is the name of his bride, when the groom pronounces the same name of his beloved, a skirmish begins between the real groom and the fake one. To resolve the conflict, the witness asks both grooms questions about the bride; whoever answers correctly is the groom. A real young man answers all questions correctly, but the second one sometimes makes mistakes. When things come to a head, the impostor picks up the phone and calls his fiancee to find out what's going on. Then he turns around and loudly notifies everyone that he is in the wrong house and this is not the place for him, apologizes and leaves. The ransom continues.

Declaration of love

  • The groom at the entrance shouts “I love you”
  • The groom shouts “I love you” in 5 languages ​​( If he doesn’t know, he buys from the witness pieces of paper with declarations of love written in a foreign language )
  • Declaration of love over intercom

Heroic power The origins of this bride ransom test go back to the deep past. Previously, the groom's path to his betrothed's house was blocked by a log placed on special trestles, which he had to cut down. Now the “heroic power” of a young man can be experienced in various ways.

For example: - ask him to hammer a nail with one blow; - lift dumbbells or weights several times; - do push-ups from the floor; - pick up a witness; - break a thin thread or rope; - jump on one leg; - squat several times on one leg; - tell what kind of sports he was involved in; - ask for a promise to carry your wife in your arms for the rest of your life; - pick up your mother-in-law. During this test, jokes pour in: “Look, the groom took a hammer in his hands for the first time,” “Oh, it’s hard for him, it’s hard,” “Well done to the groom!”, Wow, what a strong man, he hammered a nail with one blow!” , “He will be a good husband!” If the groom refuses to complete any task or simply cannot cope with it, his friends help him. And if they refuse or fail to complete the task, then a ransom is charged.

“Monster Balls” In front of the entrance to the entrance there are balloons, inside of which there are notes with the reasons for getting married. You can move to the next level only by defeating all the monster balls and getting to the real reason for marriage, i.e. mutual love and the desire to start a family. To fight the monster balls, the groom is given three darts, which must be thrown at the balls.


How to bathe a bride correctly - instructions

Traditionally, a wedding begins with a bride price. It is held before the groom meets the bride on the day of the celebration. This ritual is one of the unchanging traditions that accompany a wedding. The ritual has deep roots. In ancient times, in order to take a girl who was the first assistant in the house, it was necessary to give something in return.

The groom tried to cover the inconvenience that would arise due to the girl leaving home by giving valuables, livestock and other gifts in return. In our times, this ritual takes place symbolically, and its task is not to bargain for money, but to add zest and gaiety to the event. Let's take a closer look at how to buy a bride, what the groom and witnesses should do, so that everyone is satisfied and the procedure does not drag on.

Bride ransom: funny and modern script

Every couple strives to make their wedding unforgettable, so they prepare for it in advance. The bride's ransom is considered one of the highlights of the newlyweds' day, which involves a large number of guests.

To create a colorful atmosphere and conduct a fun bride price in 2021, you need to come up with a funny and modern scenario so that such a tradition will be remembered for a long time.

Redemption rules

Witnesses are often involved in organizing the bride ransom. But the main part still falls on the bridesmaid.

Some couples turn to the toastmaster for help, who can develop a script for competitions and other nuances. The ransom ceremony consists of a number of competitions and tasks for the groom and witness.

All questions concern the hero of the occasion. If the groom cannot answer any of them, then he must pay a certain amount or present champagne, sweets, etc.

In some cases, the redemption process can be divided into several stages:

  1. Even on the road, the groom may be met by distant relatives and neighbors and demanded to pay for the opportunity to travel and tell the name of the bride.
  2. Close friends of the young woman are waiting for the groom in the courtyard.
  3. Immediately before entering the bride's room, the test is carried out by the witness and bridesmaids.
  4. The task of the groom and the witness is not to deprive anyone and to make some payment.

The main task of all participants in the ransom ceremony is not to delay the process. Otherwise, you may be late for registration.

At the bride's door

Riddles about love Examples:

What are two things in the heart? (Letters E) What is between the bride and groom? (Letter I) Everyone has one, but you have half? (Heart) No fire, no light, but is it burning with fire? (Heart) What is softest in the world? (No, not the heart, but the hand - under the head during sleep)

Cutting out a heart Hang up a sheet with a heart painted on it with spray paint. The groom must cut it out and pass through it to the bride. He can buy scissors. Not cheap.

Desires On the way of the groom, the host or bridesmaid stands in front of the door with an empty glass in his hands. When the groom, having overcome all obstacles, approaches, he is approached with the following task: “Put what rustles in this glass.”

When he fulfills this desire and puts as much money into the glass as suits the guests, the host says the following task: “Now put in this glass what rings.” When the groom completes this task, he is given the following: “Put what is spilling out into this glass.” The groom must fill it with wine. If the groom does not fulfill any wish, then the previous one is offered to him again. For example, the presenter says: “Put what is spilling out into this glass.” The groom replies: “I don’t have that.” And the presenter says: “Then put what rustles into the glass again.”

Find the mistake The witness invites everyone to check how competent her friend’s groom is. Above the door of the room in which the betrothed sits, there is a poster: “The blue-eyed girl is languishing in this room.” The witness must indicate any eye color other than what the bride actually has. If the groom guesses, he’s great; if he tries to find a grammatical error, he’ll have to pay him off.

Choose your betrothed The bride and 3-4 other women of different ages are hidden behind a closed door. A thread is tied to each lady's finger, the other end of which is exposed under the door. The groom chooses a thread, pulls it, and one of the “contenders” whom the gentleman chose without looking comes out to him. To avoid any complaints, it is better to take threads of different colors. If the guy didn’t guess correctly, he must buy the bride from his girlfriends.

False bride The groom makes his way into the room for a long time, and there a “false bride” is waiting for him - a man or an old woman in a veil.

With humor Invite the groom to put something for the soul . The groom must figure out how to stand there himself.

Shoe The groom enters the bride's room - but she is without shoes! You need to guess which box this shoe is in (you can put slippers and a man's shoe in the other boxes).


How to behave as girlfriends

The bridesmaids' task is to turn the traditional bride price by the groom into a fun, well-organized event. It is better not to use poetry at this stage of the celebration; compose a speech in prose with appropriate funny jokes. To do this, follow certain rules:

  1. You should not force the groom and witness to perform not entirely pleasant tasks. For example, eat a peck of salt or drink water with lemon. Competitions must be neutral and realistically feasible. Otherwise, you risk ruining the groom’s mood at the beginning of the wedding.
  2. It should be remembered that the event is designed to last only 15–30 minutes at most.
  3. Try to calculate the time so that a certain period of time remains between the ransom and the trip to the registry office.
  4. The tasks are chosen so that when the groom performs them, the guests can see what is happening, and the photographer can take beautiful photos.
  5. When using pictures in competitions, their angle should be large.
  6. When using rhyming jokes and jokes, they must be read expressively and without hesitation.
  7. In the case where the number of guests at the wedding is impressive, you should not invite everyone to the ransom. There will be enough witnesses, girlfriends, friends, close relatives.
  8. It is necessary to prepare for the ceremony in advance. Place posters and other attributes.
  9. Distribute responsibilities correctly so that no one gets bored.

What to do and say to the mother, sister, brother of the bride

For the bride's parents, there are many challenges on the wedding day. It is in their house that the bride ransom takes place and the house is full of guests. Concerns begin with the bride's outfit. Her mother and friends can help her.

Next, the parents meet the guests after the ransom and escort them to the room where the buffet table is organized. Serving it is the task of the mother of the bride, who is helped by her bridesmaids. Treating guests with champagne is the task of witnesses. Traditionally, parents do not take part in the ransom ceremony.

But if the bride has younger sisters or brothers, then they can actively bargain for her with the groom. The girlfriends provide for this in the script. The main task of parents after completing the ransom before going to the registry office is to bless the newlyweds. Before the ceremony begins, guests are asked to go outside, where they form a kind of living corridor.

After the bride and groom have been blessed, they go outside, and the girl’s mother showers the newlyweds with wheat seeds, coins and candies for their rich, well-fed and sweet future life.

Bride ransom: meeting the groom

The groom drives into the yard by car. Ideally (if possible) he enters on a sleigh. Approaching the entrance/house of their beloved, all the guests and bridesmaids meet the groom.

Hello, dear guests,

Hello, brave guys,

Come to us quickly

If you come to us - why, tell me?

(The groom says that he came for the bride and that she lives in this house).

For a girl? Great!

We're waiting for you here

Yes, we have one like this

You can’t take your eyes off her!

But you will work hard

To win her hand!

How to behave for the groom and his friends

The ransom scenario is worked out in advance, and the bridesmaids must also think through the groom’s behavior in advance. In any case, it must be prepared if the groom needs to say any words during the bidding process.

Basically, various tests are prepared for the groom, and he, in turn, performs them and answers the questions in monosyllables. You can deal with this without much difficulty. The bidding begins with the organizers; a matchmaker on the groom’s side may participate.

When asked by his girlfriends why the groom came to them, the young man can simply answer in monosyllables, “For the bride!” It is difficult for the groom himself to prepare for the ransom, since he often does not know the script in advance. The witness can only partially acquaint him with certain points. Therefore, the young man has to improvise on the go.

And since basically all the questions concern the bride, you need to ask her in advance about some moments from her childhood, shoe size, favorite lipstick color, etc.

Let's present a list of the main areas that the groom may encounter at ransom:

  1. Prove your love. Here you can prepare a romantic story about the love of newlyweds to make your girlfriends feel emotional.
  2. Present your strengths. Usually this is the answer to the question of what the groom is ready to provide for the bride in the future . Here you need to praise yourself, and try not to laugh. To make the task easier, a witness can do this.
  3. How the groom will spend time with the bride during their life together. In this regard, the groom proves that the bride will not be bored with him. And you can prove it by performing a song or dance.
  4. Important dates. Here you will have to prepare seriously, since they will ask not only about the day you met, but also about the first day of your first kiss, your first trip to the cinema, and so on. Usually men don’t pay attention to such little things.
  5. The bride is the best and unique. In this direction, you need to collect a list of affectionate and tender words about your beloved.

Since the groom arrives not alone, but with a retinue of friends and close relatives, it is necessary to think in advance what to say to them.

Firstly, they can actively participate in the auction, but not allow themselves too much.

Secondly, assist the groom, suggest the right words, ideas for completing the task. The groom's main assistant at the wedding is the witness. He can actively answer questions and even replace him in performing any competitions.

Usually the groom is lost from excitement, so the witness should always be ready to come to the rescue of his friend. And if the girlfriends get too carried away and demand an exorbitant price for the ransom, then the witness can actively bargain and bring down the price.

The ransom ceremony will go off with a bang if it is performed in any style or dedicated to a specific theme.

The first test in the winter bride price scenario

To make the ransom fun and not boring, do not make it long - the guests will get tired and cold, the groom will begin to get confused, there will be awkward pauses and the festive atmosphere will deteriorate.
You shouldn’t spend more than an hour wooing the bride, especially in the cold, so reduce this “program” time to a minimum.

Take care of props and costumes in advance. The groom, as soon as he enters the territory of the house

The bride in a private house will be covered with a cape, the same as the other participants will be wearing.

And they will put you on a horse - after all, what can a prince be without a horse! You can just get by with a horse's head on a stick. Posters will be hung on gates/doors/trees that will answer the question “Why did you decide to get married?” :

  1. Mom advised (and mom won’t give bad advice)
  2. I gave in to the persuasion of my friends.
  3. By my own stupidity.
  4. Because of cowardice.
  5. The bride forced it.
  6. By calculation.
  7. And for love.

There can be many answers, the main thing is to show your imagination.

As soon as the groom hits the desired answer with a snowball from a long distance (and for each miss there is a fine), the gate will be opened for him. And the Snow Queen’s secretary reports with sadness in her voice that the mistress’s heart has stopped, frozen in this kingdom of ice floes. There is hope to melt it, but this will require a lot of effort.

Second test in the winter bride price: The Snow Queen

On the path leading to the house there should be cardboard hearts, which must first be covered with foil - they will indicate the way.
For each such heart you need to stand up and answer the riddle so that you can move on.

Getting there is not easy - each such heart is guarded by an idol made of ice, which will need to be prompted.

For this purpose, the groom is given a sword.

But the idol can also be bribed - they are also not against money, sweets and other gifts.

The prince will have to answer the following questions:

  1. When is his Snow Queen's birthday?
  2. What's his icy bride's favorite dish?
  3. On what date did he have the honor of meeting the queen?
  4. Queen's mother's birthday?
  5. When is the Queen's next papal anniversary?

There can be many questions to suit your taste, but don’t forget that it’s cold outside!

The third test in bride price in winter: a compliment for your beloved

As soon as the groom passes all the hearts and turns out to be on the cherished porch, White Bear - the queen’s faithful and devoted servant - comes out to him, takes out a bucket of snowflakes made of cardboard (also covered with foil), hands the bucket to the prince and says that at the bottom of the bucket there is a key, but To get it, you need to get each snowflake in turn.

And in order to get a snowflake, you need to shout a compliment to the queen, and very loudly - so that through her icy sleep she can hear them! Friends help the groom shout to the whole neighborhood.

When the last snowflake is taken out of the bucket, you need to turn on triumphant music, shower the groom with confetti, and the groom will enter the house to fetch the bride. Cheers cheers!

Tips for the best competition planning

  • Do not come up with competitions that are too difficult for the groom, which will question his mental abilities, or worse, offend him.

  • It is a very big risk to pour water for the groom during the ransom ! Of course, not every man will organize a booth when he’s “under the influence,” but he still has to go to the registry office!
  • Don’t do such competitions that the groom is constantly reaching into his pocket for “payoff” money. Let it be sweets, a bottle of champagne and other inexpensive little things. Your goal is not to literally make money from the bride and her ransom, but to set everyone up for the upcoming fun!
  • If the groom is not a creative person, then choose a script in prose . Your friends who have memorized the text in advance will be able to speak in poetry, but the groom who knows nothing about this is unlikely.
  • Don't learn your role word for word. Let you have a small cheat sheet, but your main advantage will be artistry and enthusiasm, and not a text memorized.
  • And of course, don't forget that this event is made for fun . Therefore, the sooner the event takes place, the better! And then everything will be at the highest level!

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How to meet the groom - what to put on the table

As already mentioned, after the ransom is completed, the bride’s parents invite guests to a buffet.

This tradition is mainly connected with the fact that there is still a long process ahead, consisting of a wedding and a photo shoot.

Small sandwiches and canapés are placed on the table so that they fit entirely into the mouth. Since the photographer is working all the time and the set table may be caught in the photo lens, it is necessary to think in advance about the technique of decorating the dishes and removing unnecessary interior items.

A large amount of alcohol at a buffet table is inappropriate. It is enough to organize champagne, which will slightly lift the mood and liberate the guests.

Here is another version of the bride ransom scenario:

The bride price ritual is a traditional procedure at a wedding, but, nevertheless, not all newlyweds consider it appropriate. This is explained by the fact that not all guests behave adequately during competitions and bidding, sometimes forcing the groom to do unrealistic things. They believe that the ransom can be replaced, for example, by a beautiful meeting between the bride and groom. Do you think it’s worth paying tribute to traditions or introducing new creative ideas into the wedding scenario?

The tradition of wedding ransom in Rus'

This interesting custom has come down to us from ancient times. Slavic youths tried to choose a bride from another tribe. At first, we simply had to win back the girl . Later, the violent path was replaced by peaceful negotiations and exchange for valuable things, for example, furs, precious stones.

"Wedding ransom" by Konstantin Trutovsky (1881)

In Rus', ransom was a test for the future husband, a test of his ingenuity, dexterity and generosity. The ritual itself began from the moment the groom arrived at the bride’s house. The native girls created various obstacles: they could block the road with a huge log that needed to be sawed.

There were often fist fights that took place between relatives of the newlyweds. In addition to strength, the groom had to show intelligence and resourcefulness : he guessed riddles, sang, danced. All tests were designed to ensure that the betrothed revealed his positive qualities.

The groom always showed generosity : he treated the bride’s relatives and village children with sweets, and brought gifts to the girl herself.

How is the ritual carried out nowadays?

There are quite a lot of options for ransom scenarios today. You can find them on the Internet or even create an individual script to order. However, certain points are repeated in each of them.

Let's look at how this usually happens:

  • Meeting of the groom and his friends by the witness or bridesmaids.
  • Explanation of the conditions of the “game”.
  • Carrying out tasks by the groom.
  • Payback in case of incorrect completion of a task.
  • Upon completion of all tasks, permission to meet the bride.
  • Small buffet.

Usually the ransom is organized by girlfriends or close relatives of the young woman . They prepare competitions, riddles, and all the paraphernalia necessary for them in advance. Everyone can participate in the action itself: the groom and his retinue are the most active participants, the rest are assistants or spectators .

Where to spend it?

Traditionally, the ceremony was held in the bride's house. Now many continue to follow this custom, meeting the groom on the threshold of the newlywed's house. However, this is not the only place where a ransom can be arranged.

When deciding on the location of the event, do not forget about its festive decor. You can use ribbons, balloons, fresh or artificial flowers, photographs of the newlyweds.

Where can you conduct a ransom other than at home?

  • In the fresh air . The picturesque corner of the park will allow you to organize the action itself in an interesting way and take beautiful photographs. The bride can be hidden in a cute gazebo.
  • On the territory of a country house . The house does not have to belong to the bride; you can simply rent it or ask friends to provide a house for a while.
  • In a spacious hotel room . Often, young people book a room for a photo shoot, including for getting ready for the bride before the wedding. The ransom can also be carried out there. You just need to check with the administration whether they will be against such an event.
  • In the mall . Original girlfriends can make a ransom in the form of a quest for the groom, forcing him to walk through different departments in search of his betrothed.

How to prepare for the groom?

To prevent the ransom from turning into a real torment for the groom, he needs to think through some points in advance .

  1. Check with your girlfriends whether you will need any specific items for the sale.
  2. Stock up on sweets, chocolate, champagne, fruit.
  3. Carry cash with you. It can be bills, coins, antique or even fake money.
  4. Prepare informatively: remember important dates together, names of relatives, clothing sizes, lover’s shoes, etc.
  5. You can prepare tips with affectionate names and characteristics of your beloved.
  6. Find out the exact time when he should arrive for ransom and its approximate duration.
  7. Bring with you creative and resourceful friends who will not get confused in any competition.

Tips for organizers

The success of the event will largely depend on the preparation, and therefore on the bridesmaids organizing the ransom. What is important for them to take into account when deciding on the action scenario?

  1. The venue should be considered taking into account the aesthetic properties of the room. An old entrance with numerous inscriptions on the walls will not be the best option. An alternative could be ransom on the street.
  2. There is no need to stretch out the ransom over time. 20-30 minutes will be more than enough.
  3. Options for scenarios can be found on the Internet, but it will be more interesting to adapt them to suit your couple.
  4. There is no need to get sophisticated in competitions and torment the groom. It is not advisable to offer tasks related to serious physical activity, drinking alcohol, or trying low-edible foods.
  5. The ransom should not turn into an outright money grab.
  6. The personal qualities of the groom should also be taken into account. A shy person should not be offered tasks of an ambiguous nature.
  7. It is necessary to think over alternative options for competitions and be prepared for unforeseen circumstances.

What to replace the ransom with?

Bride price is a tradition that many couples adhere to. However, it is not strictly mandatory. The newlyweds have the right to decide for themselves whether they need this action. Time flies very quickly on your wedding day. If you are not adherents of ancient customs, then it is better to spend precious minutes on a beautiful photo shoot together.

There are also interesting modern alternatives . What can replace the classic buyout?

  • In an original way, the “reverse ransom” (or “groom’s ransom”) takes place, when the bride is asked to overcome certain obstacles in order to get to her lover.
  • "Parallel" buyback . The bride and groom perform tasks simultaneously, demonstrating their best qualities and proving that they are worthy of each other.
  • Quest for the groom . This option will require more time both for preparation and implementation. It is associated with the movement of the groom and his retinue around the city, district, shopping center, searching for clues and completing tasks.
  • Romantic meeting in nature. Young people can agree in advance to meet in a certain place, for example, on a park bench. For such a meeting, we recommend inviting a photographer and/or videographer to capture the event.
  • Meeting through the window . Particularly impatient and brave grooms can try to bypass obstacles in this way and get straight to their beloved. You shouldn't show excessive heroism if the bride lives on a high floor!


Decide right away who will be responsible for purchasing and preparing the props (see the full list below), who will be the reader (presenter), and who will act as the decorator. It is recommended to start preparing for the buyout at least 7 days before the wedding .

Some tips for ransom organizers:

  • There is no need to torment the groom and his retinue for a long time. If they suddenly reach a dead end, tell them that they can pay off with money or candy ;
  • You shouldn’t tire your guests and make some kind of “grand” buyout for 55 competitions. It would be ideal to take 15-20 minutes ;
  • The ransom in poetic form is best distributed among 1, maximum 2 readers .
  • It is better to memorize the text of the ransom . It’s not nice when the leader of this ceremony constantly looks at the sheet of paper with the script. In addition, the videographer will probably film the ransom.
  • You should read it loud so that all participants can hear you. If necessary, the test conditions should be further explained (in your own words);
  • If you are planning video and/or photography, then agree with the operator and photographer on how the presenter should stand and how to line up the guests . Everything should look beautiful on the video.

Some important tips for the groom:

  • Don't forget to stock up on a sufficient number of small bills (10-50-100-200 rubles);
  • Be sure to remember all the important dates associated with your couple and your acquaintance;
  • Let the groom's friends buy a box of chocolates in case the cash ransom does not suit someone;

Before the main entrance:

Write words of love to the bride, Ink is the right place!

(You need to write “I love you!” on the asphalt with a spray can or chalk)

And in order to believe in you, Sing a serenade, and let your friends be musicians, and let them not forget their instruments.

(Tools - pots, basins and other utensils. You need to sing any love song)

So the bride rose and only one foot remained. There were about five girls, Masha needs to guess.

(There are footprints cut out of paper on the steps; the groom guesses his beloved’s foot and goes up the steps)

At the entrance (in front of the stairs):

Step on the steps - announce compliments.

(When stepping on the steps, the groom or his retinue should compliment his future wife)

We accidentally dropped a photo of your betrothed, it scattered down the steps, collect it quickly

(Photo of the bride cut into pieces, needs to be assembled and glued)

There are many hands in front of you, which one will the ring be on?

There are a lot of legs in front of you, where are the little legs?

(Photos of the legs of different girls, you need to guess the leg of the narrowed one)

This is the simplest thing - Choose any face. But with such a choice, which one do you want in the house?

(Photos of the bride processed in Photoshop: for example, with a bruise, with ears like a bunny, with a thick mustache or eyebrows, Rambo-style camouflage, zombie, bald, and so on)

Your order is not so accurate, There is no eye color, by the way, With height, we don’t understand everything, And the name is not clear...

(The groom gives all the collected photographs to the witness, she offers pieces of paper with different eye colors, names, etc., you need to find the correct ones or pay a ransom)

In front of the door to the apartment:

There's a key hidden in the ball, You go find it, If you didn't guess right, Then give us some money

(3 balloons with pieces of paper folded inside, only one contains a piece of paper with a picture of a key)

In front of the door to your beloved’s room:

To enter into her peace, melt this piece of ice,

(Near the bride’s room, the groom is given a piece of ice in the shape of a heart, which he and his friends must melt in their hands)

And the bride without shoes, where should she go now? Here are the boxes, be surprised, but don’t go crazy

(The boxes contain different shoes, you need to guess which of them contains the bride’s shoes (you can give 3 attempts, and more attempts can be given for cash or “sweet” ransom). At the same time, it is not necessary to put shoes in all the boxes; you can leave them empty or put any other items)

List of props

  1. A can of white paint (or colored crayons);
  2. Pan (2 pcs.), spoons (2 pcs.);
  3. A4 paper (5-10 sheets);
  4. Pencil pen
  5. 3 sheets of paper 60x90 mm (one with a key drawn on it);
  6. Photo of the bride for the puzzle;
  7. Scotch;
  8. Scissors;
  9. 5 photographs of the hands and feet of the bridesmaids (size 10x15);
  10. 5 photographs of the newlywed with different effects (processed in Photoshop, photo size 10x15);
  11. 3 balloons of the same color;
  12. 5-10 shoe boxes;
  13. Heart shaped ice tray;

Is it necessary to have a buffet?

Traditionally, after the lovers have united, guests are offered a small treat. You shouldn’t have a feast, but light snacks in the form of sandwiches, canapés, fruit, wine and champagne will be very appropriate.

The groom and his friends and the rest of the ransom participants may get hungry, so you should not neglect organizing a buffet table. In addition, for everyone it will be a little respite before an important event.

Of course, if you choose an alternative redemption option, for example, a meeting in the park or a quest, then the buffet can be omitted.

Ransom in quest format (video)

The bride's friends prepared a very unusual test for the groom. Quest in the summer, this is an excellent alternative to ransoming at the entrance or house (wedding of Mukhamet and Leysan, Ufa):

Whether to follow ancient traditions or not is up to each couple to decide for themselves. If you like Russian customs, then you need to carefully prepare for the ransom. All participants in the action should know their roles and the approximate scenario, then the event will be fun and interesting.

Supporters of modern trends can turn to alternative options, because creating your own traditions is no less exciting.

Examples from weddings (photos)

Below in the photographs you will see how buybacks usually take place (both traditional and unusual options):

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